Gas Insulation Transformer

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High safety

and assured
performance in any
climatic condition

Portfolio brochure

instrument transformers
Hitachi Energy's Gas-insulated
instrument transformers are built
to ensure reliability and safety.
Designed as per the global
standards, these products can
withstand the most challenging
operating conditions, from polar
to desert climates.
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Table of contents

004 Hitachi Energy Instrument Transformers

006 TG gas-insulated current transformers

008  TVI gas-insulated inductive voltage transformers

010 TG Combi gas-insulated combined current

and voltage transformers

012 Our commitment

4 | G A S - I N S U L AT E D I N S T R U M E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S P O R T F O L I O B R O C H U R E

Hitachi Energy
Instrument transformers

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a Reliable sealing technology allows containment of gas leakages
sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the at minimum (far below 0.1% per annum). For further safety,
utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative internal insulation can be continuously monitored, locally or
solutions and services across the value chain. Together with remotely, through a gas density monitor mounted on each
customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable instrument transformer.
the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy
transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing Tailored solutions
the world's energy system to become more sustainable, flexible
and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and With their modular design, Hitachi Energy gas-insulated
economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and instrument transformers fulfill international Standards (IEC61869
unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. or IEEE C57.13) as well as specific and demanding requirements
Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 in terms of:
people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of over
$10 billion USD

Hitachi Energy is a leader in high-voltage technology, offering a

wide range of high-voltage products up to 1,200-kilovolt (kV) Metering Protection / control
helping enhance the safety, reliability and efficiency of power Wide range of metering For use with switchgear
networks while minimizing environmental impact. accuracy for utilities, to monitor system current
Our technology leadership continues to facilitate innovations in independent power and voltage levels
producers or industries
areas such as ultra-high-voltage power transmission,
enabling smart grids and enhancing eco-efficiency.

Proven experience with gas-insulated products

Hitachi Energy has been producing gas-insulated free-standing

instrument transformers for more than 40 years.
• ultra-low temperatures (-60°C) with gas mixture (N2+SF6)
Today, thousands of our products are performing vital functions • high seismic withstand (0.5g, Class AF5)
in electric power networks around the world. Their main • altitudes >1.000 m above sea level
applications include revenue metering, control, indication and • heavily polluted areas (class D and E)
relay protection. • very high atmospheric corrosivity category (ISO 12944 C5)

All of our instrument transformers are tailor-made to meet the

needs of our customers. An instrument transformer must be
capable of withstanding very high stresses in all climatic Safe and eco-efficient products
conditions. We design and manufacture our products for a
service life of at least 30 years. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas, adopted as insulating medium,
is a non-toxic and non-flammable gas, not subjected to aging
Robust designs and partial discharges. Inherent compressibility of this gas,
along with composite insulator and calibrated pressure relief
Compared to other insulation technologies (e.g. paper-oil), device ensure the design to be explosion proof. (“Internal arc
the production process of gas-insulated instrument protection stage II” as per IEC 62271-203), in the unlikely case
transformers does not require long curing treatment, thus of internal fault.
minimizing the production time. The gas also has minimal
aging effects, which ensures consistent dielectric performance.
6 | G A S - I N S U L AT E D I N S T R U M E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S P O R T F O L I O B R O C H U R E

Gas-insulated current transformer

TG is a gas-insulated high voltage current transformer built for

revenue metering and protection in high voltage networks.
Based on a top-core design, it houses primary and secondary
windings inside the upper part of the transformer. Accuracy:
• Up to 0.2s for metering and revenue metering
• 5P for protection

Voltage system ratings:

Up to 800 kV
(2100 kV B.I.L.)

Rated currents:
• Continuous thermal current: up to 4800 A
• Short circuit current: up to 63 kA for 1 second


Top core head Pressure relief device

Up to six cores for protection and metering Pre-cut varnished disc, made
in a casted aluminum alloy enclosure in MONEL alloy (Ni-Cu)

Primary terminals
Primary turns Nickel plated copper cylindric studs
Aluminum or nickel plated copper bars to allow primary or bare aluminum flat palm terminals.
reconnection with two ratios (2:1) or three ratios (4:2:1) Other designs upon request

