Imqe Elar 3-8 Rubric

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Texas Resource Review (TRR)

English Language Arts and Reading 3 – 8

Top performers in many fields note that the best way to increase productivity is to improve tools. For Texas school districts and schools, this means
selecting high-quality instructional materials is critical to improving student achievement. This notion is backed by a growing body of research
showing that using high-quality instructional materials is one of the most successful and cost-effective ways to improve student outcomes. Districts
often find that determining the quality of materials that are the best fit for their students is a time intensive and uncertain process. This leaves
many districts asking, “How can we give our classrooms better resources?”

To help districts answer this question, in 2017, the Texas legislature instructed the Texas Education Agency to facilitate an independent analysis of
the quality of instructional materials (Texas Education Code § 31.081 and § 31.082). This process, called the Texas Resource Review (TRR), will
empower and strengthen local decision-making and make it easier for educators at all levels to attend to the specific, unique needs of their
students. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will have complete autonomy to decide if and how they use the reviews as part of their local review and
adoption processes.

Overview of the Process

A series of steps will be completed to ensure reviews provide districts with clear, transparent, and user-friendly information about the quality of
instructional materials. A high-level overview of the steps is included in the graphic below:

1. Develop 2. Select Review 3. Determine 4. Evaluate 5. Oversee 6. Validate 7. Publish

Rubric Teams TEKS and ELPS Materials Appeals Reviews Reviews
•In collaboration •Recruit, select, and Alignment •Reviewers •Publishers receive •Education Service •Final reviews are
with Texas train diverse teams •Materials undergo evaluate materials, completed reviews Centers validate published on the
educators, rubrics of Texas educators, a TEKS & ELPS collect evidence, and may appeal, reviews to ensure TRR website that is
are designed to including teachers verification and meet weekly comment, or make evidence is free to access for
align with the and administrators, outlined by the to reach consensus minor revisions for sufficient to school systems
Texas standards. to serve as SBOE process to and draft reviews. re-review. support findings. and the general
All completed reviewers. determine percent public.
reviews will include alignment with
the percent of TEKS TEKS and ELPS.
and ELPS coverage.

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Overview of the Rubric Design

Rubric Structure Category: Broadest level of the rubric

The rubric is arranged by category, section, subsection,
indicator, and guidance. The categories are the broadest Section: Major topic(s) within a category
level of the rubric and serve as its foundation. Within each
Subsection*: Grouping of related topics/themes within a section
category are nested sections, subsections, indicators, and
guidance that provide additional details and greater clarity Indicator: Focused item(s) for review within a section or subsection
for review items.
*Note: Not all sections contain subsections Guidance: Description for how indicators are met

The rubric’s categories inform LEAs about essential components of instructional material products.

Category Description
This category focuses on the SBOE’s TEKS and ELPS alignment review of instructional
materials. The TRR compliments the SBOE review process and presents its results in the
State Board of Education (SBOE) Review overall quality report. The SBOE review process results in a percentage of TEKS and ELPS
coverage and establishes if materials meet or do not meet requirements for state adoption.

This category focus on how well standards are addressed by instructional materials. Sections
Content and Instructional Concepts within this category evaluate guidance for effective teaching and learning specific to the

This category focuses on aspects of instructional materials that directly relate to tools and
Educator Supports resources for supporting instruction. Sections within this category focus on the guidance and
support students and educators need to ensure all students learn and succeed.

This category provides information on technology, cost, professional learning, and additional
Additional Information language supports as shared by the publisher.

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Scoring Methodology
Quality evaluations are intended to support LEAs in making decisions that best meet their local context. To provide LEAs clear, transparent, and
user-friendly information, instructional materials are scored points at the indicator level and then totaled for the section. A percentage score is
calculated based on the points awarded for each section. Each score value is supported by evidence collected, the evidence is published in final
reports. Sections within the rubric are scored based on the table below.

