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Doctoral Thesis
Stockholm, Sweden 2009
TRITA-AVE 2009-83 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)
ISSN 1651-7660 Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
ISBN 978-91-7415-500-6 SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungl Tekniska högskolan framlägges till
offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i lättkonstruktioner
fredagen den 11 december kl 10.15 i sal D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Kungliga Tekniska
högskolan, Stockholm.
The work presented in this thesis was carried out at the Department of Aero-
nautical and Vehicle Engineering at KTH. Funding was provided by the European
Framework Program 6, project ALCAS, AIP4-CT-2003-516092, and the Swedish
National Aeronautics Research Programme 4, project KEKS. The financial support
is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks go to Dan Holm at Alfgam AB for the
use of Xopt and to Keith Garland and Andy Langridge at Galorath International for
the use of SEER. Finally, the collaboration with the people at Saab Aerostructures
is thankfully acknowledged.
”Why Sweden?” I’ve been asked many times during the last four years. Well, I’ll
never forget my professor’s words while he showed me corrugated sandwich structures
six years ago. ”Plastic’s fantastic!” – Dan, the idea of designing exceptional things
with an exceptional material was one of the reasons to follow your invitation and
pursue a PhD under your guidance. You and my co-advisor Malin Åkermo were a
constant source of enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation.
Another reason to return to Stockholm was the friendship with Peter & Frida,
Ylva, Staffan, Joakim & Sofie, Chris & Camilla, Johan & Lotta and Mättu & Camilla
(in order of appearance). Tack för alla oglömbara stunder vi hade tillsammans! A
warm thank you to my friends and colleagues at KTH, particularly to my in-house
buddies Chris and Mio, and to Ylva (who critically supported my endeavors to
improve the local language).
My brother was the most frequent flyer between Zurich and Stockholm, and
proofreader of so many things I’ve written during the last years. You’re a great guy
and always welcome to your ”second” family!
I would further like to thank my parents for the endless support they provided
during all the years. Thank you for your belief in me!
But first and foremost, I would like to thank Anneke, whose love and support
made this thesis possible. Soon a chapter of our life is over and I’m looking forward
to the continuation of our story – wherever it will be!
Markus Kaufmann
Stockholm in 2009
Composite structures can lower the weight of an airliner significantly. Due to the higher
process complexity and the high material cost, however, the low weight often comes with a
significant increase in production cost. The application of cost-effective design strategies is
one mean to meet this challenge.
In this thesis, a simplified form of direct operating cost is suggested as a comparative
value that in combination with multidisciplinary optimization enables the evaluation of a
design solution in terms of cost and weight. The proposed cost optimization framework
takes into account the manufacturing cost, the non-destructive testing cost and the lifetime
fuel consumption based on the weight of the aircraft, thus using a simplified version of the
direct operating cost as the objective function. The manufacturing cost can be estimated
by means of different techniques. For the proposed optimization framework, feature-based
parametric cost models prove to be most suitable.
Paper A contains a parametric study in which a skin/stringer panel is optimized for
a series of cost/weight ratios (weight penalties) and material configurations. The weight
penalty (defined as the specific lifetime fuel burn) is dependent on the fuel consumption of
the aircraft, the fuel price and the viewpoint of the optimizer. It is concluded that the ideal
choice of the design solution is neither low-cost nor low-weight but rather a combination
Paper B proposes the inclusion of non-destructive testing cost in the design process
of composite components, and the adjustment of the design strength of each laminate
according to inspection parameters. Hence, the scan pitch of the ultrasonic testing is
regarded as a variable, representing an index for the guaranteed material quality. It is
shown that the cost for non-destructive testing can be lowered if the quality level of the
laminate is assigned and adjusted in an early design stage.
In Paper C and Paper D the parameters of the manufacturing processes are upgraded
during the cost optimization of the component. In Paper C, the framework is extended by
the cost-efficient adaptation of parameters in order to reflect the situation when machining
an aluminum component. For different weight penalties, the spar thickness and stringer
geometry of the provided case study vary. In addition, another cutter is chosen with regard
to the modified shape of the stringer. In Paper D, the methodology is extended to the
draping of composite fabrics, thus optimizing not only the stacking layup, but also the
draping strategy itself. As in the previous cases, the design alters for different settings of
the weight penalty. In particular, one can see a distinct change in fiber layup between the
minimum weight and the minimum cost solution.
Paper E summarizes the work proposed in Papers A-D and provides a case study on
a C-spar component. Five material systems are used for this case study and compared
in terms of cost and weight. The case study shows the impact of the weight penalty, the
material cost and the labor rate on the choice of the material system. For low weight
penalties, for example, the aluminum spar is the most cost-effective solution. For high
weight penalties, the RTM system is favorable. The paper also discusses shortcomings
with the presented methodology and thereby opens up for future method developments.
This doctoral thesis is based on an introduction to the area of research and the
following appended papers:
Paper A
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert and P. Wennhage. Integrated cost/weight optimization
of aircraft structures. Accepted for publication in Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization, online version doi: 10.1007/s00158-009-0413-1.
Paper B
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert and C. Mattei. Cost optimization of composite aircraft
structures including variable laminate qualities. Composites Science and Technology,
68; 2748-2754, 2008.
Paper C
M. Kaufmann, T. Czumanski and D. Zenkert. Manufacturing process adaptation
for integrated cost/weight optimisation of aircraft structures. Plastics, Rubber and
Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, 38(2):162-166(5), 2009.
Paper D
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert and M. Åkermo. Cost/weight optimization of composite
prepreg structures for best draping strategy. Accepted for publication in Composites
Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2009.
