1 s2.0 S2452414X2300119X Main
1 s2.0 S2452414X2300119X Main
1 s2.0 S2452414X2300119X Main
Keywords: The Internet of Things (IoT) or Web 3.0 is a growing technology that allows devices to communicate with each
Industry 4.0 other as well as with the cloud. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), or Industry 4.0, is the industrial
Workflows scheduling application of IoT. Industry 4.0 transforms production equipment into IoTs, which in turn transmit production-
Cloud computing
related data or their operational status to other connected devices or servers for rapid storage or processing. The
Edge computing
Fog computing
results of the processing are used in real-time for the control and supervision of the production system. With the
time constraints related to the availability of the processing results, companies have more and more computing
servers. These IoT application computing servers are the fog. While processing IoT application data, fog servers
require cloud intervention to offload tasks to free them up and provide data storage. Edge computing joins the
game when connected objects are themselves computing resources. One of the main challenges of these tech
nologies is the scheduling of dependent/independent tasks. Scheduling IoT workflows in the fog to optimize
quality of service (QoS) metrics often requires offloading some tasks to the cloud in order to meet customer
satisfaction and service level agreement (SLA) constraints. Therefore, many algorithms have been developed to
schedule workflows in the cloud-fog environment. To organize this research, we present a literature review on
scheduling workflows in cloud, fog, and edge environments. We outline a taxonomy that systematically classifies
existing approaches. Finally, we identify challenges for future work.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Souaïbou Hawaou).
distributed computing environment, promotes IoT ecosystems [10]. Fog various services in real-time, which can greatly reduce the delay of
computing, which distributes intelligence devices based on exchange workflow processing and ensure the quality of service of real-time ap
able users, is an updated form of cloud computing [11,12]. Due to the plications. The cloud layer, responsible for handling non real-time and
vast scale, heterogeneity, and high latency seen in some cloud ecosys intensive-computation tasks, comprises cloud storage, cloud data center,
tems, traditional cloud-based IoT systems face difficulties [13]. Fog and cloud computing tool and provides remote services to the intelligent
computing is a technology set up to support the cloud in its operation factory. In this architecture, the further away the computing environ
and more precisely in the operation of IoT. The use of Fog computing in ment, the higher its computing capacity, the shorter the execution time,
the industrial context could notably improve the performance of several but the higher the latency. However, the closer the computing envi
applications such as maintenance, inspection, and logistics [9]. With Fog ronment, the lower its computing capacity and latency. The main
Computing, data is transmitted from the collection point to a gateway challenges of distributed computing environments include service
for processing and then back to the edge. It acts as a bridge, bringing placement, resource discovery, service migration, load balancing, task
together Cloud and Edge, collects data at the edge of the network and scheduling, resource allocation, energy efficiency, and quality of service
processes it in real-time, reduces bandwidth usage, and latency, and [1,19]. Among these resource management issues, resource and task
increases security through encryption at the source [14]. Edge scheduling challenges are important because of their effect on
Computing is any type of computing program that provides low latency improving overall system performance [19]. IoT and IIoT applications
closer to requests [15]. In cloud computing, processing, control, and require several heterogeneous resources for their execution, for which
storage data are sent to a centralized cloud, whereas in fog computing, sufficient resources must be allocated [20,19]. Efficient and practical
network management, storage, and computation are balanced between task scheduling in distributed computing environments with available
the local and the central levels [16]. Edge Computing reduces the resources can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the task execution
bandwidth used and the latency of information processing, because data process and maximize the utilization of resources such as CPU, memory,
streams are processed in real-time [17]. Distributed computing envi bandwidth, and minimize delay, cost, and energy consumption [19].
ronments must be constructed based on the computation capabilities
and locality in hierarchical architectures [18] as shown in Fig. 1 which
consist of 3 layers of computing: Infrastructure layer, Fog layer, and, 1.1. Motivation and research queries
Cloud layer. In the Infrastructure layer (IIoT/Edge layer), significant
IIoT devices such as smart terminals, smart grid sensors devices are Today’s industries face volatile raw material prices, fluctuating
employed. This layer promotes request for the accessing of certain de consumer demand and increased global competition. Customers expect
mands from Cloud datacenter and Fog nodes. The Fog layer includes higher quality and value than ever before, as well as more customization
devices with limited computing capability such as computers, routers, options, including the ability to configure selections and buy online.
servers. This layer can sense the requests of IIoT devices and provide Therefore, industries need to be aware of industry trends in order to
secure their position in the market.
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
To do this, industries need to be at the forefront of technology (In 1.3. Paper organization
dustry 4.0) and therefore need a high-performance computing envi
ronment to analyze their data and determine effective strategies for The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents Industry 4.0, its
planning their activities or workflows on company resources so as to objectives, enabling technologies, and challenges. The next section
ensure consumer satisfaction while maximizing company profit. These discusses workflow scheduling and its taxonomy. Section 4, shows
computing environments can either be housed inside the company (Edge related work based on workflow scheduling and task scheduling. Sec
computing or other ressources) or can be housed outside the company tion 5 looks at the analytical discussion based on the work mentioned in
(Fog or Cloud computing) to augment local computing resources, in our paper. Section 6 presents the research queries and inferences. Ac
which case it can be called Fog-Cloud or Edge-Cloud computing. cording to identified research gaps, Section 7 discusses challenges for
The analysis of data or the determination of effective strategies for future research direction, and we finish with a conclusion in Section 8.
planning the company’s activities on the above-mentioned computing Fig. 2 shows the organization of the paper.
environments is an activity that brings additional costs to the company
and thus increases the cost of the services or products offered. These 2. Industry 4.0
costs can be measured in time, money and energy. The minimisation of
these different costs is an NP-hard problem [21] according to the liter 2.1. Industrial revolution
ature and its resolution is a real challenge for both companies and
researchers. Industrial revolution is a challenge faced by many companies and
Many algorithms for scheduling workflows in distributed computing organizations, progress is still climbing since the first industrial revo
environments are proposed in the literature by researchers [21,22,23, lution in the 1800s. From industry 1.0 to Industry 5.0, we have observed
24,25,26,27,5,28,29,30,31]. These different algorithms optimize qual multiple changes.
ity of service metrics such as makespan, energy, latency, bandwidth, The first industrial revolution started in 1780 at the end of the 18th
budget or cost for the execution of the workflow. century [32]. With the introduction of the steam engine, manual pro
There arises a need to provide a literature review based on the work duction techniques were replaced by mechanical ones [33]. This revo
of scheduling tasks of several types (industrial, scientific, etc.) in Cloud, lution is known as Industry 1.0 or mechanization.
Fog, and Edge environments. Most work on IIoT task scheduling in The internal combustion engine, as well as the development of the
Cloud-Fog environments deals with independent tasks, but, to our telegraph and telephone, led to the beginning of Industry 2.0, also
knowledge, there is almost no work on dependent IIoT tasks. We are known as electrification, in the late 19th century [33]. The technological
going to list some works on task scheduling in Cloud-Fog environments advances across all industries included the use of new materials, and
taking into account the type of tasks submitted while noting the chal energy sources such as coal, steam engine, petroleum, and electricity
lenges of these works. [32]. This revolution is a period of economic growth, because, as ma
Research questions about task scheduling in Cloud, Fog and Edge chines replace workers, the productivity of companies is increasing as
environments can be expressed as follow: well as the unemployment rate [34].
The third industrial revolution, also known as digital revolution or
• RQ1: What types of tasks/workflows are most scheduled in the automation was born in the second half of the twentieth century thanks
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environments? to the invention and use of computers and electronics, and the discovery
• RQ2: What are the most used QoS metrics in scheduling problems in of nuclear energy [33].
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environments? The first three revolutions were powered by disruptive new tech
• RQ3: what is the most common type of algorithm categorization used nology, they transformed the way society is living and worked,
to solve scheduling problems? improved the productivity and efficiency of companies, and revolu
• RQ4: Is the collaboration of Cloud, Fog and Edge computing envi tionized how goods were produced and how work was organized [35].
ronment suitable in the context of tasks/workflows scheduling? The significant growth of technologies start developing in industry 4.0
• RQ5: What is the most requested computing environment for tasks/ by implementing automation and data exchange in manufacturing
workflows scheduling? technologies.
