Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in The Absence of Maternal Cmv-Igm Antibodies: A Case Report
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in The Absence of Maternal Cmv-Igm Antibodies: A Case Report
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in The Absence of Maternal Cmv-Igm Antibodies: A Case Report
Congenital cytomegalovirus
infection in the absence
of maternal CMV-IgM antibodies:
a case report
S. Fanaro1, C. Valastro2, A. Tarocco1
Medical Science Department, Section of Pediatrics, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
University Hospital of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
microcephaly, cerebral atrophy, cortical and subcortical may show flu-like symptoms. Historically, pre-existing
calcifications and cerebellar hypoplasia. The baby was maternal immunity was known to reduce the probability
born by elective C-section at 38 weeks of gestation, with of symptomatic congenital CMV infection and the number
a birthweight of 3265 g (55°P), a length of 49 cm (49°P) and severity of sequelae. In recent years, however, increas-
and a head circumference of 32.5 cm (8°P)8. The Apgar ing evidence suggests that non-primary infection may be
scores were 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. a significant cause of severe congenital CMV disease11-14.
Prenatal findings were confirmed by cranial ultrasound, The gold standard of serological diagnosis of maternal
CT scan and MRI performed in the first week of life CMV infection during pregnancy is maternal serocon-
(Figure 1). Auditory brainstem response (ABR) resulted version or the presence of serum anti-CMV specific IgM
abnormal in the left ear. Second level metabolic screen- combined with low avidity anti-CMV IgG avidity10. How-
ing tests resulted negative, as well as serological tests ever, both American College of Obstetricians and Gyne-
for EBV, Parvovirus B19, HHV6, and HSV1 and 2. De- cologist (ACOG) and Center for Disease Control and Pre-
spite maternal serological pattern, the newborn under- vention (CDC) do not recommend routine screening for
went a full examination for congenital CMV infection. CMV during pregnancy because there is neither vaccine
CMV virus was detected by polymerase chain reaction nor effective treatment available15,16. Furthermore, it is
(PCR) test in urine and blood samples (11.5 x 105 cop- difficult to discriminate primary from recurrent infection
ies/ml and 35.5 x 103 copies/ml, respectively). Orally on the basis of maternal IgM antibody screening: specific
Valganciclovir was started on DOL 35, at 6 mg/kg/dose IgM anti-CMV antibodies may be produced during both
every 12 hours but was withdrawn after 12 days because primary and secondary infections, an elevated IgM titer
of leucopenia. Therapy was resumed 2 weeks later and may persist for months after acute infection and could be
continued for 5 months. At 2 years of age the neurolog- frequently falsely positive because of cross-reaction with
ical follow up showed microcephaly, monolateral hear- other viral infections or in autoimmune disease9. The
ing loss, cognitive impairment and epilepsy treated with anti-CMV IgG avidity test is currently the most reliable
clonazepam and levetiracetam. commercial procedure to identify primary infection in
pregnant women. Antibody avidity indicates the strength
of a multivalent antibody to bind a multivalent antigen.
DISCUSSION During the first weeks following primary infection, IgG
antibodies show a low avidity for the antigen, but they
Primary CMV infection during pregnancy occurs in 1 progressively and slowly mature, acquiring a moderate
to 4% of previously seronegative women9. The trans- and then a high avidity. IgG avidity test may be very
mission rate of CMV to the fetus following maternal useful in the diagnostic process: combination of elevated
primary infection during pregnancy has been reported specific IgM-CMV and elevated specific IgG-CMV anti-
to range between 14.2 and 52.4%, with the most studies bodies with low avidity suggest a recent CMV infection.
reporting rates of around 30%10. In contrast, the risk and Low avidity CMV-IgG usually last for approximately
the rate of intrauterine transmission following non-pri- 16-18 weeks after the onset of CMV infection. Negative
mary maternal infection range between 0.15% to 2%. Im- IgM-CMV antibodies combined with positive IgG-CMV
portantly, maternal primary and non-primary infections antibodies with high avidity index during the first 12-16
are rarely associated with any clinical symptoms. Acute weeks of gestation could be considered a good indication
infection is usually asymptomatic, sometimes women of past infection10.
Figure 1. Cranial MRI scan showing cortical and subcortical calcification, venriculomegaly, increased cisterna magna, reduced cerebral
2 convolution and diffuse hyperechoic spots.
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in the absence of maternal CMV-IgM antibodies : a case report
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