Paper E
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert and M. Åkermo. Material selection for aircraft components
based on cost optimization. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Aircraft (Design
I Introduction 1
1 Background 3
3 Design Optimization 15
3.1 Multiobjective Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Weight Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Integrated Cost/Weight Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5 Forming of Composites 29
5.1 Models for Composite Forming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2 Composite Modeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7 Conclusion 41
8 Future Work 43
Bibliography 45
xii M. Kaufmann
II Appended papers 53
Part I
1 Background
”In a switch that could make Airbus’s next jetliner more competitive with rival Boeing
Co.’s new 787 Dreamliner, the European plane maker plans to build the frame of
its planned A350 model from advanced composite materials instead of metal. The
lighter structure – similar to that of the Boeing plane – reduces fuel consumption,
increases a plane’s range and reduces wear on key parts such as landing gear. The
shift also cuts the need for costly maintenance inspections. [. . . ]”
This article, published by the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, September 15,
2007, summarizes the achievements in the field of aerospace structures over the last
couple of years. Material configurations are undergoing a change from metals to
composites, thus lowering the structural weight and avoiding fatigue and corrosion.
No cost aspects, however, are mentioned in the article. How much more does the
composite version cost compared to the metallic baseline? And how far could an
increase in manufacturing cost be motivated by the saving of weight?
4 M. Kaufmann
The aircraft market’s competition forces the airline operators to save costs.
Hence, efforts are made to lower acquisition and operating costs. One possibility to
lower the latter is to reduce the fuel consumption of the aircraft. In Figure 1.2, the
development of the price for A1 jet fuel since the year 2000 is shown. As can be
seen, the fuel price quickly quadrupled in 2008 before returning to a level roughly
twice the price of 2000. Thus, the aircraft manufacturers are pushed even more to
design products with lower fuel consumption. But is there a way to balance these
low-weight and low-cost design objectives?
A first estimation of the impact of the structural weight on the lifetime fuel
consumption can be made by means of a simple fuel burn calculation. According to
Scandinavian Airlines, an airliner in the A330 class with 260 seats and a take-off
weight of 233 tonnes typically consumes 0.035 l/seat/km. Let us assume that the
average gross weight is about 200 tonnes and that the aircraft flies for 25 years, 300
days/year a range of 2·7000 km/day. Thus, the total flown distance in the life of
the plane is estimated to be 100 million km. With the above fuel consumption and
passenger utilization, the total life fuel consumption is 1 billion liters of jet fuel
or about 5000 liter per kilogram flight mass. At a fuel price of about e0.40/l (or
US$ 740/metric tonne), the lifetime fuel cost per kilogram gross weight is e2000/kg
This calculation is made for the average gross weight of an aircraft. The airframe
weight is only 20-30% of the gross weight. Thus, one can expect the monetary
impact of structural weight savings to be even higher, as any weight savings during
the very early design phases can be looped back through the whole aircraft design
process: any weight saving is also accompanied by the use of smaller engines or
smaller wings. As a consequence, the net savings in aircraft take-off weight is much
greater than the weight saved on the structure alone.
fuel price [US$ per metric tonne]
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 1.2: Development of the price for A1 Jet fuel since 2000
(Data provided by Nordea Bank AB)
Introduction 5
We could change the design objectives and consider a possible increase in revenue
instead of the fuel saving. Assuming an aircraft with one transatlantic return trip
a day, 300 days a year for 25 years and a ticket price of e500 would result in a
revenue of e3’750’000 per chair. If we further assume that 125 kg weight saving is
needed per additional passenger, a total of e30’000 could potentially be earned per
kilogram structure.
A lot of work has been performed in the field of pure weight optimization. The
application of a lifetime cost per kilogram airframe structure, however, provides us
with a tool to include cost and weight in the optimization of aircraft structures.
Gutowski et al. described the composite’s drawbacks already back in 1991 [2].
The cost of the composite raw material is roughly ten times the cost of aluminum.
The material cost, however, reflects only a small part of the total cost of the final
product. First, the labor cost to manufacture a composite component is much
higher than for a comparable metal part. Second, the production of composite
components brings a need for an extensive quality management and rigorous non-
destructive testing. Third, the increased design complexity comes with an increase
in development cost.
These risks were also identified by Rais-Rohani and Dean [3]. According to
them, the high material, fabrication and tooling costs may make the use of high-
performance materials cost-ineffective. Thus, the costs of raw materials, tooling,
fabrication, assembly, scrap, repair, certification and environmental factors should be
included in the design of composite structures. Sobieszczanski-Sobieski and Haftka
observed an absence of cost optimization frameworks for composite components [4].
Soutis pointed out that early composite designs were ”replicas of those that employed
metallic materials” from the 40s, as most composite parts were manufactured with
expensive hand-laid carbon epoxy prepregs using quasi-isotropic stacking sequences.
According to the authors ”the high material cost and man-hour-intensive laminate
production jeopardized their acceptance” [5].
In this thesis, a framework for the cost optimization of aircraft structures is
proposed. In Chapter 2, the three phases in the structural design of aircrafts are
presented. Chapter 3 introduces the field of multidisciplinary design optimization.
By means of a literature survey, existing cost/weight optimization frameworks
and their differences are presented. Chapter 4 deals with the definition of direct
operating cost and the estimation of manufacturing cost, followed by an overview
of composite forming in Chapter 5. Finally, an introduction to the proposed
optimization framework and the appended papers is given, followed by a short
discussion and the identification of possible future work.
