Examining Relationship of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare Center and Employee Engagement.
Examining Relationship of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare Center and Employee Engagement.
Examining Relationship of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare Center and Employee Engagement.
In the past few years, exploration on workplace day care centers, mindfulness and employee engagement has
mushroomed across several lines of learning. Evidences across different field’s advocates that mindfulness has
a connection with various facets of workplace functioning, hence it becomes significant to realize it. Increased
levels of mindfulness lead to an enhanced level of individual psychological prosperity, which strongly support
the effect of mindfulness on work engagement. However, little work has been done on understanding the
relation of day care centers from a workplace perspective. As stated in earlier research, mindfulness can be
trained and therefore it can become a part of an individual's life. Although some researchers have focused
completely on the attention component of mindfulness, the hypothesized link between mindfulness, workplace
day care center and employee engagement are outlined in this current paper.
The purpose of the current study is to cover both the study of mindfulness and employee engagement and its
relation with workplace day care centers. It assesses the available evidence and supports the hypothesis that
workplace mindfulness and employee engagement improve in presence of workplace day care centers. The
study takes into consideration the perception of women employees returning to work after maternity breaks.
Workplace day care centers helps in reducing stress and burnout of women employees thereby increasing work
life balance and engagement levels.
This article reviews the available literature supporting the hypothesis that mindfulness supports job
performance and work engagement. It also sketches mindfulness as a multidimensional construct which helps
organizational effectiveness. Testing the hypothesis in service sector context, using regression model, we find
support for a positive relationship between workplace day care centers and mindfulness. We also conclude
positive relation between mindfulness and employee engagement.
Keywords: mindfulness, workplace day care center, employee engagement, maternity break, women
employees etc.
Assistant Professor, Department of Master of Business Administration, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and
Management Studies, Aurangabad, Maharashtra state, India, Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Department of Master of Business Administration, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and
Management Studies, Aurangabad, Maharashtra state, India, Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics & Analytics,
Mumbai, Maharashtra state, India, Email: [email protected]
DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0250
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3574
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
esteem among adolescents (Biegel, Brown, assessment tool for mindfulness across a wide
Shapiro, & Schubert, 2009). range of settings and audiences. However, when
Mindfulness-based meditation and mindfulness- MAAS is applied to research, it comes with
based stress reduction (MBSR) program helps in limitations (Grossman, 2011). Few of the questions
reducing stress levels and create positive effect in MAAS has little difference across respondents
among executives working in high pressure (Van Dam et al., 2010). In the present study, all the
environment at workplace. It can also act as a novel items of MAAS are not considered as some items
predecessor of turnover intentions which infers are considered to be not relevant to the respondents
better mindful practices can reduce turnover (women after maternity break). MAAS is only used
intentions (Andrews et al., 2014; Dane & Brummel, as a basis to develop questions which assess the
2014). There are myriad benefits of having mindfulness of women at workplace after maternity
workplace day care centers on the overall break. Basing on these studies, the first hypothesis
mindfulness of women employees. For instance, is poised as:
research indicates that mindfulness is positively
associated to vitality and better interpersonal Hypothesis 1:
relationship and negatively correlated to anxiety H1: Maternity break at workplace affects
and stress (Brown et al., 2007; Glomb et al., 2011). workplace mindfulness of women.
