Block 1
Block 1
Block 1
Geomorphology is a field of geography that develops scientific explanations for the evolution of
landforms. Geoscientists, especially geographers and geologists, have been studying
geomorphology for centuries in order to better comprehend the Earth's surface. Geomorphology
mainly is a part of physical geography which deals with the study of landforms, their
characteristics and various processes, i.e., physical, chemical, biological and extra-terrestrial
responsible for their formation and changes.
This course-MGG 002, consists of five blocks, is intended to introduce learners to the concepts,
theories, geomorphic processes, and major landforms that exist under various structural and
climatic conditions. Geomorphology applications in environmental management are also
Geomorphology-MGG 002 course is printed in two volumes. Volume-1 consists of first three
blocks namely: Block 1: Fundamentals of Geomorphology, Block 2: Evolution of Landforms, and
Block 3: Geomorphic Processes: Static and Dynamic I; and the other two blocks namely-Block
4: Geomorphic Processes: Static and Dynamic II and Block 5: Applied Geomorphology are
arranged in Volume-2.
From the classical perspective of cyclic development to systems approaches, the core notions
of geomorphology, nature and scope, and the genesis of landforms are discussed. You will also
learn about "form and process geomorphology," a novel way to studying landform evolution and
change. You will get a better understanding of the fundamentals of geomorphology by studying
the development of the discipline, basic postulates, geomorphic systems, and fundamental
concepts in Block 1, which is divided into three units.
Volume II consists of Block 4 and Block 5. We have explained the geomorphic processes and
landforms related to wind, underground, ice and waves in Block 4 under geomorphic processes
static and dynamic. The applications of geomorphology are described in details in the last Block
of this course.
We hope after studying this course, you will better understand the geomorphology with
reference to fundamental concepts and theories, geomorphic processes and resultant
landforms, techniques and applications landform analysis. Our best wishes are with you in this
We suggest for any assistance regarding this course, you can contact at:
Unit 7 Weathering
Unit 8 Mass Movement
Unit 9 Fluvial Processes and Landforms
The history of development of geomorphology becomes a highly helpful instructional tool for
making students aware of the subject's growth over time. Geomorphology may be traced back
to the ancient and classical periods of Greek and Roman scientists and philosophers. During
the ancient and classical periods, Greek and Roman scholars such as Aristotle, Ptolemy,
Herodotus, Strabo, and others pondered and studied the origins of mountains, valleys, deltas,
and so on. Thus, studying these geomorphic forms and processes has been crucial to
understanding the Earth's surface.
Despite its origins in the Greek and Roman’s periods, geomorphology is a relatively new study.
Particularly, the nineteenth-century travels and findings gave rise to contemporary
geomorphology. Its foundation was laid by a collection of scientists, including James Hutton,
Charles Lyell, G.K. Gilbert, W.M. Davis, Penck, Jovan Cvijić, Strahler, Bagnold, Leopold, Enayat
Ahmad, Andrew Goudie and Heather Viles. Many concepts and hypotheses put forth by
geomorphologists in the early stages of development have experienced major shifts in their
basic postulates in recent times. However, many of the principles and theories that have
characterized and influenced the subject have remained relevant to this day.
This unit explains the subject of geomorphology and its scope, and approaches, as well as how
they have evolved over time. It also provides a brief overview of geomorphic theories and
concepts, as well as application areas.
This Unit describes basic postulates in geomorphology as well as their importance in evolving
the discipline of geomorphology. We introduced the geological time scale and addressed the
classical concepts of Neptunism vs Plutonism and Catastrophism vs Uniformitarianism, which
set the foundation for the development of geomorphology. This unit ends with a study of the
fundamental concepts of geomorphology that have been determined to be most important for
modern geomorphology in recent times.
Geomorphic systems and concepts are introduced in this unit. We discussed general systems
theory, which offered a unique concept and inquiry approach to the study of landform evolution.
This unit will teach you how, as a result of scientific developments in other fields, the origin of
landforms has evolved from the classical perspective of cyclic evolution to systems approaches.
You will also learn about "form and process geomorphology," an innovative approach to
examining the evolution and change of landforms. You'll also understand how the concepts of
equilibrium and steady state, as well as geomorphic threshold, complex response system, and
dynamic equilibrium, contribute to understanding the genesis and morphological disposition of
We hope after studying this block, you will better understand the fundamentals of
geomorphology by studying development of subject of geomorphology, basic postulates,
geomorphic systems and fundamental concepts. Our best wishes are with you in this
We suggest for any assistance regarding this course, you can contact at:
1.1 Introduction 1.3 History of Development of
Expected Learning Outcomes Geomorphology
1.2 Introduction to 1.4 How Geomorphology is
Geomorphology Related to other Disciplines
What is Geomorphology? 1.5 Summary
Significance of Geomorphology 1.6 Terminal Questions
Nature and Scope of
1.7 Answers
1.8 References and Suggested
Approaches to Geomorphology
Further Reading
Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms, their origin, description,
classification and application of this knowledge for the welfare of the mankind.
The diverse landforms across the globe within a variety of landscapes have
always been a matter of curiosity for the scientists as well as people. The
questions connected with landforms are--how they originate, what processes
are involved in their formation, how they change and how this knowledge can
be useful in resolving the problems through the applications of this knowledge
in human welfare. The scope of the study ranges from spatial scales of micro
forms like alluvial fans, natural levees, point bars to the major landforms like
continents and ocean basins as well as mountains and valleys. They can be
studied through qualitative observations to quantitative measurements,
theoretical conceptualizations to laboratory analysis and numerical
simulations to geospatial modelling using real time data of remote sensing in
GIS platforms. Geomorphological studies revolve around morphology and
characterization of the landforms, quantitative analysis of their shapes,
monitoring of their exogenetic and endogenetic processes that shape the
landforms. Geomorphology also deals with changes in landforms in response
to various factors like changing climate, sea level rise, tectonic activities and
human interventions. Geomorphological investigations primarily focus on
reconstructing the past by understanding the present to predict the future.
