Review Quiz in CL About Baptism
Review Quiz in CL About Baptism
Review Quiz in CL About Baptism
1. It is a sacrament which bring us a new life in Christ and forgiveness of sins through water and spirit.
_____ A _____ T _____ _____ M
5. The washing effect of _____ A ______ _____ R is used in Baptism to show that it cleanses us from all
sins and give us new life.
6. Baptism takes away all our sins, both _____ R _____ G _______ N ______ L and
P ______ R _____ O ______ A ______
11. The _____ O _____ Y S _____ ______ R ______ T we received in Baptism frees us from sin.
12. The Sacrament of Baptism is the _____ T ____ R ______ of our life as God’s children.
Write T if the statement is true and F if not.
Arrange the events in order to complete the story about the Baptism of Jesus. Write number from 1 to 5