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Savage Potter

And the Second Draft

A document of some importance


Sitting Duck, Clint, Galen_Rasputin, DATI, Mongoose,

iKitten, Rook, Slasher Epoch, and good ol’ Billybuck Dancer

Characters However, in some cases (New-Agers,
wannabe magicians and mystics, etc.), it
might actually result in a +2 Charisma
What kind of wizard would you like to be? increase.
There are no hard-and-fast rules at this
step of the game, just visualizations of
what you think would be fun to play as. Races
You may want to ask your GM and the
other players if they mind that you will be Most of the students who attend
taking the role of the unicorn animagus Hogwarts are human. In this case the term
lovechild of Snape and Sirius Black, but it “race” applies to a much more varied
isn’t necessary. Except in my game. palette than mere skin tone, however. This
is the world of magic that you’re working
In this itineration of the rules there will with, kids. Are you interested in being
only be guidelines for constructing only… half-human? Read on. The rules
students at the Hogwarts School of for being human are provided in the
Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is likely to Savage Worlds core book.
change in the future to include foreigners,
wizards who have come of age, and… Half-Veela
They are nature guardians, caring for the trees,
For now, ask yourself questions such as streams, and flowers in their domains. They are
who would play your first-year character extremely jealous of beautiful women. Their
in a movie, what his upbringing was, and moods are as changeable as the weather and they
how he feels about being a wizard. After can both cause and cure illnesses. A human who
you have a decent sketch, go on to the tarries too long in their territory may be shot dead
mechanical side of things. with arrows or die suddenly from heart attack,
lumbago, or by being buried under an avalanche.
- A Field Guide to the Little People (Veela)
Generalities Half-Veela are the result of the union
Wizards live in a fair amount of isolation between a veela and a man.
from the Muggle world. As a result, they
have a -2 to all Common Knowledge rolls Wispy (-1 toughness)
regarding the Muggle world. Also, wizards Gurlz Club (all half-veela are female)
are at -2 or -4 when trying to use Muggle Attractive (+2 Charisma)
technology (such as telephones or Very Attractive (+2 Charisma)
computers.) This can be offset with Brazen Hussy (Charisma bonuses not
proper training or prevented by a liberal effective on women)
Many Muggles are antagonistic to, or deny
the existence of, magic. Claiming to be a Full-blooded giants are about twenty feet tall. The
magician to the average Muggle will result race of Giants now lives mostly in remote
in a -2 to Charisma. In some cases (people mountain areas, but there was a time when they
with strong religious beliefs about were a force to be reckoned with in the Wizarding
'witchcraft') it might even be a -4. World. The Giants allied themselves with
Voldemort in the 1970s and were responsible for

many of the worst incidents of killing and
torturing, especially of Muggles.
- The Lexicon The mechanics for resolving a friendly
match of quidditch are unbalanced, but
Half giants are smaller than full bloods, hopefully no more than the game itself is.
but only by a few feet. The rules have been adapted from Butch
Curry’s excellent document on re-
Outsider (Giants are big and scary) imagining the mass combat system (see
Hefty (Strength starts at d8, Vigor starts at Shark Bytes #2.)
All Thumbs (They have meaty fingers, too Step 1: Determine how many tokens
large for human devices.) each team receives.
Each team begins with a number of
Traits tokens equal to the average Piloting score
of each member.
These are handled as per standard Savage
Worlds. All Hogwarts students If one side has a situational advantage that
automatically have the Arcane will last the entire match (such as a luck-
Background (Wizardry). They also come charged keeper or a secret playbook), give
pre-packed with the hindrance of being them 1-3 extra tokens. The same goes for
Young. Do not despair, however. It may disadvantages such as a wounded star
well be that the innocence of youth will be player or playing into the sun.
enough to shield the wizard-in-training
from the harsh ravages of the world. The team with the most crowd support
receives an additional token.
No, not really. Children are prats.
Step 2: Listen to the captain.
Skills The Knowledge (Battle) rolls that are used
in the standard mass combat system are
replaced by Knowledge (Quidditch) rolls
The additional skills are both setting-
made by the captain of each team. The
appropriate and unable to be handled by
side with the most tokens gains a bonus to
Savage Worlds analogs:
the roll equal to the difference.
Knowledge (Herbology) (Smarts)
The captain can suggest strategies that
Knowledge (Magical Creatures) (Smarts)
impart certain bonuses and penalties.
Knowledge (Ancient Runes) (Smarts)
Knowledge (Muggles) (Smarts)
An offensive strategy removes two of the
Knowledge (Quidditch) (Smarts)
opposing side’s tokens if the captain wins
the opposed roll. If it fails however, the
Piloting defaults to broomsticks. Piloting
side that attempted the strategy loses two.
Muggle vehicles takes a separate skill.
A defensive strategy means that it takes a
Wands are aimed with Shooting in most
success and a raise to remove an
opponent’s token. The same is true for
the opposing side.

