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Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,862,996

Crichton [45] Date of Patent: Jan. 26, 1999

[54] LAMINAR FLOW NOZZLE 4,179,069 12/1979 Knapp et a1. ......................... .. 239/125
4,316,481 2/1982 Fillman ................................. .. 137/302
. - ' 4,365,746 12/1982 Tanasawa et a1. .................... .. 239/125
[75] Inventor. Jason M. Crichton, West Chester, Ohio 4,538,637 9/1985 Williams ~~~~~~~ u 137660
4,648,421 3/1987 Chant et a1. . . 137/312
[73] Assignee: The Procter 8? Gamble C°mPanY> 4,651,931 3/1987 Hans et a1. ......................... .."239/533.9
Cincinnati, Ohio
(List continued on next page.)
21 A l. N .1781769
[22] Filed: Jan. 10, 1997 149421 4/1937 Austria '
6 0528216 2/1993 European Pat. O?. .
[51] Int. Cl. ...................................................... .. B05B 1/30 1032514 7/1953 France '
U-S. Cl. ........................ .. 1118478 6/1956 France _
239/590; 141/264; 141/286 1306708 9/1962 France .
[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 239/589, 590, gram
_ rance .

239/5903, 590.5, 583, 584, 461, 11, 141/264, 2610305 8/1988 France '
286 2688196 10/1993 France .
2736339 10/1997 France .
[56] References Cited 71685 1/1893 Germany .
258378 5/1912 Germany .
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2 300 752 8/1973 Germany .
4411629 2/1995 Germany .
915,214 3/1909 Pfau ...................................... .. 239/583 426512 10/1947 Italy .
968,711 8/1910 Stevenson. 56-81255 7/1981 Japan.
1,695,722 12/1928 Smith. 1-142271 6/1989 Japan.
1 994 389 3/1935 Frisco .................................... .. 299/131 164621 12/1933 Switzerland .
2,005,598 6/1935 Smith .. 111/96 240336 10/1925 United Kingdom .
2,035,202 3/1936 Smith .... .. . 239/583 2 225 382 5/1990 United Kingdom .
2 083 584 6/1937 Wineman 102/6
2 289 432 7/1942 Kammerer ' ' 239/583 Primary Examiner—Andres KashnikoW
2,557,423 6/1951 Fulpius ........ .. .239/583 . . .
2,570,629 10/1951 AnXionnaZ et a1. ................... .. 60/355 Assistant Exammer—Robm Q‘ .Evans
2 599 622 6/1952 Folmsbee ................................ .. 137/53 Attorney, Agent, or Flrm—W1111aIn Scott Andes
2622 612 12/1952 Manhartsberger .137/466
2,733,044 1/1956 Danel ........... .. 253/24 [57] ABSTRACT
$335261} _______ __ ? Disclosed is a ?uid ?oW noZZle for dispensing ?uids from a
2:925:102 2/196O Cummings et a _ _ 141/263 container ?lling machine, the noZZle being capable of trans
3,084,865 4/1963 Fleer et a1, 236/99 forming substantially turbulent ?uid ?oW to substantially
3,095,154 6/1963 Lange ---- -- - 239/576 laminar ?uid ?oW. The noZZle includes a holloW housing
3,317,184 5/1967 Usry ...................................... .. 251/122 Which attaches to the ?lhhg machine, and a ?uid exit port for
3335 921 8/1967 Gellatly ................................. .. 222/448 - - - - - . .
3 387 791 6/1968 Ahenbaugh’ Jr‘ 239/458 dispensing ?uid into containers. A torpedo-like member 15
3 415 294 12/1968 Kelly ____________ __ _ 141/286 X positioned Within the housing so as to restrict ?uid ?oW
3 511 442 5/1970 De Luca et a1_ 239/584 X through the noZZle in such a Way as to dampen turbulence
3:7381611 6/1973 Winders 251/294 out of the ?uid in the noZZle. An actuator located Within the
3,807,607 4/1974 Kqclfens ~- - 222/481 torpedo-like member functions so as to open and close the
3,902,815 9/1975 Williams . . 401/264 exit port‘
4 007 880 2/1977 Hans et a1. . 239/585
4031913 6/1977 ApellaniZ ........................... .. 137/170.1
4,088,300 5/1978 Suzuki et a1. ......................... .. 251/319 6 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
Page 2

