ECCE Test Key

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ECCE Test Key

Listening Part 1
1a 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b 7c 8a
9c 10 b 11 c 12 c 13 b 14 a 15 a 16 c
17 a 18 a 19 a 20 b 21 c 22 b 23 a 24 c
25 c 26 c 27 b 28 c 29 b 30 b

M = man she got accepted she heard about this archeological dig
W = woman with a group from the university, so she jumped at the
1 chance to go on that. She even gets class credits for
M1: So, did you buy Katie that bicycle she kept asking for? doing it.
W1: Bicycle? Oh, right. No, she kept changing her mind – W2: What is Amelia doing this summer?
first it was the bike, then her own TV, then she decided 6
she wanted a personal stereo, but I found a really good W1: How was the concert last night? Or did you end up
deal on a small TV so that’s what I ended up getting. going to your friend’s gallery opening instead?
W2: What did she buy for Katie? M1: Well, I decided to go to the gallery thing – I wasn’t too
2 sure about that concert anyway – and then my boss
W1: Can we have hamburgers for dinner tonight? calls me on my cell and tells me I have to come back to
M1: We could, except that I used up all the ground beef. the office to help fix a problem. That wasn’t the kind of
Some fish might be good, or ... I know, how about hot evening I was planning, let me tell you!
dogs? We can cook them on the barbecue. I know you W2: What did he do last night?
guys don’t like fish all that much, so I’ll do that some 7
other time. M1: What do you do to warm up at the gym? Do you use the
W2: What does he decide to cook? stationary bike or the stair-climbing machine or
3 something?
M1: Did Kathy call you last night? I know you’ve been W1: Actually, I just do some stretching on the floor. That
waiting to hear from her. stair-climbing thing is just like punishment, and I’m not
W1: Yeah, she did, but can you believe she didn’t call until too fond of the bikes either. Anyway, I ride my real bike
twelve thirty? I tried to call her at eleven or so but her all the time, so why do I need to do it there?
phone was busy, and then my phone rang at around W2: How does she warm up?
eleven thirty, but I was in the shower so I don’t know 8
who that was. In the end I was sound asleep when she W1: Do you still like heavy metal music as much as you used
called. to?
W2: When did Kathy call? M1: You know, I kind of grew out of it I guess. What I really
4 enjoy now is acoustic guitar music, even classical guitar.
W1: Did you guys have a good time at the zoo? I bet the kids Don’t get me wrong, though – you still won’t find me at
really enjoyed seeing the baby elephant. the symphony!
M1: Yeah, the elephant was cute, but they were really W2: What kind of music does he like?
looking forward to seeing the lions – they’ve been doing 9
a project at school about them – and wouldn’t you M1: You went to Hawaii with your sister last month, didn’t
know it, we couldn’t see a single one? Even seeing the you? It must have been great lying around on the beach
polar bears do their tricks couldn’t cheer them up after all day!
that. W1: It would have been great, yeah. In actual fact we spent
W2: What did they not see? the entire time shopping. Can you believe it? My sister
wouldn’t even let me visit that botanical garden that’s
5 supposed to be so amazing.
M1: Is Amelia taking classes at the university this summer? W2: What did they do in Hawaii?
W1: Well, not exactly. I mean, she thought about it, but she
decided she didn’t have enough money to pay for them
so she applied for a job in a restaurant. Then just when

