Commercial Invoice CI 2021-10062 - V1 - EN - JK

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BioAnalyt GmbH

Billing address: Delivery Address: Forwarded by: Rheinstrasse 17

14513 Teltow
Grands Moulins Du Kouilou Grands Moulins Du Kouilou Bolloré Logistics
(GMK) (GMK) Obenhauptstr. 11 Germany
Pointe Noire Pointe Noire 22335 Hamburg
Avenue Raymond Paillet et Avenue Raymond Paillet et GERMANY Jonas Kaminiczny
Boulevard du 14 Aout 1963 Boulevard du 14 Aout 1963 [email protected]
B.P. 2484 B.P. 2484 phone +49 (0)33 28.351 50-00
fax +49 (0)33 28.351 50-29

Invoice No.
CI 2021-10062

Commercial Invoice Date

for customs purposes only 18/06/2021

Order No.

Incoterms: CIP Pointe Noire, Congo AN 2021-10095

Country of origin: Federal Republic of Germany

Customer Reference
Mode of dispatch: by AIR
Delivery conditions:
Customer No.
KN 10627

Posi- Description Item-No HS-code Units Weight Units price Total amount
tion per Unit [EUR] [EUR]

1 iCheck™ Iron Test Kit (for 100 analyses) X0100801 3822.00 1,0 Pcs 1.45 kg 550,00 € 550,00 €
- Equipment for “iCheck IRON”
2 iCheck™ Iron Test Kit (for 100 analyses) X0100801 3822.00 1,0 Pcs 1.45 kg 550,00 € 550,00 €
- Equipment for “iCheck IRON”
3 iCheck™ Iron Test Sample 010P00201 902790 1,0 Pcs 0.05 kg 19,00 € 19,00 €
4 iCheck™ Iron Test Sample 010P00201 902790 2,0 Pcs 0.05 kg 19,00 € 38,00 €

Total value of goods 1.157,00 €

Export documents 35,00 €

Shipping Insurance 4,00 €
Shipping costs as CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) to the Republic of Congo 189,00 €
Dangerous goods packaging and documentation 30,00 €

Total Value of shipping cost: 258,00 €

VAT 0% 0,00

Total amount 1.415,00 €

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Tax number: 046106/02946 Bank: Commerzbank Berlin

Ust.-ID / VAT: DE129437800 Account holder: BioAnalyt GmbH
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 10828161 Bank code: 12040000 / Account number: 624242400
E-Mail: [email protected] IBAN: DE44120400000624242400 / BIC: COBADEFFXXX

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