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Assessment : Research Paper

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Title old: Working title:
Digital Pathways to Mathematical Excellence: Assessing the Students Perception on the Effectiveness of
Contribution of Digital Instruction on Students Proficiency Digital Pathways in Learning Mathematics
Introduction Introduction
Mathematics is a critical subject taught in elementary and
Background of the study
secondary education that provides students with fundamental
In an era defined by rapid
knowledge and skills to organize their lives (Ariyanti &
technological advancement, education has
Santoso, 2020). Mathematics as one of the subjects in school
experienced a profound transformation.
is considered to play an important role in shaping students to
Traditional classroom settings have evolved
be qualified because mathematics is a means of thinking to
into dynamic, digital landscapes, with digital
examine things logically and systematically (Supardi, 2015),
instruction emerging as a prominent vehicle
and it is necessary to improve the quality of mathematics
for knowledge dissemination.
education. One of the things that must be considered is
Integrating technology into the
increasing students’ understanding of mathematical concepts
curriculum has become a priority for better
by using various learning models in schools (Dianawati,
knowledge (Kuron & Tompodung, 2020;
2015; Siagan et al., 2019; Simamora & Saragih, 2019; S. A.
Walters et al., 2018). According to UNESCO
Widdo, 2018). In contrast using technology in the classroom
(2021), one of the main aims of education is
provides more significant opportunities for deeper foundation
to prepare future generations for this digital
of knowledge (Byers, T. et al .., 2018). Teacher`s greater use
future, and to equip them to deal with the
of digital materials will create a fresh experience for students
rapid development of technologies, cope with
learning mathematics, such as guaranteeing students are not
the continuous access to vast amounts of new
bored (Wijaya et al., 2022). Thus, It is in need that
knowledge and information, and foster critical
educational institution must embrace technology and consider
thinking, sense-making, creativity and
it as a part of the teaching-learning process (Alemu, B. M.,
collaboration skills to excel in digital
2015). According to Harrison (2018), young children can contexts. Also, one such a recent study

access pictures and videos, navigate ‘Youtube’, and interact indicates that students learn mathematics

and participate in games and digital applications that are better with effective and appropriate

suited to their age. technology (Perienen, 2020). Learning

In an era defined by rapid technological through the internet helps students take a

advancement, education has experienced a profound more active role in learning without any

transformation. Traditional classroom settings have evolved constraints of space and time (Suartama et al.,

into dynamic, digital landscapes, with digital instruction 2020). Digital tools and resources often

emerging as a prominent vehicle for knowledge incorporate interactive elements,

dissemination. According to Kamarudin et al. (2019), the gamification, and multimedia, which can

level of student interest in teaching and learning is low when make learning math more engaging and

the conventional approach is employed. However, recent enjoyable for students. This increased

assessment of empirical studies on the use of digital engagement can lead to better retention of

technology in mathematics education emphasizes that mathematical concepts.

technology usage "does not, in the main, live up to their Interactive multimedia and

projected promise to revolutionize the learning experience" gamification has increased learning outcomes,

(Bray & Tangney, 2017). One such a recent study indicates motivation, and critical thinking skills.

that students learn mathematics better with effective and However, there was still a lack of

appropriate technology (Prienen, 2020), while another mathematics learning in multimedia and

previous study highlights that the adoption of technology of gamification to help students develop their

mathematics education improves learning (Niess, 2006). critical thinking skills. Therefore, this

Integrating technology into the curriculum has become research aims to develop students perception

a priority for better knowledge (Kuron & Tompodung, 2020; on multimedia and gamification in Grade 11
Walters et al., 2018). According to UNESCO (2021), one of Senior High School. Furthermore, this

the main aims of education is to prepare future generations for research also focuses on the effectiveness on

this digital future, and to equip them to deal with the rapid digital pathways in learning mathematics,

development of technologies, cope with the continuous access which is one of the goals of education.

to vast amounts of new knowledge and information, and Therefore, this research aims to develop

foster critical thinking, sense-making, creativity and Student perception on the effectiveness of

collaboration skills to excel in digital contexts. The use of the digital pathways in learning mathematics.