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10 16
W1: What’s the matter, Tim? You didn’t crash your dad’s car W1: Where should we meet for lunch? Is in front of the post
again, did you? office OK, or would you rather meet inside the
M1: No, the car’s fine – but unfortunately my sister’s bike restaurant?
isn’t. It was lying on the driveway so I couldn’t see it out M1: Hmm. I need to buy a couple of things, so maybe you
the windshield when I was pulling in, and now it’s all in could meet me in the department store? I’ll wait for you
pieces. under the big clock. The post office is kind of out of the
W2: What was damaged? way, isn’t it? And I really hate hanging around waiting in
restaurants. I always feel like I’m in the way.
W2: Where does he want to meet?
M1: I hear you had a swimming pool put in in your garden.
That must be nice! 17
W1: Who told you that? We did think about putting in a M1: How many cars do you guys own now, Kate? The last
small pond, but I kept hearing how much trouble they time I went by your house there were five cars parked in
are to keep up, so we just had a new patio put in your driveway.
instead. And then we got a small fountain so we’d have W1: Five? That can’t be right. Let me see, there’s the SUV,
some water to look at. Tom’s sports car, and the sedan – well, that’s only three.
W2: What does her garden look like? Oh, and the jeep! David just got that, though I tried to
talk him out of it. The fifth car must have been a visitor’s.
W2: How many cars does Kate’s family own?
M1: I hear you bought all new appliances for your kitchen.
Didn’t you just buy a new refrigerator a few months 18
ago? W1: What did you do this weekend? Weren’t you guys
W1: We did, but it turned out to be too small for us, so I planning to go to the beach?
gave it to my daughter. The thing is, we found this great M1: Yeah, we were, but the weather didn’t look too good
deal at an appliance store – matching refrigerator, stove down there so we called that off. Then we thought
and dishwasher for a really great price. Unfortunately about going to the fair in Salem, but in the end we just
we don’t have space for a dishwasher, so that went to had a picnic in the local park. Now I wish we’d gone to
my daughter too. the beach, though – evidently the weather was great.
W2: Which new appliances are in her kitchen? W2: What did he do on the weekend?
13 19
W1: Did you watch the Olympics on TV last night? The M1: Would you like to try those on, ma’am? It’s a brand new
gymnastics was so exciting! I just couldn’t believe the design from one of our top designers and I hear they’re
results. very comfortable for walking.
M1: I had to go out to a dinner, so I missed the gymnastics. I W1: Oh, I don’t know. They are nice, but I’m looking for
did catch part of the basketball, though, and I saw the something to go with this jacket, and I’m pretty sure
medal ceremony for the swimmers, though I didn’t get these aren’t right. The heels are kind of low, too. Maybe
to see the actual swimming events. I should put on my glasses and have a better look,
W2: Which event did he see? though!
W2: Where are they?
W1: Could you remind me how to get to your house? I go 20
south on fifteenth and turn left when I get to Maple W1: So what would you like to eat? There’s fast food,
Street, is that right? Or am I mixing that up with some Chinese, or we could try that new Italian place
other street? downtown.
M1: You go south on fifteenth, go through the light at M1: You know Italian’s my favorite, but I haven’t heard
fifteenth and Maple, then you turn left on Elm Street. If anything good about that new place. Why don’t we have
you turn right you’ll end up at the golf course, and if Chinese for a change? Fast food is definitely out. I’m
you turn on Maple Street you’ll end up back at the totally sick of it!
freeway. W1: Sounds good. We won’t have to drive very far, either.
W2: Which is correct? W2: Where do they decide to eat?
15 21
M1: You always eat a big breakfast, don’t you? I mean eggs M1: Is David really planning to learn to fly a plane?
and bacon and everything? W1: No, not a plane, a helicopter. Can you believe it? It
W1: I used to, but then I figured out that it just made me doesn’t seem like a very useful skill to me – especially
feel sleepy all morning, so now I have some toast, a when he still hasn’t learned how to drive a car! Maybe
yogurt and coffee. I tried having a bowl of cereal and he wants to get a job with the TV news or something
coffee for a while, but I got hungry again after an hour though.
so I changed again. W2: What is David learning to operate?
W2: Which shows her current breakfast?

