Stranded On A Desert Island Interactive Worksheet - Teacher - S Notes

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Stranded on a Desert Island

Activity Type Introduction

Interactive reading and In this second conditional interactive worksheet, students practice
writing exercises using the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations.

Language Focus
Send each student a copy of the interactive worksheet.
Second conditional
Students begin by completing second conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
To practice using the Exercise A - Answer key
second conditional to
talk about hypothetical 1. were, try 5. sit, found
situations. 2. build, had 6. ran, look
3. explore, heard 7. came, hide
4. didn't have, use 8. make, felt
Next, students put words in the correct order to make second
Send each student a conditional sentences, starting with 'If...'
copy of the interactive
worksheet. Exercise B - Answer key

1. If I eventually left the island, I would write a book.

Level 2. If I ran out of things to do, I would build a boat.
Intermediate (B1) 3. If I made a boat, I would go fishing.
4. If I saw a plane, I would start a signal fire.

Time Students then match eight objects to pictures.

30 minutes Exercise C - Answer key

1. mirror 2. flashlight 3. camera 4. book

5. blanket 6. rope 7. scissors 8. pot

After that, students read a hypothetical situation, explaining that

they are stranded on a desert island with the eight objects. The
students then use the second conditional to say what they would
do with each of the objects to help them survive, e.g. 'If I had a
mirror, I would use it to reflect the sun and make fire'.

In the last exercise, students imagine what four items they would
trade if they met someone else on the island, e.g. 'If someone
had a lighter, I would trade it for my flashlight'.

When the students have finished, review their sentences as a

class and provide feedback.

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