2 Structural Design of Aircrafts
Conceptual Design
In the conceptual design phase, numerous design alternatives are compared and
evaluated, based on cost/weight/passenger/range tradeoff studies. The result is an
initial aerodynamics and propulsion concept, including overall dimensions, weights
and global loads.
Preliminary Design
In the preliminary design phase, a global finite element model is built up from which
local loads and loading conditions are derived. An illustration of typical loads on
an airliner is given in Figure 2.1. As can be seen, aeroelastic loads such as tensile,
compressive and torsional loads in wing, fuselage and empennage represent only a
fraction of the load cases the structural engineers have to consider. Other loads
arise from the cabin pressure (hoop stress), bird strike or impact loads on the tail.
Very high local stresses can be found in the landing gear ribs, the sidestay fittings
and the pylon structure.
The task of the structural engineers is the design of the inner structure of the
aircraft. The design is constrained by the aerodynamic configuration. It has to
withstand all loads and should be as light as possible. Different levels of detail are
investigated in the preliminary design phase, see Figure 2.2. First, the structural
arrangement of the major parts, such as ribs and spars in the wing and lap joints and
butt joints in the fuselage are defined. Then, the structure is designed on a panel
level. The strength and stiffness of the structural members are defined and verified
by means of finite element models, while changes in the configuration (e.g. stiffener
distance, flange type, rib stiffeners, etc.) are still possible. According to Assler [6],
the design process is influenced by a variety of factors at this stage. Examples are
8 M. Kaufmann
Stress Bending
Longit. Tension
(transverse shear and torsion)
Longit. Compression (bending)
Hoop Tension Impact High Local Loads Corrosion Resistance
- Airworthiness regulations
- Environmental considerations
- General aircraft requirements (operational profile, maintenance, etc.)
- Specific requirements for structural details
- Available materials and technologies
- Manufacturing capacities and capabilities
- Non-destructive testing and investigation capabilities
- Design cost
Detail Design
In the detail design phase, the structure is analyzed by means of high-fidelity
models, and the fabrication, tooling and assembly processes are defined. The result
is a detailed work breakdown structure including all structural parts, mounting,
bolts and rivets, clips, doors, brackets, etc. Each part has to fulfill its particular
requirements, based on structural failure, fatigue, corrosion resistance, lightning
strike, sealing, conduction, maintenance or testing.
Butt Joint
System integrator
Sub system
Equipment supplier
Component supplier
information flows. Further mentioned is the need for an extensive product lifecycle
management database (PLM). In the case of the A380, the PLM is used by more
than 5000 engineers and contains more than 3000 CAD drawings of about 150’000
Composite Structural Weight [%]
15 A340-600
A320 A340-300
10 A300
5 A310-200
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Figure 2.4: Portion of composite materials in Airbus aircrafts
(by courtesy of H. Assler, Airbus Deutschland GmbH)
same. A composite component that is designed for stiffness will therefore have a
higher safety factor against material failure than its metallic counterpart. This
characteristic accounts for the good fatigue behavior of composites, cutting down
the maintenance cost for the airlines. Another advantage is the possibility to tailor
composites specifically to a desired function. This is done by either adjusting the
fiber angle distribution or by unifying the geometry and thus reducing the number
of parts.
Specific strength σ/ρ
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Specific stiffness E/ρ
Figure 2.5: Specific strengths and stiffnesses of different metals and al-
loys, quasi-isotropic glass fiber reinforced plastic (Glass/QI)
and quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced plastic (Car-
tests have to be performed for filled or unfilled holes, as stress concentrations around
fastener and bolt holes can be the cause for material failure. The test phase can
include up to 4000 coupons to generate complete data for a certification program,
see Niu [10].
A composite laminate can fail by different modes, e.g. by fiber failure, microbuck-
ling, matrix failure or fiber/matrix debonding. Other effects are delaminations due
to pull-off loads, free-edge effects, poisson’s ratio mismatch or compressive buckling.
Therefore, most engineers (and aeronautical engineers in particular) tend to use
rather conservative failure criteria.
Unlike metal structures, composite structures are limited by strain and not by
stress concerns. The strain limits of composite laminates are only indirectly related
to the strain levels of the matrix or the fibers; it is rather a design strain based on
coupon tests. One of the limiting load cases of coupon tests is the compression after
impact test, simulating prior damage from tool drops and runway debris. There,
the remaining compressive failure strain of a damaged composite panel is evaluated.
Typically, values around 0.4% are obtained which is much lower than for unnotched
Albeit not being the most elaborate failure theory, the maximum strain criterion
is still widely used in the aerospace industry. The maximum strain criterion is given
as three independent sub-criteria
ε̂1,c < ε1 < ε̂1,t
ε̂2,c < ε2 < ε̂2,t and (2.1)
|γ12 | < γ̂12 .
The indices c and t denote compression and tension, respectively; 1 and 2 denote the
ply’s longitudinal and transversal direction, andˆdenotes the allowable strain value.
Apart from material failure, the design of composite laminates is governed
by a series of other rules. Examples given are the requirement for symmetrical
stacking, a minimum amount of 10% of each ply angle, or the location of fiber splits.
Aircraft engineers maintain a stacking sequence consisting of 0◦ , 90◦ and ±45◦ plies.
Although there exist stacking sequences that allow a significant weight reduction,
certification issues prevent their use yet.
For metallic and composite aircraft structures, NDT is also part of the damage
tolerance concept. Micro-cracks are basically tolerated under the condition that
the airliner is regularly checked for structural integrity (continuous monitoring and
sufficiently slow growth of cracks). In so-called D checks, complete overhauls at
six to ten years intervals, the paint is removed and cracks or delaminations are
sought. Apart from these regular checks, the integrity is also tested after bird strikes,
hard landings or similar incidents. All these inspections are very costly due to the
downtime of the aircraft.
