RYCSL Ground Rules

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Christmas Sports

Inter Purok Tournament

Ground Rules

Prepared by: Approved by:

Hon.Hans Daylord T. Sayat Hon.Bienvinido T. Bustillo

Sk Kagawad Kagawad

Hon.Pepe Alvarez


It is a game specially designed to build a strong foundation in developing

basketball/Volleyball awareness among Roquenian Youth. It also aims to develop the basic skills and
character among young boys and girls, providing unique experience for fun, enjoyment, and
eventually leading the way to a long term involvement in the sports.


To throw the ball into the playmates basket and to prevent the players of the other team from
securing the ball or scoring based on fair play and within the spirit and intent of the rules. The games
shall be developmental in nature and approach.
To enhance camaraderie, goodwill, sportsmanship, discipline, teamwork and other life skills values
inherent in the practice and participation in sports.


1. Eligibility (Basketball and Volleyball)

1. Players below 18 must have a parental consent with signature over printed name of
parents or guardian.
2. All players must pay 20 pesos for registration fee. Team coach/captian will be
assign for passing the team name and list of players with the registration fee.
2. Basketball and Volleyball Category

1. Junior
 20 yrs. Old and below
2. Senior
 21 yrs. Old and above

1. Men
 open for all ages
2. Women
 open for all ages

B. Team Composition (Basketball and Volleyball)

1. A team shall be composed of not less than 12 team members and a coach.
2. Only 2 imports is prohibited for each team.

C. Coach/Team captain (Basketball and Volleyball)

1. A team shall be headed by a responsible Coach/Team Captain.
2. Only the Coach (and Chaperon) shall be allowed to stay within the team bench
during official games.

D. Sports Uniform (Basketball and Volleyball)

1. A player who is not wearing the complete basketball uniform may not be allowed
to play; and there shall be playing numbers (0, 00 to 99).
2. All players must tuck in their upper uniform properly.


1.1 The ball shall use size 7. (Basketball)
1.2 The ball shall use size 5.(Volleyball)


A. Junior/Senior:
1. The game shall consist of 4 periods. The 4 periods shall be played in 10l minutes
and 5 minutes for every extra period.


1. Smoking inside of game venue is prohibited. Coach/players caught smoking, shall be
penalized with a loss of ball and a 1FT for opposing team.

1. Normal substitution procedures shall apply in all periods. (Except when certain
rule does not apply). A player may enter in a game as a substitute as many times
as possible within that period and considered as having played only in that

2. One (1) time-out for every period shall be granted to each team for the first three
(3) periods and two (2) time-outs shall be granted in the fourth (4th) period, and
one (1) timeout for every extra period. Unused timeouts in first half shall not be
carried over to the second half. In the first three periods the Timeouts shall either
be used or forfeited.

3. In case a team has an incomplete line-up during the scheduled game:

3.1 The 1st period shall always start with 5 players while the other periods
may be played with the remaining members of the team.
3.1 A team with ONLY seven (7) players (physically present) at the start of
the game shall be declared LOSER by FORFEIT.

IMPORTANT Reminder: FIBA rules must be follow.


A. A thrown-out player must leave the confines of the playing area.

B. A player/coach who is disqualified as a result of a disqualifying foul/ fighting or the

like, subject shall be automatically suspended. The number of games of suspension
shall be determined by the Technical Committee and will be based on the gravity of

the act.

1. TECHNICAL FOULS - any PLAYER/COACH who displays
unsportsmanlike/disrespectful act such as slashing of neck, showing of
dirty fingers, pointing of accusing finger and trash talking/shouting bad
words/foul language, contesting calls, arguing with the officials and
others. A WARNING maybe given or a TECHNICAL FOUL shall be

2. PERSONAL FOULS – a player causing contact with an opposing

Playmate, which gives an unfair advantage and such contact are neither
intentional nor flagrant.

3. FLAGRANT FOULS - a player causing excessive contact which may

cause or have caused injury to an opponent, such as: a) excessive
swinging of elbow; b) throwing a punch; c) tripping; and d) intentional
contacting/pushing the back of a player going for a basket shall be judged
to be either an
Unsportsmanlike/Disqualifying Foul.

[1.] Any player/coach, who is slapped with a Disqualifying Foul and ejected
because of Flagrantly Unsportsmanlike Action/Conduct , shall be
penalized accordingly PLUS an additional 1-game suspension/ total
disqualification or banned from further participation, depending on the
gravity of the offense. (As may be determined by the technical

1.[2.] Uttering/shouting of obscene/foul language/bad words or verbal abuse

from players/coaches to opponents/officials or teammates shall not be
tolerated. Such act shall be dealt with a warning or a Technical Foul.
The Coach shall be responsible for the DISCIPLINE and BEHAVIOUR of
the followers, supporters and friends of the team.