internet can benefit both teachers and students during the Multimedia technology certainly improves

learning process (Darmawan, 2016; Singhal, 2017).Also, one teaching and learning, but it has several

such a recent study indicates that students learn mathematics drawbacks when it comes to educational

better with effective and appropriate technology (Perienen, applications. Several constraints exist, such as

2020), while another previous study highlights that the inhospitable programming or user interface,

adoption of technology in mathematics education improves restricted resources, insufficient knowledge

learning (Niess, 2006). Learning through the internet helps and expertise, time constraints, and elevated

students take a more active role in learning without any maintenance expenses (Al-Ajmi and Aljazzaf,

constraints of space and time (Suartama et al., 2020). Digital 2020; Putra, 2018). However, recent

tools and resources often incorporate interactive elements, assessment of empirical studies on the use of

gamification, and multimedia, which can make learning math digital technology in mathematics education

more engaging and enjoyable for students. This increased emphasizes that technology usage "does not,

engagement can lead to better retention of mathematical in the main, live up to their projected promise

concepts. Digital platforms can adapt to individual student’s to revolutionize the learning experience"

learning needs, offering customized exercises and challenges (Bray & Tangney, 2017).

based on their skill level. This personalized approach helps

students learn at their own pace and address their specific

strengths and weaknesses in math. Digital instruction can be

accessed anytime, anywhere, as long as there is an internet

connection. This accessibility allows students to practice math

skills beyond the classroom, reinforcing their learning and

providing additional opportunities for skill development.

Moreover, technology-based teaching can help constructivist

aspects by encouraging students to Develop mathematical and

statistical concepts by Examining regularity and variation

(Tomas et al., 2019).

In the Philippines, the primary objective of spiral

curriculum is to develop the students to become scientifically,

Technologically, and environmentally literate and innovative

members of the community who solves problem Critically,

environment-friendly, productive and creative citizens,

oriented decision makers, and communicate Effectively (K to

12 Science Curriculum Guide, 2016). Mendoza (2015)

determined the effectiveness of video presentation to

students’ learning. This was derived due to the changes and

updates the world has to offer on enhancing student’s

wisdom. Instructors and even students rely or use educative

videos to learn, compare and understand concepts. The use of

video is only beginning to meet the needs of today’s and

tomorrow’s learners. Using videos in teaching is not new.

This study is to measure changes in student’s

mathematical proficiency before and after exposure to digital

instruction. It examine changes in student’s mathematical

achievement with regards to the use of mathematics

instructional video and real-life mathematics activity assisted


Statement of the problem Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness
This study aims to determine the contribution of digital
of digital pathways in mathematics;
instruction on student proficiency to Mathematical
Specifically, it sought to answer the
Specifically, it sought to answer the following;
1. What is the demographic profile of
1. How does engagement through digital instructions
the respondents in terms of age and
contribute in mathematical excellence of the students:
a. Trialability
2. What are the digital literacy of the
b. Compatibility
respondents in terms of digital
c. Relative Advantages
d. Complexity
3. What is the level of effectiveness of
e. Observability
digital pathways in learning
2. What are the digital instructions that contributes the
mathematics in terms of gamification
student’s mathematical excellence?
3. Is there a significant relationship between digital and multimedia?

instructions and mathematical excellence in student 4. Is there a significant difference on

proficiency? the level of effectiveness of digital

pathways in learning mathematics in

terms of gamification and multimedia

when group according to age and sex?

5. Is there a significant relationship

between the level of digital literacy of

the respondents and the level of

effectiveness of the digital pathways

in learning mathematics in terms of

gamification and multimedia?

Significance of the Study Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be significant
The findings of this study will be significant to the following:
to the following:
Academic advisors. This study provide recommendations for
Students - This study will be beneficial to the
educators and policymakers to enhance the use of digital
students as one of the recipients. This research
technology in mathematics.
will provide guidance to the private institution
College Administrators. The study finding can help college
students regarding the role of Multimedia and
administrators establish academic programs and fit the needs
Gamification in the field of educational
and preferences of their students, thereby boosting the overall
learning, particularly for those who will be
quality of education at the institution.
matching the study or studying the use of
Future Researchers. This study can serve as reference for
multimedia resources and gamification.
future research on how digital instructions assess the
mathematical excellence of the students. Teachers – This study provide insights on the

Students. This study help students to better understand the effectiveness of digital pathways, such as

use of digital instruction in terms of learning mathematics. gamification and multimedia to better engage

student in learning mathematics.

