The Kleptogoblicon Free Compendium January 2024
The Kleptogoblicon Free Compendium January 2024
The Kleptogoblicon Free Compendium January 2024
Kleptogoblin (Noun):
A creature characterized by its mischievous nature and penchant for
pilfering specific categories of items. Each Kleptogoblin has its own specific
tastes and will steal items associated to it. Or at least things it thinks are
associated to it.
Despite their mischievous behaviour, Kleptogoblins are not inherently
malevolent, and some tales even suggest that their thefts are motivated by a
playful curiosity rather than malicious intent. In certain narratives,
individuals have been known to strike deals with Kleptogoblins to retrieve
their stolen items through clever negotiations or offerings.
Growing up with games like Runescape and Diablo, I wanted to bring the joy
of one-in-a-million drops, quirky unique items and lootsplosions to the
TTRPG world. You will find a variety of items within these pages, from the
mundane to magical and lots in-between.
I’ve tried to make the items in this book as system agnostic as possible.
Discard things you don’t like, keep things that you do like and tweak them
to make them your own.
I hope you have fun with these items. I love to hear what stories and
mishaps they have created, so come and let me know over on Patreon,
Instagram or Reddit after you have let these items out into the wild.
Anyway, time for you to embrace your inner Kleptogoblin and rifle through
these pages to see what’s worth stealing. Enjoy.
Foreword..................................................................................................... 2
Contents ..................................................................................................... 3
Using These Items ....................................................................................... 4
Item Tags .................................................................................................... 5
Links .......................................................................................................... 6
Loot Bags .................................................................................................... 7
Agisz The Apparel Aficionado Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................. 8
Cluttawik The Curio Collector Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................ 9
Fizznogin The Festive Footpad Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ............................. 10
Goffzi The Gillnet Grifter Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ...................................... 11
Lonk The Library Looter Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ...................................... 12
Griftgyfft The Gift Giver Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ....................................... 13
Crilk’s Challenge Crackers Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................... 14
Crolk The Curio Collector Kleptogoblin Loot Bag .................................... 15
Slumberglim The Spell Slinger Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ............................. 16
Sjipp The Snack Swindler Kleptogoblin Loot Bag .................................... 17
End of The Book ....................................................................................... 18
Preparation Mode
Use the lists whilst planning a session to inspire some ideas. Maybe base a
quest on retrieving an item, build a dungeon with an item at its heart or
create a secret cult that worships an item.
Looted Mode
Roll twice on loot tables. However, every time you sleep, Kleptogoblins steal
1d4 of your items at random.
Discovery Mode
You start in a simple world void of most items, especially magic ones. When
you discover an item as loot, so does the rest of the world. Watch as new
towns and economies develop and flourish using this newfound technology.
Minimalist Mode
At the start of each day, roll 3d6. This is the maximum number of items you
can carry until the next time you sleep. All other items must be shared
between the party, consumed, or abandoned.
Chaos Mode
Cut all the item cards out and put them in one big loot bag. Whenever you
loot a container or creature, pick an item card out at random.
Item Tags
To save space on the item cards and avoid the same words being repeated
again and again ( … and again), I have condensed some concepts into item
tags. Here’s what they all mean …
[A]: Ammunition. Usually in the form of an arrow or a bolt.
[B]: Book. Might contain pulp fiction, magical effects, or skills you can learn
through study.
[CS]: Challenge scroll. A task for the player to complete. Completed tasks
may result in loot, dice rerolls, or other rewards. Not all challenge scrolls are
equal, adapt the rewards accordingly. Some scroll may have the (S) tag, this
stands for ‘secret’. Secret scrolls may not be discussed with other players,
else they immediately crumble to dust.
[P]: Potion. Generally something you can drink to cause an effect … or sneak
into the ale of an unsuspecting victim. Some potions may have other
applications, but hopefully the descriptions will make them apparent.
[S]: Spell Scroll. By default, these are designed to be one-and-done spells
that can be used by anybody. But, adapt them as you see fit. Perhaps only
magic-users can read them or advanced sorcerers could study the spells to
permanently add them to their repertoire.
(5*): The number of charges an item has. By default, these items are
designed to crumble to dust when all their charges have been used. But
again, adapt as you see fit. Perhaps they can be recharged by a skilled
craftsman or charge crystals have to be sacrificed to them to be used.
(5m): Effect duration. The duration of an effect, ranging from a few seconds
to permanent (Perm).
With the brevity of these item descriptions, there will be some things open to
interpretation. Discuss things with your players/GM’s and make sure you’re
all on the same page. I find a good rule to keep things in check is ‘If you can
do it … so can the enemy’.
Find the latest copy of the book here and other uploads.
Follow this page and like & comment on posts … together we can beat the
almighty algorithm.
The Reddit HQ for The Kleptogoblicon.
Discord Server
A place to hang out with fellow Kleptogoblins.
Loot Bags
You have reached the end, congratulations! I hope you have found
something useful to loot and have enjoyed the read.
If you’d like to support this project further and get access to the full
Kleptogoblicon & monthly updates, please consider becoming a patron.
Or if you don’t wish to part with gold pieces, become a free member to keep
up with the free updates and please tell 3 of your favourite loot goblin
friends about this book.