Arch501 Building Laws

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BUILDING LAWS o Community facilities unit per

❖ PRESIDENTIAL DECREE D 957 - o Circulation system hectare

CONDOMINIUM BUYERS' - Required for projects 1 ha. or below
PROTECTIVE DECREE. more 21 – 25 4.0
COVERS - 3.5% min. (20 lots/ha.) 26 – 35 5.0
- SUBDIVISIONS - 9.0% max. (65 lots/ha.) 36 – 50 6.0
- CONDOMINIUMS - But not less than 100 sqm. 51 – 65 7.0
- 70% saleable (No. of Allocation in percent - Multi-purpose center required
- 30% non-saleable lots/ of gross area (%)
o Parks and playgrounds for projects 1 hec. or bigger.
dwelling - These areas are non-saleable.
No. of saleable Neighborhood Convenience
lots and/or multi-purpose stores and other Elementary school High school Tricycle terminal
dwelling units center commercial center
10 and below - - - - -
11 – 99 - - - - -
100 – 499 - - - - -
500 – 999 X - - - -
1000 – 1499 X - - - -
1500 – 1999 X X X - X
2000 – 2499 X X X X X
2500 and other x x X x X


Project size collector,
Open market Medium cost Above 5 – 10 -
range (has.) minor, motor
Major, minor, court, alley
Major, minor, motor
2.5 below motor court, Above 10 – 15 - -
court, alley
alley Above 15 – 30 - -
Major, collector, Above 30 - -
Above 2.5 – 5 minor, motor court, -
Project Size (Hectares)
Open market Medium cost
Major Collector Minor Major Collector Minor
2.5 and below 10 - 8 10 - 8
Above 2.5 – 5 12 10 8 10 - 8
Above 5 – 10 12 10 8 12 10 8
Above 10 – 15 12 10 8 12 10 8
Above 15 – 30 15 12 10 12 10 8
Above 30 15 12 10 15 12 8
ROW Carriageway ROW Carriageway
Motor Court 6 5 6 5
Alley 2 2 2 2
Note: a 6-m service road, both ends connecting to a minor road, shall be allowed for blocks not
exceeding 60 meters

RROW widths Medium Open Rowhouse 50 sqm. 60 sqm.

- Major road – 10.0m min. cost market MIN. LOT FRONTAGES
- Minor road – 8.0m min. Single 120 Medium Open
- Applies to both medium cost and 100 sqm.
detached sqm. cost market
open market Duplex 80 sqm. 96 sqm.
1|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
Single • PD 957 – Subdivision and • ROWHOUSE – a single-attached
detached Condominium Buyers’ Protective dwelling containing three or
- Corner decree more separate living units in
12.0 m 12.0 m
lot • PD 1216 – Defining Open Space such a way that they about each
- Regular in Residential Subdivisions other at the sides (as in a row).
10.0 m 10.0 m
lot • PD 1096 – National building Separated from each other by
- Interior Code party walls.
3.0 m 3.0 m
lot • PD 1185 – National Fire Code • SHEELL HOUSE – a habitable
Duplex 8.0 m 8.0 m PRICE CEILINGS FROM HLURB dwelling unit which includes:
Rowhouse 4.0 m 4.0 m • Socialized 400K and below o All exterior walls
• CONDOMINIUMS • Low-cost 1 300K–1.25M o Floor
MIN. SIZES OF ROOMS • Low-cost 2 1.25M – 2M o Openings for doors &
- Follow NBC. • Medium cost 2M – 4M windows
Min. Min. • Open market 4M and above o Plumbing fixtures
area dimension SIMPLE OUTLINE OF BP 220 o Electrical wiring
Room for • Subdivision design • COMPLETE HOUSE – shell house
6,00 + all windows and doors, and
human 2.00 m • Building design
sqm partition walls.
habitation - Single family dwellings
3.00 - Multi-family dwellings • FIREWALL – any wall which
Kitchen 1.5 m separates 2 abutting living units
Toilet and 1.2 SETTLEMENTS (+required extensions).
bath sqm.
0.90 m
- Water • PARTY WALL – a wall used jointly
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS - Movement and circulation by 2 parties under easement
- 50 sqm. for 10 condo units. - Storm drainage agreement, erected upon a line
- +3 sqm. for every additional unit. - Solid and liquid waste disposal separating 2 parcels of land each
PARKING - Parks and playgrounds of which is a separate real estate.
- Follow NBC - Power • BLOCK – a parcel of land
o Units with a floor area of 18 • SOCIALIZED HOUSING – housing bounded on the sides by the
sqm. – 22 sqm. – 1 slot for projects undertaken by the streets. Occupied by or intended
every 8 units. government for the under for buildings.
OFF-SITE PARKING privileged and homeless citizens. • ALLEY – a public way 2.00m wide
- OK if located 200m way or less • ECONOMIC HOUSIG – housing intended to break a block, with
from commercial condo. projects provided to average both ends connecting to streets.
- OK if located 100m way or less income families. Must not be used as access to
from residential condo. • AFFORDABLE COST – the most property.
FLOOR ARES FOR CONDOMINIUMS reasonable price based on the • PATHWALK – a public way
• SINGLE OCCUPANCY needs and capabilities of intended to be used only as
- 18 sqm. beneficiaries, and RA 7279. pedestrian access to a property
- 12 sqm. for students • DWELLING – a building for socialized housing projects.
• FAMILY OCCUPANCY designed/used as a residence for Min. width of 3.00m and max.
- 22 sqm. for medium cost one or more families. length of 60.00m.
MIN. LEVEL OF COMPLETION A dwelling on one lot containing - Avoid areas subject to flooding/
- Complete house based on separate living units for multiple hazards.
submitted plans and families. This is usually provided - Preserve trees with caliper dia.
specifications. with common access, services, of 200mm or greater.
and use of land. - Follow easement requirements
❖ BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 220 – • SINGLE-DETACHED – a dwelling set by other codes.
Economic and Socialized Housing for one family completely - Provide major streets with
- Housing units which are within surrounded by one spaces. extensions for future
the affordability level of the • DUPLEX/SINGLE ATTACHED – a
average and low-income SALEABLE VS NON-SALEABLE
dwelling containing two or more
earners, which is equal to 30% of - There is no fixed ratio between
separate living units separated
the gross family income, as saleable and non-saleable lots.
by party walls or firewalls.
Includes duplexes and
BP 220 is different from: - Required for projects that
measure 1 hec. and above.

2|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Area allotted for parks and - Min. area required is expressed
playgrounds are exclusive of in %. Area increases as density
areas for community facilities. (lots/Hec) increase. See table
- Basketball courts = OK - Absolute min – 100sqm.
Density (No. of lots/DU* per Allocation (% of gross area Density (No. of lots/DU* per Allocation (% of gross area
hectare) for PP**) hectare) for PP**)
150 and below 3.5% 150 and below 3.5%
151 - 160 4% 151 - 160 4%
161 - 175 5% 161 - 175 5%
176 - 200 6% 176 - 200 6%
201 - 225 7% 201 - 225 7%
Above 225 9% Above 225 9%
- * Dwelling units
- ** Parks and playgrounds
COMMUNITY FACILITIES – a multi-purpose center is required for projects 1 hectare or bigger, whether socialized or economic.
No. of saleable lots and/or Neighborhood Multi- Convenience/Retail Elementary High Tricycle
dwelling units purpose center* Center** school** school** terminal*
10 & below - - - - -
11 – 99 - - - -
100 – 499 X - - - -
500 – 999 X - - - -
1000 – 1499 X - - - -
1500 – 1999 X X X - X
2000 – 2499 X X X X X
2500 - 3000 x X x X x
- * Mandatory Provision of Area
- ** Optional sealable but when provided in plan the same shall be annotated in the title.
Density (No. of lots/DU* per Allocation (% of gross area Density (No. of lots/DU* per Allocation (% of gross area
hectare) for PP**) hectare) for PP**)
150 and below 1.0 150 and below 1.0
151 – 225 1.5 151 – 225 1.5
Above 225 2.0 Above 225 2.0
- * Dwelling units
- ** Community facilities
CIRCULATION/ROAD PLANNING – Major, Major, , minor,
observe the prescribed road 2.5 has. minor, minor, motor
hierarchies and min. RROW widths and motor motor court,
within the subdivision. below court, court, alley
TABLE 4: HIERARCHY OF ROADS alley path walk Above 10
- -
SIZE MIC 2.5 – 5 Above 15
D - -
RANGE HOUSIN Above 5 Major, – 30
(has) G – 10 collector Above 30 - -


RANGE (has.)
Major Collector Minor Major Collector Minor
2.5 and below 8 - 6.5 8 - 6.5
Above 2.5 – 5.0 10 - 6.5 10 - 6.5
Above 5.0 – 10 10 8 6.5 10 - 6.5
3|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
Above 10 – 15 10 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 15 – 30 12 8 6.5 10 8 6.5
Above 30 15 15 6.5 12 15 6.5
Motor court 6 5 6 5
Alley 2 - - -
Path walk - - 3 -

- PATHWALK provides pedestrian - Economic and socialized housing
access to a property. May be have very similar requirements
used as property access for for RROW.
socialized housing only. Max. - They also have very similar
length = 60 meters. requirements for parks and
SETBACK FOR PUVS playgrounds, and community
- Requirements are the same for
socialized and economic
NOTE: housing.
ALLEY VS. PATHWALK - Depends on RROW width.
- ALLEY beaks a blocks. It must not
be used as access to a property.
Planting Strip (m) Sidewalk (m) Planting Strip (m) Sidewalk (m)
15 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2
12 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2
10 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2
8 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6
6.5 Optional 0.5 Optional 0.5