Educational institution – This study informs

decisions on resource allocation, curriculum


Future researcher - This study will serve as

a useful reference for future researchers who

will plan on making any related study. This

will also guide and lead students in private


Scope and limitation Scope and limitation

This study focuses on the digital pathways that assess This study focuses on the

the mathematical excellence of the students. The study will effectiveness of digital pathways in learning

only focus on one digital instruction, which is video-based mathematics. The study will focuses on

instruction, since this is the only digital instruction that is multimedia and gamification. This study will

usually used in the school. This study will be conducted at the be conducted in private institution SY (2023-

Notre Dame of Midsayap College SY (2023-2024), and the 2024). The number of the respondents will be

respondents will be limited to the grade 11 senior high school 150, and limited to grade 12 STEM senior

students. high school students.

Definition of terms Definition of terms

Compatibility by using interactive learning videos students Digital Pathway is intended to assist students

can more easily understand the mathematics material being in evaluating, reflecting on, and strengthening

studied. their own capability for digital leadership.

Complexity is a system, animate or inanimate, that is made Gamification is the process of making

up of numerous interacting parts, some of whose behavior or mathematics interesting for learners by

structure is hard to understand. turning it from a task to a game. Gamification

Digital Instruction is the organized engagement of students of math courses occurs when you find

with digital instructional content, tools, resources, and instances of math in real games or the real

processes designed to help them meet certain goals in world.

education. Multimedia Using a variety of presentation

Digital Pathway is intended to assist students in evaluating, tools or approaches to convey information is

reflecting on, and strengthening their own capability for known as multimedia. Technologies for audio

digital leadership. and visual presentation give teachers and

Mathematical Excellence is a skill based approach that instructional designers a powerful resource

strengthens practical learning by fostering students’ critical for interacting with students. Operationally

thinking, deductive reasoning, and metacognitive abilities. speaking, this is a reference to the tools that

Observability is the degree to which you can understand the students use for their education. Resources

internal situation or condition of a complicated system based such as PowerPoints, PDFs, files with audio,

only on knowledge of its external outputs. video lectures, audio recordings of the classes,

Relative advantages can help children learn, think critically and any other visual learning modules that the

and build the skills they need for the future. students can access through technology fall

under this category.

Related Literature Related Literature

There is a growing interest among researchers as well There is a growing interest among

as educators in the use of digital technology, particularly researchers as well as educators in the use of

mobile technologies, in mathematics education. (Borba et digital technology, particularly mobile

al., 2017). technologies, in mathematics education. The

proper utilization of information technology

Crompton and Burke’s (2015) survey of mobile fosters and promotes many different kinds

learning in mathematics showed that there is a growing of qualities of students such critical thinking,

interest in mobile technology effectiveness, with 75% of 48 communication, and mathematical Research

studies reporting positive learning outcomes. Similarly, in skills, problem solving, as well as teamwork

Fabian et al. (2016) review of mobile learning studies in (Reinhold et al., 2020). Students'

mathematics, 77% of 31 studies reported that mobile mathematical performance has converted due

technologies improved students’ achievement. to their increased mathematical exposure

Cahyono, A. N., & Ludwig, M. (2018).

Compatability Meanwhile, Lalian (2018) carried out a meta-

A study of Kinnari-Korpela (2015) used short video analysis on the effect of using videos on

lectures composed of Powerpoint slides with audio and video students’ cognitive and affective aspects in

examples produced by iPad to enhance mathematics learning. mathematics learning.

