The Hebrew Gospels From Sepharad - John Version 1,1
The Hebrew Gospels From Sepharad - John Version 1,1
The Hebrew Gospels From Sepharad - John Version 1,1
from Sepharad
Table of Contents
Evidence of Authenticity and Interesting Readings….………. iii
About the Translation ………..…………………………….… xix
Footnote Symbols and Abbreviations ……………………….. xxi
Translation of the Hebrew Gospel of John ……..….….….….... 1
Glossary …………………..…………………………………...... 81
Evidence of Authenticity
and Interesting Readings
We are excited to share with you the first ever English translation of an
authentic Hebrew manuscript of John. The Hebrew Gospels from
Sepharad,a contained in the Vatican Ebr. 100 manuscript, are the most
interesting and amazing versions of the Gospels that we know of. They
are full of insights into the original meaning of Yeshua’sb life and
teaching. They often contain the answer to some difficult and
contradicting passages, and help us understand that the Gospels were
first written in the Hebrew language for the Jews, and then later
translated into Greek for the gentiles.
Below we will discuss some evidences which show that this Hebrew
version of John is authentic. We will see many indications that it
derives from the original Hebrew version and not from the Greek,
Aramaic, or Latin versions.
Most Bible scholars believe that the gospel of John was written in
Greek to evangelize the Greek-speaking pagan world. They contend
that it is impossible that the Gospel of John could originally have been
written to the Jews in the Hebrew language – using arguments such as:
“Doesn’t John chapter one verse one use the Greek keyword ‘logos’
three times? Is this not good proof that John was originally written in
Greek and composed specifically to attract Greek speaking Gentiles to
the Gospel?”
The Hebrew name for ‘Spain.’
The Hebrew name for ‘Jesus.’
Evidence of Authenticity iv
Well, the Hebrew Gospel of John does not use ‘logos,’ nor anything
similar. Instead it uses the Hebrew keyword ‘ben’ three times. The
Hebrew word ‘ben’ means ‘son,’ and is a frequent title for the Messiah
in the Tanach!a Before we continue, it is necessary that the reader
understand the meaning of the Hebrew word ‘Mashiach.’ It literally
means ‘anointed one,’ and refers either to a king, prophet or priest who
is anointed as such. Yeshua Mashiach, the Son, was anointed by his
Father as Prophet, King, and everlasting High Priest. There are many
prophesies in the Tanach about the Son. Let’s look at two examples:
Psalm 2:6-12: “I, I have anointed my King over Tsiyon, my holy
mountain… YHWH said unto me, you are my Son… Kiss the Son, lest
he become angry and you perish… blessed are all those who take
refuge in him.”b
Isaiah 9:6-7: “For a Child is born for us, a Son is given to us, and the
dominion came onto his shoulder, and he called his name Wonder,
Counsellor, Mighty El,c Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. To increase
dominion and for Shalom without end, on the throne of David and
over his kingdom, to establish it and to found it on justice and on
righteousness, from now and unto eternity…” d
There are many similar promises about David and especially the Son
of David.e Although David and his son Solomon were the initial
‘Tanach’ is a Hebrew acronym for ‘Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim,’ or in English, ‘The Law, the
Prophets, the Writings.’ In other words, it refers to the entire so-called ‘Old Testament.’
Ps. 2:6-12, translated from the Masoretic Text.
“El” is the short Hebrew word for ‘God.’
Is. 9:6-7, translated from the Masoretic Text.
See e.g. Ps. 89:26-28; Ps 72; 2 Sam. 7:13-16; 1 Chron. 17:12-14; 22:10; 28:6-7 and many
other passages. Although some anti-missionaries want to say that Solomon completely
fulfilled these prophesies and that it has nothing to do with Yeshua, take note that the
v Evidence of Authenticity
prophecy in Isaiah chapter 9 about the Son on the throne of David was given long after
Solomon’s death!
“Eloah” is the singular form of ‘Elohim,’ the Hebrew word for ‘God.’
“El” is the short Hebrew word for ‘God.’
John 1:1, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
“Elohim” is the standard Hebrew word for ‘God.’
John 20:31, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
Evidence of Authenticity vi
be more natural than for the book to open, using this very word three
Jews who reject Yeshua as Messiah often object that the New
Testament teaches a new religion with a new ‘god,’ which is contrary
to the Torah; but this is not true. The point of John chapter 1:1-3 is that
Yeshua is not some new ‘god,’ neither is he a normal human being like
David or Solomon, but he is the Son (Messiah) who existed at the
beginning. Not only is he the Son of Elohim, but he is also the Creator,
and he himself has been Elohim since the beginning.
John 1:11-12, ESV.
vii Evidence of Authenticity
Now, you might be wondering about John 1:14, which in the Greek
versionc clearly says that Yeshua “dwelt among us” – the Jews. This
Many Jews did believe in Yeshua. Acts 21:20: “You see, brother, how many thousands
of Jews there are which believe…” See also John 9:16 in the Hebrew Gospels version.
John 1:10-11, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
For easy reading, most references to the Greek and Hebrew texts will be rendered in
Evidence of Authenticity viii
seems to show that the author wrote to other people, not to his own
people among whom Yeshua dwelt:
John 1:14 (from Greek, KJV): “And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us...”
Is this perhaps more proof that the Gospel of John was originally
written in Greek for the non-Jews? Interestingly, the Hebrew version
of John says exactly the opposite!
John 1:14: “And so El was made flesh and dwelt among you.”a
So here it is indisputable that the Hebrew version of John was written
to “you,” the people among whom Yeshua dwelt – the Jews! Yeshua
did not dwell among the Greek gentiles when he came to earth.
Did you notice in the above verse that Yeshua is called El? We see this
again in verse 29:
“And on the next day Yochanan saw Yeshua who came unto him; and
he said, “Behold, this is El…”b
‘El’ is the short form of the Hebrew word ‘Elohim.’c There is currently
a lot of foolish debate about Yeshua and whether he is Elohim or not.
John 1:14, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
John 1:29, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
The Hebrew word for ‘God’ - The Messiah is called ‘Elohim’ both in the Old and New
Testaments – see e.g. Heb. 1:8-9 (quoted from Ps. 45:6-7), Mat. 1:23 (quoted from Isa.
7:14), Isa. 9:6-7, Joh. 1:1, Joh. 10:30 (where Yeshua said - in allusion to Isa. 9:6 and Deu.
ix Evidence of Authenticity
Did you know that the above-mentioned verse from Psalm 96 contains
a Hebrew word pun? Hebrew word plays and ‘paronomasia’c are
characteristic of documents originally written in Hebrew. It is very
common in the Hebrew Tanach, and gives the text beauty and
A certain Hebrew word could be repeated two or more times
throughout a passage, sometimes with a shift in meaning; or similar
6:4 – that “I and the Father are one”). Note that the Hebrew definition of ‘one’ is often
closer to the English definition of ‘united,’ and thus, according to the Hebrew ‘Tanach,’
two distinct persons can be one (Gen. 2:24).
Lit. “worthlessness.”
Ps. 96:5, translated from the Masoretic Text.
Internal or consonantal rhyme.
Evidence of Authenticity x
Hebrew translations from Greek. Below, the phrase from John 11:2 has
been transliterated for easy comparison:
Greek Textus Receptus:a ‘...he aleiphasa ton Kurion muro…’
Aramaic Peshitta:b “…dein hade iteih hai demeshchat bevesma
reglawhi deYeshua…”
Latin Vulgate: “…autem erat quæ unxit Dominum unguento…”
Hebrew from Greek:c ‘…asher mashcha et ha-Adon beshemen
Authentic Hebrew (Vat Ebr. 100): d ‘…shemashcha [Yeshua]e
mashiach bimshichah…’
As you can see, the only version that rhymes, is the one found in the
Vat. Ebr. 100 manuscript! If one attempts to preserve the word play in
English, it would read, “…who anointed Yeshua the Anointed with
Unlike the second-hand Hebrew translations, in this Hebrew version
the words for ‘anointed,’ ‘Messiah’ and ‘ointment’ are from the same
Hebrew root word ‘mashach,’ and thus form a beautiful internal rhyme:
“ἡ ἀλείψασα τὸν Κύριον μύρῳ.”
Transcribed in block letters: “”דין הדא איתיה הי דמשחת בבסמא רגלוהי דישוע
Franz Delitzsch: " "אשר משחה את האדון בשמן המורversus Dalman / Delitzsch:
" "אשר משחה את האדון במרקחתand Salkinson / Ginsburg:
" "אשר משחה את־האדוֹן בשמן רקח- Note that none of these back-to-Hebrew
translations contain the internal rhyme.
""שמשחה ]ישוע[ משיח במשיחה
The spelling of Hebrew names is standardized in our translations. Refer to ‘About
translation’ for more information on the spelling of Hebrew names in Vat. Ebr. 100.
Evidence of Authenticity xii
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world
knew him not.”a
In the Hebrew, however, there is a shift in meaning between the first
use of ‘Olam,’ and the second and third use thereof in John 1:10:
“He is eternal (Olam); and the world (Olam) was made by him; but
the world (Olam) does not recognize him…” b
The Hebrew version does not state that the Son was ‘in the Olam,’ but
rather that he “is Olam.” This makes a big difference to the meaning of
the word ‘Olam’ – as it is clear that Yeshua is not “world,” rather, he
is “eternal”!
This points us back to John 1:1 which states that the Son of
Eloah already existed at the beginning – he has always existed, he is
eternal.c So in the Hebrew version, the first occurrence of
the word ‘Olam’ means “eternal,” the second occurrence
could mean “world,” “eternity” or even both, as some
Hebrew word plays involve a double meaning of a
particular word.d The third occurrence of ‘Olam’ in John
1:10 only means “world.” This is a special Hebrew word play with a
progressive shift in the meaning of the repeated word.
John 1:10, KJV, from Greek Textus Receptus.
John 1:10 translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
Also see John 8:25-26 in the translation of the Hebrew Gospel of John.
A good example of this is found in Job 7:6: “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle,
and come to an end without hope.” The Hebrew word translated here as “hope” is
‘Tiqwah,’ which could also mean “thread.” This makes an obvious word pun in the context
of the weaver’s shuttle: “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and come to an end
without thread (hope).” John 1:10 may well contain a similar double-meaning word play,
showing that Yeshua created both the current world and eternity.
Evidence of Authenticity xiv
This Hebrew word pun is lost in the Greek version, as Greek does not
use the same word for ‘world’ and ‘eternal.’ Also, the Greek
translator(s) / editor(s) added the preposition “in,” to try and make
sense of the phrase “he is Olam,” which they probably misunderstood
to mean “world.” Because the preposition “in” was added to the Greek
translation, one cannot reclaim the original meaning and word pun by
translating it (or any of the Greek based versions) back to Hebrew.a
This is a very clear indication that this Hebrew version of John is
authentic, deriving from the original Hebrew version.
In Hebrew translations from Greek, the preposition ‘in’ forces the word ‘Olam’ to mean
‘world’ and the meaning ‘eternal’ is not even a possibility.
xv Evidence of Authenticity
And this leaves the puzzling question as to why they would come to
anoint him a second time, more than 72 hours later?
The answer to this question is found in the Hebrew Gospel of John! It
explains that Yeshua was only anointed by Joseph and Nicodemus
(later) “in the night”:
John 19:39-40: “Then Yoseph came with Naqdimon to Yeshua in the
night, bringing a blend of myrrh, …and anointed the body with good
and valuable ointments…”a
In the Hebrew version it clearly states that Yeshua’s body was anointed
at night, not before sunset. So, this actually gives the answer to our
question, as the sequence of events were as follows:
Yeshua’s body was quickly laid in the grave before sunset, and the
women most probably saw that his body was not properly buried nor
anointed, so they decided to come back later – to anoint Yeshua’s body
after the high Sabbath.
Meanwhile, after sunset, Joseph and Nicodemus returned to the grave.
Joseph had finished the initial burial before sunset (which began the
high Sabbath), but Joseph and Nicodemus only arrived back with the
ointment after sunset. Take note that Joseph was already unclean by
touching the dead body of Yeshua, so he had no choice but to celebrate
Passover a month later.b Thus he decided to return and finish the burial
John 19:39-40, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
See Numbers 9:6-13. The women who did not touch the body of Yeshua after he died
were obligated to rest on the high Sabbath (it was not a weekly Sabbath) and to do the
Passover. But those who touched the body could not celebrate Passover on that day,
and thus they were not obligated to start resting at sundown (it was not a weekly
Sabbath), they would do the Feast a month later.
Evidence of Authenticity xvi
John 19:39, translated from Vat. Ebr. 100.
xvii Evidence of Authenticity
which was also in the night. Therefore they added the phrase “which at
the first” to change the meaning and ‘solve’ the ‘contradiction.’
Superficially this sounds good, but as we have just seen, a careful
examination of the four Gospel accounts clearly shows that the Hebrew
reading is the original. The Greek translation is a second-hand
interpretation by people who were not there at Yeshua’s burial, neither
did they understand that Joseph made a second visit to the grave in the
night to finish the burial.
Now, you might be wondering whether the Hebrew text is perhaps
ambiguous and could also be accurately translated just as the Greek
version renders it, but the answer is no. This can only be done if one
changes what is clearly written in the Hebrew in an attempt to ‘correct’
what seems to be an ‘obvious mistake.’ And it seems, this is exactly
what the Greek translator(s) / editor(s) did. They thought that they were
correcting a mistake, however, they really obscured the answer to this
very important question about Yeshua’s burial!
So, even though the Hebrew tradition contained in the Vat. Ebr. 100
manuscript seems to have been preserved in the Catalan language,a and
Depending on the technique of translation, Hebrew can be preserved very well in
another language, and the original Hebrew text can later be reclaimed. Aquila’s Greek
translation of the O.T. is a good example, when contrasted with the Septuagint Greek
translation. The Septuagint translation often paraphrases the original Hebrew and uses
various Greek words to translate a single Hebrew word. Sometimes one Greek word is
used to translate multiple Hebrew words. The Septuagint further supplies prepositions
etc. according to Greek grammar, it sometimes changes the word order to be readable in
Evidence of Authenticity xviii
Greek, and it often supplies the subject. Thus, when attempting to translate the Greek
Septuagint back into Hebrew, even the world’s best scholars often disagree on how to
translate a particular Greek word back into Hebrew, and therefore the original Hebrew
text behind the Septuagint translation cannot be reclaimed with certainty and precision.
On the other hand, Aquila’s Translation was done word for word, and is a very exact,
overly literal translation. The Jewish encyclopaedia states: “The main feature of Aquila's
version is its excessive literalness. His chief aim was to render the Hebrew into Greek
word for word, without any regard for Greek idiom. The same Greek word is regularly
used for the same Hebrew, however incongruous the effect.” In fact, it is so literal that in
many instances it does not make much sense in Greek! This overly literal translation
preserved the Hebrew Tanach much more efficiently than the Septuagint translation,
and the Jewish encyclopaedia states that “one can reconstruct the original Hebrew text
underlying Aquila’s translation with certainty.” When studying the Vat. Ebr. 100
manuscript, we see many examples where the Hebrew tradition was preserved very well
through the Hebrew > Catalan > Hebrew translation process.
URL links to each online page of translated manuscript is provided throughout the
In some instances, Hebrew names were spelled correctly, showing that the use of
awkward transliterated names was purposeful. Compare e.g. John 1:45 (where the name
Nathanael is transliterated from Catalan) with John 1:46 etc. where this name was
correctly written as a Hebrew name.
