Le Mereghn
Le Mereghn
Le Mereghn
The Mereghn
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Original text : Laurence Whitaker
Translation and adaptation : Kurgan
Proofreading : Gungnir
Layout : Aegis
The Mereghn
“Assassins are easy to hire, especially Objective and
to Bakshaan,” Elric pointed out softly.
— The Thief of Souls
The name, 'Mereghn', comes from the Low
“The most indispensable members of the community,”
Melnibonean word for 'information': mereghn'iagn.
is Elric's view of assassins. And while it is easy for
Ultimately, information is what Mereghn is all about,
anyone with a predilection for murder to become a
because knowledge is power. The Mereghn's job is to
murderer themselves, there are also those who consider
collect gossip, rumors, secrets, contracts, political
what they do to be not only essential, but indispensable.
machinations, betrayals and all manner of information
The Mereghn is one such group, but it is not a simple
that can be exchanged. They do this by maintaining a
guild of hitmen. It constitutes an entire secret and
vast network of informants, spies and eavesdroppers,
manipulative network, selling information or death to
who are paid to report everything they see, hear or
the highest bidder.
learn to the shadowy council of the Nine of the Mere-
Mereghn flourishes in all Ilmioran city-states.
Originally from Bakshaan, he is influential in Ilmar and
The Council of Nine takes great care to check and
Karlaak and has even expanded his activities in Vilmir.
Overseas, the Mereghn's influence is not as vast, but it recheck what it learns so that the information can then
be resold at the right price,
has spies
to all those who are willing to pay for them. nemi. When Melniboné finally withdrew from the
Because the Mereghn network is so vast, people northern continent, it was a victory, not by
approach it with the goal of finding very specific weapons, but by disinformation, trickery, and their
news or otherwise disseminating it. As long as subtle use to undermine the enemy's confidence.
the conditions are met and he is paid, the Mereghn When the Glorious Empire retreated into Imrryr, The
is happy to collect, share and disseminate the those who had led the fight decided that they did
information. not want to give up the new powers they had
An inevitable part of Mereghn activity involves accumulated. In the turbulent early days of the
assassination. His assassins range from the Young Kingdoms, men waged war against each
small-time strikers, to whom Elric alludes, simple other for supremacy. The Mereghn emerged as
swords-for-hire without much wit, to the particularly one of the key players in these constantly warring
cunning and incredibly skilled elite assassins, city-states: it could, through the same tactics
who can spend weeks, months, and sometimes used against Melniboné, control the political
even years plan an assassination. outcome of these conflicts for its own benefit.
The Mereghn can provide an assassin of any
level and skill, it all depends on who needs to be It was during the period known as the 'war of
killed and how much one is willing to pay for it. words and languages' that Mereghn, as an
The Mereghn's reputation for secrecy, discretion organization as it is now known, emerged.
and excellence is such that kings, queens, Informants, spies and assassins were organized
generals and high priests have used or use their according to their usefulness, connections,
services. The Mereghn never betrays those who discretion and abilities. The Council of Nine
hire him and always fulfills his contracts. If he developed a complex code to ensure secrecy
doesn't succeed, he refunds his fees, no among members who had the privilege of knowing
questions asked. for whom they worked; the Council also created
The roots of Mereghn begin with the fall of the the labyrinthine hierarchy which ensures a good
Glorious Empire, when the Young Kingdoms circulation of information, even if no one really
began to truly assert themselves in the north of knows where or how it will be used. The Mereghn
the continent. Bakshaan and Ilmar were then is therefore as much an ideal and a modus-
under the control of the Melniboneans. The operandi as a physical group. He is extremely
Dragon Princes and the prefects of the Ruby wealthy, but his money is redistributed, often
Throne subjugated and terrorized the humans hidden and invested in legitimate businesses. Its
under their control, in an attempt to avoid the members may or may not know that they are
same wars and rebellions witnessed in the south, part of the Mereghn network. The organization
under the leadership of Queen Eloarde and Count has homes, meeting and training venues, carefully
Aubec of Lormyr. Galvanized by what was hidden or concealed so that legitimate activities
happening in the south, the Ilmiorians knew full serve as cover.
