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codes followed suit, In modern building codes around the world, earthquake fonds are now stengti-level forees. Any references 10 service-level earthquake forces have been deleted 446. Section 406: Structural Analysis ‘The following new itern has been added in Sub-section 406 6.2.3 (b) For frames or continuous construction, it shall be permitted to assume the intersecting member regions are rigié. Previous NSCP 6" Ealition has been silent on the use of finite element analysis (FEA), though itis now frequently used. Sub-seetion 406.9 now has provisions that are intended to explicitly allow the use of FEA and to provide a framework for the future expansion of FEA provisions, but not as gui toward the selection and use of FEA software, The new Sub-section on diaphragms and collectors makes explicit reference to the use of FEA, which makes it imperative that the NSCP 7* Edition recognize the acceptability ofits use. 4.7 Section 408: Two-Way Slabs ‘Sub-seetion 418.10.1 (corresponding to ACI 318M-L, Section 18.9.1), says thet a minimum area of bonded reinforcement shall be provided in all flexural members with unbonded prestressing tendons, The purpose of the minimam unbonded reinforcement over the tops of ‘columns js to distribute cracking enused by high local flexural tensile stresses in areas of peak negative moments, However, the high local flexural tensile stresses are not unique to slabs ‘with unbonded tendons. The new reorganized Sub-section 408.6.2.3 (corresponding to ACL 318M-14 Section requires the same minimum reinforcement in slabs with unbonded ‘or bonded tendons, except that the aren of bonded tendons is considered effective in controlling cracking. Ik was also decided by the ACI 318 Committee, that if the same bonded reinforcement were required for both bonded and unbonded post-tensioned two-way systems, the structural integrity requirements for both systems should also be the same, The structral integrity requirements. in ACT 318M-I1, Section 18.12.6 applied to two-way post-ensioned slab systems with unbonded tendons only. The structaral integrity requirements in ACL 318M-14 Section (corresponding to the NSCP 2015, Sub-section 408.7.5.6) now apply to two- \way posttensioned slab systems with bonded as well as unbonded tendons. 48 Section 409: Beams ‘The use of open web reinforcement for torsion and shear in slender spandrel beams by the precast concrete industry 8 an alternative to the closed stirups traditionally mandated by this ‘Code. Eliminating closed stirrups is desirable because they cause reinforcement congestion: production costs also increase significantly because pre-tensioning strand must be thrended through the closed stirrups. ‘A new relevant Sub-seetion 409.5.4.7 for solid precast sections is added to the NSCP 7" Edition 49 Section 412: japhragms For the first ime, a new Section 412, added design provisions for diaphragms in buildings constructed in areas of low seismicity (Zone 2) The new Section applies “to the design of non- prestressed ond prestressed diaphragms, including: (2). Diaphragms tha are cast -place slabs (6). Diaphragms that comprise a cast-in-place topping slab on precast elements ‘Association of Structural Engingers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP) vil

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