Evidence of Translation
the Translation
Authenticity xx
1: 1 (117v) In the beginning was the Son of Eloah.1 The Son of El2
was both with El, and the Son of El was Eloah. 2 This one was
in the beginning with El. 3 All things were made by him; and
without him nothing was made, of that which was made. 4 For he is
life – this life is the lamp3 of men. 5 And the lamp does shine in the
gloom; but the gloom and darkness do not have power over it.
6 El sent a certain man – his name was Yochanan.4 7 This one came
for a witness, in order to give witness from afar.
9 He5 is truly a lamp; and he shines on every man in this world. 10 He
is eternal; and the world was made by him; but the world does not
recognize him, 11 neither the power6 of his words – even those who do
not receive him. 12 Only7 to all of them who receive him, he gives
ability, that they be (118r) made sons 8 of El – those who believe in his
name, 13 who are not born of blood (that is, by the knowledge of sins),
nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but they are born of the
will of El.
Singular of ‘Elohim,’ and usually translated as ‘God.’ In Hebrew however, the word
‘luck’ or ‘fortune’ is pronounced as ‘gad’ and sometimes as ‘god’ (medieval) – see e.g.
Gen. 30:10-11; Josh. 11:17; Isa. 65:11. Therefore we prefer to not use ‘God.’
An even shorter form than ‘Eloah’ – see above note.
Or “light.”
Hebrew name for ‘John.’
The first “he” in this verse could possibly refer to Yochanan (See chapter 5:35), but the
second “he” clearly refers to Yeshua.
Or possibly ‘substance.’
Or “but.”
Or “children” – Hebrew masculine includes feminine.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 1 2
14 And so El1 was made flesh and dwelt among you. And we saw his
light2 – that he is echad3 alone, and was brought forth4 from the
Father, who is5 full of grace and truth.
15Yochanan did witness of him and cried out, saying, “This is he of
whom I said that, ‘He who is ready6 to come after me existed long
ago,7 even before the days.’” 16 And by his completeness8 all of us
have obtained grace; and by him is the grace – 17 for the law was
given through Mosheh, 9 truly,10 grace and truth came through
Yeshua Mashiach.11 18 No man saw El in eternity; the Son – echad
The Messiah is called Elohim both in the Old and New Testaments – see e.g. Heb. 1:8-9
(quoted from Ps. 45:6-7), Mat. 1:23 (quoted from Isa. 7:14), Isa. 9:6-7, John 1:1, John
10:30 (where Yeshua said - in allusion to Isa. 9:6 and Deu. 6:4 – that “I and the Father are
one”). Note that the Hebrew definition of “one” is often closer to the English definition
of “united,” and thus, according to the Hebrew Tanach, two distinct persons can be one
(Gen. 2:24).
Or “glory.”
The Hebrew word for “one.” See note on verse 18.
Or “begotten.”
Or possibly “and that he is,” which would then refer to Yeshua.
Or “about.”
Lit. “ancient.”
Or “And because of his perfection / completeness.”
Hebrew name for ‘Moses.’
The Hebrew word " "אבלcould mean ‘but’, but often means “truly” or “verily” without
indicating any contrast. Only context determines the exact meaning. Here an analogy is
meant: Just like Moses gave the law to Israel, so Yeshua gave grace and truth. Law, grace
and truth are synonyms in the Bible, not opposites. (See e.g. Ex. 33:13, Ps. 119:29, 142,
Neh. 9:13).
Or ‘Messiah.’ The Hebrew word which was translated into the Greek ‘Kristos’ but
should be clearly distinguished from the Catholic symbolic ‘Christ.’ Literal meaning:
“anointed one,” usually referring to someone anointed as king of Yisrael, or as priest or
prophet. However when used as a name, it refers to the Son of YHWH, whom he
anointed as the ultimate King of Yisrael, the Everlasting High Priest, and the Prophet who
3 Yoch. 1 Version 1.1
and only begotten, who is the Son of the Father – this is Eloah echad.1
19This is his scroll, and this is the witness of Yochanan: When the
Yehudim sent priests and [Lewiyim]2 from Yerushalayim3 that they
should ask him who he was 20 – he confessed and did not deny, but
confessed that he was not Mashiach. 21 So they asked him, “If so, who
are you? Are you Eliyahu?4 Are you not Prophet?” 5 But he said,
“No.” 22 Then they said to him, “Tell us who you are, in order that we
may return an answer to them who sent us; what do you say of
yourself?” 23 He answered, “I am ‘the voice which cries, ‘In the
wilderness make the way of YHWH 6 straight;’’ as Yeshayah the
prophet had said.” 24 (Now they who were sent to him were of the
would speak YHWH’s words to his people, and if anyone disobeys him, YHWH himself
will cut off that person from among his people. See Deu. 18:18.
“Echad” means “one.” Deu. 6:4: “Hear o Yisrael, YHWH is our Elohim; YHWH is echad!”
However, the Hebrew word ‘echad’ does not necessarily mean that it is only one object,
or only one person. It often rather has the concept of being united – the opposite of
being divided. It is impossible to use the above verse to deny that YHWH has a Son who
is indeed Elohim himself – already in Gen. 2: 24 the word ‘echad’ is used of two people
becoming one flesh: “Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and cleave
unto his wife; and they will become one flesh.” See also Mat. 19: 4-6.
Hebrew name for ‘Levites.’
Hebrew name for ‘Jerusalem.’
Hebrew name for ‘Elijah.’
See Deu. 18: 15-22. When ‘Prophet’ is used as a name, as in this case, it is used as a
synonym of ‘Mashiach.’ (See glossary: Mashiach.) The use of ‘Prophet’ as a name for
Mashiach, should be distinguished from the general use of ‘prophet’ for humans.
Yochanan the immerser was a prophet (Mat. 11:9); however, he was only sent to
prepare the way for Mashiach.
The Hebrew manuscript has “Hashem,” which literally means “The Name.” Still today
many Jews will read ‘Hashem’ when they see the Hebrew יהוה. We have replaced
“Hashem” with transliterated consonants of ‘the Name’ itself: YHWH. As for
pronunciation, the only grammatically possible pronunciation, from which all other
abbreviations / contractions can be formed, is ‘Yah-weh.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 1 4
Perushim.)1 25 So they asked him, and said to him, “Why are you
immersing, if you are not Mashiach, nor Eliyahu, nor Prophet?” 26
Yochanan answered them and said, “I am immersing (118v) you in
water; however, he whom you do not recognize abides2 among you.
27 He is ready to come after me – but he was before me – him whose
Hebrew name for ‘Pharisees.’
Or “stands.”
Or “about.”
Hebrew name for ‘Bethany.’ The Gospel of John clearly speaks of two different places
with the name Beit-Anyah, one being on the other side (i.e. east) of the Jordan river, and
the other near the mount of olives and close to Jerusalem.
Hebrew name for ‘Jordan.’
Hebrew “( ”גברgever). Literally means strong / mighty one, but is also used to refer to
‘men’ as being distinct from ‘women.’ Thus it could also be translated as ‘man.’ But it
should also be noted that the only other occurrence of the Hebrew word ‘gever’ in
these manuscripts of the Hebrew Gospels, is used for messengers (‘angels’), who are
described in the Tanach as “powerful warriors” going and doing whatever YHWH sends
them for. (Ps. 103:20, 21).
Lit. “first to me,” meaning ‘first with regards to me.’ The Hebrew word for ‘first’ can
both mean first in time (before) or first in position (chief).
Or “it.”
Or “proclaimed.”
Hebrew name for ‘Israel.’
5 Yoch. 1 Version 1.1
Yochanan did witness of him, saying, “I, I saw the Ruach1 descending
from the heavens almost as a dove, and remaining upon him. 33 Truly,
he who sent me that I should immerse with water – he said to me, ‘He
upon whom you will see the Ruach descending, and remaining upon
him, this is he who immerses in Ruach Ha-Qodesh.’2 34 And I, I saw
it, and am doing witness that this is the Son of El.”
35 And on another day, Yochanan and two of his talmidim3 stood
again, 36 looking at Yeshua as he walked, and said, “Behold the
Mal’ach4 of YHWH.” 37 And the two talmidim heard him speak, and
went after Yeshua. 38 Then Yeshua, turning himself around and seeing
them following after him, 39 said unto them, “Come, and see it!” So
they came, and saw where he stayed; and they stayed there that day.
And it was about the tenth hour. 40 (Now Andrai5 was the brother of
Shimon; and Shimon Keipha6 was one of them twelve, who heard of
Hebrew word for ‘spirit’ or ‘wind.’
Lit. ‘the Set-Apart Spirit.’
Usually translated as “disciples.” The Hebrew “Talmid” is a student who learns from his
teacher and follows his example. “Talmidim” is the masculine plural form.
Hebrew: “Mal’ach.” Used for both human and heavenly messengers. The English word
‘angel’ is not a translation – only a transliteration of the Greek ‘aggelos.’ Nowhere in the
Tanach are heavenly messengers described as ‘women with wings’, as Catholic images
and paintings represent them. They are actually YHWH’s “armies” of “powerful warriors”
going and doing whatever he sends them for. Ps. 103: 20,21 “Bless YHWH, his
messengers, powerful warriors, who perform his word, listening to the voice of his word.
Bless YHWH, all his armies, his servants who perform his goodwill.” The phrase ‘Mal’ach
YHWH’ (The Messenger of YHWH ) is also often used of Mashiach (YHWH the Son) in the
Tanach. No man saw YHWH the Father at any time, and thus every time YHWH appeared
to (lit. “was seen of”) someone in the Tanach, he did so through YHWH the Son. See Acts
7:38 and Ex. 3:2-8, 24:9-12, 33: 11, 20-23.
Hebrew name for ‘Andrew.’
The Aramaic name for ‘Peter,’ via Greek transliteration: ‘Cephas.’ A number of Aramaic
nouns were used post-exilic Hebrew.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 1 6
him1 (119r) from Yochanan, and followed him.) 41 And this one first
found Shimon his brother, and said to him, “We, we found Mashiach”
( )2 42 And he brought him unto Yeshua. And Yeshua looked at him,
saying, “You are Shimon the son of [Yonah],3 you will [be] called
Keipha” (meaning rock).
43 So the next day he wanted to depart to Gelilah.4 And he found
Philip, and said to him, “Come after me!” 44 (Now Philip was from
the city Beit-Tsaidah, 5 where Andrai and Keipha and Philip were
from.) 45 Then he found Netanel,6 and said to him, “We, we found
Yeshua the son of Yoseph7 of Netseret8 – it is he of whom Mosheh
wrote in the law and in the prophets!” 46 But Netanel said to him,
“Can there be any good thing in Netseret!?” Philip said to him,
“Come and see him!”9
47Yeshua Mashiach saw Netanel who came there, and said, “Whom
do you think that truth is from – man10 of Yisrael who is without any
deception?” 48 Netanel said to him, “How do you recognize me?”
Yeshua answered and said to him, “Before [Philip] had called you, I
saw you under the fig tree!” 49 Netanel answered him and said,
“Rabbi, you are the Son of Eloah – you are the King of Yisrael!” 50
Yeshua answered and said to him, “Are you able to believe because I
Or “who heard it.”
Ms. inserts gloss: ‘who is called Kristos.’
Hebrew name for ‘Jonah.’
Hebrew name for ‘Galilee.’
Hebrew name for ‘Bethsaida.’
Hebrew name for ‘Nathanael.’
Hebrew name for ‘Joseph.’
Hebrew name for ‘Nazareth.’
Or “it.”
Or “a man.”
7 Yoch. 2 Version 1.1
told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will still see greater
things than this.” 51 And he said to him, “In truth I say to you that you
will see the heavens opened, and the messengers of Elohim ascending
and descending because of1 the Son of man.”
2: 1 (119v) Now on the third day a marriage was held in Gelilah, and
Miryam2 the mother of Yeshua was there. 2 And Yeshua was called to
the marriage with his talmidim. 3 So when they were lacking wine at
the marriage, the mother of Yeshua said unto him, “They do not have
any wine.” 4 Yeshua answered her, “Woman, what is that to me or to
you? My time is not due3 yet.” 5 The mother of Yeshua said to the
attendants, “You must do everything he tells you!”
6 (Now there were six water jars4 [of stone] there, being placed
according to the custom of the cleansing of the Yehudim; and every
one of the water jars holds two or three measures.) 7 Then Yeshua said
to them, “Fill all the water jars with water.” Therefore they filled
them with as much water as they could hold. 8 Then Yeshua said to
them, “Take out from them, and bring it, and give some to drink to the
leader of ceremonies.” So they brought it to her. 9 And when the
leader of ceremonies had tasted the water (they saw that he turned it
into wine – she did not know where it came from – but the servants,
those who brought the water to the leader of ceremonies knew it) she
called the betrothed man5 10 and said to him, “Every man first sets
Or “on.”
The Hebrew name for ‘Mary’ or ‘Miriam.’
Lit. “fitting.”
Or “pots.”
Or “bridegroom.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 2 8
down the good wine, and after they are satisfied, 1 then the inferior
remainder of wine; but you concealed the good wine until now!”
11Thus Yeshua did this first sign in Beit-Gelilah; and he revealed his
exaltation; and his talmidim recognized him. 12 After these things he
went down (120r) into Kephar Nachum – he and his mother, and his
brothers, and his talmidim; and they stayed there a few days.
13 Now the Pesach2 of the Yehudim3 was near, so Yeshua went up
into Yerushalayim.4 14 And he found in the Sanctuary, men selling
flock and cattle and doves. 15 And when he had made something like
plaitings of cords, he drove them all out of the Sanctuary, also the
flock and the cattle; and he scattered the money of the money
changers, and cast down their tables. 16 And he said to those who sold
doves, “Cast these things away from this place! And do not make the
house of my Father a house of merchandise!” 17 (And his talmidim
remembered that it is written, “The love of your house consumes
18Then the Yehudim answered and said, “What sign will you show us
– that you do this?”5 19 Yeshua answered and said to them, “You will
cast down this Sanctuary, but in three days I will raise it up.” 20 Then
Or “drunk.” This is a generic term does not necessarily mean drunk with alcohol. See
e.g. Hag. 1:6.
Hebrew name for ‘Passover.’
The explanatory phrase: “of the Yehudim” is probably a gloss which was later inserted
to help gentile readers understand. This version of John was clearly written to the Jews,
the people among whom Yeshua dwelt (chapter 1:14).
Hebrew name for ‘Jerusalem.’
They probably wanted Yeshua to perform a sign to prove his authority for interfering
with their buying and selling in the Temple. Otherwise, read “what sign do you show us
by doing this?”
9 Yoch. 3 Version 1.1
the Yehudim said to him, “This Sanctuary was extended1 among us,
and that work had to continue for forty-six years;2 and do you say you
will do it in three days!?” 21 (But what he said, he said about the
sanctuary of his heart.3) 22 And they believed in the Scripture and in
the word which Yeshua had spoken.
23Now when he was in Yerushalayim at the Pesach on the day of the
Feast, many Yehudim, seeing the signs which he did, believed in his
name. 24 But Yeshua did not give his trust to them, for he knew all of
them; 25 and he did not need that the witness be hastily done for him
about4 the men, for he knew what was in the men.
3: 1 (120v) There was another man whose name was Naqdimon, 5 and he
was a leader6 of the Yehudim. 2 And in the night he came unto
Yeshua and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you came from the
heavens – for no man is able to do these signs, except El be with
him.” 3 Yeshua answered and said to him, “Truth I say to you, no man
will reach to see the kingdom of heavens, except he become born
4Naqdimon answered him, “How is a man able to be born when he is
old? Is a man able to return to his mother’s belly, and come into the
world again?” 5 Yeshua answered, “Truth I say to you: no man will
enter into the kingdom of heavens, except he who becomes born again
– of water and of Ruach Ha-Qodesh. 6 That which is born from the
Or possibly “continued long.”