ELAR Grades 3 – 5 Scoring

The following provides an overview of the scoring methodology proposed to support LEAs in their review, adoption, and purchasing decisions.
Category Section Number of Indicators Total Possible Points Display on Report
1. TEKS and ELPS Meets/Does Not Meet %TEKS
SBOE Review Process Alignment
SBOE Criteria % ELPS
2. Texts 3 indicators 12 points % of total section points
3. Literacy Practices and
Content and Instructional Text Interactions
13 indicators 46 points % of total section points
Concepts 4. Developing and
Sustaining Foundational 3 indicators 12 points % of total section points
5. Supports for All
3 indicators 6 points % of total section points
Educator Support
6. Implementation 5 indicators 8 points % of total section points

7. Additional Information:
Technology, Cost,
Additional Information Professional Learning, N/A No point value Information Provided
and Additional
Language Supports

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ELAR Grades 6 – 8 Scoring
The following provides an overview of the scoring methodology proposed to support LEAs in their review, adoption, and purchasing decisions.
Category Section Number of Indicators Total Possible Points Display on Report
1. TEKS and ELPS Meets/Does Not Meet %TEKS
SBOE Review Process Alignment
SBOE Criteria % ELPS
2. Texts 3 indicators 12 points % of total section points
3. Literacy Practices and
Content and Instructional Text Interactions
12 indicators 45 points % of total section points
Concepts 4. Developing and
Sustaining Foundational N/A N/A % of total section points
5. Supports for All
3 indicators 6 points % of total section points
Educator Support
6. Implementation 5 indicators 8 points % of total section points

7. Additional Information:
Technology, Cost,
Additional Information Professional Learning, N/A No point value Information Provided
and Additional
Language Supports

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❶ Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and English Language Proficiency Standards Alignment
State review panel members review instructional materials to determine the extent to which the TEKS and ELPS are covered and to identify
factual errors. To be eligible for adoption, instructional materials must meet at least 50% of the TEKS and 100% of the required ELPS in the
components intended for student use and the components intended for teacher use, be free from factual error, meet manufacturing
specifications, be suitable for the intended course and grade level, and be reviewed by academic experts. The review results in four outputs
related to the percentage of TEKS and ELPS present in materials designed for teacher and student use as seen below: Student TEKS, Teacher
TEKS, Student ELPS, and Teacher ELPS. All materials must be reviewed for TEKS & ELPS Alignment.

Category Student TEKS Teacher TEKS Student ELPS Teacher ELPS

Does Not Meet SBOE Requirement <50% <50% <100% <100%
Meets Minimum SBOE Requirement 50-79% 50-79% 100% 100%
TEA Recommended Percentages 80%+ 80%+ 100% 100%

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❷ Texts (what students read, see, and hear)
Materials must include a wide variety and range of high-quality literary and informational texts that are appropriately challenging for the grade.

Indicator Guidance Scoring

2.1 Materials include high-quality texts for • The texts are well-crafted, representing the quality of content, language, and 0/2/4
ELAR instruction and cover a range of writing that is produced by experts in various disciplines.
student interests. • Materials include increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical,
and diverse texts.

2.2 Materials include a variety of text types • Text types must include those outlined for specific grades by the TEKS: 0/2/4
and genres across content that meet o Literary texts must include those outlined for specific grades.
the requirements of the TEKS for each o Informational texts include texts of information, exposition,
grade level. argument, procedures, and documents as outlined in the TEKS.
• Materials include print and graphic features of a variety of texts.

2.3 Texts are appropriately challenging and • Texts are accompanied by a text-complexity analysis provided by the 0/2/4
are at an appropriate level of publisher.
complexity to support students at their • Texts are at the appropriate quantitative levels and qualitative features for
grade level. the grade level.

