The Kleptogoblicon Free Compendium January 2024

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The Kleptogoblicon

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The Kleptogoblicon

Kleptogoblin (Noun):
A creature characterized by its mischievous nature and penchant for
pilfering specific categories of items. Each Kleptogoblin has its own specific
tastes and will steal items associated to it. Or at least things it thinks are
associated to it.
Despite their mischievous behaviour, Kleptogoblins are not inherently
malevolent, and some tales even suggest that their thefts are motivated by a
playful curiosity rather than malicious intent. In certain narratives,
individuals have been known to strike deals with Kleptogoblins to retrieve
their stolen items through clever negotiations or offerings.

Growing up with games like Runescape and Diablo, I wanted to bring the joy
of one-in-a-million drops, quirky unique items and lootsplosions to the
TTRPG world. You will find a variety of items within these pages, from the
mundane to magical and lots in-between.
I’ve tried to make the items in this book as system agnostic as possible.
Discard things you don’t like, keep things that you do like and tweak them
to make them your own.
I hope you have fun with these items. I love to hear what stories and
mishaps they have created, so come and let me know over on Patreon,
Instagram or Reddit after you have let these items out into the wild.

Anyway, time for you to embrace your inner Kleptogoblin and rifle through
these pages to see what’s worth stealing. Enjoy.

Copyright © 2024 Cardboard Anvil

All rights reserved. Please use the contents of this book freely in personal
games, but no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form for other
means without explicit permission from the publisher.

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The Kleptogoblicon


Foreword..................................................................................................... 2
Contents ..................................................................................................... 3
Using These Items ....................................................................................... 4
Item Tags .................................................................................................... 5
Links .......................................................................................................... 6
Loot Bags .................................................................................................... 7
Agisz The Apparel Aficionado Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................. 8
Cluttawik The Curio Collector Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................ 9
Fizznogin The Festive Footpad Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ............................. 10
Goffzi The Gillnet Grifter Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ...................................... 11
Lonk The Library Looter Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ...................................... 12
Griftgyfft The Gift Giver Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ....................................... 13
Crilk’s Challenge Crackers Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ................................... 14
Crolk The Curio Collector Kleptogoblin Loot Bag .................................... 15
Slumberglim The Spell Slinger Kleptogoblin Loot Bag ............................. 16
Sjipp The Snack Swindler Kleptogoblin Loot Bag .................................... 17
End of The Book ....................................................................................... 18

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The Kleptogoblicon

Using These Items

Goblin Mode
Release Kleptogoblins into your world. If they are startled, killed, or caught,
they drop one of their loot bags. Have the GM choose what is found or roll
1d100 to choose an item randomly.

Preparation Mode
Use the lists whilst planning a session to inspire some ideas. Maybe base a
quest on retrieving an item, build a dungeon with an item at its heart or
create a secret cult that worships an item.

Loot Hunter Mode

If you are using physical maps, cut out the item cards and place them face-
down on the map for players to aim for. Counters numbered 1-100 can also
serve the same purpose.

Looted Mode
Roll twice on loot tables. However, every time you sleep, Kleptogoblins steal
1d4 of your items at random.

Discovery Mode
You start in a simple world void of most items, especially magic ones. When
you discover an item as loot, so does the rest of the world. Watch as new
towns and economies develop and flourish using this newfound technology.

Ghost Town Mode

You start in an abandoned town with a dungeon at the centre. If you try to
leave, something guides you back to the place where you started. Explore
the dungeon to find things to improve the town, attract new people and
maybe even escape this place.

Experimental Alchemist Mode

Every time you open a loot bag, you must also roll on a potions table and
immediately drink whichever potion you roll.

Minimalist Mode
At the start of each day, roll 3d6. This is the maximum number of items you
can carry until the next time you sleep. All other items must be shared
between the party, consumed, or abandoned.

Chaos Mode
Cut all the item cards out and put them in one big loot bag. Whenever you
loot a container or creature, pick an item card out at random.

Scavenger Hunt Mode

Go through the lists and create a list of items that each player needs to find
& collect throughout their adventure. A complete collection could lead to
rewards, plot discoveries or gaining the favour of a mysterious benefactor or

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The Kleptogoblicon

Item Tags

To save space on the item cards and avoid the same words being repeated
again and again ( … and again), I have condensed some concepts into item
tags. Here’s what they all mean …
[A]: Ammunition. Usually in the form of an arrow or a bolt.
[B]: Book. Might contain pulp fiction, magical effects, or skills you can learn
through study.
[CS]: Challenge scroll. A task for the player to complete. Completed tasks
may result in loot, dice rerolls, or other rewards. Not all challenge scrolls are
equal, adapt the rewards accordingly. Some scroll may have the (S) tag, this
stands for ‘secret’. Secret scrolls may not be discussed with other players,
else they immediately crumble to dust.
[P]: Potion. Generally something you can drink to cause an effect … or sneak
into the ale of an unsuspecting victim. Some potions may have other
applications, but hopefully the descriptions will make them apparent.
[S]: Spell Scroll. By default, these are designed to be one-and-done spells
that can be used by anybody. But, adapt them as you see fit. Perhaps only
magic-users can read them or advanced sorcerers could study the spells to
permanently add them to their repertoire.
(5*): The number of charges an item has. By default, these items are
designed to crumble to dust when all their charges have been used. But
again, adapt as you see fit. Perhaps they can be recharged by a skilled
craftsman or charge crystals have to be sacrificed to them to be used.
(5m): Effect duration. The duration of an effect, ranging from a few seconds
to permanent (Perm).
With the brevity of these item descriptions, there will be some things open to
interpretation. Discuss things with your players/GM’s and make sure you’re
all on the same page. I find a good rule to keep things in check is ‘If you can
do it … so can the enemy’.

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The Kleptogoblicon

Find the latest copy of the book here and other uploads.
Follow this page and like & comment on posts … together we can beat the
almighty algorithm.
The Reddit HQ for The Kleptogoblicon.
Discord Server
A place to hang out with fellow Kleptogoblins.

