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DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q4 - W7

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School: LAUR CENTRAL SCHOOL Grade Level: V


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: JUNE 12 – 16, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of area, volume understanding of area, volume and understanding of area, volume understanding of area, volume understanding of area,
and temperature temperature and temperature and temperature volume and temperature
B.Performance Standards The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply knowledge The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply
knowledge of area, volume and of area, volume and temperature knowledge of area, volume and knowledge of area, volume knowledge of area, volume
temperature in mathematical problems and real-life temperature and temperature and temperature
in mathematical problems and situations in mathematical problems and in mathematical problems and in mathematical problems
real-life situations real-life situations real-life situations and real-life situations
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Creates problems involving Collects data on one variable using any Collects data on two variables Organizes data in tabular form Presents data in a line graph
Write the LC code for each temperature with reasonable source using any source Code: M5SP-IVg-2.5, Code: M5SP-IVg-2.5
answers. Code: M5SP- IVg - 1.5 Code: M5SP – IVg.1.5
Code: M5ME-IVg-88,
II.CONTENT Creating problems involving Collecting data on one variable using Collecting data on two variables Organizing Data in Tabular Statistics and Probabality
temperature with reasonable any source using any source Form
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG p. 65 CG p. 65 CG p. 65 CG p. 65 CG p.65
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Growing in Math 6, pp Growing Up with Math 5 pp. 317 Mathematics for Better Life, pp Elementary Mathematics 5
pp. 417-420
4. Additional Materials from MISOSA Gr 5 Module - BEAM LG Grade 5 Module 20 –
Learning Resource (LR) portal Temperature Line Graph
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, concrete objects, metacards, different graphs, charts, metacards, activity Graphing paper, grid board,
picture of thermometer pictures of the difference cards colored chalk
between the height
of an adolescent boy and an
adolescent girl, chart
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Drill Drill Naming the Parts of a Graph Drill 1. Drill Reviewing Previous Lesson
presenting the new lesson Give the temperature when the Strategy: Relay Game Directions: Name the following Directions: Arrange the sets of 1. Drill on plotting points on
mercury is: Mechanics: graphs. data from least to greatest and a grid board
Page847 1. Divide the class into groups of 5 Review in 1) (1,2) 4) (3,6)
1. At the freezing point of water members each. Directions: Read the problems vice versa. 2) (4,5) 5) (5,7)
2. At the boiling point of water 2. Let them form four lines. then list the data presented in it. 2Reviewing Previous Lesson 3) (8,12) 6) (9,3)
3. 10.5 degrees Celsius below Page851  Mang Andres has a small sari- Directions: Read the problem. Strategy:
the normal temperature 3. Flash the cards one after the other. sari store. His daily earnings Collect data that are necessary a) Form groups of five. Give
4. 25 degrees celsius above the 4. The members take turn in giving were: Monday, Php 1,000; to each a grid board, a piece of
freezing point of water the answer. The member Tuesday, Php 2,000; answer the questions that chalk and
5. 1.5 degrees Celsius below the who answers correctly goes to the Wednesday, Php1,500, Thursday, follow. ards wherein the ordered
normal body temperature end of the line. Php3,000; Friday, Php1,800 Marcela Agoncillo’s ancestral pairs are written.
2. Review 5. The group that returns to its and Saturday,Php 2,800. house was one of the most b) At the signal “Go”, pupils
Reading temperature using an original position first is the  Diana” Beach Resort clerk visited historical houses in will plot the points on the
improvised thermometer winner. noticed the increasing number town of Taal. Its weekly grid board.
 of reservations in their rooms. average tourist-visitor c) The group who finishes
On 2012, they have 500 attendance reaches up to 100. first and with the most
reservations; 2013, 1,000 Monday-110, Tuesday-120, number of correct
reservations; 2014, 1,500 Wednedsay-90, Thursday-105, answers wins the game.
reservations; 2015, Friday-125, Saturday-100. 2. Review
Which day of the week has the Study the line graph, then
most number of tourists that answer the questions that
visited the house? Which day follow
of the week has the least
number of tourists that visited
the house?.