A war of attrition focuses on minimizing • +1 per success and raise in the
the strengths of one specific player. If the preceding Notice check.
move succeeds, an opposing character is • +2 for having the faster broom.
removed from the field for the next • Any other bonuses for fancy
round. Each raise removes the player for stunts. This is the seeker’s
an additional round. The side that moment to shine.
attempted this move loses a token from
its lack of defensive play. The seeker who grabs the golden snitch
earns ten tokens for his team and ends the
If this maneuver is used in an obvious game. The team with the most tokens
manner or abused, the offending team wins. While this does put a large
may face disciplinary action. responsibility on the seeker, the other
players are not invalidated.
It is recommended that other strategies be
formulated during play to work off of the Quidditch leagues rank teams based upon
opposing side’s weaknesses. the number of total points that they score
in a season. Most of the points still come
Step 3: Do your own thing. from snitch-grabbing, but the increased
The rules for characters in mass battle are numbers of opportunities balances
in effect, but all damage is halved. Players matters to an acceptable degree.
may also try special maneuvers if they earn
enough successes.
Step 4: Look out for the snitch.
Every round there is a chance that the These are also as per standard Savage
golden snitch appears on the field. The Worlds rules. There are new, setting-
team to catch it gains so many points that specific ones to look through if you like,
they are likely to win the game. Also, the however.
game ends.
Muggle Upbringing (Minor)
Either your parents/guardians were
Turn 1 2 3 4 Muggles or you were raised in a Muggle
D6 - 6+ 4+ 1+ orphanage. Either way, you aren't as
1+ familiar with the ins and outs of the
Wizarding World and suffer a -2 to all
If the die roll is equal to the number Common Knowledge rolls regarding it.
indicated or greater, the snitch appears in This can be bought off with a level up.
this round. The team seekers make On the other hand, you do not suffer the
opposed Notice checks. Each success and –2 penalty to Common Knowledge
a raise adds +1 to the ensuing Agility outside of the Wizarding World that
check. wizards typically do.
Once the snitch has been sighted, both Also, some of the more bigoted elements
seekers race for it as quickly as possible. of the wizarding community are
The first one to grab it is the once who contemptuous of anyone with Muggle
succeeds at an opposed agility check with origins, so your character has a -2 to
the following modifiers: Charisma when dealing with these sorts.

Slow Learner (Major) basilisks) will follow your commands.
Your character has a harder time picking Parselmouths are very rare, so get your
up new powers. You start out with only GM's permission and provide a really
four (instead of five) power points and good reason why your wizard is a
only gain four every time you purchase Parselmouth. The ability to speak to
the Power Points Edge. snakes is perceived by many to be a form
of Dark Magic, so it wouldn't be wise to
Werewolf (Major) let it be known that you're a Parselmouth.
Some time in the past, your character was
bitten by a werewolf, making you one as Prodigy (Background Edge)
well. As well as the problem of becoming Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Spirit
a psychotic killer every full moon (unless d6+
you have a steady supply of Wolfsbane Your wizard has a knack for picking up
Potion), werewolves are not held in high on new powers and increasing them. You
regard in the Wizarding World and suffer start out with six (instead of five) power
a -2 to Charisma. Because of this, they points and gain six every time you
also have a hard time getting decent purchase the Power Points Edge
paying jobs so are treated as having the
Poverty Hindrance (which is built in to Other Edges
this one).
Use Dire Wolf statistics from the Savage Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d6+,
Worlds core book until I get my hands on Spirit d8+, Transfiguration 4+
Rippers. An Animagus is a wizard who can take the
form of an animal. This is very difficult to
do and the Animagus can only change
Edges into one particular animal. Though not all
Animagi do so, they are required to
Background Edges register at the Ministry of Magic detailing
what animal form they take as well as
Metamorphmagus (Background Edge) markings. Animagi are uncommon, so get
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ your GM's permission before taking this
A Metamorphmagus is someone who can Edge.
alter their features as if it were second
nature. Such alterations can be held as Arithmancy
long as desired. However, it's only affects Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d8+
from neck up, so changing gender is not You have mastered the obtruse and utterly
possible. Metamorphmagi aren't exactly a inapplicable study of arcane mathematics.
Knut a dozen, so get your GM's This provides no magical benefits, but
permission first might grant you a +2 bonus to charisma
when dealing with stuffy academics.
Parselmouth (Background Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+
Your wizard has the innate ability to speak Non-Verbal Caster
the language of snakes. This means that Requirements: Veteran, Spirit d10+
with a successful Persuasion roll, snakes Your wizard is able to cast spells without
and snake-like magical creatures (such as uttering an incantation. This is particularly
useful in combat. Not only can you get

