(CIA) Work Paper On The Universal Declaration and Remedies (And Addendal Report) (Shawn Dexter John Is A Sole Author)

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United Nations Security Council, International Criminal Court (ICC), and International Court
Justice (ICJ) requested statement:

Date of Publication: 01/29/2024

(1) Court records, documents, transcripts, and such purporting Shawn Dexter John to have
been a defendant, incompetent, illiterate, an accessory witness, complicit, a former
convict, a former offender, a former client to legal or abuse rehabilitation, a parolee, and
not the prosecutorial agent will be correctly purported as evidence to the conspiracy
charges and convictions issued against those identified as having abused him or
violated his rights (public and private [of criminal correlation]) we have communicated.
Additional legal penalties, none against Shawn Dexter John or to his detriment as with
the original penalties), shall be issued against all purveyors of such material and their
criminal-minded/negligent endorsers.
(2) There will be women World Presidents (meaning as President of the United Nations [UN]
World Government of separate terms and not simultaneous to anyone else's term) in the
future immediately succeeding the inaugural terms of Shawn Dexter John. However,
Shawn Dexter John will serve as the inaugural World President and for two (2)
consecutive five (5) year terms (the inaugural terms). He will be elected in 2044 by the
General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) (to be known colloquially as the World
Congress). There shall be no shadow World President (meaning President and
Commissioner of the UN World Government) and no shadow President of any Member
State including any perceivably associated with the President of the United States [of
America]) of any instance.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 1JKL790


Legal and Political Writings and [Audit, Documental,

Non-mythical Freemasonic, Removal of Cover, and
Declassification] Reports presented by the
respective author Shawn Dexter John, the sole
author of all presented publications on this
professional blog (website), now the joint Harvard
Law Review and Yale Law Journal [writing,
editorship, and executive management] competition
The following works were written, typed, published, and edited solely by Shawn Dexter John, also known by his operative
alias Khaled Hassan, the sole author of the published book sketch "The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an
Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality" (published with iUniverse); where not expressly stated as an excerpt or a
promotion, the presented [conventional] intellectual/intelligence Work Papers, political commentary Work Papers, and
related notes) are essentially completed [whole] drafts of related but independent material. All rights to the presented
material are held solely by Shawn Dexter John; the works are reserved for use by Shawn Dexter John solely. There is no
plagiarized content in The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality
and there is no plagiarized content in the following material; there is no lack of [necessary] citation; none of the works is of
a deceitful nature. The contents of the following material of presentation have not been and are not products of any non-
Agency assigned work from any university, employer, or any other entity, or any person; it should also be noted that The
New Societies was not the result of any such assignment(s) or task(s). No person or entity has directed or forced the
author into the presentation of the following material. Shawn Dexter John isn't contractually employed (and has never been
contractually employed) by any foreign government or system of related Caribbean governance. Also, he is not a licensed
attorney (yet), law professor (yet), instructor, college professor (yet), or a current law student. He is not and was never
compensated for the development of the following works. The author has taken and completed United States accredited
doctoral courses, which are inclusive of American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law courses. The level and the quality
of the following works are intended for a graduate-level (doctoral and post-doctoral) university audience and the related
professional community. The following are not meant to perpetuate any racial or ethnic agenda and are not of any
professional or other recruitment ideology; the following are primarily scholarly and Central Intelligence Agency related. The
primary law school of his legal education was St. Thomas University School of Law – Miami Gardens. The author is an
official, undisputed, and authentic citizen of the United States of America (USA). (Importantly, the author's partial education
at Southern University and A&M College, as a doctoral student in Public Policy [at the Nelson Mandela School of Public
Policy and Urban Affairs], served well in writing significant parts of the overall material. Both degrees awarded to the author
were received from Howard University, however.) (The author did complete a course-required research [unpaid] internship
with the Embassy of the Commonwealth of Dominica over a short period of time. The author's brief employment with USA
for UNHCR, as a paid fundraiser, never required or initiated the development of any presented material). The majority of the
following works have been written on personal computers (on private laptops of Shawn Dexter John by Shawn Dexter John
[solely] and, at times, on library desktops and/or on a personal and exclusionarily owned smartphone by Shawn Dexter
John [solely]). The author is sincere and honest in his postulation. *Shawn Dexter John isn't in representation of any other
individual as a cover – there is no other operative recognized as Khaled Hassan in the United States.*