MIN. LOT AREAS housing project shall be as

Socialize Economi follows:
d c Front setback 1.5m
Single 64 sqm. 72 sqm. Side yard 1.5m
detached Rear yard 2.0m
Duplex 48 sqm. 54 sqm. May be allowed
Rowhous 28 sqm. 36 sqm. abutments per requirements
e of the NBCP.
Socialize Economi - Path walks may only be used as
d c access to property only for
Single socialized housing.
detached COURTS
Corner lot 8.00m 8.00m MIN. FLOOR AREAS
Regular 8.00m 8.00m - Socialized = 18 sqm.
lot - Economic = 22 sqm.
Irregular 4.00m 4.00m MIN. LEVEL OF COMPLETION
lot - Economic housing – complete
Interior 3.00m 3.00m house based on submitted
lot specifications.
- Socialized housing – shell house
Duplex 6.00m 6.00m
with doors and windows to
Rowhous 3.5mm 4.00mm
enclose the unit.
- The min. setback of dwelling unit
both for economic and socialized
4|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
ACCESS TO PROPERTY – the property
must abut a public street. Path walks - Driveway may be used as a
are not allowed as property access. parking area if the min. RROW is
- Portions of the property may be
designed for non-residential use
if the use is harmonious or
OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS compatible with the residential
character of the property.
- Examples: private clinics, offices,
Interior lot 50% 40%
garages, carports.
Inside lot 20% 50%
- Max. 25% of the total residential
Corner lot 10% 30%
- When computing for the non-
• Min. ceiling height – 2.00m residential area, hallways/
• Mezzanine – 1.80m corridors serving both
DOOR HEIGHTS residentials/ non-residential
• 1.8m for bathroom and areas.
mezzanine doors.
• 2.00m for all other doors.
- 800mm = main door
- 700mm = bedroom/service door DISTACE BETWEEN BUILDINGS
- 600mm = bathroom • For 1 – 2 storey building:
WINDOWS - Between buildings – 400m
• Regular rooms – 10% of floor - Between eaves – 1.50m
area • For 3-4 storey buildings:
• Bathrooms – 5% of floor area - Between buildings – 6.00m
STAIRWAYS - Between eaves – 2.00m
• Riser – 250mm max. • For buildings taller than 4 storey:
• Tread – 200mm min. - Between buildings – 10.00m OFF-SITE PARKING
• Width – 600mm min. - Between eaves – 6.00m - Allowed as long as it is NOT more
• Headroom – 2.0m min. • Exception: Blank walls than 100m away.
• Landing-to-landing – 3.6m - Blank wall – a wall with no EXITS AND CORRIDORS
HANDRAILS opening or only minimal - Follow the NBC and the fire
• 800 – 1200mm from floor openings for comfort rooms Code.
• Handrails not required for stairs - When the 2 sides of the buildings
with less than 4 steps. are blank walls, the min. ❖ BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 344 –
LADDER – provide a landing every distances become: ACCESSIBILITY LAW
1.8m of rise. o Between building – 2.00m • OUTSIDE AND AROUND
FIREWALL o Between eaves – 1.00m BUILDINGS
- Required whenever a dwelling PARKING REQUIREMENTS DROPPED CURBS
abuts on a property line. - Follow parking slot sizes in NBC. - Should be provided at walkways
- At least 150mm or 6 inches thick. - For multi-family dwellings and with changes in elevations.
- 300mm extensions above the condominiums, provide 1 slot for - Should be provided at
roof and building edges 8 units. pedestrian crossings and at end
- Ceiling should be of footpaths.
compartmentalized and not - Should be as wide as the crossing
continuous from one space to or should be 900mm wide at
another. min.
- shall be ramped towards
adjoining curbs with a gradient
not more than 1:12.

5|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
the start and end of ramps and
- require full grip should have a
- shall be sloped towards the road - In lengthy or busy walkways, dimension of 30 mm to 50 mm.
with a maximum cross gradient spaces should be provided at - attached to walls should have a
of 1:20 to prevent water from some point along the route so clearance no less than 50 mm
collecting at the walkway. that a wheelchair may pass from the wall. Handrails on
- The lowest point of a dropped another or turn around. These ledges should have a clearance
curb should not exceed 25 mm spaces should have a minimum not less than 40 mm.
from the road or gutter. dimension of 1.50 m and should
be spaced at a maximum
distance of 12:00 m between
- To guide the blind, walkways
• CURB CUT-OUTS should as much as possible
follow straightforward routes
with right angle turns.

- Where planting is provided

adjacent to the walkway, regular
- should only be allowed when it maintenance is essential to
will not obstruct a walkway or in ensure branches of trees or
any way lessen the width of a shrubs do not overhang
walkway. walkways or paths, as not only • OPEN SPACES
- The minimum width of a curb do these present a particular
cut-out should be 0.90 M. danger to the blind, but they also
- should have a gradient not more reduce the effective footways
than 1:12. width available to pedestrians
- Where open spaces are
- Walkway headroom should not
provided, the blind can become
be less than 2.0 m.
• WALKWAYS particularly disoriented.
- Passageways for the disabled
- should be kept as level as Therefore, it is extremely helpful
should not be obstructed by
possible and provided with slip- if any walkway or paths can be
street furniture, bollards, etc.
resistant material. given defined edges either by
- Whenever and wherever the use of planters with dwarf
possible, walkways should have walls, or a grass verge, or similar,
a gradient no more than 1:20 or which provides a texture
5%. different from the path.
- should have a maximum cross • SIGNAGES
gradient of 1:100. - Directional and informational
- minimum width of 1.20m. sign should be located at points
- If possible, gratings should never • HANDRAILS conveniently seen even by a
be located along walkways. - should be installed at both sides person on a wheelchair.
When occurring along walkways, of ramps and stairs and at the - Signs should be kept simple and
grating openings should have a outer edges of dropped curbs. easy to understand; signages
maximum dimension of 13 mm x Handrails at dropped curbs should be made of contrasting
13 mm and shall not project should not be installed beyond colors and contrasting gray
more than 6.5 mm above the the width of any crossing so as matter to make detection and
level of the walkway. not to obstruct pedestrian flow. reading easy.
- should have a continuing surface - shall be installed at 0.90 m and
without abrupt pitches in angle 0.70 m above steps or ramps.
or interruptions by cracks or Handrails for protection at great
breaks creating edges above heights may be installed at 1.0 m
6.50 mm. to 1.06 m.
- A 0.30 m long extension of the
handrail should be provided at
6|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
A. Access Symbol B. Phone C. Elevator D. Parking E. Ramp
A 10 x 10 Toilet, stall doors
A, B, C, D 15 x 15 With or without directional arrows
A, B, C 22 x 22 With or without arrows
A, B, C, D, E 30 x 30 For exterior use
A, B, C, D, E 60 x 60 For exterior use
F 20 x 60 For exterior use

o Be located at the narrowest,

most convenient part of the
- Text on signboards shall be of a o Have central refuges of at
dimension that people with less least 1.5 m in depth and
than normal visual acuity can preferably 2 m, where the
read at a certain distance. width of carriageway to be
crossed exceeds 10 m.
- Should a sign protrude into a - All crossings should be located
walkway or route, a minimum close if not contiguous with the
headroom of 2.0 meters. normal pedestrian desire line.
- on walls and doors should be - Provide tactile blocks in the
located at a maximum height of immediate vicinity of crossings
1.60 M. and a minimum height of as an aid to the blind. The tactile
1.40 meters. CROSSINGS
- to reduce the exposure time to surface has to be sufficiently
- labelling public rooms and places high enough to be felt through
should have raised symbols, vehicular traffic, all at grade
crossing should: the sole of the shoe but low
letters, or numbers with enough not to cause pedestrian
minimum height of 1 mm; braille o Be as near perpendicular to
the carriageway. to trip, or to effect the mobility
symbols should be included of wheelchair users. See details
of recommended pairing slabs below.

o Note: Tactile strips formed from brushed or

grooved concrete finishes have not been proven
successful as they do not provide sufficient
distinction from the normal footway surface and
therefore should not be used.

