Stranded On A Desert Island Interactive Worksheet - Teacher - S Notes
Stranded On A Desert Island Interactive Worksheet - Teacher - S Notes
Stranded On A Desert Island Interactive Worksheet - Teacher - S Notes
Language Focus
Send each student a copy of the interactive worksheet.
Second conditional
Students begin by completing second conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
To practice using the Exercise A - Answer key
second conditional to
talk about hypothetical 1. were, try 5. sit, found
situations. 2. build, had 6. ran, look
3. explore, heard 7. came, hide
4. didn't have, use 8. make, felt
Next, students put words in the correct order to make second
Send each student a conditional sentences, starting with 'If...'
copy of the interactive
worksheet. Exercise B - Answer key
In the last exercise, students imagine what four items they would
trade if they met someone else on the island, e.g. 'If someone
had a lighter, I would trade it for my flashlight'.
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