G.K. Panda
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Though geomorphology has been a part of the disciplines of geography and
geology and Earth Sciences, with the passage of time, it has become an
interdisciplinary branch/subject sharing its objectives with other fields of
sciences like marine sciences, pedology, agriculture and environmental
This unit highlights how the field of geomorphology has developed over time
and explores its significance, scope, approaches, theories and principles as
well as its application areas.
(a) To study the morphology of the surface of the Earth through its landforms
and features, the materials of which they are composed of and the
processes that shape the landforms.
(b) To explore the conditions associated with their origin and their evolution
over time.
(c) To work out the agents and processes responsible for the formation and
changes of landforms.
(d) To understand how the geomorphological knowledge is linked to our
everyday life and activities.
(e) To make use of the knowledge of geomorphology in resource studies and
to solve problems connected with our environment.
There are ten key points that are proposed for further knowledge of
geomorphology; hence, the ten reasons why geomorphology is vital are
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
presented in Table 1.1. You will certainly have knowledge after going through
the summarized table.
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
1.2.3 Nature and Scope of Geomorphology
Geomorphology is the study of landforms, the materials of which they are
composed of and the processes that shape the surface of the Earth. This
helps to know the history of evolution of the landforms in particular and
surface of the Earth in general. Geomorphologists also tend to predict and
simulate future changes using a combination of methods involving field
observation and numerical modelling. Denudation chronology aims at
reconstructing the succession of relief at different times of the Earth’s history.
Scientific nature of study of the spatio-temporal variations in the origin,
evolution, distribution and changing face of the landforms and their spatial
relationship through a geological time scale are the core areas of investigation
in the subject. Its inter-relationship with other disciplines of Earth and natural
sciences like geology, geophysics, pedology, environmental science etc.
exhibits its interdisciplinary nature (Fig. 1.1).
Use of geospatial technology and digital terrain modelling has also expanded
the territory of geomorphology contributing significantly not only towards its
core areas but also towards neighbouring disciplines who have been the
users of this branch of knowledge promoting interdisciplinary investigations.
On the basis of characteristics and scale of the relief features, the scope of
geomorphology encompasses the study of landforms of the first order like
continents and ocean basins and second order like mountains, valleys,
plateaux and plains, etc. and third order landforms which are micro landform
features and all other landforms which evolve with in the first and second
orders. The scopes of geomorphic investigations have also expanded far and
wide from simple observations to laboratory based analysis and studies
based on digital technologies and geoinformatics.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Historical approach tends to derive and deduce sequential evidences from the
landforms and its surroundings about the past processes such as tectonic,
climatic and exogenetic, etc. Historical approach often relies on cyclic and
denudational chronology of geomorphic processes and landforms.
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
(ii) Cyclic Approach
Cyclic approach started with W.M Davis (1850-1934), who promulgated the
basic idea that landform evolution is a function of structure, process and
stage. His conceptualisation of cyclic landform evolution in stages of youth,
maturity and old age is synonymous with the evolution of human life in a
similar cyclic process.
a) Write any two key points to understand the geomorphology.
b) Explain the importance of climatic approach in geomorphology.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Till now you have studied and understood about the geomorphology and its
significance as well as various approaches to geomorphology. Let us now
briefly discuss the history of development of the subject of geomorphology.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) had explained about the hydrological cycle and work
of the rivers in creating alluvial deposits at the river mouths with examples
from the Black Sea region. Herodotus (485?-425 B.C.) is known for his
observations on evolution of the Nile delta by river deposits. Based on the
fossil evidences, he could able to conclude that the sea level rise must have
gone much inside Egypt.
Strabo (54 B.C-25 A.D.) was able to observe that the Vale of Tempe was
formed due to the volcanic activities and Earthquakes. Seneca’s (65 A.D.)
views on occurrence of Earthquakes and role of river abrasion on valley
developments has inspired many subsequent philosophers to think about
origin of landforms in a scientific manner. Avicenna’s views on origin of the
mountains and valleys (lbn-Sina, 980-1037A.D.) by upliftment due to
Earthquakes and down cutting by river actions were classics of their times on
geomorphological expositions.
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
Bible and who ever tried to deviate from the dictums of the Bible had to face
the wrath of the fundamentalists. Church played a dominant role in forcing the
people and scientists as well to accept the facts of the Bible. This period
brought a negative trend in the creation of new knowledge. This process took
a considerable period of time to recover from the dogmatic believes of this
Dark Age.
Scholars of the late 17th and early 18thcentury stressed that the concepts and
ideas of geomorphology should be linked to the Bible and its catastrophic
events. The people who believed in catastrophism were Thomas Burnet,
Comte de Buffon and John Woodward. They believed that the Earth is
shaped by big floods. Burnet was of the opinion that the Earth is hollow filled
with water which came out during Noah's Flood. In his works (An Essay
toward a Natural History of the Earth) John Woodward (1665-1728) revealed
that the hard surface layers of the Earth can be divided into different strata,
and its enclosed fossils were generated from the sea. Comte de Buffon
believed the idea that the formation of the planet took place when there was a
collision between a comet and the Sun leading to the formation of the planets
He also advocated that the early Earth began to cool from the poles to the
present form.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
1.3.3 Modern Geomorphology and Exploration of
American West (1800 A.D-1900 A.D)
The word geomorphology was first introduced by Lauman in a publication
written in German language in the year 1858. Subsequently this word was
used by J.W. Powell and W.J. McGee in an International Geological
Conference. Keith Tinkler has suggested that the word came into general use
in English, German and French after Powell and McGee used it during an
International Geological Conference of 1891.
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
William Morris Davis Walther Penck Grove Karl Gilbert John Wesley Powell
(1850-1934) (1888-1923) (1843-1918) (1834-1902)
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
What are the observations of Herodotus on geomorphic perspective?
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
geomorphology, bio-geomorphology or socio-geomorphology are expanding
the frontiers of geomorphology making it relevant to the contemporary times.
How geomorphology important in glaciology?
In this unit, you have studied the following:
What is geomorphology?
Significance, scope of geomorphology and approaches in geomorphology.
History of development of geomorphology from ancient time to 1200 A.D.
Nature of Geomorphology during rrenaissance and post-renaissance
Period from 1200 to 1800 A.D.
