Unit 4 b2b and Services Marketing

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Unit 4


Dr. Anand Vyas
Service Design: Services vis-à-vis goods,
Service design is the coordination and
combination of people, communication, and
material components to create quality service.
Product design is the combination of
manufacturing capabilities with product and
business knowledge to convert ideas into
physical and usable objects.
Service Design
Service Design is a human-centred approach
that focuses on customer experience and the
quality of service encounter as the key value
for success. Service Design is a holistic
approach, which considers in an integrated way
strategic, system, process and touchpoint design
Customer Expectations and
Perceptions of Services
Between each customer's expectations and
perceptions are gaps. The larger the gap, the
more likely to create unsatisfied customers. If
customers have low expectations of you, it is not
hard to meet them. If the customer's
expectations are high and you don't meet or
exceed them, they may go elsewhere
the Gaps Model of Service Quality.
The GAP Model of Service quality helps to
identify the gaps between the perceived
service and the expected service. Five Gaps
occur in the Service Delivery Process Like The
gap between Customer Expectation and
Management Perception, Service Quality
Specification and Management Perception and
many more.
Service innovation & Design,
Service design innovation is the creative
application of design thinking methods to the
development of services. Just as products are
designed in product design, concepts for
services are developed in service design. Either
existing services can be improved or completely
new services can be created
Customer Defined Service Standards
The standards cover all the points of contact
the business may have with the customer. In a
sense, they are the expectations or rules for
conduct in any customer transaction and how
you want customers to feel about their
experience with your company.
Physical Evidence
•Physical evidence refers to everything your
customers see when interacting with your
business. This includes: the physical
environment where you provide the product or
service. the layout or interior design. your

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