LP - SHS - Writing A Concept Paper

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COMPETENCIES: CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IG-J-19 Writing a Concept Paper

CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IG-J-24 Presents a novel concept or with accompanying visual/
graphic aids.

IPLAN NO. DATE: August 8, 2021 DURATION:

LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
OBJECTIVES KNOWLEDGE Defines what a concept paper is. (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19)
SKILL Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by
definition, explication and clarification (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-
ATTITUDE Identifies situations in which a concept paper may be effectively
used to improve our society (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-21)
RESOURCES Speaker Pictures PowerPoint presentation
NEEDED Laptop projector


 Prayer
 Uniform and seating arrangement checks
 Attendance Check
 Establishing Virtual Class Rules
Reflect on a particular concept in one of your subjects and recall how this was
explained in your interactions with your teachers and peers and through your readings.
Be ready to share your experiences in class.

Teacher: Definitions are essentials in school work as they serve as a frame of reference
for discussions. For instance, concepts in your perspective subjects are understood
because terms are used in a specific concept or process.
What is a Concept Paper?

A concept paper is a short document written by a researcher before starting their research
project, with the purpose of explaining what the study is about, why it is important and
the methods that will be used.

The concept paper will include your proposed research title, a brief introduction to the
subject, the aim of the study, the research questions you intend to answer, the type of data
you will collect and how you will collect it. A concept paper can also be referred to as a
research proposal.

What is the Purpose of a Concept Paper?

The primary aim of a research concept paper is to convince the reader that the proposed
research project is worth doing. This means that the reader should first agree that the
research study is novel and interesting. They should be convinced that there is a need for
this research and that the research aims and questions are appropriate.

Finally, they should be satisfied that the methods for data collection proposed are
feasible, are likely to work and can be performed within the specific time period allocated
for this project.

The three main scenarios in which you may need to write a concept paper are if you are:

1. A final year undergraduate or master’s student preparing to start a research

project with a supervisor.

2. A student submitting a research proposal to pursue a PhD project under the

supervision of a professor.

3. A principal investigator submitting a proposal to a funding body to secure

financial support for a research project.

How Long is a Concept Paper?

The concept paper format is usually between 2 and 3 pages in length for students writing
proposals for undergraduate, master’s or PhD projects. Concept papers written as part of
funding applications may be over 20 pages in length.

How do you Write a Concept Paper?

There are 6 important aspects to consider when writing a concept paper or research

1. 1. The wording of the title page, which is best presented as a question for this type
of document. At this study concept stage, you can write the title a bit catchier, for
example “Are 3D Printed Engine Parts Safe for Use in Aircraft?”.

2. A brief introduction and review of relevant existing literature published within the
subject area and identification of where the gaps in knowledge are. This last bit is
particularly important as it guides you in defining the statement of the problem.
The concept paper should provide a succinct summary of ‘the problem’, which is
usually related to what is unknown or poorly understood about your research
topic. By the end of the concept paper, the reader should be clear on how your
research idea will provide a ‘solution’ to this problem.

3. The overarching research aim of your proposed study and the objectives and/or
questions you will address to achieve this aim. Align all of these with the problem
statement; i.e. write each research question as a clear response to addressing the
limitations and gaps identified from previous literature. Also give a clear
description of your primary hypothesis.

4. The specific data outputs that you plan to capture. For example, will this be
qualitative or quantitative data? Do you plan to capture data at specific time
points or at other defined intervals? Do you need to repeat data capture to asses
any repeatability and reproducibility questions?

5. The research methodology you will use to capture this data, including any specific
measurement or analysis equipment and software you will use, and a
consideration of statistical tests to help interpret the data. If your research requires
the use of questionnaires, how will these be prepared and validated? In what sort
of time frame would you plan to collect this data?

6. Finally, include a statement of the significance of the study, explaining why your
research is important and impactful. This can be in the form of a concluding
paragraph that reiterate the statement of the problem, clarifies how your research
will address this and explains who will benefit from your research and how.


1. Group yourselves into 6.
2. You will be given a concept/problem/issue. Meet with your group for 10
minutes and then you need to discuss in front of the class why it does exist in
society. Provide concrete reasons/examples or suggest solutions that you think
might help develop or solved the existing problem.
3. After which, present it using a visual aid or a PowerPoint presentation. Each
member should speak in front and support your stand.

You will be scored base on your performance as a group guided by the following criteria:
 Content: 10pts
 Focus: 5pts
 Originality of the solutions: 10 pts
 Team Coordination: 5 pts
TOTAL: 30 pts
Instructions: In 3- 5 sentences, provide a concise answer on each of the questions
given below.
1. In your own words, how can you define concept paper and what can it contribute
to society.
2. In writing a concept paper, what are the things that we should consider?
ASSIGNMENT Preparing for the next lesson:
Research the Format and Processes in making a concept paper.

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