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Remote Control For Yamaha DM 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

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Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.


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aklipopo Dec '14

Hi ,
Can you say me if on cubase 8 there is somes improvement , for customise the preset
on remote control with yamaha dm 2000 .

Because the basic preset is very good , control eq send ect … Very well !!
But i can use only the mod " mixer " used by default ( i can’t create my own new layer
for control what I want , like assign my fader to the Quick controls )

I tryed to make one other layer in my consol , but i can only have 1 feedback for midi at
one time ( daw control ) .
So with one other layer , I can move the fader on my DM 2000 it control the cubase
faders , GOOD .
but if I move a fader on cubase , nothing happen in the consol .

so Please in cubase 7 or 8 , is it possible to customise the preset yamaha dm 2000 ?

with di�erents layer directly in cubase ?

thank’s !!

artmanjam Apr '15

The DM controls for Cubase/Nuendo is very limited but… there are some hidden
capabilities regarding Quick Controls.

It’s a great mixer to mix itb when using the Nuendo remote, or a traditional mixer.

I’ve been searching a way to control CCs with faders so as to “mix” di�erent orchestral
soundbanks articulations (velocity, expression, portamento etc). I use a Novation
ZeroSL but it’s not that easy to use the faders for di�erent orchestral banks (LASS,
Hollywood Strings, VSL). I can’t put so many labels on the ZeroSL. So I’ve been
searching a way to do it on the DM2000.

After some searches I could get the right setup. I con�igured the Tracks Quick Controls

1 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48
Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.net/t/remote-control-for-yamaha-dm-2000/644766

After some searches I could get the right setup. I con�igured the Tracks Quick Controls
to 8 CC numbers in Cubase. I went in the DM2k’s remote section then, selecting the
“User’s De�ine” remote. There you can assign CC numbers. it’s a bit complicated as you
have to assign CC 16 bytes numbers (have a quick search on the web, easy to �ind),
switch or fader to the same CC numbers than the Quick Controls.

I �inally get 2x8 faders assigned to the same 8 quick controls remote CC numbers,
controlling themselves di�erent CCs in Cubase, depending on Quick Controls setup.
Waaaay better with the DM2k nice faders than with the ZeroSL plastic ones. And I
could label �irst 8 tracks for LASS and the other 8 for VSL on the console.

So I can still use the console in a classic way (audio) or a Cubase remote (transport,
mixing itb) but additionally control CCs too… This has been a huge step for my

aklipopo Apr '15

Awsome thank’s you so munch for sharing this tips !!

this is exactly what i want to do , i don’t understand for the moment how to do this ( got
bad english and i’m noob in MIDI )
But i will continue to work on it
thank’s !!

artmanjam Apr '15

Here are some explanations. It can look a bit complicated but it’s not that much…
First you have to setup a remote for the Quick Controls. The DM2k will “control” the QC
via CC numbers.

• On your DM, go to Remote layers. I guess the �irst one should be the Nuendo one,
go to “Remote 2”. In upper right box, select “User De�ined”, press Enter. Ok for
now, you’ll have to go back to this layer later to setup the CC numbers.

• Still on the DM, go to “Setup” (Display Access area), “Midi Host”. There you’ll have
to setup the midi channel which will be used for the remote communication
from DM to Cubase. Go to “Remote 2” (the one you selected), and select the USB
midi channel you want to choose. It depends on your current con�iguration. The
usual “Nuendo” remote requires 4 midi channels. Speaking for myself, I use
USB-1 for Studio Manager; USB-2 to 5 for Nuendo and I selected USB-7 for
Remote 2. Ok for the DM for now.

2 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48
Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.net/t/remote-control-for-yamaha-dm-2000/644766

• On Cubase, go to Device Setup, Remote Controls, Tracks Quick Controls

• Select midi In & Out (the midi channel the DM will use to communicate with
Cubase). As I choosed USB-7 on DM in my setup, I selected DM2000-7 in this box

• Midi status : controller. Midi channel : 1, 2, 3 etc…8

• Address : you have to choose CC numbers, choose whatever you want, the easiest
is 1 to 8.

• Max value : 127. Flags : “R,”

(you can have a look to the image below, but I did it complicated, didn’t think to
simply use CC 1 to 8…)

Back to the DM now with the damned 16 bytes CCs… You’ll need to go there :

• Go to “Table 3”, here you are. Don’t worry, it’s simpler than it looks, you just need
to look at columns 1 (decimal) and 3 (hex). Decimal column lists the CC numbers,
Hex lists the relative value. It just means than instead of entering the usual CC
numbers in the DM, you’ll have to enter the Hex values. BTW if you choose CC 1 to
8, it will be 01 to 08 !

• On Table 2 you can �ind the correspondance for midi channels. Here they are :

3 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48
Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.net/t/remote-control-for-yamaha-dm-2000/644766

So, on the DM, still on “remote 2” display, you’ll see that you can choose between
3 di�erent controllers : switch (“On”), “encoder” or “fader”. Let’s say you’ll setup
Select a track on your DM (the �irst of a group of 8). Look at the bottom, “Fader”

• First box on the left is the midi channel (Hex numbers are on Table 2 on the midi

• Second box is the CC number

• 3rd box is the physical controller (fader, switch etc)

• 4th, I don’t remember but whatever it’s “End”, you can �ind some details on DM

So, 1st track, box1: 50 / box2: 01 / box3: FAD / box4: END

Select next track now and go on:
2nd track, box1: 51 / box2: 02 / box3: FAD / box4: END
etc… untill:
8th track, box1: B7 / box2: 08 / box3: FAD / box4: END

If ever you want to have a switch instead of a fader (it’s one or the other), go to the “ON”
area and have for the 8th track i.e. box1: B7 / box2: 08 / box3: SW / box4: - (no need to
have “End”)

4 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48
Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.net/t/remote-control-for-yamaha-dm-2000/644766

Here you are, you have con�igured the DM2k and your Quick Controls remote, it’s all
done. You can export your remote setup in Cubase for safety.

Now you can go to your usal workflow in Cubase, con�igure your Quick Controls in your
tracks, don’t miss to check the QC blue box, I miss it so many times…

Let me say it works like a charm and it’s a very convenient way to command the QC,
thanks to the DM’s nice faders.

One last thing, what is really powerful there is that you can duplicate this 8-track
setup on 3x8-track on 1 DM’s layer and thereby label the controls directly on your
console and command 3 di�erent QC setups, having the controls clearly showed. I’m
talking about adhesive labels on DM’s white stripe but don’t miss that you can input
short names in the “User De�ine” display too and have the controls names on each
track display ! And as there are 4 available banks, you could have up to 12 di�erent
labelled QC!! The main limitation is the 8-QC in Cubase �inally…

5 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48
Remote control for yamaha dm 2000 - Cubase - Steinberg Forums https://forums.steinberg.net/t/remote-control-for-yamaha-dm-2000/644766

6 de 6 10/04/2023, 18:48

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