Iso 13664
Iso 13664
Iso 13664
First edition
Seamless and welded steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Magnetic particle
inspection of the tube ends for the
detection of laminar imperfections
Reference number
IS0 13664:1997(E)
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IS0 13664:1997(E)
IS0 (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
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which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
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collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
0 IS0 1997
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I) To be published.
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IS0 13664:1997(E) 0 IS0
technique adopted. The use of dry magnetic powder Other methods of applying radial magnetization may
is permitted only by prior agreement between the be adopted, provided that the manufacturer can
purchaser and manufacturer. demonstrate their equivalence to the method de-
scribed above.
4.2 During the production testing of the end/bevel 4.5 It is emphasized that it is outwith the scope of
face at both ends of each tube, magnetization shall, this International Standard to specify the levels of
at the discretion of the manufacturer, be applied ei- magnetization and current which are required to re-
ther parallel to the major axis of the tube or radially veal the presence of unacceptable laminar imperfec-
through the tube thickness. Black ink shall be applied tions.
simultaneously to the end/bevel face, to reveal the
presence of laminar imperfections, using an illumi- NOTE 1 This is due to the wide variety of magnetic par-
nation of not less than 350 Ix. ticle techniques available and permitted for this purpose.
In cases where there is insufficient sensitivity due, for However, in all cases the magnetization requirements
example, either to poor contrast between the black together with the use of magnetic inks and powders
ink and the surface of the end/bevel face to be in- given in IS0 9934-l shall apply.
spected, or as a result of the magnetization technique
adopted, the end/bevel face shall, prior to inspection, 4.6 During the production testing of the end/bevel
be coated with a white background paint to aid con- face, the level of magnetization shall be checked at
trast. Alternatively, fluorescent ink shall be used and regular intervals, not exceeding 4 h, for example using
the inspection carried out in a darkened area using a a magnetic field-strength meter where appropriate.
UV-A radiation source, with a background white light Alternatively, a test piece containing either an artificial
level not exceeding 20 lx and a black light intensity simulation of, or a naturally occurring laminar imper-
of at least 8 W/m*. fection on, the end/bevel face may be used, where
the manufacturer shall demonstrate the presence of
a consistent indication of the imperfection.
4.3 When using magnetization parallel to the major
axis of the tube, this shall be achieved using a rigid
5 Acceptance
concentric coil surrounding or inside the tube, pos-
itioned close to the tube end. The coil shall be ener-
gized using an alternating or a half- or full-wave 5.1 Any tube producing either no indication at all or
rectified or direct current source. In this case, it shall an individual indication of laminar imperfections, on
be demonstrated by a measuring device that the in- the end/bevel face at both ends of the tube, less than
duced currents in the tube wall produce a magnetic 6 mm in circumference, shall be deemed to have
flux perpendicular to the surface. passed the test.
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shell Services International B.V./5924979112,
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0 IS0 IS0 13664:1997(E)
a) reference to this International Standard; e) type and details of inspection technique adopted,
including the magnetic material used during in-
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shell Services International B.V./5924979112,
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IS0 13664:1997(E)
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization Document provided by IHS Licensee=Shell Services International B.V./5924979112,
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