Could also translate with different tense: “has continued for forty six years.”
Or “the sanctuary of himself.”
Or possibly “by.”
Hebrew name for ‘Nicodemus.’
Or “chief.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 3 10
flesh, is flesh; but that which is born from Ruach, is ruach. 7 Do not
be astonished because I say it is necessary that you1 become born
anew. 8 The ruach blows to the place where it2 wants; and you hear
the sound,3 but you do not know where it4 comes or goes. And so is
the man who is born from Ruach.”
9 Naqdimon answered and said to him, “How can these things be
possible?” 10 Yeshua answered and said to him, “You are a rabbi in
Yisrael, yet you do not know these things!? 11 Truth I say to you that
we speak what we know, (121r) and we do witness of what we have
seen; but you5 do not accept our witnesses. 12 If I tell you worldly
things and you do not believe them, how will you believe the
heavenly things, if I tell you of them?
13And there is no one who has ascended up to the heavens except he
who descended from the heavens – the Son of man who is [from]6 the
heavens. 14 As Mosheh lifted up and exalted the serpent7 in the
wilderness, so it is obligated that the Son of man be lifted up8 – 15 in
order that the sons of man who believe in him will not perish, but
reach9 everlasting life. 16 For El loves the world so much that he gave
his only son – one alone begotten – to the world; in order that he
Plural in Hebrew.
Or “he.”
Or “voice.”
Or “he.”
“you” is plural in Hebrew throughout this verse.
Lit. “in,” but the preposition בis sometimes used with the meaning ‘from being in.’
Hebrew " – "נחשoften means dragon / monster.
Synonym of ‘hang up’ or ‘crucify.’
Or. “obtain.”
11 Yoch. 3 Version 1.1
who 1 believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For
Eloah did not send his Son into the world in order to judge the world,
but in order that the world may be saved through him. 18 Whosoever
believes in him will not be judged, but whosoever does not believe in
him is already judged – because he does not believe in the Eternal, the
one-alone begotten Son of Eloah.2
19 And this is the appearance3 of the heart: the lamp4 came to the
world, but the men love darkness and gloom more than the lamp, for
their deeds5 are evil. 20 For every man who does6 the evil, curses the
lamp; and he is7 not in the light – so that he will not be caught in his
deeds. 21 But whosoever does truth, comes unto the lamp in order that
his deeds may be (121v) revealed, that they are done in the name of
22 After these things Yeshua came with his talmidim in the land of
Yehudah,8 and there he stayed with them, and immersed. 23 (Now
Yochanan was immersing by a mountain near [Shalem],9 for there
was much water there. And many came unto him, and he immersed
them – 24 for Yochanan had not yet been placed in the house of
prison.) 25 Then a question occurred10 among the talmidim of
Yochanan concerning the purification. 26 So they came to Yochanan
Or “whosoever.”
Or possibly ‘the eternal one-alone begotten Son of Eloah.’
Paraphrase: ‘This is how corrupt the heart is.’
Or “light.”
Or “ works.”
Or “works.”
Or possibly ‘he does not come into the light, lest he be caught in his deeds.’
Hebrew name for ‘Judah.’
Hebrew name for ‘Salem.’
Or “then there came a question.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 3 12
and said, “Rabbi, he who was with you on the other side of the
Yardein – [of whom] you did witness – he immerses and everyone
comes unto him.”
27 Yochanan answered and said, “No man is able to obtain, unless it is
given to him from the heavens. 28 You yourselves do witness to me –
that I told you, ‘I am not Mashiach, but I am sent before him.’ 29 He
who has the betrothed woman1 [is] the betrothed man,2 but this is the
friend3 of the betrothed man: he who stands and hears him, and is
glad with joy because of the voice of the betrothed man. This is
complete joy. 30 And it is fitting to give him the greatness, but me the
31 Whosoever comes for esteem from everyone, is he who speaks
from the earth; but he who comes from the heavens is above all. 32
And he does witness of what he heard and saw, yet no4 man receives
his witness. 33 But whosoever receives his witness signifies that he is
the true Eloah. 34 For he whom YHWH had sent, speaks the word –
for YHWH does not give the Ruach with measure.5 35 (122r) The Father
loves the Son, and he gave everything in his hand. 6 36 And whosoever
believes in the Son has everlasting life; however, whosoever does not
believe the Son does not have life, but the anger of YHWH abides on
Or “bride.”
Or “bridegroom.”
Lit. “he who loves.”
Hebrew often uses “no” or “not any” to refer to the majority.
Meaning, ‘for YHWH gives the Ruach without measure.’
“in his hand” = “into his authority / power.”
13 Yoch. 4 Version 1.1
In Hebrew a verb is often written only once in a sentence, but again implied a second
time in remaining part of the sentence, called ‘verb gapping.’ This verb is probably
implied here from the first part of the verse.
Hebrew name for the land of ‘Samaria.’
Although Shomron was originally the name of a city, it was later used to refer to the
regions around Shomron (Samaria).
Hebrew name for ‘Sychar.’
Hebrew name for ‘Jacob.’
Or “fountain.”
Water is always plural in Hebrew.
Hebrew word for a ‘Samarian’ woman.
Hebrew word for ‘Jew.’
Hebrew word for ‘Samarians.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 4 14
water to drink – you, you would perhaps1 ask him, and he would2
give you living waters!”
11 The woman answered him, “The well is deep, and you do not have
something with which you can draw water; so how can you give me
living water? 12 Are you greater than Ya’aqov our father, who gave
this well to us – and he drank from this well, and his sons3 and his
cattle?” 13 Yeshua answered and said to her, “Whosoever drinks of
this water will have thirst again; 14 but whosoever drinks of the waters
that I will give him will not thirst in eternity; but the waters that I give
him will become a spring, leaping with4 everlasting life.” 15 So the
woman said unto him, “Give me those waters, so that I will not have
thirst and that I will not have to come here to draw waters in
16 Then Yeshua said to her, “Go6 and call your husband, and return
here.” 17 The woman answered and said to him, “I do not have a
husband.” So Yeshua said to her, “Truth you say that you do not have
a husband, 18 for you had five husbands, but this one whom you have
now is not your husband. Truth you speak.” 19 Then the woman said
to him, “Adon,7 I realize that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers prayed
Sarcasm; meaning ‘certainly / definitely.’
Or “that he should give.”
Or “children” – Hebrew masculine includes feminine.
Or “into.”
Or “that I will never have to come here to draw water.”
Introductory imperative – idiom for saying it should happen immediately. Compare
chapter 8:11.
Hebrew word for ‘Master.’
15 Yoch. 4 Version 1.1
to YHWH in this mountain, but you1 say that the place where
everyone has to pray to El is in Yerushalayim.”
21 So Yeshua said to the woman, “Believe me that a time will yet
come, that you will not worship the Father on this mountain, nor in
Yerushalayim. 22 (123r) You2 pray to whom you do not know; but we
pray to whom we know – for shalom3 is about to come for the
Yehudim. 23 But a time will come, and is now, that the true
worshippers will worship the Father in Ruach and in truth, for the
Father asks4 them that they worship according to these.5 24 El is
Ruach, and those who pray to him – it is required that they pray to
him in Ruach and in truth.” 25 So the woman said to him, “I know that
Mashiach ( )6 is ready to come, and when he comes he will reveal
many things to us.” 26 Then Yeshua said to her, “I am he – he who
speaks with you!”
27And right then7 his talmidim came, and they were astonished when
they found him speaking with the woman. However, none of them
asked him what he was speaking to her, such as, “What do you
seek?” or, “What do you speak with her?”
28So the woman left her house,8 and went to the city and said to the
people, 29 “Come, and see! – A certain man made known to me
Plural in Hebrew, referring to the Jews.
Plural in Hebrew.
Or possibly ‘salvation.’
Or “the Father seeks those who.”
“These” (feminine plural) refers back to Ruach and Truth.
Ms. inserts gloss: “that is, Kristos.”
Lit. “immediately.”
Apparently her house was outside the city.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 4 16
Or possibly “he himself is Mashiach.”
Or “perform.”
Lit. “it is a true word…”
Or “because of.”
17 Yoch. 4 Version 1.1
43After two days he [departed] from there and went into Gelilah. 44
And he gave witness1 that no prophet has honor in his own land. 45
Then, when Yeshua came into Gelilah, the Gelilim received him
because they saw everything he did in Yerushalayim in the day of the
Feast2 – when he came to the day of the Feast.
46 Then he came again in Beit-Gelilah,3 to the place where he had
made wine out of water. Now there was a small king ( )4 there, who
had a sick son in Kephar Nachum. 47 (124r) So when he heard that
Yeshua came from Yehudah into Gelilah, he went unto him that he
would come down to heal his son – for he was in danger to die. 48
Then Yeshua said unto him, “Will you not believe except you see
signs and miracles?” 49 So the nobleman said unto him, “Adon,5 come
down before my son dies!” 50 Yeshua said unto him, “Go, your son is
alive!” And the man believed the word which Yeshua said to him, and
went away.
51So after he was content6 to go down, his servants came up to him,
and told him that his son lived. 52 So he asked that they should tell
him the time that the wellbeing7 returned to him, and they said to him,
“Yesterday, in the seventh hour of the day the fever left him.” 53 Then
the father realized that that was the hour when Yeshua told him that
his son was alive; and all his household believed in him. 54 This was
Or “testified.”
Hebrew "( "מועדmo’ed) Lit. “appointed time”.
Lit. ‘house of Galilee.’
Ms. inserts gloss: ‘nobleman.’
Hebrew word for ‘Master.’
Or “wanted,” could also mean “when he went down willingly.”
Lit. “his good strength.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 5 18
The explanatory phrase: “of the Yehudim” is probably a gloss which was later inserted
to help gentile readers understand. This version of John was clearly written to the Jews,
the people among whom Yeshua dwelt (chapter 1:14).
Hebrew name for ‘Bethsaida.’
Or “staircases” or “ramps.”
Manuscript inserts gloss: ‘in foreign language called ‘’פרושיש.’
Possibly ‘swollen with water’ or ‘swollen.’
Lit. “waters come to the hands of turbidity / troubling.”
Or “you may not.”
19 Yoch. 5 Version 1.1
answered them, “He who did this to me,1 said unto me, ‘Lift up your
bed, and walk.’” 132 (But he did not know who it was who had healed
him, for Yeshua hid himself from the people who were in that place.)
14 Then Yeshua found him in the Sanctuary and said to him, “Behold,
you are healthy – from now and onward do not desire3 to sin, lest a
bad thing happens to you.” 15 So that man went and said to the
Yehudim that Yeshua had healed him. 16 So they said, “Even because
of this does Yeshua go around in Yehudah: to do these things on the
Shabbat!”4 17 But Yeshua answered, “My Father works until now; and
therefore I, I work just so.” 18 Then the Yehudim wanted to put him
to death even more, for “not only did he loosen5 the Shabbat, but even
more, he said that his Father is Eloah, and he likened himself in
equality to El.”
19 Because of this Yeshua answered and said to them, “Truth, the Son
is not able (125r) to do anything to you from himself; only that which
he sees done by his Father. For the things which he does, the Son
does just like them. 20 For the Father loves the Son, and teaches him
everything he does. And he will show him greater works than
Or “he who made me this” = ‘he who made me healed / able to walk.’
Vs. 12 does not exist in this manuscript. Note that this does not necessarily represent a
mistake. It is well known that Greek translators and scribes / editors of the Old
Testament often added explanatory notes, interpretations and extra words into their
manuscripts, and this expanded the text over time. The same proves to be true of Greek
translations of the New Testament books which were originally written in Hebrew.
Or “do not be willing.”
Or possibly ‘Does Yeshua go around Yehudah on account of this, to do these things on
the Shabbat?’
Or “release from obligation.” Although Yeshua did keep the Sabbath according to his
Father’s Torah, he did not keep the additional manmade Jewish laws regarding the
Sabbath, and this is what they were so upset about.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 5 20
these, because you are not amazed. 21 For as the Father, who makes
the dead alive and gives them life, so the Son gives life to
whomsoever he desires. 22 For the Father does not judge any man, but
he gives all judgment to the Son, 23 in order that everyone will honor
the Son as they honor the Father. Whosoever does not honor the Son,
does not honor the Father who sent him.
24 Truth I say to you, that he who obeys my words and believes him
who sent me, will have everlasting life, and will not come in
judgment, but will cross over from death to life. 25 Truth I say to you
that a time will come, and is now, that the dead ones will hear the
voice of the Son of El; and those who hear1 it2 will live. 26 For as the
Father has life in himself, so he gives life to the Son in himself, 27 and
he gives him power to do judgment, for he is the Son of man. 28 Do
not marvel about this, for a time will yet come, that all those who are
in the graves will hear the voice of El. 29 Then they will go out – those
who did good, into life; and whosoever did evil, into judgment. 30 I
am not able to do anything of myself, only as I hear do I judge. And
my judgment is righteous and right, (125v) for I do not seek to do my
will, but the will of him who sent me.
31If I do witness for myself, it does not go out as true; 32 there is
another who does witness for me. 33 You, you sent to Yochanan, and
he did a true witness. 34 I however, I do not accept witness of man, but
This is a word play with the Hebrew word "( "שמעshama), which means to ‘hear,’ but
also means to ‘obey.’ This phrase has a double meaning. Firstly, those who hear the
voice of El will be resurrected. Secondly, those who obeyed the voice of El will have
everlasting life, and those who disobeyed, (did evil) will go into everlasting death, even
though they were at first resurrected by hearing the voice of El. (See vs. 28, 29.)
Or “him.”
21 Yoch. 5 Version 1.1
I said this in order that you, you may be saved. 35 He, he was a
burning and shining light and lamp, but you were not willing to
rejoice one moment among us.
36But I have a greater witness than Yochanan – that I fulfill the works
which my Father gave me. The works that I do, do witness for me; 37
he also does witness for me. And in eternity you have not heard his
voice, nor seen his shape. 38 And his word is not in you, because you
do not believe that he sent him. 39 Take pleasure in the writings! –
Wherein you think you will have everlasting life, and they are those
which bear witness of me!1 40 But you do not take pleasure2 in
coming to me that you may have everlasting life.
41 There is no admonishing3 of men to me; 42 but I know you, that you
do not have the love of El in you. 43 I came into the world from my
Father, but you do not receive me; if another one comes into his
world, you will receive him. 44 How are you able to believe while you
pursue after the exaltations, but you do not seek them4 which are from
YHWH alone? 45 Do not be so foolish to think that I am he who
accuses you; it is the one father who accuses, and this is Mosheh – he
in whom your hope is. 46 (126r) And if you had believed in Mosheh,
you would perhaps5 believe me; 47 but if you do not even believe his
letters, how will you believe my words?”
Lit. “who witness witness to me,” typical Hebrew style.
Or “are not willing to come to me.”
Hebrew " – "זוהרcould also mean ‘shining’ = ‘glory.’ Thus the alt. translation is ‘I do not
have glory from men.’
Referring back to the ‘exaltations.’