spells off faster, but also your opponent
will be less certain as to what defense to
use. When using magic during combat, The standard monetary unit throughout
draw two additional cards and select the the Wizarding world is the golden galleon.
best of them. Your immediate opponent
must also apply a -2 to Defensive Magic
rolls. • 1 golden galleon = 17 silver sickles
• 1 silver sickle = 29 bronze knuts
Second Sight • 1 friend = their weight in galleons
Requirements: Spirit D8+, Novice
Once per rank you fall into a trance and All starting characters except those with
receive a prophecy of dark tidings. The the Poverty hindrance are provided with
prophecy will come at unexpected times, the schoolbooks, cauldrons, scales, daily
and will concern the people currently robes, a wand, and basic school supplies
around you. It should give cryptic, but that they will need. They also receive 10
useful hints and advice. galleons of pocket money.

Improved Second Sight Those who come from families of lesser

Requirements: Second Sight means must get by with second-hand
Once per level you fall into a trance and robes, potentially out-of-date texts, and
receive a prophecy of dark tidings. cauldrons with weird scummy bits stuck
to the bottom. While there are no
mechanical effects for this, the GM is
The Sorting Hat encouraged to remember how potent a
force childhood insecurities can become,
Most players have a house that they would especially when tempered by those jerks in
prefer their character belong to. It Slytherin. In addition, they only start out
shouldn’t be a problem to let them chose, with 5 galleons.
unless you’re one of the sorts who enjoys
seemingly random twists. Listed below are Brooms: You don’t need me to tell you
common traits for members of each about these. You have your Quidditch
house: Through the Ages and Which Broomstick, and
those will probably do better than all of
Griffindor: Heroic or Guts skill the testimonials in the world. Still, you
Ravenclaw: d8+ Smarts or Quirk (loves can’t go wrong with a Cleansweep.
Slytherin: Negative mental Hindrance
• Bluebottle Acc/Top Speed 20/40
(Arrogant, Greedy, Mean, Stubborn, etc.)
Climb 25 Toughness 5 Crew 1+2
or abilities like Parselmouth
40 galleons, used.
Hufflepuff: Loyal or Pacifism
• Shooting Star Acc/Top Speed
Of course, the Sorting Hat also likes to 23/46 Climb 20 Toughness 6
stick friends together, or people who will Crew 1 Hogwarts-provided or
someday work well together. This has led inherited. 50 galleons, used.
to strange bedfellows in the past, and is • Cleansweeps 7-10 Acc/Top
apt to find a way to do so again. Speed 20/48 Climb 25 Toughness
6 Crew 1+1 150 galleons.