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The Kleptogoblicon

Loot Bags

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The Kleptogoblicon

Agisz The Apparel Aficionado

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A fashionable bag. Comes in black, jet-black, or coal-black.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Chef’s uniform. 34 Warm, knitted hat. 67 Pouched leather apron.
02 Thigh-high waterproof boots. 35 Pair of ice skates. 68 Polar bear mascot head.
Yellow bandana. Easily Splhat hat. Negate a fatal fall Gloves. Easily balance &
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befriend monkeys. by becoming gelatinous. (1*). stack 3 small items.
Sombrero. Maintains a cool Cowboy Hat. Transform into Boots. Easily vault barriers
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breeze around you. a bull (10m). (1*). shorter than eye-level.
05 Puzzle-patterned poncho. 38 Boots. Impervious to heat. 71 Ugly Christmas jumper.
Targeted tunic. Ranged Blindfold. Invisibility when Gloves. Proficiency in
06 39 72
attackers target you first. stationary. creating pottery.
Cape. Lean on wall, become Scaled skirt. Your legs turn Top Hat. Transforms into any
07 40 73
wanted poster of you. (1*). into a fish tail if in water. other hat for 24hrs. (20*).
08 Expensive, fluffy slippers. 41 Cat ear headband. 74 Red fez hat. Cool.
Bowler hat. Conjure 2d6 Pink hat. Sacrifice a gold coin Scarf. Each dawn, gets
09 42 75
apples. (4*). to turn into a pig. (2m). 1d12% longer.
Wax spectacles. Perceive Muddy cloak. Blend into Socks. You always feel cozy,
10 43 76
unlit candles as illuminated. muddy surroundings. regardless of environment.
11 Noble’s jacket. 44 Costume jewellery tiara. 77 Deerstalker hat.
Gloves. Reach through glass Belt. Conjures an ethereal Shabby Chic Belt.
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like it wasn’t there. (4*). chair if you sit down. Communicate with chickens.
Loafers. Any books you carry Coat. 2d6 pockets that Goatskin chaps. You are
13 46 79
are weightless. conjure a dagger each dawn. sturdy on rocky terrain.
14 Mountaineer-grade mittens. 47 Pair of dirty socks. 80 Copper diving helmet.
Gloves. Catch fish using just Pantaloons. Emits an aura Gloves. Touch bare earth to
15 48 81
your hands. that kills small insects. create grave-sized hole. (1*).
Boots. Conjures buoyant Gloves. Evaporate a potion Cloak. Drags along the floor
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planks as you step on water. by clicking your fingers. (1*). and erases footprints.
17 Fire-resistant pantaloons. 50 Glow-in-the-dark belt. 83 Black ballgown dress.
Pyjamas. Enhances Cat fur socks. Always land Gloves. Etch into surface like
18 51 84
awareness during rest. on your feet. it was wet clay. (1m). (5*).
Coat. Constantly drips pink Mortimer’s gloves. Any items Sandals. Invisibility, but 10x
19 52 85
paint from the sleeves. you snap split exactly in two. footstep noise. (2m). (1*).
20 Wine-stained priest robes. 53 Prison garb. 86 Oven mitts.
Boots. Leave backwards Robes. Change colour Bowler hat. Rotates to always
21 54 87
footprints. according to wearer’s mood. face north.
Cape. Mimics surface the Slippery socks. Treat any Hooded cloak. Mind-reading
22 55 88
wearer is facing. surface like ice. immunity. (20m). (1*).
23 Potion-spattered apron. 56 Jester Hat. 89 Rainbow wool scarf.
Ice skates. Cannot break ice, Chef hat. Spawn fireproof rat Coat. Turns into a situation-
24 57 90
no matter how thin. that leaves trail of fire. (1*). relevant uniform. (1*).
Hat. Appear as a random Cape of corks. Chests, 5% Flip flops. Daily, walk on
25 58 91
piece of furniture. (5m). (1*). chance to hold a potion. water for up to 10 steps.
26 Red beret. 59 Gopher-skin loafers. 92 Pith helmet.
Boots. Make no noise when Many-pocketed coat. Always Gloves. Create a flurry of
27 60 93
you jump or land. contains useless items. sparks by rubbing hands.
Dragon leather cloak. Glide Gloves. 20% for plants you Boots. Flowers & herbs grow
28 61 94
from great heights. pick to grow back instantly. in the footprints left behind.
29 Well-worn Stetson hat. 62 Thick wool cloak. 95 Butcher’s apron.
Amphibiandana. Boots. Leave a constant trail Cape. Increases your max HP
30 63 96
Communicate with frogs. of wet paint footprints. by 10%.
Coat. Produce a 12ft long, Sandals. Treat air like solid Gentle gloves. Prevents
31 64 97
10ft deep trench. (1*). ground for 10 steps. (1*). crushing of fragile items.
Cape. Conjures an ethereal Monocle. See inside a Top Hat. Daily, conjure a
32 65 98
bed if you lay down. mechanism (2m). (1*). rabbit. 1% incredibly angry.
Socks. Ignite if separated by Bogwalker boots. Easily Gloves. Shroud your hands
33 66 99
more than 10ft. transverse muddy terrain. in an illusion of choice. (1*).
100 Blue paper party hat.

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The Kleptogoblicon

Cluttawik The Curio Collector

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A strange bag. Are the contents mundane … or magical?
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Metal door bolt. 34 Plate of rotting leftovers. 67 Vial of invisible ink.
02 Wad of glow in the dark wax. 35 2d6 dusty glass bottles. 68 1d4 colourful bird eggs.
Jar of sealing wax. Changes 2 matches. When one ignites, Bright blue children’s fishing
03 36 69
colour & refills every dawn. so does the other. rod.
Pouch of dormant fleas. Fiendship bracelet. Befriend Sponge. Daily, you can wring
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Water will reawaken them. a demon. Prone to breaking. a cup of pondwater from it.
05 Jar of snail slime. 38 2d4 vials of cedar-scented oil. 71 Pickled hand in a jar.
Fragile crystal. Conjures 1d4 Nail. When embedded, Bottle of phenomenally hot
06 39 72
bananas if smashed. expands to a 1m mirror. sauce.
Sphere of crystal-clear ice Toaster coaster. A metal disc Monkey brain floating in a jar
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that doesn’t melt. that keeps mugs warm. of formaldehyde.
08 Loaf of banana bread 41 Half a bottle of fine whiskey. 74 Automaton power core.
Jar of Stoneberry jam. Poisson Poison. One drop will Potato. Possessed with a
09 42 75
Hardens like rock if left. kill an entire pond of fish. sadistic & sarcastic spirit.
Fossilized claw of a long- Candle holder. Rotate candle Water-rotted idol of a long-
10 43 76
dead, ancient predator. to brighten/dim flame. forgotten deity.
11 Jar of shrunken adventurers. 44 Decorative wooden apple. 77 Cabbage. A basic brassica.
Jar of 6d6 lively golden- Pitcher. Refills with red wine 2d12 toothpicks. Make a dry
12 45 78
shelled beetles. every hour. branch-like snap if broken.
Broomstick. 60s of flight for A withered finger. Preserved Telescope made from scrap.
13 46 79
every hour spent cleaning. via chemical means. Has a homemade feel to it.
14 Potted Mongolian War Lily. 47 Large, ornate padlock. 80 3d6 fishing hooks.
Paint. When applied to a Bag of high-quality dog Origami tiger. Emits the
15 48 81
surface, knocks are silenced. treats. illusion of a tiger (1hr). (1*).
Lantern. Remains lit in all Inextinguishable candle. Toy rubber shark. Floats
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conditions, even underwater. Never melts & emits no heat. towards the nearest lifeform.
17 Broken piece of stained glass. 50 Heavy iron skillet. 83 Metal rod mould.
Tin of processed pork & ham. Gizmo. Picks a lock in 1d12 A painted poster of a pin-up
18 51 84
Refills every dawn. hours if undisturbed. (1*). style winking witch.
Soap. Strongly smells of Brittle Skeleton key. 95% Monocle. Activate to reliably
19 52 85
smoke. Masks other scents. chance to snap in lock. value a gem. (4*).
20 Hollowed-out book. 53 Grapefruit-sized eyeball. 86 Pouch of okra seeds.
Key. Makes a door open the Key. Grants access to the Painting of a bookshelf.
21 54 87
opposite way it should. (1*). ‘Unholy Heart Sanatorium’. Books can be stored in this.
Cup of Utilee Tea. Disgorge a Baker’s bangles. Heat from Large clam with a hard,
22 55 88
small, useful object. ovens has no effect on you. metallic shell.
23 Wooden spoon. 56 Shed skin of a tarantula. 89 Bottle of fox urine.
Rusty dagger. The handle Ouija chopping board. Helps Rice bag. Reverts cooked fish
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has an anchor motif. to prep meals. to its raw state over 8hrs.
Gizmo. Turns a door into a Music box. Plays a haunting Jewel encrusted silver stake
25 58 91
pile of splintered wood. (1*). melody when opened. with a hawthorn wood core.
26 Bag of 1d4 blunt daggers. 59 1d12 skunk pelts. 92 Arrow with green flights.
Wooden floorboard. Always Voodoo doll fashioned from Many papers documenting
27 60 93
floats 1ft above the ground. driftwood and seaweed. one specific neighbour.
Flask of violently bubbling, Bag. Daily, conjures a roll Alphabet soup. 5% chance to
28 61 94
green liquid. with a random filling. gain a new language.
29 Heart-shaped rose quartz. 62 Painting of a displeased owl. 95 Poorly-carved wooden gnome.
A balloon-like plant pod filled Moniker mead. On drinking, Tame rat. Likes to collect
30 63 96
with flammable swamp gas. shout your new name. metal objects.
Pendant. Any nests you find Pouch. Contains 5d20 copper Vial of powdered pure
31 64 97
will always have eggs in. coins & 1d4 silver coins. capsaicin crystals.
32 Well-chewed wax crayons. 65 Pouch of 4d4 incense cones. 98 Clockwork beetle.
Charcoal drawing of a Satchel. Produces 3 handfuls 1d4 military-grade hard
33 66 99
shadowy cryptid in a pond. of salt each day. candy sour balls.
Resurrection jar. If opened,
revives a deceased creature.