• RQ6: What are the most widely used simulation tools for evaluating Industry 4.0 also known as digitization, is considered to be
tasks/workflows scheduling algorithms in Cloud, fog, and edge technology-driven. It aims to replace humans with machines and make
computing environments? manufacturing systems, warehouses and logistics smart [35].
• RQ7: What kind of data are used in the evaluation of algorithms in It is a use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT,
scheduling problem? robots, 3D printing, cloud servers, and machine learning [34].
• RQ8: What are the challenges of scheduling tasks/workflows in the By replacing the human heart with a robotics one, companies have
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environment? realized that technology alone cannot guarantee the functioning of a
structure, it needs human assistance to create significant value streams
The objective of this article is to answer all these questions by [33]. This observation gave birth to the 5th industrial revolution.
providing a state-of-the-art of works on tasks/workflows scheduling in Industry 5.0 or personalization is the upcoming technology of the
Cloud, Fog and Edge environments. previous generation designed for efficient and intelligent machines [34].
Does the birth of industry 5.0 mean that industry 4.0 is over? The
1.2. Research highlights and contributions fourth revolution is not over yet and will continue to have an impact on
many businesses. Our work will be oriented towards Industry 4.0, as it
The main contribution of this work are: aims at automation, smart manufacturing process improvement and
productivity/production optimization. It deals with the concepts of IIoT,
• Review of the concepts of industry 4.0 and workflow scheduling fog, smart production, and machine-to-machine communication (M2M).
• Classification and comprehensive review of existing works focusing Fig. 3 resume the industrial revolution, from industry 1.0 to industry
on scheduling algorithm, optimization metrics, publication year, 5.0.
simulation tool, computing environment, and type of job
• Presentation of an analytical discussion of the work done 2.2. Concepts
• Identification of the research challenges for tasks/workflows sched
uling in cloud-fog computing environment for future research work Industry 4.0 was first introduced in 2011 from a project in the high-
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the comput conventional industry [40]. Industry 4.0 forces us to step aside and let
erization of manufacturing [36]. It is the intelligent networking of ma the machines work.
chines and processes for industry with the help of information and In the Industry 4.0 era, production systems, in the form of Cyber
communication technology [37]. Hatem Azzam [38] in his LinkedIn Physical Production System (CPPS), can make intelligent decisions
social network page defines Industry 4.0 as a further developmental through real-time communication and cooperation between
stage in the organization and management of the entire value chain “manufacturing things” [41], enabling flexible production of
process involved in the manufacturing industry. According to [39], In high-quality personalized products at mass efficiency [42,43,39].
dustry 4.0 is the intelligent networking of machines and processes for
the industry based on Cyber Physical System (CPS) – a technology that
achieves intelligent control using embedded networked systems. The 2.3. Main pillars or enabling technologies
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said that Industry 4.0 is the
comprehensive transformation of the whole sphere of industrial pro Sensing, integration, and communication are the three major pro
duction through the merging of digital technology and the internet with cesses in an IIoT application. Network topologies and protocols are
employed for communication, while RFID tags are used for sensing [44].
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
The enabling technologies that are particularly significant for Industry delicate and complex tasks because they are outfitted with cutting-edge
4.0 adapted on [40] and [45] are listed below. These technologies relate software, artificial intelligence, sensors, and machine vision. They can
to the four main characteristics of Industry 4.0: Data, Interconnectivity, also identify, process, and respond to information they pick up from
Integration and Innovation. their surroundings.
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
consequently, personal safety [52] companies’ equipment will support proprietary or nationally recognized
data and communication protocols; as a result, competition and com
2.4.3. Smart manufacturing merce will suffer, and costs will rise. Contrarily, independent and widely
Smart industry includes distributed automated systems and robotics, accepted international standard communication protocols, data formats,
integrated with sensors, actuators, microchips, autonomous systems and and interfaces can guarantee interoperability between various industries
controllers. To monitor, manage and control such an environment, in and nations, promote the widespread adoption of Industry 4.0 tech
dustrial processes require ultra-reliable, low-latency communication nologies, and guarantee open markets for producers and goods around
[44]. These applications are characterized by latency, power con the world [40].
sumption and workload parameters. In the smart factory manufacturing
process, machines will have the ability to improve process through 2.5.5. Employment and skills development
automation and self-optimizing decision making [52]. Unemployment rates are likely to rise as low-skilled employees are
Industry 4.0 implementations have been shown in numerous demos, likely to become unemployed, and those who are able to evolve with
testbeds, and use cases over recent years, the majority of which take the technology will see autonomy, less drudgery and more interesting work.
shape of smart factories or parts of smart factories. Examples include the Employers need creative staff with decision-making and computer skills
Japanese Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT effort [53,39], the French [40]. Although numerous programs have been started to promote the
initiative Industrie du futur [54,39], and the network of business and development of ”digital skills,” young people may not be interested in
research organizations called SmartFactory [42,55,39]. digitizing the workplace [40].
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
characterised by the fact that it features a group of complex and con Pegasus [71] is a workflow management system based mainly on
flicting objectives [21]. data-intensive scientific applications. It has developed some data man
agement algorithms in the grid environment and uses the RLS system as
3.1. Definitions and types of workflows data management at run-time. Data are moved asynchronously in order
to reduce runtime latency and dynamically delete to reduce storage
Hollingsworth [58] defines workflows as the computerised facilita usage [71]. Its features make it unique (portability in time and space,
tion or automation of a business process, in whole or part. A workflow is data reuse, and automated data management).
the execution of several interdependent tasks under a permanent de Kepler [71] is a scientific workflow management system. It is an
pendency constraint, where a task can only start its execution if the open source Java framework in the grid environment. The difference
execution of its parents are completed [25]. Scheduling problem being a between business and scientific workflows is controlflow orientation
relatively old one, and refers to the action of allocating resources to the and dataflow orientation. It has its own actor-oriented data modeling
processing of tasks. To do this, many approaches have been proposed to method for handling big data in the grid environment. The grid actors,
solve it in different platforms [59,60,61,62,63,26,29,30,64,31]. Ac called FileFetcher and FileStager respectively, use GridFTP to retrieve
cording to Yassa et al., [21] scheduling a workflow application is the files from, or move files to, remote locations on the grid. It adopt the SRB
process of assigning every task of the workflow to a given resource for its system for runtime data management [71].
execution. Workflow scheduling is one of the most important issues in Taverna [71] is a scientific workflow system for bioinformatics that
distributed computing environments, which requires the allocation of provides a new process definition language, Sculf, modeling the appli
VMs to corresponding workflow tasks based on different functional and cation data in a dataflow. It considers workflow as a graph of processors,
non-functional requirements [65]. Workflow scheduling can be transferring a set of data inputs into a set of data outputs [71].
single-objective or multi-objective. Askalon [71] is a workflow system designed for scheduling. It ag
Two broad categories use the notion of workflow, we have the gregates the computing overhead and data transfer overhead together to
experimental protocols (scientific workflows) and the treatment chains get a value ‘weight’, and, makes no distinction between the computing
practiced in commercial, financial and pharmaceutical fields (business resource and data host. It has its own process definition language called
processes) [63]. AGWL [71].
A simple workflow is represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
which consists of vertices and edges. Each edge is directed from one 3.3. Optimization metrics
vertex to another, so that there is no loop in the process.
