Learning Catalogue - Think Talent Services

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Learning Catalogue

2021 Copyright Think Talent Services Confidential

Learning Journeys
Learning journeys created with the principles of Levels of Leadership in mind.
Each journey is designed to address generic issues for a layer of managers with
specific type of roles. Based on our work with over 20,000 managers over the
last 10 years, these are easy to roll out on the Think Talent NEXT platform and

The learning journeys consist of 4-7 self-study modules interspersed with 2-3
strategically placed interactive sessions (optional), leading to an optimum mix
of theoretical as well as practical inputs.

There are two categories :

a) Curated Learning Journeys- Suitable for cohort based journey as virtual
interactive sessions are compulsory

a) Standard Learning Journeys - Suitable for managing large scale

deployment as virtual interactive sessions are optional

Sample given in annexure

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Curated Learning Journey
Readily Available

Collaborating For Influence The Inspiring Manager Leader as a Coach

Leadership Presence Building A Diverse And Inclusive Workforce

Readying for the Digital World

Influencing without Authority Embracing Change

The Compassionate Leader

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Self Study Courses
•Standard packages for enabling self study
•Typically, a combination of byte-sized self study packages
•Each package has video-based learning content focusing on 3 or 4 areas, co-
created by and featuring practitioners
•Relatable and practical for immediate use

Choose the package, download through our Think Talent Platform and learn at
your own pace. Do an assessment at the end of each course or at the end of the
package and track if you want to enable traction. You could also choose
courses from a list of available courses and create your own package.

There are two types of courses under DigiLearn :

• Self Study Long Courses : Duration 30 to 100 mins approx. for each course,
while some courses are shorter

• Self Study Short Courses : Duration 15 to 20 mins approx. for each course

Note: For minimum of 10 courses, we typically to take 8 to 10 working days time to

configure the courses as per the requirement.

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Self Study Courses Long Duration, Readily Available

Category Course Duration (Approx. Mins)

Role of a Manager 52
Organizing Oneself in a Managerial Role 135
Building Context Understanding Influences on Organisations I 30
Understanding Influences on Organizations II 30
Fundamental Expectations from Managers 32
Basic Self Awareness 66
Conversational Skills 75
Situational Leadership 56
Conflict Management 30
Influence Without Authority 113
Developing Others 90
Core Capabilities Conceptual Thinking 75
Customer Service Orientation 75
Tangible Skills of Inspiring Managers 43
Core Competencies of Inspiring Managers 41
Principles of Collaboration 48
Analytical Tools & Thinking 30
Communicating Effectively 57
Managing Teams in a Cross-Cultural Context 55
Emotional Intelligence 105
Adaptability 85
Readying Yourself for the Digital World 76
Emerging Capabilities Agile Way of Working 30
Leading Digital Organisations 49
Developing Digital Skillsets 43
Diversity & Inclusion 82

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Self Study Courses Short Duration, Readily Available

Name of the Course Duration (Approx. Mins)

Agile way of working 25
Leading Digital Organisations 25
Social Media as a tool of influence 25
The Meaning and Benefits of a Diverse Workforce 25
Manager’s Role in Creating An Inclusive Culture 25
Situational leadership 25
Understanding my personality & motivators 25
Persuasion : Influencing powerfully 25
Digital Ways of Working 25
Prioritizing what is important 25
Contingency planning 25
Supporting Team members through Change 25
Readying yourself for the digital world 25
Building Trust 25

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Solution Pillars
We view virtual learning solutions as consisting of the following three key elements. We have built
strong capabilities in each of these elements to provide effective solutions to clients

Our learner-centric approach allows us Our digital platforms allow us to

to bring together existing client content enable virtual and gamified yet
and frameworks and our own content seamless delivery of the entire learning
to provide relevant inputs to learners process

Design Systems &

Management &
We provide efficient program
management and support services using
our in-house team to support learners
during the entire Program journey

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Some key features of our solutions

Employee Experience Enterprise Level Secure

Provides a seamless & engaging experience Ensures compliance with latest information security
for employees through a mobile enabled standards & data privacy policies through our
anytime anywhere application. advanced security architecture.

Minimize Operational HR Burden Intuitive Plug & Play

Use smart automated tools, workflows & analytics Library of Learning content, Assessment
to minimize effort on day to day operational packages, Surveys Questionnaires & more to
activities. ensure deeper engagement and rapid

Strong Design Expertise

Practical and co-creation based approach to
solution design supported by panel of
experienced consultants

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Learning Journey : The Inspiring Manager

Stage I: Stage II: Stage III:

Leading Self Leading Others Final Assessment
2 8
Module 1: Module 5
Role of a 5 6 Situational
Self Study Manager Module 3 Leadership
Module 4
Organizing oneself in
Conversation Skills
3 a Managerial role 9 Module 6
Module 2: Managing Teams in
Basic Self- a cross-cultural
Awareness context

4 7 10
Facilitated VIS 1 VIS 2 VIS 3
Sessions (Modules 1 & 2) (Module 3 & 4) (Module 5 & 6)

1 11 Final Assessment (Case

Participant TTPI exercise, In Basket exercise &
Activity/ & In Basket Exercise Quiz)
Assessments Career Anchor

Continuous Engagement with Peer Learning through Activities, Discussions & Feedback

Week 1-2 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week 7-8 Week 9-10 Week 11-12

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Learning Journey : Embracing Change

Agile way of working Flexibility and
Problem Solving

Supporting Team
members through


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Corporate office:
Think Talent Services Private Limited
501, 5th floor, Tower-A, Spaze I-Tech Park, Sector-49,
Sohna Road, Gurgaon-122018

[email protected]

2020 Copyright Think Talent Services

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