- Most beneficial form of crossing rather than 1.20 m/sec. which is - Accessible parking spaces should
as far as any disabled are what is normally used. The be located as close as possible to
concerned is the light-controlled minimum period for the steady building entrances or to
crossing having pedestrian green (for pedestrians) should accessible entrances;
phases & synchronized audible not be less than 6 seconds or the - Accessible parking slots should
signals and should, wherever crossing distance times 0.90 have a minimum width of 3.70 m
possible, be provided in m/sec., whichever is the - A walkway from accessible
preference to other types of greatest. spaces of 1.20 m. clear width
crossings as determined by the A. PARKING shall be provided between the
duly authorized agency. - Parking spaces for the disabled front ends of parked cars;
- The flashing green period should allow enough space for a - Provide dropped curbs or curb
required for the disabled should person to transfer to a cut-outs to the parking level
be determined on the basis of a wheelchair from a vehicle; where access walkways are
walking speed of 0.90 m/sec. raised;

7|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Pavement markings, signs or delineate parking spaces for the - Parking spaces for the disabled
other means shall be provided to handicapped; should never be located at
ramped or sloping areas.
- One (1) entrance level should be provided where
elevators are accessible;
- In case entrances are not on the same level of the site
arrival grade, ramps should be provided as access to the
entrance level;

B. INSIDE BUILDINGS AND STUCTURES - Entrances with vestibules shall be provided a level area
• ENTRANCES with at least a 1.80 m. depth and a 1.50 m. width;
- should be accessible from arrival and departure points
to the interior lobby;
• RAMPS railing across the full width of its - Protection should be provided
- Changes in level require a ramp lower end, not less than 1.80 from doors that swing into
except when served by a meters from the foot of the corridors;
dropped curb, an elevator or ramp.
other mechanical device;
- Ramps shall have a minimum
clear width of 1.20 m;
- The maximum gradient shall be
- The length of a ramp should not
exceed 6:00 m. if the gradient is
1:12; longer ramps whose
gradient is 1:12 shall be provided - Out swinging doors should be
with landings not less than 1.50 • DOOR provided at storage rooms,
m.; - All doors shall have a minimum closets, and accessible restroom
- A level area not less than 1.80 m. clear width of 0.80 m; stalls;
should be provided at the top - Clear openings shall be - Latching/non-latching hardware
and bottom of any ramp; measured between the surface should not require wrist action
- Handrails will be provided on of the fully open door at the or fine finger manipulation;
both sides of the ramp at 0.70 m. hinge and the door jamb at the
and 0.90 m. from the ramp level; stop;
- should be operable by a pressure
or force not more than 4.0 kg;
the closing device pressure an
interior door shall not exceed 1
- minimum clear level space of
1.50 m x 1.50 m shall be provided
before and extending beyond a - Doorknobs and other hardware
door; should be located between 0.82
o AEXCEPTION: where a door m. and 1.06 m. above the floor;
- Ramps shall be equipped with shall open onto but not into 0.90 is preferred; 3.9 Vertical
curbs on both sides with a a corridor, the required pull handles, centered at 1.06 m.
minimum height of 0.10 m. clear, level space on the above the floor, are preferred to
- Any ramp with a rise greater corridor side of the door horizontal pull bars for swing
than 0.20 m. and leads down may be a minimum of 1.20 doors or doors with locking
towards an area where vehicular m. corridor width; devices; 3.10 Doors along major
traffic is possible, should have a
circulation routes should be
8|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
provided with kick plates made
of durable materials at a height
of 0.30 m. to 0.40 m;


- Accessible water closet stalls
shall have a minimum area of
1.70 x 1.80 mts.
• THRESHOLDS - Tread surfaces should be a slip-
- shall be kept to a minimum; resistant material; nosing may
whenever necessary, thresholds be provided with slip-resistant
and sliding door tracks shall have strips to further minimize
a maximum height of 25 mm and slipping:
preferably ramped; - Slanted nosing’s are preferred to
projecting nosing so as not to
- One movable grab bar and one pose difficulty for people using
fixed to the adjacent wall shall be crutches or braces whose feet
installed at the accessible water tend to get caught in the
closet stall for lateral mounting; recessed space or projecting
• SWITCHES fixed grab bars on both sides of nosing’s. For the same reason,
- Manual switches shall be the wall shall be installed for open stringers should be
positioned within 1.20 m to 1.30 stalls for frontal mounting avoided.
m above the floor; - Min. of 2 accessible water
- Manual switches should be closets on each floor level (or on
located no further than 0.20 that part of a floor accessible to
from the latch side of the door. the PWD) where the total
number of water closets per sex
exceed 20.
- The maximum height of water
closets should be 0.45 m.; flush
control should have a maximum
height of 1.20 mts.

- The leading edge of each step on

both runner and riser should be
- shall have min. clear width of
marked with a paint or non-skid
1.20 m.; waiting areas and other
material that has a color and
facilities or spaces shall not
gray value which is in high
obstruct the minimum clearance
contrast to the gray value of the
rest of the stairs; markings of this
- turnabout spaces should be
sort would be helpful to the
provided for wheelchairs to turn
visually impaired as well as to the
around or to enable another
fully sighted person;
wheelchair to pass; these spaces
- Maximum height of lavatories - A tactile strip 0.30 m. wide shall
shall have a minimum area of
should be 0.80 m. with a knee be installed before hazardous
1.50 m x 1.50 m. and shall be
recess of 0.60 - 0.70 M. vertical. areas such as sudden changes in
spaced at a maximum of 12.00
- clearance and a 0.50 m. depth. floor levels and at the top and
- Urinals should have an bottom of stairs; special care
- Turnabout spaces should also be
elongated lip or through type; must be taken to ensure the
provided at or within 3.50 m. of
the maximum height of the lip proper mounting or adhesion of
every dead end;
should be 0.48 m. tactile strips so as not to cause

9|A R C H5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Accessible elevators should be instructional signs shall be
located not more than 30.00 m. locked at a maximum of 1.10 m.
from the entrance. above the floor.
- shall have a minimum dimension
of 1.10 m. x 1.40 m.

- If the footway width will be

reduced to less than 1.20
because of the excavation, the
- Number of seating
temporary covering should
accommodations reserved for
extend across the whole of the
wheelchair users shall be in
accordance with Section 7 of the
- Effective width of footways past
Rule III.
any obstruction should not be
less than 1.20 M.

- Button sizes at elevator control

panels shall have a minimum
diameter of 20 mm and should
have a maximum depression
depth of 1 mm;
• FENCING FOR ROADWORKS AND - If unavoidable, loose materials
FOOTWORKS temporarily stored on footways
must be properly fenced and
prevented from encroaching
onto the main footway by the
use of a kickboard at least 0.20
M. high which will also serve as a
tapping board for the blind.

- The height of the top of the rail

should be at least 1.00 M. above
• WATER FOUNTAINS the adjacent surface.
- At least 1 fountain shall be - The railing should incorporate a
provided for every 2,000 sqm. of tapping rail to assist the blind,
floor area and there shall not be and this should not be greater
less than 1 on each floor. than 0.35 M. above adjacent
Waterspouts shall be at the front surface. The fence should be
and shall be push-button strong enough to offer
controlled. If wall-mounted, the resistance should a blind person
maximum height of the water walk into it. Gaps should not
occur between adjoining fence • SIGNAGE FOR ROADWORKS ON
fountain shall be 0.85 m. from
the floor to the ro,.
- Provide a clear, unobstructed - Excavations in the footway or
space of 1.50 m x 1.50 m in front carriageway where pedestrians
of mall mounted and free- may walk are covered over
standing units. Booth door temporarily with properly - should be located on verges or
openings should have a constructed and supported similar whenever these are
minimum clear width of 0.80 m. boards to provide a temporary available
with either outswing, folding or path for pedestrians. - should not reduce the available
sliding doors, coin slots, dialing footway width to less than 1.20
controls, receivers and M.

