Assessment of Marine Protected Areas in Four Coastal Barngays of Bolinao

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Assessment of Marine Protected Areas in

Four Coastal Barangays of

Bolinao, Pangasinan

Annie Melinda Paz-Alberto

Environmental Management Department,
Institute of Graduate Studies and Institute for
Climate Change and Environmental Management,
Central Luzon State University,
Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. Philippines

Annie Rose D. Teñoso

Pangasinan State University,
Binmaley, Pangasinan, Philippines

This study aimed to assess the diversity of fish and macrophytes

present in the marine protected areas (MPAs) in Barangays
Balingasay, Arnedo, Victory and Binabalian in Bolinao, Pangasinan,
and to determine the physical, chemical and biological
characteristics in order to evaluate the present condition in these
marine protected areas. The physical and chemical characteristics
of the selected coastal areas in Bolinao were found to be of good
water quality being within the optimum level set by DENR for marine
species to thrive and replenish. The total coliform was high due to
the presence of milkfish pens nearby and domestic wastes from
residential areas.
Twenty marine fish species were identified from the four marine
protected areas: 14 were found in Arnedo, 16 in Balingasay, 5 in
Binabalian, and 5 in Victory. Overall four species, namely Chromis
dimidiata, Acanthurus olivaceus, Halichoeres hortulanus, and
Chlororus microrhinos registered a high importance value index.
The diversity of the marine fish species in the said areas was very
low. Only 9 macrophytes were identified—7 seagrasses and 2
seaweeds. Eight macrophytes were found in Barangay Arnedo, 5
in Balingasay, 4 in Binabalian, and 5 in Victory. Thalassia hemprichii
and Caulerpa racemosa had the highest percent cover in almost
all of the study areas for macrophytes. The marine protected areas
in Bolinao, Pangasinan have low diversity of fish and macrophytes
and high total coliform due to anthropogenic activities. The marine
protected areas have only recently made a modest start on their


78 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
way towards the rehabilitation of the coastal resources. Hence, a
no take zone is imperative to bring back the integrity of the coastal
resources. This would constitute a step towards the attainment of

Keywords: Marine protected areas, species diversity, fish,

macrophytes, total coliform


he coastal zone—the transition between the land and the sea—
is one of the most fragile, complex, and productive ecosystems.
It is bestowed with enormous resources, both living and non-
living, and constitutes a potential area for the creation and harnessing
of non-conventional energy resources (wave and wind energy). This
is the zone of dynamic activity, constantly forming itself to maintain
equilibrium, under the varying intensity of the natural processes
operating in it. It is a region of diverse activities, both complementary
and conflicting to each other. However, accelerated and unscientific
developmental activities performed in it have induced catastrophic
Over the past 20 years, coastal areas in the Philippines have come
under increasingly severe threat due to human activities. The coastal
situation in the Philippines mirrors global trends where unsustainable
use of natural resources, pollution and habitat destruction are
resulting in a significant if not irreversible loss of the coastal life
support system.
Coastal areas in the Philippines are experiencing rapid
population growth due, in part, to migration to coastal areas. About
60 percent of the Philippine population lives within the 832 coastal
municipalities and 25 coastal cities (DENR et al., 1997). There is also
widespread poverty along the coastal areas where fishers are among
the poorest of the poor and where declining fisheries productivity
due to overharvesting and loss of habitats occurs (Courtney et al.,
1999). According to the DENR et al. (1997), environmental damage
in the coastal resources is also increasing at an alarming rate due
to overfishing, the use of destructive fishing practices, and habitat
conversion. Moreover, the increase in population goes hand in
hand with land-based activities, industrial and urban development,
deforestation and agriculture, which all contribute to the declining


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 79
productivity in the marine environment. As such, water quality is
diminished implying an even greater impact from global climate
change on coral reef ecosystems and on the fisheries they support,
thereby affecting the status of the coastal resources (DENR et al.,
The Lingayen Gulf is a major area for capture and coastal
aquaculture in Northwestern Luzon. Its marine waters are biologically
diverse, providing 1.5 percent of the Philippine Fish supply. But like
most of the country’s coastal waters, Lingayen Gulf is beleaguered
by various concerns affecting its resources. Luna (1992) and Luna
and Quitos (1992) stated that the ability of Lingayen Gulf to support
multiple uses of its coastal resources was critical because of several
problems and issues related to resource-use in the gulf’s coastal area.
Moreover, Silvestre et al. (1991) revealed that the Lingayen Gulf has
suffered from excessive fishing pressure since the late 1970s due to
biological and economic overfishing. This unwanted scenario was
earlier reported by Silvestre (1990), Calud et al. (1996), and Ochavillo
et al. (1991) stating that the Lingayen Gulf has been dramatically
degraded in terms of its resources.
Several studies were also made by concerned agencies. McManus
and Chua (1990) compiled the reports on the coastal environmental
profile of the Lingayen Gulf which constituted the basis for
management interventions. The earlier study undertaken by Mines
(1986) in the Lingayen Gulf disclosed the dismaying status of the
gulf of which the exploitation rate has reached its critical point. This
report triggered concerned agencies to save the gulf. In response
to the threats to the environment and natural resources, the former
president of the Philippines Fidel V. Ramos declared the Lingayen
Gulf as an environmentally critical area by virtue of Proclamation no.
156 (LGCAMC, 1996).
Bolinao, one of the coastal municipalities in Lingayen Gulf,
Pangasinan has experienced the challenges of degrading resources
in its coastal areas. The local government unit of Bolinao is
continuously working out to fulfill its vision through its coastal
resources management programs and projects. These include
fisheries registration and licensing (FRC), mangrove planting and
management’s support to rehabilitation and protection of other
habitats and high value species, support to livelihood projects,
revitalization of M/BFARMC, mariculture water quality management,
and establishment of marine protected areas and management
(DENR et al., 2001). Thus, the main aim of this study was to assess the


80 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN

Figure 1. Geographic location of Bolinao, Pangasinan showing the four coastal


diversity of aquatic species particularly fish and macrophytes present

in Barangays Balingasay, Arnedo, Victory and Binabalian in Bolinao,
Pangasinan, and to determine the physical, chemical and biological
characteristics in order to evaluate the present condition of these
marine protected areas.