a) In what games did Janno

get the highest points? How
many points?
b) In what games did he get
the same points. How many
c) Find his total points in all
the games.
d) In what part of the game
is Janno more capable of
playing? Why?
e) What is the line graph all
B.Establishing a purpose for the What does your mother do Who among you have a collection of What city is known to be the Suppose that a statistical data What are other that suitable
lesson every time you have fever? books? “Summer Capital of the and a graph picturing the data to present on a line graph?
Original File Submitted and What kind of books do you collect? Philippines? How are displayed on a board. Today we are going to learn
Formatted by DepEd Club (etc.) do you compare its temperature Which would you notice first? presenting data on a line
Member - visit depedclub.com to Manila? Why graph. Line graphs
for more are best for data that show
trends such as increases and
C.Presenting examples/instances of Present to the class this A bookstore clearance sale showed Word Problem Word Problem Present a story problem
the new lesson situation that there were 750 books sold Baguio, the “Summer Capital of Miss Valdez has just finished Cristy would like to make a
Mother wants to find out if her during the first day, 500 books during the Philippines,” listed the checking the test papers of he line graph about her scores
son has fever. She got her the second day of the sale, 430 books, following average temperature pupils in in Spelling for the month of
thermometer and found out 150 books and 135 on the third, within 6 months: January, 15°C; Math. The scores of the pupils January as show below.
that the mercury level in the fourth and fifth day respectively. February, 10°C; March, 18°C; are the following: Cristy’s Average 50
thermometer April, 19°C; May, 15°C; and June, Score in Spelling in
is at 38.5 degrees Celsius. If the 16°C. In Manila, it listed these January. Week 1
normal body thermometer is average temperatures: January, Week 2 48
37.5 25°C; February, 24°C; March, Week 3 46
degrees Celsius. 23°C; April, 28°C; May, 27°C; and Week 4 49
Have the class create a problem June 25°C.
on temperature given the What is the title of
above information the line graph?
What information is
on the vertical axis?
What information is
on the horizontal
D.Discussing new concepts and Strategy: Thinking Skills (RMFD) How many books were sold during Strategy: Direct Instruction Can you tell what the lowest Let us help Cristy in
practicing new skills #1 a. Divide the class into group of the first day?  What are the two cities and highest scores are easily? presenting her scores in a
5s. Using the problem How many books were sold during mentioned? Can you easily give any line graph.
presented, the second day?  What is being compared conclusion about the result of a) Let the pupils work in
instruct the pupils to help each What is the total number of books between the two cities? the test with the group.
other solve the problem. Give sold during the third day? fourth  Let us make a list of the given data? Why? b) Let them plot the x and y
them enough time to perform day? fifth day temperature in Baguio for 6 How will you arrange these axes on the grid.
on it . Make an organized list of the total months: data? c) Discuss how to select a
b. After all the group had done number of books sold during the Temperature for 6 Months scale or interval in
with their output, ask sale. Month Baguio presenting the data
somebody from the group the January given on the problem.
to discuss the solution done February Note: Point out that the
March choice of scale can make
April difference on
May how the graph would look
June like.
 Let us put the temperature in d) Guide the pupils how the
Manila beside temperature in vertical and horizontal sides
Baguio. of the graph should be
Temperature for 6 Months labeled.
Month Baguio Manila (Note: Explain that the
January dependent variable quantity
February occupies the y-
Page857 axis)
March e) Have them mark the
April points where the weeks and
May score intersect.
June f) Then, have them connect
 The list that we had make is an with a ruler the points on the
example of how to collect data grid.
with two variables. Our variables g) Emphasize neatness and
here are the cities of Baguio and orderliness in making their
Manila. graphs.
h) Discuss with the pupils the
line graph presented by
answering the
comprehension questions.
a. What is the title of the
b. In which week was the
highest score of Cristy?
c. In which week did Cristy
get a lowest score?
d. What data was presented
on the x-axis? y-axis?
E.Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2

