2011 HKCEE Biology Paper 2
2011 HKCEE Biology Paper 2
2011 HKCEE Biology Paper 2
I. Read carefully the instructions on the Answer Sheet. After the announcement of the start of the
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2. When told to open this book, you should check that all the questions are there. Look for the words 'END
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4. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. You are advised to use an HB pencil to mark all the answers on the
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5. You should mark only ONE answer for each question. If you mark more than one answer, you will receive
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1. If some cyanide (a chemical that inhibits respiration) is applied to a plant, less water will be absorbed by
the plant because
2. Which of the following comparisons between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell is/are correct?
A. (I) only
B. (2) only
C. (I) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
3. The diagram below shows a set-up in which a dialysis tubing containing 10% sucrose solution is placed
in distilled water:
Which of the following graphs shows the change in water potential inside the dialysis tubing?
A. «i B. ~
·.::: c
2 0
c. c.
Time Time
C. :'§ D. :'§
c c
2 2
:3: "'
Time Time
201I-CE-BIO 2-2 80
4. Which of the following are the fates of photosynthetic products in plants?
5. Which of the following comparisons between the processes in a mitochondrion and a chloroplast is
6. Which element is not normally obtained by the roots of a plant from the soil?
A. carbon
B. nitrogen
C. hydrogen
D. phosphorus
7. Which of the following are the practices ofa 'Low Carbon Lifestyle'?
8. Alcohol obtained from the fermentation of maize corn can be used as fuel. Which of the following are
th~ advantages of obtaining fuel by this method?
201I-CE-8102-3 81
9. Some plants are adapted to growing in flooded soil. Which of the following word equations represents
the respiration of their root tissues?
10. The following graph shows the net release of oxygen from a water plant from 5 °C to 30 °C :
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Temperature (0 C)
Which of the following about the photosynthesis of this plant can be deduced from the graph?
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
A. contraction of the muscle in the wall of the aorta and the closing of the semi-lunar valves.
B. contraction of the muscle in the wall of the aorta and the closing of the bicuspid valve.
C. recoil of the elastic wall of the aorta and the closing of the semi-lunar valves.
D. recoil of the elastic wall of the aorta and the closing of the bicuspid valve.
2011-CE-BIO2-4 82
Directions: Questions 13 and 14 refer to the following graph, which shows the pressure changes of the left
atrium, left ventricle and aorta in a cardiac cycle:
: ........... .
13. At which time does the blood leave the left ventricle?
A. p
B. Q
C. R
D. S
14. At which time are both the semi-lunar valves and the bicuspid valve closed?
A. p
B. Q
C. R
D. S
15. The pedigree below shows the inheritance of a condition caused by a recessive allele:
■ Affected male
8 9
A. 5 and 9 only
B. 5 and 10 only
C. 7 and 9 only
D. 7 and 10 only
2011-CE-BIO2-5 83
16. Albinism (a condition in which pigment fails to develop in skin) in humans is caused by a recessive
allele. A normal man married an albino woman and their first child is an albino. What is the
probability of their second child being an albino?
A. 0%
B. 25%
c. 50%
D. 75%
17. The graph below shows the changes in the amount of three substances (in terms of the percentage of the
original amount) in the human body upon starvation:
Time during starvation
Which of the following shows the substances that X, Y and Z most probably are?
X y z
A. fat protein glycogen
B. fat glycogen protein
c. glycogen protein fat
D. protein fat glycogen
18. The following diagram shows part of the human digestive system:
Which structure(s) will produce the enzyme(s) needed for the digestion of egg white?
A. X only
B. X and Y only
C. Y and Z only
D. X, YandZ
2011-CE-BlO 2-6 84
19. The photomicrograph below shows the longitudinal section of a part of a stem:
StructureX Structure Y
A. sugar cannot be found in it sugar can be found in it
B. minerals can be found in it minerals cannot be found in it
c. responsible for support responsible for transport
D. carries out respiration does not carry out respiration
20. The diagram below shows a diagrammatic representation of the root and the leaf of a plant:
----~ (I)
---- (2)
Which of the labelled arrows in the diagram show(s) the direction of oxygen diffusion between the plant
and the surrounding at midnight?