Data Gathering

This study was conducted in the four coastal barangays of Bolinao,

Pangasinan, namely Arnedo, Balingasay, Binabalian and Victory
(Figure 1) from November to December 2009. These areas were
identified to have an active coastal resource management program
centered in Bolinao, Pangasinan, for the past few years. In this location,
marine protected areas were established and mangrove ecosystems
were managed. The data on marine protected areas management
programs and activities in the four coastal barangays were gathered
by means of an interview with the Municipal Agricultural Officer of
Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Species Diversity

Three sampling stations were established in each of the coastal

barangays of Bolinao, Pangasinan. These three sampling stations
were established at the coralline areas of the marine protected areas.


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 81
The locations of the sampling sites were determined using a GPS
(Global Positioning System) device. The economically important
aquatic flora and fauna were assessed particularly in terms of the
diversity of macrophytes such as sea grasses and seaweeds as well as
the diversity of fish in the selected marine protected areas.
Fish, sea grass and seaweeds were sampled using a nondestructive
method— snorkeling visual census. A random sampling of different
species of fish and other economically important species in each
station was done using the quadrat method. Ten quadrats were laid
out in each station measuring 10m by 5m. After the quadrat was fully
deployed, the divers waited for a minute in order for the fishes that
were disturbed by the deployment process to resume normal activity
patterns. The divers recorded and counted all fishes which were
seen within the quadrat. Fishes that were seen were recorded using
underwater writing slates or data sheets. Pictures using an underwater
camera were also taken for verification in the identification of the
species. Faster swimmers were recorded earlier than slow movers.
The species of fish were identified using different references from the
local government unit, the fishbase, and the local residents.
Seaweeds and sea grasses were assessed using a transect line and
quadrat method. The method described by Saito and Atobe (1970) for
the transect-quadrat method was adopted in this study. A transect
line measuring 50 meters with a graduation of 1 meter was laid
perpendicular to the shore. A quadrat measuring 50 cm x 50 cm which
had subdivisions of 25 (5 cm x 5 cm) was used. After the quadrat
was placed on the bottom, organisms or substrate type located under
each intersection were recorded. The percent cover of the plants was
estimated using the 25 cm grid of a quadrat. Each species was scored
in the grid according to the method of Saito and Atobe (1970). The
depth and the substrate at each interval were recorded to support
the analysis of the study. Species were identified based on the works
of Munro (1967), Conlu (1986), Fishbase (2010) and Matsuda et al.
(1984). The number of individuals per species was recorded.

Macrophyte and Fish Community Structure

The macrophyte and fish community structure were determined in

the four coastal barangays of Bolinao such as Arnedo, Balingasay,
Binabalian and Victory. Using the quadrat method, data gathered
were the following:


82 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN

1. Frequency (%)

F = qn/25 X 100 = qn X 4

where qn is the number of small squares within the quadrat in which

an algal and other plant organisms species occurred/appeared.

2. Percent cover

The percent cover observer was estimated as the percentage of quadrat

area filled by each taxon or substrate type. Quadrats were partitioned
into smaller subunits with percent cover being independently
estimated for each subunit for accuracy. In general, the smaller the
sub-unit, the easier it was to estimate percent cover of included
organisms. For convenience, the index numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 were
used for recording data in the field.

Table 1.

Indices and Multiplier Used to Determine the Cover Value.

Indices Degree of Algal Cover Multiplier (CN)

5 Covering 1/2 to 1/1 of substratum surface 3.0

4 Covering 1/4 to 1/2 1.5
3 Covering 1/8 to 1/4 0.75
2 Covering 1/16 to 1/8 0.375
1 Covering < 1/16 of substratum 0.1875

To compute for area in the substrate occupied by the species, percent

cover was computed as follows:

Percent cover = (qn5 X C5) + (qn4 X C4) + (qn3 X C3) + (qn2 X C2) + (qn1 X C1)
= (qn5 X 3) + (qn4 X 1.5) + … (qn1 X 0.1875)

where qn is the number of small squares in which a species occurred

to have corresponding coverage area described in the above table.

3. Dominance

The dominance for each macrophyte was computed using this



a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 83

D = Percent cover of individual species/ total percent cover of all species

Dominant species are those species whose cover values constitute

5 percent or more fraction of the total algal cover while SD (sub-
dominant) are those organisms whose cover values, when added to
those of dominant, equals 75 percent or more of the total algal cover.
For each species, the following parameters were also determined
(Smith & Smith, 1998 as cited by Paz-Alberto, 2005): [1] Number of
individual species in each quadrat; [2] Frequency distribution (F); [3]
Relative frequency (RF); [4] Density (D); [5] Relative Density (RD); [6]
Dominance (Do); [7] Relative Dominance (RDo); [8] Importance Value
Index (IVI) = RF + RD +RDo; and [9] Species Diversity. The species
diversity of the macrophytes and fish were determined and computed
using the Shannon Diversity Index formula (Smith & Smith, 1998):

H` = -Σ pί ln (pί)

where H` = Shannon Index of Diversity

pί = Proportion of species from the total species
ln = Naperian logarithm or natural logarithm
S = Total number of species.

Water Sampling and Analysis.

