RWSModule 1

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Patterns of Written Texts across Disciplines
(Adapted from Quipper School)

Name:________________________ Grade & Section________Score:____________

Teacher: Date: ___________

Learning Competency

Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines


⚫ Distinguish among patterns of development in writing namely, narration,

description, definition, exemplification, and classification;
⚫ Differentiate the uses of those patterns in writing across disciplines;
⚫ Create short paragraphs/essays for each of the patterns of development in

Let’s Understand

A discourse is a formal and often lengthy discussion of a topic where

concepts and insights are arranged in an organized and logical manner. The
purposes of a discourse are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. Analyzing
a discourse is usually contextual. Some of the factors that influence an author
are culture, social environment, and experiences. The two kinds of discourse
are literary and academic discourse.
It is also important to recall the transition words commonly used in writing a

Patterns for Development in Writing 1
1. Narration- tells or recounts in time sequence what happened to someone or to
something, which may be fictional or true. A narration tells a story.
2. Description- provides information on what a person, an object, a place, or a
situation is like. It appeals to the reader’s senses, allowing him or her to see, hear,
taste, smell, or feel the subject.
3. Definition- explains a concept, a term, or a subject. Its main purpose is to tell
what something is.
4. Exemplification- may be used to show or illustrate the characteristics of the
rest or the whole of something.
5. Classification- is the process of explaining something by dividing or grouping it
into types of categories.

Let’s Apply

A. Read the short paragraphs below and write down the transition words used.
Tell whether the sentences show emphasis, addition, contrast, or order on
your answer sheet.

I. Our Best Feature
One of Mount Saint Vincent University’s best features is its small
student population. The average class size is 25-30 students.
Without a doubt, students have many opportunities to meet in one-on-
one conferences with their professors. This gives each student the opportunity
to discuss class assignments.

II. Napoleon’s Quest

Napoleon and his navy were no match for the British. In fact, Napoleon
lost almost all of his sea battles. On the other hand, the French army was very
strong and powerful. Under Napoleon’s orders, it conquered most of continental

III.How to Make an E-mail Account in Google

First, go to Second, click Create account. Then, sign-up

form will appear. Next, enter your phone number to verify your account. You will
receive a text message from Google with a verification code. Next, you will see a
form to enter some of your personal information, like your name and birthday.
Fill-in your personal information. Finally, you already have an e-mail account in

Let’s Analyze

Read the sentences below. Write the answer/s on your answer sheet.

1. It is a formal and often lengthy discussion of a topic, where concepts and

insights are arranged in an organized and logical manner.

2-4. These are the three purposes of a discourse.

5. It explains a concept, a term, or a subject. Its main purpose is to tell

what something is.

Let’s Try

Using the table of Transition Words in English above as a reference, choose 3

to 5 examples and use them in a 3 to 5- sentence paragraph. Write your
paragraph on your answer sheet.

Let’s Create (Editorial Cartoon)


Your task is to write an editorial for a newspaper. Look at the editorial

cartoons below. Your task is to write an engaging editorial based on your
chosen cartoon.

You are the editor-in-chief of the campus paper. You are about to start the
layout process of your campus paper. To complete all the articles, the editor-in-chief
must produce an editorial for the paper.

Your classmates and teacher and your housemates will be the readers of
this editorial.

Just like any other editorial, this editorial should tackle an issue
concerning the patrons or readers of your paper. Furthermore, as the editorial of
the campus paper, this should also represent the voice of the students and raise
some awareness in the critical minds of the readers.

Product Performance
Write a good editorial on the message that your chosen cartoon tries to convey.
1. Write a good essay with 300-500 words.
2. Use a combination of at least two patterns of development in writing your
3. Match the message of your editorial with your chosen cartoon.

Your project will be graded using the rubric below.

Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(0-12 points) (13-16 points) (17-20 points)
Content The editorial The editorial may The editorial is
contains a have limited factually correct.
significant supporting There are
amount of details. There are enough details,
errors. Details few details and and ideas are
are not ideas that are clearly discussed.
expressed clearly discussed. Ideas are highly
clearly. Ideas are Ideas are relevant to the
not relevant to somewhat message of the
the message of relevant to the chosen cartoon.
the chosen message of the
cartoon. chosen cartoon.
Organization The editorial The editorial may The editorial has
lacks clear lack a thesis a clear sense of
organization, statement but order. It begins
which makes the points are with a thesis or
progression of presented in topic sentence.
ideas confusing logical Supporting
for readers. progression. points are
presented in

The editorial uses

The editorial uses The editorial has
limited accurate word
Language vocabulary and choice. There are
(spelling, has a significant no more than
and correctly.
mechanics, number of two major errors
There are no
grammar, and grammatical, and a few minor
major errors in
word mechanics, errors in spelling,
usage) spelling, and mechanics,
word usage grammar, and
grammar, or
errors. word usage.
word choice.

The editorial was

The editorial was The editorial was
submitted two
submitted a day submitted on or
Punctuality days or more
after the given before the given
after the given
deadline. deadline.
The chosen
patterns of
The chosen The chosen
development are
patterns of patterns of
highly consistent
Use of patterns of paragraph paragraph
in the essay. They
development in development are development are
are also
writing inconsistently somehow
used in the consistent in the
used in
editorial. essay.
presenting ideas
relevant to the
thesis statement.

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