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The Kleptogoblicon

Fizznogin The Festive Footpad

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A red, snow-powdered sack. It is bound shut with tinsel.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Goblin-knitted jumper. 34 [S] Gift-wrap small object. 67 [P] Disgorge 1d6 baubles.
02 [S] Teleport down chimney. 35 Festive striped tights. 68 [S] Ignite cake.
Snow globe. Shake to invoke Map. Shows the location of Grapple hook made from
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a snowstorm. (1*). ‘The Crypt of Krampus’. cany canes and tinsel.
Bottle. Fruit infusion takes [S] Conjure 2d6 bottles of [S] Conjure ethereal comfy
04 37 70
hours instead of days. sherry. chair. (6hr).
05 20ft of super-strong tinsel. 38 [S] Cover glass pane in frost. 71 Bell-adorned boots.
2d4 colourful, hard candy Tin of 3d4 gingerbread men. [S] Conjure raw, plucked
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caltrops. Refills every dawn. turkey on target’s head.
Paper party hat. Changes [S] Conjure 5d20 assorted Coat. You emit the illusion of
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colour at the wearer’s will. nuts. a snowman when still.
08 [S] Explode Brussel sprout. 41 Snow shovel. 74 Jar of cranberry sauce.
[P] One roast potato heals 5% [S] Fill target’s mouth with [S] Conjure target’s mother-
09 42 75
of your HP. (Perm). year-old eggnog. in-law.
[S] Enchant sock with 10x Santa gauze. Wrapping paper Stocking. Holds unlimited
10 43 76
internal space. themed bandages. items, if they are wrapped.
11 [A] Seeks gravy. 44 Cinnamon-scented candle. 77 Wind-up toy dragon.
Tree figurine. Activate to [S] Change the colour of a [S] Conjure tablespoon of
12 45 78
permanently full-size. small flame. cinnamon in target’s mouth.
[S] Add a warm fur lining to a Gizmo. Turns a nut into coal Bell. Jingles if you’ve left a
13 46 79
coat. in 10m. (20*). party member behind.
14 Empty gift box. 47 Handful of reindeer poo. 80 [S] Decorate tree.
[B] Gift of the Gobble – How [S] Transmute wood log to Bronze reindeer statuette
15 48 81
to Talk with Turkeys. chocolate Yule log. with a ruby nose.
3d6 vials of glittery glue in Bow. 3ft long ribbons appear [S] Conjure snowman around
16 49 82
assorted colours. tied around shot arrows. medium or smaller creature.
17 Small crate of mince pies. 50 [P] You sneeze out a carrot. 83 Cookie recipe.
[P] Instantly grow a big white [A] Just before impact, turns [S] Transmute string to fairy
18 51 84
beard. into a snowball. lights.
Sentient potted Spruce [S] Conjure irremovable [A] Three sharpened candy
19 52 85
sapling. Answers to ‘Willis’. mittens on target. (20m). canes bound like a grapple.
20 12 balls of colourful wool. 53 1d100 assorted candy canes. 86 Elf ear earmuffs.
[S] Transmute coal to Boots. Silent steps if you’ve [S] Amplify Christmas
21 54 87
satsuma. eaten a cookie within 2min. cracker snap by 2d12 times.
[S] Transmute mug of water Coal. Alerts Krampus to your Party popper. Releases 1d6
22 55 88
to hot chocolate. location when touched. snowballs when pulled.
23 Star-tipped 10ft pole. 56 Pouch of mulled wine spices. 89 Flask of eggnog.
[S] Turn up to 20 coins into [S] Enchant footwear to [S] Conjure irremovable
24 57 90
chocolate. prevent slipping on ice. Santa hat on target. (24hrs).
Pendant. If killed, you revive Miniature sleigh. Activate to 1d20 chestnuts. Explode
25 58 91
in 3 days. Crumbles on use. permanently full-size. after 20m when activated.
26 [S] Conjure cozy blanket. 59 Sack of coal. 92 [S] Disgorge candy cane.
Boots. They leave a trail of Emerald Brussel sprout. Roll of strong, cut & tear
27 60 93
snowy footprints. Sacred item of a festive cult. proof wrapping paper.
1d100 gold foil-wrapped Key. Unlocks any house door Box of chocolates. All the
28 61 94
chocolate coins. if user has good intentions. good ones are gone.
29 [S] Fill doorway with snow. 62 Pair of snowshoes. 95 Roll of sticky tape.
[B] Santanic Spells – A Guide [S] Locate nearest inn or [S] Invoke a light flurry of
30 63 96
to Merry Magic. tavern. snow.
[P] Turns bread into sticky Compass. Points to the [B] Naughty to Nice – 7 ways
31 64 97
toffee pudding. nearest wrapped present. to Change Alignment.
32 [S] Turn pond to ice rink. 65 [S] Turn rain to snowballs. 98 5d20 cheap chocolates.
Idol of a hairy green deity [A] Killing blows gift wrap the Bracelet. Sporadically emits
33 66 99
that despises festivities. target. the sound of jingling bells.
[S] Enchant 1d4 deer with
flight. (Perm).

