Ii-Ps 1
Ii-Ps 1
Ii-Ps 1
The main objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts of power generation, transmission and
distribution systems
a) To understand the different types of power generatingstations.
b) To examine A.C. and D.C. distributionsystems.
c) To understand and compare overhead line insulators and Insulatedcables.
d) To illustrate the economic aspects of power generation and tariffmethods.
e) To evaluate the transmission line parameterscalculations
f) To understand the concept ofcorona
Level Credits Periods/ Week Prerequisites
1. Basic Electrical Engineering
UG 3 4 2. Electrical Machines-I
3. Electrical Machines-II
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long 2 Industrial visits
learning in the broadest context of technological change.
- : None
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
PSO 2 Skillful to use application and control techniques for research and Guest lecturers
advanced studies in Electrical and Electronics engineering domain projects
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
Generation of Electric Power
Conventional Sources (Qualitative): Hydro station, Steam Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant and Gas Turbine
Plant. Non-Conventional Sources (Qualitative): Ocean Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, wind Energy, Fuel
Cells, and Solar Energy, Cogeneration and energy conservation and storage.
Economics of Generation: Introduction, definitions of connected load, maximum demand, demand factor,
load factor, diversity factor, Load duration curve, number and size of generator units. Base load and peak load
plants. Cost of electrical energy-fixed cost, running cost, Tariff on charge to customer.
Overhead Line Insulators & Insulated Cables: Introduction, types of insulators, Potential distribution over a
string of suspension insulators, Methods of equalizing the potential, testing of insulators. Introduction,
insulation, insulating materials, Extra high voltage cables, grading of cables, insulation resistance of a cable,
Capacitance of a single core and three core cables, Overhead lines versus underground cables, types ofcables.
Inductance & Capacitance Calculations of Transmission Lines: Line conductors, inductance and
capacitance of single phase and three phase lines with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing, Composite
conductors-transposition, bundled conductors, and effect of earth on capacitance.
Corona: Introduction, disruptive critical voltage, corona loss, Factors affecting corona loss and methods of
reducing corona loss, Disadvantages of corona, interference between power and Communication lines.
A.C. Distribution: Introduction, AC distribution, Single phase, 3-phase, 3 phase 4 wire system, bus bar
arrangement, Selection of site for substation. Voltage Drop Calculations (Numerical Problems) in A.C.
Distributors for the following cases: Power Factors referred to receiving end voltage and with respect to
respective load voltages.
DC Distribution: Classification of Distribution Systems.- Comparison of DC vs. AC and Under- Ground vs.
Over- Head Distribution Systems.- Requirements and Design features of Distribution Systems.-Voltage Drop
Calculations (Numerical Problems) in D.C Distributors for the following cases: Radial D.C Distributor fed one
end and at the both the ends (equal/unequal Voltages) and Ring Main Distributor.
1. Power generation concepts, AC and DC transmission concepts, Models and performance of transmission
lines, Cables, Insulators, Distribution systems
Basic power generation concepts, Steam, gas and water turbines, transmission line models and performance, cable
performance, insulation, corona and radio interference, power factor correction , radial and ring-main distribution
systems and fundamentals of power economics.
1. W.D. Stevenson – Elements of Power System Analysis, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill,1984.
2. C.L. Wadhwa – Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, Second Edition, New Age
3. “V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta”, “Principles of Power Systems”, Third Edison, S. Chand & Company Ltd,
New Delhi,2004.
1. C.L. Wadhwa – Electrical Power Systems, Fifth Edition, New Age International,2009
2. M.V. Deshpande –Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, Third Edition, Wheeler Pub. 1998
3. H. Cotton &H. Barber-The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy,
1. https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc20_ee39/preview
2. https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc20_me33/preview
https://drive.google. https://drive.google.