Grades 3 – 5 Total Points Possible: 12

Grades 6 – 8 Total Points Possible: 12

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❸ Literacy Practices and Text Interactions
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Thinking, Inquiry, and Research
Materials include instruction and practice for the grade and grade-band-specific skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking.
Materials provide questions and tasks for students to both develop and deepen comprehension of texts and topics. Students demonstrate grade-
level literacy skills through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking opportunities that require use of text evidence for response.
Materials contain interconnected questions and tasks that build student knowledge. Tasks integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and
thinking (including components of vocabulary, syntax, and fluency, as needed) and provide opportunities for increased independence.

3.A Reading: Questions and Tasks

Indicator Guidance Scoring
3.A.1 Materials contain questions and tasks • Most questions and tasks build conceptual knowledge, are text- 0/2/4
that support students in analyzing and specific/dependent, target complex elements of the texts, and integrate
integrating knowledge, ideas, themes, multiple TEKS.
and connections within and across • Questions and tasks require students to
texts. ○ make connections to personal experiences, other texts, and the world
around them and
○ identify and discuss important big ideas, themes, and details.

3.A.2 Materials contain questions and tasks • Questions and tasks support students’ analysis of the literary/textual elements 0/2/4
that require students to analyze the of texts by asking students to
language, key ideas, details, craft, and ○ analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the author's
structure of individual texts. purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide
evidence from the text to support their understanding;
○ compare and contrast the stated or implied purposes of different
authors’ writing on the same topic;
○ analyze the author's choices and how they influence and communicate
meaning (in single and across a variety of texts); and
○ ask students to study the language within texts to support their

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3.A.3 Materials include a cohesive, year-long • Materials include a year-long plan for building academic vocabulary, including 0/2/4
plan for students to interact with and ways to apply words in appropriate contexts.
build key academic vocabulary in and • Materials include scaffolds and supports for teachers to differentiate
across texts. vocabulary development for all learners.

3.A.4 Materials include a clearly defined plan • Procedures and/or protocols, along with adequate support for teachers, are 0/1
to support and hold students provided to foster independent reading.
accountable as they engage in • Materials provide a plan for students to self-select texts and read
independent reading. independently for a sustained period of time, including planning and
accountability for achieving independent reading goals.

3.B Writing
Indicator Guidance Scoring
3.B.1 Materials provide support for students • Materials provide students opportunities to write literary texts to express 0/2/4
to develop composition skills across their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people, events, and ideas.
multiple text types for a variety of • Materials provide students opportunities to write informational texts to
purposes and audiences. communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific
• Materials provide students opportunities to write argumentative texts to
influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues.
• Materials provide students opportunities to write correspondence in a
professional or friendly structure.

3.B.2 Most written tasks require students to • Materials provide opportunities for students to use evidence from texts to 0/2/4
use clear and concise information and support their opinions and claims.
well-defended text-supported claims • Materials provide opportunities for students to demonstrate in writing what
to demonstrate the knowledge gained they have learned through reading and listening to texts.
through analysis and synthesis of texts.

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3.B.3 Over the course of the year, • Materials facilitate students’ coherent use of the elements of the writing 0/2/4
composition convention skills are process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
applied in increasingly complex • Materials provide opportunities for practice and application of the
contexts, with opportunities for conventions of academic language when speaking and writing, including
students to publish their writing. punctuation and grammar.
• Grammar, punctuation, and usage are taught systematically, both in and out
of context, and materials provide editing practice in students’ own writing as
the year continues.

3.B.4 Materials include practice for students • Materials include instruction in cursive handwriting for students in the 0/1
to write legibly in cursive. appropriate grade(s).
(Grades 3-5 only) • Materials include a plan for procedures and supports for teachers to assess
students’ handwriting development.

3.C Speaking and Listening

Indicator Guidance Scoring
3.C.1 Materials support students’ listening • Speaking and listening opportunities are focused on the text(s) being studied 0/2/4
and speaking about texts. in class, allowing students to demonstrate comprehension.
• Most oral tasks require students to use clear and concise information and
well-defended text-supported claims to demonstrate the knowledge gained
through analysis and synthesis of texts.

