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6.question Bank

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1. What is bus protocol. (Apr/May-2017)
2. List the functions of ARM processor in supervisor mode(Apr/May-2016)
3. Outline the difference between cache hit and cache miss.
4. Describe the major steps in embedded system design process.
5. Mention the challenges in embedded computing system design. (Nov/Dec-2020).
6. List the non-functional requirements of an Embedded Architecture.
7. What are the basic sources of CMOS power consumption?
8. Compare the difference between the Harvard & Von-Neumann architecture?
9. Determine the average memory access time of a machine whose hit rate 93% with a
cache accesstime of 5ns and main memory access time 80ns.
10. In what way interrupts differ from exceptions. (Nov/Dec-2016)
11. Evaluate the purpose of current program status register (CPSR) and Z-bit.
12. State the major goals of embedded system design.
13. Identify the various issues in real time computing.
14. Distinguish between CISC and RISC
15. Why embedded more suitable for real time applications? (Apr/May-2016)
16. What are the factors govern the performance of CPU performance
17. Give two feature that differ a general purpose microcontroller from an embedded
18. Enumerate some embedded computers that are exists from an origin of the embedded
19. What is the role of microprocessor in embedded computing.(Nov/Dec-2016)
20. How traps are handled in ARM processor(Nov/Dec-2016)
21. Justify that an accelerator is not a coprocessor(Apr/May-2016)
22. What do you mean by quality and quality assurance related to embedded systems?
23. List the design flow used in embedded system design(Nov/Dec-2017).
24. What is the need of microprocessor to embedded system. (Nov/Dec-2020).

1. Analyze the strategies follow on energy and power consumption in
2. Explain about caches and memory management units(Apr/May-2016), (Nov/Dec-
3. Discuss the different factors involved in embedded system design process
4. Illustrate a program segment explain how a character is copied from input to output
with interruptsand buffers.
5. Discuss in detail the design steps Model train controller with the frame format of
6. Explain about caches and memory management units. (Nov/Dec-2016)
7. Adapt the suitable structural and behavioral description for designing an embedded
8. Construct ARM processor architecture along with modes of operation. (Apr/May-
9. Recall the parameters to be considered while designing an Embedded System
Process with anexample.
10. With suitable example, discuss about ARM instruction set.
11. Demonstrate the goal of design methodology in detail. (Nov/Dec-2020).
1. Briefly discuss about the design methodologies for an embedded computing
system(Nov/Dec-2017), (Nov/Dec-2016) .
2. Examine the quality assurance process taken place in the embedded computing
system(Apr/May-2017) (Nov/Dec-2017)
3. With requirements design the Consumer Electronic architecture with an example.
4. Develop the conceptual specifications and detailed specifications written in UML
language to designthe Model Train Controller (Nov/Dec-2017) , (Nov/Dec-2016)
5. Design a model train controller with suitable diagram and
1. List some of the features of ARM processor.
2. Define Instruction Set.
3. State any two data transfer and control flow instructions of ARM processor.
4. List the most notable features of the ARM instruction set.
5. Suggest the rules which apply to ARM data processing instructions.
6. What is meant by conditional execution?
7. List the Functions of ARM processor in supervisor mode.
8. What is the purpose of supervisor mode?
9. State the functions of Co-Processor.
10. Define Stack.
11. Define Subroutine.
12. Difference between stack and stack pointer.
.14. Define ARM7 processor?
15. List some important features of ARM7 processor.
16. Define timer.
17. Define counter.
18. Difference between timer and counter.
19. Define memory width.
20. Define Controllers.
21. List the three different profiles of ARM cortex Processor. (Nov/Dec-2020).
22. Distinguish between single and double edged PWM. (Nov/Dec-2020).
PART-B (13 Marks)
1. Explain the ARM architecture with its modes of operations.
2. Classify the different instruction sets of ARM processor and explain with an example.
3. Explain the concepts of stack and subroutine in ARM.
4. Explain the load store instruction of ARM.
5. Explain about the ARM9 architecture in detail.
6. Discuss about the types of stacks and subroutines supported by ARM processor.
PART- C (15 Marks)
1. Explain the features of LPC 214 X family with data flow diagram.
2. Analyze the functions of UART in ARM processor.
3. Describe the function of PWM and its registers in detail.
4. Write a program to find the sum of 4X+9Y+4Z, where X=2, Y=3 and Z=4 using ARM
Processor instruction set. (Nov/Dec-2020).


1. Compare Harvard and Von Neumann architecture
2. Show the basic building block of most bus protocol.
3. Illustrate the disadvantages of nested loops in embedded programs(Apr/May-2017)
4. List the importance of registers used in the DMA controller.
5. Distinguish between data flow graph and control data flow graph (Nov/Dec-2016)
6. How power can be optimized at the program level?
7. Compare static and dynamic RAM (Nov/Dec-2016)
8. What are the types of storage devices?
9. Differentiate compiler and cross compiler. (Nov/Dec-2020).
10. List out the various compilation techniques.
11. How the program validation can be done? (Apr/May-2016)
12. Define data flow graph.
13. State the important stages of DMA
14. What does a linker do?
15. Show the structure of typical CPU bus which supports read and write(Apr/May-
16. Construct the data flow graph for the block shown in below. r=a+b-c; s=a*r;
17. Define semaphore.(Apr/May-2017)
18. Write the basic principles of basic compilation techniques.
19. Mention the different types of data transfer in USB
20. How the power optimization can be done? (Nov/Dec-2017)
21. Mention the different component for embedded Programs. (Nov/Dec-2020).
1. Explain the components involved in embedded program design.
2. Discuss in detail about the fundamental model for program development
3. List out the functions of assemblers and linkers in compilation process.
4. Design the system bus configuration and explain the bus protocol
5. With a suitable example, explain how debugging is carried out using debuggers.
6. Elaborate the architecture designing in detail with computing platform
7. Discuss in detail about the platform level performance analysis in CPU.
8. Design and develop a suitable testing process involved in developing in embedded
9. Explain the operation of DMA controller
10. Discuss in detail about AMBA bus
1. Elaborate in detail the optimization of energy and power of an embedded system.
2. Outline the basic compilation techniques with ARM code example. (Nov/Dec-
2017) (Nov/Dec-2020).
3. Describe the basic types of memory components used in embedded system.
4. Discuss in detail the program level embedded system performance analysis and
explain the optimization of program level energy, power and program size.
(Apr/May-2016), (Apr/May-2017) (Nov/Dec-2016)and (Nov/Dec-2020).