Sarcasm; meaning ‘certainly / definitely / obviously.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 6 22
6: 1 After these things Yeshua went to the other side of the sea of
Gelilah, which is the sea of Tiberias.1 2 And many peoples2 went after
him, because they saw the signs which he did unto those who were
sick. 3 So Yeshua went up into the mountain, and there he taught with
his disciples. 4 And it was near to the Pesach, the day of the Feast of
the Yehudim.3 5 When Yeshua lifted up his eyes and saw many
peoples coming unto him, he said to Philip, “Where can we buy bread
that these peoples may eat?” 6 (This saying was to test him, for he
knew what he had to do). 7 Philip answered him, “Two hundred coins
of bread will not be enough for this people, even if a little is given to
every one!” 8 One of his disciples, Andrai the brother of Shimon
Keipha, said to him, 9 “Here is a young man4 who has [five] loaves of
barley bread and two fishes – but what will that be among all of
10 Then Yeshua said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was
great faith5 in that place – so the people sat down – and they were
about five thousand men in number. 11 Then Yeshua took the loaves,
and when he had done a prayer of thanksgiving to YHWH, he divided
the bread (126v) among the people, and so also the fish. And it was
sufficient for them in everything they asked. 12 When they were
satisfied he said to his talmidim, “Gather that which is left over, that it
Or “Kinneret.”
The Hebrew word for people “( ”עםam) occurs in singular and plural. When used in
plural, refers to groups of people, and could mean “crowds.”
The explanatory phrase: “of the Yehudim” is probably a gloss which was later inserted
to help gentile readers understand. This version of John was clearly written to the Jews,
the people among whom Yeshua dwelt (chapter 1:14).
Or “a boy.”
Thousands of people sat down in faith, believing that Yeshua would give them food to
23 Yoch. 6 Version 1.1
be not lost.” 13 Then they gathered and filled twelve baskets with the
morsels1 which were left over of those who ate.
14Then those men – when they had seen the sign which he did – said,
“This is in truth Prophet who came into the world!” 15 Then Yeshua,
who knew2 that they came unto him in order to lay hold of him and
make him King, fled again into the mountain, alone.
16And when it became evening, his talmidim went down to the sea. 17
And after they had gone up into the boat, they went across the sea,
toward Kephar Nachum. (Now it was evening already, and Yeshua
had not yet come to them; 18 and the sea was terrifying3 because of a
great wind which was blowing.) 19 When they had gone twenty five
milin,4 they saw Yeshua [walking] unto them. When he came near
unto them, he turned to them and they trembled. 5 20 But he said to
them, “I am he! Do not fear.” 21 Then they were willing to receive
him into the boat. And immediately the boat was at the land which
they aimed to go to.
22So on the next day, across6 the sea, they saw that the other little
boat7 was not there, and that he was not there,8 only the one boat9–
Lit. “broken pieces” or “crumbs.”
Or “But Yeshua, when he recognized.”
Or possibly ‘the sea terrified them.’
Prob. the same measure as the itinerary stadion (pl. stadia), approx. 160m.
Or “feared.”
Or “at the other side of.”
It seems like Yeshua Mashiach and his talmidim had two small boats in which they
normally traveled.
Hebrew ambiguous. alt. translation: “and that there was nothing there except one
“one” is feminine, referring to the remaining ‘boat’, which is feminine in Hebrew.
Although there were other boats there, only one of the two boats belonging to Yeshua
Version 1.1 Yoch. 6 24
and that Yeshua did not enter into the boat with his talmidim, but his
talmidim went alone. 23 (However, other boats did come from
Tiberias – to that place where they ate the bread and did a prayer of
thanksgiving to El.) 24 So when the people saw that Yeshua was not
there, nor his talmidim, they went up into boats and came in Kephar
Nachum, seeking Yeshua.
25And when (127r) they had found him across1 the sea, they asked him,
“Rabbi, when did you come here?” 26 So Yeshua answered them and
said, “Truth I say to you, you are seeking2 me, not because you have
seen signs, only because you ate the bread and were satisfied by it. 27
You were made, 3 not for food that perishes (whosoever perishes), but
for food that abides into everlasting life – that which the Son of man
will give to you; for El the Father signifies this.” 4 28 So they said to
him “What should we do that we may be able to do good works to
El?” 29 Yeshua answered and said to them, “This is the work of El,
that you believe in he whom he sent – me.”5
30Then they said to him, “What sign do you do that we may see it and
believe you? What work do you do? 31 Our fathers ate the manna in
the wilderness, as it is written, ‘He gave them bread of heaven to
eat.’” 32 So Yeshua said to them, “Truth I say to you, Mosheh did not
give you bread of heaven, but my Father gives you true bread from
the heavens; 33 and gives life to the world.” 34 Then they said to him,
and his talmidim had passed over to Cephar-Nachum, and the second one of the two
small boats belonging to Yeshua and his talmidim was still there.
Or “at the other side of.”
Lit. “asking,” but often means “seeking.”
Or possibly ‘you must work / exert yourselves.’
Lit. “he is the sign,” but means “he signifies this” or “he has appointed it”
Meaning: ‘in me whom he sent.’
25 Yoch. 6 Version 1.1
“Adon, may this bread be given to us all the time.” 35 Then Yeshua
said to them, “I am the bread of life; whosoever comes unto me will
not be hungry, and whosoever believes in me will not have thirst in
36 But this I say to you because you saw me and yet you did not
believe in me. 37 Every one the Father gave me comes to me, and he
who comes to me I will not cast out. 38 For I, I descend from the
heavens, not in order to do my will, only the will of him who sent me.
39 And this is his will, (127v) that all these which he gave me, I should
not let any of them be destroyed, but that I should raise them up in the
last day. 40 For this is the will of the Father who sent me – that every
man who chooses1 the Son and believes, will have everlasting life;
and I will raise him up alive in the last day.”
41 Then the Yehudim whispered to each other because of2 him,
because he had said, “I am the bread who descended from the
heavens.” 42 And they said, “Is this not the son of Yoseph, from the
father and the mother whom we know? In what way does he say that
he descended from the heavens?”
43 So Yeshua answered and said to them, “Do not murmur against me
– 44 none is able to come unto me, except if the Father who sent me,
draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day. 45 For it is written
in the prophets, ‘And all of them will be taught of El.’ Every man who
hears from the Father – after that3 he will come unto me; 46 not
Lit. “sees,” but in context the secondary meaning is certainly the correct one. Yeshua
sent the talmidim to preach the Good News in all the world to all peoples, and those
who ‘choose’ him, and ‘believe’ in him are saved, even if they did not see him.
Or “about him.”
Or “afterwards.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 6 26
because any of them has seen the Father, except he who is from the
Father, and he, he1 has seen the Father. 47 Truth I say to you, he who
believes [in me], he has eternal life. 48 I am the bread of life; 49 your
fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is he who
descended from the heavens in order that he2 who eats of him will not
die. 51 I am the bread of life who descended from the heavens – that
if someone eats this bread, he may exist for ever. And the bread
which I, I will give you is my flesh – for eternal existence.”3
52 Therefore the Yehudim disputed4 among themselves, (128r) saying,
“How is this one able to give us his flesh to eat?” 53 So Yeshua said to
them, “Truth I say to you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of
man, and do not drink his blood,5 you will not have life; 54 but
whosoever eats my flesh and whosoever drinks my blood, will have
everlasting life – and I, I will raise him up in the last day. 55 For my
flesh is the true food, and my blood the true drink. 56 He who eats my
flesh and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him. 57 As the Father
had sent me, and I am alive because of 6 the Father, so he who eats me
is alive because of me. 58 This is the bread who descended from the
heavens – not as your fathers ate the manna and died – whosoever
eats this bread will live for eternity.” 59 (These things he said in the
house of the assembly, teaching in Kephar Nachum.)
Repeating a pronoun twice is a typical Hebrew way of adding emphasis.
Lit. “this one.”
Or possibly ‘the existence of the world’ Hebrew “הויי עולם.” This Hebrew word ‘’עולם
(olam) is used both for ‘world’ and ‘eternity.’
Or “disagreed.”
Throughout the Tanach ‘wine’ and ‘blood’ are used synonymously. (See Gen. 49:11;
Deu. 32:14. See also Mat. 26:27 - 28.).
Or “through.”
27 Yoch. 7 Version 1.1
60 Then many of his talmidim said, “This – this word is hard; who is
able to obey it?” 61 And when Yeshua heard their measure of faith he
said, “Who will terrify you 62 when you see the Son of man ascending
where he had been first? 63 It is the Ruach that makes alive; the flesh
does not benefit any one. The words that I spoke to you are Ruach
and life; 64 but some of you are those who do not believe!” (For
Yeshua who knows former things, knew whom they were who
believed, and who would deliver him up.) 65 And he said, “Because of
this have I said to you that no one is able to come unto me, except if it
is given to him of my Father.” 66 Because of this many of his
talmidim (128v) returned back, and many did not walk with him
67Then Yeshua said to twelve who remained, “Do you also want to
go?” 68 So Shimon Keipha answered, “Adon, to whom can we go?
The words of everlasting life are yours! 69 And we believe you, and
we know that you are Mashiach, the Son of El.” 70 Then Yeshua
answered them, “Did not I, I choose you twelve? – One of you is an
adversary!”1 71 (And he said this of Yehudah Ish-Qeriot2 – that this
one would betray him, who was one of the twelve.)
7: 1 After these things, Yeshua went into3 Gelilah – for he did not
want to go into1 Yehudah because the Yehudim were seeking him to
put him to death.
Hebrew ‘a satan.’ The Hebrew word ‘satan’ literally means ‘enemy.’ In these Hebrew
manuscripts, if ‘satan’ has the article it is normally used as a title (and is transliterated as
‘Ha-Satan’); however satan (without the article) is used for ‘adversary’ or as a synonym
of ‘demon.’
Hebrew name for ‘Iscariot,’ “Ish-Qeriot” means ‘the man from Qeriot.’
Or “went around in.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 7 28
2 (Now it was near the Feast day of the Yehudim,2 called Sukkot.3) 3
Then one said to him, “Depart from here and go into Yehudah that
your talmidim may see your works which you do. 4 For he who wants
to publicize himself to all, does not do anything in secret; if you do
these things, publicize yourself to the world!” 5 (For his brothers had
not yet believed in him.) 6 Then Yeshua said to them, “My time, o
man, has not yet come; but with you, all time is ready. 7 The world
cannot be angry4 with you; but it is angry5 with me, because I bear
witness (129r) against it, that its works are evil. 8 You will try6 to kill
me in this day of the Feast, but my time is not fulfilled.” 9 (When he
said these things he was in Gelilah.)
10And when his brothers went up into Yerushalayim in the day of the
Feast, then he went up too (not openly, but just in hiding). 11 And then
the Yehudim sought him in the day of the Feast, and said, “Where is
he?” 12 And a great number of the people murmured7 about him, for
some said, “He is good;” and others, “He is not, but he makes the
peoples rebellious.” 13 However none of them spoke of him openly
because of the Yehudim.
14But in the middle of the Feast, Yeshua went up into the Sanctuary
and taught. 15 And the Yehudim were astonished and said, “How does
Or “go around in.”
The explanatory phrase: “of the Yehudim” is probably a gloss which was later inserted
to help gentile readers understand. This version of John was clearly written to the Jews,
the people among whom Yeshua dwelt (chapter 1:14).
Lit. ‘booths’ – the Hebrew name for ‘Feast of Tabernacles.’
Or possibly ‘reject’ or ‘despise.’
Or possibly ‘rejects’ or ‘despises.’
‘Try to’ or ‘attempt to’ is often not written but still understood in the Hebrew Bible.
Or “grumbled.”
29 Yoch. 7 Version 1.1
this one who did not learn, know literature?” 16 Yeshua answered and
said, “My teaching is not mine, but it is from him who sent me. 17 If
any man desires to do the desire1 of El, he will recognize the teaching
– whether it is from El, or if his word is from himself. 18 Whosoever
speaks of himself seeks his own honor. Truly, whosoever seeks a sign
of him who sent him – he does not have true seed in him. 19 Did not
Mosheh give you the law – that none of you should diminish or lessen
the law? Why do you want to put me to death?”
20 The company2 answered and said, “It is Satan who wants to kill
you!” 21 Yeshua answered and said to them, “I, I did one work,3 and
all of you marveled4 22 because of this! Mosheh gave you (129v) the
covenant of circumcision – not that that word was from Mosheh, but
from the fathers – and on the Shabbat you circumcise men. 23 If a man
goes into a covenant of salt5 on the Shabbat – and he does not loosen6
himself7 – is the law of Mosheh destroyed? Why are you angry at me
because I heal every one on the Shabbat? 24 Therefore do not judge
according to appearance, but judge8 righteous judgment.”
So some of the sons of Yerushalayim said, “Is it not this man whom
we want to put to death? 26 Behold, he speaks openly, but we do not
Or “wants to do the will.”
Or “crowd.”
Yeshua healed the lame man on the Sabbath, chapter 5:5-10.
Or “were amazed.”
Or possibly ‘of circumcision,’ the difference being תvs ח, which are sometimes
mistaken for each other.
Or “release from obligation.”
One cannot loosen oneself from the command to circumcise one’s children on the
eighth day, even if that day is the Sabbath.
Understood from first half of verse.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 7 30
saying, “If any one does come unto me, he will drink; 38 whosoever
believes in me, as the Scripture says, ‘a stream of living water will
run from his belly.’” 39 (And he said this concerning Ruach Ha-
Qodesh – which those who believe in him would receive; for he had
Or possibly “And I – you know where I am from. You know that I did not come from
myself, but from him who sent me.”
Possibly a figure of speech.
Vs. 35 and 36 do not exist in manuscript.
31 Yoch. 7 Version 1.1
not yet given the Ruach because Yeshua had not yet come into the
light1 of the Most High.)
40 Then some of the crowd of the people, when they heard his words,
said, “This is the true Prophet!” 41 And others said, “This is
Mashiach!” But others said, “Will Mashiach come from Gelilah?! 42
Does not the Scripture say that Mashiach will come from the seed of
Dawid 2 and from the city Beit-Lechem where Dawid was?” 43 And
in this controversy 3 the people disputed4 because of him. 44 And some
wanted to lay hold of him; however none of them laid their hands on
45 Then those who were sent, returned to the rulers and Perushim; but
they said to them, “Why did you not bring him?” 46 Those who were
sent answered and said, “From eternity5 we have not heard anyone
speak his words 6 like that man speaks.” 47 Then the Perushim
answered them, “Does he also deceive you in this?! 48 Do you not see
that none of the leaders or the Perushim believe in him? 49 However,
this company who does not know 7 the law, is cursed.” 50 (130v) But
Naqdimon who came to Yeshua in the night, who was with them, said
to them, 51 “Do you not know that your Torah does not judge one
unless it first hears him, or unless it knows what he does?” 52 So they
Or “glory.”
Hebrew name for ‘David.’
Lit. “division.”
Or “argued.”
Or “We have never heard.”
“His words” could possibly refer to the Father’s words, which he promised to lay in the
mouth of ‘Prophet’ whom he would raise up to make YHWH’s word known the people.
Lit. “without knowing the law.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 8 32
answered and said to him, “Are you a Gelili?1 Search the Scriptures,
and you will find that no prophet comes from Gelilah!”
53 Then every single man returned to his house; 8: 1 and Yeshua went
to the Mount of Olives. 2 And the next day in the morning he came
into the Sanctuary again. So all the people came unto him, and he sat
and taught them.
3 Then the scribes and the Perushim brought a woman to him, whom
they caught in adultery, 4 and said to him, “This woman was caught in
adultery. 5 Now the law of Mosheh commands us that she should be
judged by stoning. But what do you say about this?” 6 (Now they
were tempting him in order to take counsel against him.)
