Question Bank Oose

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Question Bank OOSE

Computer Science (Anna University)

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QUESTION BANK (Object Oriented Software Engineering)

Chapter 1

1. What is SDLC. Phases of SDLC

2. Types of SDLC Model
3. System Concept (Elements, Characteristics)
4. System Process model

Chapter 2

1. What is SRS?
2. What is QFD?
3. What is business Engineering
4. What is Requirement Elicitation

Chapter 3

1. What is UML?
2. Goals of UML? Uses of UML?
3. Types of Diagrams in UML?
4. Rules of UML
5. UML Architecture.
6. Advantages and disadvantages of UML

Chapter 4

1. What is Object Oriented Analysis?

2. What is Object Oriented Construction?
3. Object oriented design process.
4. Define terms : -1.Inheritance 2. Polymorphism

Chapter 5

1. Explain 1.Class Diagram 2.Object Diagram

2. Define
4. Dependency
5. Package
6. Realization
7. Aggregation

Chapter 6

1 . What is Behavioral Modeling

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2.What is architectural modeling

3. Component diagram

4. State Chart diagram

5. Activity diagram
6. Use Case Diagram component and collaboration diagram
8. Define following terms

i) actor
iii) State
iv) forking and joining
v) swimlanes
vii) Branching

Chapter 7

1.Define the Deployment diagram

2. Define :i) node ii) lifeline
3. Draw component diagram for online shopping
4.Draw collaboration diagram for ATM

Chapter 8

1. What are the 5 disciplines in the iterative life cycle?

2. Define elaboration phase during analysis
3. What is evolutionary and iterative development
4. What is UP? Describe its phases
5. Explain five RUP workflows in details.

Chapter 9

1. What is Object Oriented Design?

2. What are the popular methodologies of the object oriented approach?
3. Explain 1)Booch method 2) The coad and Yourdan Method 3) Jacobson method
4)Rumbaugh method
4. What is System Design Process
5. How to partition an analysis model
6. What is meant by concurrency?
7. Data management component
8. Task management component
9. Macro and micro process


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Downloaded by Priyadharshini Selvaraj ([email protected])

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