3.C.2 Materials engage students in • Materials provide guidance and practice with grade-level protocols for 0/2/4
productive teamwork and in student- discussion to express their own thinking.
led discussions, in both formal and • Materials provide opportunities for students to give organized
informal settings. presentations/performances and speak in a clear and concise manner using
the conventions of language.

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3.D Inquiry and Research
Indicator Guidance Scoring
3.D.1 Materials engage students in both • Materials support identification and summary of high-quality primary and 0/2/4
short-term and sustained recursive secondary sources.
inquiry processes to confront and • Materials support student practice in organizing and presenting their ideas
analyze various aspects of a topic using and information in accordance with the purpose of the research and the
relevant sources. appropriate grade level audience.

3.E Integration of ELAR Skills

Indicator Guidance Scoring
3.E.1 Materials contain interconnected • Questions and tasks are designed to help students build and apply knowledge 0/2/4
tasks that build student knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language.
and provide opportunities for • Materials contain a coherently sequenced set of high-quality, text-dependent
increased independence. questions and tasks that require students to analyze the integration of
knowledge and ideas within individual texts as well as across multiple texts.
• Tasks integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking; include
components of vocabulary, syntax, and fluency, as needed; and provide
opportunities for increased independence.

3.E.2 Materials provide spiraling and • Materials support distributed practice over the course of the year. 0/2/4
scaffolded practice. • Design includes scaffolds for students to demonstrate integration of literacy
skills that spiral over the school year.

Grades 3 – 5 Total Points Possible: 46

Grades 6 – 8 Total Points Possible: 45

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❹ Developing and Sustaining Foundational Literacy Skills (Grades 3 – 5 Only)
Materials follow a sequence of appropriate foundational skills instruction indicated by the TEKS while providing abundant opportunities for every
student to become proficient in each of the foundational skills.

Indicator Guidance Scoring

4.1 Materials provide systematic instruction • Materials include a research-based sequence of grade-level foundational 0/2/4
and practice of foundational skills, skills instruction and opportunities for sufficient student practice to achieve
including opportunities for phonics and grade-level mastery.
word analysis skills (e.g., examination • Materials systematically develop knowledge of grade-level phonics patterns
of grade-level prefixes and suffixes, and word analysis skills as delineated in the TEKS for grades 3-5.
decoding of multisyllabic words by using • Materials provide opportunities for students to practice grade-level word
syllabication, and automaticity with recognition skills to promote automaticity.
grade-level regular and irregular spelling • Materials provide opportunities for students to practice and apply word
patterns). analysis skills both in and out of context.
• Materials include building spelling knowledge as identified in the TEKS.
• Materials specifically attend to supporting students in need of effective

4.2 Materials include diagnostic tools and • Materials include tools to support and direct teachers to assess students’ 0/2/4
provide opportunities to assess student growth in, and mastery of, foundational skills (e.g., skill gaps in phonics and
mastery, in and out of context, at decoding) both in and out of context.
regular intervals for teachers to make • Materials support teachers with guidance and direction to respond to
instructional adjustments. individual students’ literacy needs, based on tools and assessments
appropriate to the grade level.
• Materials support the teacher in working with students to self-monitor, use
context to confirm or self-correct understanding, and employ rereading
when appropriate.

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4.3 Materials provide frequent • Materials provide students opportunities to read grade-level texts as they 0/2/4
opportunities for students to practice make meaning and build foundational skills.
and develop oral and silent reading • Materials include explicit instruction in fluency, including phrasing,
fluency while reading a wide variety of intonation, expression, and accuracy.
grade-appropriate texts at the • Materials provide opportunities and routines for teachers to regularly
appropriate rate with accuracy and monitor and provide corrective feedback on phrasing, intonation, expression,
expression to support comprehension. and accuracy.

Grades 3 – 5 Total Points Possible: 12

Grades 6 – 8 Total Points Possible: N/A

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❺ Supports for All Learners
Materials provide guidance and support that help teachers meet the diverse learning needs of all students.