com/drive/folders/1f com/drive/folders/1
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26 conductors- NA
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line CO-4 nd talk
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symmetrical dXzRoBhBIwu7Hj fdXzRoBhBIwu7Hj Apply
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com/drive/folders/1f com/drive/folders/1
Effect of earth dXzRoBhBIwu7Hj fdXzRoBhBIwu7Hj Apply
28 NA
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disruptive com/drive/folders/1f com/drive/folders/1
critical voltage, dXzRoBhBIwu7Hj fdXzRoBhBIwu7Hj
29 NA
corona loss, G9- G9- Apply
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Disadvantages com/drive/folders/1f com/drive/folders/1
of corona, dXzRoBhBIwu7Hj fdXzRoBhBIwu7Hj
30 NA
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between power UsVByS7QfoQPmp UsVByS7QfoQPm
and ?usp=sharing p?usp=sharing Analyze
Communicatio and chalk & T3
n lines. CO-4 Apply talk &R1
31 Mock Test – II
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32 V Classification h5uvqa89ouzkvWjo h5uvqa89ouzkvWjo NA Knowled
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33 h5uvqa89ouzkvWjo NA
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in D.C https://drive.googl https://drive.googl
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34 Distributor fed NA
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35 NA
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36 Single phase, NA
Wjo8K4tmZRCrH Wjo8K4tmZRCrH
3-phase, 3 Understa
T19Wt5?usp=shari T19Wt5?usp=shar
phase 4 wire nd and chalk &
ng ing
system CO-5 Apply talk
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37 bus bar NA
Wjo8K4tmZRCrH Wjo8K4tmZRCrH
arrangement, T19Wt5?usp=shari T19Wt5?usp=shar
Selection of ng ing Understa
site for nd and chalk &
substation. Apply talk
Voltage Drop https://drive.googl https://drive.googl CO-5
Calculations e.com/drive/folders e.com/drive/folder
38 in A.C. /1h5uvqa89ouzkv s/1h5uvqa89ouzkv NA
Distributors for Wjo8K4tmZRCrH Wjo8K4tmZRCrH Understa chalk &
the Power T19Wt5?usp=shari T19Wt5?usp=shar nd talk
Factors ng ing
referred to
receiving end
Voltage Drop
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in A.C.
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Distributors for
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39 the Power NA
Wjo8K4tmZRCrH Wjo8K4tmZRCrH
T19Wt5?usp=shari T19Wt5?usp=shar
referred to
ng ing
respective load Understa chalk &
voltages. CO-5 nd talk
40 NA Understa
nd and chalk &
PROBLEMS Apply talk
41 NA Understa
nd and chalk &
REVISION Apply talk
42 beyond the NA Knowled chalk &
syllabus#11 ge talk
II Mid Examinations
1 W.D. Stevenson – Elements of Power System Analysis, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 1984.
C.L. Wadhwa – Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, Second Edition,
2 New Age International, 2009.
“V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta”, “Principles of Power Systems”, Third Edison, S. Chand &
Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
1 C.L. Wadhwa – Electrical Power Systems, Fifth Edition, New Age International, 2009
M.V. Deshpande –Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, Third Edition, Wheeler Pub.
2 1998
3 H. Cotton & H. Barber-The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy.
Program Specific
Program Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (PSO)
7 9 10 11 2
CO1 3 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - - - 2 1
CO2 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 2 2
CO3 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - 1 1 2 2
CO4 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 - - 1 2
CO5 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - 1 2
Avg 2.2 1.4 1 1 1 1 - - 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.6 1.8
1: Slight (Low) 2:Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None
10 Define Non conventional energy source? Give the examples for Knowledge 1
Non conventional energy sources and explain them in detail
S.N Questions Blooms Taxanomy Course
o Level Outcome
1 What do you understand by the load curve? What information is 2
conveyed by a load curve
2 Write short notes on the following: Apply 2
a) Two - part tariff b) Power factor tariff. c) Three - part tariff
4 From a load duration curve, the following data are available: the Understand and 2
maximum demand on the system is 25 MW. The load supplied by Apply
two units is 15 MW and 12.5 MW. Unit no.1 acts as a base load
unit and No.2 as a peak load unit. The base load unit works for
100% of the time and peak load unit for only 40% of time. The
energy generated by unit No.1 is 1×10 8 units and that by No.2 is
1×10 7 units. Determine the load factor, plant capacity factor and
use factor of each unit and load factor of the total plant.