• Comet 260 Acc/Top Speed
15/50 Climb 30 Toughness 6 Extendable Ears: It’s quite undecidable
Crew 1+1 200 galleons. why people would want a device that lets
• Nimbus 2000 Acc/Top Speed them listen to conversations up to twenty
15/50 Climb 30 Toughness 8 feet away, but these Extendable Ears will
Crew 1+1 Stabilizer 250 galleons. do just that. Under doors, beneath
• Nimbus 2001/ Cleansweep 11 balconies, or anywhere else where a string
Acc/Top Speed 15/55 Climb 30 can reach, so can Extendable Ears. 15
Toughness 7 Crew 1+1 Stabilizer sickles
300 galleons.
Familiar Familiars: Wouldn’t a
• Firebolt: Acc/Top Speed: 30/60
hedgehog increase your spell-casting
Climb 35 Toughness 8 Crew 1+1
ability? I think so. 1-20 galleons
Improved Stabilizer 400 galleons.
Headless Hat: Did you ever want to be
Camera: Remember that time when your
head boy or girl in your class? If so, this is
friends did something incredibly hilarious,
the wrong product for you. Get thee to an
but no one thought to take a picture of it?
alternate haberdashery immediately, you
If you all had Wizarding cameras, the
ruffian. This fine work of headgear is
problem would have never even entered
obviously not for you. As for everyone
your mind. For the finest in moving-
who’s left, allow me to let you in on a
picture entertainment, throw down your
secret. Put this hat on your head, and
zoetrope and your magical paints. It’s
everything from your neck up will become
camera time. 15 galleons.
invisible. The next time that someone
pranks you, head him or her off at the
Dungbombs: Yep. Exactly how they
pass. Comes in two varieties: top hat and
sound. 2 sickles/4 pack
Ever-Bashing Boomerang: G’day!
Called shots to invisible heads are made at
How’s this for a scam? You return from a
a –4 penalty. 7 galleons
long absence with presents for all of your
chums: boomerangs! Who wouldn’t want
Hilarious Prank Candy: Is someone’s
to start a boomerang club with that kind
tongue troubling you? Have you ever
of motivation? They’ll be hailing you as
thought that a friend doesn’t look nearly
the best pal that a bunch of chums could
enough like an anthropomorphic canary?
have until their first set of throws, when
These problems and more can be
they are beaten soundly about the head
addressed with this wide line of hilarious
and shoulders with their own
prank candies. There’s something in here
boomerangs. What could go wrong?
for every occasion: fun, rowdy fun, and
hooligan-level fun.
Upon a successful Throwing check, Ever-
Bashing Boomerangs deal d4 non-lethal
These candies replicate the effects of low-
damage per round. Until the thrower
level offensive magic. The cost is per
learns the trick (crossing the fingers on
piece. Level 1: 8 sickles, Level 2: 1
one hand) however, all attacks are made at
–4. If the boomerang misses, it returns to
the thrower and acts as if he were the
Megamagicphone: HELLO? HELLO? I
target. Its range is 4/8/16. 3 galleons

TALKING INTO MY the next of your award-winning exposes?
MEGAMAGICPHONE! IT LOOKS We have you covered, pal – with a built in
PUNY, BUT EVERYONE IN THIS dictation charm, you’ll be sure to record
CROWDED QUIDDITCH PITCH everything that’s said with no strenuous
CAN HEAR ME! 6 galleons manual activity.

Omnioculars: What sort of sports fan Any documents penned with a Quick-
wouldn’t want a pair of these beauties? Quotes Quill have a +2 bonus to any
They have all of the functionality of Taunt or Persuasion rolls being used with
Muggle binoculars, with the added benefit them. The writing style is pronounced --
of instant replay, slow motion, and overly bombastic, bordering on purple
commentators’ commentary. Each pair prose. They are banned for use by
can store roughly two hours worth of Hogwarts students. 5 galleons
Rememberall: Have you forgotten
An area being observed with Omnioculars anything lately? With one of these babies,
allows a second Notice check to perceive you would have known by now. Does it
interesting action. 10 galleons feel like you’re on a non-stop train guided
by an undefeatable engineer? Does daily
Owl: Why, a wizard without an owl these life confound you to the detriment of your
days is like a giant trapped on a deserted critical thinking skills? One grasp of this
island. He has no room to maneuver in glass orb will tell you if there’s anything
the high-paced age of information that we that you’ve forgotten that will become
often find ourselves struggling in, and he quickly necessary. Don’t forget:
sure doesn’t like it. With a deluxe Rememberall!
messenger owl you will be able to contact
friends in time of emergency and play a A character that consults a Rememberall
variety of fun games such as Bathing the before doing something that contradicts
Owl and Mousey Playtime. 5-10 galleons. information that they have received earlier
is given a warning by the GM. For
Put-Outer: When you need a light put example, if a character were about to open
out quickly, why not do it in style? One a door that they have been warned was
flick of this dashing silver cigarette lighter protected with a Screaming Hex,
will extinguish one standard light source consulting the Rememberall would reveal
within sixty feet. When you’ve absorbed that an important piece of information
all that you care to, simply flick the second was forgotten. 10 galleons
catch and return all of the extinguished
lights to life. It’s so simple, a Muggle Sneakoscope: It seems like you can’t
could do it! 2 galleons trust anyone these days, and with a fine
quality Sneakoscope, you won’t have to.
Quick-Quotes Quill: Does your writing With one of these beauties set up in your
lack that pizzazz that your audience so lair, a delightful whistle will warn you
desperately deserves? Well, throw away whenever an untrustworthy person comes
that old chicken feather of yours and see within ten feet. What then, my friend?
what a little touch of magic could do to Perhaps I can direct you over to our
your speeches, term papers, and friendly section of half-priced hexes.
interviews. Is it just your arithmancer’s
arthritis that’s stopping you from penning