So Yeshua bowed down, and wrote something on the ground with his
finger. 7 But when they continued asking him, he stood up and said to
them, “Let him who is found without sin among you, cast the first
stone on her.” 8 Then he kneeled again and wrote something on the
ground. 9 So when they heard this, they all departed from that place –
one after another – starting with (131r) the leaders; and in the
meanwhile Yeshua was left alone.
10 Then Yeshua stood up and said unto the woman, “Where are they
who bore witness against you – did no man punish you?” 11 So she,
she answered, “Adon, here no stone was thrown after me.” Then
Yeshua said to her, “Neither will I punish you; go and stop sinning –
from now and onward!”2
Hebrew word for ‘Galilean.’
The Hebrew uses an introductory imperative “Go!” This is not to be understood
literally, but is rather an idiom that adds emphasis on how urgent the command is. This
33 Yoch. 8 Version 1.1
idiom occurs many times in the Tanach, and is usually translated as ‘immediately’ or
‘right now.’ It is unlikely that Yeshua Mashiach would send this woman away; she would
probably have stayed with Yeshua learn from him. So what this phrase really means is:
“Stop sinning immediately, from now and onward!”
Or “light.”
This is a gapped adverbial phrase – understood in the second part of the verse just as
much as it is written in the first half of the verse. This verse is often misunderstood, and
people think that Yeshua Mashiach does not judge at all, however the very next verse, as
well as many other places in the Tanach and in the N.T. say that Mashiach does judge,
but that he judges righteously. (Isa 16:5; Isa 9:6-7; Ps 9:4; Jn. 5:22, 27 etc.)
“Echad” means ‘one.’ Deu. 6:4: “Hear o Yisrael, YHWH is our Elohim; YHWH is echad”!
However, the Hebrew word ‘echad’ does not necessarily mean that it is only one object,
or only one person. It often rather has the concept of being united – the opposite of
being divided. It is impossible to use the above verse to deny that YHWH has a Son who
is indeed Elohim himself – already in Gen. 2: 24 the word ‘echad’ is used of two people
becoming one flesh: “Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and cleave
unto his wife; and they will become one flesh.” See also Mat. 19: 4-6.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 8 34
Sarcasm; meaning ‘certainly / definitely / obviously.’
Possibly an idiom.
This phrase ‘I am he,’ are actually only two words in Hebrew: “( ”אניani) meaning ‘I,’
and “( ”הואhu) meaning ‘he’ or ‘is.’ The pronoun ‘ ’הואis formed from the root ‘( ’היהto
be), and is often used instead of the root ‘’היה. Yeshua Mashiach was very likely playing
with words, hinting at the great “I am” – from the root ‘היה,’ the verb from which the
name ‘YHWH’ is formed.
35 Yoch. 8 Version 1.1
30All the time that he was speaking these words, many believed in
him. 31 Then Yeshua said to those Yehudim who believed in him, “If
you abide in my word, you will become my talmidim in truth. 32 And
you will know the truth, and the truth (132r) will fulfill your requests.”1
33Then they said to him, “We are the seed of Avraham, and we have
never been the back;2 how do you say that we will become free
men?” 34 Yeshua answered them, “In truth I say to you that every man
who sins, is the servant of the sin; 35 and its3 servant does not abide in
the house for ever; only the sin abides for ever. 36 But if the son
makes atonement for you with haste,4 you will be free men. 37 I know
that you are the sons of Avraham, but you want to put me to death
because my word is not within you. 38 I speak that which I saw from
the Father; but you do that which you saw with your father.”
39 They answered and said to him, “Avraham is our father!” So
Yeshua said to them, “If you are the sons of Avraham, do the works
of Avraham! 40 But you want to kill me, a man who speaks truth to
you – that5 which I heard from El. Did Avraham do this? 41 You do
the work of your father.” Then they said to him, “We, we were not
born out of fornication, we have one El and one Father.”
See chapter 14:6 – Yeshua is the Truth.
This Hebrew word “‘( ”אחורback / farthest part’) is probably a synonym of the Hebrew
word ’‘( ’זנבtail / rear / end’), which is used in the Tanach as an idiom of being
subservient and menial. See Deu. 28:13, 44.
In context referring to the ‘sin’s servant.’
Or “soon.”
Lit. “her” feminine singular, referring back to the feminine noun “truth.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 8 36
42 So Yeshua said to them, “If El were your Father, you would have
loved him, for I1 came from El, and I went out from El; and I did not
come from myself – but he sent me. 43 Why do you not recognize my
word? It is because you are not able2 to obey him!3 44 You are the
sons of Ha-Satan4 your father, therefore you take pleasure in doing
the will of your father. (132v) He was a murderer at5 the beginning,
and did not abide in truth, for there is no truth with him. For
everything which he speaks is a lie; he speaks that which is nigh to
him; for he is its father, and he is a liar. 45 But if I speak truth to you,
you do not believe me. 46 Who of you traps6 me in sin? If I speak
truth to you, why do you not believe me!? 47 Whosoever is from El,
obeys the word of El; and this is why you do not obey it – because
you are not from El.”
48So the Yehudim answered and said, “Do not we rightly say that you
are a Shomroni?7 You have some of Ha-Satan!” 49 Yeshua answered,
“There is not a demon in me, but I honor my Father; while you
despise me. 50 And I do not seek my honor; it is another who seeks it,
and he judges true judgment. 51 I say to you in truth that if one
establishes my words, he will never die in eternity.” 52 Then the
Yehudim said, “Now we know Ha-Satan holds onto you! Avraham is
dead, and the prophets are dead; and now you say that if one keeps
Emphatic, lit. “I, I…”
It doesn't mean that it was impossible for them to obey, but they were not able
because they did not want to obey.
Otherwise “it,” referring back to Yeshua’s word.
Lit. “The adversary.” Because it is often used as a name in these gospels, we have
transliterated the name instead of translating it, as with all other names.
Or “from.”
Or “catches” – their goal was to arrest him, but with an accusation of sin.
Hebrew word for a ‘Samarian’ man.
37 Yoch. 9 Version 1.1
your words, death will not happen to him forever! 53 Are you greater
than Avraham our father who died, and the prophets who died? Who
is it that praises1 you with these honors except you yourself?”
54 Yeshua answered, “If I praise2 and honor myself, my honor is
nothing; my Father is he who gives honor to me – he (133r) of whom
you say that he is your Elohim! 55 And you do not know him; but I
know him, so would I be a liar like you? But I know him, and keep
his words. 56 Avraham your father desired to see my day, and he saw
it, and rejoiced.”3 57 The Yehudim said unto him, “You do not even
have fifty years of age yet, and has Avraham seen you?” 58 So Yeshua
said to them, “Truth I say to you that before Avraham existed I, I
am!”4 59 Then they brought stones to cast them on him; but Yeshua
hid himself and went out of the Sanctuary.
9: 1 As Yeshua was walking he saw a man, blind from the day of his
birth. 2 Then his talmidim asked him, “Rabbi, who is it that sinned –
this man, or his father, or his mother – so that this man was born
blind?” 3 Yeshua answered, “Neither this man has sinned, nor his
father, nor his mother – that he was born blind;5 but this happened to
him in order that the work of El may be revealed through him. 4 It is
Or “commends.”
Or “commend.”
Yeshua claims that Abraham saw him. Thus YHWH who appeared to Abraham was
YHWH the Son, i.e. Yeshua.
Or “I existed.” After Yeshua Mashiach earlier in this conversation (vs. 24, 28) twice said,
"( "אני הואani hu) – which is ambiguous, but can be translated as “I am” – he this time
uses a verb from the root ‘( ’היהfrom which the Name YHWH is formed), hinting even
more clearly at the fact that he is YHWH. This angered the unbelieving Jews to the
Understood from previous verse.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 9 38
Or “a lamp.”
The Hebrew word "( "קוםlike the verb ‘ ’הלךsee footnote on chapter 8: 11) when used
as an introductory verb, is often used idiomatically, meaning ‘immediately / without any
delay.’ “I stood up” is probably not meant literally – he was not necessarily lying down or
sitting – it means his eye sight was immediately restored.
39 Yoch. 9 Version 1.1
16Therefore some of the Perushim said, “This man is not form El, for
he does not1 keep the Shabbat.” But others said, “How is a sinful man
able to do these signs?” So there was a great division2 among them. 17
Then they asked the blind man again, “What do you say of him who
opened your eyes?” And he said that, “He is Prophet.”
18 Then the Yehudim did not believe that his birth was in blindness,
until they had called his father and his mother 19 and asked them,
saying, “Is this your son of whom you say that he was born while he
was blind? If so, in what manner does he now see?” 20 His father and
his mother answered them and said, “We know that this is our son,
born (134r) while he was blind; 21 however, in what manner his eyes
were opened and how he now sees, we do not know. Ask him, for he
is a son of knowledge, 3 and he will speak for himself.” 22 (His father
and his mother said these things because they were afraid of the
Yehudim – that if one of them would say that he is Mashiach, 4 he
would be cast out of the house of assembly. 23 This is why his father
and his mother said, “Ask the son, for he is a son of years.”5
24 Then they asked him again – the man who had been abiding in
blindness – and said to him, “Give praise and prayer of thanksgiving
to YHWH – do you not know that this man is a sinner?” 25 Then he
Yeshua did keep the Sabbath according to the O.T. Law (Torah,) but the Pharisees had
added many extra laws concerning the Sabbath e.g. that one was not allow so spit and
make clay on the Sabbath, and Yeshua did not keep these man-made laws.
This means there were many Jews who did believe in Yeshua – enough to cause a great
division among them!
Meaning ‘he is knowledgeable.’
Opening the eyes of someone who was born blind was considered a clear sign that a
certain person is indeed the Messiah. Even daring to confess that it did happen was as
good as confessing that Yeshua is the Messiah!
Meaning ‘he is old enough.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 9 40
said, “I do not know, however this thing I do know – that I was blind,
and now I see!” 1
26Therefore they asked him, “What did he do for you? And how did
he open your eyes?” 27 So he answered, “I have told you already!
And you heard it. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to
become his talmidim?!”
28 Therefore they cursed him and said, “You are his talmid! We are
the talmidim of Mosheh. 2 29 We know that El spoke with Mosheh,3
but we do not know this man, where he is from.” 30 That man
answered and said to them, “This is a wonderful thing – that you say
you do not know from where he is – and he opened my eyes! 31 Do
you not know that El does not hear sinners? But if one loves El and
does his will, he hears him. 32 From eternity no man has heard that
anyone opened the eyes of a man who had been born blind, except
this man. 33 And except he has this ability from El, it would not be in
his hand4 to do anything.”
See above footnote on vs. 22. For this man to confess that he had indeed been blind
(from his birth), and now saw, was as good as confessing that Yeshua is the Messiah!
The Pharisaic Jews believed that Moses gave them this Talmudic law of not making
mud or cleaning one’s eyes with spittle on the Sabbath, so now they accused Yeshua
Mashiach of breaking the Sabbath, and sinning. They had a choice – they either had to
follow their manmade laws, supposedly given to them by Moses, or to follow YHWH’s
laws of defining what sin is. To confess that Yeshua is Mashiach, would automatically be
nullifying their Talmudic rules he just broke. The two are incompatible!
The Pharisaic Jews believed that the Almighty gave the Talmudic laws to Moses, but
Moses did not write them down, he only passed it on to them orally. They are claiming
that their manmade law of not spitting and making clay on the Sabbath was spoken by
YHWH to Moses!
Or “in his ability.”
41 Yoch. 10 Version 1.1
Then they answered and said to him, “Behold, you were born1
34 (134v)
in iniquity, and you must not teach!” And they drove him out.2
35 When Yeshua heard that they had driven him outside, he found
him. And when he had found him, he said to him, “Do you believe in
the Son of El?” 36 That man answered and said, “Adon, who is he –
that I may believe in him?” 37 So Yeshua said unto him, “You, you
see him; and he who speaks with you, it is he!” 38 Then he said,
“Adon, I believe in him!” And he turned back,3 and worshipped him.
39 And Yeshua said unto him, “With judgment I came into this world,
in order that those who do not see – that they may see; and those who
see, that they may be made blind.” 40 Then some of the Perushim who
were with him, heard this, and said to him, “Thus, are we blind?!” 41
So Yeshua said to them, “If you were blind, you would have had no
iniquity; but your iniquity abides. 10: 1 Truth I say to you, whosoever
does not enter through the gate to the house of the sheep, 4 but goes up
through another place, he is a thief. 2 But he who enters through the
gate – he is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 And he opens the door, and
the sheep follow his voice. He calls the sheep by name, and leads
them outside. 4 And when he has led the sheep outside, he goes before
them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice; 5 but they
will not follow after the voice of the strange man.”
6(Yeshua told this parable to them, (135r) but they did not understand
what he said to them.) 7 So Yeshua said to them again, “In truth I say
Or “brought forth.”
Or “banned him out.”
Lit. “turned himself back,” could possibly mean ‘was converted.’
Or “to the sheepfold.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 10 42
to you, that I am the door of the sheep. 8 All those who had come
before were thieves; but the sheep did not obey them. 9 I am the door;
if anyone will come and will enter, he will be saved; he will come in
and go out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come, except that he
may find to steal, and to murder and to exterminate; I, I came in order
that you may have life and that you may have it in great abundance.
11I am the good Shepherd, and the good Shepherd gives his nephesh1
for the sheep of the hirer.2 But he who is not a good [hireling] –
because the sheep are not near to him,3 – when he sees the wolf
coming, he leaves the sheep and flees. 13 For he is a hireling who does
not put his effort into the keeping of the sheep. 14 I am the good
Shepherd, and I know my flock and they know me. 15 As the Father
knows me, so I know the Father; and I lay down my nephesh.
16 Now, there are other sheep which are not of this fold, and I am
compelled to lead them too; and they will know my voice, and it will
be one fold and one Shepherd. 17 Because of this the Father loves me,
because I lay down my life4 that he5 might take it6 up again. 18 And no
man takes that life, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to leave
it, and I have power to take it up again. This commandment have I
received from my Father.”
Lit. “breath,” means ‘life,’ or ‘soul,’ etc. – take note, not the Greek understanding of
“the hirer” refers to the Father who appointed Yeshua as the good Shepherd.
Lit. “his near ones”, often translated as ‘acquaintances.’
Hebrew ‘Neshamah’ lit. “breath,” meaning ‘life’; synonym of ‘nephesh’
See e.g. Ps 16:10 “for you will not leave my nephesh in Sheol.”
Lit. “her” feminine singular, referring back to the feminine noun ‘neshamah’ (breath /
43 Yoch. 10 Version 1.1
Or “listen to.”
Hebrew name for ‘Solomon.’
Idiom – probably means, “How long do you hold us in suspense?”
Or “pluck” or “steal.”
“Echad” means ‘one.’ See footnote on chapter 1:18.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 11 44
34 Yeshua answered them, “Is it not written in your Torah, (136r) ‘I say
you are Elohim’? 35 If it is said that they are Elim 1 – those to whom
[the word of Elim] was spoken – and that which is written is not
proper to blot out, 36 do you say that I – him who the Father set
apart and sent into the world2 – do revile and blaspheme when I
say, ‘I am the Son of Elim’? 37 If I were not doing the works of my
Father, you would be able to say so. 38 But if I do them, why do you
speak like this? And if you do not want to believe me, believe the
works – in order that you may recognize that the Father is in me, and I
am as3 the Father.”