2.[3.] Teams shall keep and leave their bench areas clean and orderly. Non-
compliance shall be dealt with a Warning for the first offense,
TECHNICAL FOUL for the second offense.

3.[4.] Coaches shall always confirm their next schedule of game with the
Tournament Manager BEFORE leaving the playing venue/ or after their

4.[5.] A team that walks out of their game shall be penalized with a
Disqualification from the competition/Liga and likewise the Coach shall
5.[6.] Any infraction committed of the COVENANT by any player/team
MAYBE PENALIZED with a reprimand and or warning or a Technical


Games which are cancelled/disrupted/stopped due to “FORCE MAJEURE” or

for any valid reason, shall be treated in the following manner:

A. REMATCH – if the disruption of the game took place during the first half (1st
and 2nd periods), game shall be replayed.

B. RESUMPTION – if the disruption of the game took place during the second half
(3rd and 4th periods), the game shall be resumed with the remaining game time.

C. RESET – if a scheduled game was cancelled for a valid reason, the management
shall re-schedule the game at the bottom of all the schedules.

[D.] DURATION OF WAITING – in case of a power failure or any incident (rain

or darkness) that may affect the progress of the game, the LENGTH of time to
wait for the restoration of normalcy is 30 minutes or as may be allowed by


I. How to play volleyball

1. A volleyball game consists of two teams of six players each, separated by a net. The
six volleyball court positions are setter, middle blocker, outside hitter, opposite hitter,
libero and serving specialist.

To start, flip a coin to determine which team serves the ball first.

2. Then the two teams will rally—or hit the ball back and forth over the net—until a
fault occurs. There is a maximum of three hits per side.
3. The objective is to score points by sending the ball over the net, grounding it into the
opponent’s court.
4. Volleyball matches are made up of sets, typically three or five sets.
5. Three-set matches are two sets to 25 points and a third set to 15 points. Each set must
be won by two points. The first team to win two sets is the winner of the match.
6. Five-set matches are four sets to 25 points and a fifth set to 15 points. The team must
win by two points unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The first team to win
three sets is the winner.

Volleyball Rules
Here are the fundamental, must-know rules of a volleyball game:

 1st 6 players on the 1st set of the game is composed of 20yrs. old below, while on 2nd set
of the game are composed of 21 yrs. old above and if the game has 3rd set the team
captain/coach will decide who will play. If the team has not enough players in 20 yrs.
old below or 21 yrs. old above the team captain/coach will decide who will play.
 Only 6 players on the floor at any given time: 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row.
 Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the rally (rally-point scoring).
 Players may not hit the ball twice in succession (a block is not considered a hit).
 Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
 A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
 A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net
or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, or the ceiling above a non-
playable area.
 It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
 It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
 A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
 After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
 Matches are made up of sets;

1. On elimination round will be composed of 3 sets.

2. On championship, the match will be composed of 5 sets.

III. Volleyball Rule Violations

Committing any of these volleyball rule violations results in a point for the opponent.

 Stepping on or across the service line when serving while making contact with the ball.
 Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
 Ball-handling errors and contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying,
throwing, etc.)
 Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
 Blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when
reaching over the net if your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND has a player there
to make a play on the ball.
 Attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court and contacting the ball when
reaching over the net when the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
 Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body, with the exception of a hand
or foot. It is only considered a violation if the entire hand or entire foot crosses the
court centerline.
 Serving out of rotation or out of order.
 Back row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the
moment of contact, the back row player is near the net and has part of their body above
the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
 Back row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot
line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an
illegal attack.
IV. Captain Conduct

PRIOR TO THE MATCH, the team captain represents his/her team in the toss, then signs the score

 OFFICIAL VOLLEYBALL RULES 2021-2024 19 When the ball is out of

play, only the game captain is authorized to speak to the referees:

 To ask for an explanation on the application or interpretation of the Rules,

and also to submit the requests or questions of his/her teammates. If the game
captain does not agree with the explanation of the 1st referee, he/she may
choose to protest against such decision and immediately indicates to the 1st
referee that he/she reserves the right to record an official protest on the score
sheet at the end of the match;

 to ask authorization:

a) to change all or part of the equipment,

b) to verify the positions of the teams,
c) to check the floor, the net, the ball, etc.;

 In the absence of the coach unless the team has an assistant coach who has overtaken
the coach’s functions to request time-outs and substitutions.


 the team captain: thanks the referees and signs the score sheet to ratify the result;
may, when it has been notified in due time to the 1st referee, confirm and record on
the score sheet an official protest regarding the referee’s application or interpretation
of the rules

V. Player’s conduct

On FIBV Official Volleyball Rules 2021-2024, at Chapter 7 “Participants Conduct” must be follow.
 20.2 FAIR PLAY

IMPORTANT Reminder: FIBV rules must be follow.


 FIVB-Volleyball_Rules_2021_2024.com
 FIVBGuidelinesandInstruction.com
 FIBAOfficialBasketballRules2022.com

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