Development of modern geomorphology during the 19th century i.e. from
1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D.
Recent developments of Geomorphology in the 20th Century and Beyond.
How geomorphology is related to other disciplines.
Unit 1 Development of Geomorphology
Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)
1. a) (1) Landscape processes operate differentially and (2) the landscapes
are often complex.
b) Different climates initiate and influence different processes and produce
different types of landforms.
2. Herodotus is known for his observations on evolution of the Nile delta by
river deposits. Based on the fossil evidences he could able to conclude
that the sea level rise must have gone much inside Egypt.
3. Glacial movements, glacial lake outburst and snow avalanches often
cause extensive erosion and deposition in a short time. So, landform
study can help in understanding glaciology.
Terminal Questions
1. Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms. Refer to Section 1.2.
2. Refer to Sub-Section 1.2.4.
3. Refer to Section 1.4.
2.1 Introduction 2.6 Summary
Expected Learning Outcomes 2.7 Terminal Questions
2.2 Geologic Timescale 2.8 Answers
2.3 Catastrophism 2.9 References and Suggested
2.4 Uniformitarianism Further Reading
2.5 Fundamental Concepts
Geomorphology is the study of landforms, their origin, description,
classification and its application in human welfare. The word “geomorphology”
was first coined and used between the 1870s and 1880s to describe the
morphology of the surface of the Earth. The contributions of Hutton, Davis,
Gilbert, Strahler and many more played a key role in setting a conceptual
base to the modern geomorphology.
Over billions of years, the Earth has gone through many changes in its
morphology and structure through its internal and external forces. The
meteoritic impact, earthquake and volcanic activities, and erosional processes
of rivers, winds, glaciers, oceans, etc. along with the sea floor spreading and
plate tectonics have been constantly operating to shape the Earth. While
many of these activities occurred during a short time span, some the
processes had taken millions of years to create various morphological
regimes. All of these processes are still going on and shaping our Earth. In
the ancient and classical times, Greek and Roman scholars like Aristotle,
Ptolemy, Herodotus, Strabo and many others speculated and discussed
about the origin of the mountains, valleys, deltas, etc. Thus, the study of these
geomorphic forms and processes has been critical to understand surface of
the earth. In the early stage of development of geomorphology, many
concepts and theories put forth by the geomorphologists have undergone sea
changes in the latter times, in their basic postulates. But however, many of
the concepts and theories mark the surges that have characterized and
G.K. Panda
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
shaped the discipline and have yet remained significant still.
This unit makes an attempt to present before you some of the classical
concepts of the past and present and their relevance in shaping and evolving
the field and scope of geomorphology. This unit tends to bring before you a
basic understanding of the geological time scale to relate the major events of
landform evolution, stratigraphic succession of rocks and their fossil
characteristics. This unit is also going to discuss the classical concepts of
neptunism verses plutonism, and catastrophism verses uniformitarianism
which laid a foundation to the development of geomorphology. At the end of
this unit, you will find a discussion on the fundamental concepts of
geomorphology which are mostly found relevant for the modern
geomorphology of the recent times.
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
Unconformities: Interruptions in the process of sedimentation in the
rock strata indicates a gap of material and time.
Basis of Fossil Succession: Fossils of different organisms are found
in succession with respect to one another in an orderly manner from
older to younger rocks and help to establish the living period of the
organisms as well as period of deposition of earth materials.
It is important to note that the world stratigraphical community has tried for a
single, universal time divisions and terms for the same. While most of the
geologists have agreed on the divisions of eon, era and periods, at the lower
hierarchical levels, local terms have been used to represent different
environments of deposition. Fossils are used to correlate formation/deposition
of earth materials in different parts of the globe. You may refer to Fig. 2.1 for
understanding the Geologic time scale.
Geological time scale has been divided into four major time divisions called
eons. These are 1) Hadean (4570 to 3850 Ma), 2) Archean (3850 to 2500
Ma), 3) Proterozoic (2500 to 540 Ma), and 4) Phanerozoic (540 Ma to
present). The initial three eons such as Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean
represent nearly 90% of the history of the Earth.
Dating (Radiometric) of the meteorites and oldest rocks had indicated that the
Earth is nearly 4500 Myr old. During this time there were a lot of meteorite
bombardments on the surface of the Earth. The rocks of this eon have no
evidence of any life forms.
Archean eon represents the Earth between 4000 to 2500 Myr. The
prokaryotic life forms like blue-green algae and bacteria are the evidences
found from the rocks of this Eon. During the Archean Eon, evidences in the
form of stromatolites of 3500 Myr old were also noticed from different parts of
the Earth.
This eon has carried the evidences of multi-cellular organisms in the form of
trace fossils like worm trails and worm holes. Geologists are of the opinion
that the life forms of this eon have lacked shells and these rocks were devoid
of coal, oil or natural gas. But rocks formed during this Eon contained iron ore
formations in the form of hematite (Fe2O3) in different parts of the Earth. The
most common fossils found in the rocks of this eon are stromatolites formed
by the blue green algae and bacteria.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
(4) Phanerozoic Eon (541 Myr to Present time)
The Phanerozoic Eon refers to a geologic time when there was “visible life”.
Phanerozoic rocks are the most common rocks bearing evidences of various
life forms. During this Eon majority of the macroscopic organisms like plants,
animals, algae and fungi had flourished on the Earth. The animals evolved
during this time appeared with external skeletons, outer shells and also
vertebrates in its later phase.
The Phanerozoic Eon has been divided into Paleozoic, Mesozoic and
Cenozoic era. The three eras come with a "zoic" suffix which means with a
zoological basis. The Pre-Phanerozoic time is usually referred as the
Precambrian which has been divided into three eons as hadean, archean and
proterozoic. During the three eras of Phanerozoic, major changes have taken
place in the composition of faunas. Each of the three eras are characterized
by the dominance of a particular group of animals. These three eras
Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic are generally referred to as the "Age of
Mammals, Age of Dinosaurs and the "Age of Fishes" respectively although
other groups of animals and plants lived during these three eras.
Palaeozoic era is referred as the primary era in the geological history of the
Earth. It comprises six different periods known as Cambrian followed by
Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. Characteristics of
each of these periods are described below.