Ultrasonic Methods
Due to the nature of composite structures, flaws can occur in monolithic structures
(porosity, delamination, cracks), the adhesive layers (debondings), or sandwich
cores (density irregularities, cracks). While flaws in the outer skin can be detected
with single-sided access, the underlaying defects often need through-transmission
scanning. Thick structures are generally more difficult to test than thin structures.
The most common method for the inspection of aircraft structures is ultrasonic
testing (UT). There, a transducer is passed over the area being tested. Ultrasonic
waves penetrate the structure, while the receiver records the reflected (pulse-echo
mode) or the transmitted (through-transmission mode) sound waves, see Figure
2.6. The screen on the diagnostic machine will show these results in the form of
amplitude and pulse readings, as well as the time of flight.
Transmitter Receiver Amplitude
Transmitter Receiver Amplitude
Flaw Time
Figure 2.6: Ultrasonic test setup in through-transmission mode [11]
The presentation of the amplitude of the wave as a function of time (the so-called
A-scan) is sufficient for manual detection of flaws. Scanning along a given route
leads to the B-scan presentation with the in-depth position of the flaw as a function
of scan distance and time of flight. The C-scan in turn represents an areal defect
image of the scanned part by scanning a 2D-pattern, while the D-scan combines the
in-depth information of the B-scan with the C-scan. In Figure 2.7, the procedure
to obtain a C-scan is shown. The density of the scan pattern (separated by the
distance later referred to as the scan pitch) determines the size of the detectable
14 M. Kaufmann
Test Piece
Side View
Top View C-Scan Presentation
Referring to the literature, the design of composite structures has not been
influenced by NDT aspects. In order to capture the full life cycle of a composite
component, however, NDT should play a role in an early design phase. Therefore, a
methodology was developed that included the parameters of the in-production and
in-service testing in the design process. Hence, the scan distance of the ultrasonic
C-scan was introduced as a variable in the design optimization. In a feature-based
model, the NDT cost was calculated from the scan distance (the scan pitch). Further,
the design allowables of the laminate were adapted, since the scan pitch had a direct
influence on the detectable flaw size. This methodology is presented in Paper B.
3 Design Optimization
Product design is a process where ideas are generated and screened, and concepts
are formulated, rephrased and rejected. This solution-finding process is iterative
and – in a wider sense – an optimization process. The former methods of trial and
testing, however, have been replaced more and more by abstract models. In the
field of aeronautics, such models can include flow models, cost models, structural
models, models of the material properties, or dynamic flight models. Often, several
models from different disciplines are necessary in order to represent the behavior and
characteristics accurately enough. Most of the costs of the final product are defined
in the conceptual design phase, and to neglect relevant design aspects in this phase
would be disadvantageous. Hence, the goal of concurrent aerospace engineering is to
gather knowledge from different disciplines by involving a multidisciplinary group
of engineers in the design process. Examples of involved areas are fluid mechanics,
statics and dynamics (engineering mechanics), mathematics, electrotechnology,
propulsion, control engineering, aircraft structures, materials science, production
engineering, aeroelasticity, avionics, risk and reliability, or noise control.
In recent years, attempts have been made to perform these design tasks simul-
taneously rather than sequentially. However, difficulties were encountered related
to the large amount of data that had to be shared, as well as cultural and commu-
nicative problems between members of different fields or with different backgrounds.
Another obstacle is often given by the company’s hierarchy: the information flow is
not provided, hierarchical structures do not promote concurrent engineering and
different departments are separated and distributed spatially.
One approach to incorporate the different disciplines in aircraft design into an
automated design environment is the use of multidisciplinary design optimization
(MDO). As shown in Figure 3.1, an MDO framework combines relevant design
disciplines and runs the analysis tools simultaneously. Feedback is given to an opti-
mization algorithm that calculates a new design solution by means of mathematical
programming or stochastic search methods, and provides inputs for the next round
of evaluation. These steps are repeated until the objective function, e.g. the weight
of the part, is judged to be sufficiently minimized.
For an overview on MDO applications in the field of aerospace, it is referred to
the review article written by Sobieszczanski-Sobieski and Haftka [4]. They concluded
that most of the literature on multidisciplinary optimization covers the interaction
16 M. Kaufmann
Initial parametric
Update parametric
optimum model
between aerodynamics and structures (see Raymer [12] and Bartholomew [13]) or
shape parametrization techniques (see Samareh [14]).
Multidisciplinary design optimization frameworks are continuously being devel-
oped, see Samareh and Bhatia [15] and Townsend et al. [16]. For implementations
like NASA’s FIDO1 project, requirements like an intuitive user interface, handling
of a large problem size and support of collaborative design aspects were important.
Salas and Townsend [17] described the requirements of such frameworks in detail.
A short review on cost considerations in multidisciplinary aircraft design was given
by Rais-Rohani and Dean [3]. In 1996, they proposed that costs of raw materials,
tooling, fabrication, assembly, scrap, repair, certification and environmental factors
should be included in the design of composite structures. They motivated their
reflection with former studies on the weight-to-cost relation of structures made of
advanced materials which showed that the high material, fabrication and tooling
costs may make the use of high performance materials cost-ineffective. According
to that article, material and fabrication costs of composite structures are the key
drivers and of comparable importance as the assembly and maintenance costs of
metal structures.
Goal Programming
One approach to solve the problem above is referred to as goal programming. Goal
programming uses one of the objectives as the objective function, whereas upper
values (goals) are set for the other objectives. For example, one could implement a
cost goal by setting an upper cost limit as a constraint to the optimization problem.