10 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
occupants who are either deaf or • MEANS OF EGRESS - Is a
hearing-impaired shall be continuous and unobstructed
compulsory. Nothing follows. route of exit from one point in a
building, structure, or facility to a
❖ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9514 – FIRE public way.
- Repeals PD 1185 (the old Fire which a building or portion
• LOCATION OF EMERGENCY EXIT Code). thereof is used or intended to be
- Wall mounted or freestanding RULE 3 – DEFINITION OF TERMS used.
tablets with an embossed plan • ABATEMENT – Any act that • OCCUPANT - The maximum
configuration of the building would remove or neutralize a number of persons that may be
which also shows the location of fire hazard. allowed to occupy a particular
the lobby, washrooms and • AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESION building, structure, or facility, or
emergency exits of the building SYSTEM – An integrated system portions hereof.
(indicated by different textures of underground or overhead • SPRINKLER SYSTEM - An
with corresponding meanings) piping or both connected to a integrated network of
should be provided either in source of extinguishing agent or hydraulically designed piping
front of the building or at the medium and designed in system installed in a building,
main lobby. The markings of this accordance with fire protection structure or area with outlets
tablet should be readable by engineering standards which, arranged in a systematic pattern
both the fully sighted and the when actuated by its automatic which automatically discharges
blind persons. detecting device, suppresses water when activated by heat or
fires within the area protected. combustion products from a fire.
• STANDPIPE - A system of vertical • FIRE HAZARD - Any condition or
pipes in a building to which fire act which increases or may cause
hoses can be attached on each an increase in the probability of
floor, including a system by the occurrence of fire, or which
which water is made available to may obstruct, delay, hinder or
water outlets as needed. interfere with firefighting
• FIRE ALARM - Any visual or operations and the safeguarding
audible signal produced by a of life and property.
- Flashing light directional signs device or system to warn the • FIRE TRAP - A building unsafe in
indicating the location(s) of fire occupants of the building or case of fire because it will burn
exit shall be provided at every firefighting elements of the easily or because it lacks
change in direction with presence or danger of fire. adequate exits or fire escapes.
sufficient power provided in • FIRE ALERTING SYSTEM - A fire • FIRE LANE - The portion of a
accordance with the provisions alarm system activated by the roadway or public way that
for emergency lighting under presence of fire, where the should be kept opened and
Section 3.410 of P.D. NO. 1185 signal is transmitted to unobstructed at all times for the
(The Fire Code of the Philippines) designated locations instead of expedient conduct of firefighting
• AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE ALARM sounding a general alarm. operations.
- Audio-visual alarm systems shall prevent the spread of fire, SAFETY MEASURES.
be provided in all fire sections, as having a fire resistance rating of GENERAL ENFORCEMENT
defined under P.D. NO. 1185 not less than four (4) hours with - Inspection of all buildings shall
otherwise known as The Fire sufficient structural stability to be done by the Fire Marshall.
Code of the Philippines, of remain standing even if - Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
buildings in accordance with the construction on either side (FSIC) shall be a prerequisite for
guidelines provided under collapses under fire conditions. permits. Licenses, including:
Section 3.503 of the same. • FLAME RETARDANT - Any o Occupancy permit
- For buildings of residential compound or mixture which o Business permit
occupancies, i.e., Groups A and when applied properly improves - The Fire Marshall and the
B, as defined under Section 701, the resistivity or fire resistance Building Official shall review
of Chapter 7 of P.D. NO. 1096 quality of fabrics and other designs/drawings and issue the
otherwise known as the "The materials. Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance
National Building Code of the • HIGH-RISE BUILDING - Buildings, (FSEC) if the design is
Philippines", the provision of structures, or facilities fifteen determined to be in accordance
"VIBRA-ALARMS" for all (15) meters or more in height. with the Fire Code.
11 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
BUILDING PLAN REVIEW - Documentation submitted by - You want them to release FSIC
- 6 sets of plans are sent from the the Contractor/s and the CM after inspection so you prepare
Building Official to the Fire certifying that the construction FALAR 2.
Marshall for review. was in accordance with the • SCENARIO 3 – BUSINESS PERMIT
- A plan Evaluator review the FALAR 1. - You need to get/review a
drawings. - a compilation report of all business permit so you need an
- Based on findings, the FSEC will approved submittals, test, and FSIC.
either be released or denied. acceptance forms - You need an FSIC so you need an
o Note: FALAR 1 is required - shall be include in the as-built inspection.
before plan review. documents given by contractor - You want them to release the
INSPECTION DURING to owner. FSIC after inspection so you
- The Fire Marshall shall conduct - Documentation on the required RULE 10: FIRE SAFETY MEASURES
inspections during construction periodic maintenance and • MENS OF EGRESS
to ensure that plans are being upkeep of the fire and life-safety - A continuous, unobstructed
followed. features of the facility. route of exit from any point in
INSPECTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION - written report prepared by the the building to a public way.
- The Fire Marshall needs to building owner, his fire safety - Shall be integral on permanently
conduct another inspection officer affixed to a building.
before the Building Official can - a compilation of the 41 - Min. width – 915mm
issue an occupancy permit. maintenance and testing • NUMBER OF EXITS
- When the Building Official records. - For any storey, mezzanine,
receives an application for FSEC balcony, etc.
occupancy permit, the Fire - Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance o 0 – 499 occupant load – 2
Marshall shall be notified. - released once building plans and exits.
- Fire Marshall conducts specs are found to be in o 500 – 1,000 occupant load –
inspection. accordance with the Fire Code. 3 exits
- If OK, the Fire Marshall issues the - Required for building permits. o 1,000 or more – 4 exits
FSIC and notifies the Building FSIC • TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXXITS
Official - Fire Safety Inspection Certificate - Depends on occupancy
o Note: FALAR 2 is required - Certifies that the building was - For individual rooms with max.
issuance of FSIC. inspected and was found to be O.I. of 6:
FALAR – Fire and Life Safety OK. o 15 meters from any point in
Assessment Report - Required for occupancy permits, the room.
• FALAR 1 – Documentation on business permits, permits to • DISCHARGE FROM EXITS
safety features of the facility. operate, PHILHEALTH - Exits should terminate directly at
• FALAR 2 – Documentation accreditation for hospitals. DOH a public way or an exit discharge.
submitted by contractor/CM License to operate. o Exit discharge: Yards, courts,
certifying that construction was MAKING SENSE OF EVERYTHING open spaces, etc.
in accordance with FALAR 1. • SCENARIO 1 – BUILDING PERMIT - Exits that continue beyond the
• FALAR 3 – Documentation of - You need a building permit, so floor of discharge: provide an
periodic maintenance. you need an FSEC interruption.
FALAR APPLICABILITY - You need a FSEC, so you need a • DOORS
- For all building: building plan review. - Provide a self-closing mechanism
o FALAR 1 - You need a building review so for exit door.
o FALAR 2 you prepare FALAR 1 along with - Clear opening: 710mm –
- For buildings with occupant load other requirements (6 sets of 1220mm.
at least 50: drawings, etc.). - Max. threshold height: 13mm
• FALAR 1 PERMIT - A mechanical device which when
- Documentation on safety - You’re done with construction so pushed from the inside will
features of the facility. you need an occupancy permit. cause the door to open
- A written report prepared by the - You need an occupancy permit - Max. required force: 7kg-f
Architect and his Fire Protection so you need an FSIC. - 2/3 the width of the door
Consultant. - You need and FSIC so you need - 760mm – 1120mm above the
- A compilation of plans and specs an inspection. floor
and design analysis. • STAIRS

12 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- All stairways designated as a continuous from the uppermost o New stairs
means of egress should be floor level to the ground floor. o Existing stairs
- 2 sets of requirements:
TABLE 2: DIMENSIONAL CRITERIA FOR NEW STAIRS Max. height between landings 2660 144
Dimensional Criteria TABLE 4: NEW STAIR WIDTH
mm in Total Cumulative Occupant Load Width
Min. Width See table 4 Assigned to the Stair mm in
Max. height of risers 180 7 <2000 persons 1120 44
Min. height of risers 100 4 >2000 persons 1420 56
Min. tread depth 280 11 HANDRAILS
Min. headroom 2000 80 - 760mm – 865mm from upper surface of tread
Max. height between landings 3660 144 RAMPS
Dimensional Criteria mm in
mm in Min. width clear of all
Min. width clear of all obstructions, except projections
obstructions, except projections not more than 4½ in. (114mm) at 1120 44
not more than 114 mm (4½ in) at 915 36 / below handrail height on each
or below handrail height on each side
side Max. slope 1 in 12
Max. height of risers 205 8 Max. cross slope 1 in 48
Min. tread depth 230 9 Maxi. rise for a single ramp run 760 30
Min. headroom 2000 80
• FIRE ESCAPE STAIRS - Automatic fire department MIN. CORRIDOR WIDTH
- Allowed as means of egress only notification is required for: - If serving 50 or more persons:
in existing buildings. o High-rise building 1120mm
- Should not constitute more than o Hospitals TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXITS
50% of required exit capacity. o Schools, hotels, apartments, - 61m if with sprinkler system
• LADDER 4 storeys or taller. - 46m if without sprinkler system.
- Not allowed as fire escape or o Malls SEATING
means of egress. • WET STANDPIPES - Rows of seats back-to-back-
• EXIT MARKING - Requires for the following: 830mm
- Label all exits as “EXIT”. o Assembly occupancies with - At least 300mm from back one of
- Provide directional signs for at least 1,000 occupant load. seat to front of the next seat.
locations where the directions of o Schools, hospitals, business, - Seats between aisles – 14 max.
travel to exit is not obvious. hotels, etc. 4 storeys or - Seats between wall and aisles – 7
- The word “EXIT” should be in taller. - Seats w/o arms – allot
letters at least 15cm high with o Hazardous occupancies 600mm/person.
strokes of letters at least 19mm exceeding 1,860 sqm per MIN. WIDTH OF AISLES
wide. floor. - If 60 seats or less – 760mm
• EMERGENCY EVALUATION PLAN - Exceptions: - If more than 60 seats:
- Min. dimension: letter size. o Building with an approved o Ingle-loaded aisle – 915mm
- Posted in strategic and sprinkler system. o Double-loaded aisle –
conspicuous locations. - All portions of the building must 1220mm
- Photoluminescent background. be within 6 meters of a nozzle - Measured farthest from exit
• PROTECTION OF VERTICAL attached to a 22.00m long hose. - Widens 25mm for each meter
OPENINGS - Min. of 64mm dia. towards exit.
chutes & other vertical openings OCCUPANT LOAD Occupant load
shall be enclosed or protected to - Concentrated use without fixed - Classroom – 1.80sqm/person
prevent the spread of fire, seats, such as auditoriums, - Shops, laboratories – 4.60sqm/
except if protected by automatic places of worship, dance floors: person
fire suppression systems. 0.65 sqm/person. - Dry nurseries with sleeping
• FIRE ALARMS - Less concentrated use such as facilities – 3.30sqm/person
- Notifies occupants of the conference rooms, dining rooms, - Rooms with greater than 50
building and, when required, guys: 1.40sqm/person. occupants shall be treated as a
emergency forces. - Standing rooms/waiting space: place of assembly.
0.28sqm/person. NUMBER OF EXITES
13 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- At least two exits from any room o Within any unit to nearest - 61m if with sprinkler system
with capacity of 50 or more exit – 15.50m, one storey - 46m if without sprinkler system.
persons, or area of more than away max. • HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS
93sqm. o From apartment entrance to - A building in which the distance
TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXITS exit – 31.00m or 46.50m if between the floor of the
- 61m if with sprinkler system with sprinklers. topmost storey and the ground
- 46m if without sprinkler system. • SINGLE AND 2-FAMILY level is 15.00m or more.
MIN. CORRIDOR WIDTH DWELLINGS - Building height shall be
- 1.83m - In dwellings w/ more than 2 measured from the lowest level
• SPECIAL SUPERVISION FOR rooms, every habitable room of fire department vehicles
PRESCHOOLS shall have at least 2 means of access to the floor of the highest
- Rooms used for preschoolers, escape, at least 1 w/c is a occupiable storey.
first grade and second grade door/stairway. SPRINKLER REQUIREMENTS
pupils shall not be located below - No habitable room shall be - All high-rise buildings shall be
or above the floor of exit accessible only by a ladder, provided with a fully electrically
discharge. folding stairs, or through a trap supervised sprinkler system.
- Sleeping departments – 11.1sqm - Every sleeping room = 1 - Occupant load – 9.30sqm/
/ person. windows min. person
- In-patient treatment - No exit access from sleeping - Min. corridor width – 1120mm
department – 22.3sqm/person. rooms to outside shall be less - Travel distance:
DOOR WIDTHS than 900mm wide o 46m if with sprinkler
- 1120mm – sleeping rooms, - Doors in the path of travel o 30m if without sprinkler
diagnostic and treatment rooms should be 700mm min.
(surgery, X-ray, PT, etc.) • MERCANTILE ❖ PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 1096 –
- 910mm – all other rooms. - Stores, markets, malls, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF
OCCUPANT LOADS supermarkets, department THE PHILLIPINES.
- 11.1sqm / person stores, restaurants of less than RULE 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS
TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXITS 50 occupants - To provide a framework of min.
- Between any room door o CLASS A – Gross area of standards and requirements for
intended as exit access and an 2,787sqm or more, 3 floors all buildings in order to regulate
exit – 30.00m o CLASS B - Gross area of 287- their location, design, quality of
- Between any point in the room – 2787sqm or more, 2 floors materials, construction, and use.
46.00m o CLASS C - Gross area less SCOPE OF APPLICATION
- Any point in a sleeping room to than 287sqm or more, - Applies to the design, location,
the door in that room – 10.00m street floor only. siting, construction, alteration,
RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANT LOAD repair, conversion, use,
• HOTELS - Street floor or below street floor occupancy, maintenance,
- Min. corridor width – 1120mm – 2.80sqm moving, demolition of and
- Min. umber of exits – 2 for every - Upper floors – 5.60sqm addition to public and private
floor - Floors are not open to buildings, except traditional
TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXITS public/offices – 9.30sqm dwellings and BP 220 projects.
o From room door to exit – - Covered malls – 2.8sqm/person. DEFINITION OF TERMS
o From guest suite to corridor - 30m if with sprinkler system work done from site
door – 23.00m (w/o - 46m if without sprinkler system. preparation, excavation,
sprinklers). • BUSINESS foundation, assembly of all the
o From guest suite to corridor - Other than mercantile components and installation of
door – 30.00m (w/ - That typically involve services utilities and equipment of
sprinklers). and not the display and sale of buildings/structure.
• APPARTMENT BUILDINGS merchandise. • ADDITION – any new
- Min. corridor width - Example: construction which increases the
o For less than 50 persons – Doctor/Lawyer/dentist’s office, height or area of an existing
910mm internet shops, barbershops, building/structure.
o For more than 50 persons – general offices. • ALTERATION – construction in a
1120mm OCCUPANT LOAD building/structure involving
- Travel distance to exits: - 9.30sqm/person changes in the materials used,
TRAVEL DISTANCE TO EXITS partitioning, location/size of

