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Basic Design Calculations

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Chapter I

Unfired Pressure Vessels (UPV) is " shall mean any closed vessel other than a boiler
constructed to hold steam, hot water, gas or air, ordinarily supplied from an external source or
from the indirect application of heat. This definition shall not include portable cylinders for the

storage of compressed gases.

Vessels designed to contain fluids under internal pressure or vacuum and not heated directly
through the combustion of fuels or other external heat sources. Found in commercial and
industrial facilities.
Unfired pressure vessels such as air and water storage tanks are vessels that have not been
exposed to burner fire or combustion. Due to this, there is less risk for overheating and unfired
pressure vessels have a proven track record in preventing corrosion through heat
exchange. Unfired pressure vessels can act as heat exchangers, where they heat, and cool fluids
once combined with another fluid. Unfired pressure vessels most often consist of several
chambers and tube bundles. Another type of unfired pressure vessel is a steam generator which
produces steam with a piping system.
Both unfired and fired pressure vessels can present hazards to employee safety and facility
operability. Over time pressure vessels can become cracked or damaged, which can lead to
rupture failures and leakage. These can produce potential health and safety risks including
suffocation, poisoning, fires and explosions. Rupture failures can be even more dangerous than
leakages, and can cause significant damage, injuries and fatalities.
Due to this, the safe design, installation, and maintenance of pressure vessels is critical, and
compliance with codes and standards is necessary to ensure employee safety and prevent damage
to your facility.
1.1 Background Of Pressure Vessel

A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially

different from the ambient pressure.

Construction methods and materials may be chosen to suit the pressure application, and will
depend on the size of the vessel, the contents, working pressure, mass constraints, and the
number of items required.
Pressure vessels can be dangerous, and fatal accidents have occurred in the history of their
development and operation. Consequently, pressure vessel design, manufacture, and operation
are regulated by engineering authorities backed by legislation. For these reasons, the definition
of a pressure vessel varies from country to country.

Design involves parameters such as maximum safe operating pressure and temperature, safety
factor, corrosion allowance and minimum design temperature (for brittle fracture). Construction
is tested using nondestructive testing, such as ultrasonic testing, radiography, and pressure tests.
Hydrostatic pressure tests usually use water, but pneumatic tests use air or another gas.
Hydrostatic testing is preferred, because it is a safer method, as much less energy is released if a
fracture occurs during the test (water does not greatly increase its volume when rapid
depressurization occurs, unlike gases, which expand explosively). Mass or batch production
products will often have a representative sample tested to destruction in controlled conditions for
quality assurance. Pressure relief devices may be fitted if the overall safety of the system is
sufficiently enhanced.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Failure modes of pressure vessels start from the design of the pressure vessel and also
occur after installation. At the design level occurs like: incorrect design data, inaccurate design
methods, and inadequate shop testing. The fabricating level occurs like an improper selection of
material, defects in material, poor quality control, improper or insufficient fabrication procedures
including welding, and heat treatment or forming methods. After the installation of the pressure
vessel failure occurs such as buckling, overload and fast fracture. While the pressure vessel work
failure occurs due to change of service condition by the user, inexperienced operations or
maintenance personnel, and upset conditions. So, the material going to be fabricated by is alloy
steel which has large yield and ultimate tensile strength for temperature specified.

1.3 Objective of the project

Main Objective
The main objective is to design horizontally oriented unfired pressure vessel which has tore spherical
head and supported by saddle support to withstand a design pressure of 6MPa and a temperature of 500K
and working crude oil
Specific Objective
The specific objective of our project is to design a horizontal pressure vessels position with an
tore spherical head by estimating the internal pressure and temperature on its effect that store our
working crude oil

Our project includes this design components:

