Week 2-Mapeh6
Week 2-Mapeh6
Week 2-Mapeh6
C. Learning Identifies simple musical 1. Explains the truism that 1. Assesses regularly Explains how poor CATCH UP
Competency/ forms of songs from the design principles still apply for participation in physical environmental sanitation can FRIDAYS
Objectives- Write the LC community: any new design (contrast of activities based on the negatively impact the health of
code for each. colors, shapes, and lines Philippines physical activity an individual.
Mga Kasanayan sa 1. binary (AB) - has 2 produces harmony) whether pyramid
Pagkatuto contrasting sections (AB) done by hand or machine H6EH-IIIb-2
Isulat ang code ng bawat 2. ternary (ABA)-has 3 (computer). PE6PF-IIIb-h-18
sections, the third section
similar to the first; (ABC) – A6EL-IIIa
has 3 sections
3. rondo (ABACA) -has 2. Demonstrates understanding
contrasting sections in that digital technology has
between repetitions of the A speeded up the printing of
section (ABACA) original designs and made it
accessible to many, as
MU6FO-IIIa-b-1 emphasized in t-shirts and
poster designs.
1. Teacher’s K TO 12 MELC GUIDE pp. K TO 12 MELC GUIDE pp. 292- K TO 12 MELC GUIDE pp. K TO 12 MELC GUIDE pp. 353
Guide pages 259 293 327
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional SLM – MUSIC 6 SLM – ARTS 6 SLM – P.E 6 SLM – HEALTH 6
Materials from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning LAPTOP, Audio-visual LAPTOP, Audio-visual LAPTOP, Audio-visual LAPTOP, Audio-visual
Resource presentation presentation presentation presentation
A. Reviewing Direction: Write True if the Directions: Match each musical Write TRUE if the statement is Read the sentences carefully. CATCH UP
previous lesson or statement about proper waste form with its structure. Draw a correct. If not, write FALSE. Write the correct word or group FRIDAYS
presenting the new management is line to connect them. ______________1. The of words to complete the
lesson correct and False if it is not. management of water, solid, sentence. Choose the correct
Write your answers on the and industrial wastes fall answer from the
space under the scope of box below.
provided for. environmental sanitation.
______________2. Poor
___________1. Waste means sanitation has negative 1. ________ is the process of art
the collection, transport, impacts on the environment creation with the use of a carved
recovery and disposal and on the health of the screen to transfer ink onto
of waste, including the people another surface.
supervision of such operations living in it. 2. In printing t-shirts, put a piece
and the after-care of ______________3. One of of __________________ or
disposal sites. the causes of neurological paper
___________2. disorders in children is inside the fabric to act as barrier.
Biodegradable is a substance exposure to noise and air 3. Be sure that the
or object capable of being pollution. _______________ is tightly
decomposed by bacteria or ______________4. Disease- attached against the
other living organism. causing organisms co-exist fabric.
___________3. Waste can be with people every day in the 4. Wash up ______________
solid, liquid, or gas and each environment. must be done immediately after
type has different ______________5. use.
methods of disposal and Respiratory infections are one 5. To improve the slipperiness of
management. of the biggest causes of the ink, add
___________4. Proper deaths in the world every ________________.
management of waste is year. 6. A screen will be required to
important for building make the
sustainable and livable cities, _____________________.
but it remains a challenge for ______
many 7. The _________technique
developing countries and makes use of a woven mesh to
cities. support an ink-blocking stencil to
___________5. Hazardous acquire a desired image.
waste is a substance or object 8. Tape your transparencies with
that cannot be __________ to the dry surface
changed to a harmless natural of
state by the action of bacteria, the screen
and may
therefore damage the
___________6. Waste is not
suitable for further use in the
conventional manner
and it requires new methods
of treatment and processing.
___________7. Waste
management is not intended
to reduce adverse effects
of waste on human health, the
environment or aesthetics.
