Comment Adverbs and Usage IELTS
Comment Adverbs and Usage IELTS
Comment Adverbs and Usage IELTS
There are some adverbs and adverbial expressions which tell us about the speaker's viewpoint or opinion
about an action, or make some comment on the action. These adverbs are different from other adverbs
because they do not tell us how an action occurred. Commenting and viewpoint adverbs modify entire
clauses rather than single verbs, adverbs, or adjectives. There is no real distinction between commenting
adverbs and viewpoint adverbs, except in their sentence placement. Many adverbs that can be used as
viewpoint adverbs can also be used as commenting adverbs. However, in some cases, an adverb is far
more common as one or the other.
Sentence placement
Viewpoint adverbs are placed at the beginning, or more rarely, at the end of the sentence. They are
usually separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. Commenting adverbs are placed before the
main verb unless the verb "to be" is used, in which case placement can be either before or after the verb.
In some cases, commenting adverbs placed before the main verb will also be separated from the rest of
the sentence by commas, although in most cases they will not be. In the examples below, viewpoint and
commenting adverbs are shown in the correct sentence placements. When a sentence placement is
unusual, stilted, or too formal for spoken language, it is marked with an asterisk.
Viewpoint or
At the start of a At the end of a
commenting Before the main verb
sentence sentence
Clearly, he doesn't
He clearly doesn't know what He doesn't know what
clearly know what he is
he is doing. he is doing, clearly.
Obviously, you are You are acting silly,
obviously You are obviously acting silly
acting silly. obviously.
Personally, I'd rather I'd rather go by train,
personally I'd personally rather go by train.
go by train. personally.
Presumably, he didn't He didn't have time to
He presumably didn't have time
presumably have time to go to the go to the post office,
to go to the post office.
post office. presumably.
Seriously, I can't give I seriously can't give this I can't give this
this speech. speech. speech, seriously.
Surely you tried to get You surely tried to get here on You tried to get here
here on time. time. on time, surely.
Technically, we We cannot fly to Mars
We technically cannot fly to
technically cannot fly to Mars and and back,
Mars and back.
back. technically.
Undoubtedly, he has He has a good reason
He undoubtedly has a good
undoubtedly a good reason not to not to come,
reason not to come.
come. undoubtedly.
Bravely, I kept on *I kept on walking,
bravely I bravely kept on walking.
walking. bravely.
Carelessly, she threw *She threw her book
She carelessly threw her book
carelessly her book into the into the pond,
into the pond.
pond. carelessly.
Certainly you should You certainly should be there. / You should be there,
be there. You should certainly be there. certainly.
Cleverly, Sally hid the *Sally hid the
cleverly Sally cleverly hid the jellybeans.
jellybeans. jellybeans, cleverly.
Viewpoint or
At the start of a At the end of a
commenting Before the main verb
sentence sentence
*Definitely, you are You defintely are smart. / You *You are smart,
smart. are definitely smart. definitely.
Foolishly, they cried They cried out,
foolishly They foolishly cried out.
out. foolishly.
Generously, he He generously donated the *He donated the
donated the money. money. money, generously.
Stupidly, they played They stupidly played in the *They played in the
in the street. street. street, stupidly.
Obviously, we are We are obviously lost. / *We We are lost,
lost. obviously are lost. obviously.
Kindly, she fed the She fed the cat first,
kindly She kindly fed the cat first.
cat first. kindly.
Luckily, you got here You got here on time,
luckily You luckily got here on time.
on time. luckily.
Fortunately, we We found the boat,
fortunately We fortunately found the boat.
found the boat. fortunately.
Naturally, you cannot You naturally cannot be in the You cannot be in the
be in the circus now. circus now. circus now, naturally.
Wisely, she stayed She wisely stayed home to take She stayed home to
home to take a nap. a nap. take a nap, wisely.
Confidentially, I I never gave him the
confidentially never gave him the envelope,
envelope. confidentially.
We could theoretically send
Theoretically, we We could send
astronauts to Mars. /
theoretically could send astronauts astronauts to Mars,
We theoretically could send
to Mars. theoretically.
astronauts to Mars.
Truthfully, I don't like I truthfully don't like chocolate I don't like chocolate
chocolate much. much. much, truthfully.
Disappointingly, she She disappointingly got fourth She got fourth place,
got fourth place. place. disappointingly.
Thoughtfully, I I turned away,
thoughtfully I thoughtfully turned away.
turned away. thoughtfully.
*Simply, I don't want
simply I simply don't want to come.
to come.
Unbelievably, she She unbelievably showed up She showed up late
showed up late again. late again. again, unbelievably.
There is unfortunately no more
Unfortunately, there There is no more
unfortunately room. / There unfortunately is
is no more room. room, unfortunately.
no more room.