1.1 Cambrian (541 - 485 Myr) Period: Cambrian Period is the beginning
of the Paleozoic era. The beginning of the Cambrian period was
marked with the evolution of the first organisms with shells. Trilobites,
the mud-burrowing scavengers are considered as the index species of
this Period, The Cambrian Period was dominated by the emergence of
a large number of multi-cellular animals which is referred to as the
"Cambrian Explosion" of invertebrates. The fossils of these multi-
cellular animals are found in the rocks of this period.
1.2 Ordovician (485 - 444 Myr) Period: This period is known as the
"Years of Invertebrates". Trilobites were one of the abundant species
of this period. In this period, brachiopods and large cephalopods
thrived in great abundance than those of the trilobites. For the first
time fishes started appearing during this Ordovician period.
1.3 Silurian (444 - 419 Myr) Period: The first land plants started
appearing during this Silurian Period. The presence of fossils of
corals, brachiopods, trilobites and graptolites reveal the dominance of
these animals during this period. It is also known as the age of fishes
due to their abundance.
1.4 Devonian (419 - 359 Myr) Period: This Period is also referred as the
"Age of Fishes" due to its dominance. Primitive sharks, insects and
land plants evolved during this period. By the end of the Devonian,
fossil evidence suggests the growth of forests. This period also saw
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
the evolution of the lung fishes, lobe-finned fishes and true air-
breathing amphibians.
1.5 Carboniferous (299 to 359 Myr) Period: The Period was marked by
the appearance of the first reptiles on the surface of the Earth. This
Carboniferous period saw the evolution of large tropical swamps
across the globe and specifically these swamps of North America,
Europe and Siberia have becomethe source of large coal deposits of
the world. During the Carboniferous Period, Britain was close to the
equator. Limestone deposits carrying fossils of corals, brachiopods
and trilobites thrived in shallow seas during this period.
1.6 Permian (252 - 299 Myr) Period: The first fossils of this period were
discovered from the Perm region of Russia by geologist Roderick
Murchison in 1841. The name Permian has been adopted after the
discovery of the fossils from the region of Perm. This Permian and
Carboniferous periods are popularly known as the "age of the
amphibians". Some geologists have also attempted to divide the
carboniferous period in to Pennsylvanian and Mississippian periods.
Towards the end of the Permian Period the dominant trilobites and
many more marine species started becoming extinct. This “Great
Paleozoic Extinction" was one of the greatest of five major extinctions
on the earth’s surface during the past 600 million years. Theory of
plate tectonics suggested that by the end of this Permian Period, all
the continents were together as one super continent called Pangaea
which subsequently started breakingand spreading into the present
This era consists of three distinct periods i.e. Triassic, Jurassic and
Cretaceous. This era is popularly known as the age of reptiles as well as
evolution and extinction of thedinosaurs family of the Earth.
2.1 Cretaceous (145 - 66 Myr) Period: The Cretaceous Period has been
well known because of the major extinction event towards the end of
this period and has marked the end of the dinosaurs’ family from the
Earth’s surface. During this period infall of a large meteorite led to the
formation of huge impact crater named Chicxulub in Yucatan
Peninsula of Mexico. The Cretaceous period also experienced the
evolution of first flowering plants on the surface of the Earth.
2.2 Jurassic (201 - 145 Myr): The fossil evidences of this period
established the fact that the dominant species of this time were
Dinosaurs, reptiles and birds. During early Jurassic period, the super
continent “Pangea” started breaking and the Atlantic Ocean started
opening with the west ward shifting of both the Americas. The
westward moving Atlantic plate started overriding the Pacific plate.
The subducting Pacific plates led to the formation of the western
Rocky and Andes mountains.
2.3 Triassic (252 - 201 Myr) Period: This period was characterized by
the predominance of Dinosaurs species across the globe. The
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
geologic formations of this period are characterized by mudstones and
red sandstone. Lack of fossils in these rocks is suggestive of a land
environment during this period. Geologists have inferred that the
formations of mudstones, salt and sandstones in the river valleys,
lakes and deserts during this period would have been due to a
prevailing hot climate and dry environment
This era consists of two distinct periods i.e. Tertiary and Quaternary. The
Tertiary period again is divided into two periods of Paleogene and Neogene.
3.1 Paleogene (66 - 23.8 Myr) Period: It is the early part of the Tertiary.
Before the paleogene major extinction of species of plant and animal
life has taken place on the Earth which includes more than half of the
plant and animal species of the world and the entire dinosaur families.
This period has been further subdivided into the Paleocene Epoch
(65-54.8Myr), the Eocene Epoch (54.8-33.7Myr), and the Oligocene
Epoch (33.7-23.8 Myr). During this Palaeogene Period, Britain was in
a lower latitudinal zone having a warm climate. Gradually Britain
turned cool when it drifted to the present location.
3.2 Neogene (23.8 - 1.8 Myr) Period: The Neogene period is further
subdividedinto the Miocene and Pliocene epochs with time span
ranging from 23.8 to 5.3 Myr and 5.3 to 1.8 Myrs, respectively.
3.3 Quaternary Period (1.8 Myr - 0): The Quaternary Period is further
divided into the Pleistocene Epoch from 1.8 to 0.01 Myr and the most
recent Holocene Epoch from 0.01 Myr to the present. By the beginning
of the Quaternary Period, major plate tectonic movements and there
were many modifications in the distribution and spread of continents.
Glaciation and erosion processes were dominant in this period.
Human beings emerged during this Period. By the end of Quaternary,
glaciers covered the middle and north of Britain, shaping the
landscape we see today.
Till now we have discussed about the geological time scale. Can you explain?
a) What is the basis on which the geologic time scale has been framed?
b) What are four Eons?