She found that using short video lectures motivated the Multimedia

students to learn mathematics. The students used the video to Multimedia tools have been developed

internalize and understand the mathematics content better to improve teaching and learning for a variety

since step-by-step solutions and explanations were provided of fields of study, according to the study

within the video. Utilizing a short video is proper to deliver a "Multimedia tools in the teaching and
mathematics lesson. learning processes: A systematic review". The

According to Haskin, S. (2013), video has the ability review also demonstrates how various

to captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression. It is technologies and multimedia components are

consistent with research showing that the qualities of video used to deliver multimedia tools, which are

production can influence learning outcomes of chosen length generally classified as standalone or web-

videos or content areas in a direct or indirect way. Online based. Researchers have conducted studies on

videos should also be thoughtfully crafted so that they are of the relationship between academic

good quality, are under ten minutes long, and contain an achievement and multimedia usage (Kiat et

adequate amount of instructional content. al., 2020; Mahdi, 2022; Setiawan &

Complexity Phillipson, 2020; Shakil et al., 2020).

Incorporating technology into education helps students According to Mohammed et al. (2021), there

in greater comprehension of mathematical eddies (CunHua et is a correlation between the use of social

al., 2019) Improves the academic performance of students media and multitasking, as well as between

(Huang et al., 2016) Zhang et al., 2020; Wijaya et al., 2020. students' academic performance and self-

Learning through video helps the outcomes of the student’s efficacy. On the one hand, the study's findings

math instruction (Rahmadani & Nurlaelah 2019). These demonstrated that using multimedia improved

provide rationale for using video to teach math. students' speaking abilities (Mahdi, 2022).

Observability According to Ziegler et al. (2021),

Video learning is a new type of mathematics teaching teachers can use texts, videos, or sound

resource (Hermawan, Samsuri, Kurniawati, & Sofyaningsih, effects in a multimedia setting in class to

2018; Wijaya, Ying, & Suan, 2020). Instructional videos are stimulate interest in students with varying

one form of information technology that have become a learning styles. Classrooms become appealing

popular way to learn outside of the classroom (Burget, in this context, much like theaters. One digital
Pedaste, Uger, & Lohmus, 2014; Guo, Kim, & Rubin, 2014; form that can be used for teaching is

Lloyd and Robertson, 2012; Synder, 2013). The use of audio- interactive multimedia. Interactive

visual media, such as mathematics learning videos, is worth to multimedia, according to Saputri, Rukayah,

be developed as it improves students’ learning outcomes and and Indriayu (2018), blends various media,

motivations (Hanif, 2020; Sun & Gao, 2016). According to including text, audio, images, animation,

Nurhayati et al., (2020) studied audio-visual for young video, and games. It enables interaction

learners and confirmed that developing audio-visual media in between the students and the gadget.

learning is necessary. Audio-visual media also help students Furthermore, Hadisaputra, Gunawan, and

acquire certain knowledge, skills, or attitudes and make Yustiqvar (2019) found that research has

learning experiences more meaningful (Michelsanti et al. demonstrated an increase in learning

2019; Pattemore and Munoz 2020) and more active (Olagbaju outcomes, critical thinking abilities,

and Popoola 2020). Meanwhile, Lalian (2018) carried out a conceptual comprehension, and motivation

meta-analysis on the effect of using videos on students’ when incorporating interactive multimedia

cognitive and affective aspects in mathematics learning. into the learning process. Prior studies have

Ranga (2017) believe that customized video lessons via been conducted regarding interactive

YouTube produce learning ownership of the students in a multimedia and the Android platform. In the

self-paced manner, empower the students to control viewing context of studying Newton's Law, Djamas

the video lessons frequently, and provide platform to review and Ramli (2019) looked into the effects of

the lesson. interactive multimedia on critical thinking

Relative Advantages abilities. It was found that creating interactive

Various information technology ways generate multimedia using appropriate games would

significant advantages for students by igniting the curiosity of assist students in strengthening their critical

children and developing relief and independence in their thinking abilities. They conducted another
development. The proper utilization of information study (Widodo et al., 2020). They produced

technology fosters and promotes many different kinds multimedia that is interactive for devices.

of qualities of students such critical thinking, communication, Based on the findings, the media will assist

and mathematical Research skills, problem solving, as well as students in developing their scientific literacy

teamwork (Reinhold et al., 2020). in learning pressure with medium

By giving pupils the resources they need, students are given enhancement. Additionally, Hamimi and Sari

the opportunity to actively participate, create, and track their (2020) investigated creating interactive

own development and take command of the education process multimedia based on Android. The purpose of