5 Give the basis for expressing the cost of electrical energy as (a + b Apply
kW + c kWh) and explain the factors on which a, b, and c depend 2
S.No Questions Blooms Taxanomy Course
Level Outcome
1 Derive an expression for capacitance of a single core cable. Understand 3
2 Give a brief note of Capacitance grading mathematically. Understand 3
3 Calculate the capacitance & charging current of a single core Apply 3
cable used on a 3-ph, 66 KV system. The cable is 1 km long
having a core diameter of 10cm & an insulation thickness of 7cm.
Relative permittivity of insulation is 4 at 50Hz.
9 Give a brief note of strain & shackle insulators with neat Understand 3
S.No Questions Blooms Taxanomy Course
Level Outcome
1 An 800m distributor fed from both ends A and B is loaded Apply 5
uniformly at the rate of 1.2A/m run, the resistance of each
conductor being 0.05 ohm per/km.Determine the minimum
voltage and the point where it occurs if feeding points A and B
are maintained at 255 V and 250 V respectively. Find also the
supplied from feeding point A and B.
2 A two conductor main AB, 500m in length is fed from both Apply 5
ends at 250V. Loads of 50A, 60A, 40A and 30A are tapped at
distance of 100m, 250m, 350m and 400m from end A
respectively. If the cross section of conductors be 1cm 2
and specific resistance of the material is 1.7μΩ-cm. Determine
the minimum consumer voltage
3 A three phase ring main PQRS fed at P of 11 kV, supplies Apply 5
balanced loads of50 A at 0.8 p.f lagging at Q, 120 A at unity
p.f at R and 70A at 0.866 lagging at S, the resistances being
referred to the various sections are: Section PQ = (1+j0.6)
ohm; section QR = (1.2+j0.9) ohm; Section RS = (0.8+j0.5)
ohm; SectionSP=(3+j2) ohm. Determine the currents in
various sections and station bus-bar voltages at Q, R and S
4 A single phase AC distributor 1 km long has resistance and Apply 5
reactance per conductor of 0.1 ohm and 0.15 ohm respectively.
At the far end, the voltageVB
= 200 volts and the current is 100 A at the power factor of 0.8
(lagging). At the midpoint M of the distributor, a current of 100
A is tapped at a power factor0.6lagging with reference to the
voltage VM at the midpoint. Calculate (a) Voltage at midpoint
(b) Sending end voltage VA (c) Phase angle between VA and
5 A single phase two wire feeder, 1500m long, supplies a load of Apply 5
60A at 0.8 p.f, 40A at 0.85 p.f and 50A at 0.88 p.f lagging at
distances of 600, 1200 and 1500 meters respectively from the
feeding point. The resistance and reactance of the feeder per
Km length are 0.06 and 0.1 ohms respectively. If the voltage at
the far end is to be maintained at 220V. Calculate the voltage
at the sending endand its phase angle with respect to the
receiving end voltage.
6 A2- Apply 5
lagging. The impedance AB is (0.04+j0.08) Ω and that of BC
is(0.08+j0.12) Ω. If the voltage at the far end C is to be
maintained at 400V, determine the voltage a) at A and b) at B
7 A single phase distributor 2km long supplies a load of 120A at Apply 5
0.8 power factor lagging at its far end and a load of 80A at 0.9
power factor lagging at its mid-point. Both power factors are
referred to the voltage at the far end. The resistance and
reactance per km (go and return) are 0.05ohms and0.1ohms
respectively. If the voltage at the far end is maintained at
230V, calculate
i) Voltageat the sending end.
ii. Phase angle between the voltages at the two ends.
1. For economy in generation power
a)diversity factor should be high b)plant utilization factor
c)load factor should be high d)load factor and diversity factor should be low.
2. Size and cost of installation depends upon ____________
a) average load b) maximum demand c) square mean load d) square of peak load
3. For a thermal power plant, which is not the fixed cost ?
a) Interest on capital b)Depreciation c)Insurance charges d)Cost of fuel.
4. Depreciation cost of a plant is calculated by
a)Straight line method b)Diminishing value method
c)Sinking fund method d)Any of the above.