well that open rebellion would be put down by the
immeasurable power of the Melniboneans. The leaders of the Mereghn, the Council of
Instead, a war of attrition was waged – a move Nine, never meet. They know each other, but no
that could undermine Melnibonean supremacy one else. Those who work for the Councilors are
and at the same time shake its confidence. The the most likely to be unaware of who they serve,
Ilmiorian rebels, centered in Bakshaan, began to even if they know that they themselves belong to
build an information network that could be used the Mereghn. The Mereghn's roots run so deep,
against Mel-niboné, sowing seeds of discontent its abilities so finely honed, that anyone foolish
with sometimes innocuous means, eroding enough to try to unmask the Council of Nine will
Melnibonean conviction, making him doubt the simply disappear, leaving nothing - not even a
need for maintain its northern territories, while in corpse - to trace. .
the south, its empire melted like snow in the sun.
The tactic was successful, and although battles
were fought against the Dragon Lords, the re- From a slightly twisted point of view, the
belle forces were still well informed of their en- Mereghn is honest and honorable. All their services are
The Companions are the acolytes of the Mereghn. Scholars receive a salary from the Mereghn in
They are responsible for recruiting the Invisibles and recognition of their services. See Benefits
the Signa-tures and are therefore supposed to have
established their own network of contacts and informants.
The advisers
Companions must carry out missions and distribute
them to others. They are always responsible for their The Council of Nine. The nine Councilors control all
actions and the actions of their network. Thus, the activities of the Mereghn. There is an advisor for each
Companions must verify the information which of the nine cities that serve
execution of the Mereghn plans. They manage all
Once introduced into the fold, Signatures are expected important communications and are responsible for
to do whatever is asked of them: espionage, blackmail, ensuring the security of the organization's activities in a
extortion, seduction, kidnapping or assassination. They particular area. Finally, when the Me-reghn needs to
are supposed to follow the instructions to the letter, make its presence felt in a conspicuous manner, the
after having written them into their memory. They must Scholars act as ambassadors and spokespersons for
neither deviate from the plan nor ask questions, they the Council of Nine.
are simple executors.
They receive support from the Mereghn network through
the Companions and other Si-gnatures who are brought
in to help them. The advantages of belonging to the Mereghn are very
If a mission fails, they are expected to escape quickly numerous, but the risks considerable. No Gift or
and discreetly. If captured, they are required to remain Compulsion is linked to membership in the organization,
silent and reveal nothing. but the advantages available to the different ranks are
The Signatures must also build and maintain a network as follows:
of Invisibles to support that of the Mereghn.
The Invisibles
If they receive information that requires verification, • Regular payments, in small amounts that are
they are expected to do so themselves. Each Signature
usually obtained by conventional means (a handful
must ensure discreet and regular contact with the
of coins in a begging bowl; a generous tip for a
Companion on which it depends, exchanging information
servant or barnkeeper, for example); which can
and receiving instructions.
reach up to 500 Bronzes per year.
Some Signatures can spend years doing nothing but • Clandestine (unofficial?) protection against all those
maintaining a normal life.
who could threaten or abuse them. If a Signature
But if, one day, these sleeper agents are chosen to take
or Companion learns that one of its Invisibles is
part in something memorable, there can be no discussion.
being mistreated or exploited, it arranges for the
offender to be punished.
The Companions
The Companions must coordinate the activities of • An annual pension of 1,000 Bronzes.
the Signatures and also lead certain special missions. • A tax of 1% of the value of any assassination
They serve as an intermediary within the organization
mission or contract in which he participates.
for any exchange of information, resources or activities, • The price of equipment and mission fees paid by a
and they help plan and execute Mereghn projects as
Mereghn treasurer.
needed. • Free learning (skill starting at base score) in three
The Companions meet regularly with the Scholar on
Mereghn skills (guild skills, see below) and training
whom they depend, if only to facilitate the transfer of
in other skills at half the normal price.
information. The Companions are also responsible for
finding trainers and experts for the organization, even
if these people are completely unaware of their role in
training Mereghn agents. The Companions
Mereghn skills (see below) and training in other The income of an Advisor is far from being within
skills at half the normal price. the reach of any adventurer, but their benefits are
at least double or triple those of a Scholar
• A decent, discreet property in a suitable location. (depending on the skill of the Advisor).
