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Chapter I

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1.1 Background of Study

Speaking is the communication between two or more people for a certain

purpose. According to Shiamaa (2006, p. 30), speaking represents an interactive

process which involves of producing and processing or receiving information to

serve both interactional and transactional. Furthermore Solcova (2011) defines

speaking as interactive communication process between speaker and listener in

order to get their communicative goals. When English language is taught in

educational institution such as schools and universities, speaking will be part of the

main skills to learn. In learning speaking, it can be separated from accuracy and

fluency. Harmer (2001) stated that accuracy deals with grammar, vocabulary and


Meanwhile Nunan (2003) defines “fluency is the extent to which speakers use

the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses,

false starts, word searches, etc.” It shows that students speak fluently as they are

speaking in certain range of speed without making any long break language.

Speaking fluency refers to the speed and smoothness of oral delivery (Lennon,

2000:25). Therefore, students should practice to speak English as much

as possible so that they are able to speak English fluently and accurately. Apart

of that, to speak English, we have to know some important component. The factor

is what characteristic influencing how people speak English.

Ellis and Barkhuizen (2005), following Skehan (1998), define fluency as real-

time language production without undue delay or hesitation. Fluency is the skill to

speak, write and read smoothly and naturally. Teachers need to emphasis on fluency

intention to produce student’s competent in expressing and giving responses in

communication. They focus on context and meaning rather than grammatical

structure. The common classroom activities to encourage fluency are debate, role

play, public speaking, group works and games.

It was proven by some research conducted previously the research conducted

by Kartika (2012) about a study on the second-year students’ speaking ability at

MA Negeri Malang shows the results showed that the average speaking test score

was 52.94. This means that the speaking ability of students at MAN Malang I is

quite good. Students still need to improve their speaking skills. Based on the results

of each speaking component, the students obtained the lowest accent score. Poor

student accent skills; grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and understanding are fair. It

can be said that the accent / pronunciation is considered the most difficult to master.

In other words, most students at MAN Malang I in the second year still have

difficulty speaking English.

Secondly, it was proven from English Department Program of Universitas

Negeri Padang. A research conducted by Mairi (2016) about an analysis of speaking

fluency level of the English department students of Universitas Negeri Padang

(UNP) shows that students’ fluency level at the English Department Program of

UNP is good (level 3). However, information about the disfluency that prevented

them from getting higher scores was also identified. Some of the main dysfluency

factors are high difficulty tasks, a lack of focus on meaning and a lack of time


Thridly, the finding of the research conducted by hidayat (2018) which the

research about an analysis of students speaking fluency of ELED at fourth semester

in UMM. The result shows that the students had good fluency with two respondent

achieved scale 5, four respondent achieved scale 4 and the last four respondents

achieved scale 3. He also found that their problems regarding their fluency were

anxiety, feeling nervous, limited vocabulary and lack of confidence.

SMP Raden Fatah Batu is an interesting setting to be investigated. It is one of

the schools that are used various strategies to teach speaking which are roleplay,

games, lean from musics and videos, so the communication is very interesting to be

investigated. The eighth grade has been chosen because in this level students have

populated with their competence.

1.2 Research Problem

According to the problem occurs in the previous section, the researcher

proposes some questions as follows:

1. How is the level of speaking fluency on eight grades in SMP Raden Fatah Batu?

2. What problem do they usually face in speaking regarding to their fluency?

1.3 Research Purpose

1. To know the level of speaking fluency on eight grades in SMP Raden Fatah Batu.

2. To know the problem that they usually face in speaking regarding to their fluency.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The research significance of this research is explained in terms of theoretical

consideration and the practical one. Theoretically, it is expected that this research

provides valuable contribution to the study of Speaking. It will provide more vibe

of the fluency on SMP Raden Fatah Batu.

Practically, this research will give contribution to the teacher to know and to

improve learning speaking in English class. The success or failure of the learning

process influenced two factors, namely the factors that come from the human itself

includes intelligence, growth, training, motivation, and personal while external

factors include family factors, facilities, environment, social motivation and the last

is the way teachers teach very important role in the success of the learning process

in the classroom.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope is the students’ fluency in speaking English. The limitation of

this research is the students of SMP Raden Fatah at eighth grades.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

This part will talk about the definition of key term about speaking and fluency

1. Speaking

Interactive communication process between speaker and listener in order

to get their communicative goals (Solcova, 2011).

2. Fluency

The ability to speak in quick and confident manner, with little

hesitation, false starts and word searching (Nunan, 2003).

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