Although not a lie detector by any means, thrash their wielder. Never has
the Sneakoscope is able to detect acts of embarrassment been so silly! 5 galleons
misdirection, disguise, and tomfoolery.
Whenever a valid target enters its area of
effect, it makes a Smarts roll opposed by
Arcane Background
its target’s Spirit. Success indicates
whirring, whistling, and other obvious ( Wizardry)
signs of distress. Smarts d4: 20 sickles,
d6: 3 galleons, d8: 20 galleons Arcane Skill: Wizardry (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 5
Spellotape: The deepest of all mystic
secrets have gone into crafting this This background works in a similar
addition to any wizard’s tool chest. This fashion to Arcane Background (Super
fine tape is 100% guaranteed to fix those Powers) as presented in Necessary Evil.
shoddy items purchased from other Your Power Points are used to purchase
Wizarding emporiums. From wands to aptitude levels in the different classes of
broomsticks and scrolls to tapestries, magic. Each level of each class costs one
Spellotape has you covered. (1) Power Point.

Objects repaired with Spellotape are no Once purchased, you can use these spells
longer party to any type of warranty or as much as you like as long as you are in
special offer. The manufacturers and possession of a wand and a sound voice.
sellers of Spellotape are not responsible (The need for vocalization is negated
for any magical mishaps that result in upon the acquisition of the Non-Verbal
improper use of Spellotape. Caster edge.)

To fix a broken object using Spellotape, a The classes of available magic have been
wizard rolls their Repair skill. Penalties are left intentionally vague in order to
awarded based upon the complexity of the facilitate the wide range of spells taught at
object. Success means that one minor Hogwarts without having to resort to an
function of the object has been restored, all-inclusive spell list. Several examples
or one major function with an erratic will be provided for each level of aptitude
drawback. Raises can restore additional in a class of magic, and there should be no
functions or remove drawbacks. problem if you try to pull off a spell
similar in power.
An object that is held together with
Spellotape requires a Wizarding roll every If a spell is beyond your level of aptitude,
time that it is used. If a 1 is rolled, consult you still have a chance to cast it. You may
the notes in Arcane Background attempt a Wizardry roll at a –4 penalty per
(Wizardry) for potential ill effects. 8 level of aptitude beyond what you capable
sickles/roll of. Success means that the spell goes off
without a hitch. If you roll a 1 on your
Wacky Wands: They look like real Wizardry die for this roll, something
wands, but they are not. Upon the gentle didn’t work out with the spell. You were
touch of any magic, these wands will turn pointing the wand incorrectly, put the
into amusement-inducing fish, rubber emphasis on the wrong syllable, or drew a
chickens, or violently animated sticks that blank when trying to remember the final

word. The GM is encouraged to think of a working in esoteric disciplines and
zany effect or roll on the chart below: unexplored effects are encouraged.