Ludäscher et al., [66] define a scientific workflow as the description The amount of data to be transferred, the optimization of conflicting
of a process for accomplishing a scientific objective, usually expressed in Quality of Service (QoS) metrics while taking into account user and
terms of tasks and their dependencies. Scientific workflow tasks are provider requirements, and the respect of SLAs make scheduling a
computational steps for scientific simulations or data analysis steps, difficult problem to solve. Workflow scheduling in cloud, fog, and edge
their common elements or stages are acquisition, integration, reduction, computing is an NP-hard problem because it’s seen as a combinatorial
visualization, and publication of scientific data [66]. They can be problem, and is impossible to find the optimal global solution in a
organized (at design time) and orchestrated (at runtime) according to polynomial way [63]. It is difficult and time-consuming to find the
dataflow and possibly other dependencies as specified by the workflow optimal solution with exact algorithms, reason why algorithms from the
designer, and, can be designed visually, using block diagrams, or metaheuristics, machine learning family are used to find satisfactory
textually using a domain-specific language [66]. We have several spe solutions in a reasonable time. Scheduling workflow in Cloud, Fog, and
cific scientific workflow applications for various research fields, applied Edge computing environments means allocating the best possible set of
on the different computational layers. Some workflow applications may resources for the workflows considering various objectives such as
be better executed at the cloud layer, others at the fog layer. Some ap deadlines, costs, energy, and QoS [27]. The objectives of workflow
plications benefit from cloud-fog-edge collaboration to achieve better scheduling is to optimize the job execution process for maximum
performance. On the cloud and fog layer, we find Montage [67], in as resource usage of distributed computing environments, and, the aim of
tronomy, used to build large mosaics of sky images; Cybershake [67], in multi-objective optimization is to provide an optimal solution for a set of
seismology, used to calculate probabilistic seismic risk curves for objectives that can be contradictory [19]. The optimized metrics in the
geographical sites in the Southern California region; Epigenomics [67], workflow scheduling problem are presented below:
in bioinformatics, automates the execution of various genome
sequencing operations; SIPHT [67] performs an extensive search for • Makespan: It is a significant objective that indicates the overall time
small untranslated RNAs that regulate several processes such as secre required to finish a complete workflow [72,19]. The minimization of
tion or virulence in bacteria, Defog [68], in industry, is used to evaluate makespan leads to fast execution of the applications and can help in
industrial workflows, while the Bosch Group dataset [69] is used for measuring the quality and efficiency of task/workflow scheduling
industrial manufacturing in production plants. On the fog layer, Work [19]. It can be computed by using the following equation [19]:
flow Recognition dataset [70] is used for tracking and recognition by
Makespan = FT − ST (1)
video surveillance of the production chain in a complex industrial
The execution of a workflow is managed by a workflow management
system [63]. Where FT denotes the Finish time of the last task and ST is the
starting time of the first task.
3.2. Workflows management systems
• Execution time: It is the time taken by a system to execute the task
A workflows Management System is a system that completely de [19]. The waiting time is not included in CPU or execution time [73,
fines, manages and executes “workflows” through the execution of 19]. It can be expressed like:
software whose order of execution is driven by a computer representa
tion of the workflow logic [58]. It must be robust against performance ExecutionTime = FTi − STi (2)
variations and tolerant against failure. The execution of the applications
is automated through workflow technologies [71]. Some of the popular
and successful Workflows Management System are listed below:
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
Where FTi is the finish time of the taski and STi is the starting time of randomly and are unknown beforehand. The tasks to schedule arrive
the taski. randomly and the VMs are created and destroyed randomly, ac
cording to the submitted tasks.
• Cost: Financial costs include processing, communication, network • Mobility: Mobility is a key element to improve user experience on
usage, and energy consumption cost [19]. The client needs to pay the fog applications, it poses several challenges, including managing
provider. It can be expressed by using the following equation [63]: user preferences and time and distance constraints [80,19]. Alloca
tion and scheduling in this environment are challenges to meet user
cost = Cex + Ctr (3)
demands based on user preferences and QoS requirements for
real-time applications [81,19].
• Security: The security problem is essentially a problem of trust
When Cex is the execution cost and Ctr is the transfer cost. where the main issue is the transparency of transport, storage and
processing of data in these environments, it must be guaranteed,
• Energy consumption: The cloud-fog environment must be efficient whether on the network or in the Datacenter where they will be
for users and profitable for providers. Providers are under pressure to stored. Because of its mobility, heterogeneity, and extensive
reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide. All devices consume geographic spread, the fog environment is less safe and more prone
energy even in an idle state, and this consumption increases when to security breaches than cloud computing [78]. This issue impacts
the device is used [19]. the privacy and confidentiality of user data that travels between
• Latency: Latency is one of the most important metrics to measure the distributed computing environments and can be accessed by un
performance of any task scheduling algorithm, it is also known as wanted users.
delay or response time [19]. The total latency is the sum of trans
mission latency and computational latency with as transmission la Workflow scheduling is a challenging problem due to resource lim
tency, the communication delay to transfer data between resources itations, heterogeneity, unpredictable arrival rate, and the sheer volume
and as computational latency, the necessary time to processed task of tasks that need to be completed. To solve this issue, numerous
[74,19]. research efforts have been made to develop effective scheduling tech
• Reliability awareness: is the probability that the task can be suc niques that maximize the use of resources and various performance
cessfully completed within the users quality of service constraints, indicators.
with or without resource and/or task failures [75].
• Throughput: Is the total number of tasks performed per unit time in 3.5. Taxonomy
a system [76,19]. It can be computed as follow:
Taxonomy is a scheme of classification and categorization of things
Throughput = NumberOfTask / Makespan (4) into groups or types. Some taxonomies of workflow scheduling, grouped
by scheduling algorithms and scheduling schemes are presented below:
• Resource utilization: Maximizing the use of resources such as VMs 3.5.1. Scheduling algorithms
is important, it is necessary to keep the resources as busy as possible We present a taxonomy of scheduling algorithms based on existing
in order not to waste money, as they are paid for but not used [76]. methods that consider different optimization metrics; we group the
Application failure can be caused by poor resource utilization different algorithms into mathematical programming, heuristic, meta
resulting in decreased system performance [19]. Workflow sched heuristic, hyper heuristic, hybrid heuristic, and machine learning shown
uling algorithms should efficiently allocate resources like processor, in Fig. 4.
network bandwidth, and memory to the tasks.
• Quality of Service: Metrics such as security, user experience, and • Mathematical programming or mathematical optimization
quality of experience are not quantifiable and affect user experience (MP): Mathematical programming is a particularly helpful tool for
[77,19]. Better quality of service results in the satisfaction of several tackling complex problems, such as those that can be characterized
users of the system at the same time [19]. as an objective function with a set of mathematical constraints, that
simplifies complex decision-making [82]. It is a discipline within
3.4. Challenges in workflows scheduling applied mathematics that, in essence, allows you to make the optimal
choice from a set of alternatives [83]. One of the most common ap
The challenges faced by workflows scheduling in cloud-fog envi plications of mathematical programming is to solve various planning
ronment can be grouped into: and scheduling problems by finding optimal ways of using limited
resources in a reasonable time to achieve a goal using input values.
• Heterogeneous fog applications: Numerous Internet of Things To do this, it uses a number of different techniques, including Integer
(IoT) devices and sensors are available, each with unique commu Linear Programming (ILP) and Mixed Integer Linear Programming
nication radio, sensor, computing, storage, and other capabilities (MILP) [82,83].
[78]. Among fog applications, we have those that are fault-tolerant - ILP: It is a technique in which one or more decision variables are
and others that are real-time. Real-time applications have low la constrained to take integer or binary values [19], the objective and
tency requirements, therefore, need to be executed on priority [19]. each constraint are a linear function [82,19]. Research paper that
Resource allocation becomes an NP-hard problem when one wants to used this method are: [84,85]
satisfy many user’s dynamic requirements in real-time with limited - MILP: It aims to find the minimum or maximum value of a linear
resources capacity [79,19]. Choosing the right resources and man function on a space with linear constraints with certain decision
aging and coordinating such heterogeneous IoT device networks will variables which are either integers or continuous numbers [86].
prove to be very difficult [78]. MILP are widely used in industry because they can be solved in a
• Stochastic environment: The Fog-Cloud environment is stochastic reasonable time using efficient algorithms. Some researchers used
in many approaches. Allocating the limited resources of fog nodes to this method to solve scheduling problem: [87,88].
IoT workloads according to their computational needs is a challenge
[19]. As an illustration, the rate at which the tasks arrive, how long MLP problems are much harder to solve than ILP problems [82].
they takes, and the amount of processing required all change However, MP shows its limits when input values are unknown (as MP
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
does not take into account uncertainties and changes), when there are designing methods for learning parameter settings, the basic idea is
too many limitations, when the problem size is large, and when the to develop a general method that operates on small moves and
problem has non-linear effects. learns which motions should be applied at each step of the solution
process [95]. It is Hyper heuristic method.