F.Developing mastery Directions: Group the pupils Directions: Read the given situations Directions: Read the situation and Strategy: Tabulating Data Strategy: Cooperative
(Leads to Formative Assessment into group of 5s. Encourage the then answer the question that make a list of the information Materials: table Learning
3) group to create a problem follow. that can be found in it. Mechanics: Mechanics:
based on the information given 1. Vicky recorded the temperature MicMacMig Corporation has two a. Form the pupils into 5 a) Class will be divided into 3
below. readings taken last Sunday. branches. One in Lian, groups. groups.
At the start of the marathon the The temperature at 6:00 am was 240 Batangas and the other one in b. Provide each group with a
thermometer registered celcius, then it rose 2 degrees Nasugbu, Batangas. Their store in frequency table and let them b) Each group will be given
a thermometer of 36 degrees higher after two hours. The Lian, Batangas have the following count and an organized data to work
Celsius. After the marathon, the temperature at 10:00 am was 290C Daily Sales: Sunday, Php120,000; tally the result from lowest to on.
temperature dropped by 4 and at 12:00 noon the temperature Monday, Php85,000; Tuesday, highest score Page867
degrees Celsius reading was 350C. Php65,000; Wednesday, Score Tally
What was the temperature reading at Php95,000; Thursday, 15 II Directions: Use a line a graph
6:00 am? Php105,000; Friday, Php110,000 16 II to present the data below.
What was the temperature at 8:00 and Sunday, Php125,000.It 17 II Group I
am? Nasugbu, Batangas branch 18 III Result of an Experiment
What was the temperature at 10:00 recorded the following sales: 20 IIII Height of Plant Weeks
am? Sunday, Php 155,000; Monday, 25 IIIII-II 1 cm 1st
What was the recorded temperature Php100,000; Tuesday, Php90,000; 26 I 2 cm 2nd
at 12:00 noon? Wednesday, Php105,000; 30 I 2.5 cm 3rd
List down the temperature readings Thursday, Php115,000; Friday, 35 III 3.5 cm 4th
taken that day. Php145,000 and Sunday, 36 I 4 cm 5th
Page852 Php135,000. 40 II 6 cm 6th
2. Man Ben owns a sari-sari store. He TOTAL 28 Group II
records his sales every Pupils’ Record of Absences in
day. Last Sunday his sale amounted to Grade V-Rose
Php1500. On the next day, Week No. of Pupils
he was able to sell goods amounting 1 10
to Php800. His sales on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 2 8
Friday were Php600, 3 7
Php500, Php900 and P500
respectively. His highest sale 4 4
was on Saturday which was Php1200.
List down the data presented in the 5 3
sales. 6 0

7 2

8 5

Group III
Patrick’s Record of Deposits
Month Amount of Deposit
June P 150
July P 200
August P 100
September P 150
October P 300
November P 250
December P 500 Page868

c) Pupils will mark their

horizontal and vertical axes.

d) Select a scale or interval in

presenting the given data.

e) Teacher guides pupils

what data should be
presented in each axis.
(Note: The dependent
quantity occupies the y-axis.)
f) Let them mark the points
using the tabulated data.

g) Ask them to connect the

plotted points.