Relationships The
Mereghn maintains all kinds of ties with those
who can further its cause. He has connections in
most major cults and, of course, in courts and
governments, although these connections are
always discreet and deployed with subtlety. Oddly
enough, it is Chaos that maintains the greatest
suspicion of the Mereghn,
while the Law recognizes the usefulness of an alliance tions and his state of mind. It is used to determine if
with this organization. The cults and churches of the someone is lying and helps determine how a person
Law are therefore rather well disposed towards the feels in a particular situation. It is distinct from the
activities of the Mereghn and call on their skills and Perception skill, in that it is used to detect subtle
knowledge, if necessary. changes in facial expressions and attitudes, rather The
Assassins are hitmen. They earn their living by If the character comes from one of the Ilmorian city-
committing the immoral act of murder, for money. A states, he has a chance of belonging to the Mereghn.
good assassin doesn't care who he kills and never Use the following process to determine their
asks about his contracts. He calculates risks with organizational membership and rank:
serenity, waits for opportunities, then completes his
contract, coolly, before disappearing into the night or • Roll 1D100. If the result is less than or equal to
into the crowd, perhaps feeling proud of a difficult job his INT+CHA, then the character belongs to the
well accomplished. Mereghn assassins. Normal success means he
has a low rank in the hierarchy, fulfilling contracts
Some assassins are just simple sociopathic thugs, without glory.
who take a certain pleasure in murder. These rarely It is an Invisible, but it can be approached by a
employ finesse or subtlety and often take reckless Signature. He generally only has one contact and
risks that lead to capture or death. one informant (see below).
• If the roll is a critical success, then the character
This type of murderer, quite common, can easily is part of the Signature rank in Mereghn; he is
be found in taverns and other disreputable gambling part of the elite and automatically becomes an
dens lining the port districts of cities like Ilmar, Initiate of the organization.
Bakshaan and Raschil. • Mereghn assassins can take an additional skill
On the other hand, the true masters of this art among those allowed in the organization (see
consider each new contract as a challenge to be above).
taken up. They conscientiously assess all risks If the chosen skill is a basic skill, he obtains a
ques, plan the assassination down to the smallest bonus of +10%; if it is an advanced skill, he gets
detail and use every trick at their disposal to avoid it at the base (starting) score.
10 detection and capture. The best assassins spend
weeks carefully preparing their contracts and leave The character must decide on the names of three
no proof of their presence (unless they want to). contacts (individuals who can offer him new
Inflicting death may or may not give them pleasure, contracts and provide him with details or
but ultimately the entire mission is viewed with the information). These contacts always operate
same critical eye as a general's battle plan. under a code name and can come from any
profession or social background. The player must
also agree with the Game Master on how to
contact these agents and usual meeting places.
Cultural Origins
Civilized, Sailor, Noble
Regions • The character can also choose 1D3 informants.
The city states Ilmiorian, Dharijor, Jharkor, These are low-ranking agents, operating on the
Filkhar, Pan Tang, S'aleem (in the unknown east – streets, who can provide him with rumors and
see Elric of Melniboné, the Companion) information on a wide variety of subjects. The
Basic skills meeting with an informant is always discreet,
Dagger +10%, Weapon at 1M +10%, Projective and the character will have to pay for any
weapon (Bow, Blowgun, Slingshot, for example) +10%, information he needs.
Stealth +5%, Perception +5% Informants always have a Street Knowledge skill
Advanced Skills of 30+3D20%. The character must always watch
Choose one from: Crafting (Poisons), Disguise, over his informants, especially when the
Mechanism, Street Knowledge, Survival information they provide concerns a sensitive