Two sampling stations from each of the four coastal barangays in

Bolinao were selected. These two stations were located in the coralline
areas where the marine protected areas were established. The
physical, chemical, and bacteriological characteristics of the coastal
water within the sampling sites were determined.

Physical Parameters

In situ analysis of physical parameters was done. Temperature was

analyzed using a portable laboratory mercury thermometer. This
was submerged immediately below the water surface for 5 minutes.
Reading was done while the thermometer was in the water to avoid
inaccuracy during temperature reading. This was done three times
per station at varying depths within the coastal area.
Light penetration was determined by using a graduated secchi


84 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
disk. This secchi disk was lowered into the water until the black and
white colors of the disk are not clearly noticeable. The water mark
on the string was noted and recorded for the depth. The process was
repeated and the average of the two readings was computed to get
the measure of sunlight penetration.

Chemical Analysis

The pH and salinity were analyzed in situ. The pH of the water samples
from every sampling station was taken by using a digital pen-type
pH meter. A sample was taken and placed in a beaker then the pH
meter was dipped until the water reached the probe mark. When the
readings appeared on the pH meter screen, and it was stabilized, this
reading was recorded as pH measurement.
In measuring the salinity, a drop of water sample was taken in
the sampling site and placed into the glass mount of the refracto-
salinometer. The salinity reading was based on the blue level mark
of the screen of the said device and expressed in parts per thousand
(ppt). The glass mount was cleaned with distilled water for every
sampling made.
The water sample was collected from each sampling station for
the analysis of ammonia, nitrite, phosphate and total suspended soil
solids (TSS) including the bacteriological analysis for the total fecal
coliform. Water samples for laboratory analysis were collected at
4 to 5 feet depth from the four sampling stations during daytime.
Sterilized bottles were dipped 6 inches below the surface of the water.
The bottles were held by the hand near the base and plunged, neck
downward from the middle of the surface water, then the bottles
were turned until the neck pointed slightly upward against the water
flow. These bottles were labeled according to the station where these
were collected. These were put into a cooler with ice to maintain the
temperature of 4°C while being transported to the laboratory. The
samples were examined within a 24-hours period after they were
taken from the site.
Two hundred milliliters of water sample was collected for each
sampling station between 9:00 AM to 10:00AM for the analysis
of ammonia, nitrite, phosphate and total suspended solids (TSS)
including the bacteriological analysis for total and fecal coliform.
Laboratory analysis for composite water samples was done in the
BFAR-NIFTDC Limnological Laboratory in Dagupan City.
Gathered data on water quality were tabulated and analyzed


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 85
using their mean/average. These were compared to the standards set
by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
and Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) for marine

Results and Discussion

Coastal Resource Management Programs

The municipality of Bolinao has established several programs and

projects in order to manage its coastal resources. Some of these can
be found in Barangay Arnedo, Balingasay, Binabalian and Victory,
where marine areas are protected and mangroves are managed by the
LGU and NGOs or people’s organizations (Table 2).
Barangay Balingasay has 14.77 hectares of marine protected area
which was launched in 1998; Victory has 4.8 hectares established in
2002, while Arnedo has 19.47 hectares established in 2004. The newest
of the four study areas is the 10.8 hectares in Binabalian which started
in 2006 (Figure 2).

Table 2.

Coastal Resource Management Programs in Barangays Arnedo, Balingasay,

Binabalian and Victory in Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Programs Activities In-Charge For


Marine Protected Areas Planning workshops and LGU

consultations KAISAKA Federation
Guarding and patrolling in SAPA
cooperation with the community SAMMABAL
Deputized “bantay dagat” SAMMABI
Regular monitoring SMMV

Marine protected areas in these barangays are part of the

coastal resource management programs implemented by the local
government units. These were established to bring back the integrity
of the coastal resources which were degraded since the Lingayen
Gulf was declared to be an environmentally critical area. The marine


86 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN

Figure 2. Marine protected areas and mangrove management areas in Bolinao,


protected areas were established to be a “no take” zone where fishing

and other activities are prohibited to ensure the freedom of the species
to replenish in the area.
Regular consultation with the community and information
campaigns were done to ensure the progress of the program. Guarding
and patrolling has been included in the activities in the areas in the
form of deputizing “bantay dagat.”
All of these programs were launched and managed by the local
government unit (LGU) in partnership with the people’s organization
(PO), the Kaisahan ng mga Samahan Alay sa Kalikasan, Inc. (KAISAKA)
Federation. Management of these projects was specifically given to
the member organizations of the KAISAKA in every barangay. These
members are the “Samahang Pangkalikasang Arnedo” (SAPA) in


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 87
Barangay Arnedo, “Samahan ng mga Mangingisda at Mamamayan
ng Balingasay” (SAMMABAL) in barangay Balingasay, “Samahan
ng Mangingisda at Mamamayan ng Binabalian” (SAMMABI) in
barangay Binabalian and “Samahan ng Maliliit na Mangingisdang
Victory” (SMMV) in barangay Victory.

Table 2.

Macrophytes Identified inside the Four MPA of Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Species Location
Arnedo Balingasay Binabalian Victory

Sea Grasses
Halophila ovalis (R.Br.) Hook.f. ✓
Enhalus acoroides (R.Br.) Hook.f. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Ascherson ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Halodule uninervis (Forsskal) Ascherson ✓
Halodule pinifolia (Miki den Hartog ✓
Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenberg et Hemprich ✓ ✓
Syringodium isoetifolium Kutz ✓

Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J.Agardh ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Acantophora spicifera ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

* ✓ = species present

Assessment of the Diversity of

Macrophytes and Fish

Macrophyte Identification

Macrophytes identified in the 4 marine protected areas include sea

grasses and seaweeds. These macrophytes were identified from
the 4 selected marine protected areas in Bolinao (Table 2). Eight of
these species were found in Barangay Arnedo, 5 in Balingasay, 4 in
Binabalian and 5 in Victory. The 9 identified macrophytes within the
selected marine protected areas in Bolinao, consisted of 7 sea grasses
and 2 seaweeds. The identified sea grasses were Halophila ovalis,
Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Halodule
pinifolia, Cymodocea rotundata, and Syringodium isoetifolium, meanwhile
the identified seaweeds were Caulerpa racemosa and Acantophora


Table 3.