1.Define Operating system.
2. Define Real Time Operating System.
3. Define Real Time System.
4. What are the types of Real Time Operating System?
5. What are the functions of RTOS?
6. What are the responsibilities of RTOS?
7. Define pipeline.
8. Define cache memory.
9. Define virtual memory.
10. Define Task.
11. Define Deadline.
12. Define Process Scheduling.
13. What are the types of Schedule?
14. Define Rate Monotonic Scheduling.
15. What are the properties of RM?
16. Define Priority Inversion.
17. What is meant by fault latency?
18. What is meant by Error recovery?
19. Define Fail safe.
20. Define containment.
21. Define performance measures for real time systems. (Nov/Dec-2020).
22. Outline the definition for a schedule as a function. (Nov/Dec-2020).

1. Explain the real time system functions and responsibilities system with its type.
2. Draw and explain the structure of real time system with its type. (Nov/Dec-2020).
3. Discuss about fault tolerance techniques and its functions.
4. Describe about the estimating program run times.
5. Describe task assignment and scheduling.
6. Criticize on reliability models for hardware redundancy (Nov/Dec-2020).
1. Brief about the failure causes and types of faults.
2. Explain about the Redundancy and its importance.
3. Discuss about the clock synchronization.



1. List the advantages and limitations of priority based process scheduling (Nov/Dec-
2017, Nov/Dec-2020).
2. State the major functions of POSIX RTOS. (Nov/Dec-2017)
3. Define tasks and processes(Nov/Dec-2016)
4. Write about scheduling states present in the embedded system design(Nov/Dec-
5. Give an example for data dependencies
6. Compare between a process and thread.
7. What are the classes in data compressor(Nov/Dec-2016)
8. What do you understand the concept of priority inversion(Apr/May-2017)
9. Specify the MPEG layer-1 data frame format set for the audio player
10. Define semaphore
11. Summarize the importance of tasks and processes in embedded system
12. Define context switching mechanism
13. Illustrate about scheduling state present in the embedded system design
14. Give any two properties of RTOS.
15. Define process state: waiting, reading, executing. (Apr/May-2016)
16. Give examples of blocking and Non-blocking inter process communication.
17. Evaluate the communication among processes which runs at different rates
18. What are the strategies followed in power optimization. (Apr/May-2016)
19. Write the main functions performed by video accelerator(Nov/Dec-2017)
20. Give example of real time operating systems.
21. What is meant by message passing?
22. Frame the two different styles used for inter process communication.
23. Compare RMA and EDF scheduling
24. What are the advantages of video accelerator? (Apr/May-2017)
25. What is the need of software and hardware co design required in a data compressor?
(Apr/May-2016) (Apr/May-2017)
26. Draw the block diagram of Distributed embedded system(Nov/Dec-2017)
27. Give example of internet enabled system(Nov/Dec-2016).
28. List out some of the verification requirements and specification related to the design
29. Infer the role of CRC bits in CAN bus(Apr/May-2017)
30. What is priority inheritance and priority inversion? (Nov/Dec-2020).
1. Compare the principle, merits and limitations inter-process communication
(Apr/May-2016) (Apr/May-2017) (Nov/Dec-2017)
2. Adapt the suitable power optimization strategies in embedded system(Apr/May-
2017) (Nov/Dec-2017)
3. Discuss about the features and services of windows CE real time operating
4. Recall the performance of the Earliest – Deadline – First scheduling with other
schedulingalgorithms with suitable example. (Apr/May-2017)
5. Explain preemptive real time operating systems in detail (Nov/Dec-2017)
6. Construct real time operating system called POSIX with suitable example.
7. Evaluate the performance of rate monotonic scheduling with an example(Nov/Dec-
8. Recall the performance of the RMA scheduling algorithms.
9. Enumerate the context switch mechanism for moving the CPU from one executing
process to another executing process
10. Mention the special features of POSIX with neat diagram.
11. Demonstrate in detail about the embedded systems depends on multirate systems.
12. Explain the concepts of MPsOC and Shared memory multiprocessors used in
embedded application. (Nov/Dec-2020).
13. Illustrate in detail about
i) Characteristics of distributed embedded system.
ii) Architecture of Distributed Embedded Systems with neat sketches. (Nov/Dec-

14.Illustrate video accelerator using UML methodlogy, from design flow analysis to
architecture design. (Nov/Dec-2020).

1. With a neat diagram, describe the typical bus transactions on the I2C
2. Discuss in detail about CAN bus protocol with necessary diagrams. (Apr/May-
3. Explain Multitasking, Multiple Process in embedded platform. (Apr/May-2016)
4. Describe in detail about the principle of operation of audio player (Nov/Dec-2017)
5. Justify the Engine Control Unit is an embedded system. Explain in detail the
hardware and software components of engine control unit. (Apr/May-2017)
6. Enumerate about Internet enabled Systems in detail. (Apr/May-2016) , (Nov/Dec-

Staff In-Charge HOD/ECE

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