5. For the same plant size, initial cost of which plant is the highest ?
a)Steam power plant b)Diesel engine plant
c)Nuclear power plant d)Gas turbine plant.
6. Capacity factor and load factor become identical when
a) peak load is equal to the capacity of the plant
b) Average load is half the capacity of the plant
c) Average load is same as peak load
d) Group diversity factor is equal to peak diversity factor
7. Which of the following relation is incorrect ?
a) Capacity factor = Utilization factor x Load factor
b) Load factor x Maximum load = Average load
c) Demand factor x Connected load = Maximum demand
d) None of the above.
8. A low utilization factor for a plant indicates that
a) plant is under maintenance
b) plant is used for base load only
c) plant is used for stand by purpose only
d) plant is used for peak load as well as base load.
9. Sinking fund is
a) Initial value - Salvage value
b) Capital cost - Operating cost
c) Periodical maintenance - Breakdown maintenance
d) Capital cost / Useful life.
10. In what practice is the value of diversity factor?
a) Less than Unity b) Geater than Unity
c) Equal to or greater than Unity d) Less than zero
11. The area under the load curve represents ____________
12. The load of a consumer is generally measured in terms of____________
13. The ratio, maximum demand of the installation / sum of individual maximum demands is known
14. The highest point on a load curve represents____________
15. When maximum and average loads are equal, the load factor will be____________
16. Coincidence factor is reciprocal of ___________
17. Size and cost of installation depends upon ____________
18. The normal connected load of a domestic consumer is usually____________
19. diversity factor is always ____________unity
20. load factor is curve drawn between____________
1. Which of the following material is not used for overhead line insulators?
a) Porcelain b) Glass c) PVC d) Steatite
2. Which of the following is the main field of application of pin type insulator?
a) Distribution system b) Transmission system
c) Transmission and distribution system d) EHV transmission system
3. Which type of insulator is used where there is dead end of the line or there is a corner or a sharp curve, for high
voltage line?
a) Pin type insulator b) Shackle insulator c) Strain insulator d) Stay insulator
4. What is the most common cause of failure of overhead line insulators?
a) Flashoverb) Mechanical stressc) Porosity of materialsd) Improper vitrification
5. The maximum voltage of the disc type insulators is at
a. Same at all points b. Near the tower or starting of the insulator.
c. Near to the conductors. d. None of these.
6. Why are sheaths used in cables?
a. Provide proper insulation. b. Provide mechanical strength.
c. Prevent ingress of moisture. d. None of these.
7. The thickness of insulation layer provided on the conductor, in cables depend on_______.
a. Operating voltageb. Current to be carried.c. Power factor.d. Both (a) and (b)
8. What is the purpose of bedding on the underground cables?
a. To avoid leakage of current. b. To protect the sheath against corrosion.
c. To protect the sheath from mechanical injury due to armouring. d. Both (b) and (c)
9. What is empire tape?
a. Impregnated paper b. Vulcanised rubber c. Enamel insulation d. Varnished cambric
10. To get a minimum value of stress (gmax) what should be the ratio of core diameter to sheath diameter?
a. 1 / 2.718 b. 2.178 c. 1 / 3.78 d. 3.78
11. In cables the charging current drawn by the cable leads the voltage by _____________.
12. Suspension insulator are made up of _____________
13. _____________type of insulator is used on 132 kV transmission lines?.
14. The number of discs in a string of insulators for 400 kV ac over head transmission line lies in the range of
15. The safety factor of an insulator is _____________
16. _____________type of insulators is used in guy wires.\
17. Each disc in a suspension type of insulators is designed for _____________ voltage
18. The insulation resistance of a cable of length 10 km is 1M Ω . For a length of 100 km of the same cable,
_____________ will be the insulation resistance?
19. ___________many cores are used in a cable for the transmission of voltages upto 66 kV?.
20. The cable best suited for the transmission of voltages from 33 kV to 66 kV is__________
1. The bundling of conductors is done primarily to
a)reduce reactance b)increase reactance
c)increase ratio interference d)reduce radio interference.