US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,025,991 6/1991 Stainbrook et a1. .................. .. 239/459

5 065 910 ' .................................. ..
4,688,609 8/1987 DiaZ ........................................ .. 141/82 ’ ’ 11/1991 F‘ 222504
4,884,720 12/1989 Whigham e181. ...................... .. 222/54 5,085,354 2/1992 SoghametaL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 222/504
4,925,110 5/1990 Takeda et a1. ................... .. 239/53312 570947278 3/1992 A“? et al- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 239/5995 X
479747565 12/1990 Hashimoto et a1_ 123/299 5,097,993 3/1992 Davls .................................... .. 222/509
5,004,009 4/1991 Bunce ............. .. 137/512_3 5,213,260 5/1993 Tonkinson .. 239/5903 X
5,011,043 4/1991 Whigham et a1. 222/63 5,228,604 7/1993 Zanini et a1. .. 222/504
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 1999 Sheet 1 of5 5,862,996




29 32


Fig. 1A
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\ 9%1 %\
Fig. 1B
22 24
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5 Fig. 2
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 1999 Sheet 4 of5 5,862,996

46 § ‘i’?
\W1 Fig. 3A

26 m
Fig. 3B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 1999 Sheet 5 0f 5 5,862,996

Fig. 4
1 2
LAMINAR FLOW NOZZLE Laminar ?oW maintenance nozzles maintain laminar ?oW
from a laminar ?uid source, such as a reservoir ?ller. There
is no development of laminar ?oW, only maintenance of
The present invention relates to nozzles for dispensing preexisting laminar ?oW. This is not compatible With ?lling
?uids into containers. The present invention has further sources that are inherently turbulent, such as piston or ?oW
relation to such nozzles that are able to provide laminar meter dosing technology. The nozzle disclosed in US. Pat.
output ?oW. No. 5,228,604 by Zanini et al., incorporated herein by
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION reference, is such a nozzle. The Zanini et al. nozzle is a
doWn?oW nozzle that Works Without screens, but it is meant
The presence of foam creation during ?lling of containers for use exclusively With reservoir ?lling sources, and is
With liquid products is a signi?cant barrier to increasing unable to convert turbulent ?oW to laminar ?oW.
rates of ?lling for mass produced liquid product packing
lines. Foaming also results in the need for large bottle head No ?uid nozzle ?lling technology is knoWn that provides
space, especially With loW viscosity liquids, to insure that for laminar ?oW When a turbulent ?uid source is used. Thus,
the foam Will be contained When the container is full and 15 there exists a need for a ?uid nozzle that Will develop
Will not spill over on to the outside surface of the container. laminar ?uid ?oW from a turbulent ?oW source. The bene?ts
This requires more container material to be used than Would of the present invention include that it provides for faster
otherWise be necessary in the absence of foam creation. ?lling line speed, and a smaller necessary head space in the
container Which alloWs a reduction in the amount of con
Applicant has determined that the dominant mechanism in
foam creation is the impingement of ?oW stream surface tainer material.
perturbations upon the standing pool of liquid in the con SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
tainer as it is being ?lled. Turbulent ?oW from the ?lling
nozzle is the source of these perturbations. Prior art nozzles Disclosed is a ?uid ?oW nozzle for dispensing ?uids from
have attempted to minimize perturbations, but With signi? a container ?lling machine, the nozzle being capable of
cant limitations; these prior art nozzles Will be discussed in transforming substantially turbulent ?uid ?oW to substan
turn. tially laminar ?uid ?oW. The nozzle includes a holloW
DoWn?oW nozzles incorporating ?ne screens tend to housing Which attaches to the ?lling machine at a ?rst end
reduce turbulent eddies in ?oWing ?uids. The small ori?ce thereby providing ?uid communication betWeen the ?lling
size in the screens accomplishes this by physical restriction machine and the nozzle, the holloW housing forming an
of the eddies. HoWever, this does not eliminate turbulence; inner chamber. The nozzle also has a ?uid exit port at a
it only reduces it. To some degree the screens become a second end for dispensing ?uid into containers. A torpedo
source of neW turbulence by “tripping” transitional ?oW into like member is positioned Within the chamber so as to
the turbulent regime. Screen maintenance is also a limitation restrict ?uid ?oW through the nozzle in such a Way as to