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The Kleptogoblicon

Goffzi The Gillnet Grifter

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A bag partially filled with water.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 1d12 shark teeth. 34 1d6 goldfish. 67 5d20 corroded copper coins.
02 1d4 vials of squid ink. 35 Eyepatch. 68 Marlin-shaped longsword.
Translucent sphere of giant [B] ‘The Basics of Fishing’ by Galeguard Grog. Immunity to
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frog spawn. Anette Undrhod. wind. (1hr).
Teacup. Turns fresh water Jar of 3d6 jellyfish armed Bottle of bioluminescent
04 37 70
into saltwater in 10 minutes. with impressive stings. algae. Lights up if agitated.
05 Live puffer fish. 38 Arm-length anchor. 71 Reanimated fish skeleton.
1d4 glass orbs. Conjure 1 King crab. Complete with Message in a bottle. Crude
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gallon of water if smashed. tiny gold crown. map of a shipwreck location.
Extraordinarily intelligent Miniature coral reef Jar of stagnant pond water.
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octopus. ecosystem in a glass sphere. Refills every dawn.
08 Well-chewed tuba. 41 Bowling ball-sized eyeball. 74 Small, locked casket.
Ale of Storms. Your next Fisherman’s hat. When worn, Miniature rowboat. Activate
09 42 75
belch conjures lightning. see through water like glass. to permanently full-size.
Broken, expensive pocket Harpoon carved from dragon
10 [S] Waterproof Book. 43 76
watch. bone.
11 Handful of expensive caviar. 44 Cloak made from seaweed. 77 Jade mermaid statuette.
Music sheet titled ‘Sea Oyster. Produces 1 pearl Porcelain mask. Scratched,
12 45 78
Shanty 3’. every dawn. red triangle markings on it.
Figurine of a Kraken made Chatty parrot that swears Enchanted wriggling gummy
13 46 79
from coral. like a sailor. worm. Acts as reusable bait.
14 Large bath plug. 47 20ft waterproof rope. 80 Very aggressive lobster.
Jar of seawater. Refills every Reel of near-unbreakable Rockpool Cue. Crits conjure
15 48 81
dawn. fishing line. 2d4 aggressive crabs.
Captain’s Logbook. Produces Magnet fishing kit. Strong Rune stone. Lightly vibrates
16 49 82
2d6 logs. (5*). magnet attached to rope. when water is nearby.
17 Jar of dirt. 50 Casket of 1d6 gemstones. 83 2d6 self-nailing planks.
Large conch shell. Small, [B] Fiiiiiiiish – Searching for Sponge ring. If wet, becomes
18 51 84
glowing eyes peer from it. the Solitary Spider Salmon. the weight of an anvil.
Copper-scaled fish. Answers Shipping rope. Magically Highly venomous immortal
19 52 85
to the name ‘David’. knots to anchor points. snail that hunts the player.
20 [B] About a Buoy. 53 Sea glass dagger. 86 3d6 fish hooks.
Rusty dagger with an anchor- Frostbite Coral. Chills water Whalebone bow. Arrows fly
21 54 87
themed hilt. it is placed in. through water like air.
Starfish-shaped crystal. Runestones. Daily, 50% [B] The Abridged Book of
22 55 88
Glowing leg points to land. chance to predict weather. Bridge Building.
23 Rusted padlock. 56 Rusted iron skillet. 89 Varnished wooden eye.
Poem about a nautical affair. Hagfish Helm. Daily, produce Rusted key. The name ‘Davy’
24 57 90
Titled ‘Bad Roe-mance’. a 1m sphere of slime. is engraved into it.
[P] Your hand becomes a Map of local secret fishing Banana. Ignites if stored on a
25 58 91
metal hook. (1hr). spots. sea vessel for over 4 days.
26 1d4 bottles of rum. 59 [P] Disgorge 1d6 small crabs. 92 Dented iron tankard.
Whale song sheet. If sung Reel of lavaproof fishing line Cutlass. Crits conjure 2d20
27 60 93
perfectly, tames 1 whale. & 1d4 obsidian hooks. silver coins.
[B] Wrecks & Wonders – A Decayed spade. 10% chance Hook & line. Passes through
28 61 94
guide of oceanic landmarks. to break each time it is used. ice as though it wasn’t there.
29 Penguin-shaped sapphire. 62 Vial of mermaid tears. 95 2d6 gold coins.
30 Giant swamp toad. 63 Old boot. Foot still inside. 96 Crate of 20 pairs of boots.
31 [S] Prolong weather. (24hrs). 64 Fishbowl. 97 Well-worn tricorn hat.
32 Baby shark. Do do do do. 65 [S] Repair leak. 98 Auto-reel fishing rod.
33 [S] Legs to dolphin tail. (5m). 66 Set of silver false teeth. 99 Map to pirate party island.
Lighthouse amulet. Emits a
strong beam of light. (20*).