© Oxford University Press ECCE Practice Test 22

22 27
W1: Any idea what I can get Carol for her birthday? I know W1: So where are you going for your honeymoon? Carly said
she loves books, but I wouldn’t have any idea what book you were thinking about a cruise on one of those huge
to get her. And clothes are definitely out. I mean, she ocean-liners.
already has too many. M1: We did talk about a cruise, but the one we wanted to go
M1: You’re right about that! She’s actually trying to get rid of on was too expensive. Believe it or not, it’s cheaper to
some of her old dresses, which is a good thing. How go to Paris for two weeks, so that’s what we decided on.
about one of those gift cards from a book store? Then I tried to convince her to go to one of those amazing
she can pick out whatever she wants. Even I don’t know places in the mountains in Canada, but that wasn’t her
what books she already has, and I live in the same idea of a honeymoon, but we’ll definitely do that some
house! other time.
W2: What present does he recommend? W2: Where will they spend their honeymoon?
23 28
M1: I assume Maria’s going to call us when she arrives in M1: How’s your new computer working out? You got one of
Athens? I just hope one of us is around when the phone those with the thin screen and everything, didn’t you?
rings. W1: I did, yeah, but it had to go right back to the store. I
W1: Actually, she said she never feels like talking to anybody don’t know what was wrong with it, but it just didn’t
after a long flight, so she’ll probably just send us an e- want to work. I was about to put my old computer back
mail. I suggested sending a text message, but she wasn’t together and use that, and then Dan offered to let me
sure her cell phone would work from there, and she’s use his laptop until the new one got replaced, so that’s
positive the hotel has Internet service because she what I’m working on right now.
stayed there before. W2: Which computer is she using now?
W2: How will Maria contact them?
24 W1: So how was the big party? I bet you had a great time
M1: Did Mark find a job for the summer? I’m still surprised and met a lot of new people.
he turned down his dad’s offer of a sales job in the M1: Well, not that many people showed up for one thing – I
furniture store. He could make really good money doing mean, it was this huge room with just a few people
that. scattered around. And they all seemed to know each
W1: Oh, you know, he needs to be independent. Anyhow, it other, which made it kind of hard for me. You know I’m
turned out for the best because he found a job working not all that outgoing, so I spent most of the time by
with kids in a summer camp. You know he wants to be a myself trying to pretend I wasn’t bored.
teacher, so it’ll be really good experience for him. W2: Which shows him at the party?
W2: What job will Mark do?
25 M1: Why didn’t you join us for lunch yesterday? Oh, that’s
W1: I hear you have your own office at work now. It must be right, you had a dentist appointment! I forgot all about
nice to get a little privacy. that.
M1: They moved me to a better spot, yeah, but I wouldn’t W1: I did have a dental appointment, but I had to cancel it
call it an office exactly. I mean, it doesn’t have real at the last minute. My boss asked me to do a
walls, or a door for that matter – just the usual head- presentation for him because he had to rush off to pick
high dividers with an opening for going in and out. It up his son from school. Evidently he was really sick.
does have a window, though, which is a real Anyway, I would much rather have been having lunch
improvement over my old work space. with you guys!
W2: Which shows his new work space? W2: Where was she at lunchtime?
M1: Have you decided what to do with the front yard at your Listening Part 2
new house yet? I know you didn’t want a big area of
grass to take care of. Key
W1: No, I wanted to dig the whole thing up and plant it with 31 c 32 a 33 c 34 b 35 a
shrubs and flowers, but it looks like the grass is going to 36 b 37 c 38 c 39 a 40 c
stay whether I want it or not. It turns out the 41 a 42 b 43 a 44 c 45 b
neighborhood has strict rules about what you can do 46 a 47 c 48 a 49 c 50 a
with your front yard, and a lawn is one of the
requirements, so I’m just going to plant a couple of trees
and plant flowers along the front of the house. It looks
so bare now, with just grass and a couple of bushes.
W2: What will her front yard look like?