39 And he departed from their hand, 40 and went beyond the Yardein
again, to that place where Yochanan the immerser first was, and he
stayed there. 41 And many came unto him, and said that, “Yochanan
did almost no sign, however all the things which Yochanan said of
this man are true.” 42 And many believed in him.
11: 1 Now there was a certain sick man called Eliezer4 by name, from
Beit-Anyah5 – from the town of Miryam and Marta, his sisters. 2 (And
it was that Miryam who later 6 anointed Yeshua Mashiach with
ointment and wiped off his feet with the hairs of her head, whose
brother Eliezer was sick.) 3 Therefore his sisters sent to Yeshua,
saying, “Behold, he whom you love, that one is extremely sick.” 4
Plural of ‘El’ – synonym of ‘Elohim.’
Or possibly ‘he whom the set-apart Father sent into the world.’
The Hebrew preposition כcan mean “similar to,” “equal to,” “exactly like,” “the same
as” etc. Context is required to determine the meaning. Compare chapter 14:8, where
Yeshua said “whosoever sees me sees the Father.”
Or possibly “Lazar.” Hebrew name for ‘Lazarus.’
Hebrew name for ‘Bethany.’
This only happened after Yeshua resurrected Lazarus from the dead. (chapter12:1-3).
45 Yoch. 11 Version 1.1
When Yeshua heard this, he said, “This sickness is not sickness (136v)
of death, but for the exaltation of El – that the son of El may be
exalted through that sickness.” 5 (Now Yeshua loved Marta and her
sister Miryam exceedingly.) 6 So when he heard that Eliezer was sick,
he abode in that place, two days.
7 After these things he said to his talmidim, “Let us go to Yehudah
again.” 8 But the talmidim said to him, “Rabbi, did not days pass by1
that the Yehudim wanted to stone you – and yet you want to go
there?!” 9 Yeshua answered, “Are there not twelve hours in a day?
Anyone who walks2 in the day does not do evil, for he sees this light
of the world; 10 but whosoever walks in the night causes pain3 to
himself, because he has no light.”4
11These things he said, and afterwards he said to them, “Let us go, for
Eliezer our beloved is sleeping, and I am going there to awaken him
from the sleep.” 12 So the talmidim said, “Adon, if he is sleeping he
will be saved.” 13 (But Yeshua said that of his death, while they
believed that what he said, he said of the sleep of dreaming.) 14 Then
Yeshua said to them openly, “Eliezer is dead; 15 but behold, I am glad
for your sake, that I had not been there – in order that you may
believe. However, let us go to him.” 16 Then Toma,5 who is called
Mispaq,6 said to some of the men, “Let us go as talmidim, and die
with him.”
Or possibly ‘did not few days pass since...’
The Hebrew word for ‘walk’ often refers to one’s way of living.
Or “trouble” or “grief.”
Or “if he has no lamp.”
Aramaic name for ‘Thomas.’
This is the Hebrew name for ‘Didymus,’ and means “doubting” or “doubtful.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 11 46
Lit. "found it, that…”
Prob. the same measure as the itinerary stadion (pl. stadia), approx. 160m.
Lit. “sat.”
Or “rise up.”
47 Yoch. 11 Version 1.1
and said to him, “Adon, if you had been here earlier my brother
would not have died.”
33Then Yeshua, when he saw her weeping, and also saw the Yehudim
who were (137v) with her, weeping – his ruach was weak and he was
disturbed in himself, 34 and asked, “Where have you laid him down?”
So they said to him, “Adon, come and see where he is.” 35 (Now tears
were going out from the eyes of Yeshua.) 36 Therefore the Yehudim
said, “Look how much he loved him!” 37 And some of them said,
“This man who opened the eyes of the man who had been born blind,
was he not able to cause that this man should not die?”
38 So Yeshua came to the grave, again [disturbed] in himself. (Now
there was a dug-out grave,1 and a great stone was placed on it.) 39
Yeshua said, “Remove the stone!” Then Marta, the sister of the dead,
said to him, “Adon, he already smells! – For it is four days that he has
been dead.” 40 But Yeshua said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you
believe, you will in truth see the light2 of El? 41 And so, remove the
Then Yeshua lifted up his eyes to the heavens and said, “Father, I
thank you3 that you hear4 me. 42 And I already know that you hear me
at all times, only for the sake of the people who are standing around
me have I said this, in order that they may believe that you sent me.”
43 When he had said these things, he called out and said, “Eliezer,
Lit. “a digging” or “grave digging.”
Or “glory.”
Lit. “do a prayer of thanksgiving to you.”
Meaning: ‘grant my request.’ The Hebrew word “( ”שמעshama) has a dual meaning; it
means to hear AND act accordingly.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 11 48
Or “loud.”
Or “him.”
Aramaic name for ‘Caiaphas.’
Or possibly ‘from.’
Hebrew name for ‘Ephraim.’
49 Yoch. 12 Version 1.1
The explanatory phrase: “of the Yehudim” is probably a gloss which was later inserted
to help gentile readers understand. This version of John was clearly written to the Jews,
the people among whom Yeshua dwelt (chapter 1:14).
Hebrew name for ‘Iscariot,’ ‘Ish-Qeriot’ means ‘the man from Qeriot.’
Plural verb in Hebrew – lit. “you (plural) must leave it.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 12 50
9When many people of the Yehudim realized where they were, they
came there; not alone because of Yeshua, but that they could see
Eliezer; 111 for many of the Yehudim came there because of him, and
believed in Yeshua.
12 So the next day a great crowd of people who came together for the
day of [melody], when they heard that Yeshua was coming to
Yerushalayim, 13 took branches of date palms, and went out unto him
to the way. And they shouted saying, “Hoshanah!2 This is the King of
14 (Now Yeshua had found a colt, the foal of a female donkey, and sat
on it3 – as it is written, 15 “Do not fear daughter of Tsiyon,4 behold,
your King is coming! – sitting on a colt, the foal of a female donkey.”
16 His talmidim did not realize this in the beginning, but when Yeshua
was exalted in the light5 of the Most High, then they realized that
these words had been spoken about him, and that they did these
things to him.)
Therefore the crowd of the people who were with him did
(139r) 17
witness of him – that he called Eliezer from the grave, and that he
made him return from death to life – 18 even because of this, that
company6 came to him, going out to the way; for they heard it being
Vs. 10 does not exist in manuscript.
This is the Hifil imperative masculine singular from the root ( ישעmeaning, “Save!”)
with the suffix נא, that can be translated as ‘please!’ adding emphasis to the urgent call
for deliverance.
Lit. “him” masculine singular, referring back to the masculine singular noun ‘colt’ or
Hebrew name for ‘Zion.’
Or “glory.”
Or “crowd.”
51 Yoch. 12 Version 1.1
said that he did a sign and wonder. 19 Therefore the Perushim said
among themselves, “Behold that we are not productive – in this
matter that all the world is going after him!”
20Now there were some of the sons of Anaq ( )1 – of those who came
up to worship on the day of the Feast, 21 who came near to Philip who
was from Beit-Tsaidah of Gelilah. And they entreated him saying,
“Adon, we desire to see Yeshua Mashiach.” 22 So Philip came and
told it to Andrai, and afterwards Andrai and Philip told it to Yeshua.
23 Then Yeshua answered them, “Now the2 time has come that the
Son of man will be exalted3 – 24 truth I say to you, if a grain of
mustard which falls there, does not die, it remains alone; but if it dies,
it gives much fruit. 25 Whosoever loves his nephesh4 will cause it to
perish; but he who [condemns]5 his life in this world, will be justified
to everlasting life. 26 He who wants to serve me, let him serve
following after me – and at the place where I am, my servant must be.
He who serves me – my Father will honor him. 27 My nephesh is
terrified now, and what should I say? Father, save me in this time?
But because of this I have come to this time: 28 to exalt and to lift up
your name.” Then a voice came from the heavens and said, “As for
me, I have exalted it, and I will again lift it up.”6
Ms. Inserts gloss: “meaning Gentiles.”
Lit. “that.”
Or “be lifted up” – a synonym of ‘hanged up’ or ‘crucified.’
Lit. “breath,” means ‘life,’ or ‘soul,’ etc. – take note, not the Greek understanding of
Or possibly ‘denounces.’
Or “I have both exalted it and I will again lift it up.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 12 52
29 When the people who stood there heard (139v) this, they said, “This is
the sound of thunder!” And others said, “A messenger spoke to him!”
30 Yeshua answered and said, “This voice did not come for my sake,
but for your sake. 31 Now is the judgment of the world, now the prince
of the world will be cast outside. 32 When I, I will be lifted up from
the earth, I will draw all1 to myself.” 33 (And he said this to allude2
what death he would die.)
34 The people answered him, “We heard from the law that the
Mashiach abides existent and eternal; and how do you say that the
Son of man will be exalted from the earth? Who is this Son of man?”
35 Then Yeshua said to them, “There is still a lamp among you – walk
while the lamp is among you that you do not fall in darkness and
gloom. For whosoever walks in darkness does not know where he is
going. 36 While you have the lamp, believe in the lamp in order that
you may become sons of the lamp.” Yeshua said these words to them,
and went and hid himself from them.
37 And when3 he did so many signs before them, they did not believe
in him – 38 in order that the words of Yeshayah the prophet could be
fulfilled, who said, “Adon, who will believe that which we have
heard, or the strength of El which is reported?” 39 And therefore it was
not in their hand4 to believe, because Yeshayah the prophet said
again, 40“Blind their eyes and harden their heart; lest they see with the
eyes and understand with the heart, and be attentive, and I heal them.”
41 (Yeshayah the prophet said these words (140r) when he saw the
Lit. “everything.”
Or “to signify.”
Or possibly ‘although.’
Hebrew idiom meaning “ability.”
53 Yoch. 13 Version 1.1
water in a bowl and started washing the talmidim’s feet, and he wiped
them off with his linen cloth that was girded on him.
6 When he came to Shimon Keipha, Keipha said to him, “Adon, are
you going to wash my feet?” 81 Yeshua answered him, “If I do not
wash them,2 you will have no portion3 in me.” 9 Then Shimon, even
Keipha, said to him, “Not only my feet, but also my hands and my
head.” 10 So Yeshua said to them, “Whosoever is bathed, lacks
nothing except that he should wash his feet, for he is clean4 – all of
him. And you are clean, but not all of you. 11 For I know him who is
about to betray me, and therefore I say, ‘Not all of you are clean.’”
12So when he had washed their feet, he took his clothes. And when he
sat and reclined at the table, he said to them again, “Do you
understand the5 thing which I have done? 13 You call me ‘Adon’ and
‘Rabbi,’ and give praise and blessing to the name;6 14 however, I your
Adon wash your feet. So you also have to wash – each one the foot of
his friend.7 15 For I have given it to you for a parable – as I have done,
so you must also do. 16 Truth I say to you, the servant is not greater
than his Adon, nor the sent one than he who sent him. 17 If you know
these things you will be blessed when you do them. 18 I (141r) [do not]
Verse 7 and the first part of verse 8 does not exist in the manuscript.
Referring back to “feet.”
Or “part.”
This is a word play in Hebrew: the Hebrew word "( "נקיnaqi) is ambiguously used – the
word literally means ‘clean,’ a synonym of being washed, but is very often also used to
mean ‘free from judgment / innocent,’ which is what Yeshua is hinting at.
Lit. “that.”
In context “the name” refers to Yeshua who is called “Adon and Rabbi,” but it could
also possibly mean YHWH.
Hebrew idiom – meaning “wash one another’s foot.”
55 Yoch. 13 Version 1.1
say this of all of you, I know those whom I have chosen, but in order
that the scripture may become fulfilled, ‘He who eats my bread, lifted
up his heel against me.’ 19 I tell it to you now, before the event, 1 in
order that when it happens, you may believe that I am he.2 20 Truth I
say to you, whosoever receives me, receives him who sent me.”
21 When Yeshua had said these words, he found himself [pressed in
spirit],3 and he warned and said, “Truth I say to you, that one of you
will betray me.” 22 Therefore the talmidim looked at one another and
doubted of whom he spoke. 23 Now one of his talmidim was reclining
at the chest, at the garment hems of Yeshua – he whom Yeshua loved
exceedingly. 24 And Shimon was at the other side, and he asked,
“Who is he of whom he said this?” 25 Then, as he was reclining on his
chest, Yeshua said unto him, “Adon, who is it??4 26 Behold, he is
here. I will send the piece of bread with dip.”
And when he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Yehudah, son of
Shimon Ish-Qeriot. 27 When he had taken a mouthful, then Ha-Satan
came. So Yeshua said to him, “What you do, do it with much
hastiness.” 28 (But this word, no one of those who were sitting
understood why he had said it; 29 for some of them thought that
Yehudah who had a purse – that Yeshua said to him, “Buy those
things we need for the day of the Feast,” or that he should give
something for the poor ones.) 30 And then, after he had taken the
whole piece, he immediately went out, and it was night.
Or “before it happens.”
See footnote on chapter 8:24, 58.
Lit. “spiritual.”
Yeshua probably repeats the question sarcastically, and then proceeds to answer it.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 14 56
31Then, when he had gone out, Yeshua said, (141v) “Now the Son of
man will be glorified, and El will be glorified in him. 32 And El will
be glorified, he even himself,1 33 and with persistence2 he will glorify
those sons who are still with you. You are not able to come to the
place where I am going. 34 And now I tell you a renewed
commandment, that you must love one another in unity as I love you
– that you may love one another among yourselves. 35 And in this
everyone will recognize you – that you are my talmidim – if you have
love and goodwill to one another.”
36Then Shimon Keipha asked him, “Adon, where are you going to?”
Yeshua answered and said, “To the place where I am going, you are
not able to come after me now, but afterwards you will come.” 37
Then, after this he said to him, “Why am I not able to go after you
now? I, I will give my nephesh for you.” 38 So Yeshua said, “You will
not give your nephesh for my sake. Truth I say to you, the rooster
will not crow until you have denied me three times.”
And he said this3 unto his talmidim: 14: 1 “Let not your hearts
become terrified; believe in El, and believe in me. 2 In the house of
my Father are many dwelling places. Truly I say to go4 to prepare5 a
place for you. 3 And if I go to prepare the place, I will come again
and bring you unto me – so that in the place where I am, there you
may also be. 4 And do you not know the place where I am going? (142r)
And the way – you know.”
Or possibly ‘and he, even himself will glorify El.’
Or “diligence.”
Lit. “it.”
Typical Hebrew way of saying “I am going to.”
Lit. “establish.”
57 Yoch. 14 Version 1.1
5 And Toma said unto him, [“Adon, we do not know where you are
going, and how do we know the way?” 6 Yeshua answered and said
unto him,]1 “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto
the Father, except through me. 7 If you – by serving – know me, you
know my Father; and from now and onward you know him and see
8 Then Philip said to him, “Adon, show us the Father, and it will be
sufficient.” 9 But Yeshua said to them, “For how much of the time
that I abode with you,2 did you3 not know me? Philip, whosoever sees
me, sees my Father. How do you say that I should show you the
Father? 10 Do you4 not believe that I am as5 the Father, and the Father
is in me? The words which I speak, I do not speak from myself; but
the Father, abiding with me, he does the words. 11 Do you not believe
that I am he, and that the Father is in me? This is only done because
of the works – that you may believe. 12 I say to you, that he who
believes – indeed, 6 the works which I do, he will do. And greater
things than those he will do, because I am going to the Father.
13And that which you will ask the Father in my name, he will do it
for you in order that the Father may be exalted in the Son. 14 If you
The last part of verse 5, and the first part of verse 6 is missing in this ms. The scribe
who copied it obviously skipped from the phrase “said unto him” in verse 5, to “said
unto him” in verse 6.