14 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
openings, structural parts, of which does not exceed o Garden pools 500mm deep
existing utilities, and equipment PHP15,000. or shallower
but does not increase the overall PROHIBITED ACTS o Garden masonry walls not
area thereof. - Proceeding with work without a exceeding 1.20m in height.
• RENOVATION – any physical permit. - REPAIRS
change made on a building/ - Unauthorized deviations from o Not involving structural
structure to increase its value, the drawings during members
utility and/or to improve its construction o Of non-load bearing
aesthetic quality. - Non-compliance with work partition walls
• CONVERSION – a change in the stoppage order. o Not involving addition or
use/occupancy of a building/ - Non-compliance with order to alteration
structure or any portion/s demolish. o Of doors, windows, floors,
thereof which has different - Use of a building w/o securing a fences, and walls.
requirements. Certificate of Occupancy o Of plumbing fixtures.
• REPAIR – remedial work done on - Change in use w/o the PERMIT REQUIREMENTS
any damaged/deteriorated corresponding Cert. of Change of - Application forms
portion/s of a building/structure Use. - If lot is owned
to restore its original condition. - Failure to post Cert. of o OCT or TCT
• DEMOLITION – the systematic Occupancy. o Tax declaration
dismantling or destruction of a - Change in type of construction o Current real property tax
building/ structure, in whole or w/o permit. receipt.
in part. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS - If lot is not owned
• ANCILLARY BUILDING/ - Structural Hazard o Contract of Lease or Deed of
STRUCTURE – a secondary - Fire hazard Absolute Sale in place of
building/structure located - Unsafe electrical wiring TCT.
within the same premises, the - Unsafe mechanical installation - 5 sets of plans & specs, signed &
use of which is incidental to that - Inadequate sanitation and sealed by various professionals.
of the main building/structure. health facilities. ISSUANCE OF PERMITS
RULE 2 – ADMINISTRATION + - Architectural deficiency. - 15 days from payment of fees.
THE SECRETARY – secretary of DPWH - Repair - Art. 1723 of the Civil Code states
- Duties includes: - Vacation that the engineer/architect who
o Policy making - Demolition drew up the plans and specs. is
o Memorandum circulars RULE 3 - liable for 15 years from
o Prescription of fees BUILDING PERMIT completion of the building
o Appointment of building - A written authorization granted should it collapse due to defects
officials in all municipalities. by the Building Official to an in plans or the ground.
THE BUILDING OFFICIAL applicant allowing him to - In case the building collapses due
- Tasked with the enforcement of proceed with construction after to defects in construction or the
the code in his jurisdiction plans, specification and other use of inferior materials, the
- Issues, denies, suspends, and pertinent documents have been contractor, along with the
revokes permits found to be in conformity with construction supervision, shall
- Undertakes inspection of the Code. be liable.
- Acts on claims - Before constructing, altering, - Construction does not
FEES repairing, converting, moving, commence w/in 1 year from
- The DPWH Secretary prescribes adding to, demolishing a date of issue.
the fees building. - Construction does not resume
- The Building Official collect the BUILDING PERMIT EXCEMPTION 120 days after suspension/
fees. - MINOR CONSTRUCTION abandonment of work.
- Public buildings less detached from other REVOCATION
- Traditional family dwelling buildings, for private use - Errors in plans and specs.
o A dwelling intended for the only. (Ex.: sheds, poultry - Incorrect/inaccurate data
use by one family and house, greenhouse) declared
constructed of native o Open terraces/patios not - Non-compliance w/ the Code.
materials (bamboo, nipa, exceeding 20sqm. INSPECTION + SUPERVISION
logs, lumber), the total cost o Window grilles

15 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- The owner of the building must - Incombustible exterior walls 1. NON-FIRE RESTRICTED ZONES
engage the services of a licensed • TYPE IV - All types of construction allowed
architect/civil engineer to - Steel, iron, concrete, or masonry 2. FIRE RESTRICTIVE ZONES
undertake the full-time construction - Type I construction not allowed
inspection and supervision of the - Incombustible interiors (ceilings, 3. HIGH FIRE RESTRICTIVE ZONES
construction. walls) - Type I, II, and III not allowed.
• TYPE I - Four-hour fire resistive - Shall be considered as part of the
- Wood construction throughout more restrictive zone if more
• TYPE II - Structural elements of steel, than 1/3 of its total floor area is
- Wood construction with fire- iron, concrete or masonry in that zone.
- One hour fire-resistive FIRE ZONES – an area w/in which only - The degree to which a material
throughout certain types of construction are can withstand fire.
• TYPE III allowed, based on their occupancy, - Usually expressed in the form of
- Masonry and wood construction type of construction, and resistance a time period rating (how long a
- One hour fire resistive to fire. material can withstand being
throughout FIRE ZONE DESIGNATIONS burned).


Min. thickness (in mm for the given fire resistance
Type of Assembly and Materials
4 hrs. 3 hrs. 2 hrs. 1 hrs.
Floor construction
• Solid R.C. slab
- Average cover to reinforcement 25 25 20 15
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100
Solid pre-stressed
• Concrete Slab
- Average cover to tendons 65 50 40 25
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100
- Solid concrete 175 175 150 125
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 125
- Hollow unit masonry 300 250 200 150
Protection for metal structural members
- Concrete 75 50 38 25
- Masonry 100 75 55 38
- Metal lath with vermiculite or perlite gypsum plaster 50 38 20 12