Observed and Identified Fish Species within the MPA of Four Coastal Areas of Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Family Scientific Name Common Name Occurrence

English Name Local Name Arnedo Balingasay Binabalian Victory

Pomacentridae Chromis dimidiata (Klunzinger, 1871) Damselfish Palata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Labridae Halichoeres hortulanus (Lacepede,1801) Checkboard wrasse Galis-galis ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cheilinus trilobatus (Lacepede,1801) Trippletail wrasse Epes ✓ ✓
Cheilio inermis (Forsskal,1775) Cigar wrasse Sangitan ✓
Scaridae Chlorurus microrhinos (Bleeker, 1874) Heavybeak parrotfish Molmol, Loro ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Acanthuridae Acanthurus olivaceus (Bloch and
Scheneider, 1871) Surgeon fish Baliwak-wak ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Serranidae Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepede,1801) Coral Grouper Lapu Lapu ✓ ✓ ✓
Plotosidae Plotosus lineatus Thunberg, 1787 Eel-tailed catfish Hito ✓
Tetraodontidae Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) Pufferfish Butete ✓
Nempteridae Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791) Japanese threadfin Labayan ✓
Scolopsis ghanam (Forsskal,1775) Arabian monocle Silay ✓
Caesionidae Caesio cuning (Bloch, 1791) Fusilies, solid Dalagang Bukid ✓ ✓
Balistidae Balistapus undulatus (Park, 1797) Triggerfish Papakol ✓ ✓


Lethrinidae Lethrinus harak (Forsskal,1775) Thumbprint emperor Rugso ✓
Siganidae Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797) Siganid Baraa-ngan ✓ ✓ ✓
Mullidae Parupeneus insularis (Rhandall
and Myers, 2002) Goatfish Gumyan ✓ ✓
Ephepidae Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Longfin bannerfish Bayang-bayang ✓
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon kleinii (Bloch, 1790) Butterfly fish Alibang-bang ✓
Zanclidae Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus, 1758) Morish idol Sangu-wanding ✓
Centriscidae Macroramphosus scolophax
(Linnaeus, 1758) Longspine snipefish Trumpeta ✓

assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN

VOL. 54 NO. 1
* ✓ - species present
a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 89

Fish Species Identification

Table 3 shows the 20 fish species observed and identified within

the four marine protected areas of Bolinao, Pangasinan belonging
to 17 families, namely; Chromis dimidiata for family Pomacentridae,
Halichoeres hortulanus, Cheilinus tribatus, and Cheilio inermis of Labridae,
Chlororus microrhinos under Scaridae, Acanthurus olivaceus under
family Acanthuridae, Cephalopholis leopardus of Serranidae, Plotosus
lineatus from Plotosidae family, Arothron hispidus of Tetraodontidae,
Nemipterus japonicus and Scolopsis ghanam from family Nempteridae,
Caesio cuning of Caesionidae, Balistapus undulatus of Balistidae,
Lethrinus harak of Lethrinidae, Siganus canaliculatus of Siganidae,
Parupeneus insularis from the family of Mullidae, Heniochus acuminatus
of Ephepidae, Chaetodon kleinii of Chaetodontidae, Zanlus cornutus of
Zanclidae, and Macroramphosus scolophax from the Centriscidae.
Of these species, 14 of them were found in Arnedo from 12 families,
Balingasay had 16 species belonging to 15 families, and Binabalian
and Victory had 5 species identified belonging to five families.


Table 4 shows that Thalassia hemprichii (31.07%) is the most abundant

in Arnedo. This is followed by Cymodocea rotundata (10.37%) and
Syringodium isoetifolium (9.20 %). In Balingasay, Caulerpa racemosa
Table 4.

Percent Cover of Macrophytes inside the Marine Protected Areas of the Four
Coastal Barangays in Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Species Percent Cover (%)

Arnedo Balingasay Binabalian Victory

Halophila ovalis 1.87 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enhalus acoroides 1.17 5.13 2.93 2.93
Thalassia hemprichii 31.07 21.77 39.33 1.83
Halodule uninervis 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.00
Halodule pinifolia 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.6
Cymodocea rotundata 10.37 23.53 0.00 0.00
Syringodium isoetifolium 9.20 0.00 0.00 0.00

Caulerpa racemosa 3.90 2.53 11.17 14.6
Acantophora spicifera 6.27 9.63 7.23 7.23


90 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
(23.53%) had the highest percent cover. Next to it is the Thalassia
hemprichii (21.77%) and Acantophora spicifera (9.63%). In Binabalian,
Thalassia hemprichii (39.33%) also has the most cover. This is followed
by Caulerpa racemosa (11.17%) and Acantophora spicifera (7.23%).
Meanwhile, in Victory, Cymodocea rotundata (33.33%) had the highest
percent cover which is followed by Caulerpa racemosa (14.67%) and
Halodule pinifolia (13.67%).

Importance Value Index and Diversity of Fish in the

Four Marine Protected Areas in Bolinao, Pangasinan

Results revealed that in Arnedo, Chlororus microrhinos had the highest

importance value index of 47.75 percent (Table 5) which indicates that
this species is the most dense, frequent and dominant in the area. This
was followed by Chromis dimidiata (30.12%) and Acanthurus olivaceus

Table 5.