(The Aspen Institute, 2014). the media is to instruct viewers on buffer

This creates an interesting, fresh opportunity for chances to solutions. This study examined the

engage in learning, and their ability for excellence rises. effectiveness of media in terms of learning

Students explore emerging technologies and gain new skills outcomes as well as the quality of media that

that will help them flourish in the increasingly technological has been verified by experts. The process of

world of the future. With technological advances, the creating mental representations from words

possibilities for international relations using global networks, and images in various contexts is referred to

students may benefit from interactions with peers, instructors, as multimedia designed for learning. They are

and information (Hussain & Safdar, 2008; Shadiev made to support learning through the use of

et al.in 2018). tools that can be applied to simulations, e-

Trialability learning, computer games, virtual reality,

This is consistent with research by Kinnari-Korpela, classroom or laboratory instruction,

H. (2015), which found that four-fifths of respondents valued presentations, and more. This enables students

videos' repeatability as a learning tool. Additionally, they to process information in both spoken and

stated that the video materials gave them more time to reflect visual forms (Alemdag and Cagiltay, 2018).
and comprehend the material. These results unquestionably Gamification

support the use of the brief video approach in mathematics When people travel, relax, or work,

and might even promote substituting video content for some they play games to create enjoyable

of the course material. experiences. Nowadays, the majority of our

activities are mediated by social media and

digital technology. Many businesses change

this behavior by turning repetitive tasks into

engaging, entertaining, and game-like

experiences (Wang et al., 2021). The use of

gamified design in education can increase

student engagement, make learning more

entertaining, and encourage teachers to take

more initiative in the classroom. Additionally,

one of the innovations in teaching modes to

achieve the dual effect of education is

gamified design teaching, which has a certain

guiding significance to the teaching of various

subjects (Geng et al., 2021). The use of

gamified design in education can increase

student engagement, make learning more

entertaining, and encourage teachers to take

more initiative in the classroom. Additionally,

one of the innovations in teaching modes to

achieve the dual effect of education is

gamified design teaching, which has a certain

guiding significance to the teaching of various

subjects (Geng et al., 2021).

The use of game mechanics to address

issues in learning and education is known as

gamification, and it refers to various activities

and procedures (Kim et al., 2018). In the

classroom, gamification can encourage

students to think more deeply, communicate

more effectively, and change the way they

typically think. Furthermore, gamification has

the potential to inspire students on an internal

level, and they may view gamification as a

positive teaching tool (Yu et al.,

2022).Teachers frequently use gamification to

help students learn new information and skills

in a variety of topic areas. Gamification is the

application of game-based techniques to

involve users in problem-solving techniques

that can be applied in classrooms to increase

students' enthusiasm to learn (Nah et al.,

Authors Dichev and Dicheva (2017)

investigate how gamification affects

motivation in their review paper and

encouraging student participation in the

classroom by incorporating game design

components. Additionally, they analyze

critically how the application of game design

components influences the accomplishment of

learning objectives. The writers conducted

their SLR research mostly at the university

level, with only 13.7% of the study being

related to primary as well as secondary

education (grades K–12). Only seven of the

51 papers that were chosen for in-depth

examination are about education in

educational institutions. The study covered a

range of gamification-related topics, including

learning topics, game elements, learning

exercises and the results of gamified

achievement tests. The authors highlighted the

advantages of gamification in nevertheless

cited the increasing body of research on the

impact of gamification in educational

situations that lack sufficient evidence to

support them and are not convincing.

Study has indicated that gamification can be

beneficial in fostering a variety of skills, such

as social, psychological, and educational

(Zainuddin et al., 2020; Zimmerling et al.,

2019). Study has been done to determine the

advantages, chances, and difficulties that

students face when gamification is applied in

the field of education (Zainuddin et al., 2020).

According to Dichev and Dicheva (2017),

gamification of education is a tactic used to

boost student engagement by introducing

game elements into a learning environment.