2. When two conductors each of radius r are at a distance D, the capacitance between the two is proportional
a)loge (D/r) b)loge (r/D) c)1/loge (D/r) d)1/loge (r/D).
3. On which factor is the corona loss dependent on?
a) Material of the conductor. b) Diameter of the conductor.
c) Height of the conductor. d) None of these.
4. What is the effect on corona, if the spacing between the conductors is increased?
a. Corona increases. b. Corona is absent. c. Corona decreases. d. None of these.
5. Which of these given statements is wrong in consideration with bundled conductors?
a. Control of voltage gradient.b. Reduction in the radio interference.
c.Reduction in corona loss. d. Increase in interference with communication lines.
6. The effect of dirt on the surface of the conductor is to _____________ irregularity and thereby
________________ the break down voltage.
a. Decreases, reduces. b. Increases, increases.
c. Increases, reduces. d. Decreases, increases.
7. On what factors does the skin effect depend upon?
a. Cross section of the conductors. b. Supply frequency.
c. Permeability of the conductor. d. All of these.
8. By using which conductor is the skin effect reduced?
a. Bundled conductors. b. Stranded conductors.
c. Hollow conductors. d. Solid conductors.
9. Proximity effect is due to the current flowing in the ___________.
a. Earth b. Sheath. c. Nearby conductors. d. All of these.
10. The inductance of a transmission line is minimum when_____________
a. GMD is high. b. GMR is high.
c. Both GMD and GMR are high. d. GMD is low and GMR is high.
11. The leakage current in the transmission lines is referred by__________
12. Self GMD concept is used for the calculation of _____________
13. GMD stands for_____________
14. The fictitious resistance, “ r’ ” implemented in the conductors for the calculation of the inductance is
15. Apart from the skin effect the phenomena which cause/s the non uniform distribution of the current is
16. ACSR stands for_______
17. _______ conductors are the latest trend of the extra high voltage lines.
18. The chances of corona are maximum during____________weather conditions.
19. Transposition of transmission lines means____________
20. If the diameter of the conductor is increased then inductance_____________
1. What is the main type of distribution system in India?
a. Radial b. Parallel c. Network d. Both (b) and (c)
2. In a distribution system, which of the following items shares the major cost?
a. Conductors b. Earthing systems c. Distribution transformer d. Insulators
3. Which distribution system is energized by two or more generating stations or substations?
a. Radial systems. b. Interconnected systems.
c. Ring main systems. d. All of these.
4. If the voltage of the system is about 230 V, then what would be the highest and the lowest permissible
a. 242 and 214 V b. 240 and 210 V c. 244 and 216 V d. 244 and 212 V
5. A uniformly loaded dc distributor is fed at both ends with equal voltages. In comparison to a similar
distributor fed at one end only, what will be the drop at the midpoint be?
a. One fourth b. Half c. One third d. One sixth
6. Why are the boosters inserted in the circuit?
a. Reduce current. b. Increase current.
c. Reduce voltage drop. d. Compensate for voltage drop.
7. Which of these systems uses the 3 phase 4 wire system?
a. Primary distribution b. Secondary distribution
c. Primary transmission. d. Secondary transmission.
8. In the design of a distributor which of the following is the major consideration?
a. Voltage drop b. Current carrying capacity
c. Frequency d. KVA system
9. For most reliable distribution supply, the configuration used isa
a. Radial main b) Ring main c) Parabolic main d) Balancing main
10. Which of the following materials are not used for the transmission and distribution of electrical power?
a)Copper b)Aluminium c)Tungsten d)Steel
11. Name the cable which connects the distributor to the consumer terminals is called _____________
12. _____________ is the permissible limit of voltage variations allowed in the distribution systems?
13. _____________of distribution is preferred in residential areas?
14. For purely domestic loads _____________ type of distribution is employed?
15. The generating voltage and frequency in India is _____________
16. Greater the power factor the ________________ is the volume of copper required.
17. The most suitable practical voltage of primary distribution is_____________
18. In a tap changing transformer, the tappings are provided on_____________winding
19. _____________main consideration while designing feeder
20. _____________the voltage of the single-phase supply to residential consumers.