• Heuristic: The term heuristics derives from the ancient Greek heu • Hyper heuristic: The term hyper heuristic was defined in the early
riskeinˆand means ”to find” [63]. It is a concept used in combinatorial 2000s as a heuristic algorithm chosen instead of many from a set of
optimization, graph theory, complexity theory of algorithms, artifi candidates heuristics, but the idea of designing high-level heuristic
cial intelligence, etc. Heuristic algorithms, powerful and flexible methodologies goes back to the early 1960s [96]. Hyper heuristic
methods of solving NP-hard problems, examine the whole environ techniques have been employed to develop approaches that are more
ment to return the best solution with the objective of finding the best general than optimization search methods and traditional techniques
and most acceptable answers according to the problem requirements [97]. It is an automated search procedure that improves the gener
[89]. Several researchers have adopted heuristic methods as alization of search techniques to solve difficult computer search
problem-solving strategies, such as Ijaz et al., [28] that proposed problems [96,19]. it is used in order to develop a system for solving a
EM-MOO, Rahbari and Nickray [60] that developped KnapSOS, class of problems instead of solving a particular domain of a problem
Stavrinides and Karatza [90] that proposed a Partial Computation [19]. Kabizardeh et al., [98] and Rahbari [99] used hyper heuristic
method. Heuristics are specific methods that do not guarantee exact algorithm for solving scheduling problem. Although hyper heuristic
solutions and deal with single or bi-objective problems. These algo algorithms can solve complex real-world problems, they are difficult
rithms are fast, but they are insufficient for distributed systems with to implement [19].
a large-scale dynamic environment [91], they are greedy. Meta • Hybrid heuristic: A hybrid heuristic algorithm combine two or
heuristic strategies are effective methods for solving NP-hard opti more heuristic or metaheuristic algorithm by choosing the advan
mization problems with high efficiency. These algorithms can be tages of each of them and compensate the limits at each step. It gives
expressed as Heuristic + Randomization [91]. better results than a single heuristic [100]. Hybrid algorithms are a
• Metaheuristic: In the last few years, meta-heuristic algorithms have combination of heuristics and metaheuristics, or heuri
gained popularity and are commonly used for solving complex stic/metaheuristic algorithms, or multi-agent system/ (meta)heu
computational problems [92,19]. Meta-heuristic algorithms have ristic. The multi-agent approach uses the installation of a software
proven to be very efficient in solving scheduling problems [92]. agent on a set of nodes of the infrastructure to be managed, the
Researchers use them to find optimal or near-optimal solutions for scheduling work being distributed among the agents [101,102,103,
allocating tasks in a distributed computing environment [93,19]. It 59]. It was implemented in order to decentralize the scheduling of
can be categorized as [19]: workflows [59].Some researchers used hybrid strategy for solving
- Bio-inspired (BI)-based meta-heuristics: These algorithms scheduling problems [104,26,29,30,31,64].
mimic the evolutionary process of biological organisms observed in • Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning is a technique that is
nature to solve optimization problems. As an example of bio- gaining popularity because it can produce results without human
inspired algorithms, we have GA [63], Tabu Search (TS) [93], SA intervention by integrating mathematics, statistics, and machines to
[93]. learn from raw data [105]. As a subsection of ML algortihm, we have
- Swarm intelligence (SI)-based meta-heuristics: Swarm optimi Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). DRL is the result of the fusion
zation algorithms are inspired by the collective behavior of swarms of deep learning and reinforcement learning that emerged as an
and the computation of their evolution. PSO, Bee Life Algorithm active area of research, it has proven its ability to solve decision
(BLA), and ACO are some examples of SI-based algorithms [94,19]. making problems where the magnitude of the mapping is too large,
However, using existing algorithms to solve new problems or new the deep neural network (DNN) on the other hand helps to approx
instances of a similar problem is not easy, thus, in many cases, it is imate functions, if used as such (DNN), a DRL model can be created
necessary to build new algorithms to solve particular instances [19]. [106] and [107] used DRL algorithm to solve scheduling
[95]. Recently, researchers have tried to automate the process of problem.
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
3.5.2. Scheduling scheme problem in distributed Computing environments are presented below:
The large-scale distributed system includes many subscribed re
sources to perform tasks faster, stably, accurately, and available [108]. 4.1.1. Integer linear programming (ILP)
The growth in the number of resource providers increases the growth in Scheduling workflows in multi-cloud environments reduces resource
system heterogeneity, which is a positive factor, while the increase in operating costs for customers and resource limitations imposed by ser
decisionmaking complexity has a negative effect on the decision-making vice providers. To contribute to this solution, Mohammadi et al., [84] in
process [109]. The scheduling scheme in the different layers of 2018 analyzed the optimal cost treatment as a function of variations in
computation based in Fig. 5 is presented below. execution time and scientific workflow size in multi-cloud environ
ments, studied the sensitivity of optimal cost to variations in delay and
• Cloud computing: Task and Workflow scheduling problem are workflow size, and, proposed an integer linear programming - delay
aimed to allocated an appropriated VM to each task taking into ac constraint (ILP-DC) model to schedule these workflows. The proposed
count the user-specified constraints (deadline, costs), Cloud Service mathematical model was implemented in CPLEX solvers, with the
Providers (CSP) specified constraints (power usage, temperature, characteristics of the multi-cloud machines used drawn from IaaS pro
SLA violation), functional and non functional requirements of ap viders Amazon EC2, GoGrid, BlueLock and StormCloud. Simulations
plications [110]. were carried out in the workflow management systems Epigenome,
- Task scheduling: It can provide benefits to the users by reducing LIGO, Montage and CyberShake, whose characteristics were taken from
execution cost, mitigating makespan, decreasing SLA violation and the Pegasus workflow generator. Simulation results compared with
meeting user-specified deadline; and the CSP benefits are a follows: coarse-grained mixed integer programming (MIP-CG), IP-FC and
reducing power consumption, scalability, fault tolerance, improve multi-cloud partial critical paths with preprocessing (MCPCPP) show
ressource utilization [110]. that the ILP-DC approach is better than these approaches in terms of
- Workflow scheduling: In addition of before-mentioned con minimizing the cost of delay-constrained scientific workflows in a
straints, it consider dependency among tasks, data transfer costs, multi-cloud environment.
security considerations regarding the data transfer, and so on; it In 2021, Movahedi et al., [85] proposed an Opposition-based Chaotic
can provide the same benefits with task scheduling, some workflow Whale Optimization Algorithm (OppoCWOA), which is an improved
scheduling schemes can specify the order of tasks, and even in version of the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), with a view to
heterogeneous clouds, the type of VM can be determined [110]. solving the task scheduling problem in Fog-Cloud environments
modeled in a timely manner. This scheduling problem is formulated as a
However, it is worth mentioning that task and workflow scheduling mathematical integer linear programming (ILP) optimization model
approaches may pursue different objectives in each kind of cloud envi taking into account time and energy consumption in the Fog. The so
ronment [110]. lution was simulated under the Pycharm IDE and developed in Python.
Results compared with WOA, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle
• Fog Computing: A fog node receives a lot of task that need to be Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) show the ef
scheduled before their deadline. With the rise of the Internet of ficiency of the proposed solution in terms of time, energy, and
Things, scheduling tasks and workflows in a Fog environment has time-energy balance. However, the simulation testbed has not yet been
become an important research topic. Task and workflow scheduling fully pre-validated.
depends on many criteria based on the user requirements, including
satisfying QoS. 4.1.2. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP)
• Task scheduling: Task scheduling aims to assign a set of tasks to fog To minimize the cost of mapping resources and networks between a
nodes to satisfy user QoS requirements while minimizing makespan fixed IoT set and the constructed fog infrastructure, Martinez et al., [87]
and task transmission time [111,112]. in 2020 proposed an optimal formulation of fog infrastructure design
- Workflow scheduling: Workflow scheduling aims to assign and sizing using the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (fog-DC-MILP)
computing resources with different processing abilities to the tasks method. This approach, simulated in CPLEX solver, and compared with
of workflow application, which can minimize the makespan and the greedy algorithm fog-DC-Greedy and matching-based model
cost [113,112]. Fog-DC-Match, showed its effectiveness in optimizing latency and cost.