Theoretical framework Theoretical framework

This study was guided by the Cognitive
The study anchored on the Cognitive proposition of
Theory of Multimedia learning of Mayer
multimedia. Cognitive theory of multimedia literacy was
(2005). In order to gain a better understanding
overused by the work of Richard E. Mayer and other
of these factors, it is important to draw upon
cognitive experimenters who argue that multimedia supports
theoretical frameworks that provide a
the way that the human brain learns. They assert that people
conceptual basis for our research. Cognitive
learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words
theory of multimedia was overused by the
alone, which is related to as the multimedia principle (Mayer
work of Richard E. Mayer and other cognitive
2005a). Multimedia experimenters generally define
multimedia as the combination of textbook and pictures; and experimenters who argue that multimedia

suggest that multimedia learning occurs when we make supports the way that the human brain learns.

internal representations from these words and pictures They assert that people learn more deeply

(Mayer, 2005b). The words can be spoken or written, and the from words and pictures than from words

pictures can be any form of graphical imagery including alone, which is related to as the multimedia

illustrations, prints, vitality, or videotape. Multimedia principle (Mayer 2005). Multimedia

educational design attempts to use cognitive exploration to educational design attempts to use cognitive

combine words and pictures in ways that maximize learning exploration to combine words and pictures in

effectiveness. Multimedia is the use of multiple presentation ways that maximize learning effectiveness.

tools or ways to deliver information. Audio and visual Mayer’s multimedia learning proposition

presentation technologies give an effective set of tools for provides an instructional set of principles that

preceptors and educational developers to communicate with can be used to produce effective educational

learners. Mayer’s multimedia learning proposition provides communication design.

an instructional set of principles that can be used to produce The gamification theory, in its most

effective educational communication design. It's helpful to basic form, asserts that the presence of game-

understand the origins of multimedia learning from the like elements increases people's likelihood to

original sources to also understand how to stylish apply the enjoy (and retain) what they learn.

proposition in practice and plan for unborn exploration. Gamification is an area of study that has only

Several other propositions, models, and numerous other gained attention in the literature since 2011.

exploration studies told the elaboration of multimedia Habirite, Koivisto, and Sarsa (2014). As

learning proposition. people become increasingly used to using

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) technology, in addition to educators' ongoing

emphasizes the use of technology in mathematics education. pursuit of tools for motivation, enthusiasm for
the idea increased. (Dichev et al., 2015).

Gamification is a popular technique used by

businesses to retain customers has integrated

itself into daily life as loyalty programs

(Morschheuser, Hamari, Abe and Werder,


This research study anchored to the said

framework since the researchers aims to

measure the level of literacy and perception of

the students in using gamification and

multimedia in learning mathematics.

Conceptual framework Conceptual Framework
As shown in the figure, there were two main variables As shown in the figure, there were three main

considered, the independent variable where Trialability, variables considered, the independent variable

Comapatibility, Relative Advantages, Complexity, and which is the Level of literacy, the dependent

Observability of the digital instruction and the dependent variable the Level of Effectiveness of Digital

variable are Students Mathematical excellence and student Pathways in terms of Gamification and

proficiency. Multimedia and the Intervening Variable is

the Demographic Profile which are the Age

and Sex.

Hypotheses H0: There is no significant difference between
H0: There is no significant relationship between the video
the level of effectiveness of digital pathways
based instruction and the mathematical excellence of the
in learning mathematics in terms of
gamification and multimedia when group
H1: There is a significant relationship between the video
according to age and sex.
based instruction and the mathematical excellence of the
H1: There is no significant relationship
between the level of digital literacy of the

respondents and the level of effectiveness of

the digital pathways in learning mathematics

in terms of gamification and multimedia

Methods Methods
This chapter sets-down the guidelines
This chapter presents the procedure followed by the
followed by the researchers in meeting the
researchers in conducting the study. It includes the research
objectives of this study. It consists of the
design, respondents of the study, research instruments, research design, locale of the study, sampling

validity, and reliability of the research instrument, data design, instrumentation of the study, validity

gathering procedure and statistical tool and treatment of data. and reliability of the instrument. Data

gathering procedure, and statistical tools and

treatment of data.
Research Design Research Design
This study employed a quasi-experimental research This study use descriptive-correlation

method to gather the necessary data for the variables related research design. The researchers use

to digital routes to mathematical excellence: assessing the descriptive research design to describe the

contribution of digital instruction on student proficiency. variables we are measuring. We use

Quasi-experimental design is an approach for carrying out a correlational research design to investigate

research that measures connections between variables without relationships between two variables (or more)

assigning participants at random. While conditions are not without the controlling or manipulating any of

randomly allocated to participants, the researcher nonetheless them. The researchers use Descriptive

modifies an independent variable, in contrast to true correlational research design to determine the

experiments. When random assignment is not feasible, this relationship between two or more variables.

design is frequently utilized. In this case, this study aims to determine the

relationship between the level of digital

literacy of the respondents and the level of

effectiveness of the digital pathways in

learning mathematics in terms of gamification

and multimedia.

