Thread Root Radius

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ANUL XXI, NR. 1, 2014, ISSN 1453 - 7397

Vasile Cojocaru, Zoltan Iosif Korka

Influence of Thread Root Radius on Maximum Local

Stresses at Large Diameter Bolts under Axial Load-

In the thread root area of the threaded bolts submitted to axial loading
occur local stresses, higher that nominal stresses calculated for the
bolts. These local stresses can generate failure and can reduce the fa-
tigue life of the parts. The paper is focused on the study of the influ-
ence of the thread root radius on the maximum local stresses. A large
diameter trapezoidal bolt was subjected to a static analysis (axial load-
ing) using finite element simulation.

Keywords: threaded bolts, local stress, FEM analysis, 2D simplification

1. Introduction

Threaded connections are components widely used on the mechanical sys-

tems. Due the geometric features and the manufacturing processes [3], [5], [8], in
the thread area of these elements occur high local stresses that exceed the nomi-
nal values obtained by calculus [6], [7], [9]. These local stresses, highlighted by
experimental methods and by finite element simulations can lead to part failure
[3], [10].
The research is focused on the large diameter threaded bolts (nominal diame-
ter over 200 mm) used at the positioning systems of heavy duty mechanical
equipment. Previous researches revealed that the bolts with trapezoidal thread
have a superior behaviour for these applications, compared to the bolts with
square thread [2]. Also the stress distributions revealed that the maximum local
stresses occur in the root area of the trapezoidal thread. These maximum local
stresses vary on the thread turns, the maximum values being located on the first
turn from the contact bolt – nut [2].
A bolt with trapezoidal thread Tr220x36 (figure 1) was subjected to axial load-
ing. The static FEM (finite element method) analysis was made using the Solid
Works Simulation. A 2D planar simplification was used in order to enable the in-

crease of the mesh quality in the area of the thread root. This simplification does
not have a significant influence on the results accuracy and decrease the simula-
tion time, compared to a 3D study [1,3,4].

a) b)
Figure 1. Main parameters of threaded bolt

2. FEM Study Definition

The material used in simulation was the carbon steel grade 1.0577, with the
yield strength Rp0.2≈275 MPa, tensile strength Rm≈480 MPa, Young’s modulus
E=2.1e5 MPa and Poisson's ratio υ=0.28. The model was considered linear elastic
isotropic and the default failure criterion was the maximum von Mises Stress.
The mesh was generated at a maximum element size of 4 mm with a refine-
ment in the fillet area from the thread root (maximum element size of 1 mm). The
mesh details are presented in table 1 and figure 1.

Table 1. Mesh properties

Mesh type Planar 2D Mesh
Mesher used Curvature based mesh
Maximum element size 4.010 mm
Maximum element size on thread root 1.007 mm
Total nodes 33741
Total elements 16426

The fixture (0 DOF) was applied on the end surface of the bolt (figure 2, a).
The axial force (F=260 kN) was applied on six thread turns, on the surface in con-
tact between the bolt and the nut threads (the thread surface between the minor
diameter of the bolt - 182 mm and the minor diameter of the nut – 184 mm, was
not loaded). The bolt was designed with a total length corresponding to 11 thread
turns. The end turns were not summited to loading, in order to remove the influ-
ence of their geometric features on the stress state.

At the trapezoidal turns the edge of intersection between the thread turns and
the minor diameter cylinder represents the main stress concentrator of the thread
[8], [11], [12]. A fillet radius (R – figure 1) was applied on this edge in order to
decrease the maximum local stresses. The radius was varied between 0.1 mm and
0.6 mm, values lower than the gap between the bolt and the nut. This filet can be
manufactured at in thread turning process, using a cutting insert with tip radius.


Figure 2. FEM study definition: a) planar mesh with the force and the fixtures
applied and b) detail on mesh refinement at thread root

3. Results

The stresses (von Mises and axial stresses) obtained for the bolts with the six
values of radius are presented in table 2. The von Mises stress variation ∆σvonMises
=(σvMi - σvM0)—100/σvM0, was referenced to the von Mises stress σvM0, obtained at
the bolts with R=0.1 mm.

Table 2. Stress variation at various thread root radius

Crt. R σvonMises σx σy σz ∆σvonMises
No. [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [%]
1 0.1 114.8 80.3 45 109.4 reference
2 0.2 94.7 71.3 33.2 98.7 -17.51
3 0.3 75.3 58.5 28.1 82.1 -34.41
4 0.4 68.8 50.3 25.4 71.9 -40.07
5 0.5 66 45.4 22.5 69.1 -42.51
6 0.6 63.9 40.2 20.8 59.9 -44.34
The variation of stresses indicates a significant decrease for the bolts with
R=0.6 mm (44.34% lower than for R=0.1). This decrease occurs on all principal
directions (figure 3).

Figure 3. Stresses vs. thread root radius variation

The Von Mises stress distribution for the bolt with R=0.6 mm (figure 4) high-
lights the occurrence of the maximum stress in the thread root area. This distribu-
tion is similar for all six studies.


Figure 4. Von Mises stress variation for the bolt with R=0.6 mm: a) overview
and b) details on the root area of the first thread turn of bolt – nut interface
4. Conclusion

The paper points out the influence of the thread root radius on the maximum
local stresses at a large diameter bolt under axial loading. The analyses were made
using static planar 2D FEM studies. For the bolt with the trapezoidal thread
Tr220x36, the variation of the radius from 0.1 mm to 0.6 mm lead to a decrease of
the maximum local stresses with approximately 44 %. This decrease can improve
the fatigue behaviour of the part.


The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human
Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the
Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132395.


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• Lect. Dr. Eng. Vasile Cojocaru, “Eftimie Murgu” University of ReşiŃa,

PiaŃa Traian Vuia, nr. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa, [email protected]
• Lect. Dr. Eng. Zoltan Iosif Korka, “Eftimie Murgu” University of ReşiŃa,
PiaŃa Traian Vuia, nr. 1-4, 320085, ReşiŃa, [email protected]


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