Catastrophism states that the origin of the Earth's surface features are
mostly due to sudden, short duration violent events and related processes like
cataclysmic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe floods. The theory of
catastrophism postulates that Earth, since its origin has gone through long
periods of stability followed by sudden events which can explain the origin of
major landforms as well as extinction of flora and fauna.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Historical Background to The Theory: This theory was a pre 19thcentury
postulation of the geologists who believed that catastrophes like Biblical
floods were responsible for most the Earth’s fossiliferous rocks. The French
zoologist Baron Georges Cuvier popularised this theory of catastrophism in
early 19thcentury (1810) based on the palaeontological evidences from Paris
Basin. He used this theory to explain the major biological and geological
changes in the history of the Earth. While observing the statigraphic records
of the Paris Basin, Cuvier observed several gaps in the succession of fossil
records of the rock layers. Cuvier found several gaps where all evidences of
life would disappear and then abruptly reappear again after a period of time.
Cuvier believed that these gaps in the fossil succession in the rock layers
were due to sudden events of mass extinction which led him to propose the
theory of catastrophism.
Catastrophism explains that mountain ranges are formed due to the sudden
and massive upliftment over the Earth’s surface by earthquakes or volcanic
eruptions. This theory was advocated when the European culture was
revolving around Christianity and the scientific community were made to
believe in the writings of the Bible and its stories of catastrophic floods. During
this time the astronomic community was also made to believe in the static
universe adhering to the religious sentiments of the prevailing time.
During those times, geologists felt that they had to go with the Bible. They
also believed that the surface of the Earth is sculptured by rapidly on-setting
catastrophic events. This theory was supported by Abraham Werner, a
leading geologist of the 18th century who had proposed the theory of
Neptunism. In his theory of Neptunism he advocated that most of the rocks
formed over the Earth’s surface must have precipitated out of a vast ocean.
Before the theory of Neptunism, Abbé Anton Moro, proposed a theory called
plutonism which was propagated by the famous geologist James Hutton. This
theory was named after the Roman god of the underworld Pluto. The theory
stated that igneous rocks of the Earth were formed due to intrusive magmatic
activity. Subsequently weathering and erosion of these rocks led to the
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
formation of sedimentary rocks by deposition of these weathered materials on
the sea floor with compaction under heat and pressure. But both these
theories got discarded in the 19thcentury in the light of many evidences on the
Around 1850, in opposition to the views of catastrophism, non-catastrophic
view of the Earth’s geology began to evolve which believed that gradual
processes and uniform intensities were responsible for the origin and
evolution of varied landforms over the Earth’s surface. The theory of
Uniformitarianism was profounded by Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875). He was
a Scottish geologist whose geological discoveries brought a revolutionary shift
in our understanding of the Earth and its history. Lyell was fundamentally
responsible in establishing the popularity and credibility of geology as a
science in the nineteenth century. In 1830, he published a book, Principles of
Geology where he challenged the idea of catastrophism and propagating the
idea of uniformitarianism, which is still a dominant theory in earth science.
Although it got the acceptance of many earth scientists as the first principle of
scientific research, many scientists disagreed considering that nature is not
absolutely uniform, even though it does exhibit certain regularities.
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Theory of Uniformitarianism
Uniformitarianism vs Catastrophism
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
Uniformitarianism explains that processes that happen today (erosion,
weathering) happened in the same way and at the same rate since the
beginning of the Earth. That means geologic time is extremely slow.
Catastrophism explains that all geologic processes happened all at once
(volcanic eruptions). Thus, this is the key difference between
uniformitarianism and catastrophism. However, modern scientists have a
more integrated view of geological events, reflecting acceptance of some
catastrophic events along with gradual changes.
How catastrophism different from Uniformitarianism?
Concept 1: ‘The same physical processes and laws that operate today
operated throughout geologic time although not necessarily always with
the same intensity as now’.
This fundamental principle has its origin in the Davis’s theory of Cycle of
Erosion. He postulated that the structure, process and stage are the major
controlling factors in the evolution of the landforms. But now a day’s
geomorphologists doubt about the validity of stages of youth, maturity and old
age but there is no contradiction for the control of structure and process.
Penck argued and explained in his theory of pan planation that landforms are
the product of structure, process and time. Geomorphologists like L.C. King,
Walther Penck, A. N. Strahler, William Hack and many others have opposed
the idea of stage as a controlling factor of landform evolution. Rather there
was a general agreement that process and materials together under varying
conditions control and modify the morphology of the landforms.
This fundamental concept tends to believe that the Earth’s surface exhibits
varied relief because geomorphic processes operate at differential rates in
different parts of the globe. There are ample evidences that the rivers cut their
valleys at differential rates producing varied relief over the Earth’s surface
depending up on terrain, slopes, rocks and structural controls in different
climates. The main reason of differential gradation on the surface of the earth
is due to different lithology and structure offering differential resistance to the
agradational and degradational processes. Very often topographic relief
variations are reflect differential composition and structures of the rocks even
though the gradational processes are same over different regions. It has been
assumed that areas with topographically higher altitude are underlain by
‘hard’ rocks and those which are low by ‘soft’ rocks. Although lithology and
structure are major controlling factors for differential wasting of rocks, these
are not the only reasons for variation of relief on the Earth’s surface. There
are other local factors like altitude, temperature, rainfall, exposure and
vegetation cover which can affect intensity of processes leading to differential
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
The term geomorphic processes refer to the physical and chemical actions by
which morphology of the earth's surface undergoes changes. Just like plants
and animals have their distinctive morphological traits so also, landforms
carry their distinguishing features depending on processes of involved in their
formation. That means, if a landform is identified, process or agent
responsible for its formation can be identified. Alluvial fans and deltas carry
the imprints of the action of streams. Sinkholes and caverns reveal the
evidences of action of groundwater. The shape of the valleys from the glacial
and riverine environment reveals the evidences of their respective agents and
their characteristic processes.
Concept 5: ‘As the different erosional agents act upon the earth’s
surface, there is produced an orderly sequence of landforms having
distinctive characteristics at the successive stages of their
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Concept 7: Little of the Earth’s topography is older than Tertiary and
most of it no older than Pleistocene’.
Earth scientists of present time believe that the present topography of the
Earth’s surface is probably a product of the Pleistocene and subsequent
period. They also believed that little of it is older than tertiary. Geological
history reveals that origin of the Himalayan mountain system started during
Cretaceous and subsequent folding took place during Eocene and Miocene
period. But its present form and topography can be related to all those
endogenetic and exogenetic forces and processes of the Pleistocene or later
in age superimposing and obliterating the pre-Pleistocene-Tertiary landscape.