There have been researches done regarding
engagement at workplace and its scopes to a Workplace day care center and Mindfulness
number of work results, including job performance Workplace day care center plays a pivotal role in
as well as turnover intention (Christian et al., 2011; creating mindfulness among women employees
Halbesleben, 2010; Salanova et al., 2005)., The especially for those women coming to work after
growing body of research from a mindfulness maternity breaks. Families are considered to be the
research viewpoint on work engagement main contributors of child care still the mother of a
supplicates a question: does a workplace day care child remains at the center stage. According to ILO
center carry variance between different dimensions (International Labour Organization), after the
of mindfulness and predicting employee maternity leave until the age at which a child can
engagement? manage to go to school, working parents require
someone to look after their child during the
To address the above question, researchers have working hours. Many countries have laws relating
conducted a study within different sectors of to maternity leave as well as paternity leave for
industry in Indian context. In this study, we working parents. In other countries, some working
considered the relationship between mindfulness at parents may or may not receive help from family
workplace, as well as its relationship between members especially grandparents. Even when the
workplace day care center and employee child attains school going age, working parents still
engagement. In doing so, we examined relationship have to make arrangements for childcare even
of Workplace Mindfulness with Workplace before or after the school timings. Hence, Work–
Daycare Center and Employee Engagement. family balance can be evaluated regarding one's
Consolidated results indicate the significance of efficacy and satisfaction with work and family life
workplace day care center and its relation with (Greenhaus & Allen, 2010). The terms used to
mindfulness and employee engagement. mention to childcare centers differ significantly
from country to country. It also differs from age
For the same, the study hypothesize that workplace groups of the children attending. Traditionally,
mindfulness of women is affected after maternity childcare was considered to be a responsibility
break. To measure the level of mindfulness after of primarily the women and family members. In
maternity break, researchers have developed a such cases absence of day care centers substantially
questionnaire based on Mindful Attention adds to the worry of women employees and their
Awareness Scale (MAAS: Brown and Ryan, 2003), not returning back to work after maternity leave
which is considered to be the most frequently used which undermines a career of women.
measurement scale of mindfulness.
The UN Convention on the CRC (Rights of the
It is a scale designed to evaluate core characteristics Child) identifies the necessity for parents to receive
of dispositional mindfulness. It is also different support in their childcare responsibilities and
than scales developed specifically for use in specifically asserts the rights of the children of
clinical applications and interventions (e.g., working parents to get assistance from childcare
Walach et al., 2006). MAAS is pitched as facilities. Hilton, et. al. (2019) believes that policy
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3576
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
Workplace Day Care
Engagement Fig1: Proposed Research Model
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3578
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
Table 1: Mindfulness after Maternity Break
Statements N Mean Std. Error of Mean Std. Deviation
I could be experiencing some emotion, break or spill things because of
398 3.42 0.082 1.633
carelessness, not paying attention.
I find it difficult to stay concentrated on what’s happening in the present. 398 2.96 0.072 1.436
Anxiety and stress levels have considerably gone up. 398 2.40 0.062 1.233
Forgetfulness at workplace has increased substantially 398 2.74 0.056 1.116
Sensing a decline in presence of mind. 398 2.43 0.062 1.241
Multitasking capabilities have gone down. 398 3.42 0.082 1.633
I find myself preoccupied with child care responsibilities. 398 2.83 0.067 1.335
Source: SPSS output
Table 1 gives the group statistics for existence of stress levels (X̄= 2.40, σ= 0.062), forgetfulness (X̄=
mindfulness at workplace after maternity break. 2.74, σ= 0.056), decline in presence of mind (X̄=
For recognizing the mindfulness at workplace after 2.43, σ= 0.062), multitasking (X̄= 3.42, σ= 0.082),
maternity break 7 factors are analyzed. Cronbach’s child care responsibilities (X̄= 2.83, σ= 0.067) also
alpha test is done to see the validity and internal converges towards agree level of acceptance. It
consistency of the data, Cronbach’s α for the same supports that workplace mindfulness affects after
was 0.81. Existence of mindfulness after maternity maternity break. Denise Rousseau, professor of
break was checked by mean (X̄) and standard organizational behavior and public policy at
deviation (σ). For testing the relation between Carnegie Mellon University is of the view that an
maternity break and mindfulness at workplace an employee will be tired, frustrated, and full of self-
online study employing a 7×6 (Mindfulness after doubt after returning to work after a new born child
maternity break [carelessness and attention, and is confused whether to return to work or stay at
difficulty in concentration, anxiety and stress home (Rebecca Knight, 2019).
levels, forgetfulness, decline in presence of mind,
multitasking, child care responsibilities] × For testing the hypothesis (H1) one sample (one
Agreement level [Almost always, Very frequently, sided, i.e. H1: µ>15) t-test was performed.
Somewhat frequently, Some Infrequently, Very Researchers have only considered p values for
infrequently, Almost never]) was conducted using testing the sample and hypothesis, which indicates
sample of 398 respondents. Mean for the statement relation between mindfulness and workplace day
of carelessness and attention (X̄= 3.42, σ= 0.082) care center. The results of the one sample t-test
shows that maternity break affects on workplace analysis (t= 23.146, df= 397, p value= 0.00)
mindfulness. Other statements such as difficulty in reveals that maternity break of women significantly
concentration (X̄= 2.96, σ= 0.072), anxiety and affect on mindfulness at workplace.
