BRWinter 18 DAC
BRWinter 18 DAC
BRWinter 18 DAC
Behzad Razavi
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) component, as in displays and opti- voltage experiences large fluctua-
find application in many systems, cal modulators. tions in the presence of parasitic se-
including communication trans- The current-switching structure ries inductances, such as those due
mitters and consumer electronics. shown in Figure 1(a) suffers from to bond wires.
Among various DAC realizations, the dynamic errors. As depicted in Fig Both of these effects can be greatly
current-steering topology offers the ure 1(b), when a switch turns off, the suppressed through the use of current
highest speed and becomes the de top terminal voltage of its correspond- steering (Figure 2). Here, the tail cur-
facto solution at gigahertz frequen- ing current source collapses to zero. rent is steered to the left or the right
cies, especially if the analog output Thus, the next time that this branch is by each differential pair, causing only a
must be delivered to a resistive load. enabled, the (nonlinear) capacitance at small voltage excursion at node X. Also,
In this article, we study this DAC’s de- this terminal must charge up, draw- since the total array current is relatively
sign principles. ing a significant transient current constant, the ground bounce is much
from the output node. Moreover, since smaller. Of course, another advantage
Basic Topology switching actions change the total cur- of this configuration is that it naturally
We wish to convert an N -b digital rent carried by the array, the ground provides differential outputs.
signal, D in, to an analog current, I out.
This can be accomplished as illus-
trated in Figure 1(a), where each input
bit controls a current that is binarily Iout
weighted with respect to a unit value,
I u. Here, D 1 denotes the least signifi-
cant bit (LSB) and D N the most signifi- D1 D2 DN VX
cant bit (MSB). The current sources are ...
scaled up by a factor of two from one Iu 2Iu 2N –1Iu
bit to the next, yielding t
(a) (b)
I out =D N (2 N -1 I u) +g+D 2 (2I u) +D 1 I u .(1)
Figure 1: (a) A simple binary-weighted current-switching DAC and (b) the problem of
This circuit is an example of a simple
discharge at X when the switch is off.
binary-weighted DAC. We can also
call it a current-switching—but not a
An important advantage of this +
DAC over other types is its ability
to drive resistive loads with no need –
for a buffer. This property proves M1 M2
D1 D2 ... DN
crucial if the DAC must drive a trans-
X Iu 2Iu 2N –1Iu
mission line, as in wireline systems,
or if the load contains a resistive W
M3 2W 2N –1W
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2017.2771102
Date of publication: 31 January 2018 Figure 2: A binary-weighted current-steering DAC.
compliance. In Figure 2, for example, to 10 to 11, the corresponding ther-
the differential-pair transistors must mometer code changes from 0001 to
Iout operate in saturation (as explained 0011 to 0111.
below), and, therefore, at least two The segmented architecture avoids
drain-source voltages are subtracted the jumps shown in Figure 4 because,
from the supply, VDD. at the major carry transition, it sim-
Another difficulty in the design is ply turns on one more LSB cell, rather
the choice of the digital input volt- than turn off one group of current
age excursions. The most convenient sources. Thus, the output changes
are rail-to-rail swings, but, as shown monotonically, and the jump is not
Din in Figure 3(a), such a choice 1) limits much different from 1 LSB as the new
the analog output voltage range Vmax cell has some matching with respect
to one transistor threshold if M 1 to the previous cells. In practice, of
Figure 4: Large jumps or nonmonotonicity must remain in saturation and 2) course, each cell is based on a current-
in binary-weighted DAC characteristics due leads to large dips in VX during the steering structure.
to mismatches. transitions of D j and D j . In other
words, we would prefer only a mod- Partial Segmentation
erate swing for the digital inputs, We have seen that the number of unit
with a maximum level less than VDD cells is the same for binary and seg-
so as to allow a greater Vmax. Such mented architectures and becomes
2N – 1 Units Iout swings call for another differential prohibitively large at high resolu-
pair [Figure 3(b)] and hence substan- tions. For example, a 10-b DAC would
tial power consumption. require 1,023 cells, facing severe
X ...
Iu Iu Iu area and routing issues. We note,
The Need for Segmentation however, that the matching require-
The binary-weighted arrays in Fig- ments are more relaxed for the LSB
Binary−Thermometer Decoder
ure 1(a) or Figure 2 can face undesir- current sources: even if the first and
able jumps in their output when the second LSB currents have a mismatch
Binary Input digital input goes from 011g1 to of 10%, the overall characteristic can
10g0. We observe that the output still reach 10-b precision. Let us con-
Figure 5: A segmented DAC. current is provided by the I u, 2I u, f, sider the following approach: rather
Column Decoder
Row Column
Thermometer Code Thermometer Code
Row Decoder
D5 Decoder
Tb –
Din + Dout
Din D Q Dout
h1 –h1
– Select
Figure 11: A simple DFE loop. Figure 12: An unrolled DFE architecture.
D 6 D 5 D 4 and D 3 D 2 D 1 , with one ap- impedance of the current sourc- Yes, it can. We must add another
plied to the row decoder and the es is considered? flip-flop after the first, scale its out-
other to the column decoder. These 2) In the matrix architecture of Fig- put according to the value of the
words are converted to thermom- ure 10, each row experiences the second tap, and inject the result
eter codes that travel horizontally same gradient from left to right. to both summers. Alternatively, we
and vertically within the matrix. If each cell current is higher than can return the result to a summer
Each cell senses the row and column the one to its left by DI, what is inserted at the very input.
thermometer code values to deter- the maximum INL?
mine whether the current should be References
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on or off. The local decoder senses Answers to Last Issue’s Questions 1.6-GS/s 27-mW current-steering D/A con-
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1) By what factor is the INL of a dif- chronous stage varies with process [4] T. Miki, “An 80-MHz 8-bit CMOS D/A con-
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lower than that of a single-ended 2) Can the unrolled DFE of Figure 12
topology if only the finite output accommodate a second tap?