RULE 7 – OCCUPANCIES + ZONES + • J – Accessory − A1: Residential building for

REQUIREMENTS ZONING single family occupants.
OCCUPANCY VS ZONING • R – Residential − A2: Residential building for non-
- Occupancies are assigned to • C – Commercial leasing occupants not exceeding
buildings, while zones are • GI – General Institution 10 persons.
assigned to lands. • I – Industrial B – RESIDENTIALS, HOTELS,
OCCUPANCIES • UTS – Utilities, Transportation, APARTMENTS
• A – Residential Dwellings services - Multiple dwelling units including
• B – Residentials, hotels, • SPE – Special boarding or lodging houses,
apartments • PRE – Park structure, recreation, hotels, apartment buildings,
• C – Education and recreation entertainment rowhouses, convents,
• D – Institutional • CUL – Cultural monasteries, and other similar
• E – Business and mercantile • A – Agriculture building each of w/c
• F – Industrial • AI – Agro-industrial accommodates more than 10
• G – Storage and hazardous • PUD – Planned unit development
• H – Assembly other than Group OCCUPANCIES C – EDUCATION + RECREATION
1. A – RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS - Building used for school/day-
• I – Assembly with 1,000 or more care purposes not classified in
occupant load Group H or I occupancies.
16 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
D – INSTITUTIONAL - J1: Agricultural structures - Ex: shopping centers
- D1: Institutions where personal - J2: Carports/garages, fences, • C3 – METROPOLITAN
liberties are restrained (mental towers, and pools. COMMERCIAL
hospitals, jails) - J3: Stages, courts, tombs, - Metropolitan in scale
- D2: Institutions for the care of mausoleums, zoos, and banks. - Medium to high-rise buildings (3
non-ambulatory patients and ZONES – 5 storeys)
children under kindergarten age. R - RESIDENTIAL - Very high intensity trade.
- D3: Institutions for ambulatory • R1 – LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - Ex: Large to very large shopping
patients and homes for children ZONE malls
over kindergarten age. - Characterized by single-family GI – GENERAL INSTITUTIONAL
E – BUSINESS + MERCANTILE and single-detached dwellings. - Community to national level of
- E1: No work is done except • R2 – MEDIUM-DENSITY institutional use. Low-rise to
exchange of parts, maintenance RESIDENTIAL ZONE high-rise.
without open flame, welding, or - Characterized by low-rise single- - Two types:
highly flammable liquids attached, duplex, or multilevel o Education/recreation
(gasoline filling station, storage buildings for use as multiple o Medical/Government
garage) family dwellings. I – INDUSTRIAL
- E2: Wholesale and retail stores, - Further subclassified into: • I1 – LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE
office buildings, dining o Basic R2 – single attached or - Low-rise but sprawling
establishments. duplex, 1 – 3 floors - Low-intensity manufacturing
- E3: Aircraft hangars and open o Max. R2 – Low-rise multiple • I2 – MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL USE
parking garages (no repair building, 3 – 5 floors. - Low-rise but sprawling
works). • R3 – HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - Medium-intensity
- Ice plants, power plants, - Characterized low-rise or UTS – UTILITIES, TRANSPORTATION,
pumping plants, cold storage, medium-rise buildings for use as SERVICES)
factories, and workshops using multiple family dwellings. - Utilitarian, functional uses
incombustible and non- - Includes low-rise or medium-rise - Low-rise to medium rise
explosive materials. condominium buildings. - Low to high-intensity community
G – STORAGE + HAZARDOUS - Further subclassified into: support functions
- G1: Medium industrial, storage o Basic R3 – Rowhouses 1 – 3 - 2 clusters:
of highly flammable materials. storeys high o Transportation terminals,
- G2: Medium industrial, storage o Max. R3 – Medium-rise intermodals, depots
of flammable materials: dry multilevel structure 6 – 12 o Power/water generation/
cleaning plants, paint stores, storeys high. distribution, telcos, waste
spray-painting rooms. • R4 – MEDIUM TO HIGH DENSITY management facilities
- G3: Medium industrial RESIDENTIAL ZONE SPE – SPECIAL
structures where loose - Characterized by low-rise - Other vertical facilities not yet
combustible fibers are townhouses or buildings for use mentioned
generated: wood working as multiple family dwellings. - Included cemeteries and
establishments. - Refers to structures on an memorial parks.
H – ASSEMBLY FOR LESS THAN 1,000 individual lot (“townhouse”) PRE – PARKS, RECREATION,
- H1: Assemble building with stage • R5 – VERY HIGH-DENSITY ENTERTAINMENT
for less than 1,000 RESIDENTIAL ZONE - Low to medium rise
- H2: Assemble building without - Characterized by medium rise to - Low to medium intensity
stage for 300 or more. high-rise condominiums recreational functions related to
- H3: Assemble building without C – COMMERCIAL educational uses (parks on
stage for less than 300. • C1 – LIGHT COMMERCIAL campus, other recreational/
- H4: Recreational/tourism - Neighborhood to community in assembly structures on campus).
developments not included in scale CUL – CULTURAL
other H classification (stadiums, - Low-rise buildings (1 – 3 storeys) - Community to national level of
reviewing stands, and - Low-intensity trade/activity. use or occupancy
amusement park). - Ex: small shopping centers - Low-rise to medium rise.
- Any assembly building w/ stage - City/municipal in scale - Low to medium rise
and an occupant load of 1,000 or - Medium-rise buildings (3 – 5 - Low to high intensity agricultural
more. storeys) activity
J – JACCESSORY - Medium to rise intensity trade
17 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Includes farms, but also offices • R3 – 2 configurations are - Given in Table VII.2 on page 89
and facilities for agricultural allowed: - Depends on zoning
research and training. - Option A: 2 sides BUILDING HEIGHT MEASURED
AI – AGROINDUSTRIAL o Max. 85% of each side - From established grade line to
- Low rise o Total should not exceed 65% the topmost portion of the
- Low to high intensity agro- of lot perimeter building
industrial activity o 2-storeys high only - Excludes allowed projections
- Includes offices and facilities for - Option B: 1 side + rear above the roof, like:
agro-industrial education and o 90% of side or rear (up to o Signage
research. 100% for rear if only 4m) o Masts
PUD – PLANNED UNIT o Total should not exceed 50% o Antenna or telecom tower
- Land development/redelopment o 2-storeys high for side, BUILDING
schemes for a new project which 3.20m high for rear - If roof is flat, top = rooftop
has a CDMP (Comprehensive • R4 – 2 sides - If roof is sloping, top = middle of
Development Masterplan) or - Max. 85% of each side roof height
equivalent - Total should not exceed 50% of • HEIGHT LIMIT PROJECTIONS
- Ex: Bonifacio Global City lot perimeter
MIXED OCCUPANCIES - Max. height: 3-storeys
• RULE OF THUMB – the building • R5 – 2 configurations allowed:
adheres to the stricter - Option A: 2 sides
requirements. o Max. 75% of each side
• Exceptions: o Total should not exceed 50%
o If it’s a 1-storey building, in of lot perimeter.
which case each portion o Max. height: 8-storeys
shall conform to applicable - Option B: 2 side + rear
rules o Max. 65% of side and 50% of
o If the minor occupancy does rear - Towers, spires, and steeples
not exceed 10% of the o Total should not exceed 60% o If made of combustible
building, in which case it is of lot perimeter materials: 6.0m above BHL
ignored. o Max. height: 8-storeys for o If made of incombustible
LOCATION OF PROPERTY side, 14m for rear. materials: limited only by
• RIGHT OF WAY – no building • COMMERCIAL, INSTITUTIONAL, structural design.
shall be constructed unless it AND INDUSTRIAL:
adjoins or has direct access to a - Firewalls allowed on the ff.
public, yard, or street on at least conditions:
1 of its sides. o Provide sprinklers systems
• EAVES OVER WINDOWS – shall at o Install fire-retardant or fire-
least be 750mm from the side suppression devices
and rear property lines. o Max. 70% of lot perimeter
• FIREWALL – a fireproof barrier o RROW setbacks are
used to prevent the spread of complied with.
fire between or through • TGFA – TOTAL GROSS FLOOR
buildings. It is important because AREA
when they are built, the building - The total floor space inside the
or part of the building extends building
into the setbacks. - Keyword: inside/enclosed
ALLOWABLE FIREWALLS - Includes services/parking (unlike
• R1 – Not allowed GFA).
- However, an abutment up to • ALLOWABLE MAX. TGFA • BHL + RROW
3.20m high is OK for carports - Table VII.1, p.84 of Rule 7&8 - The RROW width also dictates
provided that above 1.50m, the - Format: number of floor x the BHL:
abutment shall be constructed of footprint o 6 – 7m RROW: 3.0 storeys or
perforated concrete blocks. - Depends on the ff: 9.0m
• R2 – one side only o Lot type o 4 – 5m RROW: 2.5 storeys or
- Max. 80% of the length of side o Zoning 7.5m
property line. o Use of firewalls o 0 – 3m RROW: 2.0 storeys or