h) Each group take turns in

presenting or discussing their
line graph

G.Finding practical applications Directions: Create a problem Let the pupils conduct a survey as to Directions: List the variables Directions: Study this problem. Directions: Below are the
of concepts and skills in daily with the data given below: their favorite color. Let found in the problems below. Organize the data in table results of Third Grading Tests
living a. Lhea’s today body them ask 10 of their classmates and  Ceejay and Clarence are working form. of Grade V
temperature is 37.5 degrees record their responses students. They are working part- 1. Nancy and her friend class. Present these results
Celsius time at Matabungkay Beach Mackie sold their egg harvest on the line graph.
Yesterday’s body temperature Resort as waiters last May. Ceejay in 5 days. On the Subjects Percentage Mastery
was 38.9 degrees received the following: Week 1, first day, 30 dozens of eggs English 68%
Celsius Php1,500; Week 2, P1,250; Week were delivered to Mrs. Filipino 94%
Problem:_________ 3, Php1,800 and Week 4, Castro’s store. Araling Panlipunan 86%
Solution: _________ Php2,100. Clarence received 5 dozens were carried to Triple Mathematics 80%
b. Given: today’s temperature is these amount: Week 1, Php1,400; A Store by the following day. Science 76%
28.7 degrees Celsius Week 2, Php1,100; Week 3, Both EPP 87%
Yesterday was 30.6 degrees Php1,800 and Week 4, Php1,900. 20 dozens of eggs were sent to MAPEH 85%
Celsius  Anna and Annie are twins. Their Mrs. De Villa and Lucky Store ESP 96%
Problem: __________ mother, Angie kept a record of by the In what subject do pupils
Solution: __________ the twins’ weight. At the age of 1 . need improvement?
year old, Anna is 8.5 kg while 2. The librarian made this _______
Annie is 8.75 kg. At two, Anna is report of the number of pupils Why?
12 kg and Annie is 11.9 kg. At by grade level _______________________
three, Anna is 14.8 kg while Annie who used the library for a ________________
is 15.2 kg. period of one month. Grade1-
3. Grade 2-70, Grade 3- 65,
Grade 4 – 120, Grade 5-135
Grade 6 – 200.
H.Making generalizations and How do we create routine and Lead the pupils to give the How do we collects data with two How do we organize data? What steps have you learned
abstractions about the lesson non-routine problems involving generalization. or more variables?  We organize data through in presenting data on the line
temperature To collect data on one variable using tabular form. This would help graph?
any source we can use: in the plotting of data or
 observation making graphs
 survey
 listing or gathering data from a
A. Evaluating learning Directions: Create problem Directions: Collect the variables in the Directions: Collect the variables in Fifteen pupils were asked of Directions: Study these data.
using the data given below. following problem by making the following problem by making their favorite native game. Organize them in table form.
a. Given: previous temperature a list. a list Below are Decide
of 30 degrees Celsius rises 1. Mr. Arceo recorded the number of  The Art Museum recorded the their responses. what interval to use, then
at 5 degrees Celsius foreign visitors to an number of visitors who came in Directions: Organize the data present it on a line graph.
Problem: __________ exhibition on five days. There were 35 January February, and March. In and complete the frequency The following data are the
Solution: ____________ foreigners who watched January, 120 visitors came on table. number of eggs sold by
b. Given: Lino’s body the show on Wednesday, 40 on Sunday, 70 on Monday, 60 on Native Game Tally Nancy in one Week: May 5 –
temperature was 38.2 degrees Thursday, 18 on Friday, Tuesday, 100 on Wednesday, 60 Frequency 60 dozens; May 6- 50
Celsius 55 on Saturday and 110 on Sunday. on Thursday, 80 on Friday, and Answer These: dozens; May 7- 25 dozens;
In the morning, 39.5 degrees 2. Janina had an inventory of the 120 on Saturday. In February, 1. What is the pupils’ most May 8- 65 dozens; May 9- 70
Celsius after 2 hours. monthly sales of there were 80 visitors on Sunday, favorite game? dozens
Problem : ___________ magazines from January to May. Last 80 on Monday, 100 on Tuesday, 2. What is the pupils’ least
Solution: __________ January, there were 80 on Wednesday, 80 on favorite game?
650 magazines sold. Five hundred Thursday, 60 on Friday and 140 on
were sold on February, Saturday. In March, their visitors
700 on March, 300 on April and 900 were: 100 on Sunday, 105 on
on May. Monday, 80 on Tuesday, 70 on
3. The Sky Ranch management Wednesday, 75 on Thursday, 90
accounted the number of on Friday and 110 on Saturday.
people who arrived during its first  During the Recycling Drive of
week of operation. One San Diego Elementary School,
thousand two hundred tourists came they collected cans and
on its opening day. newspaper from the barangay.
Page853 They collections of the cans were:
On its second day of operation, 900 200 for Grade 1, 250 for Grade 2,
visitors arrived. There were 100 for Grade 3, 300 for Grade 4,
650 people came on the third day, 500 for Grade 5 and 350 for Grade
1300 on the fourth day and 6. They collected the following
800 on the fifth day. number of newspapers: 125 for
Grade 1, 100 for Grade 2, 90 for
Grade 3, 125 for Grade 4, 85 for
Grade 5 and 120 for Grade 6.
B. Additional activities for Directions: Create problem You want know which types of pets Directions: Collect the variables in Collect data about the TV Directions: Do the following
application or remediation using the data given below. are the most popular in the class. the following problem by making programs that the grade five activities.
Given: Temperature on four Collect your data by counting the a list. pupils in 1. Measure your room
different days were: number of pets owned by the  Balibago Elementary School and your school prefer to watch. temperature by the hour for
29 degrees Celsius, 28 degrees students Prenza Elementary School joined Organize and present the data 5 hours then
Celsius, 27 in the class. (Add more categories if the Green Movement. They collected in present this data on a line
degrees Celsius and 30 degrees needed) planted seedlings along the tabular form graph.
Celsius Dog _________ highway. Balibago Elementary 2. Chart your own scores in
Respectively. Cat _________ School planted 25 ipil-ipil; 40 your 5 Math quizzes. Present
Problem: _________________ Bird _________ acacia; 30 lauan; 20 narra and 35 this data
Solution: __________________ Fish _________ mango. Prenza Elementary School on a line graph.
Rabbit _________ planted these seedlings: 30 ipil-
Horse _________ ipl; 35 acacia; 30 lauan; 25 narra
and 30 mango.
To collect data with two or more
variables, we:
 Read and analyze the problem
 Make a list of the variables in
the problem
 St. Bernards Academy has the
following enrolment for the last 4
years: 2012, 180 male and 220
female; 2013, 205 male and 192
female; 2014, 280 male and 320
female; and 2015, 305 male and
340 female.

Prepared by:

Teacher I


School Principal IV

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