___________8. Waste
management deals with all
types of waste,
including industrial, biological
and household. In some
cases, waste
can pose a threat to human
___________9. Waste can be
inert, non-hazardous, and
___________10. Hazardous
waste is a waste with
properties that make it
potentially dangerous or
harmful to human health or
the environment.
B. Establishing a Recall a simple piece Show the class a picture: Show the class some pictures: Show the class some pictures:
purpose for the lesson and identify the numbers of
measures and lyrics of
different phrases.
C. Presenting Do you recall the phrases and Ask: Ask: Ask: Setting of
examples/Instances of sections of a musical standards.
the new lesson composition? 1. Are you familiar with the Based on the picture 1. What human activity is taking
picture? presented, which movements place in each picture?
Like for example, measures 1- is Loco-motor and Non-Loco- 2. Does it affect the people living
4 with the lyrics “Twinkle, 2. What do you think are they motor in that area?
twinkle little star, how I doing? movements?
what you are” is phrase 1. 3. Have you tried doing this Explain Why.
Now do the rest of the before?
measures to identify other
Things to Remember:
• Make sure that the screen is
tightly attached against the
• In printing t-shirts, put a piece
of cardboard of paper inside the
fabric to act as a barrier.
• To improve the slipperiness of
the ink, add transparent base.
• Washing up of screens and
tools must be done immediately
E. Discussing new Direction: Answer the In this activity, you will design a Do the following activities that Read carefully. Choose the
concepts and practicing following questions based on t-shirt promoting your school best suits your capabilities. correct answer inside the box.
new skills # 2 the lesson discussed earlier. using Remember to use proper Write the correct answer on the
1. What is FORM? a digital software. attire and practice safety space provided.
2. How is binary form Materials needed: precautions before, during
structured? • Computer, laptop, or tablet and after doing the activities.
3. How many sections are • Digital art software (any
there in ternary form? available)
4. Explain Rondo form by • Printer
drawing geometric figures. Steps to follow:
5. How is rondo form different 1. Create a design promoting
to ternary form? your school. Make use of the
software available on your
computer. Apply the techniques
you learned in
the previous lessons.
2. Print your design and have it
evaluated by your teacher.
_________________1. A
parasite infestation of the skin
caused by microscopic mites
that burrow into the
_________________2. A
bacterial infection throughout the
intestinal tract
which causes diarrhea.
_________________3. An acute
respiratory infection due to poor
environmental sanitation.
_________________4. A group
of disorders that affect the
central and
peripheral nervous system.
_________________5. A set of
actions geared towards
improving the quality of the
environment and reducing
the amount of diseases.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Match each Directions: Answer the following Name the different physical Write TRUE if the statement is
(leads to Formative musical form with its structure. questions. fitness activities. correct. If not, write FALSE.
Assessment 3) Draw a line to connect them. a. How did you come up with ______________1. The
your design to promote your management of water, solid, and
school? industrial wastes fall under the
Explain your scope of
design.____________________ environmental sanitation.
_________________ _____1. ______________2. Poor
_________________________ sanitation has negative impacts
_________________________ on the environment and on the
_______ health of the people
b. Do you believe that printed t- living in it.
shirts are best way to promote a ______________3. One of the
product, service, place, or causes of neurological disorders
event? Explain your answer. ____2. in children is exposure to noise
_________________________ and air
_________________________ pollution.
______ ______________4. Disease-
causing organisms co-exist with
____3. people every day in the
______________5. Respiratory
infections are one of the biggest
causes of deaths in the world
every year.
G. Finding practical Look at these pictures and Answer the following question: Why is assessing your Write TRUE if the statement is
application of concepts identify which musical form it physical fitness is important? correct and FALSE if otherwise.
and skills in daily living represents. Write the answer 1. Have you experienced any ________________________ Write the
Paglalapat ng Aralin sa on the space provided for. challenges during the activity? ________________________ answer in your notebook.
pang-araw-araw na What _____
buhay did you do to overcome these _____1. Flies are attracted to
_______1. challenges? the smell of garbage and
decomposing objects.