18 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Only exceptions: PUD - Reserved or leased parking slots o The part of the lot occupied
• PARKING SLOT SIZES may also serve the parking by the building (AKA
Vehicle Width Length requirements if: building footprint expressed
of of o The slots are in a permanent in %.)
parking parking parking building and not in a • TOSL = Total open space within
slot slot vacant parking lot. lot
Car o The said parking building is: o The part of the lot NOT
Perpendicular 25.0m 5.00m ▪ Not more than 100m occupied by the following
parking away, if residential - TLA = PSO + TOSL
Parallel 2.15m 6.00m ▪ Not more than 200m • USA = Unpaved surface area
parking away, if commercial o The portion of the open
Jeepney 3.00m 9.00m • MANEUVERING SPACE space that is unpaved.
Standard 3.60m 12.00m • ISA = Impervious of the open
truck/bus space that is paved
Articulated 3.60m 18.00m o The portion of the open
truck space that is paved.
- If highly urbanized, 1 slot for • MACA = PSO + ISA
every 3 rooms. o Hence, TLA = MACA + USA
- If not, 1 slot for every 7 rooms o Note: MACA stands for Max.
- 2 tourist bus parking slots - Using the RROW as a Allowable Construction
- 1 loading slot for articulated maneuvering space is not Area
truck. allowed • AMBF = Allowable max. building
• CHURCHES - To prevent this, direct access of footprint
- For every 50sqm. of parking/loading/utility slots to o Footprint expressed in
congregation area, provide: the RROW shall be disallowed. square meters.
o 1 car slot • FRONT YARDS AS PARKING • GFA = Gross floor area
o 1 jeepney slot - Not allowed for the following: o Total enclosed floor area
• PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES o R2 Max. (including balconies)
- 1 car slot for every 5 classrooms o R2 max. o Excludes the ff. enclosed
- 1 loading spaces for 2 jeepney or o GI area:
shuttle slots o C1, C2 and C3 ▪ Parking, services, utilities
- 1 school bus for every 200 - 50% of front yard may be used as ▪ Vertical penetrations in
students. parking for R2 Basic and R3 Basic. parking floors if not used for
- 1 car slot for every 25 beds A DWELLINGS purposes.
- 1 loading space for 2 jeepney/ • SANITATION ▪ Balconies exceeding 10sqm,
shuttle slots. - At least 1 sanitary toilet and uncovered areas, fire escape
- 1 slot for articulated truck adequate washing and draining structures, etc.
- 1 slot for standard truck for facilities. • TGFA = Total gross floor area
every 5,000sqm gross floor area • FOUNDATION o Includes all enclosed floor
- Add truck maneuvering space - At least 250mm thick areas, no exceptions
outside RROW. - At least 600mm below the • AMVB = allowable max. volume
• FRACTIONS IN COMPUTATIONS surface of the ground. of building
- When computing for parking • STRUCTURAL LOADS • OFB = outer faces of the building
slots, a fraction of 50% or higher - 1st floor live load – 200kg/sqm • FLAR = floor and lot area ratio
shall be considered as one slot. - 2nd floor live load – 150kg/sqm BUILDING BULK
- In all cases, at least 1 slot shall be - Wind load for roofs – 120kg/sqm - A volume quantity
provided unless otherwise (vertical) - In the simplest sense,
allowed. • ENTRANCE + EXIT o Building bulk = footprint x
• OFF-SITE PARKING LOTS - At least 1 entrance, and another height
- If a multi-floor parking garage is one for exit - However, the Code prescribes
located within a 200m radius for DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS several different method for
the building, 20% of the required TERMS DEFINED determining this quantity.
parking provisions may be • TLA = Total Lot Area METHOD 1: AMBF PROJECTION
served the multi-floor parking • PSO = Percentage of Site - Determine the AMBF
garage. Occupancy - Determine the BHL (in meters)
19 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- AMBF X BHL = Building bulk o In a way, FLAR tells us how that establishes the outer
METHOD 2: FLAR many lots can fit inside the limit for walls and buildings
- FLAR: FLOOR TO LOT AREA building. projections.
RATIO METHOD 3: AMVB - Use the angular plane to reduce
o Total floor area/lot area - AMBF X BHL = initial AMVB the volume of the prism. This is
o Ex: a FLAR designation of (“prism”) the AMVB.
1.50 means that a - Superimpose the angular plane
measuring 100sqm may originating from the RROW onto
accommodate a building the “prism”
whose total floor area is o Angular plane: a plane
150sqm. originating from the RROW
• TGFA = GFA + Non-GFA
INTENT – every building shall be designed, constructed, and
equipped to provide adequate light & ventilation.
- Taken at ground level &
exclusive of courts, yards, & light
- USA = min. value
- ISA = max. value
- These values are given in Table
VII.1 on p. 131
- The code defines seven lot types:


- YARD – the required open space left between the outermost face of the building and the property lines.
- Setback – the width of the yard.

20 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
COURTS o Basic R2
- Min. dimension – 2.00m o Basic R3
- Hence, min. area – 4.00sqm o R4
- All inner courts shall be FIREWALL EXTENSION
connected to a street or yard by - Above the roof line – 400mm
a passageway at least 1.20m - Under the eaves – 300mm
wide. - From the building edges – 600m


- If a carport is roofed, it will be
considered part of the building
footprint and not the TOSL.
- Only allowed for single family
dwelling unit falling under the ff.
zoning classifications:
Artificially Naturally Air space/person area/
Ventilated Ventilated person
Ground floor 2.70m 2.70m School rooms 3.00 cubic meters 1.00sqm
Second floor 2.40m 2.70m Workshops,
12.00 cubic meters
Succeeding floors 2.10m 2.70m factories, offices
Mezzanines 1.80m 2.70m Habitable rooms 14.00 cubic meters
Min. Min. Absolute
Min. window area
area dimension minimum
Room for human habitation 6.00sqm 2.00m Habitable room 10% of floor area 1.00sqm
Kitchen 3.00sqm 1.5m Bathrooms, laundry
5% of floor area 240sqmm
Toilet and bath 1.2sqm 0.90m rooms, etc.
EASEMENT IS PUBLIC LAND Location of Agriculture 20.00m per side
- Situated outside of private water Easement areas of waterway
property limits body/way 40.00m per side
- Should be equally enjoyed by all Forest areas
3.00m per side of of waterway
members of the community Urban areas waterway
- The only uses allowed are those (Fig.VIII.G.3.
that support its public
recreational character.

21 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S

- No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has
direct access to a public spaces, yard, or road on at least
one side.
- Interior or rear lots shall have an access road with a min.
width of 3.00m. Provide a 4.00m wide chaflan at the
intersection with the main RROW

- From natural grade line to the finished surface of the carriageway or sidewalk
- Generally utilized for the movement of the general public (motorists and pedestrians)
- If utilized for whatever purpose, proponent must lease/pay the government.
- The local planning authority shall determine which
streets shall have an open sidewalk or an arcaded
sidewalk, or a combination of both.
- For a RROW width of 9.00m or more, the min. sidewalk
width shall be 1.20m on each side of the RROW. For
RROW less than 9.00M, refer to table VII.G3

22 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- If curb height = greater than 200mm, a curb cutout for - Shall conform to the criteria in the National Standard for
the driveway may be allowed and the driveway may be Drinking Water
constructed along the entire width of the sidewalk. The
sidewalk and the driveway shall be joined by a ramp
with a slope of not more than 1/8.

- Sidewalk 2.00m or more in width shall include on its
outer side a planting strip of not less than 800mm wide
up to a max. of 1/3 of the sidewalk width.
- The planting strip is meant to separate the curb from the
sidewalk and must always be placed near the curb line.
- All building shall be provided with the ff:
o Adequate and potable water supply
o Adequate plumbing installation
o Suitable wastewater treatment/disposal system.
o Storm water drainage
- Potable water shall be sourced from the existing
municipal waterworks system whenever possible.

WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - If no sanitary sewerage system is NATIONAL PLUMBING CODE

- Sanitary sewage from buildings available, septic tanks may be - All plumbing installation (water
shall be discharged into the used. supply and drainage) shall
nearest street sanitary sewer STORM DRAINAGE conform to the National
main. - Rainwater drainage shall not Plumbing Code.
discharge into the sanitary RULE 10 – BUILDING PROJECTIONS

23 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
PROJECTIONS INTO THE RROW of foundation is at least 600mm - Clearance between sidewalk
NATIONAL ROADS OR PUBLIC below grade. grade and lowest portion of
HIGHWAYS - In all cases, these projections balcony = 3.00m min.
- footings located at least 2.40m shall not obstruct any utilities/ ARCADE
below grade may project 300mm services, unless the owner is - May be constructed on sidewalk
(max.) beyond the property line. willing to pay for the rerouting of of streets whenever allowed/
PUBLIC SIDEWALK said utilities/services. required by existing building and
- Foundations may encroach BALCONIES zoning regulations.
500mm into the sidewalk if top

- Unless at least 2.40m above the pavement, no door or
window shall project beyond the property line when
fully opened or upon opening.
CHAFLANS - Shall not interfere with vehicular
- Every corner building/fence on a and pedestrian traffic.
public street less than 3.60m MORTAR MIXING
wide shall be truncated at the - The mixing of mortar/concrete
corner to form a chaflans. It shall shall not be allowed on public
be at least 4.00m wide. streets.
- When the Building Official RULE 12 – GENERAL DESIGN
authorizes a sidewalk to be REQUIREMENTS
closed, a temporary walkway at EXCAVATIONS
least 1.20m wide shall be - Must not endanger life/
provided. property.
- If the street has no sidewalk, - Any person undertaking an
width may be reduced to excavation shall ensure that the
RULE 11 – PROTECTION OF 600mm. soil of the adjoining property will
PEDESTRIANS - If RROW is 5.00m wide or less, no not cave in or settle.
- No person shall use/occupy a temporary walkways are - Cut slopes shall be no steeper
street/sidewalk for the allowed. than 2:1 (horizontal; vertical)
performance of work except in FENCES + CANOPIES OCCUPANT LOAD
accordance with this rule. - Fences shall entirely enclose a - The max. number of person that
- No work shall be performed construction site. may be allowed to occupy a
adjacent to a public way unless - Min. height – 2.40m above curb. certain room, floor, or area.
pedestrians are protected as - Shall be determined by dividing
specified in this rule. the floor area assigned to that
STORAGE IN PUBLIC PROPERTY use by the unit area allowed per
- Shall not obstruct utility occupants as shown on Table
provisions (fire hydrants, fire Xii.1.
alarm box, manholes) - Floor area/unit area per
- Shall not interfere with drainage occupant.

