Advanced Macro I&II Course Outline - 2023 - 2024AG
Advanced Macro I&II Course Outline - 2023 - 2024AG
Advanced Macro I&II Course Outline - 2023 - 2024AG
Additional Readings
Alemayehu Geda (2002). Finance and Trade in Africa: Macroeconomic
Response in the World Economy Context. Basingstoke/New York:
Alemayehu Geda (2011). Readings on Ethiopian Economy. Addis Ababa:
Addis Ababa University Press.
Branson, William H. (1989). Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, 3rd edition.
New York: Harper & Row.
Davidons, P. (1994). Post Keynesian Macroeconomics Theory: A Foundation
for Successful Economic Policies for the Twenty-first Century.
Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Minford, Patrick and David Peel (2002). Advanced Macroeconomics: A
Primer. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Murshed, S.M. (1977). Macroeconomics for the Open Economy. London:
Dryden Press.
Chapter 6 Investment
Branson (1989) Ch 12
Agneor (2002) Ch 2
Romer (2001) Ch 8
Sargent (1987) Ch 14
Chapter 7 Labour Market (& Unemployment)/Optional & depends on time
Heijdra and van der Plog (2002), Ch 8
Branson (1989) Ch 6 & 10
Scarth (1988) Ch 1
Agneor (2002) Ch 14
Romer (2001) Ch 9
Ugur (2002) Chs 25 &26
Macro Policy Chapters
Chapter 8 Macroeconomic Policies and the African Context
Chapter 9 Tools for Short-run Macroeconomic Management: A Macro Model for
African Central Banks
Chapter 10 Macroeconomic Policies in Practice: The ‘Developmental State” Policy of
the Ethiopian Government and Its Macroeconomic Effect, 2000-2020 (in
References for the Policy Chapters 8, 9 and 10 is:
Alemayehu Geda (2023).
Romer (1995), Ch 3.
*Heijdra and Van Der Ploge, Chs 14.
*Drazen (2001). Political Economy in Macroeconomics. New Jersey: Princeton
Univ Press
*Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development
Economics 19??
*Alemayehu Geda (2008) ‘The Political Economy of Growth in Ethiopian’ in B.
Ndulu et al ‘The Political Economy of Growth in Africa: Cambridge:
Cambridge Unversity Press..
*Acemoglu, D., S. Johnson, and J. Robinson (2001), “The Colonial Origin of
Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation,” American
Economic Review 91 (December).
*Galbis, Vincente (1977), “Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth in Less
Developed Countries: A Theoretical Approach,” Journal of Development
Studies, Vol. 13(2), pp. 58-72.
*Galbis, Vincente (1979), “Money, Investment and Growth in Latin America, 1961 –
73,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 27(3).
Bardham, P. (1993). “Survey on Corruption” JEL
(Ch 11 is Optional)
Chapter 11 An Introduction to Real Business Cycle
Theories and Overlapping Generation (OLG)
The basics of Generational Economics and its application in Growth Models
Facts about economic fluctuations
Real Business Cycle models
- Traditional Keynesian theories of fluctuations
- Relevance to Africa
*Agenor (2006) ch 3
*Barro, R. (1974) “Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?”Journal of Political
Economy p. 1095.
*Blinder A. and R. Solow, (1973) “Does Fiscal Policy Matter?” Journal of Public
Economics, , pp. 319-38.
*Fischer, S. and W. Easterly (1990) “The Economics of the Government Budget
Constraint,” World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 5(2).
*Handbook Ch. 22 and 25
*Lindauer, D. L. and D. Velenchik (1992) “Government Spending in Developing
Countries: Trends, Causes, and Consequences,” World Bank Research
Observer vol. 7, No.1.
*Romer Ch.11
*Walsh (1998), Monetary Theory and Policy, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, Ch. 4
*Agenor (2006) Ch4, 6 and 8.
*Aryeetey, E. and M. Hyuha (1991), "The Informal Financial Sector and Markets in
Africa" in A. Chhibber and Stanley Fischer, eds. Economic Reform in
Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
*Cagan, P. (1956). “Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation” In Studies in the
Quantity Theory of Money. Ed. M. Friedman.