Plural in Hebrew. In other words, Yeshua is addressing all the talmidim, not only
Plural in Hebrew.
Singular in Hebrew. So here Yeshua speaks to Thomas directly.
Or “just like,” could even mean “the same as” – verse 8 says, “whosoever sees me sees
the Father.”
Lit. “that,” but the Hebrew word “ ”כיis sometimes used to show emphasis.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 14 58
ask something in my name, I will do it. 15 If you love me, you will
keep my commandments – 16 and I will pray unto the Father, and he
will give you another Ruach Ha-Qodesh, that he may abide with you
for ever – 17 the Ruach of truth, (142v) which the world is not able to
receive because it does not see him, and does not know him. But you
do know him, because he is in you now, and he will be in you.
18 I will not leave you as fatherless ones, I will come unto you again.
19 Yet a little – and you will not see me anymore – but you will see
me alive, and you will live. 20 In that day you will know that I am as1
my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21 He who keeps my
commandments, is he who loves me. And whosoever loves me, will
be loved of my Father; and I will love him and will reveal myself to
22 Then Yehudah said to him (not the Ish-Qeriot, but another
gentleman), “What thing is being done, that because of us you will
reveal yourself to us but not to the world?” 23Yeshua answered him,
“If one loves me and keeps my words, my Father will love him – and
to him they will come, and with him they will work. 24 Whosoever
does not love me, will he establish my words? And the word which
you heard is not mine, but is from my Father who sent me.
These things have I said while I stayed with you; 26 but the teacher2
who is called Ruach Ha-Qodesh – he whom the Father will send in
my name – will teach you all this, even everything which I have said
Or “just like,” could even mean “the same as” – verse 8 says “whosoever sees me sees
the Father.”
Lit. “father” – in Hebrew often used as a title of respect for an honored instructor or
prophet. See e.g. Gen. 45:8, 2 Kin. 6:21; 13:14, Is. 22:21.
59 Yoch. 15 Version 1.1
Lit. “wholeness,” “completeness” or “well-being,” can also mean ‘peace.’
Lit. “it is truth that you…”
Or “event.”
Or possibly ‘is coming already.’
Lit. “from this place.”
Possibly refers to Yeshua’s “Father,” otherwise to be translated “it,” possibly referring
to the “true vine.”
Lit. “her,” referring back to the feminine noun ‘branch.’
Or “abundantly.”
Lit. “tree.”
Lit. “tree.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 15 60
you are the branches who abide in me, and I in him.1 It is he who
bears much fruit. For you are not able to do anything without me. 6 If
one does not abide in me, he is sent outside like the branch, and it
dries out. Then they gather it and keep it in the fire, and it burns.
7 If you abide in me, and keep my words in you – any thing, even the
thing you will desire and ask, you will obtain for yourselves. (143v) 8 In
this my Father is glorified and exalted: that you bear much fruit, and
make talmidim. 9 As the Father loves me, so I love you. 112 And these
things which I have said to you must abide, in order that my joy may
be in you, and your joy may be complete.
12 This is my commandment, that there must be love among you, as I
love you. 13 There is no greater love in man than this – that he give his
nephesh for those who love him. 14 If you do those words which I
have spoken to you and commanded, 15 I do not say that you will be
servants, for the servant does not know what the adon does; but I say
to you, you will be those who love me. For all the words which I have
spoken, my Father has spoken – and I have made them known to you.
16 Now, you have not chosen me but I have chosen you, and have
appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit
should abide – in order that the matter which3 you ask in my name, he
may give to you. 17 These things I command you, that you love one
Probably refers to Yeshua’s “Father.”
Vs. 10 does not exist in the manuscript.
Or “that which.”
61 Yoch. 16 Version 1.1
18 If the world is angry1 with you, you must know that it rejected me
first. 19 If you were of this world, the world would love whatever is
his. But because you are not of this world, therefore they are angry
with you. 20 Remember my words which I spoke to you, ‘A servant is
not greater than his Adon.’ (144r) If they persecuted me, they will
persecute you. If they kept my commandments, they will keep yours.
21 But all these things they will do to you because of my name – for
they do not know him who sent me.
22If I had not come, and had not been speaking to them, they would
not have had this sin. 23 He who is angry2 with me, is angry3 with my
Father. 24 If I had not done things which no one else has done, it
would not have been sin. But now they have seen, and they are angry4
with me and my Father – 25 so that my word which is written in the
law might be fulfilled, [to be finalized].
26 And when Ruach Ha-Qodesh will come, he whom I will send
among5 you from the Father – the Ruach of truth which goes out from
the Father – he will do witness of me; 27 also you will do witness
because you were with me at6 the start.
16: 1 These things I have spoken to you so that you should not be
hurt.7 2 They, they will put you outside the houses of their assemblies.
Or possibly ‘rejects’ or ‘despises.’
Or possibly ‘rejects’ or ‘despises.’
Or possibly ‘rejects’ or ‘despises.’
Or possibly ‘reject’ or ‘despise.’
Or “in” or “inside.”
Or “from.”
Or “be harmed.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 16 62
And a time will come, that every man1 who comes will try to kill you,
and it will seem to him that he is doing service to YHWH. 3 And these
things they will do to you, because they do not know the Father, nor
me. 4 And these things I speak to you in order that when the time of
these things come, you may remember that I have spoken them. And I
have not (144v) spoken them to you from the start while I was with you,
5 but now I am going to him who sent me.
And not one of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 But because I
have said these things to you, your hearts are filled with anxiousness.2
7 However, I say to you that it is necessary for you that I should go,
for if I do not go, Ruach Ha-Qodesh will not come to you; but if I go I
will send him to you. 8 And when he will come, he will take and lay
hold of the world because of sin and of righteousness, and of
judgment of 9 iniquity, because they do not believe in me. 10 And of
righteousness because I am going to the Father, (and from now3 you
will [not] see me except from afar) 11 for the prince of this world is
already judged.
12 I still have many things to tell you, but you are not able to bear
them now. 13 But when that Ruach of truth will come, he will teach
you all truth. For he will not speak of his own heart, only the words
which he hears he will speak, and make known to you those words. 14
He will glorify me – from my Father he will take, and will make
known to you 15 all the things which are my Father’s – which are
mine – and he will make them known to you. 16 A little, and from then
you will not see me, for I am going to the Father.”
Hebrew often uses “every” to mean “many.”
Or “worry.”
Or “and you will no longer see me.”
63 Yoch. 16 Version 1.1
The phrase “why is this” is a Hebrew way of placing emphasis on the question, and can
mean something like, ‘why in the world?’
Lit. “shaking.”
Lit. “the man” Hebrew "האדם," which is used for a human of any age.
Lit. “roll away.”
Lit. “likeness” – the same Hebrew word translated as ‘proverb’ in the Tanach.
Version 1.1 Yoch. 17 64
he loves you, as you love me and believe that I went out from El. 28 I,
I went out from the Father and came to the world; and again I am
leaving the world and going to the Father.”
29 Then his talmidim said to him, “Behold, you are speaking to us
openly, and you are not speaking any parable to us. 30 Now we know
that you know all things, and you do not need to ask another – by this
we believe that you went out (145v) from El.” 31 Yeshua answered
them, “Do you believe now? 32 Behold, the time is coming and has
already arrived, and so you will be scattered – every man to1 his
house – and you will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the
Father is with me. 33 These things I speak to you, in order that you
may have shalom in me alone – for you will have distress in the
world; but trust in me, for I, I have conquered2 the world.”
17: 1 Yeshua spoke these things, and he lifted up his eyes to the
heavens and said, “Father, the time has come, glorify your Son in
order that your Son may glorify you – 2 as you give him dominion of
all flesh – that to all whom you have given him, he may give them
everlasting live.3 3 That they may know you, the only true El, and him
who you have sent – Yeshua Mashiach. 4 I have made you known
upon the earth. The work which you gave me to do, I have
completed. 5 Therefore you Father, will glorify me with you, even
with that light4 which I had with you before the world was created.
Lit. “into.”
Or “overcome.”
Or “that he may give everlasting life to all whom you have given him.”
Or “glory.”
65 Yoch. 17 Version 1.1
6 I have revealed your name to the men of the world whom you gave
to me. They are yours, and you gave them to me, and they establish
my words. 7 And now they know that all the words which you gave
me are from you. So you gave them to me, and they establish your
word. 8 For the words which you gave me, I gave to them – and they
received them, and they know in truth that I came out from you, and
they believe that you sent me.
9 I pray for them, not for the world – (146r) only for these which you
gave to me, for they are yours. 10 And all mine are yours, and yours
are mine – and I am glorified in them. 11 And I am not in the world
anymore, but they are in the world; and I am coming unto you. Set-
apart Father, keep them in your name – those whom you gave to me –
that they may be echad1 as we are. 12 While I abode with them, I kept
them in your name. Those whom you gave me, I have kept – and none
of them is missing, except the son of destruction – in order that the
Scripture may be fulfilled. 13 But now I am coming to you, and speak
these words in the world in order that they may have my [joy]
fulfilled in [themselves].
14I have given them your words; and the world had a report against
them. 15 I do not plead2 that you will take them from the world, but
that you will keep them from evil. 16 They are not of the world, as I
am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in truth – your word is truth. 18
As you sent me in the world, so I send it3 in the world. 19 And
because of them I sanctify myself – in order that they may be
sanctified in truth.
The Hebrew word for ‘one.’ See footnote on chapter 1:18.
Or “entreat” or “beseech.”
Lit. “her,” referring back to the feminine noun ‘truth.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 18 66
20 Now I do not pray for these alone, but also1 for them who will
believe in me through their words, 21 so that all of them may be
echad2 – as you, Father, are in me, and I in you – so that in us they
may become echad, in order that the world may believe that you sent
me. 22 And the light3 which you give me, I will give to them – that
they may be echad, as we are echad. 23 I in them and you in me, in
order that they may be echad in everything, (146v) and that the world
may know that you have sent me and that you love them as you love
24Father, I desire that those whom you gave to me – that in the place
where I will be, there they may be with me, in order that they may
see my light – the seal which you gave me – for you loved me before
the world existed. 25 Righteous Father, the world does not know you,
but I know you – and they know that you sent me, and that you love
them. 26 And I have made your name known to them, and I will do so
again, that they may know it – so that the love with which you loved
me, may be in them, and I may be in them.”
18: 1 When Yeshua had said these things, he went with his talmidim
beyond the river which is called Qidron, where the [garden] was into
which he entered – he and his talmidim. 2 (Now Yehudah, who
wanted to deliver him, knew that place, for he4 oftentimes5 went there
with his talmidim.) 3 So when Yehudah had gathered many people
Or possibly ‘them who will yet believe.’
The Hebrew word for ‘one.’ See footnote on chapter 1:18
Or “glory.”
The word “he” refers back to “him” – Yeshua. Typical Hebrew style, see introduction to
Mark, pp. vii – x. Greek translation inserts “Iesous” to avoid confusion.
Lit. “many times.”
67 Yoch. 18 Version 1.1
and the servants of the rulers and the Perushim, they came there with
lamps and torches and with weapon utensils.
4 Yeshua, knowing all the things about to come over him, went out
and said to them, “What are you seeking?” 5 So they said, “Yeshua of
Netseret.” Then Yeshua said to them, “I am he!”1 (Yehudah who
delivered him was with them.) 6 So when he said to them, “I am he!”
– they staggered back,2 and fell backwards. 7 (147r) Then he asked
again, “What are you seeking?” And they said, “Yeshua of Netseret.”
8 Yeshua answered, “I have already said to you, ‘I am he!’ – thus if
you seek me, let these go.” 9 (In order that the word would be fulfilled
which he said: “Of all those whom you gave me, not one of them is
10Then Shimon Keipha who had a sword, took it out and smote the
servant of the ruler, and cut off his right ear for him (and the servant’s
name was Melech).3 11 Then Yeshua said to Keipha, “Return your
sword into its sheath; you do not want the death which the Father sent
me to bear!”
12So the company brought him, and the servants of the Yehudim took
Yeshua and bound him – 1 3 and brought him to Channah, the wife of 4
Qayapha,5 who was the ruler in that year. 14 (And Qayapha is he who
gave counsel to the Yehudim that it is necessary that one man should
die for the people – so that the people would not follow after him.)
See footnotes on 8:24, 58.
Lit. “went back to their backs.”
Hebrew name for ‘Malchus.’
Or possibly “Chanan, the father of the wife of.”
Aramaic name for ‘Caiaphas.’
Version 1.1 Yoch. 18 68
15 Now Shimon Keipha and another talmid went after Yeshua. And
that talmid was a son of the ruler’s house1 – therefore he went into the
palace of the ruler with Yeshua. 16 But Keipha stayed outside at the
door. Then that certain talmid who was a son of the ruler’s house,
who went in with Yeshua, went out and spoke to the gatekeeper, so
she brought Keipha inside. 17 Then the maidservant who was keeping
the door, said to Keipha, “And you, are you not one of the servants of
this man?” So Keipha answered and said, “I am not of them!” 18 (Now
the servants and the attendants were standing before the fire – for it
was cold at that time – and were warming themselves by it. And
Keipha was standing with them (147v) and was warming himself.)
19 So the ruler asked Yeshua of his talmidim and of his doctrine. 20
Yeshua answered him, “I spoke openly in the world, and I always
taught in the house of assembly and in the Sanctuary where the
Yehudim were assembled. I spoke nothing in secrecy, 21 why are you
asking me? Ask those who restrain me2 what I have spoken to them –
for they know the words which I have spoken.” 22 And when Yeshua
had said these things, one of the attendants of the Yehudim smote the
neck3 of Yeshua Mashiach, and said to him, “Do you answer the ruler
so!?” 23 Then Yeshua answered him, “If I have spoken something
wrong, do witness to me of the wrong! But if I have spoken good,
why do you smite me?”
Meaning household.
Lit. “hold me back,” referring to the religious leaders who continually opposed Yeshua,
and heard what he taught.
Or “back.”
69 Yoch. 18 Version 1.1
24 When Yeshua had gone1 (for they sent him to Qayapha the ruler
with his hands bound) 25 and Shimon Keipha stood warming himself,
then they said to Keipha, “And you, are you not one of his talmidim?”
But Keipha denied and said, “I am not.” 26 Then one of the female
slaves of the ruler (the wife of the brother of him whose ear Keipha
cut off) said to Keipha, “But I saw you in the garden with him!” 27
Then he denied it again – and immediately the rooster crowed.
28 Then they led Yeshua [from] Qayapha into the palace, but in order
that they should not become unclean – that they could eat the Pesach
– 29 therefore Pilate went out to them, outside, and asked, “What
witness do you do against this man?” 30 So they said, “If this man was
not evil in his deeds, he would not have been brought to you.” 31 Then
Pilate said (148r) to them, “You lay hold of him, and judge him
according to your [law]!” Then the Yehudim said to him, “It is not
fitting for us to put any man to death.” 32 (In order that the word of
Yeshua Mashiach should become true – which he clearly spoke – that
he would die with that death.)
33 Then Pilate again went into that [praetorium],2 and called Yeshua
and said to him, “Are you the King of Yisrael?” 34 So Yeshua
answered saying, “Do you say this from yourself, [or] have others
told you this about me?” 35 Pilate answered, “So am I a Yehudi?!3 Did
not your people and your rulers deliver you to me? What did you
do?!” 36 Yeshua answered, “My kingdom is not from this world; if
this world had been my kingdom – in truth – my servants would have
Or possibly ‘come.’