Table 2 gives the group statistics for understanding For testing the relation between mindfulness and
the relation between mindfulness and workplace workplace day care center an online study
day care center. For recognizing the mindfulness at employing a 5×5 (Mindfulness and day care center
workplace as a result of workplace day care center [emotional stability, physical and mental health,
5 factors are analyzed. Cronbach’s alpha test is attentiveness, childcare responsibility, stress
done to see the validity and internal consistency of management] × Agreement level [Strongly
the data, Cronbach’s α for the same was 0.732. disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly
Mindfulness as a result of day care center was disagree]) was conducted using sample of 398
checked by mean (X̄) and standard deviation (σ). respondents. Mean for the statement of emotional
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3579
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
stability (X̄= 3.71, σ= 0.060) shows that For testing the hypothesis (H2) one sample (one
mindfulness and workplace day care center are sided, i.e. H2: µ>15) t-test was performed.
related to each other. Other statements such as Researchers have only considered p values for
physical and mental health (X̄= 3.76, σ= 0.057), testing the sample and hypothesis, which indicates
attentiveness (X̄= 3.80, σ= 0.059), childcare relation between mindfulness and workplace day
responsibility (X̄= 3.16, σ= 0.071), stress care center. The results of the one sample t-test
management (X̄= 2.96, σ= 0.068) also converges analysis (t= 11.876, df= 397, p value= 0.00)
towards agree level of acceptance. It shows that reveals that workplace day care center and
workplace day care center and mindfulness is mindfulness are related with other.
associated with each other positively.
Table 3 gives the group statistics for understanding workplace day care center and employee
the relation between workplace day care center and engagement are related to each other.
employee engagement. For recognizing the relation
between workplace day care center and employee Other statements such as motivation (X̄= 3.16, σ=
engagement 6 factors are analyzed. Cronbach’s 0.070), excitement (X̄= 3.66, σ= 0.054), absorption
alpha test is done to see the validity and internal (X̄= 3.65, σ= 0.060), enthusiasm and dedication
consistency of the data, Cronbach’s α for the same (X̄= 3.56, σ= 0.065), empowerment (X̄= 3.88, σ=
was 0.984. relation between workplace day care 0.047) also converges towards agree level of
center and employee engagement was checked by acceptance. It shows that workplace day care center
mean (X̄) and standard deviation (σ). For testing the and employee engagement have a relation with
relation between mindfulness and workplace day each other.
care center an online study employing a 6×5
(workplace day care center and employee For testing the hypothesis (H3) one sample (one
engagement [career development, motivation, sided, i.e. H3: µ>18) t-test was performed.
excitement, absorption, enthusiasm and dedication, Researchers have only considered p values for
empowerment] × Agreement level [Strongly testing the sample and hypothesis, which indicates
disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly relation between workplace day care center and
disagree]) was conducted using sample of 398 employee engagement. The results of the one
respondents. Mean for the statement of career sample t-test analysis (t= 11.416, df= 397, p
development (X̄= 3.90, σ= 0.048) shows that value= 0.00) reveals that workplace day care center
and employee engagement are related with other.
Table 4 gives the group statistics for understanding (X̄= 4.41, σ= 0.037), feeling and sensing (X̄= 4.40,
the relation between employee engagement and σ= 0.038) also converges towards agree level of
mindfulness. For recognizing the relation between acceptance. It shows that mindfulness and
employee engagement and mindfulness 6 factors employee engagement have a relation with each
are analyzed. Cronbach’s alpha test is done to see other.
the validity and internal consistency of the data,
Cronbach’s α for the same was 0.829. Relation For testing the hypothesis (H4) one sample (one
between employee engagement and mindfulness sided, i.e. H4: µ>18) t-test was performed.
was checked by mean (X̄) and standard deviation Researchers have only considered p values for
(σ). For testing the relation between mindfulness testing the sample and hypothesis, which indicates
and workplace day care center an online study relation between mindfulness at workplace and
employing a 6×5 (mindfulness and employee employee engagement. The results of the one
engagement [Mental resilience and energy, sample t-test analysis (t= 29.904, df= 397, p
Dedication, absorption level, pride and inspiration, value= 0.00) reveals that mindfulness at workplace
engrossment, feeling and sensing] × Agreement and employee engagement are related with other.
