The Practice of Yoga
The Practice of Yoga
The Practice of Yoga
— Jigar Gor
I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks towards all those who
have helped me in making this project. Without their advice guidance, help,
cooperation and encouragement, I would not have been able to present the
project on time.
I extend my sincere gratitude to my principal Mr. Gurmeet Singh and my
yoga teacher Miss Astha Sharma for their moral support and guidance
during the tenure of my project.
I also acknowledge with a deep sense if reverence, my gratitude towards my
parents and other faculty members of the school for their valuable
suggestions given to me in completing the project.
The history of Yoga is indeed ancient. Nothing can be said
firmly about the origin of Yoga. Only it can be noted that
Yoga originated in India. The available evidence shows that
the history of Yoga is related to Indus valley civilization. At
that time, people used to do Yoga based on a secondary
source. It can allude that Yoga originated approximately
3000 BC in India. Patanjali wrote the first book on Yoga in
147 BC. Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘” Yoj’ which
means union or joinI
Steps of yoga
● Hatha Yoga :Some of the most well-known types of yoga are described
below most people associate with yoga practice.
● Raja Yoga :It incorporates exercise and breathing practice with
meditation and study producing a well-rounded individual.
● JNana Yoga:The path of wisdom.
● Bhakti Yoga:The practice of extreme devotion in one pointed
concentration upon one’s concept of God.
● Bhakti Yoga:All the movements and all work of any kind is done with
the mind centred on a personal concept of God.
Asanas are the first and the most
important stage of yoga. They are
specific body postures practised to keep
the body healthy. Asanas help in
exercising every muscle, nerve and gland
of the body and are thus highly useful in
maintaining physical fitness. Mentioned
below are the Sanskrit names (along
with the English name) of the major
Names of yoga