Santos et al., [88], in 2021, proposed a Mixed Integer Linear Pro
4. Related survey gramming (MILP) formulation for the IoT service allocation problem on
different Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) that takes into ac
This section presents the obtained results from an in-depth study of count the concept of Service Function Chain (SFC) in the Cloud and
the research literature based on the classification of scheduling methods. several optimization objectives (latency minimization, minimization of
Table I, gives a multidimensional classification of these existing results. compute node utilization, minimization of service migrations,…).
Different objectives are taken into account at each iteration of the
model, and each iteration refines the previous solution by improving
4.1. Mathematical programming (MP)
another objective function. This model approach is generic, takes into
account many aspects of Cloud and wireless computing, and can be
Research work using MP methods to solve task/workflow scheduling
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
Table I
List of related works.
Authors Year Categorization Algorithms Metrics Tools Types of jobs Computing
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
Table I (continued )
Authors Year Categorization Algorithms Metrics Tools Types of jobs Computing
Mokni et al., (c) [31] 2023 Hybrid MAS Makespan, Cost WorkflowSim Scientific Cloud-Fog
Heuristic Workfow
Sheng et al., [106] 2021 ML DRL, Task Execution Order, Task Allocation Pytorch Task Edge
Moon et al., [107] 2021 ML DQN Makespan, Cost Pytorch Job Shop Cloud-Edge
applied to a wide range of IoT use cases. The model is validated by them and taking into account latency. The second phase concerns the
simulating the solution under the CPLEX solver, choosing several smart DeadlineAware stepwise Frequency Scaling (DAFS) approach for the
city use cases. reduction of the energy consumption. The evaluation of the proposed
algorithm using synthetic and real applications shows that it achieves a
4.2. Heuristic better trade-off between energy consumption and makespan compared
to popular alternatives. This algorithm was compared to existing ap
Mora et al., [114] in 2015, proposed an imprecise computation proaches (Energy Makespan in Mobile Cloud Computing, Minimal
scheduling method for embedded system workloads, which combines Optimistic Processing Time, Predict Earliest Finish Time) and the result
imprecise computation strategies with Cloud computing paradigms, to reduces energy consumption by up to 50 % with minimal impact on
provide flexible implementation frameworks for embedded or mobile execution time. The simulation environment was developed in MATLAB
devices. This algorithm determines the most appropriate scheduling by the authors.
model between the local device and the Cloud, determines Stavrinides and Karatza [90] in 2021 have proposed an algorithm for
network-induced delay, and predicts bandwidth and delay costs asso scheduling multiple realtime IoT workflows in a heterogeneous Fog
ciated with remote communication and processing in the Cloud. The environment using partial computations with endto-end error propa
main idea of this method, which involves adjusting the number of tasks gation (two-phase partial computation scheduling technique - PC). Ac
executed according to the time available and the computing power of cording to the authors, this is the first paper in the literature to solve a
the system, is to take into account the relative priority of each task when scheduling problem using partial computations to deal with propagation
deciding on the order in which the workload is executed. The simulation errors between immediate child tasks and between all tasks in the
is a proposed scenario of a SmartDrive application for autonomous workflow, as well as their impact on the processing time of each affected
decision-making aimed at increasing user safety and convenience. This task. Workflows were generated using their own random DAG gener
application is part of the smart city concept and the construction of ator, and a synthetic workload was used in place of the available traces,
vehicle networks in which several vehicles communicate with each in order to obtain unbiased results not limited to any particular type of
other and with the city’s infrastructure to exchange information. The workload. The solution, simulated on a platform developed by the au
result demonstrates the simplicity of the proposed model and its ease of thors in C++, and, compared to a basic heuristic (which does not use
use in designing scheduling tasks. partial computation), shows that PC is resistant to the effects of input
Mao et al., [115] proposed in 2017 a Sub-Optimal Joint Task Off error propagation across workflow tasks, and can deliver a lower delay
loading Scheduling, and Transmit Power Allocation algorithm (SOJ overrun rate than the basic policy, in exchange for an average result
TOTPAA) for Mobile Edge Computing systems, with multiple accuracy of 2.43 %.
independent tasks based on flow shop scheduling and convex optimi Bentabet et al., [62] in an effort to ensure the smooth operation of the
zation. The proposed solution aims at optimizing task offloading Fog in terms of data storage, access and processing of IoT devices
scheduling and transmit power allocation in order to reduce latency and requiring high bandwidth and low latency, propose a
energy. The simulation result shows that the task offload scheduling is bandwidth-sensitive Cloud-Fog workflow scheduling algorithm that
more critical when the radio and computing resources available in the schedules tasks by priority in the different allocated resources while
MEC systems are relatively balanced. The simulation studies the impact minimizing the makespan and without increasing energy consumption
of optimal task offload scheduling on delay performance. (bandwidth-aware workflow allocation or BW-AWA). To achieve this
Rahbari and Nickray [60] propose a method for scheduling and goal, they used a list algorithm based on the Cloud/Fog workflow
allocating tasks to resources (VMs) KnapSOS (Knapsack Symbiotic Or scheduling strategy that sorts tasks by priority (computational cost,
ganisms Search), a knapsack optimization algorithm based on sched amount of encapsulated data, ranking of the predecessor task) and al
uling and symbiotic organism search. The objective of this work is the locates them to resources based on the node with optimal bandwidth.
reduction of energy consumption, cost, sensor lifetime and optimization The solution has been simulated under iFogsim and the simulation result
of network utilization. The simulation is done under iFogsim and the is compared with FCFS, HEFT, CPOS (Critical Path on a processor) and
result compared with FCFS and Knapsack show that KnapSOS is per Popularity algorithms.
forming well. Ndamlabin et al., [25] proposed in 2022 two algorithms for sched
Toniolli [61] in 2020 proposed an adaptation of the Path-Clustering uling workflows in a cloud environment with the aim of optimizing
Heuristic algorithm for scheduling multiple workflow applications in a energy consumption, processing time of submitted workflows and cost.
Cloud-Fog environment in order to search the tradeoff between make The first Structure-based Multi-objective Workflow Scheduling with an
span and price. The simulation was done under a Hardware Platform Optimal instance type (SMWSO) algorithm introduces a new approach
and the result reveal that the adaptation of PCH is better than HEFT, to determining which VM instance is appropriate for scheduling work
CCMAS and CCSH. flows. The second algorithm named Structure-Based MultiObjective
To address the challenge of resource allocation in a cloud-fog envi Workflow Scheduling with Heterogeneous Instance Types (SMWSH)
ronment due to complex and strict QoS constraints, Ijaz et al., [28] highlights the use of VMs for a scheduling problem in a heterogeneous
implemented a scheduling algorithm, Energy Makespan Multi Objective medium. The simulation result compared with the Reliability and En
Optimization (EM-MOO) that optimizes the energy consumption and ergy Efficient Workflow schedule (REEWS) algorithm shows that the
makespan of workflows. This algorithm works in two phases, the first proposed algorithms provide better energy efficiency in 80 % of work
phase concerns the modeling of the problem as a multi-objective opti flow/workload scenarios and save more than 50 % of global energy. The
mization problem by allocating tasks to resources capable of processing simulation was made under Cloudsim.