Commentary Twenty-eight: Article Eight of the

Universal Declaration and effective remedy

I, Shawn Dexter John, am the only individual editing the manuscript (aside being the only author).

I will provide any update to the [edited and completed] manuscript, if any: [EDITED AND
COMPLETED] The New Societies – Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of

The version published as a book was simply a covert and humble sketch, published in that manner to
provide a template to government affiliates working across distance preceding its expected completion
at a then later date (corresponding with me editing work today) – quite a humble act. Tampering might
have devalued the book material but the model and intent were communicated well preceding the
publication of the [completed] edited version (here) – the completed version consists of slightly over
200 pages. (The edited version is presented as a bonafide law article to the public.)



Author: Shawn Dexter John

My highest level of attained university academic degree: Master of Arts in History (along with a
Graduate Certificate in International Studies) from Howard University in Washington, District of
Columbia, the United States of America.

Lower level of attained university academic degree: Bachelor of Arts in History (along with a minor
in Economics) from Howard University in Washington, District of Columbia, the United States of


Article eight of the Universal Declaration provides that every individual deserves practical remedies
upon met abridgement of his or her right(s). Every individual deserves to be heard in competent
courts, within his or her Member State, for soundly addressing domestic infringement(s).

Every remedy ought to communicate accountability, ought to communicate that formed tribunals
are purposed with providing the necessary decisions for deterring violations, for meeting plaintiffs’
needs induced by found infringements of their rights specifically. Tribunals ought to be immensely
responsible, stable, and prudent. Generally, every such space ought to empower logical and
equitable principles, correspond with a sanctioned government system, and enable the fixture of
learned and certified practitioners concerning both judges and those employed or selected for
representing parties. (Every jury ought to be notified of the relevant fundamental rights of the
contesting parties.) (Meeting plaintiffs’ needs focuses primarily on making plaintiffs whole again
concerning the breach of private laws. There are additional focus[es] often, however.)