Importance Value Index of Fish in the Marine Protected Area of Four Coastal
Barangays in Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Species Importance Value Index (IVI)

Arnedo Balingasay Binabalian Victory

Chromis dimidiata 30.12 59.00 86.45 66.38

Halichoeres hortulanus 9.76 1.31 47.84 34.98
Chlororus microrhinos 47.75 36.15 21.89 51.54
Acanthurus olivaceus 26.47 58.72 33.80 22.62
Cheilinus tribatus 6.71 1.95
Balistapus undulatus 7.08 3.30
Plotosus lineatus 15.66
Cephalopholis leopardus 9.82 8.45 11.01
Parupeneus insularis 1.64 4.18
Nemipterus japonicus 1.41
Cheilio inermis 6.37
Caesio cuning 1.39 3.91
Lethrinus harak 4.10
Siganus canaliculatus 32.72 2.96 25.47
Arothon hispidus 2.04
Heniochus acuminatus 13.44
Chaetodon kleinii 1.86
Zanclus cornutus 3.72
Scolopsis ghanam 4.67
Macroramphosus scolophax 1.95


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 91

(26.7%). Meanwhile, the most dense, frequent and dominant species

in Barangay Balingasay was Chromis dimidiate which obtained the
highest importance value index of 59% followed by Acatharus olivaceus
(58.72%) and Chlororus microrhinos (36.15%).
Moreover, Binabalian had only five species observed and
identified. These were dominated again by Chromis dimidiata which
obtained the highest importance value index (86.45%). The second
highest IVI was obtained by Halicoeres hortulanus which got an
importance value index of 47.84 % followed by Acanthurus olivaceus
Meantime, results in Table 5 show that only five species were
identified in Victory, Bolinao where Chromis dimidiata obtained again
the highest importance value index (66.38%). This was followed by
the Chlororus microrhinos (51.54%) and Halichoeres hortulanus (34.98%).

Species Diversity of Fish

Table 6 shows the diversity index values of the different fish species
present in the marine protected areas in the four coastal barangays of
Bolinao, Pangasinan. Results revealed that the diversity index values
of marine fishes in the marine protected areas of the four coastal
barangays are very low.
Although the MPA in Arnedo was established only in 2004, the
diversity of fish species in this marine protected area was very low
which was almost the same as Balingasay MPA. The abundance of
these species is due to their characteristics which are well adapted
to the area. These species are tropical fishes which inhabit lagoons
and seaward reefs and are abundant in large aggregations of reef
tops, bare rocks or mixed rubble and sand (Meyers, 1991).

Table 6.

Diversity Index Values of Fish Present in the Marine Protected Areas of the Four
Coastal Barangays in Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Barangay No. of Species No. of Individual Diversity Index Values

Arnedo 14 861 1.99

Balingasay 16 1,129 1.90
Binabalian 5 544 1.14
Victory 5 1,797 1.46


92 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN

Binabalian got a diversity value index of only 1.14 which was

also very low. Binabalian was the youngest MPA established among
the four study areas. This explains why there are a few species
observed and why it has low diversity. The area is still starting
to recover from overfishing and environmental degradation after
it was declared as a marine protected area in 2006. Despite this,
results indicated that even if there were only a few species found,
the number of individuals was observed to be high in every
sampling area. They appeared to have reproduced and increased
in the said environment where they were not disturbed allowing
them to grow until they spill over. Diversity of species in the MPA
in Victory had 1.46 which is also very low due to environmental
disturbances which occurred in the area.

The Physico-chemical and Bacteriological

Characteristics of the Coastal Waters

Physical parameters

Assessment of the physical characteristics of the study areas (Table 7)

showed that the temperature values ranged from 27.5oC to 28.4oC in
the marine protected areas. These temperature values taken from the
waters of these barangays are within the criteria or standard value of
DENR (Table 2). In terms of turbidity, Barangay Binabalian had the
lowest turbidity value of 1.2 m among the four stations. This indicates
lower transparency in the waters of the said barangay. Despite this,
however, the turbidity values are within the allowable limits set by
the DENR. The water depth varied from each station, where Barangay
Balingasay had the highest water depth of 10 m while Barangay
Binabalian is the shallowest with 3.2 m. Still, the water depths in all
stations fell within the standard value given by DENR.

Chemical Characteristics

The basic and important chemical parameters in the marine protected

areas as shown in Table 8 show the salinity values from 34 ppt
(Arnedo) to 36 ppt (Binabalian). However, the dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentrations varied across stations where Barangay Victory had
the highest value (8.44 mg/l) while Barangay Arnedo had the lowest
(6.53 mg/l). The DO concentrations were within the criteria value set


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 93
Table 7.

Physical Characteristics in Four Marine Protected Areas (MPA) of Bolinao,


Temperature Turbidity Average Station

(oC) (M) Depth
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Arnedo 28.0 0.28 7.2 0.57 7.2 0.57

Balingasay 27.5 0.71 9.0 0.71 10.0 0.00
Binabalian 28.3 0.42 1.2 0.28 3.2 0.14
Victory 28.4 0.14 4.0 0.35 6.0 1.41
Mean 28.05 0.40 5.4 3.45 6.6 2.79
DENR Standard (SA) 26-30 > 100 >3

by DENR and ASEAN except for Barangay Arnedo (Table 8). The
hydrogen ion concentrations differed from station to station. Barangay
Victory had the highest pH value of 8.33 while Barangay Arnedo
got the lowest with 8.0. The pH values were within the allowable
range given by DENR and ASEAN. The highest total suspended
solids (TSS) value was recorded in Barangay Binabalian with 49.92
mg/l. In contrast, Barangay Arnedo obtained the lowest TSS value of
16.04 mg/l. However, TSS values of the four stations were within the
criteria value set by ASEAN but two stations failed under the DENR
standard for Class SA. These are Barangays Binabalian and Victory.
The phosphate concentrations fluctuated from 0.014 ppm (Arnedo)
to 0.243 ppm (Balingasay). All these phosphate values fell within the
allowable concentrations set by DENR and ASEAN, except that of
Barangay Balingasay. In terms of ammonia, the concentrations ranged
Table 8.