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The Kleptogoblicon

Lonk The Library Looter

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A soft, red leather bag. It smells like an old library.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 [B] Bountiful Botany. 34 [B] Waltzing with Wyverns. 67 [B] Tomaz’s Tome of Tunnels.
02 [B] Spectres & Spectacles. 35 [B] The Little Book of Clams. 68 [B] Hunting Haggis Scoticus.
[B] How to Spot Mimics. 10% [B] Just Deserts. Conjures a [B] The Liar, The Lich & The
03 36 69
chance book is a mimic. scorpion randomly each day. Bathrobe.
[B] Loch, Stock & Two [B] Swamp Fling. Trashy [B] Lettuce Pray. Holy book of
04 37 70
Smoked Haddocks. monster romance novel. a vegetable-based cult.
05 [B] Couplets for Cavemen. 38 [B] Bardic Battle Ballads. 71 [B] A History of Hermits.
[B] Witches Weekly Magazine. [B] Sandwiches for Sand [B] Haan Velsung’s Notebook.
06 39 72
Contains a spell scroll. Witches. Desert cookbook. Contains notes on vampires.
[B] A Guide to Baking Spell- [B] Hats, Hexes & [B] Ezgark’s Entomological
07 40 73
imbued Pies. Horticulture. Encyclopaedia.
08 [B] The Talking Dead. 41 [B] Betty The Yeti. 74 [B] 50 Grades of Slay.
[B] In Sheep’s Clothing – [B] The Origins of [B] Fly Fishing – How to Use
09 42 75
Knitting for Werewolves. Origaminancy. Fish in Levitation Potions.
[B] Documenting Dragons – [B] How to Win Fiends & [B] Morticulture Manual –
10 43 76
Bradlan The Bibliognost. Influence Demons. Training Undead Gardeners.
11 [B] Profiting with Plagiarism. 44 [B] The Big Book of Maps. 77 [B] Goblins in the Garden.
[B] Krakenomics – Making an [B] Wellness Through Well [B] A Guide to Making
12 45 78
Income from Ink. Dwelling. Potion-infused Cheeses.
[B] 101 Handy Phrases – The [B] Twisted Fire-starting. [B] How to Start a Rabbit
13 46 79
Basics of Sign Language. Ignites when opened. Farm.
14 [B] A Brief History of Slime. 47 [B] Fungal Folio of Fungus. 80 [B] Locked journal.
[B] 101 Potions to Try Before [B] The Lich’s Guide to [B] Potion Commotion – Tips
15 48 81
You Die. Compound Interest. on Labelling Potions.
[B] Alchemist’s Apprentice – [B] Mystic Markets – Where [B] Necromantic Nooks –
16 49 82
10 Easy Potion Recipes. to Find Magical Bazaars. Dead Cozy Reading Spaces.
17 [B] Nineteen Seventy-Four. 50 [B] Cogs & Conundrums. 83 [B] Daggers in the Night.
[B] The Pop-up Book of [B] The Art of Broomstick [B] No It Ent – Sentient Being
18 51 84
Tarantulas. Maintenance. or Simple Shrubbery?
[B] Grimoire of Giggles – [B] Traveler’s Tonics – [B] Spells & Spoons – Magic
19 52 85
Humorous Hexes & Curses. Potions to Keep You Moving. to Help in the Kitchen.
20 [B] Dead & Breakfast. 53 [B] 99 Useful Goblin Phrases. 86 [B] Eat The Lich.
[B] A Variety of Vials. Daily, [B] Misk Fisk – A Guide on [B] Dissecting Draughts –
21 54 87
conjures a random glass vial. Ice Fishing. Unusual Potion Ingredients.
[B] The Goldfather – Making [B] Secret Cults & Tips on [B] A Guide to Cultivating
22 55 88
Deals Dwarves Can’t Refuse. Starting Your Own. Toxic Tomatoes.
23 [B] Fright Club. 56 [B] Fables of The Feywild. 89 [B] The Selfish Djinn.
[B] The Boy Who Scryed [B] The Big Book of [B] Crafting Clockwork Crows
24 57 90
Wolves. Bibliophobia. & Robotic Ravens.
[B] 48 Reasons Why Not to [B] So, You’ve Summoned a [B] 101 Horror Tropes.
25 58 91
Trust Rabbits. Lemon – Spell Proofreading. Creaks loudly when opened.
26 [B] Lunar Lore & Lycans. 59 [B] Who Moved My Wand?. 92 [B] Reanimating Rodents.
[B] Wand & Wontons – How [B] Outstanding in Your Field [B] Portraits of Parallel
27 60 93
to Duplicate Dumplings. – 43 Scarecrow Disguises. Realms.
[B] The Joy of Sextants – A [B] Nasty & Inaccurate [B] Stings Can Only Get
28 61 94
Book of Nautical Collectibles. Prophecies. Better – Salve Recipes.
29 [B] Anecdotes of The Abyss. 62 [B] The Mechanical Satsuma. 95 [B] A Catalogue of Cats.
[B] A Journeyman’s Journal [B] Fortune-Telling with [B] Taking Things Literally –
30 63 96
of Jellykinesis. Felines. Tales from an Ex-thief.
[B] A Weaver’s Guide to [B] Echoes of Eternity – [B] Dice Collecting for
31 64 97
Breeding Giant Spiders. Journals of Immortal Beings. Dummies.
32 [B] Locating Leprechauns. 65 [B] Talking with Trees. 98 [B] Lesser-Known Lycans.
[B] On Spell-writing: A [B] The Scratch & Sniff Book [B] The 12 Steps to Curing
33 66 99
Memoir of the Craft. of Goblin Perfumes. Acrophobia.
[B] A Spirit’s Guide to Spirits
– Dead Good Cocktails.

Design & Content by Cardboard Anvil 12 Patreon|Cardboard Anvil

The Kleptogoblicon

Griftgyfft The Gift Giver

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A poorly wrapped gift in a coal-dusted red bag. It’s the thought that counts.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Unlabelled potion. 34 Bucket of fried guineafowl. 67 2d4 smoked fish sausages.
02 Two rusty spoons 35 Wet dog scented candle. 68 Bag of marbles.
Hand-painted giant snail Idol of Preshuur. A deity of Powdered gutmeg. Causes
03 36 69
shell. coal transmutation. extreme stomach upset.
Purple spider-silk bobble hat. Jar of wooden buttons. ‘Grow Your Own Herb
04 37 70
It’s tacky by all definitions. Refills every dawn. Garden’ starter kit.
05 2d6 candied beetles. 38 1d100 slices of toast. 71 Small crate of apples.
Gizmo. Turns a pebble into Potted Mundandelion. A very Lucky spiderweb sealed in a
06 39 72
fine white powder. (5*). boring looking flower. resin pendant.
2d6 beer glasses stolen from Cloak made from taped 2d4 grapes. Each have the
07 40 73
a tavern. wrapping paper pieces. effects of 1 bottle of wine.
08 Packet of wildflower seeds. 41 Can of super-belch soda. 74 Faux dragon egg.
Hand-written & well-stained Packet of powdered eggnog. Carrot. Instantly tames any
09 42 75
goblin cookbook. Just add milk. animal from the deer family.
[B] The 1st Step to Starting a 2d6 ancient coins from a Bottle of Brussel sprout
10 43 76
Book Collection. long-lost civilisation. smoothie.
11 Blue banana. 44 Cinnamon-infused pickle. 77 Pig hide blanket.
[B] Shelf on an Elf – Rules for Odorant spray. Smells like [B] A Clean Sweep - Breaking
12 45 78
Creating a Safe Workshop. cedarwood … and troll sweat. & Entering Via Chimneys.
Bucket of green & red striped [S] Conjure giant goat made Perfectly wrapped gift.
13 46 79
paint. The colours never mix. from straw. Definitely not a mimic.
14 4d4 ginger ‘n’ grub cookies. 47 Invisible broomstick. 80 Toadstool-shaped woolly hat.
Bottle of brandy. Ignites 20s Leather boot packed-full with Bottle of pig fat mixed with
15 48 81
after being poured. rotten potatoes. glitter & spices.
Pair of clogs with small Blackened pie of minced [B] That’s Snowman –
16 49 82
wheels nailed to them. game meat. Chionphilic Cryptids.
17 Loaf of delicious fruitcake. 50 Yeti fur mittens. 83 Never-melting icicle.
Pocket watch with a hog’s Sharp tooth made from red & Pouch. Perfectly cooks rice in
18 51 84
face engraved in it. white peppermint candy. 20m. Just add water.
[S] Invoke temporal sentience Crystal sword. Glows with a ‘Build Your Own Mini-
19 52 85
in gingerbread. (2d12hrs). different colour every 5s. Trebuchet’ Kit.
20 Large, fake white beard. 53 [P] Cures a hangover. 86 [S] Turn rain to snow.
Bonsai Pine tree in a jar. Bowl of mixed raisins, nuts, Radish carving kit with 3d6
21 54 87
Covered in tiny ornaments. bolts, and gears. radishes.
Firework in a box. Ignites 1d20 blue matches. The Wreath of invisibility. When
22 55 88
when opened. flames emit light & coldness. hung, makes a door invisible.
23 Sleigh bell adorned pet collar. 56 30ft of fairy light rope. 89 1d100 colourful envelopes.
Vial of turquoise ink that Ethereal chains. Barely Flask of endless eggnog.
24 57 90
never freezes. visible to the naked eye. Refills every dawn.
[A] Just before impact, turns 2d4 giant cranberry bush Snowflake pendant. Eating a
25 58 91
into a snowball. seeds. snowball heals 1hp.
26 Wooden sled. 59 Sickle made from ice. 92 Chocolate teapot.
Small cauldron. Turns water Cane. Daily, produces 2d20 Sack. Gift wraps any item
27 60 93
to hot chocolate. hard candies. over the course of 1 hour.
Sling. Turns pebbles to Sentient, animated tinsel [P] Turns a 10cm square of
28 61 94
snowballs. snake. surface into gingerbread.
29 [S] Conjure snowy owl. 62 Potion-shaped cookie cutters. 95 Jar of brined bogberries.
Bottle of Gringrogg. Causes Goblet of chilled, gelatinous Bag of gourmet chocolate-
30 63 96
uncontrollable glee. (20m). gravy. covered roaches.
Anklet. Comfortably walk on Boots. Leave no footprints in 10ft of colourful tinsel-
31 64 97
icy surfaces. snow. wrapped barbed wire.
32 Bag of humbugs. 65 Dung beetle delight fudge. 98 Chocolate-coated onion.
Cheese wheel. If any is left, [B] Donner Kebabs & Other Wellington boot made from a
33 66 99
fully restores at dawn. Reindeer Recipes. sheet of dried jerky.
Costume of a demon made
from yak hair & goat horns.

