Design of Machine Members: Part-A
Design of Machine Members: Part-A
Design of Machine Members: Part-A
Time : 3 hours ] [ Total Marks : 80
PART—A 3×10=30
1. List out any three theories of elastic failures for a part subjected to
bi-axial stresses.
3. Name any six locking devices which are used to prevent loosening of nut
under vibrations.
* 4. Find the size of hole that must be drilled in M40 bolt to make it of
uniform strength.
9. State any*three functions of springs.
10. Distinguish between sliding contact bearings and rolling contact bearings.
PART—B 8×5=40
11. (a) A gear box weighing 7·5kN is provided with a steel eye bolt for lifting
and transporting on the shop floor. The eye bolt is made of plain
carbon steel having yield strength of 480 N/mm 2 and the factor of
safety is 6. Design the eye bolt and draw a proportionate sketch.
( OR )
12. (a) Find out the maximum safe load and maximum efficiency among the
following riveted joints having thickness of 10 mm plates with 20 mm
diameter of the rivets having a pitch of 60 mm :
* ( OR )
(b) Find the length of the weld required for joining a plate of 50 mm
width and 10 mm thick by a transverse fillet weld to another plate
and is subjected to a static tensile load of 50 kN. Take the permissible
stress equal to 100 MPa.
Draw a legible sketch of double riveted single strap butt joint and
indicate standard parameters on it. (4+4)
13. (a) What are the basic functions of keys? Discuss various modes of failure
of keys.
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(b) A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment of 3000 Nm
and a torque of 10000 Nm. The shaft is having ultimate tensile stress
of 700 MPa and ultimate shear stress of 500 MPa. Assume factor of
safety as 6. Suggest suitable standard diameter of shaft for safe design.
14. (a) A journal bearing, 30 mm in radius, runs at 12·5 revolutions per sec.
The bearing pressure is 1·2 MPa. The length of the bearing is 2 times
the shaft diameter. The ratio of journal diameter to the diametral
clearance is 1000. The absolute viscosity of the lubricating oil is 0·011
kg/m-s. End leakage factor is 0·002. Find the (i) Coefficient of friction,
(ii) Rubbing velocity, (iii) Load on the bearing and (iv) Heat generated
due to friction.
( OR )
(b) A multi collar thrust bearing the axial load of 55 kN is taken up by a
number of collars. The bearing pressure is 0·40 N/mm2. The shaft
diameter is 125 mm and runs of 200 r.p.m. The collar diameter is 1·8
times the diameter of the shaft. Take coefficient of friction as 0·022.
* Calculate (i) Number of collars required (ii) Frictional torque (iii) Power
lost in friction (iv) Heat generated at the bearing by using uniform
pressure theory.
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* ( OR )
PART—C 10×1=10
16. Design and draw a muff coupling to connect two shafts transmitting
40 kW and 150 rev/min. The allowable shear and crushing stresses for
the shaft and key which are made of 50C8 steel are 37·0 N/mm2 and
96·23 N/mm2 respectively. The material for the muff is FG150 cast iron
with permissible shear strength of 17·3 N/mm2. Assume that the
maximum torque transmitted is 20% greater than the mean torque.
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