Course Objectives:
The objective of this Course is to provide the students with an introductory and broad treatment of
the field of Electronics Engineering to facilitate better understanding of the devices, instruments
and sensors used in engineering applications. Lab should be taken concurrently. This course
emphasizes more on the laboratory/practical use of the knowledge gained from the course lectures.
Course Contents:
Unit Teaching
No Hours
1. Diode theory and Applications 10
Semiconductor Diode - Ideal versus Practical, Resistance Levels, Diode
Equivalent Circuits, Load Line Analysis; Diode as a Switch, Diode as a
Rectifier, Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifiers with and without Filters;
Design of un regulated DC power supply, Clipping circuit, Clamping circuit,
Voltage multiplier circuit. Breakdown Mechanisms, Zener Diode –
Operation and Applications; Opto-Electronic Devices – LEDs, Photo Diode
and Applications; Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) – Operation,
Construction, Characteristics, Ratings, Applications;
2. Bipolar Junction Transistor 10
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) – Construction, Operation, Amplifying
Action, Common Base, Common Emitter and Common Collector
Configurations, Operating Point, Voltage Divider Bias Configuration;
Biasing BJT switching circuits.
3. Transistor Amplifiers and Oscillators 7
Classification, Small Signal Amplifiers –Basic Features, Common Emitter
Amplifier, Coupling and Bypass Capacitors, Distortion, AC Equivalent
Circuit; Feedback Amplifiers – Principle, Advantages of Negative Feedback,
Topologies, Current Series and Voltage Series Feedback Amplifiers;
Oscillators – Classification, RC Phase Shift, Wien Bridge, High Frequency
LC and Non-Sinusoidal type Oscillators
Unit Teaching
No Hours
4. Field Effect Transistor (FET) 7
Construction, Characteristics of Junction FET, Depletion and Enhancement
type Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) FETs, Introduction to CMOS
circuits, FET biasing in ohmic region and active region.
Module 1:
Laboratory Sessions covering, Identification, Specifications, Testing of R, L, C Components
(Colour Codes), Potentiometers, Switches (SPDT, DPDT and DIP), Bread Boards and Printed
Circuit Boards (PCBs); Identification, Specifications, Testing of Active Devices – Diodes, BJTs,
JFETs, MOSFETs, Power Transistors, SCRs and LEDs
Module 2:
Study and Operation of Digital Multi Meter, Function / Signal Generator, Regulated Power Supply
(RPS), Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes; Amplitude, Phase and Frequency of Sinusoidal Signals using
Lissajous Patterns on CRO; (CRO);
Module 3:
Experimental Verification of PN Junction Diode Characteristics in A) Forward Bias B) Reverse
Bias, Zener Diode Characteristics and Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator, Input and Output
Characteristics of BJT in Common Emitter (CE) Configuration,
Module 4:
Study of Half Wave and Full Wave Rectification, Regulation with Filters, Gain and
Bandwidth of BJT Common Emitter (CE) Amplifier, Drain and Transfer Characteristics of JFET
in Common Source (CS) Configuration; Gain and Bandwidth of JFET Common Source (CS)
Amplifier, Gain and Bandwidth of BJT Current Series and Voltage Series Feedback Amplifiers,
Oscillation Frequency of BJT based RC Phase Shift, Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators;
Module 5:
Op-Amp Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Voltage Follower and Comparator; Op-Amp
Applications – Differentiator and Integrator, Square Wave and Triangular Wave Generation,
Text/Reference Books:
1. David. A. Bell (2003), “Laboratory Manual for Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall,
2. Santiram Kal (2002), “Basic Electronics- Devices, Circuits and IT Fundamentals”, Prentice
3. Thomas L. Floyd and R. P. Jain (2009), “Digital Fundamentals” by Pearson Education,
4. Paul B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino and M.A. Miller (2009), “Basic Electronics – A Text-Lab.
5. R.T. Paynter (2009), “Introductory Electronic Devices & Circuits, Conventional Flow Version,”
6. R. Boylested and L. Nashelsky. “Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson Education.