 Design of shell
 Design of heads
 Design of nozzle
 Design of support
 Design of flanges
 Design of other supportive parts
 To analysis the stress and pressure of each component of unfired pressure vessel.
 Finally, the cost estimation of unfired vessel.
1.4 Scope of the project
Unfired pressure vessel is utilized in different areas and plays a critical part in our life. So the
strategy of development, the length of introduction, the figure that mutilates it, and its causes are
the most things that we have to be basically noted.
It’s a fact that for the most part pressure vessels come up short in a brief time due to a few
components like corrosion, plan issue, variable natural condition, and erosion. Considering these
issues, we ought to develop a pressure vessel that serves the client for a long time as much as

Basic Design Calculations

Table 1.1 main design Specifications
Main Parameters Value Unit
Design Pressure 8 Mpa
Design Of Temperature 500 K
Volume 6 M3
Working Fluid Position Crude Oil Horizontal
Table 1.2 Properties of a material from carbon steel hand book under ASME/ASTM material
Description of material type Value of carbon steel ASME As 5/6 Gr.6
Yield stress 220N/mm2
Tensile strength 550N/mm2
Density 7.85*103kg/m3

Design for the size of pressure vessel

V=6m3 Calculation For Length L=H
Assume D=980mm0.98m V¿ π R 2H+4 /3 π R3
R= 0.49 6 = π (0.49)2H+4/3 π (0.49)
6= 0.7543H+0.4928 = 1.2471H
H=6/1.2471 =4.8m
Calculate the thickness of the vessel
Firstly, calculate the allowable stress(S)
Factor of safety (Fos)=1
SA11=yield stress/Fos = 220Mpa
The Thickness will be t=PD/2se-0.6p
Where, t= wall thickness
P=internal pressure
D= internal diameter
e = joint efficiency (1)
C= Corrosion Allowance = 1.5
T=8*980/2*220*1-0.6*8+1.5 =19.5mm
To check the Shell is thick or thin
490/19.5=R/t >10 for thin shell
The following formula (ASME section VIII -1) are used for calculating the wall thickness and
design pressure, the calculations are used for tubes and pipes under internal pressure
Circumferential Stress (Longitudinal Joints )
t=PR/Se-0.6P or P= S*e*t/R+0.6t when t<0.5R , p<1.25Se
calculation for nominal thickness
tn=8*980/2*(220*1)-(0.6*8)+ 1.5
tn =19.5mm
Calculation For Circular thickness
tc =PR/2Se-0.4P
tc=8*490/2*(220*1)-(0.4*8) = 10.47mm
check the thickness by lame equations

t=R*( √ S+ P


t= 490*( √

220+ 8
-1 = 18.15mm
According to lames equation the thickness found by lame equation is less than the shell thickness
(18.5<19.5) so, our design is safe.
Stress in the thin cylinder
σl = p d / (4 t)
= 8*980/4*19.5
σl=100.5 Mpa
σH=PD/2t where, σl = longitududinal stress
σH=8*980/2*19.5 σH=loop Stress
σH= 201Mpa
Design Of Nozzle
The Thickness of nozzle is calculated by
tn =P*Rn/Se-0.6P+c
where, Rn=radius of Nozzle
Assume Dn = diameter of Nozzle=100mm
tn=nominal wall thickness of nozzle
tn=8*50/220*1-0.6*8 = 3.35mm
Design Of Gasket
-the design of gasket depends on the system in which it will be Installed
Gasket:- to maintain a leak – proof sealing during operation, gaskets are used to create a static
seal between two stationary members of a mechanical assembly
Table 1.3
Material selection Elasticity
Plain rubber 69
Spiral wound 280

-plain rubber is prefer b/c it is cheaper than spiral

-the total force on each end cap in pressure vessel end plate Secured with preloaded bolt on bolt
Ptotal = P x A = P ( π r2)
8* π (490)2 =603.43KN
Force Applied on each bolt is
F=Ptotal/Nbolt = 603.43/8 = 75.42KN
Assume Gasket thickness =10mm
Climbed length =1=10+16 =26

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