Mary Help of Christians - Adult - 2008
Mary Help of Christians - Adult - 2008
Mary Help of Christians - Adult - 2008
Year A
Trusting The
Wisdom Of God
Information ns.pdf
Concluding Prayer:
Let us pray…
We give you thanks, O loving God,
For the blessings we have received
In this celebration.
As we go forth from this sacred place,
May we take in our hearts,
The comfort and guidance
Of Mary’s prayers for us,
As we too strive to trust more deeply,
The wisdom of your Word in our lives.
All: Amen.
Homily/Breakin Invite all gathered to name in the quiet of their hearts, a word or
g Open The phrase they heard in the readings that spoke to them. Allow a minute
Word or two for this and then invite a few responses. Reflect with them on
Mary’s deep trust in God’s wisdom, even in times when she had no
understanding of what was happening in her life or in the life of her
Son Jesus. Talk about her feelings at the cross as she witnessed
Jesus dying so unjustly. Note how it was her trust in God’s way that
enabled her to accept such suffering.
Invite the people gathered to think of some of the hard things in their
own lives, where they struggle to understand God’s way. Direct them
to be still and to pray silently for the grace to trust in God’s wisdom the
way that Mary did throughout her life. Having allowed a minute or two
for this, invite the community to pray together the Hail Mary.
Following this the Marian candle and picture or statue of Mary and the
Word of God are enthroned in the sacred space and the Presider then
incenses them. The liturgy continues on with the Penitential Rite.
Artwork & The Cross, The Word of God, a Marina Candle, a Picture or Statue of
Symbols Our Lady, blue fabric and a large white lily.