This problem can be formulated as
min weight of a composite element
subject to - prescribed load case (3.2)
- maximum manufacturing cost.
On the other hand, one could do the reverse and optimize for cost only, while aiming
for a prescribed structural performance (weight goal). This is given as
min cost of a composite element
subject to - prescribed load case (3.3)
- maximum weight.
Both formulations have the drawback that the target cost or the target weight has
to be defined in advanced; being a one-shot technique, the goal has a great influence
on the optimal solution, and a poor formulation could lead to inferior designs.
18 M. Kaufmann
Multilevel Programming
Sometimes, the objectives can be ordered hierarchically in terms of importance.
Hence, a top level objective function is defined and the set of points that minimize
this first level objective is sought. In a second step, the set is reduced to the points
that minimize the second level objective, and the method proceeds until the lowest
level objective has been minimized. An example for multilevel optimization of
aircraft structures is given by Gantois and Morris [19].
This work, however, deals with the tradeoff behavior of a combined cost/weight
optimization. It is then not possible to order the two objectives, as they are on the
same level and cannot be separated hierarchically. Thus, first weight, then cost or
first cost, then weight approaches would not make sense here.
Pareto Optimality
A topic closely related to multiobjective optimization is Pareto optimality. Imagine
a full search exploration of all possible designs of a structural part, e.g. the points
given in Figure 3.2. Each design solution is represented by a variable set x, a
manufacturing cost f1 and a weight f2 . The points that constitute combinations of
lowest cost and lowest weight are marked with cross symbols; they are called Pareto
A Pareto point is a point in the design space for which there is (a) no possible
design solution with a lower weight and the same manufacturing cost or (b) no
possible design with the same weight and a lower manufacturing cost. The curve that
connects all Pareto points is called the Pareto frontier. The Pareto frontier is of great
importance in multiobjective optimization, as it represents the tradeoff behavior
of the two objectives. A lot of optimization algorithms deal with the generation
of a complete Pareto frontier, thus providing a choice of possible solutions to the
optimization problem. Two classes of optimization algorithms developed to perform
this particular task are the Homotopy Techniques, see Watson and Haftka [20], and
the Normal-Boundary Intersection, see Das and Dennis [21] and Huang et al. [22].
Figure 3.2: Design solutions, the corresponding Pareto points x and
the Pareto frontier –.
Introduction 19
The approach of minimizing weighted sums is criticized by Das and Dennis [23],
as the generation of evenly distributed Pareto points fails. However, in the case of
a combined cost/weight optimization, one would use the parameters to establish
a relationship between the manufacturing cost and the structural weight, and the
generation of a Pareto frontier is not necessary. This approach is described in detail
below, where this cost/weight relationship is called weight penalty, representing the
”lifetime fuel burn cost per unit structural mass”.
Figure 3.3: Tradeoff between acquisition and operating costs, see [28].
At Boeing, an approach for the life-cycle design of aircraft concepts was taken
by Marx et al. [28]. Three material configurations for a wing of a high-speed civil
transport aircraft were considered. It was concluded that lower operating cost could
be achieved by a costly design with higher reliability (less maintenance, downtime,
etc.), and – vice versa – that the lowest acquisition cost does not always signify the
lowest life-cycle cost (LCC). As shown in Figure 3.3, the point depicted as Minimum
Life Cycle Cost would be the best alternative for both the manufacturer and the
airline. Marx et al. included R&D cost, manufacturing and sustaining costs, and
In 1999, Gantois presented a PhD thesis where manufacturing cost was taken into
account for the multidisciplinary optimization of airliners [19]. The objective function
was formed by weight and drag components, and a sub-level cost optimization was
implemented in order to achieve the lowest manufacturing cost possible once the
super-level goals were reached. The optimization was accomplished by a topological
optimization (number of ribs, number of stiffeners).
At Rolls-Royce, it was observed that the traditional separation of an organization
into a design and a cost department was a source of frustration and delay to the design
process. Therefore, the Design Analysis Tool for Unit-cost Modeling (DATUM)
project was launched in 2002. The aim was (a) an understanding of the current
costing tools available on the market, (b) the development of an own costing tool
that would support design decisions throughout the development process and (c) its
application to an optimization framework. The DATUM project was described by
Scanlan et al. [29].
Park et al. [30] pursued the optimization of structures considering mechanical
performance and manufacturing cost. For the design of a resin-transfer-molded part,
the stacking sequence of a composite plate was optimized in order to maximize
the stiffness. Simultaneously, the mold filling time was minimized by changing the
number and position of resin injection gates. They used a weighted sum approach
with the displacement and the filling time as the two objectives.
Edke and Chang published a paper entitled ”Shape optimization of heavy load
carrying components for structural performance and manufacturing cost” in 2006 [31].
They presented a cost optimization framework that minimized the machining cost
Introduction 21
Cost/Weight Objectives
As seen above, most research was performed on minimizing weight or manufacturing
cost while maintaining a given structural performance (goal programming). When
reduction of both cost and weight is sought, however, the two objectives have to be
incorporated into one objective function.