due to clogging and breakage of the screen. dampen turbulence out of the ?uid in the nozzle. An actuator
Over?oW ?lling uses a nozzle that enters and seals With 35 located Within the torpedo-like member functions so as to
the top of the container; the product is alloWed to over?oW open and close the ?uid exit port. The actuator may be
the container. Because foam is less dense than liquid, the attached to a reciprocating sealing member, the reciprocat
foam rises to the top of the container and into the product ing sealing member being capable of opening and closing
over?oW. There is no reduction in foaming, only a method the ?uid exit port through operation of the actuator.
of dealing With foam after its creation. This method adds Generally, ?uid in the nozzle accelerates through the nozzle
time to the ?lling cycle; the over?oW foam must be recycled as the ?uid ?oWs past the torpedo-like member.
via a recycle loop in the process, unless you choose to throW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the over?oW aWay.
Side ported nozzles Work by extension of part of the While the speci?cation concludes With claims particularly
nozzle into the container. The ?uid is then gently directed 45 pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject invention, it
toWard the inside Walls of the container and alloWed to is believed the same Will be better understood from the
cascade doWn the Walls creating laminar ?oW. The ?oW folloWing description taken in conjunction With the accom
velocity (upon impingement With the standing pool of ?uid) panying draWings in Which:
is also reduced since the ?oW’s cross sectional area increases FIG. 1A is an elevational vieW of an embodiment of the
as it coats the inside of the container. This method is present invention in the closed position.
complex to execute because nozzle design is dependent on FIG. 1B is an elevational vieW of an embodiment of the
container geometry. Also, product cannot be ?lled to the top present invention in the open position.
of the container because of the fact that the nozzle must enter
FIG. 2 is a disassembled vieW of the component parts of
the container.
the embodiment of FIG. 1.
Submerged ?lling Works by submerging the nozzle tip 55
beneath the ?uid level in the container. This eliminates the FIG. 3A is a plan vieW of the middle shroud of the
embodiment of FIG. 1.
turbulence producing interaction inherent in the ?oW stream/
air/standing pool interface present With all other types of FIG. 3B is an elevational vieW of the middle shroud of the
?lling. The maximum rate is limited as the descending embodiment of FIG. 1.
stroke of the nozzle reduces overall cycle time. Product FIG. 4 is a depiction prior art of foam creation as turbulent
spillage on the containers is also a concern because the ?oW ?lls a container.
exterior of the nozzle is Wetted in this method. This method
requires extra time to enter and exit the container With the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
nozzle, is mechanically complex resulting in more costly
equipment, uses mesh ?lter screens Which clog, and may 65 Referring noW to the draWings in detail Wherein like
result in product spillage on the nozzle and bottle Which is numerals indicate the same element throughout the vieWs,
unsightly and unsanitary. there is shoWn in FIG. 1A an embodiment of the nozzle of
3 4
the present invention 10. The present device signi?cantly 24 is seated into loWer chamber exit port 22. Spacer 32 is
reduces the amount of foam created While ?lling a container necessary for assembly spacing, and ?xes the position of
With ?uid. It develops laminar ?oW from a turbulent source, actuator 28 With respect to loWer shroud 14. Actuator 28
such as a piston-type ?ller or a How meter ?ller. If a reservoir provides linear actuation for center stem 16, thereby opening
or gravity fed ?ller source is used, the present device Will (see FIG. 1B) and closing noZZle 10; its location provides for
maintain laminar ?oW. It manipulates the How stream so that easy use With non-reservoir systems.
laminar How is developed and maintained as it exits the Referring to FIG. 2, upper shroud O-rings 34 provide for
noZZle. Unchecked, turbulent eddies Will develop into ?oW a static seal betWeen upper shroud 12 and middle shroud 26.
perturbations on the circumferential surface of the How LoWer shroud O-rings 36 provide for a static seal betWeen
stream. The interaction of these perturbations With the 10 loWer shroud 14 and middle shroud 26. Housing O-rings 38