_______2. _____2. Clean and potable
water is a result if the
environment is clean.
_____3. Air pollution is good for
the lungs and heart.
_____4. Noise can damage your
_____5. Pests and rodents can
be a vehicle for the transmission
of diseases.
H.Making generalizations FORM is the overall structure Printmaking is the process of art The health-related Disease- causing organisms are
and abstractions about of a musical composition creation with the use of a carved components of physical part of human existence. They
the lesson The primary elements of form screen to fitness help you maintain good co-exist with people every day in
are repetition, contrast, and transfer ink onto another health. The skill – related the
variation. surface. It is often components of physical environment. Infections or
The simple forms in Music are an interesting activity for young fitness helps you perform diseases happen when your
Binary Form, Ternary Form learners skills or abilities that you need body’s line of defense, like your
and RONDO (ABACA) like you. Even if you are not for sports and daily routine immune system, is
born as an activities. overpowered by the attack of
artist, you can still achieve germs. You can avoid getting
unexpected infected by any disease-causing
results using a few simple organism by being
materials. consistent with your daily health
habits and personal hygiene
practices. You should also, in
your own way,
contribute to public cleanliness.
Participate and maintain healthy
practices at home. Improving
maintaining good sanitation in
your own home is a significant
contribution to the health of your
I. Evaluating Direction: Read and analyze Read the sentences carefully. Record the result of your Directions: Write / if the
learning each item carefully. Write the Write the correct word or group physical activity. Answer the statement shows negative effect
letter of the correct answer on of words to complete the following. if poor sanitation and x
the sentence. Choose the correct if it is not. Write the answer in
space before each number. answer from the your notebook.
____1. Which of the following box below. _____ 1. Without clean water
correctly represents Binary people may get sick.
Form? _____ 2. Very loud noise can
A. AABBC 1. ________ is the process of damage hearing and even make
B. AB art creation with the use of a you deaf.
C. ABA carved _____ 3. Clean air causes
D. ABACA screen to transfer ink onto respiratory problems among
____2. What is special about another surface. many people.
the middle B-section in a 2. In printing t-shirts, put a piece _____ 4. Air pollution can
ternary form? of __________________ or obstruct visibility.
A. It uses slower tempo. paper _____ 5. Anti- smoke belching
C. It is musically different from inside the fabric to act as drives reduce air pollution.
the A-section barrier.
B. It has very similar section 3. Be sure that the
D. It consists of 3 different _______________ is tightly
musical sections. attached against the
____3. How many sections fabric.
are there in a ternary form? 4. Wash up ______________
A. 2 must be done immediately after
B. 3 use.
C. 4 5. To improve the slipperiness
D. 5 of the ink, add
____4. Which of these ________________.
pictures represents rondo 6. A screen will be required to
form? make the
____5. Which of the following 7. The _________technique
songs is in ternary form? makes use of a woven mesh to
A. Lupang Hinirang support an ink-blocking stencil
C. This Old Man to acquire a desired image.
B. Bahay Kubo 8. Tape your transparencies
D. Bayan Ko with __________ to the dry
surface of
the screen
J. Additional Direction: Essay. Write your Ask your family members to Assess yourself by encircling Answer the following questions: Challenge the
activities for application best answer. (5 points each) help you make a design. the number pupils for the next
or remediation 1. What is Musical Form? Discuss among your family 1. What are the common test.
2. What are the different members the selection of design diseases and disorders caused
musical forms? Differentiate made earlier. Draw your design by poor environmental
one from the others. in the box below. sanitation?
2. What is the importance of
good environmental sanitation to
the health of the community and
people living in it?
3. How can poor environmental
sanitation impact the health of
an individual?
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Checked :
Master Teacher I
Principal I