A. (2) only
B. (3) only
C. (I) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
21. Which of the following human cells has the least amount of mitochondria?
A. neurones
B. liver cells
C. red blood cells
D. white blood cells
2011-CE-B1O2-7 85
22. The photomicrographs below show two types of epithelium:
(l) (2)
Which of the following combinations shows the structures where these epithelia are found?
(]) (2)
A. blood capillary trachea
B. skin blood capillary
c. trachea skin
D. skin trachea
23. The diagram below shows the distribution of a kind of photoreceptor along the horizontal section of the
human retina:
away from centre away from
Which of the following combinations correctly states the identity and feature of the photoreceptor
2011-CE-BIO2--8 86
24. Research has shown that drug abuse causes damage to the nervous system, leading to speech disorders
and memory degeneration. Which parts of the nervous system shown below are likely to be damaged?
A. P and Q only
B. P and R only
C. Q and R only
D. P, QandR
25. The diagram below shows the cross section of a human spinal cord:
26. The diagram below shows a cell which is important for body defence:
- bacterium
Which of the following combinations correctly shows the identity of cell X and its function?
Cel/X Function
A. lymphocyte for non-specific body defence
B. lymphocyte for producing antibodies to act against bacteria
C. phagocyte for non-specific body defence
D. phagocyte for producing antibodies to act against bacteria
2011-CE-BIO 2-9 87
27. The diagram below shows a pair of opposing muscles, X and Y, in the hand. They are for moving the
thumb towards or away from the other fingers.
I -,
Which of the following can move the thumb towards the other fingers?
A. muscle X contracts
B. muscle X relaxes
C. muscle Y contracts
D. muscle Y relaxes
28. The chart below shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood samples collected at four
locations in the human circulatory system:
p Q R s Blood sample
Which blood sample is most probably collected from the pulmonary vein?
A. p
B. Q
C. R
D. S
29. Which of the following features is most essential for mammals to live on land?
30. Which of the following examples is correctly matched to the type of interaction between the organisms?
201l-CE-B102-10 88
31. The maternal blood and the foetal blood are separated in the placenta. This feature
32. Which of the following graphs shows the change in the thickness of the uterine lining of a pregnant
woman from the beginning of the last menstruation to the time before child birth?
-------------11 I I Week
0 4 8 12 32 36 40
B. '- oil
o .S
c/l i:::
c/l ·-
.Q :g
u ·-
f-< '5
/I Week
0 4 8 12 32 36 40
D. '- oil
0 .s
II) -
J;j II)
·-u .s
/I Week
0 4 8 12 32 36 40
33. The genetic make-up of the X chromosome of a boy is found to be different from that of his
non-identical twin brother. This is most possibly due to
2011-CE-BIO 2-11 89
34. The diagram below shows the male reproductive system:
A. Q only
B. Ronly
C. P and Q only
D. Rand S only
35. The diagram below shows the delivery ofa baby assisted with forceps:
Which of the following is the most likely condition for this method to be needed in assisting delivery?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the kingdom to which organism X belongs?
2011-CE-BIO 2-12 90
Directions: Questions 37 and 38 refer to the diagram below, which shows a certain stage of cell division:
Based on the diagram, which of the following combinations correctly shows the type of cell division
illustrated and the reason for your choice?
38. Which of the following shows the daughter cell of this cell division?
A. B.
(!D C0
39. Organisms X, Y and Z form a food chain. The following table shows the concentrations of DDT
(a non-biodegradable insecticide) in organisms X, Y and Z:
Or anism X y z
Concentration of DDT m 25 0.015 1600
With reference to the information in the table, which of the following combinations correctly shows the
ecological roles of organisms X, Y and Z in this food chain?