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
4.3. Meta heuristic environment with the goal of finding a tradeoff between cost and
Makespan. The PSO algorithm solves the process of mapping tasks to
4.3.1. Bio inspired based computing resources. The simulation was done in Matlab and the result
Guan et al., [116], designed an agricultural work scheduling algo shows that the proposed approach reduces the overall execution time of
rithm based on petri net and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for the workflows compared to the classical PSO, but the execution costs of
agricultural production enterprises with the aim of reducing farmers’ both approaches are close to each other.
work time and increasing yield. The data needed for the study, from Javaheri et al., [27], address the problem of scheduling workflows in
agricultural processes and the evolution of uncertainties, are collected a multi-Fog environment, taking into account the availability of VMs
and recorded by a phone equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning and the ability of providers to process requests. To do so, they imple
System) and having a stable internet connection. The Petri net used to mented the Discrete Opposition- Harris Hawk Optimization (DO–HHO)
model discrete event systems, describes the process of agricultural work algorithm which is a discrete opposition-based version of the HHO al
(graphically and mathematically), and makes a simulation of the acti gorithm for scheduling tasks in the Fog environment; they combined
vation of agriculture on the allocation of resources (labor, machinery, with this solution the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that predicts the
etc.); it facilitates the exploitation of agricultural land and resources. availability of VMs and the ability of providers to process requests. This
The SA is used to obtain high quality results, close to the optimal solu HHM is combined with the Viterbi algorithm and the Baum Welch al
tion for the scheduling of agricultural work. The work consists of map gorithm. The simulation is done under iFogsim and the result is
ping the farmland being exploited, planning the orders of passage on this compared with 4 algorithms cited in the literature with 5 scientific
land generated by a priority list, recording the farm data in a web server workflows. And 3 other algorithms on which they applied the HMM with
with a phone equipped with a GPS and a browser. The simulation result 5 scientific workflows. The QoS metrics are the makespan, the number of
showed that the petri net is applicable to model and simulate agricul workflows having exceeded the deadline, and, the number of workflows
tural workflows; and the SA algorithm compared with a conventional offloaded to the Cloud.
local search algorithm shows that SA has a great superiority in pro In 2021, Singh et al., [120] make a comparison of several meta
ducing a high quality solution for agricultural work planning. heuristic algorithms for scheduling heterogeneous tasks in a Cloud
Yassa et al., (a) [21] have developed an improved genetic algorithm environment. The different algorithms they conducted their studies with
GA* based on viral infection, to solve the multi-objective scheduling are Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization, Genetic
problem of workflows in a Cloud environment. This solution optimizes Algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony, Crow Search Algorithm and Penguin
several QoS metrics (makespan, cost, reliability and availability) and Swarm Optimization. These algorithms have been simulated in Cloud
constraints on these metrics (deadline and budget) and also strong sim and the Crow Search algorithm is better than the others in terms of
constraints that force the execution of certain tasks on certain virtual Makespan and Cost optimization.
machines. The simulation was done under Cloudsim and data from Gunduzalp et al., [91] use for the first time an adapted version of the
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and London e-Science Center Adaptive chimp optimization algorithm (AChOA) for task scheduling in
workflows were used to make a comparison with other metaheuristic the Cloud environment aiming at optimizing the makespan, as one of the
approaches. main problems affecting the Cloud performance is task scheduling. This
De Maoi and Kimovski [117] propose a multi-objective workflows algorithm checks the availability of resources before launching the
optimization (MOWO) algorithm in the fog based on the NSGA-II met scheduling process, several functions are taken into account in the
aheuristic aiming at optimizing the following QoS metrics: execution calculation of the AChOA algorithm in order to improve its efficiency
time, cost and reliability. The simulation was done under SLEIPNIR and performance. The simulation was done under Cloudsim and the
(Spark-enabled mobiLe Edge offloadIng Platform moNte-carlo sImu simulation result compared to other methods shows that AChOA per
latoR), a Monte carlo simulation framework for scheduling workflows in forms much better.
the Fog. The simulation result was evaluated in two different ways:
running the solution in the cloud Vs running in a hybrid cloud/fog 4.4. Hyper heuristic
environment; comparing MOWO with HEFT, MAXREL and MINCOST
algorithms. The hybrid cloud/fog environment is favorable for workflow Kabirzadeh et al., [98] propose a hyper heuristic for scheduling
scheduling and MOWO performs well compared to HEFT, MINCOST and workflows in Fog computing composed of GA, PSO, ACO and SA algo
MAXREL. rithms with the goal of optimizing the makespan, reducing energy
Wen et al., [118] in 2021 proposed a multi-objective industrial consumption, reducing cost and network utilization. For each workflow,
workflow scheduling algorithm (GreenGA) that aims to minimize the only one metaheuristic (the best one) is used for scheduling, SA is used
cloud service provider’s revenue, and also minimize the use of for allocating workflows to available resources. The simulation was
non-renewable energy by using the actual electricity prices with the done under iFogsim and the results compared to ACO, PSO, GA and SA
availability of green energy in different cloud datacenters. This algo algorithms show that HH is better than these metaheuristics.
rithm is an adaptation of the GA metaheuristic that performs a combi Rahbari in 2022 [99], made an analysis of heuristics and
nation of renewable energy and energy cost. The simulation was done meta-heuristics based methods, he proposed a hyper heuristics based
under cloudsim and the performance of the latter was evaluated using a scheduling method for resource allocation to fog task taking into ac
real industrial workload, the results show a better efficiency of the count latency and energy consumption. The heuristics that composed
proposed approach. HHS are GA, PSO, ACO and SA, the simulation is done under iFogsim.
The performance of HHS is evaluated with FCFS, concurrent, DP,
4.3.2. Swarm intelligence based NSGA-III, MaOPSO, PSO, ACO, GA and SA through the total execution
Ding et al., [119] present a cost-effective scheduling strategy for time, energy consumption and application loop delay. The results show
multi-workflow with time constraints (CTSF) combined with PSO and that HHS is favorable compared to these algorithms of the literature.
Min-Min algorithm to schedule a multiple workflow in a Fog computing
system. This approach aims to optimize the cost and execution time of 4.5. Hybrid heuristic
the tasks. The experimental results show that CTSF strategy can achieve
the best overall performance in terms of cost and time compared with 4.5.1. Heuristic / metaheuristic
other strategies such as FCFS-P and Max-P. In 2019, Xu et al., [121] establish a task scheduling algorithm in a
Xu et al., [113], in 2019, implemented an improved Particle Swarm Cloud-Fog environment, with the aim of solving the task scheduling
Optimization algorihm (IPSO) to schedule workflows in a Cloud-Fog problem with the priority constraints of IoT applications, taking into
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
account energy consumption and energy reduction while meeting the Hassan et al., [26] proposed a method for scheduling IoT workflows
execution time of these tasks. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid heu by taking into account the effects of DDoS attacks on the scheduling
ristic resulting from the combination of the laxity-based priority algo process. They propose a hybridization of particle swarm optimization
rithm (LBP) and the ant colony system algorithm: A laxity and ant (PSO) and salp swarm algorithm (SSA) for scheduling multi-fog work
colony system algorithm (LBP-ACS). The LBP algorithm manages the flows, SSPSO algorithm. They use two hidden Markov models on each
delay sensitivity of tasks and the ACS algorithm minimizes the total fog nodes: the first one averages the bandwidth and the second one
energy consumption. The result of the simulation performed under averages the available VMs for scheduling. SSPSO optimizes makespan
cloudsim shows that LBP-ACS reduces the energy consumption related and power consumption, reduces the number of tasks offloaded to the
to the processing of all the tasks submitted to it, ensures a reasonable cloud, reduces the number of missed deadlines and reduces the effect of
scheduling time, reduces the scheduling failure rate of the tasks asso DDoS attacks on submitted workflows. The simulation is done under
ciated with mixed deadlines compared to HEFT, GfE, DEACO iFogsim and the result compared with MOWO and Hybrid-EDF shows
algorithms. that SSPSO is better than these algorithms in terms of missed deadlines,
In [24], the authors addressed the multi-objective task scheduling offloading tasks to the cloud, and DDoS attacks on VMs.