Preparatory work was done by Kassapoglou [34–36]. First, stiffened composite
panels were optimized separately for minimum cost Cmin and minimum weight
Wmin , and in a second step, the objective functions
C − Cmin W − Wmin
F (x) = α1 + α2 (3.5)
Cmin Wmin
or s
(C − Cmin )2 (W − Wmin )2
F (x) = α12 2 + α22 2 (3.6)
Cmin Wmin
were applied. Here, C and W represented the actual cost and weight in each
iteration, respectively. The idea was resumed by Kelly and Wang [37] and Wang et
al. [38]. They proposed a simplified objective function on the form
where $500/kg represented the ratio between cost and weight. This methodology
was applied to the optimization of a closed box structure, an aileron and a Krueger
Curran et al. [39–44] developed a similar framework for the optimization of an
aluminum fuselage panel. Structural constraints were formed by the von Mises
criterion, and local and global buckling coefficients. The manufacturing cost consisted
of material, fabrication and assembly costs, and the objective function was given as
where α1 was 2 or 3.5 and α2 = $300/kg. Only metallic structures were considered,
presumably due to the readily available buckling data from ESDU.
A similar approach was used by Iqbal and Hansen [45] for the optimization of
welded truss structures. Apart from balancing manufacturing cost and weight, they
also proposed a tradeoff function between the weight and the structural compliance.
In an outlook they suggested how the combination of weight (or cost including
weight) and compliance could be integrated in the design of aircraft structures.
The approach of a weighted sum has some advantages when it comes to cost/
weight optimization. First, it can easily be implemented in an optimization frame-
work. Second, the combination of cost and weight (weighted by parameters αi ) gains
an economical significance. In this thesis, Curran et al.’s approach was extended
and the component’s share of the direct operating cost was used as the objective
function. For details it is referred to Chapters 4 and 6.
4 Cost and Cost Estimation
Note that most of the cost impacts are defined in the earliest design phases, whereas
the bigger part of the expenditures occurs during the operation and support phase.
24 M. Kaufmann
Design to cost can be regarded as goal optimization with a specified cost target
Cmax while the structural performance F (x) is maximized. Thus, the mathematical
formulation is given as
max F (x)
subject to gj (x) ≤ 0 j = 1, 2, . . . m (4.3)
C(x) ≤ Cmax .
Design for cost, on the other hand, maintains a prescribed structural performance
Fmin while the cost C(x) is minimized. This optimization problem is given as
min C(x)
subject to gj (x) ≤ 0 j = 1, 2, . . . m (4.4)
F (x) ≥ Fmin .
Operation-Based Activity-Based
Approach Cost Estimation
Break-Down Feature-Based
Approach Cost Estimation
Cost Models
(b) Quantitative cost estimation techniques
estimation. This provides a great level of detail and sensitivity for the optimization
with respect to cost. Here, the basics of SEER-MFG are described in brief.
SEER-MFG uses kinematic and semi-empirical algorithms to derive direct and
indirect labor and tooling times along with material and other expenses. In principle,
the total cost of a unit subjected to an operation is given as
Each of these features requires input data in form of length, width, thickness and –
if applicable – radius. Further, the feature definition includes a scanning technique
(pulse-echo or through-transmission), a complexity index, the educational level of
the operator and, associated with the latter, a cost per hour or per scanned area.
Hence, the cost for each feature is estimated, and the total cost of non-destructive
testing is the sum of all feature costs. For more details it is referred to Paper B.
5 Forming of Composites
The material properties of a composite laminate are functions of the fiber orientations
of the single plies. These fiber orientations are strongly dependent on the component’s
geometry, the properties of fibers and matrix (e.g. the stiffness of a fiber bundle and
its orientation) and parameters, such as temperature, applied force and deformation
rate during the forming process.
Problems that may arise during manufacturing are voids, wrinkles and fiber
bridges, fiber misalignment, tolerance mismatches, radius thickening or thinning,
residual stresses, global shape distortions or spring-in effects. Thus, a lot of experi-
ence is needed to design components that are manufacturable.
In recent years, a lot of research has been performed in the field of forming
processes. This research has led to better understanding of forming processes and
the influence of process parameters, and to the development of simplified models for
the design of producible complex composite components. Several existing material
systems have been examined and ranked in terms of formability, and new material
systems developed in order to improve the manufacturing process. This chapter
gives a short overview of the mechanisms affecting forming of composites, draping
models and commercial software. For more detailed information it is referred to the
book ”Composites forming technologies”, edited by A.C. Long [61].
There are different composite manufacturing processes, such as hand-laid pre-
preg, RTM or vacuum infusion. They all share the complexity of forming a flat dry
preform or a prepreg into a 3D shape before curing. The kinematics of ply draping
are generally the same, which makes it possible to use fairly simplified models for
the estimation of the fiber angles. The existence of the matrix, however, affects the
friction between plies and the mechanisms in the ply.
30 M. Kaufmann
The orientation of the fibers, primarily the angle between warp and weft yarns,
governs a series of properties, such as structural properties, the coefficients of
thermal expansion, local fiber volume fractions and the permeability of the material.
Thus, it is the aim of most material models to model the fiber reorientation as a
function of the shape of the component and the process parameters. Several model
classifications exist, whereof kinematic models and mechanical models can be seen
as the two main groups.
Kinematic Models
The simplest draping model is the mapping algorithm based on research performed
in the 50s by Mack and Taylor [62] and Van West et al. [63], also known as the
Pin-Jointed Net model (PJN). This model is illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Introduction 31
a b
(i,j) z
A raster of points is mapped to the tool surface by keeping the fiber segments
constant. The algorithm solves the kinematic relationships given as
where x, y and z are point coordinates, a and b are the distances of the fiber
segments and F is the surface equation. The algorithm is applied point by point,
thus finding the coordinates of the new point (i, j) based on the two existing points
(i − 1, j) and (i, j − 1).
