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2017 PADI Approved Grants

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PADI 2017

Program Name Amount

CGA App. #Contact Name Approved
28454 Vinay Udyawer Why are sea snake populations declining even on protected coral reefs? $7,200

28466 Chai Heng Lim The impacts of northeast monsoon and sea level rise on sea level surge along $5,094
the northeast coast of Peninsular Malaysia
28467 Ignacio Ruiz‐Jarabo Do demersal sharks fully recover and manage to survive after a bottom‐ $5,600
trawling fishery?
28468 Verena Bökenhans Forecasting the invasion range of the toxic sea slug Pleurobranchaea maculata $5,500
invading north patagonic gulfs, Argentina.
28472 Kasinataha Pandian Threats to Pichavaram Mangrove Ecosystem in East Coast of India : An $5,550
Integrated Study for Sustainable Management
28478 Alexandra Gulick Greener pastures: Evaluating the effects of green turtle recovery in the age of $12,500
global seagrass decline
28500 Sandy Mackenzie PADI Foundation Ocean Leaders Scholarship $9,000
28502 Cecilie Benjamin Marine Environemnt Education Program 2017 $3,800
28506 David Acuna Marrero Providing the first evidences of pregnancy for whale sharks in the wild $6,700

28508 Livatiana Ramanjehimanana Sustainable Management of Marine Resources in Madagascar $6,475

28521 Natalia Garces Cuartas Trophic Ecology of the Antillean Manatee in the Mexican Caribbean $4,450
28529 Laura Feyrer Population Structure and Distribution of a Recently Discovered Population of $3,120
Northern Bottlenose Whales
28534 Pablina Cadiz Carbon Capture Potential and Structural Dynamics of Mangrove Forests in $8,218
Trang, Southern Thailand
28552 Sarah Sofía Landeo Yauri Monitoring manatees in a highly touristic region: Application of unoccupied $3,270
aircraft systems (UAS) for manatee research in the Mexican Caribbean

28565 Shari Gallop The mechanisms and rates of estuarine beach recovery after single storms and $6,254
storm cluster
28569 Katherina Petrou A matter of fat: is lipid peroxidation the key to coral health and demise? $6,289

28572 Rui Rosa Description and assessment of the first hammerhead shark nursery in the $6,350
Eastern Atlantic Ocean (Cape Verde, Africa)

PADI 2017

Program Name Amount

CGA App. #Contact Name Approved
28579 M. Fernanda Urrutia‐Osorio Photo‐identification, abundance and distribution of cetaceans in Bahia de los $4,300
Angeles: providing information needed for their conservation

28629 Catarina Vila Pouca Social learning and cultural transmission in a benthic shark species $6,325
28634 Davide Maggioni Hydrozoans of North Sulawesi, Republic of Indonesia (Hydronesia) $7,625
28640 Hannah Aichelman Distribution and climate change resilience of the temperate coral Astrangia $6,300
28648 Charli Mortimer Trophic consequences of a shift towards sponge‐dominated reefs $4,200
28667 Emily Morshuis Mangrove Habitat Restoration on Beqa Island, Fiji $4,257
28676 Collin Ward Assessing the potential for sunlight to oxidize crude oils released to aquatic $5,225
28679 Karina Scavo Mangroves as potential reef refuges for branching Porites spp. $2,000
28687 Florence Wen Sex Ratios and Conservation Implications for Endangered Olive Ridley Sea $4,892
Turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) at Ostional, Costa Rica
28718 Tania Kenyon Rising from the rubble: physical and biological dynamics of rubble fields on the $5,650
Great Barrier Reef
28744 Zoya Tyabji Assessing the ecology and fisheries aspects of sharks in the Andaman Islands, $5,000
28751 Tanmay Wagh Investigating the interactions between herbivores and algae on disturbed coral $4,250
reefs of the Andaman Islands, India
28753 Samuel Swanson Water Resources Engineering $5,300
28815 Francesca Strano Promoting Coastal and Marine Biodiversity at MARE Outpost (Tricase Porto, $5,746
28832 Nasser Alqattan Developing methods for tracking the movement of diseased sea turtles using $1,840
the stable isotope (δ18O) and trace element composition (Mg/Ca) of attached
stalked barnacles (Lepas anatifera).
28838 Matthew Ramirez Skeletal growth mark analysis (skeletochronology) and multiple $8,000
biogeochemical analyses to characterize the influence of diet, habitat use, and
population density on Kemp’s ridley sea turtle somatic growth rates over the
past 20 years.
28848 Elizabeth Whitman The foraging ecology and ecosystem role of a recently protected megagrazer $5,000
population in Abaco, Bahama

PADI 2017

Program Name Amount

CGA App. #Contact Name Approved
28849 Hannah Power Drivers for intermittently poor water quality in Manihiki Lagoon, Cook Islands: $7,000
Towards a mitigation strategy to support sustainable pearl aquaculture

28853 Chris Malinowski Sources, patterns, and effects of toxic mercury bioaccumulation in Atlantic $5,475
Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara)
28861 Mariana Arruda Revisiting seahorse populations in a Brazilian estuary: 12 years after first $4,200
28868 Gustavo Cárdenas Hinojosa Occurrence, distribution, and habitat use of Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius $7,501
cavirostris) and other cetaceans near Guadalupe Island, Mexico

28924 Jorge Valerio Looking for lost fish: status of the largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis) in Costa $5,000
Rica and the Central American region
28962 Mona Abouhaidar Andskog Detecting nutrient limitation in benthic reef macroalgae, in Moorea, French $5,568
Polynesia, using Hyperspectral Imaging and Pulse Amplitude Modulation

28967 Brianna Myre A Novel Immunoassay for Characterizing Feeding Behavior and Maternal $7,000
Investment in Gravid Olive Ridley Sea Turtles
28981 Sebastian Hernandez Enhancing the morphological tools to identify illegal shark fins traded in Central $9,300
28990 Fredrick Ekow Jonah Nutrients dynamics and productivity in the Pra River Estuary and adjacent $3,519
coastal waters in Ghana
28992 Romilda Queiroz Reproductive aspects of invasive bivalve Isognomon bicolor in beachrocks in $2,625
the coastal of Northeastern Brazil
28995 Gloria I. Lopez The identification of some ancient coastal deposits opened a new door for $7,500
Luminescence Research
29000 Kieran Cox Understanding How Marine Ecosystems Responds First Nation Clam Gardens $3,000

29007 Irene Olivé Identification, distribution and ecological condition of seagrass meadows in $5,800
29010 Cameron Walsh PADI Foundation Scholarship for Cambodian Marine Conservation Research: $3,600
Developing local students into marine conservation leaders

PADI 2017

Program Name Amount

CGA App. #Contact Name Approved
29020 Arturo Ramirez‐Valdez Searching for the king: natural history of the giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas) $6,000
in Mexican waters
29021 Kaylee Griffith Effects of habitat edge type on eelgrass community structure and relative $4,000

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