Amazon Recruitment Process-1

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Amazon Recruitment Process

About Company
1. Amazon, founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, began as an online bookstore and evolved into the
world's largest e-commerce platform.
2. Its services include diverse offerings such as cloud computing (Amazon Web Services), digital
streaming (Amazon Prime), and AI-driven technology (Alexa).
3. The company's success is fueled by its customer-centric approach, innovative logistics, and a wide
range of consumer products like Kindle and Echo devices.
4. Amazon's expansion extends into various sectors, including groceries (Amazon Go) and
entertainment (Amazon Studios).
5. Despite its global success, Amazon has faced scrutiny over its market influence, labor practices,
and impact on small businesses.

Amazon Test Pattern

Round Name NumberofQuestions

Online Written Test
30 (approx) MCQs


o 7 Automata Fix
Technical Round 1 o 2 Coding Questions
Technical Round 2 2-4

Bar Raiser Round 2-4

Amazon Online Written Test 15-20

• Number of Sections:- 4

• Section 1:- Aptitude

• Section 2:- Technical MCQs

• Section 3:- Automata Fix

• Section 4 :- Coding
• Aptitude

This includes quantitative, logical and verbal questions. The level of the questions
are easy for this section.

• Technical MCQs

This includes MCQs on C/C++ programming, Networking, OS, etc.

• Automata Fix

There are 7 Automata Fix questions, where you have to correct the given code.

• Coding

Two coding questions, where you have to write codes for the given problem

Amazon Technical Round 1

• Number of Questions:- 2-4

• Time duration:- variable

• Difficulty Level:- Intermediate

• Important Topics:- Data Structures and Algorithms

This is a technical interview round. It is focused on Data Structures and Algorithms.

The questions asked here are of intermediate level. Commonly asked topics in this
round are of Matrix, Binary Search Tree, Linked List, etc..

Amazon Technical Round 2

• Number of Questions:- 2-4

• Time duration:- variable
• Difficulty Level:- Advanced
• Important Topics:- Data Structures and Algorithms
Like the previous round, this is also a technical interview round. It also focuses on
Data Structures and Algorithms. The questions asked are of higher level. Common
topics that are asked in this round are tree-based recursion, Trees, BST, etc..

Amazon Bar Raiser Round

• Number of Questions:- 18-20

• Time duration:- variable

• Difficulty Level:- Advanced

• Important Topics:- 16 Leadership Principle of Amazon, DSA

This is the last round. It is similar to an HR Round. The interviewer asks questions
based on the 16 Leadership Principle of Amazon. Additionally, they can ask Data
Structures and Algorithms questions.

Previous year Questions(Mcq’s)

1. Two tables emp (empid, name, deptid, sal) and dept (deptid, deptname) are there. Write
a query which displays empname, corresponding dept name and also display those employee
names that do not belong to any dept.

2. Write prefix and post fix notation for


3. Write program to swap 2 variables without using extra memory.

4. Find the output for the following C program fn f(x)



else f(x-1)+x;

5. Find the output for the following C program main()


6. Copy a file form one host "amazon.chennai" to another host "amazon.bbsr"

7. You want to find out the value of the last element of an array. You write the following
code. What will happen when you compile and run it.?
public class MyAr

public static void main(String argv[])

int[] i = new int[5];

System.out.println (i[5]);

1) An error at compile time

2) An error at run time

3) The value 0 will be output

4) The string "null" will be output.

8. Find the second largest element in an array with minimum no of comparisons and give the
minimum no of comparisons needed on an array of size N to do the same.

9. Write a program to remove duplicates from a sorted array.

10. In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?

A. Value of elements in array

B. First element of the array

C. Base address of the array

D. Address of the last element of array

11. What will be the output of the program?

int main()

viod fun( int, int[]);

int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

int i;
fun (4, arr);
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
printf(“%d,”, arr[i]);
return 0;
void fun(int n, int arr[])

int *p=0;

int i=0;
while(i++ < n)
p = &arr[i];


A. 2, 3, 4, 5

B. 1, 2, 3, 4

C. 0, 1, 2, 3
D. 3, 2, 1 0


12. What will be the output of the program if the array begins 1200 in memory?

int main()

Int arr[]={2, 3, 4, 1, 6};

printf(“%u, %u, %u\n”, arr, &arr[0], &arr);

return 0;

A. 1200, 1202, 1204

B. 1200, 1200, 1200

C. 1200, 1204, 1208

D. 1200, 1202, 1200
13. Which of the following statements are correct about an array?

1: The array int num [26]; can store 26 elements.