Design & Content by Cardboard Anvil 13 Patreon|Cardboard Anvil

The Kleptogoblicon

Crilk’s Challenge Crackers

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A goblin-made festive cracker. Known to be rather explosive.
Roll 1d100 when you pull the cracker to determine your challenge.
01 [CS] Build a snowman. 34 [CS] Go ice skating. 67 [CS] Ride on a sled.
02 [CS] Bake some cookies. 35 [CS] Argue with a relative. 68 [CS] Host a feast.
[CS] Put a star on the very [CS] Replace an ally’s coin [CS] Dress as a goat demon
03 36 69
top of a treant. purse with a coal lump. (S). and terrorise a village.
[CS] Take 4 naps within 24 [CS] Gift a randomly chosen [CS] Instigate a snowball
04 37 70
hours. (S). possession. fight.
05 [CS] Tame a reindeer. 38 [CS] Create an ice sculpture. 71 [CS] Harass a sheep.
[CS] Use magic to roast a [CS] Write & sing a winter [CS] Wake up at least 4
06 39 72
turkey. song. creatures at once.
[CS] Consume your mass in [CS] Buy an entire tavern a [CS] Place a paper party hat
07 40 73
cheese in 24hrs. round of drinks. on a dragon.
08 [CS] Forge & gift a ring. 41 [CS] Steal some milk. 74 [CS] Consume turkey.
[CS] Fill an ally’s boots with [CS] Possess 10 or more [CS] Reawaken a long-
09 42 75
rotten potatoes. (S). blankets per party member. forgotten winter deity.
[CS] Enter a building via the [CS] Consume 12 kinds of [CS] Gift a hand-made
10 43 76
chimney. fish in one meal. scented candle.
11 [CS] Steal some leftovers. 44 [CS] Gift a lizard to a wizard. 77 [CS] Drink wine with a witch.
[CS] Make a fully-sized house [CS] Transmute spider silk to [CS] Consume your mass in
12 45 78
from gingerbread & candy. silver or gold. cake in 24hrs.
[CS] Place 2 baubles in the [CS] Brew a potion that has [CS] Create peace between
13 46 79
eyes of an animated skeleton. festive effects. two warring factions.
14 [CS] Steal & eat a candle. 47 [CS] Tell a bad joke to a troll. 80 [CS] Steal a smoked sausage.
[CS] Have 12 different types [CS] Feed a Kleptogoblin after [CS] Feed custard, berries &
15 48 81
of candy on your person. midnight. sponge cake to an ooze.
[CS] Use a hook to steal some [CS] Find the dragon named [CS] Encounter a chicken-
16 49 82
meat. ‘Fegias The Festive’. duck-turkey chimera.
17 [CS] Get a monk drunk. 50 [CS] Go ice fishing. 83 [CS] Silence a knight.
[CS] Obtain hard evidence [CS] Use a scotch egg to [CS] Befriend a skeletal
18 51 84
that Yetis exist. activate a trap. horse.
[CS] Gift a piece of jewellery [CS] Dress a pet in a festive [CS] Exit a building via the
19 52 85
to a giant. costume. chimney.
20 [CS] Knit a festive jumper. 53 [CS] Animate a snowman. 86 [CS] Melt a horseshoe.
[CS] Get called out for saying [CS] Prank someone via a [CS] Attend at least 7 feasts
21 54 87
the word ‘penguin’ wrong. (S). mustard-filled doughnut. (S). in one day.
[CS] Use an onion to inflict [CS] Gift an elaborate cheese [CS] Kiss a goblin named
22 55 88
bludgeoning damage. board to a giant rat. Gristletoe.
23 [CS] Tame a snowy owl. 56 [CS] Feed cake to a drake. 89 [CS] Explode a pinecone.
[CS] Meet the ghost of a past [CS] Eject some furniture [CS] Blindly combine & drink
24 57 90
friend or foe. from a room, via the window. two different potions.
[CS] Consume your mass in [CS] Use tinsel to entangle an [CS] Use at least 6 deer as a
25 58 91
cookies in 24hrs. enemy. form of transport.
26 [CS] Bless a knight. 59 [CS] Sell 5 gold rings. 92 [CS] Revisit a dungeon.
[CS] Explore ‘The Catacombs [CS] Make a giant goat from [CS] Leave a gift in a house
27 60 93
of Constant Carolling’. straw. without being detected.
[CS] Throw an enchanted [CS] Wrap a festive bow [CS] Consume 12 grapes at
28 61 94
snowball. around a mummy. midnight.
29 [CS] Gift a flagon to a dragon. 62 [CS] Experience a blizzard. 95 [CS] Craft a weapon from ice.
[CS] Create a part-dove, part- [CS] Use an icicle to slay a [CS] Consume your mass in
30 63 96
turtle chimera. creature. eggnog in 24hrs.
[CS] Be in the possession of 6 [CS] Spend the night in an [CS] Use a piece of coal to
31 64 97
goose eggs. igloo. inflict bludgeoning damage.
32 [CS] Host a fireworks display. 65 [CS] Tame a penguin. 98 [CS] Gift a sock to an elf.
[CS] Use bells to thwart 3 [CS] Drink a potion that has [CS] Make a jar of potion-
33 66 99
stealthy situations. (S). a permanent effect. infused pickled onions.
[CS] Teach a lich the
meaning of generosity.