24 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Every building shall have at least PROHIBITED DOORS - Max. vertical distance between
1 exit. - The ff. shall not be used as exit landings = 3.60m.
- Upper floors with occupant load doors: HANDRAILS
of more than 10 shall have at o Revolving doors - Stairways shall have handrails on
least 2 exits. o Sliding doors each side
- A mezzanine floor bigger than o Overhead doors - If the stairway is more than
185sqm or having more than FLOOR LEVEL CHANGE AT DOORS 3.00m in width, at least 1
18.00m in any dimension shall - There shall be a floor or a landing intermediate handrail shall be
have at least 2 stairways to an on each side of an exit door. provided.
adjacent. - The floor/landing shall not be - Height of handrails – 800 –
- Every floor with occupant load of more than 50mm lover than the 900mm above the nosing of
599 – 999 shall have at least 3 door threshold. treads.
exits. - Exception: for Group A or B - Exceptions:
- Every floor with occupant load of occupancies, a door may open o In Group A or B occupancies,
1,000 or more shall have at least over the top step provided that stairways 1.10m or less in
4 exits. the landing is not more than width serving 1 individual
WIDTH OF EXITS 200mm from the floor level and dwelling may have 1
- Total width of exits = occupant the door does not swing over the handrail only.
load/165 top step. o Stairways having less than 4
o Note: this is the total width CORRIDORS risers need not have
in meters. - Min. width = 1.10m handrails.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXITS - This width shall be unobstructed, BASEMENT STAIRWAYS
- If 2 exits are required, the 2 exits except that trim handrails and - If a basement stairway and a
must be apart by at least 1/5 of doors when fully opened shall stairway to an upper storey
the perimeter of the area served. not reduce the required with by terminate at the same exit
- If three or more are required, more than 200mm. enclosure, a barrier shall be
they shall be arranged a - Doors in any position shall not continuing into the basements.
reasonable distance apart. reduce the width by more than - Also provided directional exit
- If w/o a sprinkler system = DEAD ENDS – max. length = 6.00mm WINDING STAIRWAYS
45.00m max. STAIRWAY WIDTHS - Allowed as exits as long as the
- If w/ a sprinkler system – 60.00m - 1.10m for occupant load more required tread (250mm) is
max. than 50 provided at a point 300mm away
- Measured from any point in a - 0.90 for occupant load of 50 or from the narrow end.
building, measured along the less - However, the tread must not be
line of travel. - 0.75 for occupant load of less narrower than 150mm at any
EXITS DOORS than 10 (private) point.
- When serving an occupant load - Handrails shall not reduce the CIRCULAR STAIRWAYS
of 50 or more, must swing in the width of stairways by more than - May be used as exits provided
direction of exit travel. 100mm. that the min. width of run is not
- Double acting doors shall not be RISER AND TREAD less than 250mm.
used as exits when serving a - Max. riser = 200mm AISLES
tributary load, of more than 100. - Min thread = 250mm - Leading to an exit shall be
Must be provided with a view o Note: always keep in mind provided for all portions w/
panel of not less than that the NBC requirement is installed seats, tables, etc. a max. for risers, and a min. - Shall be at least 0.80m wide if
TYPE OF LOCKS for threads. serving only 1 side, or 1.00m if
- Exit doors shall be openable STAIRWAY HEADROOM serving both sides.
from the inside without the use - Not less than 2.00m measured - This min. width shall be
of a key/ any special knowledge form the nosing. measured at the point farthest
or effort. LANDINGS from the exit and shall be
SIZE OF DOORS - Length = stairway width increased by 30mm for every
- Min. width of doorway = - If the stairway has a straight run, meter in length towards the exit.
0.90mm landing length does not need to AISLE TRAVEL DISTANCE
- Min. height of doorway = 2.00m exceed 1.20m - The line of travel to an exit door
- Shall be capable of opening at - Landing width shall not be by an aisle shall not be more
least 90 degrees reduced by more than 100mm than 45.00m
- Max. door leaf width = 1.20m by any door when fully opened.

25 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- Max. 7 seats between wall and o 1 outlet on each side of the public water supply system is
aisle stage prohibited.
- Max. 14 seats between 2 aisles o 1 at the rear of the RULE 14 – PHOTO FILMS AND X-RAY
- Max. slope – 1 in 8 auditorium FILMS
- The no, of seats between aisles o 1 at the rear of the balcony FILM STORAGE ROOMS
may be increased of 30 if: RULE 13 – ELECTRICAL + - Provide automatic fire
o Exit doors are provided MECHANICAL extinguishing systems for the ff:
along each aisle at the rate REFERRAL CODES o When unexposed films in
of 1 pair of exit doors for - All electrical systems and shipping container exceed
every 5 rows of seats. installations shall conform to the 14.00 cubic meters
o The back-to-back distance provisions of the Philippine o When shelving used for
between seats is 1.00m min. Electrical code pursuant to RA storing film exceed 1.40
o Min. clear width of exit 7920 (Electrical Engg. Law) cubic meters in capacity.
doors is 1.70m - All mechanical systems and - No films shall be stored w/in
FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS installations shall conform to the 600mm of steampipes,
- Automatic fire extinguishing provisions of the Philippine chimneys, or other sources of
systems are required for the ff: Mechanical code pursuant to RA heat.
o Habitable storeys w/ an area 8495 (Mech. Engg. Law) RULE 15 – PREFABRICATED
occupant load of more than - 2.50m from highest point of - a structural unit, the integral
20 roofs. parts of which have been built up
o Dressing rooms, rehearsal - 3.00 from the ground or assembled prior to
rooms, workshops/factories - 1.00m (horizontal) from incorporation in the building.
with occupant load of more windows/porches. - to determine the structural
than 10 - 5.50m from the crown of the adequacy, they shall pass special
o Assembly halls under Group street/sidewalk. tests conducted by accredited
H and I with occupant load - No service drop conductors or material testing laboratories.
of more than 500. any other wiring shall pass over RULE 16 – PLASTICS
- All buildings 4 or more storeys in ELEVATORS - those which have a flame-spread
height shall be equipped with 1 - Hoistway pit – min. 600mm from rating of 225 or less and a smoke
or more dry standpipes. underside of car to bottom of pit. density not greater than that
- Standpipes shall be located w/in - Max. 4 elevators in a single obtained from the burning of
enclosed stairway landing. hoistway untreated wood.
- Siamese connections shall be - Residential buildings 5 storeys or - The products of combustion
located on the street-front of a higher shall have at least 1 shall be no more toxic than the
building 300mm – 1200mm passenger elevator on 24-hour burning of untreated wood
above grade. constant operation. under similar conditions.
- The ff. shall have wet standpipes: - Max. inclination – 30 degree - Allowed except for entrance
o Group H or I occupancy of from horizontal doors and exit doors, w/c should
any height - Width between balustrades – be of materials other than
o Group C occupancy 2 or 560mm – 1200mm. shall not plastics.
more storeys in height exceed the width of the step by RULE 17 – SHEET METAL SPRAY
o Group B, D, E, F, and G 3 or more than 330mm. BOOTHS
more storeys in height - SPED – 38 meters per minutes - Paint spray booths shall be
o Group G and E occupancy max. (common rule is 90-129 constructed of steel of not less
over 1800 sqm in area fpm/27.5-36.5mpm). than No. 18 U.S. gauge in
- Exemption: AIR CONDITIONING thickness.
o Group H buildings w/out - Comfortable cooling standards: - The area of a paint spray booth
stage whose seating o Tempt. – 20 – 24 degree shall not exceed 150 square
capacity is less than 500. Celsius meters.
LOCATION OF WET STANDPIPES o Humidity – 50%-60% - The floor shall be constructed of
- All portions of the building are o Air movement – 4.60-760 incombustible material.
w/in 6.00m of a nozzle attached meters per minute. - shall be designed to permit the
to a hose 23.00m in length. WATER PUMPING free passage of exhaust air.
- For assembly occupancies: - Installation of pumping RULE 18 - GLASS AND GLAZING
equipment directly from the GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

26 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S
- apply to exterior glass and shall bear the manufacturer’s - Glass in large areas along
glazing in all Occupancies except label indicating said shopping malls, commercial
Groups A, B, and J Occupancies characteristics. buildings, institutional; building,
not over three storeys. - Measures shall be taken to keep etc.
- Each light shall bear the persons from walking into fixed - The use of computers for all or
manufacturer’s label designating glass panels where the floor on any part of building design is
the type and thickness of glass. both sides of the glass are the permitted provided that all
- Glass panels w/ special same level (guardrails, etching, programs to be used are
performance characteristics flower bins) documented.
- Fire w/ the OBO, a reference to a publication accessible
to him where a detailed description of the program
including a description of the algorithms are found.
- The software name, version no. and the developer and
PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION its address shall be provided as part of documentation.
- No sign shall be erected in such a
manner as to confuse/obstruct
the view/interpretation of any
official traffic sign/device.
- Signs in any foreign language
shall have a translation in English
or the local dialect.
- No signs shall be installed on
rooftops of buildings of wooden
structures or of buildings w/
wooden roof framing.
- Provide grounding of metallic
parts of roof signs exposed to
- Shall be located w/in the
property line and under no
circumstances shall they occupy
the RROW.
- On non-arcaded RROW:
o Signs shall not project more
than 1.20m.
- On arcaded RROW
o Signs shall not project more
than 0.60m.
- Building abutting RROW w/out
o Signs shall not project more
than 0.30m.
- Min. vertical clearance
o Non-arcaded ARROW –
3.00m from road surface to
lowest part of signs.
o Arcaded RROW – 5.00m
from road surface to lowest
part of signs.

27 | A R C H 5 0 1 – B U I L D I N G L A W S

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