X y z
A. producer primary consumer secondary consumer
B. primary consumer secondary consumer producer
c. secondary consumer producer primary consumer
D. primary consumer producer secondary consumer
2011-CE-BIO2-13 91
41. Which of the following statements about glucagon is/are correct?
A. (I) only
B. (2) only
C. (l) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
42. Which of the following processes in the human body is/are catabolic?
A. (I) only
B. (2) only
C. (I) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
* 43. Which of the following graphs shows the relationship between the metabolic rate of a man at rest and
environmental temperature?
B. -....
... ·-
(.) .J:J
Environmental .._ _______ Environmental
37 temperature (°C) 37 temperature (°C)
C/l ....
.., C
.... ::,
; ~
"' ·-
(.) .J:J
Environmental ....________ Environmental
37 temperature (0 C) 37 temperature ( 0 C)
(This item was deleted.)
44. Which of the following structures are genetically identical?
2011-CE-BIO2-14 92
45. The following are some steps in genetic engineering:
46. Which of the following conditions are necessary for the building up of transpiration pull in plants?
47. When the relative humidity of air decreases, which of the following rates in plants will increase?
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only
48. In a fire accident, during which period of time in the following graph would a large amount of hot smoke
rush into the lungs?
A. P to R
B. Q to S
C. R to T
D. S to U
2011-CE-BIO2-15 93
49. The diagram below shows a nephron. The percentages of proteins and urea in fluids taken from
different parts of the nephron are shown in the following table:
X y
A. 9 0.05
B. 0 0.05
C. 9 0.25
D. 0 0.25
Directions: Questions 50 to 52 refer to the following experimental set-up, used for studying the effect of
magnesium deficiency on the growth of the young seedlings:
conical flask--""·
(containing all the essential minerals for
plant growth, except magnesium)
51. A control set-up is needed for this experiment. The control set-up should be the same as the
experimental set-up except that in the control set-up,
201I-CE-B102-16 94
52. The seedlings show a yellowing of the leaves after one week. This is because magnesium is essential
53. The diagrams below show the structures ofa sperm and a pollen grain with a pollen tube:
Sperm Pollen grain with a pollen tube
Which of the following combinations correctly matches a pair of structures and their function?
Directions: Questions 54 and 55 refer to the following diagrams, showing a foetus in the uterus and a seed:
A. (1)
B. (2)
c. (3)
D. (4)
55. Which structure(s) in the seed has/have a role similar to the growing foetus?
A. (2) only
B. (2) and (4) only
C. (l), (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)
2011-CE-BIO2-17 95
Directions: Questions 56 and 57 refer to the following photographs, which show the longitudinal sections of
a flower and the fruit of a plant:
~e:---- (2)
56. Which of the following combinations correctly shows the floral parts from which structures (I), (2) and
(3) have developed?
58. The diagram below shows the sedimentary layers at the bottom of a sea, where fossils of organisms are
Which of the following statements about the organisms forming the fossils in these layers is correct?
A. The organisms found in Layer 1 only appeared later on Earth than those in Layer 3.
B. The organisms in Layer 2 are more similar in structure to those in Layer 1 than to those in
Layer 3.
C. The organisms in Layer 2 are evolved from organisms in Layer 3.
D. The organisms in Layer 3 are more complex in structure than those in Layer 1.
2011-CE-BIO2-18 96
59. The following shows the results of an experiment in which two coleoptiles were exposed to unilateral
light from the left:
aluminium foil
coleoptile P coleoptile Q
60. The following shows the set-ups of an experiment and the results after two days. Both set-ups were
placed in darkness throughout the experiment.
kept in darkness
CJ agar block without auxins
for 2 days
El agar block containing
decapitated coleoptiles auxins of identical
decapitated roots
Which of the following combinations correctly describes the effect of this concentration of auxins on the
growth of the coleoptile and the root?
Coleoptile Root
A. growth promoted growth promoted
B. growth inhibited growth not promoted
c. growth not promoted growth promoted
D. growth inhibited growth promoted
Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the Examination Report and Question Papers
published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage.
2011-CE-BIO 2-19 97