Design & Content by Cardboard Anvil 14 Patreon|Cardboard Anvil

The Kleptogoblicon

Crolk The Curio Collector

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A strange bag. Are the contents mundane … or magical?
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Set of wooden dentures. 34 Small, rusted key. 67 Box of various quill nibs.
02 Waterproof backpack. 35 Purse. Contains a shiny rock. 68 Fisherman’s lucky charm.
Box. Turns a piece of meat Bag. Holds 3 chests of items, Bucket. Freezes liquids in
03 36 69
into 5d20 maggots in 1hr. but the items gain 2x weight. 1hr. Do not use as a helmet.
Doubloon. Emits the sound Ruby frog figurine. Looks like Wooden whistle. When
04 37 70
of a trumpet when spun. it slots into something. blown, self-combusts.
05 Chunk of iron ore. 38 Jarred bonsai tree. 71 Carrot carved into a flute.
Clay tablet. Decipher to learn Cake stand. Daily, conjure a Cowbell. Soothes bovine.
06 39 72
a random new spell. cake of your choosing. Rumoured to be portal key.
Bag. Daily, bind loose pages Pouch. Produces 1d6 days of Goblet. Drinking from it
07 40 73
into a book. Takes 30m. rations every 7 days. turns your teeth to gold. (1*).
08 2d6 fishing lures. 41 Box of 4d6 metal pins. 74 Box of 4d4 matches.
Compass. Points to the Izzardian Iced Bun. If eaten, Vial of what appears to be
09 42 75
nearest Kleptogoblin. 5% chance of instantly dying. violently bubbling blood.
Candle. Extinguishes if it Ball. Leaves a trail of paint Plush dragon. Glides
10 43 76
detects life within 30ft. when rolled. (2m). (4*). gracefully when thrown.
11 Fish head. 44 2d6 colourful chalk sticks. 77 Pickled dragon toe.
Severed hand. The fingers Muffle bag. 3x bigger on the Model rocking chair. Rocks
12 45 78
twitch occasionally. inside, muffles noise within. when unobserved.
Rotten Apple. Rots nearby Dustcover. Translates a book Powercore. Upon closer
13 46 79
fruit in mere minutes. to common. (1*). inspection, just a fish.
14 Roll of red wrapping paper. 47 2d6 origami frogs. 80 Jar of tiny black mushrooms.
Plush spider. Erupts with Set of twig dolls that look Vial of poison dart frog
15 48 81
5d20 spiders in 1d4 days. suspiciously like your party. infused nail polish.
Mechanical hand. Seized Teaspoon. Vigorously stir a Quill. Animates with its last
16 49 82
solid in a thumbs-up gesture. liquid to heat it up. hour of movements. (1*).
17 1d6 hinges. 50 Bag of 4d4 unopened letters. 83 Set of fake vampire teeth.
Goodman’s unopenable jar of A painting of a rat wearing a Steak knife. Transforms into
18 51 84
pickles. Near-unbreakable. tiny wizard’s hat. a spoon when held.
Buck of grease. 1% to invoke Small chest filled with wine Packet of instant fog. Just
19 52 85
lightning bolt when emptied. corks. add water.
20 Flask of sticky swamp tar. 53 Dented iron tankard. 86 Brass monkey statuette.
Holey water. Forms 3ft deep Potted plant. Produces fruit Bag. At dawn, produces 1d6
21 54 87
hole if poured onto earth. relevant to potions it is fed. bricks.
2d6 matches. If unboxed, Crystal hook. Sporadically, Crystal. Glows if a creature
22 55 88
ignite if they hear laughter quest scrolls appear on it. within 30ft is awake.
23 Box of 2d4 luxury chocolates. 56 Small, locked safe. 89 3d6 dry logs.
Rug. Walking on it leaves Large gemstone. A liquid core World’s Smelliest Cheese
24 57 90
footprints on the underside. sloshes around inside of it. Trophy. Smells … pungent.
Grimy white bedsheet. Two Flask. Shake to blend & heat Dumpy glass of expensive
25 58 91
eyeholes cut out of it. foods into a soup. (20*). hand moisturiser.
26 Pouch of soup ingredients. 59 Jar of purple frogspawn. 92 Chipped crystal ball.
Pebble. Rub to conjure a Fountain pen. Ink stored in it Jewel-encrusted hourglass.
27 60 93
random, small creature. (1*). turns to warm chocolate. Filled with tiny jade stones.
Wooden sign. ‘No Child’s teddy bear. Missing Perpetual Pot. At dawn,
28 61 94
Trespassing’. an eye. conjures 1d6 tarantulas.
29 Rusted-shut scroll box. 62 Battle-axe head. 95 2d4 long, yellow fingernails.
Horn. Commands allegiance Compass. Points towards the Moonstone. Makes you grow
30 63 96
of wolves. (1*). food that you are craving. younger by 2d12 years. (1*).
Plant pot. Smash against Lute. Play to turn a stairway Spider Planter. A pot made
31 64 97
door for 5% to conjure key. into a ramp for 20s. (5*). from thick, sticky web.
32 2d4 uncut gems. 65 Pouch of 2d6 dried starfish. 98 Bear skull.
Pink plush bear. Turns into a Vial of varnish. Turns a thin- Stone. On impact, emits the
33 66 99
bouncy ball when thrown. walled object see-through. last phrase spoken to it. (5*).
Property deeds to a
dilapidated log cabin.

Design & Content by Cardboard Anvil 15 Patreon|Cardboard Anvil

The Kleptogoblicon

Slumberglim The Spell Slinger

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
An ink-flecked bag. A faint aura of magic emanates from it.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 [S] Conjure cat. 34 [S] Double jump. 67 [S] Jet of hot wax.
02 [S] Restrain target with vines. 35 [S] Conjure 1ft cube of mud. 68 [S] 20ft sphere of dense fog.
[S] Conjure bucket of cow [S] Conjure & seal self in [S] Juggling proficiency for 1
03 36 69
dung. barrel ¾ filled with pickles. hour.
[S] Target disgorges 20d20 [S] Block out the Sun/Moon [S] Inflict animated beard on
04 37 70
silver coins. for 20m. target. (1hr).
05 [S] Transmute rain to onions. 38 [S] Conjure cake. 71 [S] Conjure a blank journal.
[S] Turn corpse to frog. [S] Emit illusion of shrubbery [S] Conjure chest of fake
06 39 72
Reverts after 20m. on self. (2m). coins & gems.
[S] Prime small item. Propels [S] Completely destroy a [S] Conjure whale 10,000ft
07 40 73
20ft on touch. cursed item. above self.
08 [S] Cremate corpse. 41 [S] Conjure empty bookshelf. 74 [S] Reinforce wall.
[S] Conjure 1d4 kebabs with [S] Conjure door-sized brick [S] Transform an apple into a
09 42 75
garlic sauce. wall. pig.
[S] Conjure 1d4 hungry [S] Restore missing book [S] Animate a weapon as your
10 43 76
goblins. page. ally for 1hr.
11 [S] Ignite socks. 44 [S] Encase small object in ice. 77 [S] Conjure snowman.
[S] Conjure travelling [S] Swap places with ally in [S] Inflict loud hiccups for 10
12 45 78
merchant. line-of-sight. minutes.
[S] Animate instrument. [S] Conjure illusory banquet. [S] Transmute 1 bucket of
13 46 79
(20m). (20m). water into fine wine.
14 [S] Repair broken bone. 47 [S] Conjure 6d6 cabbages. 80 [S] Sever undead limb.
[S] Attract all rats within a 2- [S] 10% to unlock a targeted [S] Make a targeted piece of
15 48 81
mile radius to your location. door or container. clothing waterproof.
[S] Make targeted piece of [S] Conjure pig swill sphere [S] Conjure 1d100 rubber
16 49 82
food explode. projectile. ducks.
17 [S] Summon firefly swarm. 50 [S] Swap voice with ally. (2m) 83 [S] Make paper fireproof.
[S] Transfer your illness to [S] Target develops a severe [S] Conjure chocolate replica
18 51 84
another creature. potion allergy. (24hrs). of small item.
[S] Infest held food with [S] Teleport into nearest [S] Make corpse invisible.
19 52 85
maggots. empty, capable container. (1hr.)
20 [S] Duplicate key. 53 [S] Double rope length. 86 [S] Conjure bucket of water.
[S] Inspire cult following. [S] Transmute a vial of water [S] Flatten stairs into a slide.
21 54 87
Gain 1d4 -1 followers. into a random potion. (20s).
[S] Make a small object [S] Turn all liquids within [S] Create 10ft radius zone of
22 55 88
appear golden. (2m). 10ft non-alcoholic. silence.
23 [S] Blind self & target. (5m). 56 [S] Conjure plush unicorn. 89 [S] 5kg sand to soil.
[S] Stop the effects of 1 curse [S] Conjure 20ft invisible [S] Your footprints emit light.
24 57 90
for 24hrs. bridge. (1m). (1hr).
[S] Infuse your blood with [S] Command termites. [S] Bright spotlight above
25 58 91
healing properties. (1hr). (20m). target. (10m).
26 [S] Inflict mood: Anger. 59 [S] Identify mushroom. 92 [S] Conjure cup of coffee.
[S] Animate garden gnome. [S] Give targeted food/drink [S] Conjure wad of mud in
27 60 93
(1d4 days). addictive properties. target’s mouth.
[S] Empty barrel of perfume [S] 1% chance to summon [S] Teleport to the last place
28 61 94
above target. deity of greed. where you slept.
29 [S] Inflict fear of fire. (2m). 62 [S] Illuminate weak point. 95 [S] Ignite a smokeless fire.
[S] Undead within 100ft [S] Transmute bottle of water [S] Revert potion to
30 63 96
radius gain a top hat. to glue. ingredients.
31 [S] Invoke rainstorm. 64 [S] Inflict baldness. 97 [S] Disgorge lit candle.
32 [S] Conjure obedient bee. 65 [S] Inflict pyromania. (1hr.) 98 [S] Conjure 1d100ft of rope.
33 [S] Disgorge ball of wool. 66 [S] Conjure mule. (1d4 days). 99 [S] Disgorge 6d6 gems.
[S] Instantly age backwards.
(1d20 years).