problem of intelligent production plants in Cloud/Fog computing. They In [5], considering the problem of service continuity, QoS compli
propose an algorithm based on the priority of tasks that minimize ance in the Fog environment and the problem of network traffic and cost
makespan and energy consumption. They propose an improved algo increase caused by the large data transmission from IoT devices, the
rithm composed of ACO (IACO) combined with MBO (IMBO) (HMA or authors concerned with energy consumption, propose an intelligent IoT
Hybrid MBO-ACO). To build the priority list, they use the Merge Sort application workflow scheduling method based on the improved arith
algorithm to select the tasks with high priority and rank them in metic optimization algorithm (AOA) called AOAM to solve the IoT
descending order. The algorithm is simulated under a platform devel workflow scheduling problem in the Fog environment. This model sol
oped in C++ and the result of the simulation is compared with other ves the task scheduling problem in Fog while maximizing the QoS and
algorithms in the literature (FCFS, cloud services and IMBO). makespan measure. The proposed solution improves the search capa
bility of AOA by using the efficient and powerful search operators of
4.5.2. Metaheuristic / metaheuristic MPA (Marine Predators Algorithm) to address the diversity of used so
Yassa et al., (b) [22] proposed in 2013 an DVFS-Multi-Objective lutions and local optimal problems. The main advantage of using MPA is
Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DVFS-MODPSO) based on the improvement of the local search capability of AOA which avoids the
DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) and hybrid PSO algo attraction to local points and increases the convergence speed. The
rithm. It is a multi-objective workflow scheduling algorithm in the Cloud simulation was done in MATLAB and the obtained results are compared
aimed at optimizing Makespan, cost and Energy consumption. They with other state of the art methods (AOA, MRFO [Manta Ray Foraging
simulate the proposed approach with a synthetic workflow application Optimization], MPA, CHOA [Chimp optimisation Algorithm], SSA [Salp
and two common workflow structures: parallel and hybrid structures. Swarm Algorithm] and AEOSSA) using Friedman’s test and taking into
The result was compared with a HEFT algorithm implemented by them account the NASA and HPC2N workloads; it showed that AOAM is
and prove that the proposed approach is better then the HEFT heuristic. promising and solved task scheduling efficiently compared to the other
Cui et al., [122] in 2017 worked on the research and optimization of comparative methods while minimizing makespan, energy consumption
cloud services scheduling algorithms by proposing a Task Scheduling and fitness.
System (TSS) model and implementing a hybrid GACACO (Genetic With the aim of increasing the performance and productivity of IoT
Algorithm-Chaos Ant Colony Optimization) metaheuristic which is a systems, Abd Elaziz et al., [123] in 2021, developed an alternative task
combination of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization algo scheduling technique for IoT applications in a cloudfog environment
rithm subdivided into two modules. In the user-centered module, the based on modified ecosystem-based artificial optimization (AEO) com
processing time of each task conforms to the general distribution, in the bined with the operators of the salp swarm algorithm: AEOSSA. The
scheduling module the metrics taken into account are the makespan and proposed approach aims at optimizing the Makespan. The performance
the cost. The simulation is done in a hardware environment and the of the latter is evaluated using different synthetic and real-world data
result shows that GA-CACO is better than GA and CAO. sets of different sizes. The simulation result performed under Matlab
Wang and Li [23] proposed a task scheduling optimization method shows that AEOSSA is better than SSA, PSO, HHO, FA and AEO in terms
based on a hybrid heuristic (Improved PSO and Improved ACO) of fog of Makespan and troughput.
computing in a smart factory (concerning the production line) while To address the challenge of scheduling workflows in a cloud envi
minimizing task processing time, energy consumption, and improving ronment by taking user priority into account, Aggarwal et al., [124]
smart manufacturing performance metrics, such as production effi implemented a self-adaptive fruit fly optimization algorithm (SAFFOA)
ciency, product quality, and equipment utilization rate. This algorithm with advanced encryption algorithm (AES), which reduces the response
solves the problem of end devices with limited computational resources time and execution delay of the user’s request. The proposed approach
and high power consumption, and makes the scheme feasible for has been implemented and simulated in Matlab and the simulation
real-time and efficient end device processing tasks. The authors use a result compared with FCFS, PSO, ABC, GA, FFOA, DE and ETC algo
4-layer architecture (application, cloud, fog, end device layers) for rithms shows its effectiveness.
modeling the problem. The simulation is done under MATLAB, the re According to Subramoney and Nyirenda (b) [125], the major chal
sults are evaluated with IPSO, IACO and RR, the evaluation metrics are lenge in distributed computing environments is generating optimal so
processing time (execution time), power consumption and reliability. lutions by reducing execution time, cost and energy consumption, as
The solution proposed by the authors is better than the algorithms of the well as ensuring proper load balancing. They have implemented a Multi
literature. SwarmParticle Swarm Optimization algorithm to improve the sched
Subramoney and Nyirenda (a) [104] performed a comparative uling of scientific workflows in CloudFog environments by optimizing
evaluation of four populationbased optimization algorithms (PSO, GA, execution time, cost, power consumption and load balancing. The Fog
DE and GA-PSO) for scheduling workflows in the Fog. This work pro WorkflowSim simulator is used in the process of evaluating objectives
vides the foundation for the weighted sum objective function for the that serve as performance measures. The MS-PSO approach compared to
workflow scheduling problem and develops this function based on three PSO, GA, DE, and GA-PSO algorithms shows that it is more stable and
objectives: makespan, cost, and energy. The results of simulation done reliable. The application workflows used are Montage, Cybershake,
with FogWorkflowSim show that the hybrid combination of the GA-PSO Epigenomics, LIGO and SIPHT.
algorithm is slightly better than the standard algorithms.
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
4.5.3. Multi agent system (MAS)/ (Meta)heuristic Moon et al., [107] conducted a study based on multi-access edge
In 2022, Mokni et al., (a) [29] proposed an approach based on the computing (MEC) with the goal of cooperating manufacturing processes.
cooperation of multi-agent systems with the GA algorithm to schedule They applied Deep Q-Network (DQN) which is a learning model in the
IoT workflows in a hybrid Cloud-Fog environment. This approach aims shop floor scheduling process. They conducted scheduling studies in the
to optimize task execution time, cost and makespan. The MAS approach edge computing ecosystem of their manufacturing processes without the
minimizes execution time and cost, and, the GA approach based on help of cloud computing data centers because the latter present sensitive
deadline and budget constraints optimizes makespan, cost, reliability issues for the manufacturing process (security issues and the commu
and availability. The Workflowsim simulator was used to evaluate the nication delay). Therefore, they proposed a method to perform inde
performance of the solution with Five Benchmarks (epigenomics, pendent scheduling at the network edge through cooperative scheduling
inspiral, montage, cybershake, sipht), the result show that MAS-GA among edge devices in a multiple access edge computing framework.
applied to a hybrid Cloud-Fog environment performs better than The proposed framework was evaluated, analyzed, and compared to
MAS-GA applied to a Cloud or Fog environment. The metrics for eval existing frameworks in terms of solutions and services. It was compared
uating the solution are response time, execution time and makespan. In with traditional DQN, SPT and LPT on one hand, and Cloud, Cloud-Edge
order to solve the problem of scheduling workflows with conflicting on the other.
constraints in a hybrid Fog-Cloud environment, Mokni et al., (b) [30]
developped the fuzzy-cone algorithm which is a multi-agent system- 5. Analytical discussion
based workflow scheduling algorithm with negotiation offers taken into
account with fuzzy constraints. The work consists in optimizing the In this section, we present our analysis of the different previous
deadline and the budget while satisfying the constraints of the users and works mentioned above. The analysis is based on the classification of the
the service providers with two types of agents: contract agents for the algorithms, the simulation environment, the computing environment,
execution of the users’ workflows and provider agents in charge of the metrics used, and the year of publication of these works.
maximizing the profit of the fog-cloud providers. These agents collab Fig. 6 exhibits the percentage of work focused on scheduling tech
orate with each other and negotiate for the placement of workflows in niques by different researchers. It shows that 60 % is addressed on
the Cloud or fog environments, the QoS metrics to be optimized and the Scientific workflow scheduling while 27 % focus on resolving task
SLA compliance. The solution has been simulated under JADE, and the scheduling and 7 % resolve Industrial Task scheduling, 3 % focus on Job
result, compared to GA, PSO and MAS-GA algorithms show that shop and Flow shop scheduling.