The climatic fluctuations and tectonic disturbances during Pleistocene have
far reaching implication in shaping the present landscapes.Most of the earth
scientists believe that the present day landforms such as mountain cliffs and
valleys, lakes and shores, canyons and coasts are of post-Miocene time. It
has been estimated that at least 90 percent of the present landscapes are
products of post-Tertiary time and 99 percent is of post-middle Miocene in
age. Around the margins of the Pacific ring of fire, diastrophism during
Pleistocene time has played a significant role in shaping the landscape
around it.
Elements of climate like temperature, precipitation and wind etc. have been
considered as the drivers of many geomorphic processes. Hence, climatic
variations are some of the important factors which affect the functioning of
geomorphic processes. The amount of rainfall, snowfall, temperature and
wind speed directly affect the magnitude of erosion and intensity of
weathering and mass wasting. The amount of rainfall which controls the type
and distribution of natural vegetation indirectly influences the intensity of
erosion. Climate has changed over the Earth throughout its geological history
Unit 2 Basic Postulates in Geomorphology
and has been responsible for initiation of different agents and geomorphic
processes. Right from its origin, geomorphology has remained as an interface
between geology and geography. Geologistsfocus more on rocks and
minerals and geographers focus more on man and environment. This
fundamental principle brings in to focus that appreciation of world climate and
its changes seems necessary for proper interpretation of the landscape
evolutionary process.
Discuss “Geomorphic processes leave their distinctive imprints over the
In this unit, you have studied the following:
At the end of this session you will be realising that we have discussed and
tried to understand the significance of the geologic time scale and its utility
in geomorphology.
The classical concepts of catastrophism and uniformitarianism and its
acceptance in the present context.
You must have also understood the most fundamental principles of
geomorphology which governs the origin and evolutionary processes of
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to Section 2.1.
2. Refer to Section 2.2.
3. Refer to Section 2.3.
The concept of ‘system’ or ‘general systems theory’ has been used for a long
time in physical sciences, particularly in thermodynamics. Von Bertalanffy is
one of the pioneers who worked on this concept and also is one of its greatest
exponents. Later this concept has also been applied in natural sciences,
particularly life sciences. During 1950s and ‘60s several attempts have been
made by several geomorphologists including Strahler (1950 & 1952), Culling
(1957), Hack (1960), Chorley (1962) and Howard (1965) to apply general
systems theory to the study of geomorphology.
In this unit, you will understand how the genesis of landforms has shifted from
the classical approach of cyclic evolution to systems approaches as a result
of scientific advances in parlance with the other areas of science. You will
G.K. Panda
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
also learn about "form and process geomorphology," a novel way to studying
landform evolution and change. You will also learn more about how the
concepts of equilibrium and steady state, as well as geomorphic threshold,
complex response system, and dynamic equilibrium, play a role in
understanding the origin and morphological disposition of landforms.
Let us now understand what system is? A system can be defined as a set of
objects together with relationships between objects and between their
attributes. The objects consisting of components or parts or variables or
sections with inter-relationships, act together as a complex whole according to
a pattern or method. Interrelationship or interdependence of parts or variables
is a diagnostic property of systems. Systems can be identified at all scales of
magnitude and with all degrees of complexity. So a type of hierarchy can be
brought into systems, viz. supersystem, system, subsystem, etc.
1. Isolated Systems
These systems will have their boundaries closed to the import and export of
both mass and energy. For example, most of the chemical reactions in the
laboratory belong to this category.
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
2. Closed Systems
These systems possess clearly defined boundaries which prevent import and
export of mass but not of energy. For example, Earth which exchanges
energy but not mass with outer space. Another characteristic of closed
systems is that, with a given amount of free, or potential, energy within the
system, they develop toward states with maximum entropy. That means, the
initial fixed quantity of energy is gradually used up during the life of the
system. Entropy is an expression for the degree to which energy has become
unable to perform work. The maximum entropy means minimum or no energy.
Hence, in a closed system, there is a tendency for levelling down of existing
differentiation within the system; in other words, progressive decrease of
energy into its lowest form and also a uniform result. In closed systems,
therefore, the change of entropy is always positive, associated with a
decrease in the amount of free energy, or, to state this another way, with a
tendency towards progressive destruction of existing order or differentiation.
3. Open Systems
These are characterized by an exchange of both mass and energy with their
surroundings. It involves the flow of matter and energy not only out of the
total system but also through interrelated parts of the system. A best example
for this is a drainage basin. A drainage basin receives energy in the form of
temperature, precipitation and relief, and mass in the form of water and
products of underlying bedrock which provide the basis for the outputs of
heat, water, organic and inorganic debris into the atmosphere or the sea.
Open systems will have no boundaries and need energy supply for its
maintenance and preservation. It needs not only supply but also some
removal of energy as well as material or mass or the result. Changes in the
supply of mass and energy from outside lead to an adjustment, called self-
adjustment or self-regulation to accommodate the changes. Thus it may attain
a steady state or equilibrium. This is the most diagnostic characteristic of an
open system. A geomorphic example explains all this like this. Take a (facet
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
of) slope. The slope receives water and waste of the slope above it which
discharges its own water and waste upon the slope below. Suppose if the rate
of erosion is increased on this stretch of slope above, the lower stretch, being
clogged by the debris brought from above will have its rate of erosion
diminished. So the overall acceleration of erosion above and declivity is
reduced the rate of erosion likewise will be reduced. So each member or part
is influenced by every other and like this there is an interdependence
throughout. This is what is called form-adjustment or landform adjustment.
Steady state doesn’t mean that the form is static and unchanging. The form is
maintained in the flow of matter and energy traversing the system. It may be
therefore be said that a stream or reach may be adjusted in the sense of
being graded or in a steady state without necessarily presenting the smooth
longitudinal profile. The landscape may get adjusted, may attain a steady
state but still the mass will constantly be removed (unless and until the
landscape becomes featureless). So, force (geomorphic processes) may
exceed the (geologic) resistance and cause mass to be removed. If the
landscape attains equilibrium i.e., once a steady state has been established,
the influence of initial system conditions vanished and with it the evidence for
a previous history of the system.