1-2: The spell affects an unintended target. Success means that the formula for the
3-4: The wand fizzles, and fails to new spell works, but there are several
function until it is recalibrated. major bugs in it. A spell meant to deal
5-6: A totally uncalled for result! The damage through slashing blades may
caster is shaken, whatever it is. wound the caster as well, an invisibility
spell may become erratically permanent,
The spells that require rolls are typically or a transmogrification chant may only
what young wizards are working to target objects whose names rhyme with
perfect in their classes. They may each other. These bugs are not readily
understand the theory, but the execution apparent, and may take grueling trial-and-
leaves much to be desired in tight error to determine.
Success with one raise is somewhat better.
Spell Research An embarrassing flaw is apparent in the
new spell, but under normal
If your wizard is a particularly studious circumstances it won’t cause harm. Then
sort, he may find time to do outside again, the life of a wizard is rarely normal.
research and pick up spells that are not It just takes one Foolproof Foundation
typically in the Hogwarts curriculum. This Fixer whose only weakness is the sound
requires a great deal of free time as well as of a newly repopularized drinking song
access to the proper tomes or the use of from the Renaissance period to cause
the New Power edge. trouble. As with more serious bugs, such
problems are difficult to analyze without
If you take the natural route, it takes an rigorous field-testing.
undetermined amount of study time in
addition to a Wizardry roll at –2 per the A success on the initial Wizardry check
level of the spell above what you could with two raises means that the wizard has
normally cast. If the roll succeeds, you properly balanced the magical equation.
have learned the spell well enough to go The spell works as written without need
nuts with it. You can now cast it as if you for revision.
were of the proper level to do so. If you
fail, you are always welcome to try again If revision is necessary, the wizard must
later. All work and no play will make you a first determine what is wrong with the
dull boy, however. new spell. This could be as simple as
removing one’s former friends from the
If you’re more interested in following the top of the Ravenclaw tower in a torrential
route of the Half-Blood Prince and downpour or as taxing as saying the same
creating your own spells, the process is word one-hundred times while aiming
mechanically similar: The player and the one’s wand at one-hundred different jars
GM work together to determine which of spices. After the problem is
magical circle and ranking the spell is. determined, the player should roll
Then the player rolls Wizardry with a –2 Investigation. Each success and raise adds
penalty per level above what he could a +1 to the next Wizardry roll to construct
normally cast. Additional penalties for a spell with the same intended effects as
the prior failure.

except in special circumstances. This is the
magical equivalent of a Trick.
New Spells
The second level of Charms has such
New levels of aptitude are gained by delights as Unlocking (“Alohamora!”)
selecting the Power Points edge. This edge
can be selected once every school year, The third level of Charms covers
and once per rank beyond that. Cheering Charms, simple cutting, and the
disarming charm. These charms can raise
many traits by a die-type, similar to the
Classes of Magic Boost Trait spell in the Savage Worlds
core book. A Cheering Charm increases
Further information on all of the spells Guts, its reverse would increase
mentioned by name can be obtained from Intimidation, and so on.
The disarming charm is a non-lethal
Most spells have a duration measured in ranged attack that does not suffer the
seconds. Jinxes and charms last for about standard –2 Called Shot penalty for hitting
twenty minutes unless specifically a target’s arms. It deals no actual damage,
designed to be permanent. but deals 4d6 damage for the purposes of
Charms: The majority of the spells in this
universe make objects act how they aren’t The fourth level of Charms is strong
supposed to act. These spells are charms. enough to power your catchall telekinesis:
They are different than the Banishing charms, Summoning charms
Transfiguration spells that are mentioned (“Accio!”), they’re all here. This is
below because they don’t change the equivalent to Telekinesis, as presented in
inherent nature of an object. the Savage Worlds core book.

A book is charmed when it levitates and The fifth level of Charms covers such
flies across the room. A book is delights as silencing charms, permanent
transfigured when it turns into a penguin, dyeing charms, and leg-creation charms.
flies across the room, and takes a sip of
your ink. The silencing charm works similar to the
Dispel spell from the Savage Worlds core
The first seven levels of Charms match up book, only it halts the target from further
with what year the example spells are verbal spell casting if the initial Wizardry
taught at Hogwarts. From there, the roll is failed. Unlike most charms, this
power extends into the realm of adults. only lasts for two to twelve minutes.
What can they do? Bigger and better
magic, of course. Conjuring items from thin air are in the
sixth level of Charms and beyond. Simple
The first level of Charms covers simple drinks as well as objects with the rough
manipulation such as Wingardium Leviosa complexity of a breadbox fit nicely into
and dancing pineapples. These can cause level six. Comfy armchairs and alcoholic
targets to become shaken, but cannot beverages are the rewards of reaching the
cause a shaken target to become wounded eighth level. The Ministry of Magic has