1. I acknowledge that certain formal tribunals are associated with international organizations, not
necessarily familiar government authorities. The general condition of tribunals, as I’ve explained
above, may be altered per this generous exception (situationally specifically). Disciplined
supranational organizations, when truly observed widely, can serve as competent juridical
authorities and productive administrators. (Cardinally, only fixed proceedings are applicable
theoretically.) (Like the continental unions which will emerge throughout the world, five I
anticipate, the United Nations will eventually, many decades into the future, establish a court
system which is rigid in operation, permanent, and backed by a universal system of juridical
provinces. I expect that each of the continental unions of the future will have traditional courts
with an evolving territorial and subject jurisdiction, progressive in its gradual refinement, for
addressing the social, economic, and political needs of their constituents in constitutional
question formats. The continental unions will likely participate within the universal system as
distinct provinces. There are natural and documented universal rights, also acknowledged by the
United Nations, which are constitutional in their make-up, which are designed by nature and
civilization to direct human activities at all levels. The global tribunal should fully answer
constitutional questions. The anticipated institution is legitimate regarding its purpose, its
compatibility with modern society, and its design. Subnote: the great majority of constitutional
liberties are addressable, adducible, & protectable at all levels of authority. The global tribunal
would ensure the proper use of the UN’s apparatus, continental structures, and domestic
governments while exemplifying intellectual wisdom & deserved authority.) (Some international
tribunals focus on criminal proceedings specifically. I firmly anticipate that all of the continental
unions, concerning their court systems, and the predicted universal court organ will accept both
criminal and civil proceedings as long as the judicial questions are constitutional in their set
orientation, prioritizing complex rights regarding provincial laws. Efficiency requires addressing
constitutional questions as co-chief or solely. Importantly, multi-member state disputes are also
considered constitutional questions since the rights of governments on behalf of their own
citizens ought to be protected for general welfare and security purposes. Corporations, in
representation of their own shareholders or agents, in suing governments and governments, in
their representation of their respective peoples, in suing private companies are also applicable
as petitioners – the issue of general welfare is genuinely addressed at minimum. Also, regarding
the proposed constitutional question requirement, the exception is explained below. Additionally,
I do explain how an international tribunal, possibly the future apex planetary tribunal, might only
hear questions constitutional in their orientation.)
2. The transferable constitutional liberties and principles I refer to are those which are recognized
as fundamental and fixed components of a modern, free, ethical, and pro-democratic society.
There are peculiarities within the structures of nations and their laws which are apparent and are
to be expected. However, these peculiarities are to compliment those studied principles
(uniformly recognized as necessary for the proper operation of such a modern society), are to
not breach or wrongly alter the modest constraints established to preserve and enable those
principles’ application in all incorporated sectors of the respective society. (These concern the
proposed UN judicial system.)
3. The foundational documents and fundamental grants of the continental unions will serve as
their constitutional documents. The interpretation of continental supranational laws, by the
continental courts, will be conducted within the confines of the codified constitutional limits &
guarantees. (The exception to the constitutional question requirement, regarding the noted
juridical systems of continental unions and the predicted United Nations judicial system, will be
the interpretation of supranational laws at their own respective levels. It is still possible, however,
that the plausible United Nations judicial plexus will establish lower courts to interpret General
Assembly legislative resolutions and administrative policies while reserving the constitutional
question requirement for the highest court within this system – efficiency, once again, could
induce this sort of format.) (It is still highly plausible that some of the future federal [continental]
unions will procedurally welcome constitutional questions presented by final national courts – I
took this into consideration and viewed it as a logical expectation.) (I am predicting that the
continental courts will join the United Nations system and will be allowed to submit
transconstitutional questions and petitions.)
4. I am not communicating that government may assume control over private institutions or may
devolve the free market (capitalist) economy in gaining strong impact. I provide that government
ought to promote private enterprise, protect the economic health of communities, and
acknowledge and help protect the financial interests of individuals in respecting the General
Welfare Clause of the Constitution and equivalent provisions within sanctioned supranational
covenants. Giving reasonable and fair powers to supranational entities will not negate this
obligation, in general. These entities, in their correct formulations, will consolidate the
fundamental ethos of member states, those democratic and comprehensive in nature.
5. Concerning the global tribunal accepting constitutional questions fully, the global court would
have subject-matter jurisdiction for reviewing General Assembly supranational resolutions
(widely), continental supranational laws concerning notable constitutional questions, and
national laws previously reviewed by continental tribunals in their adjudication of constitutional
questions. Where lower United Nations courts are incorporated within the UN’s system for
reviewing General Assembly resolutions and internal agency policies in their finality, where the
supreme global tribunal only hears cases centered on question(s) on constitutionality, this would
mean that the proposed broad jurisdiction of the supreme tribunal would be just a bit narrower
(for efficiency purposes).
6. The universal court could additionally hear domestic cases on questions concerning rights
which are immensely fundamental to the operation of society (per its discretion), cases deemed
urgent. (The broad politicalization of the United Nations will occur over a vast period of time. Its
political connections with members will strengthen with time.)
7. The International Court of Justice is limited in it’s jurisdiction, only hearing legal disputes
between state members. I anticipate that the universal system will incorporate the International
Court of Justice’s responsibilities (and possibly the intact organ itself into it’s plexus, a similar
functional model to the one presented).

My contact information (email addresses) for potential employers (including professional
fellowships and United States federal or state government offices): [email protected] or
[email protected].

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July 27, 2013  Edit  Leave a Reply

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