1. Morphological Systems
Morphological systems consist of a network of structured relationships
between the constituent parts. These are consisting of the relationships
among physical properties of natural features or materials. So, for example,
the morphological properties of a beach system might include such
parameters as beach slope, mean grain size, range of grain sizes, beach
firmness and the like. The relationships between these variables can be
expressed by a web of correlations and it is usual to interpret the operational
efficiency of such a system in terms of the degree to which these
morphological variables are related. Thus, although these variables can be
identified individually, their relationships are often indicative of the degree to
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
which their dynamic properties are related. An important feature of such
systems is the role played by feed back loops, particularly negative ones, in
governing the general morphological changes that follow changes in
individual variables.
How do you interpret feed back? The mutual interaction of many variables or
a two-way relationship among many variables is known as feed back. It can
be exemplified by the relationship between beach slope and wave steepness.
The wave steepness affects the beach slope, but is in turn affected by the
beach slope. So that a feed back relationship exists between the two
variables. Feed back is positive when the change in one variable is intensified
by a change in the second. It is negative when the change in the second
variable results in the first being modified in such a way that it tends to return
to its original state. The positive feedback loop results in self-generation of
processes, while the negative leads to self regulation. Most of the
geomorphic systems operate dominantly as negative feedback open systems
of the self-regulatory type. That is to say, negative feedback loops are more
important and lead to the concepts of grade and equilibrium. This self-
regulation involves internal reorganization of the system and is accomplished
in a time period referred to as ‘relaxation time.’ Relaxation time depends on:
(i) the resistance to input changes of the individual system components and
(ii) the complexity of the system (i.e., the number and linkages of variables
involved). The relaxation time of some geomorphic systems is short, for
example, the channel adjustments to changing discharge, but that of the
others is long (changes of erosion induced on different terrains by climatic
2. Cascading Systems
These comprise a series of sub-systems having spatial magnitude and are
dynamic in character. They are dynamically linked by a cascade of mass or
energy. It can also be defined as a structure or system within which the output
from one sub-system forms the input into the next one and so on. For
example, the output of debris and surface runoff from the slope (subsystem)
becomes part of the input (of water and debris) into the stream channel sub-
system, partly governing its operation. So other characteristic of a cascading
system include a regulator or governor within the sub-system. The regulator
may direct part of the mass or energy into a store within the system or create
a throughput, which becomes the sub-system output which in turn becomes
the input to adjacent sub-systems. The regulators in the system are important
from the geomorphology point of view and may be represented by
morphological variables for example, the debris in transit across a slope or
the sediment in a beach or in a river. However, it is at this point that human
can often intervene to make the system into a control system.
The regulators are of three types: (1) threshold regulators, which include
surface infiltration capacity, (2) dispositional regulators, which control the
distribution of energy or mass, for example, the route taken by water entering
a sub-system and (3) presence or absence regulators, such as whether a
stream is present or absent at the foot of a slope.
Each major process produces its own dynamic cascade, as potential energy
is expended on the water and material involved in the system. All these sub-
systems are parts of larger ones. In analyzing a system, inputs, outputs,
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
storage or energy, and mass must all the measured and understanding of the
regulators is also necessary. Many different measuring methods are required
to obtain the data, partly because the inputs and outputs are continuous, but
variable, and observations are often made at points in both space and time.
Regulators can sometimes be expressed in the form of mathematical
equations when their operation is fully understood in numerical terms.
Detailed field work or laboratory analysis is often necessary to obtain the
value of essential constants.
3. Process-Response Systems
These are formed by the uniting of the morphological and cascading systems.
This unison is brought about either by a sharing of certain variables by the
two types of systems (as when, for example, infiltration capacity is both a
morphological property of slope system and a decision regulator in the basin
hydrological cycle cascading systems), or when a high level of correlation
exists between a variable in the cascading sub-system and one or more in the
associated morphological system. The process of cascading system changes
the morphological variables. An important element of the interchange is the
negative feedback loop (process), so that the morphological responses to
changes in the energy cascade of such a system are dominated by self-
regulatory processes. It is thus possible to view process-response systems as
consisting of cascading and morphometric components that mutually adjust
themselves to changing input-output relationships. The time requirement for
such adjustments to a new equilibrium (i.e., the relaxation time) is dependent
on such considerations as the amount and direction of change in the energy
cascade and the richness of connectivity of the variables.
4. Control Systems
In physical-process-response systems, there may exist certain key variables
or ‘valves’ (commonly in the form of regulators), which can intervene to
produce operational changes in the distribution of energy and mass within the
cascading systems, and consequently bring about changes in the
morphological variables linked with these key variables in the process-
response systems. Thus, for example, man-induced changes in sand
movement on a beach can produce considerable changes in beach geometry.
Hence this type of systems may be useful in the management of natural
Time plays a complex and very important role in systems. Time and scale
effects are intimately linked when a geometrical form is controlled by a
number of factors, any change of form with the passage of time is entirely
dependent upon the net result of the effect of time upon those factors. Some
factors are profoundly affected by the passage of time, others are not. The
character of reality alters according to the time scale on which it is viewed.
The large extensive landscape viewed over a long period of time becomes
modified; slopes, for example, decreased in gradient, but not all aspects need
necessarily change, such as drainage density. There is also the problem of
exogenetic and endogenetic processes, which also change their mutual
relationships through time.
You may refer to Figure 3.1, which explains negative and positive feedback in
a geomorphic system.
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
a) Define the system. What are the different kinds?
b) What is a morphological system? Give an example.
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
The term ‘form’ implies the morphology of a given landform unit or region,
small or big at a given time. It refers to different shape attained by the
landforms while ‘process’ indicates the actual operation of different agents
which bring morphological changes in the physical environment. In a hill slope
evolution, process includes various activities of geomorphic agents such as
weathering, soil creep, and surface flow etc.
Explain the form and process in geomorphology.