level [Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree,
strongly disagree]) was conducted using sample of Multiple Regression Analysis:
398 respondents. Mean for the statement of Mental The main purpose of Multiple Regression Analysis
resilience and energy (X̄= 3.66, σ= 0.059) shows is to recognise the relation of Workplace Day care
that mindfulness and employee engagement are centers, Employee Engagement (independent
related to each other. variables) with Mindfulness at workplace (latent
variable). The results are obtained in the analysis
Other statements such as dedication (X̄= 3.82, σ= with using IBM SPSS 25. The following data is
0.057), absorption level (X̄= 4.19, σ= 0.047), pride required to perform the analysis.
and inspiration (X̄= 4.02, σ= 0.053), engrossment
The P-P Plot of Normality Test is the cumulative residuals completely fall straightly on the line of
probability plots of residuals which is used to judge distribution, which indicates a normal distribution
whether the distribution of variables is consistent of residuals. Normality of the data is a prerequisite
with a specified distribution. Normally distributed step for the further analysis. Taking into account
residuals are considered to be standardized. So, normality of the data Multiple Regression Analysis
standardized residuals scatters should either fall on is applied with the following model.
distribution line or should be tightly close to it.
Figure 2 P-P plot shows that initially, scatters of the Mindfulness at workplace ~ Workplace Day care
residuals are nearer to the line and afterwards center + Employee Engagement
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3581
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
Ŷ = Mindfulness at workplace,
x1 = Workplace Day care center,
x2 = Employee Engagement,
e = Error
Table 6: Goodness of Fit Measure -Model Summary
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.981 0.963 0.962 0.716
Table 6 indicates the goodness of fit measure for engagement, workplace day care center. It is an
the regression model. The coefficients of indication of the model fit. Further analysis of
determination R squared indicates the percentage variance for multiple regressions is explained
of variance in the dependent variable (mindfulness below.
at workplace) that the independent variables
(workplace daycare center and employee The coefficient of determination R2 indicating the
engagement) describe jointly. The strength of the percent of how much of the total variance is
relationship is explained by R2 on a convenient explained by the independent variable is 99.80%
scale of 0-100%. In the above statistics, the (Table 3). The analysis of variance for multiple
coefficient of determination R2 is 0.963 (R2 >0.60), regression will be made starting from the following
which indicates a strong relationship (96.3%) results:
between mindfulness at workplace and employee
Table 7 test the validity of multiple regression engagement). So, applied regression model is
model. For the same analysis of variance ANOVA significant and the included slopes are not equal to
is calculated to see whether regression coefficients zero.
of independent variables are equal with zero or not.
It also explains whether the explained variance is Limitations and further research scope
an outcome of a random or not. The above data Results of the study are based on cross sectional
value of the calculated F is 5094.246 for the data collected from women employees after
variance produced in the regression. In this model maternity break. Although the present study
p value is 0.000(0.00< 0.05), which indicates the hypothesizes the positive relation between
significance of model. It means that significance of mindfulness at workplace and presence of daycare
multiple regression model occurs over dependent and engagement at workplace, it is possible that
variable (workplace daycare center and employee these relations may have other direction due to the
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 3574 – 3585 3582
Examining Relationship Of Workplace Mindfulness With Workplace Daycare
Center And Employee Engagement. Section A-Research paper
varied factors affecting mindfulness at workplace. this research women workforce can be increased
Further it is required to determine whether the thereby adding more working hands to the overall
relationship between mindfulness with daycare and economic development of a country. Education
employee engagement at workplace hold in other industry will be benefited as it is majorly
industry setups. The future scope for carrying out dominated by female employees. Their
such research includes study of workplace engagement levels can be improved by setting up
mindfulness with various dimensions of day care centers surrounding their work areas.
engagement after maternity break. Policy makers can also create ideas and options in
reference to setting up of public private day care
Conclusion centers in partnership. Further, the study of
There are myriad benefits of having workplace day mindfulness is still in its beginner stage and our
care centers on the overall mindfulness and results propose a number of opportunities for
engagement levels of employees. This study also further exploration.
suggests that the females being more anxious and
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