standing pool of liquid in the container have been deter provide for a static seal betWeen upper chamber housing 40
mined to be the dominant mechanism of foam creation and middle shroud 26, and middle shroud 26 and loWer
during ?lling. By developing and maintaining laminar ?oW, chamber housing 42. Dynamic O-rings 44 provide for a
the negative effects of turbulence are eliminated. dynamic seal betWeen loWer shroud 14 and center stem 16.
Additionally, Applicant has found that designing noZZle 10 15 Referring to FIG. 3, middle shroud 26 may be equipped
so as to provide generally for acceleration of ?uid ?oW With hydrodynamic ?ns 45 both above and beloW ribs 46.
through the noZZle, aids in transforming turbulent How to Ribs 46 provide for structural rigidity, and ?ns 45 help to
laminar ?oW; in any event it is desirable to avoid any sudden prevent ribs 46 from introducing additional turbulence into
deceleration of ?uid ?oW through the noZZle. the How stream. FIG. 4 represents the creation of foam 48 by
There are tWo general regions to noZZle 10. The region stream surface perturbations 50 in prior art noZZles.
around upper shroud 12 and loWer shroud 14 is Where While particular embodiments of the present invention
laminar How is developed; the region around center stem 16 have been illustrated and described herein it Will be obvious
is Where laminar How is maintained. Upper chamber 18 to those skilled in the art that various changes and modi?
contains the How and de?nes the How annulus in this area. cations can be made Without departing from the spirit and
It diffuses the How from the standard diameter at the top of 25 scope of the present invention and it is intended to cover in
the noZZle through the annulus area around shrouds 12 and the appended claims all such modi?cations that are Within
14. the scope of this invention.
Lower chamber 20 contains the How and de?nes the How What is claimed is:
annulus subsequent to transformation from turbulent to 1. A ?uid ?oW noZZle for dispensing ?uids from a
laminar ?oW. It converges the How at noZZle exit port 22 to container ?lling machine, the noZZle being capable of trans
a given diameter (as de?ned by the container opening). Exit forming substantially turbulent ?uid How to substantially
port 22 acts as a valve seat for center stem sealing end 24. laminar ?uid ?oW, the noZZle comprising a holloW housing
Middle shroud 26 provides a ?xture for pneumatic actua forming an inner chamber, and a torpedo-like member, the
tor 28, upper shroud 12, and loWer shroud 14. It provides for torpedo-like member being positioned Within the chamber
35 so as to de?ne a How annulus and restrict ?uid ?oW through
centering of center stem 16 and pneumatic actuator 28, and
provides air access to and from pneumatic actuator 28 from the noZZle in such as Way as to dampen turbulence out of the
outside of noZZle 10. FIG. 2 shoWs air port tube 30 and the ?uid in the noZZle.
channel through middle shroud 26 that alloWs the tube 30 to 2. The noZZle of claim 1, Wherein the housing comprises
connect With actuator 28. Air port tube 30 provides a sealed a ?uid exit port.
passage for air into and out from pneumatic actuator 28. 3. The noZZle of claim 2, further comprising an actuator,
Actuator piston 31 is connected to center stem 16 by threads located Within the torpedo-like member, the actuator being
as shoWn, or by other connecting means. Shrouds 12 and 14 attached to a reciprocating sealing member, the reciprocat
may be connected to middle shroud 26 by screW threads, by ing sealing member being capable of opening and closing
press ?tting, or by other connecting means. The function of the ?uid exit port.
45 4. The noZZle of claim 1, Wherein ?uid in the noZZle
actuator 28, may be achieved by a small electric motor, a
magnetic ?eld exterior to the noZZle’s main chambers acting accelerates through the noZZle as the ?uid ?oWs past the
upon an internal responsive actuator, or by other means torpedo-like member.
knoWn to the art. 5. The noZZle of claim 2, Wherein ?uid in the noZZle
accelerates through the noZZle as the ?uid ?oWs past the
Upper shroud 12 and loWer shroud 14 provide a stream
lined capsule for pneumatic actuator 28 and de?ne the inner
torpedo-like member.
6. The noZZle of claim 3, Wherein ?uid in the noZZle
diameter of the How annulus. Bearing surface 29 keeps
accelerates through the noZZle as the ?uid ?oWs past the
center stem 16 aligned With the longitudinal axis of noZZle
10, Which provides for a good seal betWeen sealing end 24
torpedo-like member.
and exit port 22. This seal stops ?uid ?oW When sealing end * * * * *

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