2: The expression num [1] designates the very first element in the array.
3: It is necessary to initialize the array at the time of declaration.
4: The declaration num [SIZE] is allowed if SIZE is a macro.
A. 1
B. 1,4
C. 2,3
D. 2,4


14. Which of the following function is used to find the first occurrence of a given string in
another string?
A. strchr()

B. strrchr()
C. strstr()

D. strnset()

15. Which of the following function is correct that finds the length of a string?

A. –
int xstrlen(char *s)

int length=0:
{ length++; s++; }

int xsrrlen(char s)

int length=0;

length++; s++;
return (length);


int xstrlen(char *s)

int length=0;
return (length);


16. What will be the output of the program in 16-bit platform (Turbo C under DOS)?

Int main()
Printf(“%d, %d, %d”, sizeof(3.0f),sizeof(‘3’)),sizeof(3.0);

Return 0;
A. 8, 1, 4

B. 4, 2, 8
C. 4, 2, 4
D. 10, 3, 4


17. Which of the following statements are correct ?

1: A string is a collection of characters terminated by '\0'.

2: The format specifier %s is used to print a string.

3: The length of the string can be obtained by strlen().
4: The pointer CANNOT work on string.

A. A, B
B. A, B, C
C. B, D

D. C, D

18. Point out the error in the program?


int main()
struct emp
char name[20];
float sal;
struct emp e[10];

int i;
for(i=0; i<=9; i++)

scanf(“%s %f”’ e[i].name, &e[i].sal);

return 0;
A. Error: invalid structure member

B. Error: Floating point formats not linked

C. No error
D. None of above


19. What is the similarity between a structure, union and enumeration?

A. All of them let you define new values

B. All of them let you define new data types

C. All of them let you define new pointers

D. All of them let you define new structures


20. What will be the output of the program ?

int main()

enum days {MON=-1, TUE, WED=6, THU, FRI, SAT};

printf("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT);

return 0;
A. -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

B. -1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5
C. -1, 0, 6, 2, 3, 4
D. -1, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9
21. What will be the output of the program ?

struct course

int courseno;
char coursename[25];

int main()

struct course c[] = { {102, “Java”},

{ 103, “PHP”},

{104, “DotNet”} };
printf(“%d”, c[1].courseno);

printf(“%s\m”, (*(c+2)).coursename);

return 0;

A. 103 Dotnet
B. 102 Java

C. 103 PHP
D. 104 DotNet


22. In which stage the following code

gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h
A. During editing

B. During linking

C. During execution
D. During preprocessing


23. Point out the error in the program


int main()

int I;
#if A
printf(“Enter any number:”);
scanf(“%d”, &i);
#elif B
printf(“ The number is odd”);
return 0;

A. Error: unexpected end of file because there is no matching #endif

B. The number is odd

C. Garbage values

D. None of above

24. What are the different types of real data type in C?

A. float, double
B. short int, double, long int

C. float, double, long double

D. double, long int, float


25. Which statement will you add in the following program to work it correctly?

Int main()

printf(“%f\n”, lof(36.0));
return 0;

A. #include<conio.h>
B. #include<math.h>
C. #include<stdlib.h>

D. #include<dos.h>

26. What do the following declaration signify?

int *ptr[30];
A. ptr is a pointer to an array of 30 integer pointers. B. ptr

is a array of 30 pointers to integers.

C. ptr is a array of 30 integer pointers.
D. ptr is a array 30 pointers.

27. What is x in the following program?

int main()

typedef char (*(*arrfptr[3])())[10];

arrfptr x;
return 0;

A. x is a pointer
B. x is an array of three pointer

C. x is an array of three function pointers

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