For Booking:
Shailaja Menon -
Fri 9th Feb 2024 - Give Yourself A
Sun 11th Feb 2024 Compassionate
4:00pm Fri - 3:00pm Sun
Just to sit, isn’t about being ‘spiritual’, nor
is it ‘meditation’. Then what is it? Let’s
explore together. In Zen, the practice of
simply sitting has been practiced since
ancient times and has proved to generate
awareness and sensitivity.
Dogen Zenji says in the Genjo Koan -
"without engaging in incense offering,
bowing, chanting, repentance or reading
scriptures, you should just wholeheartedly
sit, and thus drop away body and mind".
Zazenkai is an opportunity to come
together and sit together collectively
supporting each other in the spirit of
practice. It comprises of short sitting
periods of sitting meditation - zazen,
walking meditation - kinhin, soji (seva),
yoga and short Service. There will be a
Dharma Talk followed by Q & A. Practice
discussion will be offered.
No prior experience is necessary. These
sittings are suitable for both beginners and
experienced sitters. There will be an
opportunity to get a taste of serving and
receiving formal zendo meals called
‘Oryoki’. Ceremonial Meal.
To attend, to start and to support a ‘Retreat
Culture’ can support the larger picture of
social change in a whole nation. Be there!
Be the change you want to see.
What To Bring
8:50pm - Kinhin
9:00pm - Zazen
9:15pm - Chanting
Refuges in Pali