Signals & Systems Theory - 4th Semester-C - Lesson Plan

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Lesson Plan:

Title of the course: Signals & Systems Course Code: EEE 201
Credit Hour: 3.00 credits Contact Hours: 3 Hours/Week
Level/Term: Level Two, Term Two. Type: Core Course
Prerequisite: MAT 107: Engineering Mathematics II, MAT 203: Engineering Mathematics IV

Instructor: Mohammed Rezaur Rahman Chowdhury

Class schedule:
Section: C
Saturday: 01.00 PM-02.30 PM Room No: 510
Wednesday: 10.00 AM-11.30 PM Room No: 404

Counseling Time:
Monday: 10.00 AM-11.30 AM

Email address: [email protected] Phone No: +88018-77725000

Session: Fall 2023

Course Rationale: This course aims to provide basic knowledge about various types of signals
and systems along with different analysis techniques.

Course Objective:
The course objectives of this course are:
1. To help students conceptualize the relation between signals & systems
2. To make the students understand classification of signals & properties of systems
3. Accumulate basic ideas about analogous system and differential equations
4. Facilitate students with necessary knowledge to conceptualize the properties of Fourier Series
5. Acquaint students with the basic theory of Fourier and Laplace transformation
6. Develop skills to apply Fourier and Laplace transformation to solve real-time problems

Course Outcomes (COs):

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Apply Linearity, Causality, Time invariance, Memory, Stability and Inevitability of any system.
2. Analyze how signals transform from time domain to frequency domain & transform from
frequency domain to time domain.
3. Apply convolution on signals.
4. Analyze how signals convert between mechanical system and electrical system.

Text Books:
1.Signals and Systems by Haykin.
2. Linear System Analysis by D.K. Cheng.
1. Signal & Systems Analysis using Transform Methods and MATLAB by M.J. Roberts.

Teaching Strategy:Typical methodologies are Class lectures, web-access, self-study, problem

formulation, and student presentation.

Assessment Strategy: Class Attendance (10%), Quiz/Assignments/Home Works (10%), Class tests
(20%), Midterm exam (20%) and final exam (40%).

CO Delivery & Assessment:

Cos Corresponding Bloom’s taxonomy Delivery methods Assessment tools

POs domain/level and activities
(C: Cognitive, P:
Psychomotor A:
CO1 P1 C4 Lecture, Problem Quiz, Final Exam, Mid
CO2 P2 C5 Lecture notes, Final Exam, Assignment
CO3 P1 C3 Lectures, Notes, Final Exam, Class Test
Practice Problems
CO4 P2 C5 Lectures, Notes, Final Exam, Class Test
Practice Problems

2. Domains and Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
 “Cognitive” Domain (C): C1 - Recall data, C2 - Understand, C3 - Apply, C4 - Analysis, C5 - Synthesize, and C6 - Evaluate.
 “Affective” Domain (A): A1 - Receive, A2 - Respond, A3 - Value, A4 - Organize personal value system, and A5 - Internalize value system.
 “Psychomotor” Domain (P): P1 - Imitation, P2 - Manipulation, P3 - Develop precision, P4 -Articulation, and P5 - Naturalization. )

CO/PO mapping

COs Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO1 PO12
CO1 √
CO2 √
CO3 √
CO4 √
Lesson Plans (3hours = 1.5*2=26 classes)
Lesson Topic Teaching Course Assessment
strategy Outcome Strategy
Lecture-1 Signals - classification, Basic Multimedia CO1
operation on signals,
Elementary signals.
Lecture-2 Representation of signals Multimedia CO1
using impulse function;
Systems – classification.
Lecture-3 Classification. Properties of Multimedia CO1
Linear System.
Lecture-4 Analogues system and their White Board CO1
solution. Lecture
Lecture-5 Analogues system and their White Board CO3 Written or
solution. Lecture Presentation
Declaration of Assignment- CO1
Lecture-6 Overview of linear White Board CO1
differential equation-I: Lecture
solution of higher order
linear differential equation
with constant coefficient.
Lecture-7 Overview of linear White Board CO1
differential equation-II: Lecture
solution of higher order
linear differential equation
with undetermined
Submission of Assignment-
Lecture-8 a. CLASS TEST -1 Written
b. Review on exam
Lecture-9 Lumped element electrical White Board CO1
systems using linear Lecture
differential equation-I
Lecture-10 Lumped element electrical White Board CO1
systems using linear Lecture
differential equation-II
Lecture-11 Lumped element electrical White Board CO1
systems using linear Lecture
differential equation-III
Lecture-12 Overview of Fourier Series. White Board CO2
Lecture-13 Fourier series- properties, White Board CO2
Harmonic representation, Lecture
System response, Frequency
response of LTI systems.
Lecture-14 Fourier transformation- White Board CO2
properties, System transfer Lecture
function, System response
and distortion-less systems.
Lecture-15 Fourier transformation- White Board CO2
Applications of time and Lecture
frequency domain analyses:
solution of analog electrical
and mechanical systems.
Lecture-16 Laplace transformation: White Board CO2 Written or
Fourier transformation to Lecture Presentation
Laplace transformation (LT),
LT of important functions,
Declaration of Assignment-
Lecture-17 LT: gate function, LT of White Board CO2
periodic functions. Lecture
Lecture-18 Application of Laplace White Board CO2 Written or
Transformation, inverse Lecture Presentation
transform, solution of system
equations, system transfer
Lecture-19 a. CLASS TEST -2 Written
b. Review on MID Term Exam
c. Review on Assignment-II
Lecture-20 Inverse Laplace Transform. White Board CO2
Lecture-21 LT: Impulse function, White Board CO2
convolution integral, Lecture
superposition integral.
Lecture-22 Introduction to Random White Board CO2
signal, Stationery, Lecture
Ergodicity, Noise models.
Lecture-23 Correlation and power White Board CO2
spectrum, Distribution and Lecture
density functions.
Lecture-24 CLASS TEST -3 CO2
Lecture-25 Review Class on Fourier CO2
Series and Laplace
Lecture-26 Review class on Differential CO2
CO3,CO4, Exam

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