© Oxford University Press Practice Test 5 23

Tapescript they were houses I was really pretty proud of, and they
kept saying, no, that’s too traditional, no, that’s too
Craig: Hello, and welcome to Who Does It? the radio program boring, and on and on. Finally we all just burst out
where people who do unusual jobs tell us all about laughing, it was so ridiculous. Then, when we’d calmed
them. Today I’m visiting the office of Elva Danson, a down, I asked them what they really wanted. And that’s
woman who is not only unusual for her success in what when Dina – the couple were Dina and Paul, they’re
is mainly a man’s field – building houses – but who really good friends of mine now – she asked me if I
builds houses in ways that most people would never knew anything about straw bale houses. I was so
dream of. Thanks for inviting me, Elva. surprised that I almost fell off my chair. You see, I’d just
Elva: It’s great to have you here, Craig. been reading about straw bale construction, and how it
was catching on in various parts of the United States,
Craig: So tell us, Elva, how did you get into this line of work even in Europe, and I was really intrigued by the whole
in the first place? concept.
Elva: I guess it’s mainly because of my family. My
grandfathers were both builders – actually, that’s how 36 What did the couple think about the houses Elva
my parents met, because both my grandpas worked showed them?
together so much – and then my dad became a builder
too, so I grew up around it. I started helping out when I 37 Who first brought up the subject of straw bale houses?
was pretty small, too – I was doing little odd jobs
around the building sites from the time I was eleven 38 What did Elva know about straw bale construction?
years old. No, actually I was ten. And it turned out I
naturally had a pretty strong talent for cutting wood and Craig: So did you agree to build them a straw bale house
fitting things and that kind of thing. I never really liked right then and there? And while we’re on the subject,
power tools, though – that was the one really “girlie” what IS straw bale construction?
thing about me, I guess. [laughs] I got over it though. Elva: You’re right – I better explain a little first. A straw bale is
just a cube-shaped block of straw – really just a type of
31 What is true about Elva’s family? dried grass made into a square, solid bundle. I’m sure
most of your listeners have seen them sitting around in
32 How old was Elva when she started working in building? farmer’s fields or near places where farm animals feed.
Straw bale construction is just a method of using these
33 What does Elva say about power tools? blocks to build walls with. Anyway, I certainly didn’t
agree to build Dina and Paul a straw bale house right
Craig: And how did you get interested in different building away. What we’d agreed on is that I’d do some research,
methods – what I guess you’d call alternative methods? maybe even visit a few of the houses in other states,
Elva: Well, it was a long process. At first I was satisfied and then I’d decide if I thought it was something I’d be
working in the traditional way, even though I kept willing to undertake for them. They had a house already
thinking the quality wasn’t as good as I’d have liked. I – they were looking to build a second home in the
mean, I’m not really very fond of all the man-made country, so they weren’t in a big hurry. Now that I think
materials they’ve been using in houses for some time about it, I probably wouldn’t be here now if it hadn’t
now, even though they’re easier to handle. They look been for Paul and Dina – they gave me the push to get
OK, you know, but some of them turned out to be a into this kind of building in the first place, and they
really bad idea, like some kinds of manufactured siding certainly gave me the chance to learn all the ins and
that just fell apart in a few years. But anyway, I kept outs of it.
working in the family company, and gradually I started
heading projects for the more special houses – you 39 What is a straw bale?
know, the ones where the people who hired us were
really involved in the whole process. That was nice, 40 What did Elva agree to do for Dina and Paul?
because they really wanted good materials and the best
quality. 41 What is true about Dina and Paul?

34 Why doesn’t Elva like some man-made materials? Craig: What did your father think about all this? I mean, you
were still working for his company, right? He must have
35 What kind of projects did she like the most? had other jobs for you to do.
Elva: Yeah, he did. And I did the jobs, too. We had to keep the
Craig: But you were still building normal buildings, right? money coming in, after all. And I have to admit, I wasn’t
How did you take the next step into building with too sure how he’d take me being interested in something
alternative methods? so different. But after I gave him some stuff to read
Elva: It was kind of funny, actually. Some customers came to about straw bale construction, he was almost as
the office – a younger couple with a big piece of enthusiastic as I was. Of course he was a lot more
property and plenty of money – and they said, show us experienced with the building market, so he had more
what kind of houses you do. So I showed them. I mean,