Design & Content by Cardboard Anvil 16 Patreon|Cardboard Anvil

The Kleptogoblicon

Sjipp The Snack Swindler

Kleptogoblin Loot Bag
A grease-stained bag that smells like the combination of three restaurant kitchens.
Roll 1d100 when you open the bag to determine what is inside.
01 Tin of sardines. 34 Jar of pickled herrings. 67 Roast turkey leg.
02 Bag of vegetable peelings. 35 Handful of candy. 68 Jar of pickled eggs.
Wrapped mystery meat. 3d4 candle candies. Disgorge Turkey roll, on rye bread
03 36 69
Purplish water seeps from it. a candle after eating one. with lettuce & mustard.
Half-eaten cookie. On the 2d6 rhubarb & mustard Bulb of partially chewed
04 37 70
plus side, half isn’t eaten. flavoured hard candies. garlic.
05 Jar of bacon grease. 38 Glowing mushroom soup. 71 Basket of tropical fruit.
1d4 plucked and strung Flask of Guel. Not appetising, Onion. Conjures 3d4 coats of
06 39 72
pheasants. but will act as a full meal. increasing size on you.
Cup of Tai Chi Chai Tea. 2d4 Mead Beads. Bottle of Potato that is definitely &
07 40 73
Improves balance. (20m). water into mead in 8hrs. unquestionably not sentient.
08 Bag of roasted chestnuts. 41 Roast spider on a stick. 74 Gummy frog legs.
Tundra trout roe. Cold Lyrebird Lozenges. Your next Gherkin. Gain complete
09 42 75
weather resistance (1hr). sentence mimics any sound. mastery of pickling foods.
Troll blood taffy. Regenerate Chocolate bar. Deafness Mint sphere. Lets out a shrill
10 43 76
20% HP over 1 hour. (1d4m). whistle when sucked.
11 Bag of brown sugar. 44 Jar of invisible honey. 77 Case of well-aged cheese.
Appraise Ale. Accurately Porkchop-shaped lollipop. Amen Ramen. Emit a holy
12 45 78
value items (2m). 1% to conjure a tame pig. aura. (24hrs).
2d4 Handy Candies. Sign Gummy spyball. See the last Al’s Red Chocolate Syrup.
13 46 79
language fluency (10m). hour the gummy did. Easily mistaken as blood.
14 Singular ripe banana. 47 Vintage bottle of fine wine. 80 Cold, leftover slice of pizza.
Bag of animated, wriggling Mulled wine. The bottle stays Three roughly skinned
15 48 81
gummy worms. warm until opened. rabbits tied with twine.
Roll of rolling. A perfectly Ursine honey. Bear Tuner Fish. Tune the next
16 49 82
spherical bread roll. transformation (1m). instrument you touch.
17 Perfectly cooked steak. 50 Pumpkin pie. 83 Toffee apple on a stick.
Jolly jelly. Instantly improves Dungeonut. Get an inkling of 6d6 Animints. Let out a
18 51 84
your mood. the nearest dungeon. random animal noise.
Lichorice stick. Necrotic Giant globstopper. Hard Jar of mushrooms pickled in
19 52 85
damage immunity. (20s). candy that distracts oozes. ghost pepper infused vinegar.
20 Jar of moonshine. 53 Redberry pie. 86 Bag of breadcrumbs.
Moonlit Macaron. Activates Pot of 10 sugar cubes. Refills Bottle of rum with a
21 54 87
lycanthropy. (5m). at dawn. mummified toe floating in it.
Salt and pepper seasoned Hellfire grilled chicken with a Pie made with nameless meat
22 55 88
crunchy grasshoppers. side of chips. & suspect vegetables.
23 Rock-hard baguette. 56 2d4 sugar candy skulls. 89 Bottle of spoilt milk.
Dried fugu. 1% chance to Linguistini. Pasta that aids Greasy bag of deep-fried
24 57 90
severely poison you. learning a new language. snails.
Pitcher of Peter’s pickled Spider silk soup. Sticky Sentient jalapeno pepper on
25 58 91
pepper & pumpkin punch. weblike saliva. (20m). a stick.
26 6 100-year-old eggs. 59 2d4 purple carrots. 92 Tin of cured, rotten shark.
Basilisk blood & bourbon. Bag of Blazeberries. Burst Flask of fungal fizz.
27 60 93
Petrification immunity. (1m). into quick flames on impact. Immunity to poison. (1hr).
Sushi roll. Salmon Banshee biscuits. Let out an Moon-shaped lollipop. Holds
28 61 94
transformation. (5m). involuntary wail. off lycanthropy when sucked.
29 2d6 strips of deer jerky. 62 Pickled pig foot. 95 Stewed sheep head.
Frostbitten fig. Reduces body Slice of ghostly gouda. Goat cheese. Communicate
30 63 96
temperature by 80%. Become ethereal. (10s). with goats (2m).
Runner bean. Increases Pouch of sunflower seeds. 1% Thick chunk of leviathan
31 64 97
running speed by 10%. (1hr). to attract extraterrestrial life. blubber.
32 Canned bread. 65 1d4 crocodile skewers. 98 Jellied moose nose.
Dragon’s delight dumpling. Mystic Mochi. Disgorge a Gorgon gumbo. Turns to
33 66 99
50% to contain a gold coin. random spell scroll. stone at room temperature.
Enigmatic Elderberry Elixir.
Instantly solve a puzzle.

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The Kleptogoblicon

End of The Book

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