Research Participants Locale and Respondents of the Study

This study focused on the students engaged in transitional This study will be conducted in

classes, specifically senior high school students enrolled in private institution, specifically Grade 11

Notre Dame of Midsayap College's SY 2023–2024 who have STEM Senior High School students enrolled

mathematics subject in private institution SY 2023–2024 who have

mathematics subject.
Instrumentation Instrumentation of the Study

The instrument to be used in this study will be The primary data collection tool for this study

standardize questionnaire connected with the study of is a questionnaire. The questionnaire will

(Nurisnaeni Rauf1, Ulfa Fauziah2) on “The Use of consist of two parts. The first part will gather

Mathematics Learning Video during the Pandemic Covid-19 demographic information of the respondents,

at SMA Datuk Ribandang Makassar”. All items answered such as sex and age. The second part will

using 5-point Likert scale format where 5-strongly agree measure the digital literacy of the respondents

(SA), 4-agree (A), 3-Neutral (N), 2-Disagree (D), 1-Strongly in using gamification and multimedia. The

disagree (SD). questionnaire will be designed based on a

In assessing the contribution of video-based review of relevant literature and will be

Instructions research will conduct pre-test first, then after that designed based on a review of relevant

researcher will utilize the video-base instruction, and then literature and will be pre-tested to ensure is

posttest will be given to measure the mathematical validity and reliability. The Likert scale will

proficiency of the students. be used to measure responses to the

questionnaire. The scale ranges from 5

(strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (neutral), 2

(disagree), and 1 (strongly disagree).

Ethical consideration Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

The researchers will first obtain consent from the To ensure the validity of the instrument in

respondents. We followed the conventional procedure of measuring the intended variable, the

using the pre-test assessment first. In addition to ensuring questionnaire was initially reviewed by the

that all of the respondents' personal information is kept research adviser for feedback on individual

private, the researchers will not coerce the respondents questionnaire-items and the overall
into answering the questionnaire. instrument. Additionally, faculty member and

panelists were consulted to further refine and

correct any potential issues.

To assess the reliability of the instrument

instrument in consistently measuring the

desired factors, it was administered to a

sample of 20 individuals who were not part of

the target respondents.

Data Gathering Procedures Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher had first prepared a letter addressed to A letter of request to conduct the study was

the subject teacher of Notre Dame of Midsayap College, prepared. The researchers administered the

senior high school department, seeking permission to conduct letter addressed to the Dean of the College of

the study. After permission was granted, the researchers Education for her approval to conduct the

personally administered the modified standardized study. After the approval of the Dean of the

questionnaire. During the administration, the researchers will College of Education, researchers will seek

first give a self-made pre-test consisting of 10 items of permission to the Principal of the Senior High

questions to the respondents. After conducting the pre-test, School to conduct the study. After the

the subject teacher utilized video-based instruction. Last but approval of the Principal of Senior High

not least, after the video-based instruction given, the School, the researchers will seek permission

researchers will conduct the post-test using the same to the subject teacher to conduct the study.

questions as during the pre-test. After the approval of the letter the researchers

will administered the modified standardize


Statistical Tool & Treatment of Data

The data gathered were analyzed using the Statistical

Package for the Social Science (SPSS). In treating the data in

respondents` frequency and percentage distribution were

used. On the other hand, the mathematical proficiency of the

respondents were interpreted using the formula in getting the

weighted mean and standard deviation.

The data gathered in this study would be analyzed

numerically. They would be presented, analyzed, and

interpreted using the following statistical tools: For problem 1

Standard deviation, for problem 2 ANOVA, and for problem

3 T-test.

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