Chemical Characteristics in Four Marine Protected Areas of Bolinao,


Salinity D.O. pH TSS Phosphate Ammonia Nitrate

(MG/L) (PPM) (PPM) (PPM) (PPM)

Arnedo 34 6.53 8.0 16.04 0.014 0.030 0.144

Balingasay 35 7 8.24 16.26 0.243 0.039 0.132
Binabalian 36 8.38 8.31 49.92 0.021 0.053 0.031
Victory 35 8.44 8.33 30.45 0.049 0.030 0.043
Mean 35 7.59 8.22 28.17 0.082 0.038 0.088
SD 0.82 1.28 0.15 15.47 0.182 0.207 0.371
DENR Standard (SA) 7 7-8.5 25 0.1 <1 1.0
ASEAN criteria 5 6-8.5 50 0.48 0.5 0.395


94 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
from 0.030 ppm (Arnedo and Victory) to 0.053 ppm (Binabalian).
These ammonia values taken were within the standard value set by
DENR and ASEAN. Likewise, the nitrite concentrations varied from
0.031 ppm (Binabalian) to 0.144 ppm (Arnedo) which was within the
accepted value given by DENR and ASEAN.

Bacteriological Characteristics

The bacteriological characteristics in all the marine protected areas

and mangrove management areas (Table 9) were identical in the total
coliform values at > 1,100 MPN/100 ml. In terms of fecal coliform, the
values ranged from 0 MPN (Victory and Balingasay) to 7.3 MPN/100
ml (Binabalian). The total coliform in all stations obtained high values
and did not meet the criteria set by DENR and ASEAN for MPA
(Table 5). However, the four stations passed the criteria set by DENR
and ASEAN for fecal coliform.

Table 9.

Bacteriological Characteristics in Four Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and

Mangrove Management Areas (MMA) of Bolinao, Pangasinan.

Total Coliform Fecal Coliform

(MPN/100 ML) (MPN/100 ML)

Arnedo > 1,100 3.6

Balingasay > 1,100 0
Binabalian > 1,100 7.3
Victory > 1,100 0
DENR Standard (SA) 1,000 200
ASEAN Criteria 1,000 200


Results indicated that the species observed and identified were very
few as compared to the over 100 species of fish documented and
found in Bolinao by the UP-MSI in the 1950s. This can be attributed to
the Bolinao experience of degrading coastal resources, and the loss of
its species due to dynamite fishing. Also, the rise in milkfish grow-out
pens and massive fish kills and bleaching during the 1998 El Niño and
1999 La Niña (Uychiaoco et al., 2000) could have caused the depletion


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 95
of these marine species. This data of decreasing species was further
supported by the data gathered over a 4-year period (1988–91) by
McManus et al. (1992). This revealed evidence of overharvesting of
reef fish that decreased the adult-fish density and species diversity,
as well as the size of reproductively mature fish.
Overharvesting of coral fish resulted in decreased adult fish
density and in species diversity as well as in the size of reproductively
mature fishes. McManus et al. (1992) documented these trends for
adult fish communities along the slope of the Bolinao reefs from 1988
to 1991. For siganid fishes, the smallest recorded size of reproducing
females was down to 3 cm. This showed that intense fishing pressure
has selected small and fast reproducing individuals. With the massive
exploitation of the Lingayen Gulf by commercial fisheries, artisan
fishers and peasants who depend on the Gulf to provide food for
them and their family are struggling to compete for marine resources,
resorting to Malthusian overfishing (Dayton et al., 1995). Malthusian
overfishing illustrates the imbalance of sustainability in the Lingayen
Gulf. Fisherman are forced to use any means possible to obtain fish
such as blasting, cyanide, etc., in order to obtain fish. Such cutthroat
tactics are resorted to because commercial trawling has drastically
reduced the numbers of several fish species available to common
fishers (Ochavillo et al., 1989).
A significant portion of the coastal habitats (like sea grass beds)
is at high risk of being lost in the next decade. About half have either
been lost or severely degraded during the past 56 years (Chou, 1994;
Fortes, 1994), and the rate of degradation is increasing.
These studies led to recommendations for the creation of protected
areas, the development of alternative or supplemental livelihoods,
and the promotion of public education. These can provide the needed
social sanctions against economically efficient but illegal fishing
methods (McManus et al., 1992).
The overall goal of an integrated coastal management, like the
establishment of the Marine protected areas in Bolinao, is to improve
the quality of life of human communities who depend on coastal
resources while maintaining biological diversity and productivity
of coastal ecosystems. Adoption of the coastal area management
philosophy (and its corresponding planning and management
framework) is essential to long term sustainable use and conservation
of sea grass resources of the country (DENR et al., 2001).
The marine protected areas in Arnedo, Balingasay, Binabalian
and Victory were established to be a “no take zone” to bring back the