laws about what can be conjured in order The fourth level of transfiguration is
to keep the economy in balance. where things get interesting. At this level
you can transform objects that are similar
Potions These alchemical brews last for to each other. A guinea pig could become
the amount of time required by the plot. a guinea fowl, and a hedgehog could
Some are quite delicate, while others could become a pincushion.
last for centuries given the proper
conditions. To full transform one’s self, a wizard must
train specially in the ways of the
Like Charms, the first seven levels of Animagus. They are described under New
Potions are divided according to when a Edges.
typical Hogwarts student is expected to be
able to brew them with a moderate degree The Switching Spell of the fifth level
of competency. allows the wizard to switch traits between
targets, such as causing a plate to taste like
Potions are spells that require ingredients, a blueberry pancake while the pancake
preparation, and imbibing to present their takes on the taste of the plate. Alternately,
effects on the drinker. the plate could take the texture of a
blueberry pancake while still tasting of
Effective cures for minor ailments such as plate. It is theorized that this spell is
boils, hiccups, and itching are taught as integral in the creation of delicious candy.
part of the lowest level of potion studies.
Antidotes and healing concoctions are at Divination: No one is really sure how
level four; many of the draughts that one divination works. Each level of training
would need an antidote for (such as the covers one form of fortune telling as well
Confusion Concoction and love potions) as a modicum of skill in obtaining
are in level five. legitimate results.

Transfiguration Transfiguration turns The most consistently effective forms of

objects into something that they are not. divination depends entirely on the
At the lower levels this focuses on the dynamic between enigmatic misdirection
amusing or embarrassing, but those who and wide-eyed belief. This power is open
keep up in their studies are able to harness to those with at least five ranks in
much deeper powers. divination.
At this point, the diviner has predicted
The first two levels of transfiguration future events with a greater frequency
cover effects such as turning teacups into than lucky guesses should allow for. He
other inanimate objects, changing the can find warnings in the stars and hope in
flavor of a drink, or other similar works. tea leaves, even if they aren’t always there.

These magics can be applied to living Anyone who believes in the diviner’s
creatures upon reaching the third level of power can ask for a reading at the start of
attainment. Some transformations will an endeavor (such as a session or
increase traits – giving one’s self larger adventure.) The diviner’s player then rolls
eyes will increase Notice rolls, and a die. If the result is even, the prediction is
webbed hands will increase Swimming of ill tidings and woe. If the result is even,
rolls. all signs point to good fortune. Although
there is no actual fathoming of cosmic

forces at this point, the diviner’s Apparition: To everyone else, this is
reputation and conviction are enough to teleportation. The first level of Apparition
shade the outlook of any listeners. A allows short, blinking leaps. You could get
prediction of good luck earns an extra across a room or past a barred gateway,
benny for the listener while bad luck takes but that’s about it.
one away.
The second level allows for general
It is possible for the diviner to lie to the transportation. Continental travel is
listener about the result. This is difficult, discouraged because of potential
however, as the diviner wholeheartedly splinching mishaps. You can hop down to
believes in his ability to foretell the future, the pub without a problem though.
nebulous as it may be. At the least this
should involve a difficult Persuasion The third level give access to the Side-
check and the expenditure of a benny. Along Apparition. This allows for one
untrained passenger. Cross-Britain travel
If the predictions from a specific diviner becomes viable as well at this point.
prove false frequently enough to throw his
abilities into doubt (GM’s decision), it will Anything beyond that increases the range,
require some hefty Persuasion rolls or an number of targets, and potency.
event of note to restore the use of this
power. It is against Wizarding law to study
Apparition before one is 16. Once a
Defensive Magic: Protection against wizard turns 17, he may take the test to
specific spells and magical creatures are acquire an apparition license.
taught in the early stages of this circle of
magic, often under the heading of Legilimency: Legilimency is not taught in
Defense Against the Dark Arts. Treat this the classrooms at Hogwarts, but those in
as a five-round Deflection spell, but with a positions of power tend to pick it up
required Common Knowledge check in along the way.
order to check if the situation in question
has been taught. In layman’s terms, it allows the caster to
glom onto the surface thoughts of the
Hex-deflection is in level four, as is the target and use them as an entryway into
all-purpose Shield charm (“Protego!”) the deeper mysteries of the mind.
Hex-deflection is identical to the Dispel
spell from the Savage Worlds core book. The most common use of Legilimency is
Shield is a double-strength Armor spell determining if a subject is telling the truth.
that lasts until the target suffers a wound. To use it this way, make an opposed
Smarts roll against the target, who must
The fifth circle reveals the mysteries of be within arm’s reach. Every level of
the Patronus – a physical embodiment of Legilimency gives the caster a +2 bonus
the wizard’s positive feelings. It strikes to this roll. If the caster doesn’t have eye
once per round with a Fighting skill equal contact, he receives a –2 penalty. This use
to its caster’s Spirit. A hit results in the of the power takes up an action.
destruction of any non-Wild Card that
feeds off of negative emotions. Legilimency can also be used to view
surface thoughts. The process is similar,
but a mere success means that the target