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
external variable in the functioning of a geomorphic system. Change of
climate as an external variable may initiate a change in runoff of a river
system beyond a critical level which often leads to a changing geomorphic
system by sudden response in reorganizing itself into a new physical state
and regime. No change in an external variable is required for a geomorphic
system to cross an internal threshold. Rather fluctuations in the internal
variables of a geomorphic system may take the system towards an internal
threshold leading towards its reorganization.
When some river channels encounter a changing lithology after a long period
of erosion and deposition in the river catchment, a complex response is
triggered in the system of river channel developing a complicated pattern of
denudation with phases of concurrent accretion and erosion taking place in
the channel system. Thus, a geomorphic threshold is an inherent component
in a system which plays a significant role in changing the landforms. Under
normal situation a threshold develops within the geomorphic system by
changes in the system itself through time. The threshold refers to a critical
situation when a new adjustment or failure will occur. It also becomes difficult
to identify with in a system how much is the response to a geomorphic
threshold or to an external influence.
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
3.4.2 Dynamic Equilibrium Theory of Hack
American geomorphologist J.T. Hack made an attempt to address the
drawback and criticisms of the classical models of Davis and Penck through
his idea of dynamic equilibrium in the evolution of landforms. He tried to
establish that polycyclic evolution of landforms cannot be explained through
multiple cycles of erosion, rather can be explained applying the theory of
dynamic equilibrium. He postulated that geomorphic systems are open
systems. In such a geomorphic system, when the energy remains constant,
landforms continue to remain in the steady state although the denudational
processes continues in reducing the landscape. This model demonstrates a
time-independent process of landform development. This model envisages
that “the morphology of the landforms manifests a balance between the
resistive force of the parent materials to erosion and the erosive force and
energy of the operating processes”. This theory of Hack was greatly
influenced by the concept of dynamic equilibrium developed by G. K. Gilbert
(1877) in his theory of erosion, evolution of slope profile and landscape
development. Hack proposed his theory of dynamic equilibrium in landscape
evolution in the year 1973.
Davis’ and Penck’s concepts are ‘cyclical and non-cyclical’ and postulate that
landforms are essentially ‘historical’ such that every erosional process leaves
a largely indelible imprint upon surface forms and deposits. Hence, the
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
‘cyclical’ concepts interpret the landscape in terms of an assemblage of
largely independent form elements of different ages.
As the land surface is lowered the available energy diminishes and the new
forms are merely a response to the changing conditions, and no inferences
can be drawn about landform history. So, it is intrinsic to Hack’s argument that
landforms adapt rapidly to changing environmental controls.
Describe the geomorphic threshold.
In this unit you have studied so far:
Unit 3 Geomorphic Systems and Concepts
organised in a structure and hierarchy, interacting with each other through
exchange of mass and energy within the system and with its surrounding
environment and, and leading toward a steady state or equilibrium.
Gradually the idea of geomorphic system got established as a general
framework of research but however, criticisms to this idea was brought in
through the introduction of the concepts of equilibrium and steady state,
relevance of form and process in geomorphology, nature of complex
response of geomorphic systems and dynamic equilibrium.
Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)
1. a) A system is defined as a group of objects having relationships between
them and their attributes. There are three kinds of systems: 1) isolated
systems, 2) closed systems, and 3) open systems.
b) Morphological systems are composed of a series of organized
interactions between their constituent components, which are mainly the
physical attributes of natural features or materials. For example, the
morphological characteristics of a beach system could include elements
like beach
2. Form implies the morphology of a given landform unit, small or big at a
given time, while process indicates the actual operation of different agents
which bring morphological changes in the physical environment.
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to Section 3.2
Block-1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
34. Strahler A.N. (1980) Systems Theory in Physical Geography, Physical
Geography 1, 1-27. DOI: 10.1080/02723646.1980.10642186
Block 1 Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Catastrophism : This concept was believed by Baron Georges Cuvier,
Thomas Burnet, Comte de Buffon and John Woodward.
They believed that the Earth is shaped by big floods. It
states that the origin of the Earth's surface features are
mostly due to sudden, short duration violent events and
related processes like cataclysmic earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions and severe floods.
Closed Systems : The systems can prevent import and export of mass but
not of energy. Eg., the Earth exchanges energy but not
mass with outer space.
Entropy : It is an expression for the degree to which energy has
become unable to perform work. The maximum entropy
means minimum or no energy.
Eon : Geological time scale has been divided into four major
time divisions called eons. These are Hadean (4570 to
3850 Ma), Archean (3850 to 2500 Ma), Proterozoic
(2500 to 540 Ma), and Phanerozoic (540 Ma to present.
Era : The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into Paleozoic,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic era. The three eras come with
a "zoic" suffix which means with a zoological basis.
General Systems : Bertalanffy formulated this theory states that how to see
Theory a whole thing in different parts and to see how the parts
are interlinked and function together in a system. This
theory is often referred to as the theory of open systems
or System Theory.
Geological Time : The geological time scale presents the history of the
Scale Earth divided in a hierarchical set of divisions of
geologic time based on geochronology and dating of the
sequential events throughout the Earth’s history.
Geomorphology : Geomorphology is a part of physical geography which
deals with the study of landforms, their characteristics
and various processes responsible for their formation
and changes.
Isolated Systems : The boundaries closed to the import and export of both
mass and energy are called isolated systems. Eg.,
chemical experiments in the laboratory.
Isolated Systems : These are characterized by an exchange of both mass
and energy with their surroundings. It involves the flow
of matter and energy not only out of the total system but
also through interrelated parts of the system.
Neptunism : It explains that most of the rocks formed over the
Earth’s surface must have precipitated out of a vast
Glossary Block 1
Planetary : It studies the surface features of the extra-terrestrial
Geomorphology bodies collected through space explorations. Planetary
geomorphology explores the landforms of the other
terrestrial planets and satellites like Mars, Venus and
Moon through Earth analogies.
Uniformitarianism : This concept was proposed by James Hutton. He
proposed that “the present is the key to the past”
opposing the prevailing idea of catastrophism. The
belief that changes to Earth have always been
consistent and that the present holds the answer to the
past. The theory of Uniformitarianism was profounded
by Charles Lyell.