Examples for commercial design tools using a kinematic approach are PAM-
QUIKFORM1 , FiberSIM2 , Interactive Drape3 or Composite Modeler4 . None of
these tools account for yarn slippage, shear locking, yarn bending, or boundary
conditions such as blank holding forces. This is subject to to further research, see
Potter et al. [64–66], Wang et al. [67] and Wiggers [68].
Truss based models are slightly more complex than mapping algorithms as they
take into account the shear stiffness of the material. As can be seen in Figure
5.2, the model consists of truss elements which are connected by diagonal spring
elements. The trusses represent the fibers, whereas the springs are responsible for
the shear stiffness, see Nguyen et al. [69]. Little input and time is needed for the
calculation in FE, which is one of the big advantages compared to the mechanical
models described below. Main limitations are the missing matrix behavior, and the
neglect of inter-ply shear in the simulation of hot draped composite stacks.
1 http://www.esi-group.com
2 http://www.vistagy.com
3 http://www.interprot.com
4 http://www.simulayt.com
32 M. Kaufmann
side truss
Figure 5.2: Unit cell of a truss model with one or two diagonal spring
Mechanical Models
The mechanical models are most complex, as they rely on non-linear elastic or
viscoplastic, and sometimes even bi-component material models representing the
elastic fibers, the viscous matrix and the friction between yarns. The calculation is
performed using non-linear and/or explicit FE code, thus being rather extensive in
computation time, see Boisse et al. [70] and Badel et al. [71]. Tool and laminate
geometries, material properties and appropriate friction laws have a great impact
on the output and should therefore be given appropriate attention. Examples of
commercial codes are AniForm5 and PAM-FORM6 .
Multi-Layered Models
Most of the model approaches above can only describe single layers or an assembly
of single layers. When draping a multi-layer material (such as hot draped prepreg
stacks), the inter-ply behavior is important. The simulation can be done in two
First, one can use a shell element for each layer of the stack, and implement
friction laws which take into account the interaction between the shell elements
while being formed. The total number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) and the number
of contact evaluations grow linearly with the number of stacked layers.
Alternatively, one can use only one through-the-thickness element and incorporate
the drape behavior (including slip, inter-ply and intra-ply shear) in this single layered
shell element. This method is advantageous regarding the computation time. On
the other hand, an extensive number of material parameters are needed to describe
the material behavior, in particular for the intra-ply behavior.
Kinematic and mechanical approaches provide tools which can simulate the composite
forming process with acceptable computational efforts. A limitation is certainly the
need for material properties over the full temperature range in the process, which
5 http://www.aniform.com
6 http://www.esi-group.com
Introduction 33
cut length
fiber angles
Material type The type of the material (weave or tape) has a distinct influence
on the shear mechanism (i.e. scissoring or sliding mechanisms).
Seed point and seed curves The seed point is the location of the initial contact
between a draped ply and the underlying mold or ply stack. A seed curve constrains
warp or weft directions along one or two paths on the surface.
Reference angle The reference angle is the angle between the 1-axis of the ply
and a reference coordinate system.
Extension type The extension type governs the draping kinematics. Three
extension types are available in Composite Modeler:
Geodesic The first extension yarn lies in a geodesic direction nearest
the principal axis.
Energy The draping proceeds from a seed point minimizing shear
strain deformation energy.
Maximum The draping proceeds from a seed point minimizing the
maximum shear.
Other parameters Other parameters cover the maximum shear angle during the
draping of the fabric (also known as shear locking angle), warp/weft angles and
warp/weft ratios. In addition, the thickness and angle tolerances for the generation
of the ABAQUS sections can be defined.
seed point 1-axis of the draped ply draped 0° fiber angle deviation
direction at control points
reference angle
mold φ
coordinate nominal 0°
system direction
Fabric shear Shown on the screen and written to the .vfp file. Colors depict
areas where the maximum fabric shear is reached and risk for wrinkling occurs (see
Figure 5.5).
Figure 5.5: Screen shot of the fabric shear modeled in Composite Mod-
eler. The area with risk for wrinkling is emphasized with
Ply thickness The ply thickness is stored as part of the ABAQUS sections. In
addition, the internal data points of the PJN model are saved to the .vfp file.
Flat pattern The shape of the ply when undraped, see Figure 5.3. This shape
is saved as a drawing exchange format (.dxf) file which can be post-processed by
means of scripts in order to obtain ply area, scrap ratio and perimeter of the cut,
see Lang [75].
6 Cost Optimization Framework
Cman is the manufacturing cost, Cndt,prod and Cndt,serv are non-destructive testing
costs for in-production and in-service inspection, p is a weight penalty (in e/kg)
and W is the weight of the structure. The parameters αi incorporate calibration
factors due to depreciation, overhead cost and other cost adjustments, and N is
the estimated number of regular inspections during the lifetime of the aircraft. The
final framework is illustrated in Figure 6.1.
In Curran’s and Kassapoglou’s work (see Section 3.3), closed-form solutions
provided the basis for the structural calculation. Here, it was proposed that an FE
tool (e.g. ABAQUS) would calculate the structural performance of the component.
Thus, the problem was independent from any limitations, such as geometries,
material models and boundary conditions. In addition, the setup was reduced to the
generation of the FE model and its parametrization. A major drawback, however,
was the computational effort that was necessary in order to generate the structural
The calculation of the structural constraints emerged to be the limiting factor
and a gradient-based method was chosen. The method of moving asymptotes (MMA)
was developed by Svanberg and first published in 1987, see [76–78]. This solver
38 M. Kaufmann
best ply
NDT dk
objective function
obtained the results from the different analysis blocks, i.e. SEER-MFG (for the
calculation of the manufacturing cost), ABAQUS/CAE, Composite Modeler and
the NDT model. Based on that feedback, the objective function, the constraints
and the update of the variables were computed.