• Sensitive element: Bourdon tube, compensated Polymeric insulator
in temperature via bimetallic band • Core: resin impregnated fibers
• No. of contacts: up to 4 MCB microswitches • Housing: HTV (High Temp Vulcanized) Silicon rubber
• On request, available hybrid DMs (MCBs + • Sheds: with open profile or with alternating shed
analog output), for real time monitoring profile for increased creepage distances
• On request, available 3-way valves for checking
DM functionality without removing it

Secondary terminal box

IP 54 box, equipped with nickel plated brass cable glands
and screw type terminals. Other design upon request

Earthing terminal
Gas filling valve Standard: M12 stainless steel bolt or Nickel plated
Filling valve type DN8 and/or DN20 copper plate. Other designs on request
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TG gas-insulated current transformer

Technical data and dimensions

Parameter unit TG-72 TG-123 TG-145 TG-170 TG-245 TG-300 TG-362 TG-420 TG-550 TG-800

Maximum voltage system [kV] 72.5 123 145 170 245 300 362 420 550 800
Rated short-time power
[kVrms] 140 230 275 325 460 460 510 2 630 680 975
frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse
[kVpeak] 325 550 650 750 1050 1050 1175 3 1425 1550 2100
withstand voltage
Short-time thermal current 1 [kA / 1s] 40 40 40 40 50 50 63 63 63 63
Continuous thermal current 1
[A] 1920 1920 1920 1920 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800
Specific creepage distance
[mm/kV] 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31
(SCD) - phase to phase
Overall height [A - mm] 1525 2020 2020 2220 3235 3400 3400 5250 5450 8000
Primary terminal height [B - mm] 1115 1610 1610 1810 2775 2990 2990 4550 4600 6940
Overall width [C - mm] 770 770 770 770 830 995 995 1160 1300 1480
Net weight [kg] 180 200 200 240 480 500 500 1100 1200 1600

1. Other values available on request

2. 575 kV rms for IEEE
3. 1300 kV peak for IEEE
8 | G A S - I N S U L AT E D I N S T R U M E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S P O R T F O L I O B R O C H U R E

Gas-insulated inductive voltage transformer

TVI is a gas-insulated inductive voltage transformer built for

revenue metering and protection in high voltage networks.
The use of a composite insulator and pressure relief device
ensures greater safety and a higher performance in very heavy Accuracy:
polluted environments. • Up to 0.2 for metering and revenue metering
• 3P for protection

Voltage system ratings:

Up to 420 kV
(1425 kV B.I.L.)


Primary terminal
Bare aluminum cylindric studs or flat palm
terminals. Other designs upon request

Polymeric insulator Voltage transformer

• Core: resin impregnated fiber
• Up to five cores for protection and metering
• Housing: HTV (High Temp Vulcanized) Silicon rubber
• Primary and secondary windings in
• Sheds: with open profile or with alternating shed
enameled electrolytic copper
profile for increased creepage distances
• Magnetic core of silicon steel with high
permeability low losses-oriented crystals
• Wide safety margin against saturation
and ferro-resonance
Gas filling valve
Valve type DN8 and / or DN20

Pressure relief device

Densimeter Pre-cut varnished disc, made
• Sensitive element: Bourdon tube, compensated in MONEL alloy (Ni-Cu)
in temperature via bimetallic band
• No. of contacts: up to 4 MCB microswitches
• On request, available hybrid DMs (MCBs + Secondary terminal box
analog output), for real time monitoring IP 54 box, equipped with nickel plated
• On request, available 3-way valves for checking brass cable glands and screw type
DM functionality without removing it terminals. Other design upon request
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TVI gas-insulated inductive voltage transformer

Technical data and dimensions

Parameter unit TVI-72 TVI-123 TVI-145 TVI-170 TVI-245 TVI-300 TVI-362 TVI-420

Maximum voltage system [kV] 72.5 123 145 170 245 300 362 420
Rated short-time power
[kVrms] 140 230 275 325 460 460 510 1 630
frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse
[kVpeak] 325 550 650 750 1050 1050 1175 2 1425
withstand voltage
Specific creepage distance
[mm/kV] 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31
(SCD) - phase to phase
Overall height [A - mm] 1860 2375 2375 2600 3360 3360 3680 5820
Overall width [B - mm] 865 865 865 865 1100 1100 1150 1300
Net weight [kg] 200 280 280 290 480 480 800 850

1. 575 kV rms for IEEE

2. 1300 kV peak for IEEE
10 | G A S - I N S U L AT E D I N S T R U M E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S P O R T F O L I O B R O C H U R E

TG Combi
Gas-insulated combined current and voltage

TG Combi is built for revenue metering and protection in high

voltage networks. The integration of two functionalities (VT and
CT) in one single equipment provides benefits in terms of cost
of the equipment, footprint usage, time for erection / Current accuracy:
commissioning, cables for interconnection, • Up to 0.2s for metering and revenue metering
• 5P for protection
foundations and structures.