Fuzzy-Cone is better than these algorithms in the literature. Fig. 7 indicates the works which have considered each objective. It
Narayana et al., [64] proposed an efficient scheduling model that indicates that the makespan is the factor which have been focused by
optimizes the quality of service and energy in the scheduling process of several scheduling schemes in 21 %. Among the other metrics, cost has
fog and edge nodes. It is a supervised learning approach named ”Qual been considered by 18 %, energy consumption by 17 % Deadline by 6 %,
ity-aware Energy Efficient Scheduling Model for Fog computing execution time by 4 %, latency by 4 %, reliability by 2 %, and the other
comprised IoT networks”. The statistical measures of moving averages metrics by 28 %.
and Heiken-Ashi models were used as the basis for the proposed Fig. 8 expose the category of algorithms used in scheduling problem.
scheduling model. To achieve optimal scheduling, parameters such as It indicates that Hybrid heuristic is the most used category with a rate of
round-trip time, computational load per makespan, and request recep 35 %, followed by metaheuristic with 23 %, Heuristic 22 %, MP 10 %,
tion time were taken into account. The statistics of the quality measures ML and hyper heuristic 5 %.
obtained from the experimental study indicate that the proposed model Fig. 9 expose the computing environment used by researchers to
significantly reduces these parameters compared to EBSA (Energy solve scheduling problem. Hybrid Cloud-fog is considered in 37 % of
Balancing Scheduling Algorithm), JODPS (Joint optimization of data studies, followed by Fog with a rate of 28 %, Cloud with 22 %, Edge with
placement and scheduling) and HMCOT Heuristic min-conflicts opti 5 %, Cloud-edge with 5 %, and Web server with 3 %.
mizing technique. Fig. 10, shows simulation tools used by researcher to solve sched
In 2023, Mokni et al., (c) [31] develop an approach that merges uling problem. Cloudsim is used in 18 %, Matlab 15 %, ifogsim 15 %,
partitioning, sequencing and scheduling of workflows with the objective Not defined 10 %, Pytorch 5 %, FogWorkflowSim 5 %, WorkflowSim 5
of optimizing the makespan and the cost while taking into account the %, CPLEX 5 %, Hardware environment 5 %, Platform developped by
conflicting constraints of users and suppliers. This algorithm is based on authors 5 %, SLEIPNIR 3 %, Phone 3 %, Jade 3 %, Pycharm 3 %.
multiagent systems and a fuzzy inference system. The solution imple Fig. 11 shows the different years of publication of related works cited
mented under workflowsim and the result compared with EM-MOO and in the literature. We note that the range of these years is between 2007
MAS-GA shows that the proposed approach is more efficient than these and 2023. 2 % of these works are done in 2007, 3 % in 2015 and 2023, 5
algorithms. % in 2013 and 2018, 8 % in 2019, 10 % in 2017, 13 % in 2020, 23 % in
2022 and 28 % in 2021.
4.6. Machine learning
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
Fig. 8. Categorization.
6. Research queries and inferences • RQ4: Is the collaboration of Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing envi
ronments suitable in the context of tasks/workflows scheduling?
In this section, we provide the following answers to the research
questions raised in Section 1.1. As shown as in Fig. 9, we can see that there is work that has been
done in hybrid Cloud-Fog and Cloud-Edge environments.
• RQ1: What types of tasks/workflows are most scheduled in the
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environment? • RQ5: What is the most requested computing environment for tasks/
workflows scheduling?
The different types of tasks scheduled in the Cloud, Fog, and Edge
computing environ ment are scientific, industrial, job shop, and flow As shown in Fig. 9, the most computing environment is the hybrid
shop. According to Fig. 6, the type of task/workflow that are most Cloud-fog with a rate of 35 %.
schedule in the Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environment is scien
tific workflow. • RQ6: What are the most widely used simulation tools for evaluating
tasks/workflows scheduling algorithms in Cloud, fog, and edge
• RQ2: What are the most used QoS metrics in scheduling problems in computing environments?
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environments?
According to Fig. 10, Cloudsim is the most used simulation tools.
As shown as in Fig. 7, the makespan is the factor which have been
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
• RQ7: What kind of data are used in the evaluation of algorithms in the cloud. If the communication is between the Fog and the cloud
scheduling problems? Considering the above-mentioned works, manager, the workflow or sub-workflow received from the Fog is for
some works used real-world workflow trace to evaluate their algo warded to one of the datacenters for processing, with the awareness that
rithm, namely: HPC2N and NASA in the fog [5], Ligo, Cybershake, the requirements given by the Fog have been met. When the commu
Epigenomics and Montage data sets in the cloud [118], Ligo, nication is direct between the Fog and a cloud datacenter, the choice of
Montage, Epigenomics, Sipht, Cybershake in the fog [27], HPC2N, datacenter is based on the reputation of the datacenter in relation to the
NASA and Synthetic workload in the cloud-fog [123]. satisfaction it provides to the Fog. It would be interesting to see whether
• RQ8: What are the challenges of scheduling tasks/workflows in the the consideration of reputation when choosing a datacenter would help
Cloud, Fog, and Edge computing environment? the Fog to execute the workflow in a way that is aware of the re
quirements of both the customer and the providers of the Fog and cloud
The challenges of scheduling tasks/workflows in distributed resources.
computing environments include, among others, mapping tasks/VMs to
client requirements and supplier resource availability, and optimizing 7.6. Security
service quality metrics without disturbing each other.
There are well-studied security issues for cloud computing that
7. Challenges and open issues require significant security measures to protect it [78]. However, these
measures are not suitable for fog computing due to its characteristics,
In this section, we present open issues and challenges of workflow including mobility, heterogeneity, and large-scale geodistribution [126,
scheduling in a Cloud-Fog computing environment. 127,78]. Currently, only a few researchers focus on security issues in fog
computing, and there are some open issues like external attacks, and
7.1. Optimization metrics intrusion detection [19].
Most of the algorithms mentioned are multi-objective algorithms 7.7. End user privacy
that optimize makespan, cost, and energy. These metrics are aimed at
satisfying both the customer and the provider. However, to improve the Preserving end-user privacy is a significant issue facing fog
quality of service and reassure the customer, it would be interesting to computing, as being closer to endusers, they can collect more sensitive
consider metrics such as reliability, throughput, availability of resources data [126,78]. It is very difficult to maintain centralized control of fog
in the Fog-Cloud. nodes because they are spread across multiple zones [78]. Unsecured fog
nodes are points of failure through which a hacker can break into the
7.2. Type of jobs network and collect user data [128,129,78]. Protecting the privacy of
fog user is a challenging issue that requires more research [78].
Based on the analytical discussion, we conclude that several works
have been done in scientific workflows. With the emergence of smart 8. Conclusion
factories and IoT, research works based on workfloworiented industry in
cloud, fog and edge environments must be conducted. The internet of things has attracted a lot of attention recently. The
industrial internet of things is booming. It has not gained popularity like
7.3. Benchmark data the IoT. IoT devices are dynamic in nature and have limited storage and
processing capabilities. The explosion of the IoT paradigm has promoted
Based on the answer of the 7th research question, most authors the use of fog computing and edge computing as the cloud environment
working on workflows evaluate their approaches using simulated data, has shown limitations such as high latency and network failure. In this
as the data produced by real-world applications sometimes remain paid paper, we studied the concepts of Industry 4.0, its challenges and
and not easily accessible for confidentiality, privacy, security and other enabling technologies; we reviewed the notion of workflows scheduling.
issues. There is a real need to design benchmark data in order to easily We surveyed various existing scheduling algorithms and we have clas
evaluate and compare algorithms. sified them in a table according to the year of publication, the optimized
metrics, the type of jobs, the used computational environments, the used
7.4. Collaboration between fog and cloud simulators and the categorization. Our analysis indicates that few re
searchers focused on scheduling industrial task on computing environ
A new paradigm that combines cloud and fog computing seeks to ment system. Finally, some open issues and challenges worthy of further
give users quick and effective services. Fog computing is an extension of study and research, including: security, optimization metrics, collabo
the cloud to the periphery of the network, that enables the deployment ration between fog and cloud, type of jobs, reputation, end-user privacy,
of applications closer to the end-users, it must always interact with and, benchmark data were presented.
Cloud servers. By moving apps closer to the network’s edge, this strategy
lowers their latency and bandwidth needs. Task offloading, intrusion Declaration of Competing Interest
detection, and virtual simulation are just a few examples of how cloud
and fog computing can work together. In a Fog, only certain localized The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
applications are provisioned and synchronized with the cloud [78]. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
7.5. Reputation
Data availability
In a hybrid Fog-Cloud execution environment, a workflow submitted
to the Fog can be fully executed in the Fog if it feels capable of delivering No data was used for the research described in the article.
the results while guaranteeing the QoS and the gain of the Fog providers.
In case of inability, the Fog can collaborate with the Cloud to pass all or
part of the workflow to it for execution. If the cloud consists of several
data centres, the communication between the Fog and the cloud can
either take place with the cloud manager or directly with a datacenter in
K. Souaïbou Hawaou et al. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38 (2024) 100546
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