The approach of a weight penalty p was introduced in the work done by Kelly
and Wang [37], Wang et al. [38] and Curran et al. [39]. The quantification of p,
however, is not trivial. The literature proposes values between e45/kg and e380/kg,
whereas own estimations, based on the fuel consumption of an A330 and today’s fuel
price, resulted in a weight penalty of approximately e2000/kg. A definite value for p
could not be given, as it depended on the viewpoint of the designer, the application
and the operational profile. Instead, it was concentrated on the effect of different
settings of the weight penalty p on the design. This was done as follows:
Paper A
Paper B
A skin/stringer panel was optimized using the objective function given in Equa-
tion (6.2). Further, the design strength of each laminate was adjusted according
to the parameters of non-destructive testing. One of the parameters, the scan
pitch, was a representative value for the guaranteed laminate quality. It was shown
that – similar to the results of Paper A – the optimum laminate quality was again
dependent on the weight penalty. The designs of the investigated skin/stringer
panels were mainly governed by fulfilling the buckling constraint. As a consequence,
the design strength could be lowered by adjusting the scan pitch of the ultrasonic
testing, reducing the cost of NDT by 35-54% and the component’s direct operating
cost by 4-14%.
Paper C
The results of Paper A and Paper B showed that the actual cost could even be
lower than the estimations using prescribed process parameters. Thus, the sub-
optimization of machining and other process parameters was necessary in order to
estimate the lowest manufacturing cost in each iteration. A framework for the sub-
optimization of machining parameters was proposed, minimizing the manufacturing
cost in each iteration by the adaptation of manufacturing parameters. The framework
extension was added to the existing implementation and tested on the center wing
box rear spar of an airliner. Three optimizations were performed, and a low cost, a
low weight and an intermediate design solution were found. The difference between
the low cost and the low weight solutions was 4.4% in manufacturing cost and 9.7%
in weight. Based on these optimizations, the effect of the parameter adaptation
module was analyzed.
Paper D
The optimization framework was enhanced by a kinematic draping simulation which
allowed the fiber angles to be simulated more realistically. First, a draping knowledge
database was generated in which combinations of seed points and reference angles
were evaluated in terms of fiber angle deviation, scrap, ultrasonic cuts and material
shear. Second, the solver picked the best sets of plies during the subsequent
optimization. The methodology was tested by means of a curved C-spar which was
designed using plain weave and unidirectional prepreg. It was shown how different
objectives during the generation of the draping database led to different design
solutions. No non-destructive testing cost was included in this work.
Paper E
The total optimization framework as shown in Figure 6.1 was applied to the design
of a curved C-spar. The case study included five material systems: aircraft grade
aluminum, two non-crimp fabrics and two types of prepreg. The results were
40 M. Kaufmann
compared in relation to each other and it was shown that (depending on the estimated
fuel burn share of the component) a different material system was favorable when
optimizing for operating cost. In addition, several what-if scenarios were examined in
which changes in labor rates, material costs and production quantities were studied.
7 Conclusion
8 Future Work
A lot of aspects in the design of aircraft structures were implemented in this work.
Nevertheless, there are four fields where future work is proposed.
First, more work is needed to capture the total life-cycle of an airliner already
in its design process. Little primary structure made of composite material is flying
today, as both the A350 and Boeing’s 787 are still in prototype stages. Therefore,
little experience of ageing carbon fiber wings and fuselages exists, and to foresee
the number and thoroughness of inspections is delicate. An enhanced maintenance
model, repairability and end-of-life aspects could be integrated into the objective
Second, it is suggested to enhance the framework by probabilistic design meth-
ods. The structural performance, for example, should be robust to manufacturing
tolerances, such as angle or thickness deviations, porosities or irregularities in the
material properties. Thus, the use of a reliability-based optimization framework
would enable the design of robust structures.
Third, the NDT cost and the NDT strength reduction models could be improved.
The difference between in-production and in-service testing could be more elaborate
by applying different scanning techniques and overhead adjustments. Another
suggestion is the application of the strength reduction as function of the stacking
sequence, material properties and manufacturing technique. In addition, a stiffness
reduction due to porosity might be included in the structural model. Beyond that,
the inspection interval could be adapted to the stress level and the structural function
of each feature. A probabilistic damage model could be included to capture the
possibility of failure and repair for each structural member.
Finally, one could work on developments for the optimization of the draping
strategy. In the current state, a restricted set of seed points is included for the
generation of the draping knowledge database. One could imagine enhancements of
the methodology where all points of the component’s surface are considered. The
use of a response surface method could provide that functionality.
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50 M. Kaufmann
Paper A
Kaufmann was responsible for the implementation and the numerical experiments.
The analysis of the results was performed jointly by the authors. The paper was
written by Kaufmann with support from Zenkert.
Paper B
Mattei proposed the cost model. The implementation, the experiments and the
analysis of the results were performed by Kaufmann. The paper was written by
Kaufmann with support from Zenkert.
Paper C
Czumanski implemented the framework under Kaufmann’s supervision. Kaufmann
and Czumanski jointly carried out the case study. The paper was written by
Kaufmann with support from Czumanski and Zenkert.
Paper D
Kaufmann carried out the implementation of the framework, the numerical experi-
ments and the analysis of the results. The paper was written by Kaufmann with
support from Zenkert and Åkermo.
Paper E
Kaufmann carried out the numerical experiments and the analysis of the results.
The paper was written by Kaufmann with support from Zenkert and Åkermo.
Part II
Appended papers