realizes that his mind was just invaded. use of the spell is particularly creative, the
With a raise, it is handled in secret. GM is encouraged to treat the spell as if it
were cast with a raise.
If the Legilimancer is beaten by his target
by at least a raise, he gains a level of The third level causes more serious
fatigue. impediments, such as the Impediment
Jinx. This spell cuts a target’s Pace in half
Legilimency also covers the proper use of as his legs become magically bound
a pensieve and its attendant spells. together. Other spells in a similar vein
could reduce the target’s Parry or
As a requirement to begin studying Toughness by 1 due to distractions.
Legilimency, you need a Smarts of d8 and
a Spirit of d6. Damage dealt by a third level Offensive
Spell is non-lethal. It is otherwise treated
Occlumency: The art of defending like the Bolt spell in the Savage Worlds
yourself against Legilimency is rarely core rules. Every time that increasing the
taught in the general curriculum. It Power Points is mentioned, instead raise
consists of clearing one’s mind of the spell by a level.
thoughts or making one’s mind so chaotic
that no stray ideas can be picked up. The next levels of Offensive Magic are
dodgier in nature, but not quite the level
Every level of occlumency gives the of the Dark Arts. Hogwarts frowns on the
possessor a +2 bonus against Legilimency. teaching of these spells, treating them as
the “Dimly-Lit Arts.” The only way to
Offensive Magic: This body of magic learn these secrets is to attend a school
covers offensive effects that could be used such as Durmstrang or engage in
by those of loose morals to wreak evil. extracurricular shenanigans at the
The spells aren’t inherently wicked, but graveyard.
one who delights in their use will soon
earn a reputation as such. These spells These spells focus on causing direct,
take the forms of curses and hexes that physical damage and binding spirits. This
are commonly taught in Charms class, is where you will find the all-purpose
Defense Against the Dark Arts, and as Blasting Charm. Treat it as Blast, with a
part of dueling societies. Small Burst Template instead of Medium.
At fourth level the damage is non-lethal,
The first two levels of jinxes cause minor but at fifth level all bets are off.
cosmetic annoyances. At the first level
there are dozens of trappings, but one real Anything past there? They may call them
effect: -1 to Charisma. This can take the Unspeakable, but you’ll be able to do it.
form of insulting acne, grotesque ear hair, At this point, you will slowly begin to
or tiny itches that require frequent accrue outward signs of your internal
scratching. decay such as paranoia, bloodthirstiness,
and glittering scurvy.
Level two jinxes resolve in the same way
as the Lower Trait ability from the Savage In addition to the Unspeakable Curses,
World core book. A Butterfingers Jinx the means to create and control Inferi are
would lower Agility, while a slug-vomiting within this realm. Look to Puppet and
jinx would sorely hinder Persuasion. If the Zombie for ideas.

Release Notes
Harry Potter and the associated properties
are not owned by anyone with input on
this document.

Savage Worlds and all that the name

entails are of a similar legal bent. has been

used heavily for reference.

The Quidditch rules were inspired by

Butch Curry’s Marathons, Rapier Wits, and
Iron Chefs: Alternate Uses for the Savage
Worlds Mass Battle Rules. The full article is
available at .

That’s all of the magic for now. Game

ideas, revision, and a slicker presentation
are the next step before Shark Bytes. Does
any of this not work? Get in touch with
Billybuck Dancer or
[email protected].


Table of Contents

Characters 2
Generalities 2
Race 2
Traits 3
Skills 3
Quidditch 3
Hindrances 4
Edges 5
The Sorting Hat 6
Gold 6
Arcane Background (Wizardry) 9
Ckasses of Magic 11
Release Notes 15


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