Phase Test Date Sheet 9th

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Fauji School System®

The School of Science & Arts

24-1-24 Wednesday English 3 chapters + 6 passage + 5 letters + ex 6
25-1-24 Thursday Islam(com) Chapters 1 + 2 ( Ikhlaqyat chapter 1 + 2
26-1-24 Friday + T.Q Unit 1 + T.Q  surah 1 to 5
27-1-24 Saturday Punj+Phy Chapter 1 + 2 poem 1 to 3 + Ghazal 1 +2
Phy Unit 1 + 2
29-1-24 Monday Math Unit 1 + 2
30-1-24 Tuesday Islamiat(elc) Ahadees 1 to 4 Ayyat 1 to 3 unit 4 chp 1 + 2 (Bio
+ Bio chapters I and 2)
31-1-24 Wednesday Sci + Chemi Unit no 1 and 2 ,(chemistry unit no 1 + 2
1-2-24 Thursday Urdu Lesson 1 to 4 Poem 1,2 Ghzal 1,2 application 1,3
dailogue 1,2
2-2-24 Friday English Chapter 4 to 6 + passage 7 to 12 letters 6 to 10
(Ex 7 to 12)
3-2-24 Saturday Islam(com) Unit no 3 + 4 (Ikhlaqyat unit 3 + 4)
5-2-24 Monday S.s.t + T.q Unit no 2 + T.Q  surah 6 to 10
6-2-24 Tuesday Punj + Phys Chapters 3,4 poem 4 to 6 Ghazal 3,4 (unit 3,4)
7-2-24 Wednesday Math Unit no 3 + 4
8-2-24 Thursday Islam(Ele) + Ahadees 5 to 8 Ayaat 4 to 6 unit 4 (bio ch 3,4)
9-2-24 Sci + Chem (Unit 3,4) + (Unit 3,4)
10-2-24 Saturday Urdu Lesson 5 to 8 Poem 3,4 Ghazal 3,4 application 4
to 7 Dialouge 3,4
12-2-24 Monday English Chapters 7,9 passage 12 to 18 letters 11 t0 15 ex
13-2-24 Tuesday Islam(com) Unit no 5,6 (Ikhlaqyat Unit 5)
14-2-24 Wednesday S.s.t + T.Q Unit no 3 (T.Q Surah 11 to 15
15-2-24 Thursday Punj+Phy Unit no 5,6 poem 7-9 Ghazal no 5 (phy Unit 5,6)
16-2-24 Friday Math Unit no 5,6
17-2-24 Saturday Isl(Ele) +Bio Ahadees 9 to 12 Ayyat 7 to 10 Unit no 4 (Unit 5,6
19-2-24 Monday Sci + Chem (Unit no 5,6) (Unit no 5,6)
20-2-24 Tuesday Urdu Lesson 9 to 12 Dialouge 5,6 All applications
21-2-24 Wednesday English Chapters no 10 to 12 Passage 19 to 25 ex no
22-2-24 Thursday Islam(com) Unit no 7, (Ikhlaq) unit 1 to 3
23-2-24 Friday + T.Q Unit no 4, T.Q (Surah 16 to 18)
24-2-24 Saturday Punj + Phy Punjabi complete (phy unit 7.8)
26-2-24 Monday Math Unit no 7,8
27-2-24 Tuesday Islam(Ele) Ahadees + Ayaat (Bio Unit 7,8)
28-2-24 Wednesday Sci + Chem Unit no 1 to 3 (chem Unit no 7,8)

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