*Fischer, S. (1977) “Long term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal
Money Supply Rule” Journal of Political Economy, Feb., P. 191 – 206.
*Friedman, M. (1968), “The Role of Monetary Policy,” American Economic
Review. Vol. 68, pp. 1-17
*Gali, J. and M. Gertler (1999), “Inflation Dynamics: A Structural Econometric
Analysis,” Journal of Monetary Economics October: 195 – 222.
*Hahn, F., and B. Friedman (??) Handbook of Monetary Economics. North
Holland. Ch 17
*Obstfeld, Maurice (2002), “Inflation Targeting, Exchange-Rate Pass-Through, and
Volatility,” The American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings.
Vol. 92(2), pp. 102-107.
*Romer, ch 10
*Stiglitz and Weiss (1991). Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information,
AER 71(3): 153-171
*Walsh (1998), Monetary Theory and Policy, Boston: MIT Press, Chs.1, 2, 7 and 8
*Alemayehu Geda and Kibrom Tafere (2009) ‘The Galloping Inflation and Financing
Development in Ethiopia;, in Alemayehu Geda (2011). Reading on
Ethiopian Economy. Addis Ababa: AAU Press.
Agenor (2006) Chs 4 and 6
Chhibber, A. and N. Shafiq (1992), “The Inflationary Consequences of Devaluation
with Parallel Markets: The Case of Ghana,” In V. Carbo, Stanley Fischer,
and S. Webb, eds. (1992), Adjustment Lending Revisited. Washington,
D.C.: The World Bank.
*Agenor and Montiel (1996), Development Macroeconomics, Ch. 8
*Agenor (2006), Ch 9
*Ndulu, B. J. (1990) “Growth and Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa” in A. Chhibber
and Stanley Fischer, eds. Economic Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Washington, DC: The World Bank.
*Taylor L.(1983) Structuralist Macroeconomics. Basic Books. .
*Taylor, L. (ed) (1990) Social Relevant Policy Analysis. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Additional Readings
Alemayehu Geda and Free Huzina (2004) ‘ The Theory of the Ethiopian
Macroeconometric Model’ MOFED, Addis Ababa. (in A. Geda, 2011,
“Readings ….”
Alemayehu Geda (2002), Ch 3
Davidons, P. (1994). Post Keynesian Macroeconomics Theory: A Foundation
for Successful Economic Policies for the Twenty-first Century.
Aldershot: Edward Elgar
de Melo, J. and Robinson, S. (1982), General Equilibrium Models for
Development Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Edwards S. and Van Wijnbergen (1989) “Structural Adjustment” in Chenery and
Srinivasan, Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 2, North Holland
Elbadawi, Ibrahin A. (1996)< “Consolidating Macroeconomic Stabilization and
Restoring Growth in Africa,” in Benno Ndulu, et al. (1996), Agenda for
Africa’s Economic Renewal. Oxford: Transaction Publishers.
Helleiner, G. (1983) “The IMF and Africa in the 1980s” Essays in International
Finance No. 152
Jhon Weeks (1991). Critique of Neoclassical Macroeconomics. London: Pallgrave
Khan, M. S. and M. Knight (1981) “Stabilization Programs in Developing Countries:
A formal framework” IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 28, No. 1
Khan, M. S. and Montiel P.(1989) “Growth Oriented Adjustment Programs: A
Conceptual Framework” IMF Staff Papers Vol. 36, p. 279.
Lipumba N. H. I., Ndulu B.J. et al. ”Supply constrained Macroeconomic Model of
Tanzania” Journal of Economic Modelling, No. 3, 1989.
Pallely (1996)
Snowdon and Vane (2005), Ch 7,8 and 10
Taylor (2004). Reconstructing Macroeconomics. MIT Press.
Taylor, J. B (1993) “The Use of the New Macroeconometrics For Policy
Formulation” American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings,
pp. 294-299.
Taylor, L (1979). Macro Models for Developing Countries, New York, McGraw
Taylor, L. (1981) “IS-LM in the Tropics: Diagrammatics of the New Structuralist
Macro Critique” in Cline and Weintraub (eds), Economic Stabilization in
Developing Countries.
Grading Weights