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Front-end Development


Structure/Layout Style Logic


Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is the code that is used to structure a web page and its

The components used to design the structure of websites are called

HTML tags.
First HTML File


It is the default name for a website's homepage

A container for some content or other HTML tags

Opening Tag Closing Tag

<p> This is a paragraph </p>


Basic HTML Page
<!DOCTYPE html> tells browser you are using HTML5

<html> root of an html document

<head> container for metadata

<title>My First Page</title> page title
<body> contains all data rendered by the browser
<p>hello world</p> paragraph tag

Quick Points

HTML tag is the parent of the head & and body tag

Most of HTML elements have opening & and closing tags with
content in between

Some tags have no content in between, eg - <br>

We can use inspect element/view page source to edit homeland

Comments in HTML

This is part of code that should not be parsed.

<!-- This is an HTML Comment -->

HTML is NOT Case Sensitive

<html> = <HTML>

<p> = <P>

<head> = <HEAD>

<body> = <BODY>
Basic HTML Tags

HTML Attributes
Attributes are used to add more information to the tag

<html lang="en">
Heading Tag
Used to display headings in HTML

h1 (most important)

h6 (least important)
Paragraph Tag

Used to add paragraphs in HTML

<p> This is a sample paragraph </p>

Anchor Tag

Used to add links to your page

<a href=""> Google </a>

Image Tag

Used to add images to your page

<img src="/image.png" alt="Random Image“/>

Br Tag

Used to add next line (line breaks) to your page

Bold, Italic & Underline Tags

Used to highlight text on your page

<b> Bold </b>

<i> Italic </i>

<u> Underline </u>

Big & Small Tags

Used to display big and small text on your page

<big> Big </big>

<small> Small </small>

Hr Tag

Used to display a horizontal ruler, used to separate content

Subscript & Superscript Tag

Used to display a horizontal ruler, used to separate content

<sub> subscript </sub>

<sup> superscript </sup>
A +B
Pre Tag

Used to display text as it is (without ignoring spaces & next line)

<pre> This
is a sample
Page Layout Techniques

Using Semantic tags for layout

using the Right Tags

Inside Main Tag

Section Tag For a section on your page


Article Tag For an article on your page


Aside Tag For content aside main content(ads)

Revisiting Anchor Tag
<a href="" target="blank"> Google </a>

for new tab

<a href=""> <img src="link"> </a>

clickable pic
Revisiting Image Tag
<img src="link" height=50px >

set height

<img src="link" width=50px >

set width
Div Tag

Div is a container used for other HTML elements

Block Element (takes full width)

List : Div Tags
<address> <fieldset> <nav>
<article> <figcaption> <noscript>
<aside> <figure> <ol>
<blockquote> <footer> <p>
<canvas> <form> <pre>
<dd> <h1>-<h6> <section>
<div> <header> <table>
<dl> <hr> <tfoot>
<dt> <li> <ul>
<main> <video>
Span Tag

Span is also a container used for other HTML elements

Inline Element (takes width as per size)

List : Span Tags

<a> <code> <object> <span>

<abbr> <dfn> <tt> <strong>
<acronym> <em> <var> <sub>
<b> <i> <output> <sup>
<bdo> <img> <q> <textarea>
<big> <input> <samp> <time>
<br> <kbd> <script>
<button> <label> <select>
<cite> <map> <small>
List in HTML
Lists are used to represent real life list data.real-life

unordered ordered

<ul> <ol>
<li> Apple </li> <li> Apple </li>
<li> Mango </li> <li> Mango </li>
</ul> </ol>
Tables in HTML

Tables are used to represent real life table data.

<tr> used to display table row

<td> used to display table data
<th> used to display table header
Tables in HTML
<tr> Name Roll No
<th> Name </t h > 1639
<th> Roll No </t h >
<td> Pankaj </t h >
<th> 1639 </t h >
Caption in Tables

<caption> Student Data </caption>

Student Data
Name Roll No
Pankaj 1639
thead & tbody in Tables

<thead> to wrap table head

<tbody> to wrap table body
Colspan Attribute

used to create cells that span over multiple columns

Pankaj 1639

Deepesh 1890
Form in HTML

Forms are used to collect data from the user

Eg- sign up/login/help requests/contact me


form content

Action in Form

Action attribute is used to define what action needs to be

performed when a form is submitted

<form action="/action.php" >

Form Element : Input

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Name">

<label for="id1">

<input type="radio" value="class X" name="class" id="id1">


<label for="id2">

<input type="radio" value="class X" name="class" id="id2">

Class & Id
<div id="id1" class="group1">


<div id="id2"> class="group1">

<label for="id1">

<input type="checkbox" value="class X" name="class"



<label for="id2">

<input type="checkbox" value="class X" name="class"


<textarea name="feedback" id="feedback" placeholder="Please add


<select name="city" id="city">

<option value="Delhi"> Delhi </option>

<option value="Mumbai"> Delhi </option>

<option value="Banglore"> Delhi </option>

iframe Tag

website inside website

<iframe src="link"> Link </option>

Video Tag

<video src="myVid.mp4"> My Video </video>


• controls
• height
• width
• loop
• autoplay

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