© Oxford University Press ECCE Practice Test 24

doubts about it. After all, people who want to build 45 How was Elva’s first experience of building a straw bale
houses are usually pretty conservative – they’re spending house?
a lot of money to get the kind of house they want, and
most people don’t want anything unfamiliar or “strange.” 46 What does Elva say about the English builder?
Not that I blame them. I had plenty of doubts myself, at
first anyway. I mean, how can you build a house out of a 47 What is true about Elva’s first straw bale house?
bunch of dry grass and not have it just blow away, or rot
when it gets wet? But when I found out there were straw Craig: And how did your clients react when they saw the
bale houses that had been built over a hundred years house? Were they surprised, pleased, disappointed?
ago and were still in good shape, that made me think Elva: They certainly couldn’t have been surprised, that’s for
there really must be something to it. sure. I mean, they were on the job site almost every day.
They saw the whole process, from start to finish, and
42 How did Elva think her father would react to her they got really, really involved in the project, which was
interest? great for me. They even did some of the physical work,
and they were very supportive the whole time. And
43 What does Elva say about most people who have houses when it was all finished they were thrilled – they
built? absolutely loved the house. They actually liked it so
much that they ended up hating their old house – they
44 How did Elva feel about straw bale construction at first? said it just didn’t feel right any more, so they sold it and
moved to the new place full-time. They also
Craig: So how did your first project go? Was it all smooth recommended me to a number of their friends, which
sailing, or did you run into some problems along the was a great boost. Not all of them wanted straw bale
way? houses, but several of them did, and the others were
Elva: Well, it was definitely a learning curve! I mean, any new interested in building houses using other “green”
material that you work with takes some getting used to, materials. They’ve really helped me build up a
but when you’re dealing with a completely unfamiliar reputation as an ecologically responsible builder, which
method of building, a lot of questions come up, let me is great. And my father’s been converted, too, so the
tell you. You might imagine it’s just a matter of stacking family company is now known as one of the best
the bales up, covering the whole thing with plaster or ecologically sound contractors in the state. So the whole
cement and putting the roof on. Not at all. When it experiment turned out great for everyone. It looked
came to actually doing it, I kept stopping and asking risky at first, but like a lot of risks, it turned out to be a
myself, now what? I spent a lot of time having e-mail really good move in the end.
discussions with people around the country about how
to deal with certain problems. I was even in touch with 48 How did Elva’s clients react when their house was
a guy in England who’d build several of the houses, and finished?
he was a huge help, partly because he was so good at
explaining himself. He has a degree in English, you see, 49 What is true about the friends of Elva’s clients?
and a real talent with words, which a lot of people don’t
have. Builders tend to be very hands-on people, you 50 What has happened to the family company?
know – they can show you what they mean, but they
aren’t that great at explaining. Anyway, with a lot of
help and a lot of tearing down and rebuilding, my first
straw bale house finally got built.

© Oxford University Press Practice Test 5 25

51 b 52 a 53 d 54 c 55 a 56 d 57 b 58 c
59 d 60 b 61 a 62 c 63 c 64 a 65 a 66 d
67 b 68 c 69 d 70 b 71 a 72 d 73 b 74 a
75 c 76 d 77 a 78 d 79 a 80 b 81 c 82 a
83 c 84 c 85 b

86 b 87 d 88 b 89 c 90 d 91 a 92 b 93 c
94 b 95 c 96 d 97 a 98 c 99 b 100 a 101 a
102 c 103 b 104 a 105 d 106 d 107 c 108 b 109 c
110 d 111 a 112 b 113 c 114 d 115 c 116 d 117 a
118 a 119 d 120 b

Part 1
121 b 122 d 123 b 124 c 125 a 126 b
Part 2
127 b 128 c 129 c 130 a 131 b 132 d
133 b 134 a 135 b 136 b 137 d 138 a

Part 3
139 a 140 c 141 d 142 b 143 c 144 b
145 b 146 a 147 d 148 b 149 a 150 d

The speaking test can be practised in pairs, with each student taking turns
playing the role of the examiner. Alternatively, the teacher can take the role
of examiner with individual students.

Possible ideas:
a A concert would take a lot of organization – musicians would need to
be found and they would have to practise. Tickets would also need to be
sold. It would take a lot of time and effort but it would probably make
a good amount of money.
b A car wash would be fairly easy and cheap to organize as it just requires
finding a location, a few volunteers and buying supplies. It might not
make a lot of money as not that many people stop on the spur of the
moment to have their car washed.

Illustrations by:
Chris Pavely
car wash – Alamy / Dynamic Graphics
orchestra – Alamy / Ingram Publishing

© Oxford University Press ECCE Practice Test 26

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