Used as synonym of ‘palace’ in vs. 28. This word can include the whole edifice and
camp, not necessarily the palace building alone.
Hebrew word for ‘Jew’ (masculine singular).
Version 1.1 Yoch. 19 70
Or “is not here” or “is not at this place.”
Or “Bar-Ravan,” meaning ‘Son of a Teacher.’ ‘Bar-Even’ means ‘Son of a Stone.’ Not the
same meaning as the Greek (from Aramaic) ‘Barabba(s),’ which means ‘Son of the
Meaning, it was done by Pilate’s authority.
Or “arranged in order.”
Or “on the back.” See chapter 18: 22.
Or “reason” for judgment.
Or “here is.”
71 Yoch. 19 Version 1.1
man!” 6 So when the Yehudim saw him, the rulers and the attendants
shouted, “Hang him up, hang him up!” But Pilate said to them, “You
take him and hang him up, for I do not find any cause in him.” 7 Then
the Yehudim answered him, “According to our law he is guilty of
death, because he makes himself the Son of Eloah.”
8 So when Pilate heard this word he had great fear, 9 and he went in
again and said to Yeshua, “Where are you from?” But Yeshua did not
answer him. 10 So Pilate said to him, “Do you not reply to me? Do
you not know that it is in my hand to release you or to hang you up?”
11 So Yeshua answered, “You would not have any power against me,
except it be given to you from the heavens.” (That is, from El).
“Therefore he who delivered me into your hand, sins an extremely
great sin.”
12So after this Pilate wanted (149r) to release him; but the Yehudim
shouted and said, “If you release this man, you will not be a beloved1
of Caesar! For every man who makes himself king, speaks against
13So when Pilate heard these words he brought Yeshua out and sat on
a seat – at the place which is called Gabbeta.2 14 [ ]3 Then Pilate said
Or “chosen.”
The Aramaic word for “pavement.” A number of Aramaic nouns were used in post exilic
Ms. reads “Now it was the sixth day, and it was Pesach, close to the sixth hour.” This
phrase is clearly a parenthetical insertion, and some versions of John do not include it at
all. If this phrase was written in the original version of John, it would contradict Mark
15:25 which states that Yeshua was crucified at the third hour (i.e. 9 am). If this
comment was inserted by a later editor who used the Roman timing system, ‘the sixth
hour’ would mean 6 am, and that is probably the intended meaning. Also, it was not the
sixth day of the week, but rather the sixth day in John’s detailed description of Yeshua’s
Version 1.1 Yoch. 19 72
to the Yehudim, “Behold your King!” 15 But they shouted, “Lift him
up, lift him up! Hang him up, and put him on warp and woof!” 1 So
Pilate asked them, “Must I hang up your King?!” But the rulers said
to him, “We have no king except Caesar.”
16 So Caesar’s authority delivered Yeshua to them that they could
hang him up. Then the Yehudim took Yeshua and led him out. 17 And
Yeshua – carrying the warp and woof – went out [to] a place which is
called Calvary, (which is Golgolta2 in Hebrew). 18 And in that place
they put Yeshua on warp and woof, and with him two others, one to
the right and one to the left, and Yeshua between3 the two of them.
19 (Now Pilate wrote a saying, and put it on the warp and woof. And
this was its language:4 Yeshua of Netseret, the King of the Yehudim.)
20 So many of the Yehudim read this writing, for that place where
Yeshua was hanged is near the city. And it was written in the Hebrew
and Greek and Latin language. 21 So the rulers of the Yehudim said to
Pilate, “Do not [write] (149v) ‘The King of the Yehudim,’ but that he
was saying that he is the King of the Yehudim.” 22 Pilate answered
saying, “That which is written, will be5 written.”
23 Then the [soldiers], when they had hanged him up, took the
garments and divided them in four parts – for every soldier his part.
activities during the last six days before Passover, beginning at chapter 12:1. This
parenthetical section might not have been a part of the original Gospel of John.
Or “lengthwise and crosswise,” used in medieval Hebrew to refer to a ‘cross.’
Aramaic name for ‘Golgotha.’
Lit. “in the middle of.”
Meaning ‘this is what it said’ or ‘this is how it read’ – “language” in this context means
‘phraseology’ or ‘meaning,’ not the actual language of writing.
Or possibly ‘is.’
73 Yoch. 19 Version 1.1
But the garment which is called Gola 1 – it was without any seam, and
worn over that which was upon him – 24 therefore they said among
themselves, “Let us not tear it, but let us cast lots over it – whose it
will be.” In order that the scripture could be fulfilled, which says,
“They divided my clothes among themselves, and cast lots because of
my garment” – therefore the [soldiers] did these things.
25 Now the mother of Yeshua, and Miryam the wife of Chalphai,2 the
sister of the mother of Yeshua, and Miryam Magdalit,3 stood near the
warp and woof of Yeshua. 26 So when Yeshua saw his mother
standing nearby, and the talmid whom he loved exceedingly, he
turned to4 his mother and said, “Woman, behold your son.” 27
Afterwards he said to the talmid, “Behold, your mother.” At 5 that
time the talmid took her as his own mother.
28And after this, Yeshua, so that everything [to be finalized], and in
order that the Scripture should be fulfilled, said, “I have thirst.” 29 As
there was a jar filled with vinegar there, they – when they heard this –
took a reed and placed on it a sponge full of vinegar with salt, and
placed it at the mouth of Yeshua. 30 So when Yeshua had tasted the
vinegar, he said, “It is completed and ended!” And he bowed his head
and sent his Ruach to his Father.
31 Now the evening would be Shabbat. And thus (150r) the Yehudim –
in order that the bodies should not remain on warp and woof on the
Shabbat (for that Shabbat would be a great Feast) – entreated Pilate
Aramaic word for “cloak.”
Hebrew name for ‘Alpheus.’
Hebrew word for ‘Magdalite,’ meaning ‘from Magdala.’
Possibly means ‘he addressed.’
Or possibly “from that time.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 19 74
that he should give them permission that they could cut off1 the thighs
of those who were hanged up, and that they could take them down. 32
So the [soldiers] came and cut off2 the thighs of those who were
hanged up with Yeshua; 343 but one of the [soldiers] took a lance in
his hand and thrust Yeshua, and opened his side for him. 35 And those
who saw it do witness of this, also he who knows that he speaks the
truth – in order that you may believe in him. 36 For when all these
things were done, the scripture was fulfilled which says, “You must
not break a bone in it.” 37 And again another scripture says, “And they
will look unto me whom they have pierced.”
38 After these things, Yoseph of Ramatayim,4 who stayed hidden for
fear of the Yehudim (because he was the talmid of Yeshua), requested
of Pilate that he could have permission to take Yeshua from the warp
and woof. And Pilate consented to him.
39Then Yoseph came with Naqdimon to Yeshua in the night, bringing
a blend of myrrh, [about an hundred pounds]. 40 So they took the body
of Yeshua and bound it up in linen sheets, and anointed the body with
good and valuable ointments as the custom of the Yehudim is to
41 (And at the place where he had been hanged up, there was a
garden. And there was a new grave in that garden; and no man had
Or “break” or “divide.”
Or “broke” or “divided.”
Vs. 33 does not exist in manuscript.
Hebrew name for ‘Arimathea’ – see 1 Sam 1:1.
This is a parenthetical section actually following on vs. 38.
75 Yoch. 20 Version 1.1
Lit. “Shabbat evening,” i.e. the evening before the Sabbath, and in this case it was the
evening before a feast day Sabbath, not the weekly Sabbath (verse 31).
Hebrew word for ‘Magdalite,’ meaning ‘from Magdala.’
Or “overthrown.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 20 76
sitting, clothed with white – one at the head, and one at the feet – at
the place where (151r) the body of Yeshua Mashiach had been placed.
13 And they said to that woman, “Why are you weeping?” So she said,
“Because they have taken away my Adon from here, and I do not
know where they have placed him.”
14 And when Miryam Magdalit had spoken these words, she turned
about and saw Yeshua standing on his feet. And she did not realize
that it was Yeshua, 15 but she said in herself1 that he was the thief. So
she said to him, “Adon, if you took him away, tell me where you have
placed him that I may carry him away unto me.” 16 Then Yeshua said
to her, “Miryam!” So she turned about and said to him, “Rabbi!” ( )2
17 Then Yeshua said to her, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet
ascended to my Father; but go to my talmidim, and say to them that I
will ascend3 unto my Father and unto your Father – my Eloah and
your Eloah.” 18 So Miryam Magdalit went, and made it know to the
talmidim saying, “I, I saw him! And he spoke these things to me.”
19 Then, on the first day of the week, when it was evening4 – and the
doors of the house were locked where the talmidim were – Yeshua
came and said to them, “Shalom lachem!”5 20 And when he had said
this, he showed them his hands and his side. So when the talmidim
saw Ha-Adon, they rejoiced. 21 Then he said to them again, “Shalom
imachem!”6 22 When he had said this, he sighed heavily and said to
Meaning ‘thought.’
Ms. inserts gloss: “which means, ‘master.’”
Or “I am about to ascend.”
Meaning, it was dusk, almost the second day of the week. The Hebrew 24-hour day
starts after dusk. See Gen. 1; Lev. 23: 32 etc.
Greeting: “shalom to you.”
Greeting: “shalom be with you.”
77 Yoch. 20 Version 1.1
Meaning ‘forgiven.’
This is the Hebrew name for ‘Didymus,’ and means “doubting” or “doubtful.”
Or: “Except I see the thrust of the nails in his hands, and put my finger at the place of
the nails, and place my hand at his side, I will not believe!” The first two negatives are
gapped in Hebrew – thus supplied by italics – similar to the English way of gapping the
negative: “If I do not see the thrust of the nails in his hands, and (do not) put my finger
at the place of the nails, and (do not) place my hand at his side, I will not believe!”
Greeting: “May shalom be with you.”
Lit. “while he was seen of his talmidim.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 21 78
that you may believe that Yeshua Mashiach is the Son of El, and in
order that you, you may believe them, and you may have life in
eternity with Yeshua Mashiach.
21:1 Afterwards Yeshua revealed himself [to the people of]1 Tiberias.
2 And thus he revealed himself to Shimon Keipha, and Toma called
Mispaq, 2 and to Netanel who was from Beit-Gelilah, (152r) and to the
sons of Zavdai,3 and to two other talmidim who were together. 3 Now
Shimon Keipha said unto them, “I am going to hunt fish.” Then they
said to him, “As for us, we will go with you.” So they departed from
there and went up into the boat; but in that night they did not get
4 Then in the morning Yeshua stood on the shore of the sea; however,
the talmidim did not recognize him. 5 Then Yeshua said to them,
“Children, do you have something to eat?” So they answered, “No.” 6
Then he said to them, “Cast4 the nets further on,5 and you will find.”
When they cast6 the nets in the water, a great multitude of fish entered
into them, so they were not able to pull them out. 7 Then that talmid
who was loved by Yeshua, said to Keipha, “It is Ha-Adon!” Then
Shimon Keipha, when he heard that it was Ha-Adon, clothed himself
with his clothes – for he was unclothed7 – and went into the sea. 8 But
the remainder of the talmidim came with boats, for they were not far
from the land, only about two hundred cubits.
Or possibly “at the sea of.”
This is the Hebrew name for ‘Didymus,’ and means “doubting” or “doubtful.”
The Hebrew name for ‘Zebedee.’ Could also be vocalized as “Zavdi.”
Lit. “place,” but often has the connotation of ‘cast.’
Could also mean “on the other side.”
Lit. “placed,” but often has the connotation of “cast.”
Often refers to outer clothing.
79 Yoch. 21 Version 1.1
9 So when they went down to the land, they saw a prepared fire, with
burning coals ready, and fish set upon it, and bread. 10 Then Yeshua
said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you caught just now.” 11
So Shimon Keipha went up into the boat, and brought the nets to the
land, filled with an abundance of fish – hundred and fifty three by
number! And with all this – that the fish were so many, the net did not
break. 12 Then Yeshua said to them, “Come and eat.” (Now none of
them wanted to ask who (152v) he was, for they knew that he was their
Adon.) 13 So Yeshua came, and took the bread and the fish, and gave
to them. 14 (And by then it was three times that Yeshua had revealed
himself to his talmidim after he returned to life.)
15 Then, as he ate, Yeshua said to Shimon Keipha, “Shimon of
[Yonah], do you love me more than these?” Then he answered,
“Adon, yes – you know that I love you.” So Yeshua said to them,
“Keep my lambs.” 16 Then Yeshua asked him again, “Shimon Keipha,
son of [Yonah], do you love me?” So Shimon said, “Yes Adon, you
know that I love you.” Then Yeshua said unto him, “Shepherd and
feed my lambs.” 17 He asked him a third time, “Shimon of [Yonah],
do you love me?” (Now Keipha was anxious because he had asked
him three times if he loved him.) He said to him, “Adon knowing all
things, you know that I love you!” So Yeshua said to him, “Feed my
flock. 18 Truth I say to you – when I was a young man1 you were
staying and going to the place of your pleasure, but when you become
an elder you will stretch out your hand and another will go after you
Or “child.”
Version 1.1 Yoch. 21 80
and drive you into a place that you do not find pleasure in.” 19 (And
Yeshua said [this], alluding1 with what death he would glorify El.)
And when he had said this, he said to Keipha, “Come after me!” (153r)
20 Then Keipha turned himself back, and saw that talmid whom
Yeshua loved exceedingly, going after him – he who reclined on his
chest at the meal. 21 So when Keipha saw this, he asked Yeshua,
“What will become of this man?” 22 So Yeshua said unto him, “I want
that he abides here until I will come – what is it to you? You, come
after me!” 23 Therefore this word went out among his brothers that
this talmid would not die; but he only said “I want that he abides here
until I will come – what is it to you?”
24This is the talmid who does witness of these things, and wrote these
things, and you know that his witness is true. 25 And many more
things Yeshua did, that if all of them should be written – I think – all
the world would not be able to contain2 the scrolls which would be
needed in their writing.
Or “signifying.”
Or possibly ‘sustain.’
81 Joh. 11 Version 1.1
Adon Standard Hebrew word for ‘Master.’ ‘Adon’ or ‘Ha-Adon’ is
often used for YHWH in quotes from the Old Testament.
Echad Hebrew word for ‘one,’ in the Tanach it often has the meaning
Ish-Qeriot Hebrew name for ‘Iscariot,’ ‘Ish-Qeriot’ means ‘the man from
Keipha The Aramaic name for ‘Peter,’ and via Greek transliteration:
‘Cephas.’ A number of Aramaic nouns were used in post-exilic
Mashiach The Hebrew word for ‘Messiah.’ The Hebrew word which was
translated into the Greek ‘Kristos’ but should be clearly
distinguished from the Catholic symbolic ‘Christ.’ Literal
meaning: “anointed one,” usually referring to one anointed as
king of Yisrael, or as priest or prophet. However, when used as
a name, it refers to the Son of YHWH, whom he anointed as the
ultimate King of Yisrael, the Everlasting High Priest, and the
Prophet who would speak YHWH’s words to his people, and if
anyone does not obey him, YHWH himself will cut off that
person from among his people. See Deu. 18:18.
Perushim ‘Pharisees.’
Torah The Hebrew word ‘Torah’ means instruction. The Creator gave
his perfect and everlasting Torah (instructions) to Mosheh.
When Torah is used as a name, it refers to the first five books
of the Bible (The Pentateuch), or by extension, the entire O.T.