96 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
species lost in the coastal area. An MPA was established in Balingasay
in 1998, in Victory in 2002, in Arnedo in 2004 and in Binabalian in
2006. The Bolinao experience shows that establishing “no take areas”
is important to bring back the diversity of species in the area.
Binabalian and Victory are both on the coast of Santiago Island
that is why they share almost the same characteristics. In Victory,
only five species were also identified but these appeared to be with
high number of individuals in every sampling station similar to
Binabalian. This shows that even though Victory was established
several years earlier (2002) than Binabalian, the same numbers of
species were observed in the area but with lower diversity value. This
may be due to its small area as it has only 4.8 hectares, as compared
to Binabalian with an area of 10.8 hectares. Still the area had a high
number of individuals per species indicating that the species thriving
were also given a chance to find a permanent spawning area which
is undisturbed and that they were able to increase in number. This
effect was also shown in the review of 31 studies made on MPAs and
their effect by Dugan and Davis (1993). They found out that of the
31 studies they conducted 24 studies showed increased density of
species within the boundaries of MPA core zones.
The data showed that whichever had the highest species density
would have the highest dominance index, relative dominance and
species importance value. Overall four species, namely; Chromis
dimidiata, Acanthurus olivaceus, Halichoeres hortulanus, and Chlororus
microrhinos registered a high importance value index in the four
marine protected areas. Abundance of food and shelter for these
species within the marine protected areas contributes to the increase
in their number, particularly their reproduction. The marine protected
area has been declared a “no take zone,” so this allowed them to
reproduce freely and grow until they are ready to spill over. Chromis
dimidiata feed mostly on plankton and usually seen in solitary reefs,
staying close to the substrates of about 10 m (Kuiter & Tonozuka,
Meanwhile, according to Meyer (1991), Chlororus microrhinos are
tropical marine fish which are reef associated and usually found in
schools together whereas Acanthurus olivaceus inhabits waters nine
to at least 46 m in depth. It feeds on the surface film of detritus,
diatoms and fine filamentous algae covering sand and bare rocks.
While Halichoeres hortulanus, on the other hand, feeds mainly on hard-
shelled organisms including mollusks, crustacean and sea urchins.
The Philippines, with its 18,000 km of coastline, has sizeable sea


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 97
grass areas spread discontinuously along the shallow portions of
the coastline. According to Fortes (2004), 16 species of sea grasses
were identified in the Philippines. However, this study found only 8
species of sea grasses thriving in the MPAs of Bolinao. Seaweeds also
have been observed to be naturally occurring in the marine protected
areas. This is an indicator of a good quality of water since seaweeds
are sensitive to pollutants. The presence and growth of seaweeds in
the MPAs can enhance the ecological system.
Presence of sea grass and seaweed cover in the MPAs is an indication
that the area is now recovering from degradation particularly in
terms of water quality since sea grasses are sensitive to pollution
(Fortes, 2004). Although the percent cover is still thin, the habitat is an
important factor to help in the regeneration of species in the area. Sea
grass beds are an ecologically significant marine habitat, and serve as
a nursery area for juvenile marine animals while providing food and
shelter. Sea grass beds colonize and grow in areas of shallow water
especially in the presence of unstable mud, silt and sand substrates.
Some sea grasses grow at greater depths, but will vary according to the
amount of sunlight they can receive through the water column. These
areas are important in maintaining biodiversity and are vulnerable
to environmental pressures (Fortes, 2004). Sea grasses found in the
MPAs of Bolinao are bound to be conserved to maintain the different
species thriving in the area. According to the survey, percent cover
of each species of seaweeds and sea grasses ranges only from 7% to
33%. This is an indication that macrophytes covering the area is still
thin and still in the process of recovery. With the marine protected
area, these species can be conserved and managed through the proper
management of the quality of water and the environment.
The four marine protected areas observed showed very low
diversity of species. Balingasay is the oldest MPA but still shows a
very low diversity like the other three which are younger. Moreover,
this shows that the programs for the establishment of the marine
protected areas have not shown the best outputs through the years that
they were established, particularly in Balingasay and Victory. These 2
MPAs have been there for more than 10 years. This can be attributed
to poor management due to the manpower structure where there are
only a few staff members from the local government unit who handle
and manage the programs. Likewise, the first hand management was
given to the People’s Organizations for whom there are no evaluation
and monitoring programs regarding their specific roles and duties
guaranteeing the success of the CRM programs. Many environmental


98 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
problems and issues contribute to the results obtained particularly
the destruction of critical habitats due to overfishing, pollution and
coastal erosion. Moreover, results can also be attributed to the reality
that the establishment of the “no take zone” has not yet been effective
for the past years as these areas showed very little improvement in
the species diversity.
The higher salinity values are inherent to seas being salt water.
The salinity values suggest that the marine sanctuaries are not
affected by river runoff which is one of the criteria in setting up a
sanctuary. The DO levels are acceptable except for Barangay Arnedo
which was lower than the required 7 mg/L for marine protected areas.
Although the DO in Barangay Arnedo value fell short of the required
DO level, the obtained reading did not substantially affect the biota of
the MPA. The higher DO concentrations in the three MPA might have
been caused by constant agitation of the water by sea current and the
abundance of phytoplankton and algae in the area considering that
these areas are protected areas. The slight alkalinity of the marine
sanctuaries is attributed to the chemical nature of the sea. The carbon
dioxide-carbonic acid- bicarbonate system acts as buffer to keep the
sea water slightly alkaline from 7.5 to 8.4 (Nybakken, 1992). The
total suspended solids concentration is very critical to MPA. Higher
TSS may limit the light penetration and hamper the photosynthetic
activities of plants particularly those on the benthic portion. McGlone
et al. (2004) reported higher TSS values in some areas of Lingayen
Gulf where river runoffs are evident. The absence of river runoffs
may have caused the lower values of phosphate, ammonia and
nitrite in the MPAs. Domestic and agricultural wastes, through river
runoff, contribute to the increase of phosphate, ammonia and nitrite
(McGlone, et al., 2004).
Results of the present study indicated that there was a great
improvement in the water quality of Bolinao as compared to the
previous studies. The Lingayen Gulf suffered from pollution from
point and non-point sources and runoff. Microbial contamination,
fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals, silt, and untreated sewage are
the main pollutants of the Lingayen Gulf (Guarin, 1991). Pollution
has caused a multitude of problems for the Lingayen Gulf, including
eutrophication of coastal areas, deaths of marine life, sedimentation,
and destruction of the physical habitat (Guarin, 1991). The study
of Azanza et al. (2006) revealed that the nutrient concentration in
Bolinao waters had been increasing which was been attributed to the
increase in fish pens and fish cages. However, a significant decrease