Indicator Guidance Scoring

5.1 Materials include supports for students • Materials provide planning and learning opportunities (including extensions 0/1/2
who demonstrate proficiency above and differentiation) for students who demonstrate literacy skills above that
grade-level. expected at the grade level.

5.2 Materials include supports for students • Materials provide planning and learning opportunities (including extensions 0/1/2
who perform below grade-level to and differentiation) for students who demonstrate literacy skills below that
ensure they are meeting the grade expected at the grade level.
level literacy standards.

5.3 Materials include supports for English • Materials must include accommodations for linguistics (communicated, 0/1/2
Learners (EL) to meet grade-level sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with various levels of English
learning expectations. language proficiency as defined by the ELPs.
• Materials provide scaffolds such as adapted text, translations, native language
support, cognates, summaries, pictures, realia, glossaries, bilingual
dictionaries, thesauri, and other modes of comprehensible input.
• Materials encourage strategic use of students’ first language as a means to
linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic development in English (e.g., to
enhance vocabulary development).
• Vocabulary is developed in the context of connected discourse.

Grades 3 – 5 Total Points Possible: 6

Grades 6 – 8 Total Points Possible: 6

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❻ Implementation
Ease of Use and Supports for Implementation
Materials provide support for implementation including clear and easy-to-follow guidance and support for teachers.

Indicator Guidance Scoring

6.1 Materials include assessment and • Formative and summative assessments are aligned in purpose, intended use, 0/1/2
guidance for teachers and and TEKS emphasis.
administrators to monitor progress • Assessments and scoring information provide sufficient guidance for
including how to interpret and act on interpreting and responding to student performance.
data yielded. • Assessments are connected to the regular content to support student

6.2 Materials include year-long plans and • Materials provide an overarching year-long plan for teachers to engage 0/1/2
supports for teachers to identify needs students in multiple grouping (and other) structures. Plans are
of students and provide differentiated comprehensive and attend to differentiation to support students via many
instruction to meet the needs of a learning opportunities.
range of learners to ensure grade-level • Teacher edition materials include annotations and support for engaging
success. students in the materials, as well as support for implementing ancillary and
resource materials and student progress components.
• Annotations and ancillary materials provide support for student learning and
assistance for teachers.

6.3 Materials include implementation • Materials are accompanied by a TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining 0/1/2
support for teachers and the essential knowledge and skills that are taught in the program, the order
administrators. in which they are presented, and how knowledge and skills build and connect
across grade levels.
• Materials include additional supports to help teachers implement the
materials as intended.
• Materials include additional supports to help administrators support
teachers in implementing the materials as intended.
• Materials include a school years’ worth of literacy instruction, including
realistic pacing guidance and routines and support for both 180-day and 220-
day schedules.

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6.4 The visual design of the student edition • Materials include appropriate use of white space and design that supports 0/1/2
(whether in print or digital) is neither and does not distract from student learning.
distracting nor chaotic. • Pictures and graphics are supportive of student learning and engagement
without being visually distracting.

6.5 If present, technology components NOT

included are appropriate for grade level • Technology, if present, supports and enhances student learning as SCORED
students and provide support for appropriate, as opposed to distracting from it, and includes appropriate
learning. teacher guidance.

Total Points Possible: 8

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❼ Additional Information
The following information will appear on the Texas Resource Review website, providing additional information about the set of materials being

Indicator Guidance Scoring

7.1 Technology components are identified • Technology checklist is completed. NOT
per the information requirement SCORED
7.2 Cost worksheet completed. • Cost worksheet is completed. NOT

7.3 Professional learning opportunities • Professional learning indicators built by TEA. NOT
meet criteria for implementation. SCORED

7.4 Additional language supports • Additional language worksheet is completed. NOT

worksheet completed. SCORED

Total Points Possible: N/A

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Note: TEA is currently developing a Glossary of Terms and Supporting Research List for each newly developed rubric. As part of the development
process, TEA will work in coordination with relevant educator associations and councils to gather input and feedback.

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