Voltage accuracy:
• Up to 0.2 for metering and revenue metering
• 3P for protection

Voltage system ratings:

Up to 420 kV
(1425 kV B.I.L.)

Pressure relief device
Pre-cut varnished disc, made
in MONEL alloy (Ni-Cu)
Voltage transformer
• Up to five cores for protection and metering
• Primary and secondary windings in
enameled electrolytic copper
• Magnetic core of silicon steel with high
permeability low losses-oriented crystals Primary terminals
• Wide safety margin against saturation Nickel plated copper cylindric studs
and ferro-resonance or bare aluminum flat palm terminals.
Other designs upon request

CT top core head

Up to six cores for protection and metering Polymeric insulator
in a casted aluminum alloy enclosure • Core: resin impregnated fibers
• Housing: HTV (High Temp Vulcanized) Silicon rubber
• Sheds: with open profile or with alternating shed
Primary turns profile for increased creepage distances
Aluminum or nickel plated copper bars to allow primary
reconnection with two ratios (2:1) or three ratios (4:2:1) Densimeter
• Sensitive element: Bourdon tube, compensated
in temperature via bimetallic band
• No. of contacts: up to 4 MCB microswitches
• On request, available hybrid DMs (MCBs +
Earthing terminal analog output), for real time monitoring
Standard: M12 stainless steel bolt or Nickel plated • On request, available 3-way valves for checking
copper plate. Other designs on request DM functionality without removing it

Secondary terminal box

IP 54 box, equipped with nickel plated brass cable glands
and screw type terminals. Other design upon request
Gas filling valve
Filling valve type DN8 and/or DN20
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TG Combi combined current and voltage transformer

Technical data and dimensions

TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi- TG Combi-

Parameter unit
72 123 145 170 245 300 362 420

Maximum voltage system [kV] 72.5 123 145 170 245 300 362 420
Rated short-time power
[kVrms] 140 230 275 325 460 460 510 2 630
frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse
[kVpeak] 325 550 650 750 1050 1050 1175 3 1425
withstand voltage
Short-time thermal current 1 [kA / 1s] 40 40 40 40 50 50 63 63
Continuous thermal current 1
[A] 1920 1920 1920 1920 4800 4800 4800 4800
Specific creepage distance
[mm/kV] 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31 25-31
(SCD) - phase to phase
Overall height [A - mm] 2750 3250 3250 3400 4100 4100 4450 5450
Primary terminal height [B - mm] 1500 2000 2000 2150 2600 2600 3150 4165
Overall width [C - mm] 800 800 800 800 800 800 1265 1265
Net weight [kg] 620 650 650 700 800 800 1350 1400

1. Other values available on request

2. 575 kV rms for IEEE
3. 1300 kV peak for IEEE
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Our commitment
Quality assurance
We are committed to provide the best products and
services. Our products comply with or exceed the latest
international standards. In addition to type tests in
independent laboratories, our certified design and
manufacturing process guarantee the highest quality.
We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

For Hitachi Energy, sustainability is about balancing
economic success, environmental stewardship and social
progress to benefit all our stakeholders.

Sustainability considerations cover how we design and

manufacture products, what we offer customers, how we
engage suppliers, how we assess risks and opportunities,
and how we behave in communities where we operate and
towards one another, while striving to ensure the health,
security and safety of our employees, contractors and
others affected by our activities. We are certified according
to ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018
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Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With regard
to purchase orders, the agreed particulars
shall prevail. Hitachi Energy Ltd. does not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for
potential errors or possible lack of
information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document and

in the subject matter and illustrations
contained therein. Any reproduction,
disclosure to third parties or utilization
of its contents – in whole or in parts – is
forbidden without prior written consent of
Hitachi Energy Ltd.
Hitachi Energy Italy S.p.A.
High Voltage Products
Via dei Ceramisti snc
Localita San Grato
26900 Lodi, Italy

©Hitachi Energy 2023. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in: XXXX.XX.XX

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