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 99
in nitrate and nitrite had been observed between 2002 and 2003
which was parallel to the decrease in fish pens and fish cages due to
a massive milkfish kill. On the other hand, ammonia, a more reduced
form of nitrogen was higher in 2003, which implies a low oxygenated
environment that favors its formation that can be attributed to
continued build up of decomposing products (fish feeds) and other
organic materials. In addition, Azanza (2005) also reported the death
of milkfish was clearly the result of lack of oxygen mostly from the
collapse of the algal bloom. The optimal level of dissolved oxygen
is about 5 mg/l for milkfish growth in tropical waters. The observed
dissolved oxygen during the fish kill was 2.1 mg/l in 2002 (Azanza et
al. 2005).
Results of the analysis of chemical characteristics of water,
particularly the DO concentrations, phosphate, ammonia and
nitrite in Bolinao waters in this study revealed an enhanced water
quality that largely surpassed the limit set by DENR and ASEAN
for marine water. The improved water quality may be attributed
to the coastal resource management programs being implemented
in the four coastal barangays such as coastal cleanup, no take zone
policy, monitoring and evaluation of the coastal resources by the local
government agencies, NGOs and people’s organizations.
However, the total coliform in all study areas had high values
which did not meet the criteria set by DENR and ASEAN for marine
waters. The higher values for total coliform in all the MPAs of the four
stations could have been caused by the nearby milkfish pens (Azanza
et al. 2006) which can create excess bacteria and light-blocking algae
as well as domestic and agricultural wastes from the land. McGlone
et al. (2004) hinted that an increase of total coliform is triggered by
the domestic and agricultural wastes carried through the river.
According to Fortez and Paningit (2007), the uncontrolled milkfish
culture characterized by high feeding inputs and the proliferation of
fish cages and pens have contributed to the deterioration of the water
quality of Bolinao coastal areas. However, the fecal coliform count in
all the MPAs is still manageable as it passed the ASEAN criteria and
DENR standard. Marine protected areas are deemed ideal ecosystem
that meet all the appropriate physico-chemical standards.
The Bolinao experience of deteriorating marine resources shows
that establishing no-take areas is important to bring back the integrity
of their coastal areas. According to Uychaco et al., (2003), for a
complex multi-species fishery sustaining diverse user groups, multi-
pronged approaches are necessary to make any headway and in


100 assessment of mpas IN BOLINAO, PANGASINAN
order to generate good results. Therefore, the initiatives in Bolinao—
particularly the establishment of marine protected areas as no take
zones in these barangays—are indicators of good practices for coastal
resource management programs in order to bring back the integrity
of the coastal resources which were degraded since the Lingayen Gulf
was declared to be an environmentally critical area. Even though the
diversity of species is still low but in time if the marine protected
areas will continue to be “no take” zone areas where fishing and
other activities are prohibited to ensure the freedom of the species to
replenish in the area and if other management measures are pursued
in the context of integrated coastal management, perhaps in the
future, it will make a difference.


Marine protected areas (MPAs) were established in Barangays

Arnedo, Balingasay, Binabalian and Victory and several programs
and projects were initiated to manage these coastal resources. Nine
(9) macrophytes such as 7 sea grasses and 2 seaweeds and 20 fish
species were observed and identified in the selected MPAs in Bolinao.
The diversity of species in the MPAs is still very low because the
MPAs are still starting to recover from overfishing (McManus et al.,
1992; Dayton et al., 1995), and environmental degradation (Chou,
1994; Fortes, 1994) after they were declared as marine protected areas
in 2006. The physico-chemical characteristics of the marine protected
areas in the four barangays of Bolinao, Pangasinan are within the
desirable range set by the standards of the DENR and ASEAN.
However, the total coliform in all the MPAs in the four barangays
exceeded the optimum level set by DENR and ASEAN due to the
presence of fish cages (Azanza et al., 2006; Fortez & Paningit,2007)
nearby and from domestic wastes (Guarin, 1991; McGlone et al.,
2004) from the residential areas. The fecal coliform were below the
standard value given by the DENR and hence, passed the DENR
and ASEAN criteria. Overall, the physico-chemical characteristics
of the MPAs have improved considerably and the water quality has
likewise greatly improved compared to the water quality three to
five years ago (Azanza, 2006; Fortez & Paningit,2007; McGlone et al.,
2008) due to the management activities conducted in the areas . A no
take zone in the MPA is very imperative to bring back the integrity
of the coastal resources. The MPAs in Bolinao, Pangasinan have only


a.m. paz-alberto & a.r.d. teÑoso 101
just made a first start on their way towards the rehabilitation of their
coastal resources.


1. Regular biodiversity assessment and monitoring should be done

in the marine protected areas of Bolinao in order to determine the
success of the management initiatives in the MPAs and to examine
the diversity of fish and macroflora.
2. Regular water quality monitoring should be done not only in the
MPA but also in the nearby milkfish cage culture areas.
3. Information, communication and education on the management
of marine protected areas should be strengthened by the local
government units and the people’s organizations to intensify
public awareness and obtain community involvement and
participation in the management of MPAs.
4. The Solid Waste Management Act and Clean Water Act should be
strictly implemented in Bolinao to lessen pollution and continue
the restoration and rehabilitation of coastal resources.


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